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h1:X/FiERA/W4tHapMX5mGpAtMSVEeEUOyHaw9vFzvIQ3k= +honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.1-2020.1.4/go.mod h1:X/FiERA/W4tHapMX5mGpAtMSVEeEUOyHaw9vFzvIQ3k= +rsc.io/binaryregexp v0.2.0/go.mod h1:qTv7/COck+e2FymRvadv62gMdZztPaShugOCi3I+8D8= +rsc.io/quote/v3 v3.1.0/go.mod h1:yEA65RcK8LyAZtP9Kv3t0HmxON59tX3rD+tICJqUlj0= +rsc.io/sampler v1.3.0/go.mod h1:T1hPZKmBbMNahiBKFy5HrXp6adAjACjK9JXDnKaTXpA= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/.gitignore index 0cd3800..cd11be9 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/.gitignore +++ b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/.gitignore @@ -1,5 +1,2 @@ -TAGS -tags -.*.swp -tomlcheck/tomlcheck toml.test +/toml-test diff --git a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/.travis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 8b8afc4..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/.travis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -language: go -go: - - 1.1 - - 1.2 - - 1.3 - - 1.4 - - 1.5 - - 1.6 - - tip -install: - - go install ./... - - go get github.com/BurntSushi/toml-test -script: - - export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/gopath/bin" - - make test diff --git a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/COMPATIBLE b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/COMPATIBLE index 6efcfd0..f621b01 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/COMPATIBLE +++ b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/COMPATIBLE @@ -1,3 +1 @@ -Compatible with TOML version -[v0.4.0](https://github.com/toml-lang/toml/blob/v0.4.0/versions/en/toml-v0.4.0.md) - +Compatible with TOML version [v1.0.0](https://toml.io/en/v1.0.0). diff --git a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/Makefile b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 3600848..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -install: - go install ./... - -test: install - go test -v - toml-test toml-test-decoder - toml-test -encoder toml-test-encoder - -fmt: - gofmt -w *.go */*.go - colcheck *.go */*.go - -tags: - find ./ -name '*.go' -print0 | xargs -0 gotags > TAGS - -push: - git push origin master - git push github master - diff --git a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/README.md b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/README.md index 7c1b37e..64410cf 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/README.md @@ -6,27 +6,22 @@ packages. This package also supports the `encoding.TextUnmarshaler` and `encoding.TextMarshaler` interfaces so that you can define custom data representations. (There is an example of this below.) -Spec: https://github.com/toml-lang/toml +Compatible with TOML version [v1.0.0](https://toml.io/en/v1.0.0). -Compatible with TOML version -[v0.4.0](https://github.com/toml-lang/toml/blob/master/versions/en/toml-v0.4.0.md) +Documentation: https://godocs.io/github.com/BurntSushi/toml -Documentation: https://godoc.org/github.com/BurntSushi/toml +See the [releases page](https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml/releases) for a +changelog; this information is also in the git tag annotations (e.g. `git show +v0.4.0`). -Installation: +This library requires Go 1.13 or newer; install it with: -```bash -go get github.com/BurntSushi/toml -``` - -Try the toml validator: + $ go get github.com/BurntSushi/toml -```bash -go get github.com/BurntSushi/toml/cmd/tomlv -tomlv some-toml-file.toml -``` +It also comes with a TOML validator CLI tool: -[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/BurntSushi/toml.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/BurntSushi/toml) [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/BurntSushi/toml?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/BurntSushi/toml) + $ go get github.com/BurntSushi/toml/cmd/tomlv + $ tomlv some-toml-file.toml ### Testing @@ -36,8 +31,8 @@ and the encoder. ### Examples -This package works similarly to how the Go standard library handles `XML` -and `JSON`. Namely, data is loaded into Go values via reflection. +This package works similarly to how the Go standard library handles XML and +JSON. Namely, data is loaded into Go values via reflection. For the simplest example, consider some TOML file as just a list of keys and values: @@ -54,11 +49,11 @@ Which could be defined in Go as: ```go type Config struct { - Age int - Cats []string - Pi float64 - Perfection []int - DOB time.Time // requires `import time` + Age int + Cats []string + Pi float64 + Perfection []int + DOB time.Time // requires `import time` } ``` @@ -84,6 +79,9 @@ type TOML struct { } ``` +Beware that like other most other decoders **only exported fields** are +considered when encoding and decoding; private fields are silently ignored. + ### Using the `encoding.TextUnmarshaler` interface Here's an example that automatically parses duration strings into @@ -103,19 +101,19 @@ Which can be decoded with: ```go type song struct { - Name string - Duration duration + Name string + Duration duration } type songs struct { - Song []song + Song []song } var favorites songs if _, err := toml.Decode(blob, &favorites); err != nil { - log.Fatal(err) + log.Fatal(err) } for _, s := range favorites.Song { - fmt.Printf("%s (%s)\n", s.Name, s.Duration) + fmt.Printf("%s (%s)\n", s.Name, s.Duration) } ``` @@ -134,6 +132,9 @@ func (d *duration) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error { } ``` +To target TOML specifically you can implement `UnmarshalTOML` TOML interface in +a similar way. + ### More complex usage Here's an example of how to load the example from the official spec page: @@ -180,23 +181,23 @@ And the corresponding Go types are: ```go type tomlConfig struct { - Title string - Owner ownerInfo - DB database `toml:"database"` + Title string + Owner ownerInfo + DB database `toml:"database"` Servers map[string]server Clients clients } type ownerInfo struct { Name string - Org string `toml:"organization"` - Bio string - DOB time.Time + Org string `toml:"organization"` + Bio string + DOB time.Time } type database struct { - Server string - Ports []int + Server string + Ports []int ConnMax int `toml:"connection_max"` Enabled bool } @@ -207,7 +208,7 @@ type server struct { } type clients struct { - Data [][]interface{} + Data [][]interface{} Hosts []string } ``` @@ -216,3 +217,4 @@ Note that a case insensitive match will be tried if an exact match can't be found. A working example of the above can be found in `_examples/example.{go,toml}`. + diff --git a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/decode.go b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/decode.go index b0fd51d..d3d3b83 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/decode.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/decode.go @@ -1,19 +1,17 @@ package toml import ( + "encoding" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "math" + "os" "reflect" "strings" "time" ) -func e(format string, args ...interface{}) error { - return fmt.Errorf("toml: "+format, args...) -} - // Unmarshaler is the interface implemented by objects that can unmarshal a // TOML description of themselves. type Unmarshaler interface { @@ -27,30 +25,21 @@ func Unmarshal(p []byte, v interface{}) error { } // Primitive is a TOML value that hasn't been decoded into a Go value. -// When using the various `Decode*` functions, the type `Primitive` may -// be given to any value, and its decoding will be delayed. // -// A `Primitive` value can be decoded using the `PrimitiveDecode` function. +// This type can be used for any value, which will cause decoding to be delayed. +// You can use the PrimitiveDecode() function to "manually" decode these values. // -// The underlying representation of a `Primitive` value is subject to change. -// Do not rely on it. +// NOTE: The underlying representation of a `Primitive` value is subject to +// change. Do not rely on it. // -// N.B. Primitive values are still parsed, so using them will only avoid -// the overhead of reflection. They can be useful when you don't know the -// exact type of TOML data until run time. +// NOTE: Primitive values are still parsed, so using them will only avoid the +// overhead of reflection. They can be useful when you don't know the exact type +// of TOML data until runtime. type Primitive struct { undecoded interface{} context Key } -// DEPRECATED! -// -// Use MetaData.PrimitiveDecode instead. -func PrimitiveDecode(primValue Primitive, v interface{}) error { - md := MetaData{decoded: make(map[string]bool)} - return md.unify(primValue.undecoded, rvalue(v)) -} - // PrimitiveDecode is just like the other `Decode*` functions, except it // decodes a TOML value that has already been parsed. Valid primitive values // can *only* be obtained from values filled by the decoder functions, @@ -68,43 +57,51 @@ func (md *MetaData) PrimitiveDecode(primValue Primitive, v interface{}) error { return md.unify(primValue.undecoded, rvalue(v)) } -// Decode will decode the contents of `data` in TOML format into a pointer -// `v`. +// Decoder decodes TOML data. // -// TOML hashes correspond to Go structs or maps. (Dealer's choice. They can be -// used interchangeably.) +// TOML tables correspond to Go structs or maps (dealer's choice – they can be +// used interchangeably). // -// TOML arrays of tables correspond to either a slice of structs or a slice -// of maps. +// TOML table arrays correspond to either a slice of structs or a slice of maps. // -// TOML datetimes correspond to Go `time.Time` values. +// TOML datetimes correspond to Go time.Time values. Local datetimes are parsed +// in the local timezone. // -// All other TOML types (float, string, int, bool and array) correspond -// to the obvious Go types. +// All other TOML types (float, string, int, bool and array) correspond to the +// obvious Go types. // -// An exception to the above rules is if a type implements the -// encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface. In this case, any primitive TOML value -// (floats, strings, integers, booleans and datetimes) will be converted to -// a byte string and given to the value's UnmarshalText method. See the -// Unmarshaler example for a demonstration with time duration strings. +// An exception to the above rules is if a type implements the TextUnmarshaler +// interface, in which case any primitive TOML value (floats, strings, integers, +// booleans, datetimes) will be converted to a []byte and given to the value's +// UnmarshalText method. See the Unmarshaler example for a demonstration with +// time duration strings. // // Key mapping // -// TOML keys can map to either keys in a Go map or field names in a Go -// struct. The special `toml` struct tag may be used to map TOML keys to -// struct fields that don't match the key name exactly. (See the example.) -// A case insensitive match to struct names will be tried if an exact match -// can't be found. +// TOML keys can map to either keys in a Go map or field names in a Go struct. +// The special `toml` struct tag can be used to map TOML keys to struct fields +// that don't match the key name exactly (see the example). A case insensitive +// match to struct names will be tried if an exact match can't be found. // -// The mapping between TOML values and Go values is loose. That is, there -// may exist TOML values that cannot be placed into your representation, and -// there may be parts of your representation that do not correspond to -// TOML values. This loose mapping can be made stricter by using the IsDefined -// and/or Undecoded methods on the MetaData returned. +// The mapping between TOML values and Go values is loose. That is, there may +// exist TOML values that cannot be placed into your representation, and there +// may be parts of your representation that do not correspond to TOML values. +// This loose mapping can be made stricter by using the IsDefined and/or +// Undecoded methods on the MetaData returned. // -// This decoder will not handle cyclic types. If a cyclic type is passed, -// `Decode` will not terminate. -func Decode(data string, v interface{}) (MetaData, error) { +// This decoder does not handle cyclic types. Decode will not terminate if a +// cyclic type is passed. +type Decoder struct { + r io.Reader +} + +// NewDecoder creates a new Decoder. +func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder { + return &Decoder{r: r} +} + +// Decode TOML data in to the pointer `v`. +func (dec *Decoder) Decode(v interface{}) (MetaData, error) { rv := reflect.ValueOf(v) if rv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { return MetaData{}, e("Decode of non-pointer %s", reflect.TypeOf(v)) @@ -112,7 +109,15 @@ func Decode(data string, v interface{}) (MetaData, error) { if rv.IsNil() { return MetaData{}, e("Decode of nil %s", reflect.TypeOf(v)) } - p, err := parse(data) + + // TODO: have parser should read from io.Reader? Or at the very least, make + // it read from []byte rather than string + data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(dec.r) + if err != nil { + return MetaData{}, err + } + + p, err := parse(string(data)) if err != nil { return MetaData{}, err } @@ -123,24 +128,22 @@ func Decode(data string, v interface{}) (MetaData, error) { return md, md.unify(p.mapping, indirect(rv)) } -// DecodeFile is just like Decode, except it will automatically read the -// contents of the file at `fpath` and decode it for you. -func DecodeFile(fpath string, v interface{}) (MetaData, error) { - bs, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fpath) - if err != nil { - return MetaData{}, err - } - return Decode(string(bs), v) +// Decode the TOML data in to the pointer v. +// +// See the documentation on Decoder for a description of the decoding process. +func Decode(data string, v interface{}) (MetaData, error) { + return NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(data)).Decode(v) } -// DecodeReader is just like Decode, except it will consume all bytes -// from the reader and decode it for you. -func DecodeReader(r io.Reader, v interface{}) (MetaData, error) { - bs, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r) +// DecodeFile is just like Decode, except it will automatically read the +// contents of the file at path and decode it for you. +func DecodeFile(path string, v interface{}) (MetaData, error) { + fp, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { return MetaData{}, err } - return Decode(string(bs), v) + defer fp.Close() + return NewDecoder(fp).Decode(v) } // unify performs a sort of type unification based on the structure of `rv`, @@ -149,8 +152,8 @@ func DecodeReader(r io.Reader, v interface{}) (MetaData, error) { // Any type mismatch produces an error. Finding a type that we don't know // how to handle produces an unsupported type error. func (md *MetaData) unify(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error { - // Special case. Look for a `Primitive` value. + // TODO: #76 would make this superfluous after implemented. if rv.Type() == reflect.TypeOf((*Primitive)(nil)).Elem() { // Save the undecoded data and the key context into the primitive // value. @@ -170,25 +173,17 @@ func (md *MetaData) unify(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error { } } - // Special case. Handle time.Time values specifically. - // TODO: Remove this code when we decide to drop support for Go 1.1. - // This isn't necessary in Go 1.2 because time.Time satisfies the encoding - // interfaces. - if rv.Type().AssignableTo(rvalue(time.Time{}).Type()) { - return md.unifyDatetime(data, rv) - } - // Special case. Look for a value satisfying the TextUnmarshaler interface. - if v, ok := rv.Interface().(TextUnmarshaler); ok { + if v, ok := rv.Interface().(encoding.TextUnmarshaler); ok { return md.unifyText(data, v) } - // BUG(burntsushi) + // TODO: // The behavior here is incorrect whenever a Go type satisfies the - // encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface but also corresponds to a TOML - // hash or array. In particular, the unmarshaler should only be applied - // to primitive TOML values. But at this point, it will be applied to - // all kinds of values and produce an incorrect error whenever those values - // are hashes or arrays (including arrays of tables). + // encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface but also corresponds to a TOML hash or + // array. In particular, the unmarshaler should only be applied to primitive + // TOML values. But at this point, it will be applied to all kinds of values + // and produce an incorrect error whenever those values are hashes or arrays + // (including arrays of tables). k := rv.Kind() @@ -277,6 +272,12 @@ func (md *MetaData) unifyStruct(mapping interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error { } func (md *MetaData) unifyMap(mapping interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error { + if k := rv.Type().Key().Kind(); k != reflect.String { + return fmt.Errorf( + "toml: cannot decode to a map with non-string key type (%s in %q)", + k, rv.Type()) + } + tmap, ok := mapping.(map[string]interface{}) if !ok { if tmap == nil { @@ -312,10 +313,8 @@ func (md *MetaData) unifyArray(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error { } return badtype("slice", data) } - sliceLen := datav.Len() - if sliceLen != rv.Len() { - return e("expected array length %d; got TOML array of length %d", - rv.Len(), sliceLen) + if l := datav.Len(); l != rv.Len() { + return e("expected array length %d; got TOML array of length %d", rv.Len(), l) } return md.unifySliceArray(datav, rv) } @@ -337,11 +336,10 @@ func (md *MetaData) unifySlice(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error { } func (md *MetaData) unifySliceArray(data, rv reflect.Value) error { - sliceLen := data.Len() - for i := 0; i < sliceLen; i++ { - v := data.Index(i).Interface() - sliceval := indirect(rv.Index(i)) - if err := md.unify(v, sliceval); err != nil { + l := data.Len() + for i := 0; i < l; i++ { + err := md.unify(data.Index(i).Interface(), indirect(rv.Index(i))) + if err != nil { return err } } @@ -439,7 +437,7 @@ func (md *MetaData) unifyAnything(data interface{}, rv reflect.Value) error { return nil } -func (md *MetaData) unifyText(data interface{}, v TextUnmarshaler) error { +func (md *MetaData) unifyText(data interface{}, v encoding.TextUnmarshaler) error { var s string switch sdata := data.(type) { case TextMarshaler: @@ -482,7 +480,7 @@ func indirect(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value { if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { if v.CanSet() { pv := v.Addr() - if _, ok := pv.Interface().(TextUnmarshaler); ok { + if _, ok := pv.Interface().(encoding.TextUnmarshaler); ok { return pv } } @@ -498,12 +496,16 @@ func isUnifiable(rv reflect.Value) bool { if rv.CanSet() { return true } - if _, ok := rv.Interface().(TextUnmarshaler); ok { + if _, ok := rv.Interface().(encoding.TextUnmarshaler); ok { return true } return false } +func e(format string, args ...interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("toml: "+format, args...) +} + func badtype(expected string, data interface{}) error { return e("cannot load TOML value of type %T into a Go %s", data, expected) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/decode_go116.go b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/decode_go116.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..38aa75f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/decode_go116.go @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +// +build go1.16 + +package toml + +import ( + "io/fs" +) + +// DecodeFS is just like Decode, except it will automatically read the contents +// of the file at `path` from a fs.FS instance. +func DecodeFS(fsys fs.FS, path string, v interface{}) (MetaData, error) { + fp, err := fsys.Open(path) + if err != nil { + return MetaData{}, err + } + defer fp.Close() + return NewDecoder(fp).Decode(v) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/decode_meta.go b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/decode_meta.go index b9914a6..ad8899c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/decode_meta.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/decode_meta.go @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ package toml import "strings" -// MetaData allows access to meta information about TOML data that may not -// be inferrable via reflection. In particular, whether a key has been defined -// and the TOML type of a key. +// MetaData allows access to meta information about TOML data that may not be +// inferable via reflection. In particular, whether a key has been defined and +// the TOML type of a key. type MetaData struct { mapping map[string]interface{} types map[string]tomlType @@ -13,10 +13,11 @@ type MetaData struct { context Key // Used only during decoding. } -// IsDefined returns true if the key given exists in the TOML data. The key -// should be specified hierarchially. e.g., +// IsDefined reports if the key exists in the TOML data. +// +// The key should be specified hierarchically, for example to access the TOML +// key "a.b.c" you would use: // -// // access the TOML key 'a.b.c' // IsDefined("a", "b", "c") // // IsDefined will return false if an empty key given. Keys are case sensitive. @@ -41,8 +42,8 @@ func (md *MetaData) IsDefined(key ...string) bool { // Type returns a string representation of the type of the key specified. // -// Type will return the empty string if given an empty key or a key that -// does not exist. Keys are case sensitive. +// Type will return the empty string if given an empty key or a key that does +// not exist. Keys are case sensitive. func (md *MetaData) Type(key ...string) string { fullkey := strings.Join(key, ".") if typ, ok := md.types[fullkey]; ok { @@ -51,13 +52,11 @@ func (md *MetaData) Type(key ...string) string { return "" } -// Key is the type of any TOML key, including key groups. Use (MetaData).Keys -// to get values of this type. +// Key represents any TOML key, including key groups. Use (MetaData).Keys to get +// values of this type. type Key []string -func (k Key) String() string { - return strings.Join(k, ".") -} +func (k Key) String() string { return strings.Join(k, ".") } func (k Key) maybeQuotedAll() string { var ss []string @@ -68,6 +67,9 @@ func (k Key) maybeQuotedAll() string { } func (k Key) maybeQuoted(i int) string { + if k[i] == "" { + return `""` + } quote := false for _, c := range k[i] { if !isBareKeyChar(c) { @@ -76,7 +78,7 @@ func (k Key) maybeQuoted(i int) string { } } if quote { - return "\"" + strings.Replace(k[i], "\"", "\\\"", -1) + "\"" + return `"` + quotedReplacer.Replace(k[i]) + `"` } return k[i] } @@ -89,10 +91,10 @@ func (k Key) add(piece string) Key { } // Keys returns a slice of every key in the TOML data, including key groups. -// Each key is itself a slice, where the first element is the top of the -// hierarchy and the last is the most specific. // -// The list will have the same order as the keys appeared in the TOML data. +// Each key is itself a slice, where the first element is the top of the +// hierarchy and the last is the most specific. The list will have the same +// order as the keys appeared in the TOML data. // // All keys returned are non-empty. func (md *MetaData) Keys() []Key { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/deprecated.go b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/deprecated.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db89eac --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/deprecated.go @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +package toml + +import ( + "encoding" + "io" +) + +// DEPRECATED! +// +// Use the identical encoding.TextMarshaler instead. It is defined here to +// support Go 1.1 and older. +type TextMarshaler encoding.TextMarshaler + +// DEPRECATED! +// +// Use the identical encoding.TextUnmarshaler instead. It is defined here to +// support Go 1.1 and older. +type TextUnmarshaler encoding.TextUnmarshaler + +// DEPRECATED! +// +// Use MetaData.PrimitiveDecode instead. +func PrimitiveDecode(primValue Primitive, v interface{}) error { + md := MetaData{decoded: make(map[string]bool)} + return md.unify(primValue.undecoded, rvalue(v)) +} + +// DEPRECATED! +// +// Use NewDecoder(reader).Decode(&v) instead. +func DecodeReader(r io.Reader, v interface{}) (MetaData, error) { + return NewDecoder(r).Decode(v) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/doc.go index b371f39..099c4a7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/doc.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/doc.go @@ -1,27 +1,13 @@ /* -Package toml provides facilities for decoding and encoding TOML configuration -files via reflection. There is also support for delaying decoding with -the Primitive type, and querying the set of keys in a TOML document with the -MetaData type. +Package toml implements decoding and encoding of TOML files. -The specification implemented: https://github.com/toml-lang/toml +This package supports TOML v1.0.0, as listed on https://toml.io -The sub-command github.com/BurntSushi/toml/cmd/tomlv can be used to verify -whether a file is a valid TOML document. It can also be used to print the -type of each key in a TOML document. +There is also support for delaying decoding with the Primitive type, and +querying the set of keys in a TOML document with the MetaData type. -Testing - -There are two important types of tests used for this package. The first is -contained inside '*_test.go' files and uses the standard Go unit testing -framework. These tests are primarily devoted to holistically testing the -decoder and encoder. - -The second type of testing is used to verify the implementation's adherence -to the TOML specification. These tests have been factored into their own -project: https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml-test - -The reason the tests are in a separate project is so that they can be used by -any implementation of TOML. Namely, it is language agnostic. +The github.com/BurntSushi/toml/cmd/tomlv package implements a TOML validator, +and can be used to verify if TOML document is valid. It can also be used to +print the type of each key. */ package toml diff --git a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/encode.go b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/encode.go index d905c21..10d88ac 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/encode.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/encode.go @@ -2,48 +2,92 @@ package toml import ( "bufio" + "encoding" "errors" "fmt" "io" + "math" "reflect" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "time" + + "github.com/BurntSushi/toml/internal" ) type tomlEncodeError struct{ error } var ( - errArrayMixedElementTypes = errors.New( - "toml: cannot encode array with mixed element types") - errArrayNilElement = errors.New( - "toml: cannot encode array with nil element") - errNonString = errors.New( - "toml: cannot encode a map with non-string key type") - errAnonNonStruct = errors.New( - "toml: cannot encode an anonymous field that is not a struct") - errArrayNoTable = errors.New( - "toml: TOML array element cannot contain a table") - errNoKey = errors.New( - "toml: top-level values must be Go maps or structs") - errAnything = errors.New("") // used in testing + errArrayNilElement = errors.New("toml: cannot encode array with nil element") + errNonString = errors.New("toml: cannot encode a map with non-string key type") + errAnonNonStruct = errors.New("toml: cannot encode an anonymous field that is not a struct") + errNoKey = errors.New("toml: top-level values must be Go maps or structs") + errAnything = errors.New("") // used in testing ) var quotedReplacer = strings.NewReplacer( - "\t", "\\t", - "\n", "\\n", - "\r", "\\r", "\"", "\\\"", "\\", "\\\\", + "\x00", `\u0000`, + "\x01", `\u0001`, + "\x02", `\u0002`, + "\x03", `\u0003`, + "\x04", `\u0004`, + "\x05", `\u0005`, + "\x06", `\u0006`, + "\x07", `\u0007`, + "\b", `\b`, + "\t", `\t`, + "\n", `\n`, + "\x0b", `\u000b`, + "\f", `\f`, + "\r", `\r`, + "\x0e", `\u000e`, + "\x0f", `\u000f`, + "\x10", `\u0010`, + "\x11", `\u0011`, + "\x12", `\u0012`, + "\x13", `\u0013`, + "\x14", `\u0014`, + "\x15", `\u0015`, + "\x16", `\u0016`, + "\x17", `\u0017`, + "\x18", `\u0018`, + "\x19", `\u0019`, + "\x1a", `\u001a`, + "\x1b", `\u001b`, + "\x1c", `\u001c`, + "\x1d", `\u001d`, + "\x1e", `\u001e`, + "\x1f", `\u001f`, + "\x7f", `\u007f`, ) -// Encoder controls the encoding of Go values to a TOML document to some -// io.Writer. +// Encoder encodes a Go to a TOML document. +// +// The mapping between Go values and TOML values should be precisely the same as +// for the Decode* functions. Similarly, the TextMarshaler interface is +// supported by encoding the resulting bytes as strings. If you want to write +// arbitrary binary data then you will need to use something like base64 since +// TOML does not have any binary types. +// +// When encoding TOML hashes (Go maps or structs), keys without any sub-hashes +// are encoded first. +// +// Go maps will be sorted alphabetically by key for deterministic output. // -// The indentation level can be controlled with the Indent field. +// Encoding Go values without a corresponding TOML representation will return an +// error. Examples of this includes maps with non-string keys, slices with nil +// elements, embedded non-struct types, and nested slices containing maps or +// structs. (e.g. [][]map[string]string is not allowed but []map[string]string +// is okay, as is []map[string][]string). +// +// NOTE: Only exported keys are encoded due to the use of reflection. Unexported +// keys are silently discarded. type Encoder struct { - // A single indentation level. By default it is two spaces. + // The string to use for a single indentation level. The default is two + // spaces. Indent string // hasWritten is whether we have written any output to w yet. @@ -51,8 +95,7 @@ type Encoder struct { w *bufio.Writer } -// NewEncoder returns a TOML encoder that encodes Go values to the io.Writer -// given. By default, a single indentation level is 2 spaces. +// NewEncoder create a new Encoder. func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder { return &Encoder{ w: bufio.NewWriter(w), @@ -60,29 +103,10 @@ func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder { } } -// Encode writes a TOML representation of the Go value to the underlying -// io.Writer. If the value given cannot be encoded to a valid TOML document, -// then an error is returned. -// -// The mapping between Go values and TOML values should be precisely the same -// as for the Decode* functions. Similarly, the TextMarshaler interface is -// supported by encoding the resulting bytes as strings. (If you want to write -// arbitrary binary data then you will need to use something like base64 since -// TOML does not have any binary types.) -// -// When encoding TOML hashes (i.e., Go maps or structs), keys without any -// sub-hashes are encoded first. +// Encode writes a TOML representation of the Go value to the Encoder's writer. // -// If a Go map is encoded, then its keys are sorted alphabetically for -// deterministic output. More control over this behavior may be provided if -// there is demand for it. -// -// Encoding Go values without a corresponding TOML representation---like map -// types with non-string keys---will cause an error to be returned. Similarly -// for mixed arrays/slices, arrays/slices with nil elements, embedded -// non-struct types and nested slices containing maps or structs. -// (e.g., [][]map[string]string is not allowed but []map[string]string is OK -// and so is []map[string][]string.) +// An error is returned if the value given cannot be encoded to a valid TOML +// document. func (enc *Encoder) Encode(v interface{}) error { rv := eindirect(reflect.ValueOf(v)) if err := enc.safeEncode(Key([]string{}), rv); err != nil { @@ -110,9 +134,13 @@ func (enc *Encoder) encode(key Key, rv reflect.Value) { // Special case. If we can marshal the type to text, then we used that. // Basically, this prevents the encoder for handling these types as // generic structs (or whatever the underlying type of a TextMarshaler is). - switch rv.Interface().(type) { - case time.Time, TextMarshaler: - enc.keyEqElement(key, rv) + switch t := rv.Interface().(type) { + case time.Time, encoding.TextMarshaler: + enc.writeKeyValue(key, rv, false) + return + // TODO: #76 would make this superfluous after implemented. + case Primitive: + enc.encode(key, reflect.ValueOf(t.undecoded)) return } @@ -123,12 +151,12 @@ func (enc *Encoder) encode(key Key, rv reflect.Value) { reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.String, reflect.Bool: - enc.keyEqElement(key, rv) + enc.writeKeyValue(key, rv, false) case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: if typeEqual(tomlArrayHash, tomlTypeOfGo(rv)) { enc.eArrayOfTables(key, rv) } else { - enc.keyEqElement(key, rv) + enc.writeKeyValue(key, rv, false) } case reflect.Interface: if rv.IsNil() { @@ -148,22 +176,32 @@ func (enc *Encoder) encode(key Key, rv reflect.Value) { case reflect.Struct: enc.eTable(key, rv) default: - panic(e("unsupported type for key '%s': %s", key, k)) + encPanic(fmt.Errorf("unsupported type for key '%s': %s", key, k)) } } -// eElement encodes any value that can be an array element (primitives and -// arrays). +// eElement encodes any value that can be an array element. func (enc *Encoder) eElement(rv reflect.Value) { switch v := rv.Interface().(type) { - case time.Time: - // Special case time.Time as a primitive. Has to come before - // TextMarshaler below because time.Time implements - // encoding.TextMarshaler, but we need to always use UTC. - enc.wf(v.UTC().Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z")) + case time.Time: // Using TextMarshaler adds extra quotes, which we don't want. + format := time.RFC3339Nano + switch v.Location() { + case internal.LocalDatetime: + format = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999" + case internal.LocalDate: + format = "2006-01-02" + case internal.LocalTime: + format = "15:04:05.999999999" + } + switch v.Location() { + default: + enc.wf(v.Format(format)) + case internal.LocalDatetime, internal.LocalDate, internal.LocalTime: + enc.wf(v.In(time.UTC).Format(format)) + } return - case TextMarshaler: - // Special case. Use text marshaler if it's available for this value. + case encoding.TextMarshaler: + // Use text marshaler if it's available for this value. if s, err := v.MarshalText(); err != nil { encPanic(err) } else { @@ -171,32 +209,49 @@ func (enc *Encoder) eElement(rv reflect.Value) { } return } + switch rv.Kind() { + case reflect.String: + enc.writeQuoted(rv.String()) case reflect.Bool: enc.wf(strconv.FormatBool(rv.Bool())) - case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, - reflect.Int64: + case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: enc.wf(strconv.FormatInt(rv.Int(), 10)) - case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, - reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: + case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: enc.wf(strconv.FormatUint(rv.Uint(), 10)) case reflect.Float32: - enc.wf(floatAddDecimal(strconv.FormatFloat(rv.Float(), 'f', -1, 32))) + f := rv.Float() + if math.IsNaN(f) { + enc.wf("nan") + } else if math.IsInf(f, 0) { + enc.wf("%cinf", map[bool]byte{true: '-', false: '+'}[math.Signbit(f)]) + } else { + enc.wf(floatAddDecimal(strconv.FormatFloat(f, 'f', -1, 32))) + } case reflect.Float64: - enc.wf(floatAddDecimal(strconv.FormatFloat(rv.Float(), 'f', -1, 64))) + f := rv.Float() + if math.IsNaN(f) { + enc.wf("nan") + } else if math.IsInf(f, 0) { + enc.wf("%cinf", map[bool]byte{true: '-', false: '+'}[math.Signbit(f)]) + } else { + enc.wf(floatAddDecimal(strconv.FormatFloat(f, 'f', -1, 64))) + } case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: enc.eArrayOrSliceElement(rv) + case reflect.Struct: + enc.eStruct(nil, rv, true) + case reflect.Map: + enc.eMap(nil, rv, true) case reflect.Interface: enc.eElement(rv.Elem()) - case reflect.String: - enc.writeQuoted(rv.String()) default: - panic(e("unexpected primitive type: %s", rv.Kind())) + encPanic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected primitive type: %T", rv.Interface())) } } -// By the TOML spec, all floats must have a decimal with at least one -// number on either side. +// By the TOML spec, all floats must have a decimal with at least one number on +// either side. func floatAddDecimal(fstr string) string { if !strings.Contains(fstr, ".") { return fstr + ".0" @@ -230,16 +285,14 @@ func (enc *Encoder) eArrayOfTables(key Key, rv reflect.Value) { if isNil(trv) { continue } - panicIfInvalidKey(key) enc.newline() enc.wf("%s[[%s]]", enc.indentStr(key), key.maybeQuotedAll()) enc.newline() - enc.eMapOrStruct(key, trv) + enc.eMapOrStruct(key, trv, false) } } func (enc *Encoder) eTable(key Key, rv reflect.Value) { - panicIfInvalidKey(key) if len(key) == 1 { // Output an extra newline between top-level tables. // (The newline isn't written if nothing else has been written though.) @@ -249,21 +302,22 @@ func (enc *Encoder) eTable(key Key, rv reflect.Value) { enc.wf("%s[%s]", enc.indentStr(key), key.maybeQuotedAll()) enc.newline() } - enc.eMapOrStruct(key, rv) + enc.eMapOrStruct(key, rv, false) } -func (enc *Encoder) eMapOrStruct(key Key, rv reflect.Value) { +func (enc *Encoder) eMapOrStruct(key Key, rv reflect.Value, inline bool) { switch rv := eindirect(rv); rv.Kind() { case reflect.Map: - enc.eMap(key, rv) + enc.eMap(key, rv, inline) case reflect.Struct: - enc.eStruct(key, rv) + enc.eStruct(key, rv, inline) default: + // Should never happen? panic("eTable: unhandled reflect.Value Kind: " + rv.Kind().String()) } } -func (enc *Encoder) eMap(key Key, rv reflect.Value) { +func (enc *Encoder) eMap(key Key, rv reflect.Value, inline bool) { rt := rv.Type() if rt.Key().Kind() != reflect.String { encPanic(errNonString) @@ -281,57 +335,76 @@ func (enc *Encoder) eMap(key Key, rv reflect.Value) { } } - var writeMapKeys = func(mapKeys []string) { + var writeMapKeys = func(mapKeys []string, trailC bool) { sort.Strings(mapKeys) - for _, mapKey := range mapKeys { - mrv := rv.MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(mapKey)) - if isNil(mrv) { - // Don't write anything for nil fields. + for i, mapKey := range mapKeys { + val := rv.MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(mapKey)) + if isNil(val) { continue } - enc.encode(key.add(mapKey), mrv) + + if inline { + enc.writeKeyValue(Key{mapKey}, val, true) + if trailC || i != len(mapKeys)-1 { + enc.wf(", ") + } + } else { + enc.encode(key.add(mapKey), val) + } } } - writeMapKeys(mapKeysDirect) - writeMapKeys(mapKeysSub) + + if inline { + enc.wf("{") + } + writeMapKeys(mapKeysDirect, len(mapKeysSub) > 0) + writeMapKeys(mapKeysSub, false) + if inline { + enc.wf("}") + } } -func (enc *Encoder) eStruct(key Key, rv reflect.Value) { +func (enc *Encoder) eStruct(key Key, rv reflect.Value, inline bool) { // Write keys for fields directly under this key first, because if we write - // a field that creates a new table, then all keys under it will be in that + // a field that creates a new table then all keys under it will be in that // table (not the one we're writing here). - rt := rv.Type() - var fieldsDirect, fieldsSub [][]int - var addFields func(rt reflect.Type, rv reflect.Value, start []int) + // + // Fields is a [][]int: for fieldsDirect this always has one entry (the + // struct index). For fieldsSub it contains two entries: the parent field + // index from tv, and the field indexes for the fields of the sub. + var ( + rt = rv.Type() + fieldsDirect, fieldsSub [][]int + addFields func(rt reflect.Type, rv reflect.Value, start []int) + ) addFields = func(rt reflect.Type, rv reflect.Value, start []int) { for i := 0; i < rt.NumField(); i++ { f := rt.Field(i) - // skip unexported fields - if f.PkgPath != "" && !f.Anonymous { + if f.PkgPath != "" && !f.Anonymous { /// Skip unexported fields. continue } + frv := rv.Field(i) + + // Treat anonymous struct fields with tag names as though they are + // not anonymous, like encoding/json does. + // + // Non-struct anonymous fields use the normal encoding logic. if f.Anonymous { t := f.Type switch t.Kind() { case reflect.Struct: - // Treat anonymous struct fields with - // tag names as though they are not - // anonymous, like encoding/json does. if getOptions(f.Tag).name == "" { - addFields(t, frv, f.Index) + addFields(t, frv, append(start, f.Index...)) continue } case reflect.Ptr: - if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct && - getOptions(f.Tag).name == "" { + if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct && getOptions(f.Tag).name == "" { if !frv.IsNil() { - addFields(t.Elem(), frv.Elem(), f.Index) + addFields(t.Elem(), frv.Elem(), append(start, f.Index...)) } continue } - // Fall through to the normal field encoding logic below - // for non-struct anonymous fields. } } @@ -344,35 +417,49 @@ func (enc *Encoder) eStruct(key Key, rv reflect.Value) { } addFields(rt, rv, nil) - var writeFields = func(fields [][]int) { + writeFields := func(fields [][]int) { for _, fieldIndex := range fields { - sft := rt.FieldByIndex(fieldIndex) - sf := rv.FieldByIndex(fieldIndex) - if isNil(sf) { - // Don't write anything for nil fields. + fieldType := rt.FieldByIndex(fieldIndex) + fieldVal := rv.FieldByIndex(fieldIndex) + + if isNil(fieldVal) { /// Don't write anything for nil fields. continue } - opts := getOptions(sft.Tag) + opts := getOptions(fieldType.Tag) if opts.skip { continue } - keyName := sft.Name + keyName := fieldType.Name if opts.name != "" { keyName = opts.name } - if opts.omitempty && isEmpty(sf) { + if opts.omitempty && isEmpty(fieldVal) { continue } - if opts.omitzero && isZero(sf) { + if opts.omitzero && isZero(fieldVal) { continue } - enc.encode(key.add(keyName), sf) + if inline { + enc.writeKeyValue(Key{keyName}, fieldVal, true) + if fieldIndex[0] != len(fields)-1 { + enc.wf(", ") + } + } else { + enc.encode(key.add(keyName), fieldVal) + } } } + + if inline { + enc.wf("{") + } writeFields(fieldsDirect) writeFields(fieldsSub) + if inline { + enc.wf("}") + } } // tomlTypeName returns the TOML type name of the Go value's type. It is @@ -411,13 +498,26 @@ func tomlTypeOfGo(rv reflect.Value) tomlType { switch rv.Interface().(type) { case time.Time: return tomlDatetime - case TextMarshaler: + case encoding.TextMarshaler: return tomlString default: + // Someone used a pointer receiver: we can make it work for pointer + // values. + if rv.CanAddr() { + _, ok := rv.Addr().Interface().(encoding.TextMarshaler) + if ok { + return tomlString + } + } return tomlHash } default: - panic("unexpected reflect.Kind: " + rv.Kind().String()) + _, ok := rv.Interface().(encoding.TextMarshaler) + if ok { + return tomlString + } + encPanic(errors.New("unsupported type: " + rv.Kind().String())) + panic("") // Need *some* return value } } @@ -430,29 +530,18 @@ func tomlArrayType(rv reflect.Value) tomlType { if isNil(rv) || !rv.IsValid() || rv.Len() == 0 { return nil } - firstType := tomlTypeOfGo(rv.Index(0)) - if firstType == nil { - encPanic(errArrayNilElement) - } + /// Don't allow nil. rvlen := rv.Len() for i := 1; i < rvlen; i++ { - elem := rv.Index(i) - switch elemType := tomlTypeOfGo(elem); { - case elemType == nil: + if tomlTypeOfGo(rv.Index(i)) == nil { encPanic(errArrayNilElement) - case !typeEqual(firstType, elemType): - encPanic(errArrayMixedElementTypes) } } - // If we have a nested array, then we must make sure that the nested - // array contains ONLY primitives. - // This checks arbitrarily nested arrays. - if typeEqual(firstType, tomlArray) || typeEqual(firstType, tomlArrayHash) { - nest := tomlArrayType(eindirect(rv.Index(0))) - if typeEqual(nest, tomlHash) || typeEqual(nest, tomlArrayHash) { - encPanic(errArrayNoTable) - } + + firstType := tomlTypeOfGo(rv.Index(0)) + if firstType == nil { + encPanic(errArrayNilElement) } return firstType } @@ -511,14 +600,20 @@ func (enc *Encoder) newline() { } } -func (enc *Encoder) keyEqElement(key Key, val reflect.Value) { +// Write a key/value pair: +// +// key = +// +// If inline is true it won't add a newline at the end. +func (enc *Encoder) writeKeyValue(key Key, val reflect.Value, inline bool) { if len(key) == 0 { encPanic(errNoKey) } - panicIfInvalidKey(key) enc.wf("%s%s = ", enc.indentStr(key), key.maybeQuoted(len(key)-1)) enc.eElement(val) - enc.newline() + if !inline { + enc.newline() + } } func (enc *Encoder) wf(format string, v ...interface{}) { @@ -553,16 +648,3 @@ func isNil(rv reflect.Value) bool { return false } } - -func panicIfInvalidKey(key Key) { - for _, k := range key { - if len(k) == 0 { - encPanic(e("Key '%s' is not a valid table name. Key names "+ - "cannot be empty.", key.maybeQuotedAll())) - } - } -} - -func isValidKeyName(s string) bool { - return len(s) != 0 -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/encoding_types.go b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/encoding_types.go deleted file mode 100644 index d36e1dd..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/encoding_types.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -// +build go1.2 - -package toml - -// In order to support Go 1.1, we define our own TextMarshaler and -// TextUnmarshaler types. For Go 1.2+, we just alias them with the -// standard library interfaces. - -import ( - "encoding" -) - -// TextMarshaler is a synonym for encoding.TextMarshaler. It is defined here -// so that Go 1.1 can be supported. -type TextMarshaler encoding.TextMarshaler - -// TextUnmarshaler is a synonym for encoding.TextUnmarshaler. It is defined -// here so that Go 1.1 can be supported. -type TextUnmarshaler encoding.TextUnmarshaler diff --git a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/encoding_types_1.1.go b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/encoding_types_1.1.go deleted file mode 100644 index e8d503d..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/encoding_types_1.1.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -// +build !go1.2 - -package toml - -// These interfaces were introduced in Go 1.2, so we add them manually when -// compiling for Go 1.1. - -// TextMarshaler is a synonym for encoding.TextMarshaler. It is defined here -// so that Go 1.1 can be supported. -type TextMarshaler interface { - MarshalText() (text []byte, err error) -} - -// TextUnmarshaler is a synonym for encoding.TextUnmarshaler. It is defined -// here so that Go 1.1 can be supported. -type TextUnmarshaler interface { - UnmarshalText(text []byte) error -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/internal/tz.go b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/internal/tz.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..022f15b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/internal/tz.go @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +package internal + +import "time" + +// Timezones used for local datetime, date, and time TOML types. +// +// The exact way times and dates without a timezone should be interpreted is not +// well-defined in the TOML specification and left to the implementation. These +// defaults to current local timezone offset of the computer, but this can be +// changed by changing these variables before decoding. +// +// TODO: +// Ideally we'd like to offer people the ability to configure the used timezone +// by setting Decoder.Timezone and Encoder.Timezone; however, this is a bit +// tricky: the reason we use three different variables for this is to support +// round-tripping – without these specific TZ names we wouldn't know which +// format to use. +// +// There isn't a good way to encode this right now though, and passing this sort +// of information also ties in to various related issues such as string format +// encoding, encoding of comments, etc. +// +// So, for the time being, just put this in internal until we can write a good +// comprehensive API for doing all of this. +// +// The reason they're exported is because they're referred from in e.g. +// internal/tag. +// +// Note that this behaviour is valid according to the TOML spec as the exact +// behaviour is left up to implementations. +var ( + localOffset = func() int { _, o := time.Now().Zone(); return o }() + LocalDatetime = time.FixedZone("datetime-local", localOffset) + LocalDate = time.FixedZone("date-local", localOffset) + LocalTime = time.FixedZone("time-local", localOffset) +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/lex.go b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/lex.go index e0a742a..adc4eb5 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/lex.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/lex.go @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ package toml import ( "fmt" + "reflect" + "runtime" "strings" "unicode" "unicode/utf8" @@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ const ( itemArrayTableStart itemArrayTableEnd itemKeyStart + itemKeyEnd itemCommentStart itemInlineTableStart itemInlineTableEnd @@ -64,9 +67,9 @@ type lexer struct { state stateFn items chan item - // Allow for backing up up to three runes. + // Allow for backing up up to four runes. // This is necessary because TOML contains 3-rune tokens (""" and '''). - prevWidths [3]int + prevWidths [4]int nprev int // how many of prevWidths are in use // If we emit an eof, we can still back up, but it is not OK to call // next again. @@ -93,6 +96,7 @@ func (lx *lexer) nextItem() item { return item default: lx.state = lx.state(lx) + //fmt.Printf(" STATE %-24s current: %-10q stack: %s\n", lx.state, lx.current(), lx.stack) } } } @@ -137,7 +141,7 @@ func (lx *lexer) emitTrim(typ itemType) { func (lx *lexer) next() (r rune) { if lx.atEOF { - panic("next called after EOF") + panic("BUG in lexer: next called after EOF") } if lx.pos >= len(lx.input) { lx.atEOF = true @@ -147,12 +151,19 @@ func (lx *lexer) next() (r rune) { if lx.input[lx.pos] == '\n' { lx.line++ } + lx.prevWidths[3] = lx.prevWidths[2] lx.prevWidths[2] = lx.prevWidths[1] lx.prevWidths[1] = lx.prevWidths[0] - if lx.nprev < 3 { + if lx.nprev < 4 { lx.nprev++ } + r, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(lx.input[lx.pos:]) + if r == utf8.RuneError { + lx.errorf("invalid UTF-8 byte at position %d (line %d): 0x%02x", lx.pos, lx.line, lx.input[lx.pos]) + return utf8.RuneError + } + lx.prevWidths[0] = w lx.pos += w return r @@ -163,18 +174,19 @@ func (lx *lexer) ignore() { lx.start = lx.pos } -// backup steps back one rune. Can be called only twice between calls to next. +// backup steps back one rune. Can be called 4 times between calls to next. func (lx *lexer) backup() { if lx.atEOF { lx.atEOF = false return } if lx.nprev < 1 { - panic("backed up too far") + panic("BUG in lexer: backed up too far") } w := lx.prevWidths[0] lx.prevWidths[0] = lx.prevWidths[1] lx.prevWidths[1] = lx.prevWidths[2] + lx.prevWidths[2] = lx.prevWidths[3] lx.nprev-- lx.pos -= w if lx.pos < len(lx.input) && lx.input[lx.pos] == '\n' { @@ -269,8 +281,9 @@ func lexTopEnd(lx *lexer) stateFn { lx.emit(itemEOF) return nil } - return lx.errorf("expected a top-level item to end with a newline, "+ - "comment, or EOF, but got %q instead", r) + return lx.errorf( + "expected a top-level item to end with a newline, comment, or EOF, but got %q instead", + r) } // lexTable lexes the beginning of a table. Namely, it makes sure that @@ -297,8 +310,9 @@ func lexTableEnd(lx *lexer) stateFn { func lexArrayTableEnd(lx *lexer) stateFn { if r := lx.next(); r != arrayTableEnd { - return lx.errorf("expected end of table array name delimiter %q, "+ - "but got %q instead", arrayTableEnd, r) + return lx.errorf( + "expected end of table array name delimiter %q, but got %q instead", + arrayTableEnd, r) } lx.emit(itemArrayTableEnd) return lexTopEnd @@ -308,30 +322,17 @@ func lexTableNameStart(lx *lexer) stateFn { lx.skip(isWhitespace) switch r := lx.peek(); { case r == tableEnd || r == eof: - return lx.errorf("unexpected end of table name " + - "(table names cannot be empty)") + return lx.errorf("unexpected end of table name (table names cannot be empty)") case r == tableSep: - return lx.errorf("unexpected table separator " + - "(table names cannot be empty)") + return lx.errorf("unexpected table separator (table names cannot be empty)") case r == stringStart || r == rawStringStart: lx.ignore() lx.push(lexTableNameEnd) - return lexValue // reuse string lexing + return lexQuotedName default: - return lexBareTableName - } -} - -// lexBareTableName lexes the name of a table. It assumes that at least one -// valid character for the table has already been read. -func lexBareTableName(lx *lexer) stateFn { - r := lx.next() - if isBareKeyChar(r) { - return lexBareTableName + lx.push(lexTableNameEnd) + return lexBareName } - lx.backup() - lx.emit(itemText) - return lexTableNameEnd } // lexTableNameEnd reads the end of a piece of a table name, optionally @@ -347,63 +348,101 @@ func lexTableNameEnd(lx *lexer) stateFn { case r == tableEnd: return lx.pop() default: - return lx.errorf("expected '.' or ']' to end table name, "+ - "but got %q instead", r) + return lx.errorf("expected '.' or ']' to end table name, but got %q instead", r) } } -// lexKeyStart consumes a key name up until the first non-whitespace character. -// lexKeyStart will ignore whitespace. -func lexKeyStart(lx *lexer) stateFn { - r := lx.peek() +// lexBareName lexes one part of a key or table. +// +// It assumes that at least one valid character for the table has already been +// read. +// +// Lexes only one part, e.g. only 'a' inside 'a.b'. +func lexBareName(lx *lexer) stateFn { + r := lx.next() + if isBareKeyChar(r) { + return lexBareName + } + lx.backup() + lx.emit(itemText) + return lx.pop() +} + +// lexBareName lexes one part of a key or table. +// +// It assumes that at least one valid character for the table has already been +// read. +// +// Lexes only one part, e.g. only '"a"' inside '"a".b'. +func lexQuotedName(lx *lexer) stateFn { + r := lx.next() switch { - case r == keySep: - return lx.errorf("unexpected key separator %q", keySep) - case isWhitespace(r) || isNL(r): - lx.next() - return lexSkip(lx, lexKeyStart) - case r == stringStart || r == rawStringStart: - lx.ignore() - lx.emit(itemKeyStart) - lx.push(lexKeyEnd) - return lexValue // reuse string lexing + case isWhitespace(r): + return lexSkip(lx, lexValue) + case r == stringStart: + lx.ignore() // ignore the '"' + return lexString + case r == rawStringStart: + lx.ignore() // ignore the "'" + return lexRawString + case r == eof: + return lx.errorf("unexpected EOF; expected value") default: + return lx.errorf("expected value but found %q instead", r) + } +} + +// lexKeyStart consumes all key parts until a '='. +func lexKeyStart(lx *lexer) stateFn { + lx.skip(isWhitespace) + switch r := lx.peek(); { + case r == '=' || r == eof: + return lx.errorf("unexpected '=': key name appears blank") + case r == '.': + return lx.errorf("unexpected '.': keys cannot start with a '.'") + case r == stringStart || r == rawStringStart: lx.ignore() + fallthrough + default: // Bare key lx.emit(itemKeyStart) - return lexBareKey + return lexKeyNameStart } } -// lexBareKey consumes the text of a bare key. Assumes that the first character -// (which is not whitespace) has not yet been consumed. -func lexBareKey(lx *lexer) stateFn { - switch r := lx.next(); { - case isBareKeyChar(r): - return lexBareKey - case isWhitespace(r): - lx.backup() - lx.emit(itemText) - return lexKeyEnd - case r == keySep: - lx.backup() - lx.emit(itemText) - return lexKeyEnd +func lexKeyNameStart(lx *lexer) stateFn { + lx.skip(isWhitespace) + switch r := lx.peek(); { + case r == '=' || r == eof: + return lx.errorf("unexpected '='") + case r == '.': + return lx.errorf("unexpected '.'") + case r == stringStart || r == rawStringStart: + lx.ignore() + lx.push(lexKeyEnd) + return lexQuotedName default: - return lx.errorf("bare keys cannot contain %q", r) + lx.push(lexKeyEnd) + return lexBareName } } // lexKeyEnd consumes the end of a key and trims whitespace (up to the key // separator). func lexKeyEnd(lx *lexer) stateFn { + lx.skip(isWhitespace) switch r := lx.next(); { - case r == keySep: - return lexSkip(lx, lexValue) case isWhitespace(r): return lexSkip(lx, lexKeyEnd) + case r == eof: + return lx.errorf("unexpected EOF; expected key separator %q", keySep) + case r == '.': + lx.ignore() + return lexKeyNameStart + case r == '=': + lx.emit(itemKeyEnd) + return lexSkip(lx, lexValue) default: - return lx.errorf("expected key separator %q, but got %q instead", - keySep, r) + return lx.errorf("expected '.' or '=', but got %q instead", r) } } @@ -450,10 +489,15 @@ func lexValue(lx *lexer) stateFn { } lx.ignore() // ignore the "'" return lexRawString - case '+', '-': - return lexNumberStart case '.': // special error case, be kind to users return lx.errorf("floats must start with a digit, not '.'") + case 'i', 'n': + if (lx.accept('n') && lx.accept('f')) || (lx.accept('a') && lx.accept('n')) { + lx.emit(itemFloat) + return lx.pop() + } + case '-', '+': + return lexDecimalNumberStart } if unicode.IsLetter(r) { // Be permissive here; lexBool will give a nice error if the @@ -463,6 +507,9 @@ func lexValue(lx *lexer) stateFn { lx.backup() return lexBool } + if r == eof { + return lx.errorf("unexpected EOF; expected value") + } return lx.errorf("expected value but found %q instead", r) } @@ -507,9 +554,8 @@ func lexArrayValueEnd(lx *lexer) stateFn { return lexArrayEnd } return lx.errorf( - "expected a comma or array terminator %q, but got %q instead", - arrayEnd, r, - ) + "expected a comma or array terminator %q, but got %s instead", + arrayEnd, runeOrEOF(r)) } // lexArrayEnd finishes the lexing of an array. @@ -546,8 +592,7 @@ func lexInlineTableValue(lx *lexer) stateFn { // key/value pair and the next pair (or the end of the table): // it ignores whitespace and expects either a ',' or a '}'. func lexInlineTableValueEnd(lx *lexer) stateFn { - r := lx.next() - switch { + switch r := lx.next(); { case isWhitespace(r): return lexSkip(lx, lexInlineTableValueEnd) case isNL(r): @@ -557,12 +602,25 @@ func lexInlineTableValueEnd(lx *lexer) stateFn { return lexCommentStart case r == comma: lx.ignore() + lx.skip(isWhitespace) + if lx.peek() == '}' { + return lx.errorf("trailing comma not allowed in inline tables") + } return lexInlineTableValue case r == inlineTableEnd: return lexInlineTableEnd + default: + return lx.errorf( + "expected a comma or an inline table terminator %q, but got %s instead", + inlineTableEnd, runeOrEOF(r)) + } +} + +func runeOrEOF(r rune) string { + if r == eof { + return "end of file" } - return lx.errorf("expected a comma or an inline table terminator %q, "+ - "but got %q instead", inlineTableEnd, r) + return "'" + string(r) + "'" } // lexInlineTableEnd finishes the lexing of an inline table. @@ -579,7 +637,9 @@ func lexString(lx *lexer) stateFn { r := lx.next() switch { case r == eof: - return lx.errorf("unexpected EOF") + return lx.errorf(`unexpected EOF; expected '"'`) + case isControl(r) || r == '\r': + return lx.errorf("control characters are not allowed inside strings: '0x%02x'", r) case isNL(r): return lx.errorf("strings cannot contain newlines") case r == '\\': @@ -598,19 +658,40 @@ func lexString(lx *lexer) stateFn { // lexMultilineString consumes the inner contents of a string. It assumes that // the beginning '"""' has already been consumed and ignored. func lexMultilineString(lx *lexer) stateFn { - switch lx.next() { + r := lx.next() + switch r { case eof: - return lx.errorf("unexpected EOF") + return lx.errorf(`unexpected EOF; expected '"""'`) + case '\r': + if lx.peek() != '\n' { + return lx.errorf("control characters are not allowed inside strings: '0x%02x'", r) + } + return lexMultilineString case '\\': return lexMultilineStringEscape case stringEnd: + /// Found " → try to read two more "". if lx.accept(stringEnd) { if lx.accept(stringEnd) { - lx.backup() + /// Peek ahead: the string can contain " and "", including at the + /// end: """str""""" + /// 6 or more at the end, however, is an error. + if lx.peek() == stringEnd { + /// Check if we already lexed 5 's; if so we have 6 now, and + /// that's just too many man! + if strings.HasSuffix(lx.current(), `"""""`) { + return lx.errorf(`unexpected '""""""'`) + } + lx.backup() + lx.backup() + return lexMultilineString + } + + lx.backup() /// backup: don't include the """ in the item. lx.backup() lx.backup() lx.emit(itemMultilineString) - lx.next() + lx.next() /// Read over ''' again and discard it. lx.next() lx.next() lx.ignore() @@ -619,6 +700,10 @@ func lexMultilineString(lx *lexer) stateFn { lx.backup() } } + + if isControl(r) { + return lx.errorf("control characters are not allowed inside strings: '0x%02x'", r) + } return lexMultilineString } @@ -628,7 +713,9 @@ func lexRawString(lx *lexer) stateFn { r := lx.next() switch { case r == eof: - return lx.errorf("unexpected EOF") + return lx.errorf(`unexpected EOF; expected "'"`) + case isControl(r) || r == '\r': + return lx.errorf("control characters are not allowed inside strings: '0x%02x'", r) case isNL(r): return lx.errorf("strings cannot contain newlines") case r == rawStringEnd: @@ -645,17 +732,38 @@ func lexRawString(lx *lexer) stateFn { // a string. It assumes that the beginning "'''" has already been consumed and // ignored. func lexMultilineRawString(lx *lexer) stateFn { - switch lx.next() { + r := lx.next() + switch r { case eof: - return lx.errorf("unexpected EOF") + return lx.errorf(`unexpected EOF; expected "'''"`) + case '\r': + if lx.peek() != '\n' { + return lx.errorf("control characters are not allowed inside strings: '0x%02x'", r) + } + return lexMultilineRawString case rawStringEnd: + /// Found ' → try to read two more ''. if lx.accept(rawStringEnd) { if lx.accept(rawStringEnd) { - lx.backup() + /// Peek ahead: the string can contain ' and '', including at the + /// end: '''str''''' + /// 6 or more at the end, however, is an error. + if lx.peek() == rawStringEnd { + /// Check if we already lexed 5 's; if so we have 6 now, and + /// that's just too many man! + if strings.HasSuffix(lx.current(), "'''''") { + return lx.errorf(`unexpected "''''''"`) + } + lx.backup() + lx.backup() + return lexMultilineRawString + } + + lx.backup() /// backup: don't include the ''' in the item. lx.backup() lx.backup() lx.emit(itemRawMultilineString) - lx.next() + lx.next() /// Read over ''' again and discard it. lx.next() lx.next() lx.ignore() @@ -664,6 +772,10 @@ func lexMultilineRawString(lx *lexer) stateFn { lx.backup() } } + + if isControl(r) { + return lx.errorf("control characters are not allowed inside strings: '0x%02x'", r) + } return lexMultilineRawString } @@ -694,6 +806,10 @@ func lexStringEscape(lx *lexer) stateFn { fallthrough case '"': fallthrough + case ' ', '\t': + // Inside """ .. """ strings you can use \ to escape newlines, and any + // amount of whitespace can be between the \ and \n. + fallthrough case '\\': return lx.pop() case 'u': @@ -701,8 +817,7 @@ func lexStringEscape(lx *lexer) stateFn { case 'U': return lexLongUnicodeEscape } - return lx.errorf("invalid escape character %q; only the following "+ - "escape characters are allowed: "+ + return lx.errorf("invalid escape character %q; only the following escape characters are allowed: "+ `\b, \t, \n, \f, \r, \", \\, \uXXXX, and \UXXXXXXXX`, r) } @@ -711,8 +826,9 @@ func lexShortUnicodeEscape(lx *lexer) stateFn { for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { r = lx.next() if !isHexadecimal(r) { - return lx.errorf(`expected four hexadecimal digits after '\u', `+ - "but got %q instead", lx.current()) + return lx.errorf( + `expected four hexadecimal digits after '\u', but got %q instead`, + lx.current()) } } return lx.pop() @@ -723,28 +839,33 @@ func lexLongUnicodeEscape(lx *lexer) stateFn { for i := 0; i < 8; i++ { r = lx.next() if !isHexadecimal(r) { - return lx.errorf(`expected eight hexadecimal digits after '\U', `+ - "but got %q instead", lx.current()) + return lx.errorf( + `expected eight hexadecimal digits after '\U', but got %q instead`, + lx.current()) } } return lx.pop() } -// lexNumberOrDateStart consumes either an integer, a float, or datetime. +// lexNumberOrDateStart processes the first character of a value which begins +// with a digit. It exists to catch values starting with '0', so that +// lexBaseNumberOrDate can differentiate base prefixed integers from other +// types. func lexNumberOrDateStart(lx *lexer) stateFn { r := lx.next() - if isDigit(r) { - return lexNumberOrDate - } switch r { - case '_': - return lexNumber - case 'e', 'E': - return lexFloat - case '.': - return lx.errorf("floats must start with a digit, not '.'") + case '0': + return lexBaseNumberOrDate } - return lx.errorf("expected a digit but got %q", r) + + if !isDigit(r) { + // The only way to reach this state is if the value starts + // with a digit, so specifically treat anything else as an + // error. + return lx.errorf("expected a digit but got %q", r) + } + + return lexNumberOrDate } // lexNumberOrDate consumes either an integer, float or datetime. @@ -754,10 +875,10 @@ func lexNumberOrDate(lx *lexer) stateFn { return lexNumberOrDate } switch r { - case '-': + case '-', ':': return lexDatetime case '_': - return lexNumber + return lexDecimalNumber case '.', 'e', 'E': return lexFloat } @@ -775,41 +896,156 @@ func lexDatetime(lx *lexer) stateFn { return lexDatetime } switch r { - case '-', 'T', ':', '.', 'Z', '+': + case '-', ':', 'T', 't', ' ', '.', 'Z', 'z', '+': return lexDatetime } lx.backup() - lx.emit(itemDatetime) + lx.emitTrim(itemDatetime) return lx.pop() } -// lexNumberStart consumes either an integer or a float. It assumes that a sign -// has already been read, but that *no* digits have been consumed. -// lexNumberStart will move to the appropriate integer or float states. -func lexNumberStart(lx *lexer) stateFn { - // We MUST see a digit. Even floats have to start with a digit. +// lexHexInteger consumes a hexadecimal integer after seeing the '0x' prefix. +func lexHexInteger(lx *lexer) stateFn { r := lx.next() - if !isDigit(r) { - if r == '.' { - return lx.errorf("floats must start with a digit, not '.'") + if isHexadecimal(r) { + return lexHexInteger + } + switch r { + case '_': + return lexHexInteger + } + + lx.backup() + lx.emit(itemInteger) + return lx.pop() +} + +// lexOctalInteger consumes an octal integer after seeing the '0o' prefix. +func lexOctalInteger(lx *lexer) stateFn { + r := lx.next() + if isOctal(r) { + return lexOctalInteger + } + switch r { + case '_': + return lexOctalInteger + } + + lx.backup() + lx.emit(itemInteger) + return lx.pop() +} + +// lexBinaryInteger consumes a binary integer after seeing the '0b' prefix. +func lexBinaryInteger(lx *lexer) stateFn { + r := lx.next() + if isBinary(r) { + return lexBinaryInteger + } + switch r { + case '_': + return lexBinaryInteger + } + + lx.backup() + lx.emit(itemInteger) + return lx.pop() +} + +// lexDecimalNumber consumes a decimal float or integer. +func lexDecimalNumber(lx *lexer) stateFn { + r := lx.next() + if isDigit(r) { + return lexDecimalNumber + } + switch r { + case '.', 'e', 'E': + return lexFloat + case '_': + return lexDecimalNumber + } + + lx.backup() + lx.emit(itemInteger) + return lx.pop() +} + +// lexDecimalNumber consumes the first digit of a number beginning with a sign. +// It assumes the sign has already been consumed. Values which start with a sign +// are only allowed to be decimal integers or floats. +// +// The special "nan" and "inf" values are also recognized. +func lexDecimalNumberStart(lx *lexer) stateFn { + r := lx.next() + + // Special error cases to give users better error messages + switch r { + case 'i': + if !lx.accept('n') || !lx.accept('f') { + return lx.errorf("invalid float: '%s'", lx.current()) } - return lx.errorf("expected a digit but got %q", r) + lx.emit(itemFloat) + return lx.pop() + case 'n': + if !lx.accept('a') || !lx.accept('n') { + return lx.errorf("invalid float: '%s'", lx.current()) + } + lx.emit(itemFloat) + return lx.pop() + case '0': + p := lx.peek() + switch p { + case 'b', 'o', 'x': + return lx.errorf("cannot use sign with non-decimal numbers: '%s%c'", lx.current(), p) + } + case '.': + return lx.errorf("floats must start with a digit, not '.'") + } + + if isDigit(r) { + return lexDecimalNumber } - return lexNumber + + return lx.errorf("expected a digit but got %q", r) } -// lexNumber consumes an integer or a float after seeing the first digit. -func lexNumber(lx *lexer) stateFn { +// lexBaseNumberOrDate differentiates between the possible values which +// start with '0'. It assumes that before reaching this state, the initial '0' +// has been consumed. +func lexBaseNumberOrDate(lx *lexer) stateFn { r := lx.next() + // Note: All datetimes start with at least two digits, so we don't + // handle date characters (':', '-', etc.) here. if isDigit(r) { - return lexNumber + return lexNumberOrDate } switch r { case '_': - return lexNumber + // Can only be decimal, because there can't be an underscore + // between the '0' and the base designator, and dates can't + // contain underscores. + return lexDecimalNumber case '.', 'e', 'E': return lexFloat + case 'b': + r = lx.peek() + if !isBinary(r) { + lx.errorf("not a binary number: '%s%c'", lx.current(), r) + } + return lexBinaryInteger + case 'o': + r = lx.peek() + if !isOctal(r) { + lx.errorf("not an octal number: '%s%c'", lx.current(), r) + } + return lexOctalInteger + case 'x': + r = lx.peek() + if !isHexadecimal(r) { + lx.errorf("not a hexidecimal number: '%s%c'", lx.current(), r) + } + return lexHexInteger } lx.backup() @@ -867,21 +1103,22 @@ func lexCommentStart(lx *lexer) stateFn { // It will consume *up to* the first newline character, and pass control // back to the last state on the stack. func lexComment(lx *lexer) stateFn { - r := lx.peek() - if isNL(r) || r == eof { + switch r := lx.next(); { + case isNL(r) || r == eof: + lx.backup() lx.emit(itemText) return lx.pop() + case isControl(r): + return lx.errorf("control characters are not allowed inside comments: '0x%02x'", r) + default: + return lexComment } - lx.next() - return lexComment } // lexSkip ignores all slurped input and moves on to the next state. func lexSkip(lx *lexer, nextState stateFn) stateFn { - return func(lx *lexer) stateFn { - lx.ignore() - return nextState - } + lx.ignore() + return nextState } // isWhitespace returns true if `r` is a whitespace character according @@ -894,6 +1131,16 @@ func isNL(r rune) bool { return r == '\n' || r == '\r' } +// Control characters except \n, \t +func isControl(r rune) bool { + switch r { + case '\t', '\r', '\n': + return false + default: + return (r >= 0x00 && r <= 0x1f) || r == 0x7f + } +} + func isDigit(r rune) bool { return r >= '0' && r <= '9' } @@ -904,6 +1151,14 @@ func isHexadecimal(r rune) bool { (r >= 'A' && r <= 'F') } +func isOctal(r rune) bool { + return r >= '0' && r <= '7' +} + +func isBinary(r rune) bool { + return r == '0' || r == '1' +} + func isBareKeyChar(r rune) bool { return (r >= 'A' && r <= 'Z') || (r >= 'a' && r <= 'z') || @@ -912,6 +1167,17 @@ func isBareKeyChar(r rune) bool { r == '-' } +func (s stateFn) String() string { + name := runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(s).Pointer()).Name() + if i := strings.LastIndexByte(name, '.'); i > -1 { + name = name[i+1:] + } + if s == nil { + name = "" + } + return name + "()" +} + func (itype itemType) String() string { switch itype { case itemError: @@ -938,12 +1204,18 @@ func (itype itemType) String() string { return "TableEnd" case itemKeyStart: return "KeyStart" + case itemKeyEnd: + return "KeyEnd" case itemArray: return "Array" case itemArrayEnd: return "ArrayEnd" case itemCommentStart: return "CommentStart" + case itemInlineTableStart: + return "InlineTableStart" + case itemInlineTableEnd: + return "InlineTableEnd" } panic(fmt.Sprintf("BUG: Unknown type '%d'.", int(itype))) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/parse.go b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/parse.go index 50869ef..d9ae5db 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/parse.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/parse.go @@ -1,12 +1,14 @@ package toml import ( + "errors" "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "time" - "unicode" "unicode/utf8" + + "github.com/BurntSushi/toml/internal" ) type parser struct { @@ -14,39 +16,54 @@ type parser struct { types map[string]tomlType lx *lexer - // A list of keys in the order that they appear in the TOML data. - ordered []Key - - // the full key for the current hash in scope - context Key - - // the base key name for everything except hashes - currentKey string - - // rough approximation of line number - approxLine int - - // A map of 'key.group.names' to whether they were created implicitly. - implicits map[string]bool + ordered []Key // List of keys in the order that they appear in the TOML data. + context Key // Full key for the current hash in scope. + currentKey string // Base key name for everything except hashes. + approxLine int // Rough approximation of line number + implicits map[string]bool // Record implied keys (e.g. 'key.group.names'). } -type parseError string +// ParseError is used when a file can't be parsed: for example invalid integer +// literals, duplicate keys, etc. +type ParseError struct { + Message string + Line int + LastKey string +} -func (pe parseError) Error() string { - return string(pe) +func (pe ParseError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("Near line %d (last key parsed '%s'): %s", + pe.Line, pe.LastKey, pe.Message) } func parse(data string) (p *parser, err error) { defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { var ok bool - if err, ok = r.(parseError); ok { + if err, ok = r.(ParseError); ok { return } panic(r) } }() + // Read over BOM; do this here as the lexer calls utf8.DecodeRuneInString() + // which mangles stuff. + if strings.HasPrefix(data, "\xff\xfe") || strings.HasPrefix(data, "\xfe\xff") { + data = data[2:] + } + + // Examine first few bytes for NULL bytes; this probably means it's a UTF-16 + // file (second byte in surrogate pair being NULL). Again, do this here to + // avoid having to deal with UTF-8/16 stuff in the lexer. + ex := 6 + if len(data) < 6 { + ex = len(data) + } + if strings.ContainsRune(data[:ex], 0) { + return nil, errors.New("files cannot contain NULL bytes; probably using UTF-16; TOML files must be UTF-8") + } + p = &parser{ mapping: make(map[string]interface{}), types: make(map[string]tomlType), @@ -66,13 +83,17 @@ func parse(data string) (p *parser, err error) { } func (p *parser) panicf(format string, v ...interface{}) { - msg := fmt.Sprintf("Near line %d (last key parsed '%s'): %s", - p.approxLine, p.current(), fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)) - panic(parseError(msg)) + msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, v...) + panic(ParseError{ + Message: msg, + Line: p.approxLine, + LastKey: p.current(), + }) } func (p *parser) next() item { it := p.lx.nextItem() + //fmt.Printf("ITEM %-18s line %-3d │ %q\n", it.typ, it.line, it.val) if it.typ == itemError { p.panicf("%s", it.val) } @@ -97,44 +118,63 @@ func (p *parser) assertEqual(expected, got itemType) { func (p *parser) topLevel(item item) { switch item.typ { - case itemCommentStart: + case itemCommentStart: // # .. p.approxLine = item.line p.expect(itemText) - case itemTableStart: - kg := p.next() - p.approxLine = kg.line + case itemTableStart: // [ .. ] + name := p.next() + p.approxLine = name.line var key Key - for ; kg.typ != itemTableEnd && kg.typ != itemEOF; kg = p.next() { - key = append(key, p.keyString(kg)) + for ; name.typ != itemTableEnd && name.typ != itemEOF; name = p.next() { + key = append(key, p.keyString(name)) } - p.assertEqual(itemTableEnd, kg.typ) + p.assertEqual(itemTableEnd, name.typ) - p.establishContext(key, false) + p.addContext(key, false) p.setType("", tomlHash) p.ordered = append(p.ordered, key) - case itemArrayTableStart: - kg := p.next() - p.approxLine = kg.line + case itemArrayTableStart: // [[ .. ]] + name := p.next() + p.approxLine = name.line var key Key - for ; kg.typ != itemArrayTableEnd && kg.typ != itemEOF; kg = p.next() { - key = append(key, p.keyString(kg)) + for ; name.typ != itemArrayTableEnd && name.typ != itemEOF; name = p.next() { + key = append(key, p.keyString(name)) } - p.assertEqual(itemArrayTableEnd, kg.typ) + p.assertEqual(itemArrayTableEnd, name.typ) - p.establishContext(key, true) + p.addContext(key, true) p.setType("", tomlArrayHash) p.ordered = append(p.ordered, key) - case itemKeyStart: - kname := p.next() - p.approxLine = kname.line - p.currentKey = p.keyString(kname) - - val, typ := p.value(p.next()) - p.setValue(p.currentKey, val) - p.setType(p.currentKey, typ) + case itemKeyStart: // key = .. + outerContext := p.context + /// Read all the key parts (e.g. 'a' and 'b' in 'a.b') + k := p.next() + p.approxLine = k.line + var key Key + for ; k.typ != itemKeyEnd && k.typ != itemEOF; k = p.next() { + key = append(key, p.keyString(k)) + } + p.assertEqual(itemKeyEnd, k.typ) + + /// The current key is the last part. + p.currentKey = key[len(key)-1] + + /// All the other parts (if any) are the context; need to set each part + /// as implicit. + context := key[:len(key)-1] + for i := range context { + p.addImplicitContext(append(p.context, context[i:i+1]...)) + } + + /// Set value. + val, typ := p.value(p.next(), false) + p.set(p.currentKey, val, typ) p.ordered = append(p.ordered, p.context.add(p.currentKey)) + + /// Remove the context we added (preserving any context from [tbl] lines). + p.context = outerContext p.currentKey = "" default: p.bug("Unexpected type at top level: %s", item.typ) @@ -148,180 +188,253 @@ func (p *parser) keyString(it item) string { return it.val case itemString, itemMultilineString, itemRawString, itemRawMultilineString: - s, _ := p.value(it) + s, _ := p.value(it, false) return s.(string) default: p.bug("Unexpected key type: %s", it.typ) - panic("unreachable") } + panic("unreachable") } +var datetimeRepl = strings.NewReplacer( + "z", "Z", + "t", "T", + " ", "T") + // value translates an expected value from the lexer into a Go value wrapped // as an empty interface. -func (p *parser) value(it item) (interface{}, tomlType) { +func (p *parser) value(it item, parentIsArray bool) (interface{}, tomlType) { switch it.typ { case itemString: return p.replaceEscapes(it.val), p.typeOfPrimitive(it) case itemMultilineString: - trimmed := stripFirstNewline(stripEscapedWhitespace(it.val)) - return p.replaceEscapes(trimmed), p.typeOfPrimitive(it) + return p.replaceEscapes(stripFirstNewline(stripEscapedNewlines(it.val))), p.typeOfPrimitive(it) case itemRawString: return it.val, p.typeOfPrimitive(it) case itemRawMultilineString: return stripFirstNewline(it.val), p.typeOfPrimitive(it) + case itemInteger: + return p.valueInteger(it) + case itemFloat: + return p.valueFloat(it) case itemBool: switch it.val { case "true": return true, p.typeOfPrimitive(it) case "false": return false, p.typeOfPrimitive(it) + default: + p.bug("Expected boolean value, but got '%s'.", it.val) } - p.bug("Expected boolean value, but got '%s'.", it.val) - case itemInteger: - if !numUnderscoresOK(it.val) { - p.panicf("Invalid integer %q: underscores must be surrounded by digits", - it.val) - } - val := strings.Replace(it.val, "_", "", -1) - num, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - // Distinguish integer values. Normally, it'd be a bug if the lexer - // provides an invalid integer, but it's possible that the number is - // out of range of valid values (which the lexer cannot determine). - // So mark the former as a bug but the latter as a legitimate user - // error. - if e, ok := err.(*strconv.NumError); ok && - e.Err == strconv.ErrRange { - - p.panicf("Integer '%s' is out of the range of 64-bit "+ - "signed integers.", it.val) - } else { - p.bug("Expected integer value, but got '%s'.", it.val) - } + case itemDatetime: + return p.valueDatetime(it) + case itemArray: + return p.valueArray(it) + case itemInlineTableStart: + return p.valueInlineTable(it, parentIsArray) + default: + p.bug("Unexpected value type: %s", it.typ) + } + panic("unreachable") +} + +func (p *parser) valueInteger(it item) (interface{}, tomlType) { + if !numUnderscoresOK(it.val) { + p.panicf("Invalid integer %q: underscores must be surrounded by digits", it.val) + } + if numHasLeadingZero(it.val) { + p.panicf("Invalid integer %q: cannot have leading zeroes", it.val) + } + + num, err := strconv.ParseInt(it.val, 0, 64) + if err != nil { + // Distinguish integer values. Normally, it'd be a bug if the lexer + // provides an invalid integer, but it's possible that the number is + // out of range of valid values (which the lexer cannot determine). + // So mark the former as a bug but the latter as a legitimate user + // error. + if e, ok := err.(*strconv.NumError); ok && e.Err == strconv.ErrRange { + p.panicf("Integer '%s' is out of the range of 64-bit signed integers.", it.val) + } else { + p.bug("Expected integer value, but got '%s'.", it.val) } - return num, p.typeOfPrimitive(it) - case itemFloat: - parts := strings.FieldsFunc(it.val, func(r rune) bool { - switch r { - case '.', 'e', 'E': - return true - } - return false - }) - for _, part := range parts { - if !numUnderscoresOK(part) { - p.panicf("Invalid float %q: underscores must be "+ - "surrounded by digits", it.val) - } + } + return num, p.typeOfPrimitive(it) +} + +func (p *parser) valueFloat(it item) (interface{}, tomlType) { + parts := strings.FieldsFunc(it.val, func(r rune) bool { + switch r { + case '.', 'e', 'E': + return true } - if !numPeriodsOK(it.val) { - // As a special case, numbers like '123.' or '1.e2', - // which are valid as far as Go/strconv are concerned, - // must be rejected because TOML says that a fractional - // part consists of '.' followed by 1+ digits. - p.panicf("Invalid float %q: '.' must be followed "+ - "by one or more digits", it.val) - } - val := strings.Replace(it.val, "_", "", -1) - num, err := strconv.ParseFloat(val, 64) - if err != nil { - if e, ok := err.(*strconv.NumError); ok && - e.Err == strconv.ErrRange { - - p.panicf("Float '%s' is out of the range of 64-bit "+ - "IEEE-754 floating-point numbers.", it.val) - } else { - p.panicf("Invalid float value: %q", it.val) - } + return false + }) + for _, part := range parts { + if !numUnderscoresOK(part) { + p.panicf("Invalid float %q: underscores must be surrounded by digits", it.val) } - return num, p.typeOfPrimitive(it) - case itemDatetime: - var t time.Time - var ok bool - var err error - for _, format := range []string{ - "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00", - "2006-01-02T15:04:05", - "2006-01-02", - } { - t, err = time.ParseInLocation(format, it.val, time.Local) - if err == nil { - ok = true - break - } + } + if len(parts) > 0 && numHasLeadingZero(parts[0]) { + p.panicf("Invalid float %q: cannot have leading zeroes", it.val) + } + if !numPeriodsOK(it.val) { + // As a special case, numbers like '123.' or '1.e2', + // which are valid as far as Go/strconv are concerned, + // must be rejected because TOML says that a fractional + // part consists of '.' followed by 1+ digits. + p.panicf("Invalid float %q: '.' must be followed by one or more digits", it.val) + } + val := strings.Replace(it.val, "_", "", -1) + if val == "+nan" || val == "-nan" { // Go doesn't support this, but TOML spec does. + val = "nan" + } + num, err := strconv.ParseFloat(val, 64) + if err != nil { + if e, ok := err.(*strconv.NumError); ok && e.Err == strconv.ErrRange { + p.panicf("Float '%s' is out of the range of 64-bit IEEE-754 floating-point numbers.", it.val) + } else { + p.panicf("Invalid float value: %q", it.val) } - if !ok { - p.panicf("Invalid TOML Datetime: %q.", it.val) + } + return num, p.typeOfPrimitive(it) +} + +var dtTypes = []struct { + fmt string + zone *time.Location +}{ + {time.RFC3339Nano, time.Local}, + {"2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999", internal.LocalDatetime}, + {"2006-01-02", internal.LocalDate}, + {"15:04:05.999999999", internal.LocalTime}, +} + +func (p *parser) valueDatetime(it item) (interface{}, tomlType) { + it.val = datetimeRepl.Replace(it.val) + var ( + t time.Time + ok bool + err error + ) + for _, dt := range dtTypes { + t, err = time.ParseInLocation(dt.fmt, it.val, dt.zone) + if err == nil { + ok = true + break } - return t, p.typeOfPrimitive(it) - case itemArray: - array := make([]interface{}, 0) - types := make([]tomlType, 0) + } + if !ok { + p.panicf("Invalid TOML Datetime: %q.", it.val) + } + return t, p.typeOfPrimitive(it) +} - for it = p.next(); it.typ != itemArrayEnd; it = p.next() { - if it.typ == itemCommentStart { - p.expect(itemText) - continue - } +func (p *parser) valueArray(it item) (interface{}, tomlType) { + p.setType(p.currentKey, tomlArray) + + // p.setType(p.currentKey, typ) + var ( + array []interface{} + types []tomlType + ) + for it = p.next(); it.typ != itemArrayEnd; it = p.next() { + if it.typ == itemCommentStart { + p.expect(itemText) + continue + } + + val, typ := p.value(it, true) + array = append(array, val) + types = append(types, typ) + } + return array, tomlArray +} + +func (p *parser) valueInlineTable(it item, parentIsArray bool) (interface{}, tomlType) { + var ( + hash = make(map[string]interface{}) + outerContext = p.context + outerKey = p.currentKey + ) + + p.context = append(p.context, p.currentKey) + prevContext := p.context + p.currentKey = "" + + p.addImplicit(p.context) + p.addContext(p.context, parentIsArray) - val, typ := p.value(it) - array = append(array, val) - types = append(types, typ) + /// Loop over all table key/value pairs. + for it := p.next(); it.typ != itemInlineTableEnd; it = p.next() { + if it.typ == itemCommentStart { + p.expect(itemText) + continue } - return array, p.typeOfArray(types) - case itemInlineTableStart: - var ( - hash = make(map[string]interface{}) - outerContext = p.context - outerKey = p.currentKey - ) - p.context = append(p.context, p.currentKey) - p.currentKey = "" - for it := p.next(); it.typ != itemInlineTableEnd; it = p.next() { - if it.typ != itemKeyStart { - p.bug("Expected key start but instead found %q, around line %d", - it.val, p.approxLine) - } - if it.typ == itemCommentStart { - p.expect(itemText) - continue - } + /// Read all key parts. + k := p.next() + p.approxLine = k.line + var key Key + for ; k.typ != itemKeyEnd && k.typ != itemEOF; k = p.next() { + key = append(key, p.keyString(k)) + } + p.assertEqual(itemKeyEnd, k.typ) - // retrieve key - k := p.next() - p.approxLine = k.line - kname := p.keyString(k) + /// The current key is the last part. + p.currentKey = key[len(key)-1] - // retrieve value - p.currentKey = kname - val, typ := p.value(p.next()) - // make sure we keep metadata up to date - p.setType(kname, typ) - p.ordered = append(p.ordered, p.context.add(p.currentKey)) - hash[kname] = val + /// All the other parts (if any) are the context; need to set each part + /// as implicit. + context := key[:len(key)-1] + for i := range context { + p.addImplicitContext(append(p.context, context[i:i+1]...)) } - p.context = outerContext - p.currentKey = outerKey - return hash, tomlHash + + /// Set the value. + val, typ := p.value(p.next(), false) + p.set(p.currentKey, val, typ) + p.ordered = append(p.ordered, p.context.add(p.currentKey)) + hash[p.currentKey] = val + + /// Restore context. + p.context = prevContext } - p.bug("Unexpected value type: %s", it.typ) - panic("unreachable") + p.context = outerContext + p.currentKey = outerKey + return hash, tomlHash +} + +// numHasLeadingZero checks if this number has leading zeroes, allowing for '0', +// +/- signs, and base prefixes. +func numHasLeadingZero(s string) bool { + if len(s) > 1 && s[0] == '0' && isDigit(rune(s[1])) { // >1 to allow "0" and isDigit to allow 0x + return true + } + if len(s) > 2 && (s[0] == '-' || s[0] == '+') && s[1] == '0' { + return true + } + return false } // numUnderscoresOK checks whether each underscore in s is surrounded by // characters that are not underscores. func numUnderscoresOK(s string) bool { + switch s { + case "nan", "+nan", "-nan", "inf", "-inf", "+inf": + return true + } accept := false for _, r := range s { if r == '_' { if !accept { return false } - accept = false - continue } - accept = true + + // isHexadecimal is a superset of all the permissable characters + // surrounding an underscore. + accept = isHexadecimal(r) } return accept } @@ -338,13 +451,12 @@ func numPeriodsOK(s string) bool { return !period } -// establishContext sets the current context of the parser, -// where the context is either a hash or an array of hashes. Which one is -// set depends on the value of the `array` parameter. +// Set the current context of the parser, where the context is either a hash or +// an array of hashes, depending on the value of the `array` parameter. // // Establishing the context also makes sure that the key isn't a duplicate, and // will create implicit hashes automatically. -func (p *parser) establishContext(key Key, array bool) { +func (p *parser) addContext(key Key, array bool) { var ok bool // Always start at the top level and drill down for our context. @@ -383,7 +495,7 @@ func (p *parser) establishContext(key Key, array bool) { // list of tables for it. k := key[len(key)-1] if _, ok := hashContext[k]; !ok { - hashContext[k] = make([]map[string]interface{}, 0, 5) + hashContext[k] = make([]map[string]interface{}, 0, 4) } // Add a new table. But make sure the key hasn't already been used @@ -391,8 +503,7 @@ func (p *parser) establishContext(key Key, array bool) { if hash, ok := hashContext[k].([]map[string]interface{}); ok { hashContext[k] = append(hash, make(map[string]interface{})) } else { - p.panicf("Key '%s' was already created and cannot be used as "+ - "an array.", keyContext) + p.panicf("Key '%s' was already created and cannot be used as an array.", keyContext) } } else { p.setValue(key[len(key)-1], make(map[string]interface{})) @@ -400,15 +511,22 @@ func (p *parser) establishContext(key Key, array bool) { p.context = append(p.context, key[len(key)-1]) } +// set calls setValue and setType. +func (p *parser) set(key string, val interface{}, typ tomlType) { + p.setValue(p.currentKey, val) + p.setType(p.currentKey, typ) +} + // setValue sets the given key to the given value in the current context. // It will make sure that the key hasn't already been defined, account for // implicit key groups. func (p *parser) setValue(key string, value interface{}) { - var tmpHash interface{} - var ok bool - - hash := p.mapping - keyContext := make(Key, 0) + var ( + tmpHash interface{} + ok bool + hash = p.mapping + keyContext Key + ) for _, k := range p.context { keyContext = append(keyContext, k) if tmpHash, ok = hash[k]; !ok { @@ -422,24 +540,26 @@ func (p *parser) setValue(key string, value interface{}) { case map[string]interface{}: hash = t default: - p.bug("Expected hash to have type 'map[string]interface{}', but "+ - "it has '%T' instead.", tmpHash) + p.panicf("Key '%s' has already been defined.", keyContext) } } keyContext = append(keyContext, key) if _, ok := hash[key]; ok { - // Typically, if the given key has already been set, then we have - // to raise an error since duplicate keys are disallowed. However, - // it's possible that a key was previously defined implicitly. In this - // case, it is allowed to be redefined concretely. (See the - // `tests/valid/implicit-and-explicit-after.toml` test in `toml-test`.) + // Normally redefining keys isn't allowed, but the key could have been + // defined implicitly and it's allowed to be redefined concretely. (See + // the `valid/implicit-and-explicit-after.toml` in toml-test) // // But we have to make sure to stop marking it as an implicit. (So that // another redefinition provokes an error.) // // Note that since it has already been defined (as a hash), we don't // want to overwrite it. So our business is done. + if p.isArray(keyContext) { + p.removeImplicit(keyContext) + hash[key] = value + return + } if p.isImplicit(keyContext) { p.removeImplicit(keyContext) return @@ -449,6 +569,7 @@ func (p *parser) setValue(key string, value interface{}) { // key, which is *always* wrong. p.panicf("Key '%s' has already been defined.", keyContext) } + hash[key] = value } @@ -468,21 +589,15 @@ func (p *parser) setType(key string, typ tomlType) { p.types[keyContext.String()] = typ } -// addImplicit sets the given Key as having been created implicitly. -func (p *parser) addImplicit(key Key) { - p.implicits[key.String()] = true -} - -// removeImplicit stops tagging the given key as having been implicitly -// created. -func (p *parser) removeImplicit(key Key) { - p.implicits[key.String()] = false -} - -// isImplicit returns true if the key group pointed to by the key was created -// implicitly. -func (p *parser) isImplicit(key Key) bool { - return p.implicits[key.String()] +// Implicit keys need to be created when tables are implied in "a.b.c.d = 1" and +// "[a.b.c]" (the "a", "b", and "c" hashes are never created explicitly). +func (p *parser) addImplicit(key Key) { p.implicits[key.String()] = true } +func (p *parser) removeImplicit(key Key) { p.implicits[key.String()] = false } +func (p *parser) isImplicit(key Key) bool { return p.implicits[key.String()] } +func (p *parser) isArray(key Key) bool { return p.types[key.String()] == tomlArray } +func (p *parser) addImplicitContext(key Key) { + p.addImplicit(key) + p.addContext(key, false) } // current returns the full key name of the current context. @@ -497,20 +612,54 @@ func (p *parser) current() string { } func stripFirstNewline(s string) string { - if len(s) == 0 || s[0] != '\n' { - return s + if len(s) > 0 && s[0] == '\n' { + return s[1:] + } + if len(s) > 1 && s[0] == '\r' && s[1] == '\n' { + return s[2:] } - return s[1:] + return s } -func stripEscapedWhitespace(s string) string { - esc := strings.Split(s, "\\\n") - if len(esc) > 1 { - for i := 1; i < len(esc); i++ { - esc[i] = strings.TrimLeftFunc(esc[i], unicode.IsSpace) +// Remove newlines inside triple-quoted strings if a line ends with "\". +func stripEscapedNewlines(s string) string { + split := strings.Split(s, "\n") + if len(split) < 1 { + return s + } + + escNL := false // Keep track of the last non-blank line was escaped. + for i, line := range split { + line = strings.TrimRight(line, " \t\r") + + if len(line) == 0 || line[len(line)-1] != '\\' { + split[i] = strings.TrimRight(split[i], "\r") + if !escNL && i != len(split)-1 { + split[i] += "\n" + } + continue + } + + escBS := true + for j := len(line) - 1; j >= 0 && line[j] == '\\'; j-- { + escBS = !escBS + } + if escNL { + line = strings.TrimLeft(line, " \t\r") + } + escNL = !escBS + + if escBS { + split[i] += "\n" + continue + } + + split[i] = line[:len(line)-1] // Remove \ + if len(split)-1 > i { + split[i+1] = strings.TrimLeft(split[i+1], " \t\r") } } - return strings.Join(esc, "") + return strings.Join(split, "") } func (p *parser) replaceEscapes(str string) string { @@ -533,6 +682,9 @@ func (p *parser) replaceEscapes(str string) string { default: p.bug("Expected valid escape code after \\, but got %q.", s[r]) return "" + case ' ', '\t': + p.panicf("invalid escape: '\\%c'", s[r]) + return "" case 'b': replaced = append(replaced, rune(0x0008)) r += 1 @@ -585,8 +737,3 @@ func (p *parser) asciiEscapeToUnicode(bs []byte) rune { } return rune(hex) } - -func isStringType(ty itemType) bool { - return ty == itemString || ty == itemMultilineString || - ty == itemRawString || ty == itemRawMultilineString -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/session.vim b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/session.vim deleted file mode 100644 index 562164b..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/session.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -au BufWritePost *.go silent!make tags > /dev/null 2>&1 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/type_check.go b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/type_check.go index c73f8af..d56aa80 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/type_check.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/BurntSushi/toml/type_check.go @@ -68,24 +68,3 @@ func (p *parser) typeOfPrimitive(lexItem item) tomlType { p.bug("Cannot infer primitive type of lex item '%s'.", lexItem) panic("unreachable") } - -// typeOfArray returns a tomlType for an array given a list of types of its -// values. -// -// In the current spec, if an array is homogeneous, then its type is always -// "Array". If the array is not homogeneous, an error is generated. -func (p *parser) typeOfArray(types []tomlType) tomlType { - // Empty arrays are cool. - if len(types) == 0 { - return tomlArray - } - - theType := types[0] - for _, t := range types[1:] { - if !typeEqual(theType, t) { - p.panicf("Array contains values of type '%s' and '%s', but "+ - "arrays must be homogeneous.", theType, t) - } - } - return tomlArray -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/anaskhan96/soup/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/anaskhan96/soup/CHANGELOG.md deleted file mode 100644 index d9385ae..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/anaskhan96/soup/CHANGELOG.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -## v1.1 - -### Added - -- Cookies can be added to the HTTP request, either via the `Cookies` map or the `Cookie()` function -- Function `GetWithClient()` provides the ability to send the request with a custom HTTP client -- Function `FindStrict()` finds the first instance of the mentioned tag with the exact matching values of the provided attribute (previously `Find()`) -- Function `FindAllStrict()` finds all the instances of the mentioned tag with the exact matching values of the attributes (previously `FindAll()`) - -## Changed - -- Function `Find()` now finds the first instance of the mentioned tag with any matching values of the provided attribute. -- Function `FindAll()` now finds all the instances of the mentioned tag with any matching values of the provided attribute. - ---- \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/anaskhan96/soup/README.md b/vendor/github.com/anaskhan96/soup/README.md index 882e679..53b540b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/anaskhan96/soup/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/anaskhan96/soup/README.md @@ -7,31 +7,23 @@ *soup* is a small web scraper package for Go, with its interface highly similar to that of BeautifulSoup. -Exported variables and functions implemented till now : +Functions implemented till now : ```go -var Headers map[string]string // Set headers as a map of key-value pairs, an alternative to calling Header() individually -var Cookies map[string]string // Set cookies as a map of key-value pairs, an alternative to calling Cookie() individually -func Get(string) (string,error){} // Takes the url as an argument, returns HTML string -func GetWithClient(string, *http.Client){} // Takes the url and a custom HTTP client as arguments, returns HTML string -func Header(string, string){} // Takes key,value pair to set as headers for the HTTP request made in Get() -func Cookie(string, string){} // Takes key, value pair to set as cookies to be sent with the HTTP request in Get() -func HTMLParse(string) Root {} // Takes the HTML string as an argument, returns a pointer to the DOM constructed -func Find([]string) Root {} // Element tag,(attribute key-value pair) as argument, pointer to first occurence returned -func FindAll([]string) []Root {} // Same as Find(), but pointers to all occurrences returned -func FindStrict([]string) Root {} // Element tag,(attribute key-value pair) as argument, pointer to first occurence returned with exact matching values -func FindAllStrict([]string) []Root {} // Same as FindStrict(), but pointers to all occurrences returned -func FindNextSibling() Root {} // Pointer to the next sibling of the Element in the DOM returned -func FindNextElementSibling() Root {} // Pointer to the next element sibling of the Element in the DOM returned -func FindPrevSibling() Root {} // Pointer to the previous sibling of the Element in the DOM returned -func FindPrevElementSibling() Root {} // Pointer to the previous element sibling of the Element in the DOM returned -func Children() []Root {} // Find all direct children of this DOM element -func Attrs() map[string]string {} // Map returned with all the attributes of the Element as lookup to their respective values -func Text() string {} // Full text inside a non-nested tag returned, first half returned in a non-nested one -func FullText() string {} // Full text inside a nested/non-nested tag returned -func SetDebug(bool) {} // Sets the debug mode to true or false; false by default +func Get(string) (string,error) // Takes the url as an argument, returns HTML string +func Header(string, string) // Takes key,value pair to set as headers for the HTTP request made in Get(), refer to PR #11 for more usage +func HTMLParse(string) struct{} // Takes the HTML string as an argument, returns a pointer to the DOM constructed +func Find([]string) struct{} // Element tag,(attribute key-value pair) as argument, pointer to first occurence returned +func FindAll([]string) []struct{} // Same as Find(), but pointers to all occurrences returned +func FindNextSibling() struct{} // Pointer to the next sibling of the Element in the DOM returned +func FindNextElementSibling() struct{} // Pointer to the next element sibling of the Element in the DOM returned +func FindPrevSibling() struct{} // Pointer to the previous sibling of the Element in the DOM returned +func FindPrevElementSibling() struct{} // Pointer to the previous element sibling of the Element in the DOM returned +func Attrs() map[string]string // Map returned with all the attributes of the Element as lookup to their respective values +func Text() string // Full text inside a non-nested tag returned +func SetDebug(bool) // Sets the debug mode to true or false; false by default ``` -`Root` is a struct, containing three fields : +The struct returned by the functions has three fields : * `Pointer` containing the pointer to the current html node * `NodeValue` containing the current html node's value, i.e. the tag name for an ElementNode, or the text in case of a TextNode * `Error` containing an error if one occurrs, else `nil` is returned. @@ -69,4 +61,4 @@ func main() { ``` ## Contributions -This package was developed in my free time. However, contributions from everybody in the community are welcome, to make it a better web scraper. If you think there should be a particular feature or function included in the package, feel free to open up a new issue or pull request. +This package was developed in my free time. However, contributions from everybody in the community are welcome, to make it a better web scraper. If you feel there should be a particular new feature or function in the package, feel free to open up a new issue or pull request. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/anaskhan96/soup/soup.go b/vendor/github.com/anaskhan96/soup/soup.go index 7f0c4fc..f30cb33 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/anaskhan96/soup/soup.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/anaskhan96/soup/soup.go @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ keeping it as similar as possible to BeautifulSoup package soup import ( - "bytes" "errors" "io/ioutil" + "log" "net/http" "regexp" "strings" @@ -27,9 +27,6 @@ var debug = false // Headers contains all HTTP headers to send var Headers = make(map[string]string) -// Cookies contains all HTTP cookies to send -var Cookies = make(map[string]string) - // SetDebug sets the debug status // Setting this to true causes the panics to be thrown and logged onto the console. // Setting this to false causes the errors to be saved in the Error field in the returned struct. @@ -42,37 +39,29 @@ func Header(n string, v string) { Headers[n] = v } -func Cookie(n string, v string) { - Cookies[n] = v -} - -// GetWithClient returns the HTML returned by the url using a provided HTTP client -func GetWithClient(url string, client *http.Client) (string, error) { +// Get returns the HTML returned by the url in string +func Get(url string) (string, error) { + defer catchPanic("Get()") + // Init a new HTTP client + client := &http.Client{} req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil) if err != nil { if debug { panic("Couldn't perform GET request to " + url) } - return "", errors.New("couldn't perform GET request to " + url) + return "", errors.New("Couldn't perform GET request to " + url) } // Set headers for hName, hValue := range Headers { req.Header.Set(hName, hValue) } - // Set cookies - for cName, cValue := range Cookies { - req.AddCookie(&http.Cookie{ - Name: cName, - Value: cValue, - }) - } // Perform request resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { if debug { panic("Couldn't perform GET request to " + url) } - return "", errors.New("couldn't perform GET request to " + url) + return "", errors.New("Couldn't perform GET request to " + url) } defer resp.Body.Close() bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) @@ -80,26 +69,20 @@ func GetWithClient(url string, client *http.Client) (string, error) { if debug { panic("Unable to read the response body") } - return "", errors.New("unable to read the response body") + return "", errors.New("Unable to read the response body") } return string(bytes), nil } -// Get returns the HTML returned by the url in string using the default HTTP client -func Get(url string) (string, error) { - // Init a new HTTP client - client := &http.Client{} - return GetWithClient(url, client) -} - // HTMLParse parses the HTML returning a start pointer to the DOM func HTMLParse(s string) Root { + defer catchPanic("HTMLParse()") r, err := html.Parse(strings.NewReader(s)) if err != nil { if debug { panic("Unable to parse the HTML") } - return Root{nil, "", errors.New("unable to parse the HTML")} + return Root{nil, "", errors.New("Unable to parse the HTML")} } for r.Type != html.ElementNode { switch r.Type { @@ -118,12 +101,13 @@ func HTMLParse(s string) Root { // with or without attribute key and value specified, // and returns a struct with a pointer to it func (r Root) Find(args ...string) Root { - temp, ok := findOnce(r.Pointer, args, false, false) + defer catchPanic("Find()") + temp, ok := findOnce(r.Pointer, args, false) if ok == false { if debug { panic("Element `" + args[0] + "` with attributes `" + strings.Join(args[1:], " ") + "` not found") } - return Root{nil, "", errors.New("element `" + args[0] + "` with attributes `" + strings.Join(args[1:], " ") + "` not found")} + return Root{nil, "", errors.New("Element `" + args[0] + "` with attributes `" + strings.Join(args[1:], " ") + "` not found")} } return Root{temp, temp.Data, nil} } @@ -133,44 +117,15 @@ func (r Root) Find(args ...string) Root { // and returns an array of structs, each having // the respective pointers func (r Root) FindAll(args ...string) []Root { - temp := findAllofem(r.Pointer, args, false) - if len(temp) == 0 { - if debug { - panic("Element `" + args[0] + "` with attributes `" + strings.Join(args[1:], " ") + "` not found") - } - return []Root{} - } - pointers := make([]Root, 0, len(temp)) - for i := 0; i < len(temp); i++ { - pointers = append(pointers, Root{temp[i], temp[i].Data, nil}) - } - return pointers -} - -// FindStrict finds the first occurrence of the given tag name -// only if all the values of the provided attribute are an exact match -func (r Root) FindStrict(args ...string) Root { - temp, ok := findOnce(r.Pointer, args, false, true) - if ok == false { - if debug { - panic("Element `" + args[0] + "` with attributes `" + strings.Join(args[1:], " ") + "` not found") - } - return Root{nil, "", errors.New("element `" + args[0] + "` with attributes `" + strings.Join(args[1:], " ") + "` not found")} - } - return Root{temp, temp.Data, nil} -} - -// FindAllStrict finds all occurrences of the given tag name -// only if all the values of the provided attribute are an exact match -func (r Root) FindAllStrict(args ...string) []Root { - temp := findAllofem(r.Pointer, args, true) + defer catchPanic("FindAll()") + temp := findAllofem(r.Pointer, args) if len(temp) == 0 { if debug { panic("Element `" + args[0] + "` with attributes `" + strings.Join(args[1:], " ") + "` not found") } return []Root{} } - pointers := make([]Root, 0, len(temp)) + pointers := make([]Root, 0, 10) for i := 0; i < len(temp); i++ { pointers = append(pointers, Root{temp[i], temp[i].Data, nil}) } @@ -180,12 +135,13 @@ func (r Root) FindAllStrict(args ...string) []Root { // FindNextSibling finds the next sibling of the pointer in the DOM // returning a struct with a pointer to it func (r Root) FindNextSibling() Root { + defer catchPanic("FindNextSibling()") nextSibling := r.Pointer.NextSibling if nextSibling == nil { if debug { panic("No next sibling found") } - return Root{nil, "", errors.New("no next sibling found")} + return Root{nil, "", errors.New("No next sibling found")} } return Root{nextSibling, nextSibling.Data, nil} } @@ -193,12 +149,13 @@ func (r Root) FindNextSibling() Root { // FindPrevSibling finds the previous sibling of the pointer in the DOM // returning a struct with a pointer to it func (r Root) FindPrevSibling() Root { + defer catchPanic("FindPrevSibling()") prevSibling := r.Pointer.PrevSibling if prevSibling == nil { if debug { panic("No previous sibling found") } - return Root{nil, "", errors.New("no previous sibling found")} + return Root{nil, "", errors.New("No previous sibling found")} } return Root{prevSibling, prevSibling.Data, nil} } @@ -206,12 +163,13 @@ func (r Root) FindPrevSibling() Root { // FindNextElementSibling finds the next element sibling of the pointer in the DOM // returning a struct with a pointer to it func (r Root) FindNextElementSibling() Root { + defer catchPanic("FindNextElementSibling()") nextSibling := r.Pointer.NextSibling if nextSibling == nil { if debug { panic("No next element sibling found") } - return Root{nil, "", errors.New("no next element sibling found")} + return Root{nil, "", errors.New("No next element sibling found")} } if nextSibling.Type == html.ElementNode { return Root{nextSibling, nextSibling.Data, nil} @@ -223,12 +181,13 @@ func (r Root) FindNextElementSibling() Root { // FindPrevElementSibling finds the previous element sibling of the pointer in the DOM // returning a struct with a pointer to it func (r Root) FindPrevElementSibling() Root { + defer catchPanic("FindPrevElementSibling()") prevSibling := r.Pointer.PrevSibling if prevSibling == nil { if debug { panic("No previous element sibling found") } - return Root{nil, "", errors.New("no previous element sibling found")} + return Root{nil, "", errors.New("No previous element sibling found")} } if prevSibling.Type == html.ElementNode { return Root{prevSibling, prevSibling.Data, nil} @@ -237,19 +196,9 @@ func (r Root) FindPrevElementSibling() Root { return p.FindPrevElementSibling() } -// Children retuns all direct children of this DOME element. -func (r Root) Children() []Root { - child := r.Pointer.FirstChild - var children []Root - for child != nil { - children = append(children, Root{child, child.Data, nil}) - child = child.NextSibling - } - return children -} - // Attrs returns a map containing all attributes func (r Root) Attrs() map[string]string { + defer catchPanic("Attrs()") if r.Pointer.Type != html.ElementNode { if debug { panic("Not an ElementNode") @@ -264,9 +213,10 @@ func (r Root) Attrs() map[string]string { // Text returns the string inside a non-nested element func (r Root) Text() string { + defer catchPanic("Text()") k := r.Pointer.FirstChild checkNode: - if k != nil && k.Type != html.TextNode { + if k.Type != html.TextNode { k = k.NextSibling if k == nil { if debug { @@ -293,39 +243,13 @@ checkNode: return "" } -// FullText returns the string inside even a nested element -func (r Root) FullText() string { - var buf bytes.Buffer - - var f func(*html.Node) - f = func(n *html.Node) { - if n.Type == html.TextNode { - buf.WriteString(n.Data) - } - if n.Type == html.ElementNode { - f(n.FirstChild) - } - if n.NextSibling != nil { - f(n.NextSibling) - } - } - - f(r.Pointer.FirstChild) - - return buf.String() -} - // Using depth first search to find the first occurrence and return -func findOnce(n *html.Node, args []string, uni bool, strict bool) (*html.Node, bool) { +func findOnce(n *html.Node, args []string, uni bool) (*html.Node, bool) { if uni == true { if n.Type == html.ElementNode && n.Data == args[0] { if len(args) > 1 && len(args) < 4 { for i := 0; i < len(n.Attr); i++ { - attr := n.Attr[i] - searchAttrName := args[1] - searchAttrVal := args[2] - if (strict && attributeAndValueEquals(attr, searchAttrName, searchAttrVal)) || - (!strict && attributeContainsValue(attr, searchAttrName, searchAttrVal)) { + if n.Attr[i].Key == args[1] && n.Attr[i].Val == args[2] { return n, true } } @@ -336,7 +260,7 @@ func findOnce(n *html.Node, args []string, uni bool, strict bool) (*html.Node, b } uni = true for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling { - p, q := findOnce(c, args, true, strict) + p, q := findOnce(c, args, true) if q != false { return p, q } @@ -345,7 +269,7 @@ func findOnce(n *html.Node, args []string, uni bool, strict bool) (*html.Node, b } // Using depth first search to find all occurrences and return -func findAllofem(n *html.Node, args []string, strict bool) []*html.Node { +func findAllofem(n *html.Node, args []string) []*html.Node { var nodeLinks = make([]*html.Node, 0, 10) var f func(*html.Node, []string, bool) f = func(n *html.Node, args []string, uni bool) { @@ -353,11 +277,7 @@ func findAllofem(n *html.Node, args []string, strict bool) []*html.Node { if n.Data == args[0] { if len(args) > 1 && len(args) < 4 { for i := 0; i < len(n.Attr); i++ { - attr := n.Attr[i] - searchAttrName := args[1] - searchAttrVal := args[2] - if (strict && attributeAndValueEquals(attr, searchAttrName, searchAttrVal)) || - (!strict && attributeContainsValue(attr, searchAttrName, searchAttrVal)) { + if n.Attr[i].Key == args[1] && n.Attr[i].Val == args[2] { nodeLinks = append(nodeLinks, n) } } @@ -375,25 +295,6 @@ func findAllofem(n *html.Node, args []string, strict bool) []*html.Node { return nodeLinks } -// attributeAndValueEquals reports when the html.Attribute attr has the same attribute name and value as from -// provided arguments -func attributeAndValueEquals(attr html.Attribute, attribute, value string) bool { - return attr.Key == attribute && attr.Val == value -} - -// attributeContainsValue reports when the html.Attribute attr has the same attribute name as from provided -// attribute argument and compares if it has the same value in its values parameter -func attributeContainsValue(attr html.Attribute, attribute, value string) bool { - if attr.Key == attribute { - for _, attrVal := range strings.Fields(attr.Val) { - if attrVal == value { - return true - } - } - } - return false -} - // Returns a key pair value (like a dictionary) for each attribute func getKeyValue(attributes []html.Attribute) map[string]string { var keyvalues = make(map[string]string) @@ -405,3 +306,10 @@ func getKeyValue(attributes []html.Attribute) map[string]string { } return keyvalues } + +// Catch panics when they occur +func catchPanic(fnName string) { + if r := recover(); r != nil { + log.Println("Error occurred in", fnName, ":", r) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/anmitsu/go-shlex/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/anmitsu/go-shlex/go.mod deleted file mode 100644 index 67c3f0d..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/anmitsu/go-shlex/go.mod +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -module github.com/anmitsu/go-shlex - -go 1.13 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antonmedv/expr/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/antonmedv/expr/go.mod deleted file mode 100644 index 5548360..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/antonmedv/expr/go.mod +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -module github.com/antonmedv/expr - -go 1.13 - -require ( - github.com/gdamore/tcell v1.3.0 - github.com/rivo/tview v0.0.0-20200219210816-cd38d7432498 - github.com/sanity-io/litter v1.2.0 - github.com/stretchr/testify v1.5.1 -) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/antonmedv/expr/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/antonmedv/expr/go.sum deleted file mode 100644 index af0ea8e..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/antonmedv/expr/go.sum +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -github.com/DATA-DOG/go-sqlmock v1.3.3/go.mod h1:f/Ixk793poVmq4qj/V1dPUg2JEAKC73Q5eFN3EC/SaM= -github.com/davecgh/go-spew v0.0.0-20161028175848-04cdfd42973b/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= -github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.0 h1:ZDRjVQ15GmhC3fiQ8ni8+OwkZQO4DARzQgrnXU1Liz8= -github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.0/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= -github.com/gdamore/encoding v1.0.0 h1:+7OoQ1Bc6eTm5niUzBa0Ctsh6JbMW6Ra+YNuAtDBdko= 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h1:4DBwDE0NGyQoBHbLQYPwSUPoCMWR5BEzIk/f1lZbAQM= -github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4= -github.com/rivo/tview v0.0.0-20200219210816-cd38d7432498 h1:4CFNy7/q7P06AsIONZzuWy7jcdqEmYQvOZ9FAFZdbls= -github.com/rivo/tview v0.0.0-20200219210816-cd38d7432498/go.mod h1:6lkG1x+13OShEf0EaOCaTQYyB7d5nSbb181KtjlS+84= -github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.1.0 h1:+2KBaVoUmb9XzDsrx/Ct0W/EYOSFf/nWTauy++DprtY= -github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.1.0/go.mod h1:J6wj4VEh+S6ZtnVlnTBMWIodfgj8LQOQFoIToxlJtxc= -github.com/sanity-io/litter v1.2.0 h1:DGJO0bxH/+C2EukzOSBmAlxmkhVMGqzvcx/rvySYw9M= -github.com/sanity-io/litter v1.2.0/go.mod h1:JF6pZUFgu2Q0sBZ+HSV35P8TVPI1TTzEwyu9FXAw2W4= -github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.0/go.mod h1:HFkY916IF+rwdDfMAkV7OtwuqBVzrE8GR6GFx+wExME= -github.com/stretchr/testify v0.0.0-20161117074351-18a02ba4a312/go.mod h1:a8OnRcib4nhh0OaRAV+Yts87kKdq0PP7pXfy6kDkUVs= -github.com/stretchr/testify v1.5.1 h1:nOGnQDM7FYENwehXlg/kFVnos3rEvtKTjRvOWSzb6H4= 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h1:ZCJp+EgiOT7lHqUV2J862kp8Qj64Jo6az82+3Td9dZw= -gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/Dockerfile.golang b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/Dockerfile.golang new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ee82a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/Dockerfile.golang @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +ARG GOVERSION=1.14 +FROM golang:${GOVERSION} + +# Set base env. +ARG GOOS=linux +ARG GOARCH=amd64 +ENV GOOS=${GOOS} GOARCH=${GOARCH} CGO_ENABLED=0 GOFLAGS='-v -ldflags=-s -ldflags=-w' + +# Pre compile the stdlib for 386/arm (32bits). +RUN go build -a std + +# Add the code to the image. +WORKDIR pty +ADD . . + +# Build the lib. +RUN go build diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/Dockerfile.riscv b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/Dockerfile.riscv index adfdf82..7a30c94 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/Dockerfile.riscv +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/Dockerfile.riscv @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# NOTE: Using 1.13 as a base to build the RISCV compiler, the resulting version is based on go1.6. FROM golang:1.13 # Clone and complie a riscv compatible version of the go compiler. @@ -8,7 +9,15 @@ ENV PATH=/riscv-go/misc/riscv:/riscv-go/bin:$PATH RUN cd /riscv-go/src && GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=$(go env GOROOT) ./make.bash ENV GOROOT=/riscv-go -# Make sure we compile. +# Set the base env. +ENV GOOS=linux GOARCH=riscv CGO_ENABLED=0 GOFLAGS='-v -ldflags=-s -ldflags=-w' + +# Pre compile the stdlib. +RUN go build -a std + +# Add the code to the image. WORKDIR pty ADD . . -RUN GOOS=linux GOARCH=riscv go build + +# Build the lib. +RUN go build diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/README.md b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/README.md index 5275014..a4fe767 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/README.md @@ -4,9 +4,13 @@ Pty is a Go package for using unix pseudo-terminals. ## Install - go get github.com/creack/pty +```sh +go get github.com/creack/pty +``` + +## Examples -## Example +Note that those examples are for demonstration purpose only, to showcase how to use the library. They are not meant to be used in any kind of production environment. ### Command @@ -14,10 +18,11 @@ Pty is a Go package for using unix pseudo-terminals. package main import ( - "github.com/creack/pty" "io" "os" "os/exec" + + "github.com/creack/pty" ) func main() { @@ -51,7 +56,7 @@ import ( "syscall" "github.com/creack/pty" - "golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal" + "golang.org/x/term" ) func test() error { @@ -77,15 +82,17 @@ func test() error { } }() ch <- syscall.SIGWINCH // Initial resize. + defer func() { signal.Stop(ch); close(ch) }() // Cleanup signals when done. // Set stdin in raw mode. - oldState, err := terminal.MakeRaw(int(os.Stdin.Fd())) + oldState, err := term.MakeRaw(int(os.Stdin.Fd())) if err != nil { panic(err) } - defer func() { _ = terminal.Restore(int(os.Stdin.Fd()), oldState) }() // Best effort. + defer func() { _ = term.Restore(int(os.Stdin.Fd()), oldState) }() // Best effort. // Copy stdin to the pty and the pty to stdout. + // NOTE: The goroutine will keep reading until the next keystroke before returning. go func() { _, _ = io.Copy(ptmx, os.Stdin) }() _, _ = io.Copy(os.Stdout, ptmx) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/asm_solaris_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/asm_solaris_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fbef8e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/asm_solaris_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build gc +//+build gc + +#include "textflag.h" + +// +// System calls for amd64, Solaris are implemented in runtime/syscall_solaris.go +// + +TEXT ·sysvicall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-88 + JMP syscall·sysvicall6(SB) + +TEXT ·rawSysvicall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-88 + JMP syscall·rawSysvicall6(SB) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/doc.go index 190cfbe..3c8b324 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/doc.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/doc.go @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import ( // available on the current platform. var ErrUnsupported = errors.New("unsupported") -// Opens a pty and its corresponding tty. +// Open a pty and its corresponding tty. func Open() (pty, tty *os.File, err error) { return open() } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/go.mod deleted file mode 100644 index e48deca..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/go.mod +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -module github.com/creack/pty - -go 1.13 - diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ioctl.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ioctl.go index c85cdcd..0676437 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ioctl.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ioctl.go @@ -1,9 +1,15 @@ -// +build !windows,!solaris +//go:build !windows && !solaris +//+build !windows,!solaris package pty import "syscall" +const ( + TIOCGWINSZ = syscall.TIOCGWINSZ + TIOCSWINSZ = syscall.TIOCSWINSZ +) + func ioctl(fd, cmd, ptr uintptr) error { _, _, e := syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_IOCTL, fd, cmd, ptr) if e != 0 { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ioctl_bsd.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ioctl_bsd.go index 73b12c5..ab53e2d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ioctl_bsd.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ioctl_bsd.go @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd netbsd openbsd +//go:build (darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || netbsd || openbsd) +//+build darwin dragonfly freebsd netbsd openbsd package pty diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ioctl_solaris.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ioctl_solaris.go index f63985f..8b6cc0e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ioctl_solaris.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ioctl_solaris.go @@ -1,30 +1,48 @@ +//go:build solaris +//+build solaris + package pty import ( - "golang.org/x/sys/unix" + "syscall" "unsafe" ) +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_ioctl ioctl "libc.so" +//go:linkname procioctl libc_ioctl +var procioctl uintptr + const ( // see /usr/include/sys/stropts.h - I_PUSH = uintptr((int32('S')<<8 | 002)) - I_STR = uintptr((int32('S')<<8 | 010)) - I_FIND = uintptr((int32('S')<<8 | 013)) + I_PUSH = uintptr((int32('S')<<8 | 002)) + I_STR = uintptr((int32('S')<<8 | 010)) + I_FIND = uintptr((int32('S')<<8 | 013)) + // see /usr/include/sys/ptms.h ISPTM = (int32('P') << 8) | 1 UNLKPT = (int32('P') << 8) | 2 PTSSTTY = (int32('P') << 8) | 3 ZONEPT = (int32('P') << 8) | 4 OWNERPT = (int32('P') << 8) | 5 + + // see /usr/include/sys/termios.h + TIOCSWINSZ = (uint32('T') << 8) | 103 + TIOCGWINSZ = (uint32('T') << 8) | 104 ) type strioctl struct { - ic_cmd int32 - ic_timout int32 - ic_len int32 - ic_dp unsafe.Pointer + icCmd int32 + icTimeout int32 + icLen int32 + icDP unsafe.Pointer } +// Defined in asm_solaris_amd64.s. +func sysvicall6(trap, nargs, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err syscall.Errno) + func ioctl(fd, cmd, ptr uintptr) error { - return unix.IoctlSetInt(int(fd), uint(cmd), int(ptr)) + if _, _, errno := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procioctl)), 3, fd, cmd, ptr, 0, 0, 0); errno != 0 { + return errno + } + return nil } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/mktypes.bash b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/mktypes.bash index 82ee167..7f71bda 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/mktypes.bash +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/mktypes.bash @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ GODEFS="go tool cgo -godefs" $GODEFS types.go |gofmt > ztypes_$GOARCH.go case $GOOS in -freebsd|dragonfly|openbsd) +freebsd|dragonfly|netbsd|openbsd) $GODEFS types_$GOOS.go |gofmt > ztypes_$GOOSARCH.go ;; esac diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_darwin.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_darwin.go index 6344b6b..cca0971 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_darwin.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_darwin.go @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +//go:build darwin +//+build darwin + package pty import ( @@ -33,7 +36,7 @@ func open() (pty, tty *os.File, err error) { return nil, nil, err } - t, err := os.OpenFile(sname, os.O_RDWR, 0) + t, err := os.OpenFile(sname, os.O_RDWR|syscall.O_NOCTTY, 0) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_dragonfly.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_dragonfly.go index b7d1f20..7a1fec3 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_dragonfly.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_dragonfly.go @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +//go:build dragonfly +//+build dragonfly + package pty import ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_freebsd.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_freebsd.go index 63b6d91..a4cfd92 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_freebsd.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_freebsd.go @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +//go:build freebsd +//+build freebsd + package pty import ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_linux.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_linux.go index 4a833de..22ccbe1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_linux.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_linux.go @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +//go:build linux +//+build linux + package pty import ( @@ -28,7 +31,7 @@ func open() (pty, tty *os.File, err error) { return nil, nil, err } - t, err := os.OpenFile(sname, os.O_RDWR|syscall.O_NOCTTY, 0) + t, err := os.OpenFile(sname, os.O_RDWR|syscall.O_NOCTTY, 0) //nolint:gosec // Expected Open from a variable. if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } @@ -37,7 +40,7 @@ func open() (pty, tty *os.File, err error) { func ptsname(f *os.File) (string, error) { var n _C_uint - err := ioctl(f.Fd(), syscall.TIOCGPTN, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&n))) + err := ioctl(f.Fd(), syscall.TIOCGPTN, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&n))) //nolint:gosec // Expected unsafe pointer for Syscall call. if err != nil { return "", err } @@ -47,5 +50,5 @@ func ptsname(f *os.File) (string, error) { func unlockpt(f *os.File) error { var u _C_int // use TIOCSPTLCK with a pointer to zero to clear the lock - return ioctl(f.Fd(), syscall.TIOCSPTLCK, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&u))) + return ioctl(f.Fd(), syscall.TIOCSPTLCK, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&u))) //nolint:gosec // Expected unsafe pointer for Syscall call. } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_netbsd.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_netbsd.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98c089c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_netbsd.go @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +//go:build netbsd +//+build netbsd + +package pty + +import ( + "errors" + "os" + "syscall" + "unsafe" +) + +func open() (pty, tty *os.File, err error) { + p, err := os.OpenFile("/dev/ptmx", os.O_RDWR, 0) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + // In case of error after this point, make sure we close the ptmx fd. + defer func() { + if err != nil { + _ = p.Close() // Best effort. + } + }() + + sname, err := ptsname(p) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + + if err := grantpt(p); err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + + // In NetBSD unlockpt() does nothing, so it isn't called here. + + t, err := os.OpenFile(sname, os.O_RDWR|syscall.O_NOCTTY, 0) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + return p, t, nil +} + +func ptsname(f *os.File) (string, error) { + /* + * from ptsname(3): The ptsname() function is equivalent to: + * struct ptmget pm; + * ioctl(fd, TIOCPTSNAME, &pm) == -1 ? NULL : pm.sn; + */ + var ptm ptmget + if err := ioctl(f.Fd(), uintptr(ioctl_TIOCPTSNAME), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ptm))); err != nil { + return "", err + } + name := make([]byte, len(ptm.Sn)) + for i, c := range ptm.Sn { + name[i] = byte(c) + if c == 0 { + return string(name[:i]), nil + } + } + return "", errors.New("TIOCPTSNAME string not NUL-terminated") +} + +func grantpt(f *os.File) error { + /* + * from grantpt(3): Calling grantpt() is equivalent to: + * ioctl(fd, TIOCGRANTPT, 0); + */ + return ioctl(f.Fd(), uintptr(ioctl_TIOCGRANTPT), 0) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_openbsd.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_openbsd.go index a6a35d1..d72b9d8 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_openbsd.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_openbsd.go @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +//go:build openbsd +//+build openbsd + package pty import ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_solaris.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_solaris.go index 09ec1b7..17e4746 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_solaris.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_solaris.go @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +//go:build solaris +//+build solaris + package pty /* based on: @@ -6,122 +9,134 @@ http://src.illumos.org/source/xref/illumos-gate/usr/src/lib/libc/port/gen/pt.c import ( "errors" - "golang.org/x/sys/unix" "os" "strconv" "syscall" "unsafe" ) -const NODEV = ^uint64(0) - func open() (pty, tty *os.File, err error) { - masterfd, err := syscall.Open("/dev/ptmx", syscall.O_RDWR|unix.O_NOCTTY, 0) - //masterfd, err := syscall.Open("/dev/ptmx", syscall.O_RDWR|syscall.O_CLOEXEC|unix.O_NOCTTY, 0) + ptmxfd, err := syscall.Open("/dev/ptmx", syscall.O_RDWR|syscall.O_NOCTTY, 0) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } - p := os.NewFile(uintptr(masterfd), "/dev/ptmx") + p := os.NewFile(uintptr(ptmxfd), "/dev/ptmx") + // In case of error after this point, make sure we close the ptmx fd. + defer func() { + if err != nil { + _ = p.Close() // Best effort. + } + }() sname, err := ptsname(p) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } - err = grantpt(p) - if err != nil { + if err := grantpt(p); err != nil { return nil, nil, err } - err = unlockpt(p) - if err != nil { + if err := unlockpt(p); err != nil { return nil, nil, err } - slavefd, err := syscall.Open(sname, os.O_RDWR|unix.O_NOCTTY, 0) + ptsfd, err := syscall.Open(sname, os.O_RDWR|syscall.O_NOCTTY, 0) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } - t := os.NewFile(uintptr(slavefd), sname) + t := os.NewFile(uintptr(ptsfd), sname) - // pushing terminal driver STREAMS modules as per pts(7) - for _, mod := range([]string{"ptem", "ldterm", "ttcompat"}) { - err = streams_push(t, mod) + // In case of error after this point, make sure we close the pts fd. + defer func() { if err != nil { + _ = t.Close() // Best effort. + } + }() + + // pushing terminal driver STREAMS modules as per pts(7) + for _, mod := range []string{"ptem", "ldterm", "ttcompat"} { + if err := streamsPush(t, mod); err != nil { return nil, nil, err } } - - return p, t, nil -} -func minor(x uint64) uint64 { - return x & 0377 + return p, t, nil } -func ptsdev(fd uintptr) uint64 { - istr := strioctl{ISPTM, 0, 0, nil} - err := ioctl(fd, I_STR, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&istr))) +func ptsname(f *os.File) (string, error) { + dev, err := ptsdev(f.Fd()) if err != nil { - return NODEV + return "", err } - var status unix.Stat_t - err = unix.Fstat(int(fd), &status) - if err != nil { - return NODEV + fn := "/dev/pts/" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(dev), 10) + + if err := syscall.Access(fn, 0); err != nil { + return "", err } - return uint64(minor(status.Rdev)) + return fn, nil } -func ptsname(f *os.File) (string, error) { - dev := ptsdev(f.Fd()) - if dev == NODEV { - return "", errors.New("not a master pty") +func unlockpt(f *os.File) error { + istr := strioctl{ + icCmd: UNLKPT, + icTimeout: 0, + icLen: 0, + icDP: nil, } - fn := "/dev/pts/" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(dev), 10) - // access(2) creates the slave device (if the pty exists) - // F_OK == 0 (unistd.h) - err := unix.Access(fn, 0) - if err != nil { - return "", err + return ioctl(f.Fd(), I_STR, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&istr))) +} + +func minor(x uint64) uint64 { return x & 0377 } + +func ptsdev(fd uintptr) (uint64, error) { + istr := strioctl{ + icCmd: ISPTM, + icTimeout: 0, + icLen: 0, + icDP: nil, } - return fn, nil + + if err := ioctl(fd, I_STR, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&istr))); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + var status syscall.Stat_t + if err := syscall.Fstat(int(fd), &status); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + return uint64(minor(status.Rdev)), nil } -type pt_own struct { - pto_ruid int32 - pto_rgid int32 +type ptOwn struct { + rUID int32 + rGID int32 } func grantpt(f *os.File) error { - if ptsdev(f.Fd()) == NODEV { - return errors.New("not a master pty") - } - var pto pt_own - pto.pto_ruid = int32(os.Getuid()) - // XXX should first attempt to get gid of DEFAULT_TTY_GROUP="tty" - pto.pto_rgid = int32(os.Getgid()) - var istr strioctl - istr.ic_cmd = OWNERPT - istr.ic_timout = 0 - istr.ic_len = int32(unsafe.Sizeof(istr)) - istr.ic_dp = unsafe.Pointer(&pto) - err := ioctl(f.Fd(), I_STR, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&istr))) - if err != nil { + if _, err := ptsdev(f.Fd()); err != nil { + return err + } + pto := ptOwn{ + rUID: int32(os.Getuid()), + // XXX should first attempt to get gid of DEFAULT_TTY_GROUP="tty" + rGID: int32(os.Getgid()), + } + istr := strioctl{ + icCmd: OWNERPT, + icTimeout: 0, + icLen: int32(unsafe.Sizeof(strioctl{})), + icDP: unsafe.Pointer(&pto), + } + if err := ioctl(f.Fd(), I_STR, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&istr))); err != nil { return errors.New("access denied") } return nil } -func unlockpt(f *os.File) error { - istr := strioctl{UNLKPT, 0, 0, nil} - return ioctl(f.Fd(), I_STR, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&istr))) -} - -// push STREAMS modules if not already done so -func streams_push(f *os.File, mod string) error { - var err error +// streamsPush pushes STREAMS modules if not already done so. +func streamsPush(f *os.File, mod string) error { buf := []byte(mod) + // XXX I_FIND is not returning an error when the module // is already pushed even though truss reports a return // value of 1. A bug in the Go Solaris syscall interface? @@ -129,11 +144,9 @@ func streams_push(f *os.File, mod string) error { // https://www.illumos.org/issues/9042 // but since we are not using libc or XPG4.2, we should not be // double-pushing modules - - err = ioctl(f.Fd(), I_FIND, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))) - if err != nil { + + if err := ioctl(f.Fd(), I_FIND, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))); err != nil { return nil } - err = ioctl(f.Fd(), I_PUSH, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))) - return err + return ioctl(f.Fd(), I_PUSH, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_unsupported.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_unsupported.go index ceb425b..765523a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_unsupported.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/pty_unsupported.go @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -// +build !linux,!darwin,!freebsd,!dragonfly,!openbsd,!solaris +//go:build !linux && !darwin && !freebsd && !dragonfly && !netbsd && !openbsd && !solaris +//+build !linux,!darwin,!freebsd,!dragonfly,!netbsd,!openbsd,!solaris package pty diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/run.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/run.go index b079425..160001f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/run.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/run.go @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -// +build !windows +//go:build !windows +//+build !windows package pty @@ -13,8 +14,8 @@ import ( // corresponding pty. // // Starts the process in a new session and sets the controlling terminal. -func Start(c *exec.Cmd) (pty *os.File, err error) { - return StartWithSize(c, nil) +func Start(cmd *exec.Cmd) (*os.File, error) { + return StartWithSize(cmd, nil) } // StartWithSize assigns a pseudo-terminal tty os.File to c.Stdin, c.Stdout, @@ -23,13 +24,13 @@ func Start(c *exec.Cmd) (pty *os.File, err error) { // // This will resize the pty to the specified size before starting the command. // Starts the process in a new session and sets the controlling terminal. -func StartWithSize(c *exec.Cmd, sz *Winsize) (pty *os.File, err error) { - if c.SysProcAttr == nil { - c.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{} +func StartWithSize(cmd *exec.Cmd, ws *Winsize) (*os.File, error) { + if cmd.SysProcAttr == nil { + cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{} } - c.SysProcAttr.Setsid = true - c.SysProcAttr.Setctty = true - return StartWithAttrs(c, sz, c.SysProcAttr) + cmd.SysProcAttr.Setsid = true + cmd.SysProcAttr.Setctty = true + return StartWithAttrs(cmd, ws, cmd.SysProcAttr) } // StartWithAttrs assigns a pseudo-terminal tty os.File to c.Stdin, c.Stdout, @@ -41,16 +42,16 @@ func StartWithSize(c *exec.Cmd, sz *Winsize) (pty *os.File, err error) { // // This should generally not be needed. Used in some edge cases where it is needed to create a pty // without a controlling terminal. -func StartWithAttrs(c *exec.Cmd, sz *Winsize, attrs *syscall.SysProcAttr) (pty *os.File, err error) { +func StartWithAttrs(c *exec.Cmd, sz *Winsize, attrs *syscall.SysProcAttr) (*os.File, error) { pty, tty, err := Open() if err != nil { return nil, err } - defer tty.Close() + defer func() { _ = tty.Close() }() // Best effort. if sz != nil { if err := Setsize(pty, sz); err != nil { - pty.Close() + _ = pty.Close() // Best effort. return nil, err } } @@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ func StartWithAttrs(c *exec.Cmd, sz *Winsize, attrs *syscall.SysProcAttr) (pty * c.SysProcAttr = attrs if err := c.Start(); err != nil { - _ = pty.Close() + _ = pty.Close() // Best effort. return nil, err } return pty, err diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/test_crosscompile.sh b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/test_crosscompile.sh index c4b9e37..c736c8b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/test_crosscompile.sh +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/test_crosscompile.sh @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ cross() { shift echo2 "Build for $os." for arch in $@; do - echo2 " - $os/$arch" - GOOS=$os GOARCH=$arch go build + echo2 " - $os/$arch" + GOOS=$os GOARCH=$arch go build done echo2 } @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ cross() { set -e cross linux amd64 386 arm arm64 ppc64 ppc64le s390x mips mipsle mips64 mips64le -cross darwin amd64 386 arm arm64 -cross freebsd amd64 386 arm -cross netbsd amd64 386 arm +cross darwin amd64 arm64 +cross freebsd amd64 386 arm arm64 +cross netbsd amd64 386 arm arm64 cross openbsd amd64 386 arm arm64 cross dragonfly amd64 cross solaris amd64 @@ -47,4 +47,18 @@ fi echo2 "Build for linux." echo2 " - linux/riscv" -docker build -t test -f Dockerfile.riscv . +docker build -t creack-pty-test -f Dockerfile.riscv . + +# Golang dropped support for darwin 32bits since go1.15. Make sure the lib still compile with go1.14 on those archs. +echo2 "Build for darwin (32bits)." +echo2 " - darwin/386" +docker build -t creack-pty-test -f Dockerfile.golang --build-arg=GOVERSION=1.14 --build-arg=GOOS=darwin --build-arg=GOARCH=386 . +echo2 " - darwin/arm" +docker build -t creack-pty-test -f Dockerfile.golang --build-arg=GOVERSION=1.14 --build-arg=GOOS=darwin --build-arg=GOARCH=arm . + +# Run a single test for an old go version. Would be best with go1.0, but not available on Dockerhub. +# Using 1.6 as it is the base version for the RISCV compiler. +# Would also be better to run all the tests, not just one, need to refactor this file to allow for specifc archs per version. +echo2 "Build for linux - go1.6." +echo2 " - linux/amd64" +docker build -t creack-pty-test -f Dockerfile.golang --build-arg=GOVERSION=1.6 --build-arg=GOOS=linux --build-arg=GOARCH=amd64 . diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/util.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/util.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8fdde0b..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/util.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -// +build !windows,!solaris - -package pty - -import ( - "os" - "syscall" - "unsafe" -) - -// InheritSize applies the terminal size of pty to tty. This should be run -// in a signal handler for syscall.SIGWINCH to automatically resize the tty when -// the pty receives a window size change notification. -func InheritSize(pty, tty *os.File) error { - size, err := GetsizeFull(pty) - if err != nil { - return err - } - err = Setsize(tty, size) - if err != nil { - return err - } - return nil -} - -// Setsize resizes t to s. -func Setsize(t *os.File, ws *Winsize) error { - return windowRectCall(ws, t.Fd(), syscall.TIOCSWINSZ) -} - -// GetsizeFull returns the full terminal size description. -func GetsizeFull(t *os.File) (size *Winsize, err error) { - var ws Winsize - err = windowRectCall(&ws, t.Fd(), syscall.TIOCGWINSZ) - return &ws, err -} - -// Getsize returns the number of rows (lines) and cols (positions -// in each line) in terminal t. -func Getsize(t *os.File) (rows, cols int, err error) { - ws, err := GetsizeFull(t) - return int(ws.Rows), int(ws.Cols), err -} - -// Winsize describes the terminal size. -type Winsize struct { - Rows uint16 // ws_row: Number of rows (in cells) - Cols uint16 // ws_col: Number of columns (in cells) - X uint16 // ws_xpixel: Width in pixels - Y uint16 // ws_ypixel: Height in pixels -} - -func windowRectCall(ws *Winsize, fd, a2 uintptr) error { - _, _, errno := syscall.Syscall( - syscall.SYS_IOCTL, - fd, - a2, - uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ws)), - ) - if errno != 0 { - return syscall.Errno(errno) - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/util_solaris.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/util_solaris.go deleted file mode 100644 index e889692..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/util_solaris.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -// - -package pty - -import ( - "os" - "golang.org/x/sys/unix" -) - -const ( - TIOCGWINSZ = 21608 // 'T' << 8 | 104 - TIOCSWINSZ = 21607 // 'T' << 8 | 103 -) - -// Winsize describes the terminal size. -type Winsize struct { - Rows uint16 // ws_row: Number of rows (in cells) - Cols uint16 // ws_col: Number of columns (in cells) - X uint16 // ws_xpixel: Width in pixels - Y uint16 // ws_ypixel: Height in pixels -} - -// GetsizeFull returns the full terminal size description. -func GetsizeFull(t *os.File) (size *Winsize, err error) { - var wsz *unix.Winsize - wsz, err = unix.IoctlGetWinsize(int(t.Fd()), TIOCGWINSZ) - - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } else { - return &Winsize{wsz.Row, wsz.Col, wsz.Xpixel, wsz.Ypixel}, nil - } -} - -// Get Windows Size -func Getsize(t *os.File) (rows, cols int, err error) { - var wsz *unix.Winsize - wsz, err = unix.IoctlGetWinsize(int(t.Fd()), TIOCGWINSZ) - - if err != nil { - return 80, 25, err - } else { - return int(wsz.Row), int(wsz.Col), nil - } -} - -// Setsize resizes t to s. -func Setsize(t *os.File, ws *Winsize) error { - wsz := unix.Winsize{ws.Rows, ws.Cols, ws.X, ws.Y} - return unix.IoctlSetWinsize(int(t.Fd()), TIOCSWINSZ, &wsz) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/winsize.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/winsize.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9660a93 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/winsize.go @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +package pty + +import "os" + +// InheritSize applies the terminal size of pty to tty. This should be run +// in a signal handler for syscall.SIGWINCH to automatically resize the tty when +// the pty receives a window size change notification. +func InheritSize(pty, tty *os.File) error { + size, err := GetsizeFull(pty) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if err := Setsize(tty, size); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil +} + +// Getsize returns the number of rows (lines) and cols (positions +// in each line) in terminal t. +func Getsize(t *os.File) (rows, cols int, err error) { + ws, err := GetsizeFull(t) + return int(ws.Rows), int(ws.Cols), err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/winsize_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/winsize_unix.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f358e90 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/winsize_unix.go @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +//go:build !windows +//+build !windows + +package pty + +import ( + "os" + "syscall" + "unsafe" +) + +// Winsize describes the terminal size. +type Winsize struct { + Rows uint16 // ws_row: Number of rows (in cells) + Cols uint16 // ws_col: Number of columns (in cells) + X uint16 // ws_xpixel: Width in pixels + Y uint16 // ws_ypixel: Height in pixels +} + +// Setsize resizes t to s. +func Setsize(t *os.File, ws *Winsize) error { + //nolint:gosec // Expected unsafe pointer for Syscall call. + return ioctl(t.Fd(), syscall.TIOCSWINSZ, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ws))) +} + +// GetsizeFull returns the full terminal size description. +func GetsizeFull(t *os.File) (size *Winsize, err error) { + var ws Winsize + + //nolint:gosec // Expected unsafe pointer for Syscall call. + if err := ioctl(t.Fd(), syscall.TIOCGWINSZ, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ws))); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &ws, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/winsize_unsupported.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/winsize_unsupported.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4bff44 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/winsize_unsupported.go @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +//go:build windows +//+build windows + +package pty + +import ( + "os" +) + +// Winsize is a dummy struct to enable compilation on unsupported platforms. +type Winsize struct { + Rows, Cols, X, Y uint +} + +// Setsize resizes t to s. +func Setsize(*os.File, *Winsize) error { + return ErrUnsupported +} + +// GetsizeFull returns the full terminal size description. +func GetsizeFull(*os.File) (*Winsize, error) { + return nil, ErrUnsupported +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_386.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_386.go index ff0b8fd..794515b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_386.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_386.go @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +//go:build 386 +//+build 386 + // Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT // cgo -godefs types.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_amd64.go index ff0b8fd..dc6c525 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_amd64.go @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +//go:build amd64 +//+build amd64 + // Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT // cgo -godefs types.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_arm.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_arm.go index ff0b8fd..eac9b1e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_arm.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_arm.go @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +//go:build arm +//+build arm + // Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT // cgo -godefs types.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_arm64.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_arm64.go index 6c29a4b..ecb3ddc 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_arm64.go @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ +//go:build arm64 +//+build arm64 + // Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT // cgo -godefs types.go -// +build arm64 - package pty type ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_dragonfly_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_dragonfly_amd64.go index 6b0ba03..f4054cb 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_dragonfly_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_dragonfly_amd64.go @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +//go:build amd64 && dragonfly +//+build amd64,dragonfly + // Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT // cgo -godefs types_dragonfly.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_freebsd_386.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_freebsd_386.go index d997537..95a20ab 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_freebsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_freebsd_386.go @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +//go:build 386 && freebsd +//+build 386,freebsd + // Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT // cgo -godefs types_freebsd.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_freebsd_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_freebsd_amd64.go index 5fa102f..e03a071 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_freebsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_freebsd_amd64.go @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +//go:build amd64 && freebsd +//+build amd64,freebsd + // Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT // cgo -godefs types_freebsd.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_freebsd_arm.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_freebsd_arm.go index d997537..7665bd3 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_freebsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_freebsd_arm.go @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +//go:build arm && freebsd +//+build arm,freebsd + // Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT // cgo -godefs types_freebsd.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_freebsd_arm64.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_freebsd_arm64.go index 4418139..3f95bb8 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_freebsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_freebsd_arm64.go @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +//go:build arm64 && freebsd +//+build arm64,freebsd + // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs types_freebsd.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_loongarchx.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_loongarchx.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..674d2a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_loongarchx.go @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +//go:build (loongarch32 || loongarch64) && linux +//+build linux +//+build loongarch32 loongarch64 + +// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT +// cgo -godefs types.go + +package pty + +type ( + _C_int int32 + _C_uint uint32 +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_mipsx.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_mipsx.go index f0ce740..eddad16 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_mipsx.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_mipsx.go @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ +//go:build (mips || mipsle || mips64 || mips64le) && linux +//+build linux +//+build mips mipsle mips64 mips64le + // Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT // cgo -godefs types.go -// +build linux -// +build mips mipsle mips64 mips64le - package pty type ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_netbsd_32bit_int.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_netbsd_32bit_int.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b32e63 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_netbsd_32bit_int.go @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +//go:build (386 || amd64 || arm || arm64) && netbsd +//+build netbsd +//+build 386 amd64 arm arm64 + +package pty + +type ptmget struct { + Cfd int32 + Sfd int32 + Cn [1024]int8 + Sn [1024]int8 +} + +var ( + ioctl_TIOCPTSNAME = 0x48087448 + ioctl_TIOCGRANTPT = 0x20007447 +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_openbsd_32bit_int.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_openbsd_32bit_int.go index d7cab4a..c9aa316 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_openbsd_32bit_int.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_openbsd_32bit_int.go @@ -1,13 +1,14 @@ -// +build openbsd -// +build 386 amd64 arm arm64 +//go:build (386 || amd64 || arm || arm64 || mips64) && openbsd +//+build openbsd +//+build 386 amd64 arm arm64 mips64 package pty type ptmget struct { - Cfd int32 - Sfd int32 - Cn [16]int8 - Sn [16]int8 + Cfd int32 + Sfd int32 + Cn [16]int8 + Sn [16]int8 } var ioctl_PTMGET = 0x40287401 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_ppc64.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_ppc64.go index 4e1af84..6863443 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_ppc64.go @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -// +build ppc64 +//go:build ppc64 +//+build ppc64 // Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT // cgo -godefs types.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_ppc64le.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_ppc64le.go index e6780f4..6b5621b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_ppc64le.go @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -// +build ppc64le +//go:build ppc64le +//+build ppc64le // Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT // cgo -godefs types.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_riscvx.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_riscvx.go index 99eec8e..1233e75 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_riscvx.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_riscvx.go @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ +//go:build riscv || riscv64 +//+build riscv riscv64 + // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs types.go -// +build riscv riscv64 - package pty type ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_s390x.go b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_s390x.go index a7452b6..02facea 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/creack/pty/ztypes_s390x.go @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -// +build s390x +//go:build s390x +//+build s390x // Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT // cgo -godefs types.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/fatih/color/README.md b/vendor/github.com/fatih/color/README.md index 42d9abc..5c751f2 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/fatih/color/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/fatih/color/README.md @@ -1,20 +1,11 @@ -# Archived project. No maintenance. - -This project is not maintained anymore and is archived. Feel free to fork and -make your own changes if needed. For more detail read my blog post: [Taking an indefinite sabbatical from my projects](https://arslan.io/2018/10/09/taking-an-indefinite-sabbatical-from-my-projects/) - -Thanks to everyone for their valuable feedback and contributions. - - -# Color [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/fatih/color?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/fatih/color) +# color [![](https://github.com/fatih/color/workflows/build/badge.svg)](https://github.com/fatih/color/actions) [![PkgGoDev](https://pkg.go.dev/badge/github.com/fatih/color)](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/fatih/color) Color lets you use colorized outputs in terms of [ANSI Escape Codes](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors) in Go (Golang). It has support for Windows too! The API can be used in several ways, pick one that suits you. - -![Color](https://i.imgur.com/c1JI0lA.png) +![Color](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/438920/96832689-03b3e000-13f4-11eb-9803-46f4c4de3406.jpg) ## Install @@ -136,14 +127,16 @@ fmt.Println("All text will now be bold magenta.") There might be a case where you want to explicitly disable/enable color output. the `go-isatty` package will automatically disable color output for non-tty output streams -(for example if the output were piped directly to `less`) +(for example if the output were piped directly to `less`). -`Color` has support to disable/enable colors both globally and for single color -definitions. For example suppose you have a CLI app and a `--no-color` bool flag. You -can easily disable the color output with: +The `color` package also disables color output if the [`NO_COLOR`](https://no-color.org) environment +variable is set (regardless of its value). -```go +`Color` has support to disable/enable colors programatically both globally and +for single color definitions. For example suppose you have a CLI app and a +`--no-color` bool flag. You can easily disable the color output with: +```go var flagNoColor = flag.Bool("no-color", false, "Disable color output") if *flagNoColor { @@ -165,6 +158,10 @@ c.EnableColor() c.Println("This prints again cyan...") ``` +## GitHub Actions + +To output color in GitHub Actions (or other CI systems that support ANSI colors), make sure to set `color.NoColor = false` so that it bypasses the check for non-tty output streams. + ## Todo * Save/Return previous values @@ -179,4 +176,3 @@ c.Println("This prints again cyan...") ## License The MIT License (MIT) - see [`LICENSE.md`](https://github.com/fatih/color/blob/master/LICENSE.md) for more details - diff --git a/vendor/github.com/fatih/color/color.go b/vendor/github.com/fatih/color/color.go index 91c8e9f..98a60f3 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/fatih/color/color.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/fatih/color/color.go @@ -15,9 +15,11 @@ import ( var ( // NoColor defines if the output is colorized or not. It's dynamically set to // false or true based on the stdout's file descriptor referring to a terminal - // or not. This is a global option and affects all colors. For more control - // over each color block use the methods DisableColor() individually. - NoColor = os.Getenv("TERM") == "dumb" || + // or not. It's also set to true if the NO_COLOR environment variable is + // set (regardless of its value). This is a global option and affects all + // colors. For more control over each color block use the methods + // DisableColor() individually. + NoColor = noColorExists() || os.Getenv("TERM") == "dumb" || (!isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdout.Fd()) && !isatty.IsCygwinTerminal(os.Stdout.Fd())) // Output defines the standard output of the print functions. By default @@ -33,6 +35,12 @@ var ( colorsCacheMu sync.Mutex // protects colorsCache ) +// noColorExists returns true if the environment variable NO_COLOR exists. +func noColorExists() bool { + _, exists := os.LookupEnv("NO_COLOR") + return exists +} + // Color defines a custom color object which is defined by SGR parameters. type Color struct { params []Attribute @@ -108,7 +116,14 @@ const ( // New returns a newly created color object. func New(value ...Attribute) *Color { - c := &Color{params: make([]Attribute, 0)} + c := &Color{ + params: make([]Attribute, 0), + } + + if noColorExists() { + c.noColor = boolPtr(true) + } + c.Add(value...) return c } @@ -387,7 +402,7 @@ func (c *Color) EnableColor() { } func (c *Color) isNoColorSet() bool { - // check first if we have user setted action + // check first if we have user set action if c.noColor != nil { return *c.noColor } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/fatih/color/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/fatih/color/doc.go index cf1e965..04541de 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/fatih/color/doc.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/fatih/color/doc.go @@ -118,6 +118,8 @@ the color output with: color.NoColor = true // disables colorized output } +You can also disable the color by setting the NO_COLOR environment variable to any value. + It also has support for single color definitions (local). You can disable/enable color output on the fly: diff --git a/vendor/github.com/fatih/color/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/fatih/color/go.mod deleted file mode 100644 index bc0df75..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/fatih/color/go.mod +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -module github.com/fatih/color - -go 1.13 - -require ( - github.com/mattn/go-colorable v0.1.4 - github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.11 -) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/fatih/color/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/fatih/color/go.sum deleted file mode 100644 index 44328a8..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/fatih/color/go.sum +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -github.com/mattn/go-colorable v0.1.4 h1:snbPLB8fVfU9iwbbo30TPtbLRzwWu6aJS6Xh4eaaviA= -github.com/mattn/go-colorable v0.1.4/go.mod h1:U0ppj6V5qS13XJ6of8GYAs25YV2eR4EVcfRqFIhoBtE= -github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.8/go.mod h1:Iq45c/XA43vh69/j3iqttzPXn0bhXyGjM0Hdxcsrc5s= -github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.11 h1:FxPOTFNqGkuDUGi3H/qkUbQO4ZiBa2brKq5r0l8TGeM= -github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.11/go.mod h1:PhnuNfih5lzO57/f3n+odYbM4JtupLOxQOAqxQCu2WE= -golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190222072716-a9d3bda3a223/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY= -golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20191026070338-33540a1f6037 h1:YyJpGZS1sBuBCzLAR1VEpK193GlqGZbnPFnPV/5Rsb4= -golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20191026070338-33540a1f6037/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gen2brain/beeep/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/gen2brain/beeep/go.mod deleted file mode 100644 index ba1f357..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/gen2brain/beeep/go.mod +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -module github.com/gen2brain/beeep - -go 1.14 - -require ( - github.com/go-toast/toast v0.0.0-20190211030409-01e6764cf0a4 - github.com/godbus/dbus/v5 v5.0.3 - github.com/gopherjs/gopherwasm v1.1.0 - github.com/nu7hatch/gouuid v0.0.0-20131221200532-179d4d0c4d8d // indirect - github.com/tadvi/systray v0.0.0-20190226123456-11a2b8fa57af - golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20200302150141-5c8b2ff67527 -) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gen2brain/beeep/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/gen2brain/beeep/go.sum deleted file mode 100644 index fb47196..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/gen2brain/beeep/go.sum +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -github.com/go-toast/toast v0.0.0-20190211030409-01e6764cf0a4 h1:qZNfIGkIANxGv/OqtnntR4DfOY2+BgwR60cAcu/i3SE= -github.com/go-toast/toast v0.0.0-20190211030409-01e6764cf0a4/go.mod h1:kW3HQ4UdaAyrUCSSDR4xUzBKW6O2iA4uHhk7AtyYp10= -github.com/godbus/dbus/v5 v5.0.3 h1:ZqHaoEF7TBzh4jzPmqVhE/5A1z9of6orkAe5uHoAeME= -github.com/godbus/dbus/v5 v5.0.3/go.mod h1:xhWf0FNVPg57R7Z0UbKHbJfkEywrmjJnf7w5xrFpKfA= -github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs v0.0.0-20180825215210-0210a2f0f73c h1:16eHWuMGvCjSfgRJKqIzapE78onvvTbdi1rMkU00lZw= -github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs v0.0.0-20180825215210-0210a2f0f73c/go.mod h1:wJfORRmW1u3UXTncJ5qlYoELFm8eSnnEO6hX4iZ3EWY= -github.com/gopherjs/gopherwasm v1.1.0 h1:fA2uLoctU5+T3OhOn2vYP0DVT6pxc7xhTlBB1paATqQ= -github.com/gopherjs/gopherwasm v1.1.0/go.mod h1:SkZ8z7CWBz5VXbhJel8TxCmAcsQqzgWGR/8nMhyhZSI= -github.com/nu7hatch/gouuid v0.0.0-20131221200532-179d4d0c4d8d h1:VhgPp6v9qf9Agr/56bj7Y/xa04UccTW04VP0Qed4vnQ= -github.com/nu7hatch/gouuid v0.0.0-20131221200532-179d4d0c4d8d/go.mod h1:YUTz3bUH2ZwIWBy3CJBeOBEugqcmXREj14T+iG/4k4U= -github.com/tadvi/systray v0.0.0-20190226123456-11a2b8fa57af h1:6yITBqGTE2lEeTPG04SN9W+iWHCRyHqlVYILiSXziwk= -github.com/tadvi/systray v0.0.0-20190226123456-11a2b8fa57af/go.mod h1:4F09kP5F+am0jAwlQLddpoMDM+iewkxxt6nxUQ5nq5o= -golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20200302150141-5c8b2ff67527 h1:uYVVQ9WP/Ds2ROhcaGPeIdVq0RIXVLwsHlnvJ+cT1So= -golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20200302150141-5c8b2ff67527/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gen2brain/beeep/notify_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/gen2brain/beeep/notify_windows.go index 0a74b54..8d82cfb 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/gen2brain/beeep/notify_windows.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/gen2brain/beeep/notify_windows.go @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ func toastNotification(title, message, appIcon string) toast.Notification { func appID() string { defID := "{1AC14E77-02E7-4E5D-B744-2EB1AE5198B7}\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe" - cmd := exec.Command("powershell", "Get-StartApps") + cmd := exec.Command("powershell", "-NoProfile", "Get-StartApps") cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{HideWindow: true} out, err := cmd.Output() if err != nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/circle.yml b/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/circle.yml index 08616b0..c97103d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/circle.yml +++ b/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/circle.yml @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ jobs: - run: go get - run: go test -v -race - build-go-1.9: + build-go-1.12: docker: - - image: golang:1.9 + - image: golang:1.12 working_directory: /go/src/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh steps: - checkout @@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ workflows: build: jobs: - build-go-latest - - build-go-1.9 + - build-go-1.12 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/context.go b/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/context.go index 2f61a40..505a43d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/context.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/context.go @@ -140,7 +140,10 @@ func (ctx *sshContext) ServerVersion() string { } func (ctx *sshContext) RemoteAddr() net.Addr { - return ctx.Value(ContextKeyRemoteAddr).(net.Addr) + if addr, ok := ctx.Value(ContextKeyRemoteAddr).(net.Addr); ok { + return addr + } + return nil } func (ctx *sshContext) LocalAddr() net.Addr { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/options.go b/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/options.go index af74898..303dcc3 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/options.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/options.go @@ -42,6 +42,13 @@ func HostKeyFile(filepath string) Option { } } +func KeyboardInteractiveAuth(fn KeyboardInteractiveHandler) Option { + return func(srv *Server) error { + srv.KeyboardInteractiveHandler = fn + return nil + } +} + // HostKeyPEM returns a functional option that adds HostSigners to the server // from a PEM file as bytes. func HostKeyPEM(bytes []byte) Option { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/server.go b/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/server.go index 359f967..be4355e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/server.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/server.go @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ import ( // and ListenAndServeTLS methods after a call to Shutdown or Close. var ErrServerClosed = errors.New("ssh: Server closed") +type SubsystemHandler func(s Session) + +var DefaultSubsystemHandlers = map[string]SubsystemHandler{} + type RequestHandler func(ctx Context, srv *Server, req *gossh.Request) (ok bool, payload []byte) var DefaultRequestHandlers = map[string]RequestHandler{} @@ -44,6 +48,8 @@ type Server struct { ServerConfigCallback ServerConfigCallback // callback for configuring detailed SSH options SessionRequestCallback SessionRequestCallback // callback for allowing or denying SSH sessions + ConnectionFailedCallback ConnectionFailedCallback // callback to report connection failures + IdleTimeout time.Duration // connection timeout when no activity, none if empty MaxTimeout time.Duration // absolute connection timeout, none if empty @@ -57,6 +63,10 @@ type Server struct { // no handlers are enabled. RequestHandlers map[string]RequestHandler + // SubsystemHandlers are handlers which are similar to the usual SSH command + // handlers, but handle named subsystems. + SubsystemHandlers map[string]SubsystemHandler + listenerWg sync.WaitGroup mu sync.RWMutex listeners map[net.Listener]struct{} @@ -95,6 +105,12 @@ func (srv *Server) ensureHandlers() { srv.ChannelHandlers[k] = v } } + if srv.SubsystemHandlers == nil { + srv.SubsystemHandlers = map[string]SubsystemHandler{} + for k, v := range DefaultSubsystemHandlers { + srv.SubsystemHandlers[k] = v + } + } } func (srv *Server) config(ctx Context) *gossh.ServerConfig { @@ -110,7 +126,7 @@ func (srv *Server) config(ctx Context) *gossh.ServerConfig { for _, signer := range srv.HostSigners { config.AddHostKey(signer) } - if srv.PasswordHandler == nil && srv.PublicKeyHandler == nil { + if srv.PasswordHandler == nil && srv.PublicKeyHandler == nil && srv.KeyboardInteractiveHandler == nil { config.NoClientAuth = true } if srv.Version != "" { @@ -264,7 +280,9 @@ func (srv *Server) HandleConn(newConn net.Conn) { defer conn.Close() sshConn, chans, reqs, err := gossh.NewServerConn(conn, srv.config(ctx)) if err != nil { - // TODO: trigger event callback + if srv.ConnectionFailedCallback != nil { + srv.ConnectionFailedCallback(conn, err) + } return } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/session.go b/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/session.go index 6c77d6c..fbe5692 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/session.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/session.go @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import ( // Session provides access to information about an SSH session and methods // to read and write to the SSH channel with an embedded Channel interface from -// cypto/ssh. +// crypto/ssh. // // When Command() returns an empty slice, the user requested a shell. Otherwise // the user is performing an exec with those command arguments. @@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ type Session interface { // RawCommand returns the exact command that was provided by the user. RawCommand() string + // Subsystem returns the subsystem requested by the user. + Subsystem() string + // PublicKey returns the PublicKey used to authenticate. If a public key was not // used it will return nil. PublicKey() PublicKey @@ -74,6 +77,12 @@ type Session interface { // If there are buffered signals when a channel is registered, they will be // sent in order on the channel immediately after registering. Signals(c chan<- Signal) + + // Break regisers a channel to receive notifications of break requests sent + // from the client. The channel must handle break requests, or it will block + // the request handling loop. Registering nil will unregister the channel. + // During the time that no channel is registered, breaks are ignored. + Break(c chan<- bool) } // maxSigBufSize is how many signals will be buffered @@ -87,12 +96,13 @@ func DefaultSessionHandler(srv *Server, conn *gossh.ServerConn, newChan gossh.Ne return } sess := &session{ - Channel: ch, - conn: conn, - handler: srv.Handler, - ptyCb: srv.PtyCallback, - sessReqCb: srv.SessionRequestCallback, - ctx: ctx, + Channel: ch, + conn: conn, + handler: srv.Handler, + ptyCb: srv.PtyCallback, + sessReqCb: srv.SessionRequestCallback, + subsystemHandlers: srv.SubsystemHandlers, + ctx: ctx, } sess.handleRequests(reqs) } @@ -100,19 +110,22 @@ func DefaultSessionHandler(srv *Server, conn *gossh.ServerConn, newChan gossh.Ne type session struct { sync.Mutex gossh.Channel - conn *gossh.ServerConn - handler Handler - handled bool - exited bool - pty *Pty - winch chan Window - env []string - ptyCb PtyCallback - sessReqCb SessionRequestCallback - rawCmd string - ctx Context - sigCh chan<- Signal - sigBuf []Signal + conn *gossh.ServerConn + handler Handler + subsystemHandlers map[string]SubsystemHandler + handled bool + exited bool + pty *Pty + winch chan Window + env []string + ptyCb PtyCallback + sessReqCb SessionRequestCallback + rawCmd string + subsystem string + ctx Context + sigCh chan<- Signal + sigBuf []Signal + breakCh chan<- bool } func (sess *session) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { @@ -191,6 +204,10 @@ func (sess *session) Command() []string { return append([]string(nil), cmd...) } +func (sess *session) Subsystem() string { + return sess.subsystem +} + func (sess *session) Pty() (Pty, <-chan Window, bool) { if sess.pty != nil { return *sess.pty, sess.winch, true @@ -211,6 +228,12 @@ func (sess *session) Signals(c chan<- Signal) { } } +func (sess *session) Break(c chan<- bool) { + sess.Lock() + defer sess.Unlock() + sess.breakCh = c +} + func (sess *session) handleRequests(reqs <-chan *gossh.Request) { for req := range reqs { switch req.Type { @@ -239,6 +262,40 @@ func (sess *session) handleRequests(reqs <-chan *gossh.Request) { sess.handler(sess) sess.Exit(0) }() + case "subsystem": + if sess.handled { + req.Reply(false, nil) + continue + } + + var payload = struct{ Value string }{} + gossh.Unmarshal(req.Payload, &payload) + sess.subsystem = payload.Value + + // If there's a session policy callback, we need to confirm before + // accepting the session. + if sess.sessReqCb != nil && !sess.sessReqCb(sess, req.Type) { + sess.rawCmd = "" + req.Reply(false, nil) + continue + } + + handler := sess.subsystemHandlers[payload.Value] + if handler == nil { + handler = sess.subsystemHandlers["default"] + } + if handler == nil { + req.Reply(false, nil) + continue + } + + sess.handled = true + req.Reply(true, nil) + + go func() { + handler(sess) + sess.Exit(0) + }() case "env": if sess.handled { req.Reply(false, nil) @@ -300,6 +357,15 @@ func (sess *session) handleRequests(reqs <-chan *gossh.Request) { // TODO: option/callback to allow agent forwarding SetAgentRequested(sess.ctx) req.Reply(true, nil) + case "break": + ok := false + sess.Lock() + if sess.breakCh != nil { + sess.breakCh <- true + ok = true + } + req.Reply(ok, nil) + sess.Unlock() default: // TODO: debug log req.Reply(false, nil) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/ssh.go b/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/ssh.go index 9673ac3..fbeb150 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/ssh.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/gliderlabs/ssh/ssh.go @@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ type ReversePortForwardingCallback func(ctx Context, bindHost string, bindPort u // ServerConfigCallback is a hook for creating custom default server configs type ServerConfigCallback func(ctx Context) *gossh.ServerConfig +// ConnectionFailedCallback is a hook for reporting failed connections +// Please note: the net.Conn is likely to be closed at this point +type ConnectionFailedCallback func(conn net.Conn, err error) + // Window represents the size of a PTY window. type Window struct { Width int diff --git a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/.travis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index dd67672..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/.travis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -dist: bionic -language: go -go_import_path: github.com/godbus/dbus - -go: - - 1.11.x - - 1.12.x - - 1.13.x - - tip - -matrix: - fast_finish: true - allow_failures: - - go: tip - -addons: - apt: - packages: - - dbus - - dbus-x11 - -before_install: - - export GO111MODULE=on - -script: - - go test -v -race -mod=readonly ./... # Run all the tests with the race detector enabled - - go vet ./... # go vet is the official Go static analyzer - -jobs: - include: - # The build matrix doesn't cover build stages, so manually expand - # the jobs with anchors - - &multiarch - stage: "Multiarch Test" - go: 1.11.x - env: TARGETS="386 arm arm64 ppc64le" - before_install: - - docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes - script: - - | - set -e - for target in $TARGETS; do - printf "\e[1mRunning test suite under ${target}.\e[0m\n" - GOARCH="$target" go test -v ./... - printf "\n\n" - done - - <<: *multiarch - go: 1.12.x - - <<: *multiarch - go: 1.13.x diff --git a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/README.markdown b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/README.markdown index fd29648..1fb2eac 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/README.markdown +++ b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/README.markdown @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/godbus/dbus.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/godbus/dbus) +![Build Status](https://github.com/godbus/dbus/workflows/Go/badge.svg) dbus ---- @@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ gives a short overview over the basic usage. #### Projects using godbus - [notify](https://github.com/esiqveland/notify) provides desktop notifications over dbus into a library. - [go-bluetooth](https://github.com/muka/go-bluetooth) provides a bluetooth client over bluez dbus API. +- [playerbm](https://github.com/altdesktop/playerbm) a bookmark utility for media players. +- [iwd](https://github.com/shibumi/iwd) go bindings for the internet wireless daemon "iwd". Please note that the API is considered unstable for now and may change without further notice. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/auth.go b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/auth.go index 31abac6..283487a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/auth.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/auth.go @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ const ( // Auth defines the behaviour of an authentication mechanism. type Auth interface { - // Return the name of the mechnism, the argument to the first AUTH command + // Return the name of the mechanism, the argument to the first AUTH command // and the next status. FirstData() (name, resp []byte, status AuthStatus) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/call.go b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/call.go index 2cb1890..b06b063 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/call.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/call.go @@ -24,6 +24,15 @@ type Call struct { // Holds the response once the call is done. Body []interface{} + // ResponseSequence stores the sequence number of the DBus message containing + // the call response (or error). This can be compared to the sequence number + // of other call responses and signals on this connection to determine their + // relative ordering on the underlying DBus connection. + // For errors, ResponseSequence is populated only if the error came from a + // DBusMessage that was received or if there was an error receiving. In case of + // failure to make the call, ResponseSequence will be NoSequence. + ResponseSequence Sequence + // tracks context and canceler ctx context.Context ctxCanceler context.CancelFunc diff --git a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/conn.go b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/conn.go index b55bc99..29fe018 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/conn.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/conn.go @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ type Conn struct { serialGen SerialGenerator inInt Interceptor outInt Interceptor + auth []Auth names *nameTracker calls *callTracker @@ -59,7 +60,8 @@ type Conn struct { func SessionBus() (conn *Conn, err error) { sessionBusLck.Lock() defer sessionBusLck.Unlock() - if sessionBus != nil { + if sessionBus != nil && + sessionBus.Connected() { return sessionBus, nil } defer func() { @@ -67,19 +69,7 @@ func SessionBus() (conn *Conn, err error) { sessionBus = conn } }() - conn, err = SessionBusPrivate() - if err != nil { - return - } - if err = conn.Auth(nil); err != nil { - conn.Close() - conn = nil - return - } - if err = conn.Hello(); err != nil { - conn.Close() - conn = nil - } + conn, err = ConnectSessionBus() return } @@ -116,7 +106,8 @@ func SessionBusPrivateHandler(handler Handler, signalHandler SignalHandler) (*Co func SystemBus() (conn *Conn, err error) { systemBusLck.Lock() defer systemBusLck.Unlock() - if systemBus != nil { + if systemBus != nil && + systemBus.Connected() { return systemBus, nil } defer func() { @@ -124,20 +115,42 @@ func SystemBus() (conn *Conn, err error) { systemBus = conn } }() - conn, err = SystemBusPrivate() + conn, err = ConnectSystemBus() + return +} + +// ConnectSessionBus connects to the session bus. +func ConnectSessionBus(opts ...ConnOption) (*Conn, error) { + address, err := getSessionBusAddress() if err != nil { - return + return nil, err } - if err = conn.Auth(nil); err != nil { - conn.Close() - conn = nil - return + return Connect(address, opts...) +} + +// ConnectSystemBus connects to the system bus. +func ConnectSystemBus(opts ...ConnOption) (*Conn, error) { + return Connect(getSystemBusPlatformAddress(), opts...) +} + +// Connect connects to the given address. +// +// Returned connection is ready to use and doesn't require calling +// Auth and Hello methods to make it usable. +func Connect(address string, opts ...ConnOption) (*Conn, error) { + conn, err := Dial(address, opts...) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if err = conn.Auth(conn.auth); err != nil { + _ = conn.Close() + return nil, err } if err = conn.Hello(); err != nil { - conn.Close() - conn = nil + _ = conn.Close() + return nil, err } - return + return conn, nil } // SystemBusPrivate returns a new private connection to the system bus. @@ -197,6 +210,14 @@ func WithSerialGenerator(gen SerialGenerator) ConnOption { } } +// WithAuth sets authentication methods for the auth conversation. +func WithAuth(methods ...Auth) ConnOption { + return func(conn *Conn) error { + conn.auth = methods + return nil + } +} + // Interceptor intercepts incoming and outgoing messages. type Interceptor func(msg *Message) @@ -309,6 +330,11 @@ func (conn *Conn) Context() context.Context { return conn.ctx } +// Connected returns whether conn is connected +func (conn *Conn) Connected() bool { + return conn.ctx.Err() == nil +} + // Eavesdrop causes conn to send all incoming messages to the given channel // without further processing. Method replies, errors and signals will not be // sent to the appropriate channels and method calls will not be handled. If nil @@ -342,8 +368,9 @@ func (conn *Conn) Hello() error { } // inWorker runs in an own goroutine, reading incoming messages from the -// transport and dispatching them appropiately. +// transport and dispatching them appropriately. func (conn *Conn) inWorker() { + sequenceGen := newSequenceGenerator() for { msg, err := conn.ReadMessage() if err != nil { @@ -352,7 +379,7 @@ func (conn *Conn) inWorker() { // anything but to shut down all stuff and returns errors to all // pending replies. conn.Close() - conn.calls.finalizeAllWithError(err) + conn.calls.finalizeAllWithError(sequenceGen, err) return } // invalid messages are ignored @@ -381,13 +408,14 @@ func (conn *Conn) inWorker() { if conn.inInt != nil { conn.inInt(msg) } + sequence := sequenceGen.next() switch msg.Type { case TypeError: - conn.serialGen.RetireSerial(conn.calls.handleDBusError(msg)) + conn.serialGen.RetireSerial(conn.calls.handleDBusError(sequence, msg)) case TypeMethodReply: - conn.serialGen.RetireSerial(conn.calls.handleReply(msg)) + conn.serialGen.RetireSerial(conn.calls.handleReply(sequence, msg)) case TypeSignal: - conn.handleSignal(msg) + conn.handleSignal(sequence, msg) case TypeMethodCall: go conn.handleCall(msg) } @@ -395,7 +423,7 @@ func (conn *Conn) inWorker() { } } -func (conn *Conn) handleSignal(msg *Message) { +func (conn *Conn) handleSignal(sequence Sequence, msg *Message) { iface := msg.Headers[FieldInterface].value.(string) member := msg.Headers[FieldMember].value.(string) // as per http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html , @@ -421,10 +449,11 @@ func (conn *Conn) handleSignal(msg *Message) { } } signal := &Signal{ - Sender: sender, - Path: msg.Headers[FieldPath].value.(ObjectPath), - Name: iface + "." + member, - Body: msg.Body, + Sender: sender, + Path: msg.Headers[FieldPath].value.(ObjectPath), + Name: iface + "." + member, + Body: msg.Body, + Sequence: sequence, } conn.signalHandler.DeliverSignal(iface, member, signal) } @@ -442,6 +471,9 @@ func (conn *Conn) Object(dest string, path ObjectPath) BusObject { } func (conn *Conn) sendMessageAndIfClosed(msg *Message, ifClosed func()) { + if msg.serial == 0 { + msg.serial = conn.getSerial() + } if conn.outInt != nil { conn.outInt(msg) } @@ -473,16 +505,16 @@ func (conn *Conn) send(ctx context.Context, msg *Message, ch chan *Call) *Call { if ctx == nil { panic("nil context") } + if ch == nil { + ch = make(chan *Call, 1) + } else if cap(ch) == 0 { + panic("dbus: unbuffered channel passed to (*Conn).Send") + } var call *Call ctx, canceler := context.WithCancel(ctx) msg.serial = conn.getSerial() if msg.Type == TypeMethodCall && msg.Flags&FlagNoReplyExpected == 0 { - if ch == nil { - ch = make(chan *Call, 5) - } else if cap(ch) == 0 { - panic("dbus: unbuffered channel passed to (*Conn).Send") - } call = new(Call) call.Destination, _ = msg.Headers[FieldDestination].value.(string) call.Path, _ = msg.Headers[FieldPath].value.(ObjectPath) @@ -504,7 +536,8 @@ func (conn *Conn) send(ctx context.Context, msg *Message, ch chan *Call) *Call { }) } else { canceler() - call = &Call{Err: nil} + call = &Call{Err: nil, Done: ch} + ch <- call conn.sendMessageAndIfClosed(msg, func() { call = &Call{Err: ErrClosed} }) @@ -529,7 +562,6 @@ func (conn *Conn) sendError(err error, dest string, serial uint32) { } msg := new(Message) msg.Type = TypeError - msg.serial = conn.getSerial() msg.Headers = make(map[HeaderField]Variant) if dest != "" { msg.Headers[FieldDestination] = MakeVariant(dest) @@ -548,7 +580,6 @@ func (conn *Conn) sendError(err error, dest string, serial uint32) { func (conn *Conn) sendReply(dest string, serial uint32, values ...interface{}) { msg := new(Message) msg.Type = TypeMethodReply - msg.serial = conn.getSerial() msg.Headers = make(map[HeaderField]Variant) if dest != "" { msg.Headers[FieldDestination] = MakeVariant(dest) @@ -564,8 +595,14 @@ func (conn *Conn) sendReply(dest string, serial uint32, values ...interface{}) { // AddMatchSignal registers the given match rule to receive broadcast // signals based on their contents. func (conn *Conn) AddMatchSignal(options ...MatchOption) error { + return conn.AddMatchSignalContext(context.Background(), options...) +} + +// AddMatchSignalContext acts like AddMatchSignal but takes a context. +func (conn *Conn) AddMatchSignalContext(ctx context.Context, options ...MatchOption) error { options = append([]MatchOption{withMatchType("signal")}, options...) - return conn.busObj.Call( + return conn.busObj.CallWithContext( + ctx, "org.freedesktop.DBus.AddMatch", 0, formatMatchOptions(options), ).Store() @@ -573,8 +610,14 @@ func (conn *Conn) AddMatchSignal(options ...MatchOption) error { // RemoveMatchSignal removes the first rule that matches previously registered with AddMatchSignal. func (conn *Conn) RemoveMatchSignal(options ...MatchOption) error { + return conn.RemoveMatchSignalContext(context.Background(), options...) +} + +// RemoveMatchSignalContext acts like RemoveMatchSignal but takes a context. +func (conn *Conn) RemoveMatchSignalContext(ctx context.Context, options ...MatchOption) error { options = append([]MatchOption{withMatchType("signal")}, options...) - return conn.busObj.Call( + return conn.busObj.CallWithContext( + ctx, "org.freedesktop.DBus.RemoveMatch", 0, formatMatchOptions(options), ).Store() @@ -639,10 +682,11 @@ func (e Error) Error() string { // Signal represents a D-Bus message of type Signal. The name member is given in // "interface.member" notation, e.g. org.freedesktop.D-Bus.NameLost. type Signal struct { - Sender string - Path ObjectPath - Name string - Body []interface{} + Sender string + Path ObjectPath + Name string + Body []interface{} + Sequence Sequence } // transport is a D-Bus transport. @@ -825,25 +869,25 @@ func (tracker *callTracker) track(sn uint32, call *Call) { tracker.lck.Unlock() } -func (tracker *callTracker) handleReply(msg *Message) uint32 { +func (tracker *callTracker) handleReply(sequence Sequence, msg *Message) uint32 { serial := msg.Headers[FieldReplySerial].value.(uint32) tracker.lck.RLock() _, ok := tracker.calls[serial] tracker.lck.RUnlock() if ok { - tracker.finalizeWithBody(serial, msg.Body) + tracker.finalizeWithBody(serial, sequence, msg.Body) } return serial } -func (tracker *callTracker) handleDBusError(msg *Message) uint32 { +func (tracker *callTracker) handleDBusError(sequence Sequence, msg *Message) uint32 { serial := msg.Headers[FieldReplySerial].value.(uint32) tracker.lck.RLock() _, ok := tracker.calls[serial] tracker.lck.RUnlock() if ok { name, _ := msg.Headers[FieldErrorName].value.(string) - tracker.finalizeWithError(serial, Error{name, msg.Body}) + tracker.finalizeWithError(serial, sequence, Error{name, msg.Body}) } return serial } @@ -856,7 +900,7 @@ func (tracker *callTracker) handleSendError(msg *Message, err error) { _, ok := tracker.calls[msg.serial] tracker.lck.RUnlock() if ok { - tracker.finalizeWithError(msg.serial, err) + tracker.finalizeWithError(msg.serial, NoSequence, err) } } @@ -871,7 +915,7 @@ func (tracker *callTracker) finalize(sn uint32) { } } -func (tracker *callTracker) finalizeWithBody(sn uint32, body []interface{}) { +func (tracker *callTracker) finalizeWithBody(sn uint32, sequence Sequence, body []interface{}) { tracker.lck.Lock() c, ok := tracker.calls[sn] if ok { @@ -880,11 +924,12 @@ func (tracker *callTracker) finalizeWithBody(sn uint32, body []interface{}) { tracker.lck.Unlock() if ok { c.Body = body + c.ResponseSequence = sequence c.done() } } -func (tracker *callTracker) finalizeWithError(sn uint32, err error) { +func (tracker *callTracker) finalizeWithError(sn uint32, sequence Sequence, err error) { tracker.lck.Lock() c, ok := tracker.calls[sn] if ok { @@ -893,11 +938,12 @@ func (tracker *callTracker) finalizeWithError(sn uint32, err error) { tracker.lck.Unlock() if ok { c.Err = err + c.ResponseSequence = sequence c.done() } } -func (tracker *callTracker) finalizeAllWithError(err error) { +func (tracker *callTracker) finalizeAllWithError(sequenceGen *sequenceGenerator, err error) { tracker.lck.Lock() closedCalls := make([]*Call, 0, len(tracker.calls)) for sn := range tracker.calls { @@ -907,6 +953,7 @@ func (tracker *callTracker) finalizeAllWithError(err error) { tracker.lck.Unlock() for _, call := range closedCalls { call.Err = err + call.ResponseSequence = sequenceGen.next() call.done() } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/dbus.go b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/dbus.go index 428923d..ddf3b7a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/dbus.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/dbus.go @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ var ( interfaceType = reflect.TypeOf((*interface{})(nil)).Elem() unixFDType = reflect.TypeOf(UnixFD(0)) unixFDIndexType = reflect.TypeOf(UnixFDIndex(0)) + errType = reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem() ) // An InvalidTypeError signals that a value which cannot be represented in the @@ -63,6 +64,9 @@ func storeInterfaces(src, dest interface{}) error { func store(dest, src reflect.Value) error { if dest.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + if dest.IsNil() { + dest.Set(reflect.New(dest.Type().Elem())) + } return store(dest.Elem(), src) } switch src.Kind() { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/default_handler.go b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/default_handler.go index 6d8bf32..13132c6 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/default_handler.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/default_handler.go @@ -126,14 +126,28 @@ func (m exportedMethod) Call(args ...interface{}) ([]interface{}, error) { } ret := m.Value.Call(params) - - err := ret[t.NumOut()-1].Interface().(*Error) - ret = ret[:t.NumOut()-1] + var err error + nilErr := false // The reflection will find almost-nils, let's only pass back clean ones! + if t.NumOut() > 0 { + if e, ok := ret[t.NumOut()-1].Interface().(*Error); ok { // godbus *Error + nilErr = ret[t.NumOut()-1].IsNil() + ret = ret[:t.NumOut()-1] + err = e + } else if ret[t.NumOut()-1].Type().Implements(errType) { // Go error + i := ret[t.NumOut()-1].Interface() + if i == nil { + nilErr = ret[t.NumOut()-1].IsNil() + } else { + err = i.(error) + } + ret = ret[:t.NumOut()-1] + } + } out := make([]interface{}, len(ret)) for i, val := range ret { out[i] = val.Interface() } - if err == nil { + if nilErr || err == nil { //concrete type to interface nil is a special case return out, nil } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/export.go b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/export.go index c277ab1..2447b51 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/export.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/export.go @@ -69,6 +69,22 @@ func getMethods(in interface{}, mapping map[string]string) map[string]reflect.Va return methods } +func getAllMethods(in interface{}, mapping map[string]string) map[string]reflect.Value { + if in == nil { + return nil + } + methods := make(map[string]reflect.Value) + val := reflect.ValueOf(in) + typ := val.Type() + for i := 0; i < typ.NumMethod(); i++ { + methtype := typ.Method(i) + method := val.Method(i) + // map names while building table + methods[computeMethodName(methtype.Name, mapping)] = method + } + return methods +} + func standardMethodArgumentDecode(m Method, sender string, msg *Message, body []interface{}) ([]interface{}, error) { pointers := make([]interface{}, m.NumArguments()) decode := make([]interface{}, 0, len(body)) @@ -159,7 +175,6 @@ func (conn *Conn) handleCall(msg *Message) { if msg.Flags&FlagNoReplyExpected == 0 { reply := new(Message) reply.Type = TypeMethodReply - reply.serial = conn.getSerial() reply.Headers = make(map[HeaderField]Variant) if hasSender { reply.Headers[FieldDestination] = msg.Headers[FieldSender] @@ -195,7 +210,6 @@ func (conn *Conn) Emit(path ObjectPath, name string, values ...interface{}) erro } msg := new(Message) msg.Type = TypeSignal - msg.serial = conn.getSerial() msg.Headers = make(map[HeaderField]Variant) msg.Headers[FieldInterface] = MakeVariant(iface) msg.Headers[FieldMember] = MakeVariant(member) @@ -247,6 +261,18 @@ func (conn *Conn) Export(v interface{}, path ObjectPath, iface string) error { return conn.ExportWithMap(v, nil, path, iface) } +// ExportAll registers all exported methods defined by the given object on +// the message bus. +// +// Unlike Export there is no requirement to have the last parameter as type +// *Error. If you want to be able to return error then you can append an error +// type parameter to your method signature. If the error returned is not nil, +// it is sent back to the caller as an error. Otherwise, a method reply is +// sent with the other return values as its body. +func (conn *Conn) ExportAll(v interface{}, path ObjectPath, iface string) error { + return conn.export(getAllMethods(v, nil), path, iface, false) +} + // ExportWithMap works exactly like Export but provides the ability to remap // method names (e.g. export a lower-case method). // @@ -299,19 +325,22 @@ func (conn *Conn) ExportSubtreeMethodTable(methods map[string]interface{}, path } func (conn *Conn) exportMethodTable(methods map[string]interface{}, path ObjectPath, iface string, includeSubtree bool) error { - out := make(map[string]reflect.Value) - for name, method := range methods { - rval := reflect.ValueOf(method) - if rval.Kind() != reflect.Func { - continue - } - t := rval.Type() - // only track valid methods must return *Error as last arg - if t.NumOut() == 0 || - t.Out(t.NumOut()-1) != reflect.TypeOf(&ErrMsgInvalidArg) { - continue + var out map[string]reflect.Value + if methods != nil { + out = make(map[string]reflect.Value) + for name, method := range methods { + rval := reflect.ValueOf(method) + if rval.Kind() != reflect.Func { + continue + } + t := rval.Type() + // only track valid methods must return *Error as last arg + if t.NumOut() == 0 || + t.Out(t.NumOut()-1) != reflect.TypeOf(&ErrMsgInvalidArg) { + continue + } + out[name] = rval } - out[name] = rval } return conn.export(out, path, iface, includeSubtree) } @@ -327,12 +356,12 @@ func (conn *Conn) unexport(h *defaultHandler, path ObjectPath, iface string) err return nil } -// exportWithMap is the worker function for all exports/registrations. +// export is the worker function for all exports/registrations. func (conn *Conn) export(methods map[string]reflect.Value, path ObjectPath, iface string, includeSubtree bool) error { h, ok := conn.handler.(*defaultHandler) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf( - `dbus: export only allowed on the default hander handler have %T"`, + `dbus: export only allowed on the default handler. Received: %T"`, conn.handler) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/go.mod deleted file mode 100644 index 15b9202..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/go.mod +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -module github.com/godbus/dbus/v5 - -go 1.12 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/go.sum deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/match.go b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/match.go index 086ee33..5a607e5 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/match.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/match.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ package dbus import ( + "strconv" "strings" ) @@ -60,3 +61,29 @@ func WithMatchPathNamespace(namespace ObjectPath) MatchOption { func WithMatchDestination(destination string) MatchOption { return WithMatchOption("destination", destination) } + +// WithMatchArg sets argN match option, range of N is 0 to 63. +func WithMatchArg(argIdx int, value string) MatchOption { + if argIdx < 0 || argIdx > 63 { + panic("range of argument index is 0 to 63") + } + return WithMatchOption("arg"+strconv.Itoa(argIdx), value) +} + +// WithMatchArgPath sets argN path match option, range of N is 0 to 63. +func WithMatchArgPath(argIdx int, path string) MatchOption { + if argIdx < 0 || argIdx > 63 { + panic("range of argument index is 0 to 63") + } + return WithMatchOption("arg"+strconv.Itoa(argIdx)+"path", path) +} + +// WithMatchArg0Namespace sets arg0namespace match option. +func WithMatchArg0Namespace(arg0Namespace string) MatchOption { + return WithMatchOption("arg0namespace", arg0Namespace) +} + +// WithMatchEavesdrop sets eavesdrop match option. +func WithMatchEavesdrop(eavesdrop bool) MatchOption { + return WithMatchOption("eavesdrop", strconv.FormatBool(eavesdrop)) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/object.go b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/object.go index 8acd7fc..664abb7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/object.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/object.go @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ type BusObject interface { AddMatchSignal(iface, member string, options ...MatchOption) *Call RemoveMatchSignal(iface, member string, options ...MatchOption) *Call GetProperty(p string) (Variant, error) + StoreProperty(p string, value interface{}) error SetProperty(p string, v interface{}) error Destination() string Path() ObjectPath @@ -109,7 +110,6 @@ func (o *Object) createCall(ctx context.Context, method string, flags Flags, ch method = method[i+1:] msg := new(Message) msg.Type = TypeMethodCall - msg.serial = o.conn.getSerial() msg.Flags = flags & (FlagNoAutoStart | FlagNoReplyExpected) msg.Headers = make(map[HeaderField]Variant) msg.Headers[FieldPath] = MakeVariant(o.path) @@ -122,68 +122,31 @@ func (o *Object) createCall(ctx context.Context, method string, flags Flags, ch if len(args) > 0 { msg.Headers[FieldSignature] = MakeVariant(SignatureOf(args...)) } - if msg.Flags&FlagNoReplyExpected == 0 { - if ch == nil { - ch = make(chan *Call, 1) - } else if cap(ch) == 0 { - panic("dbus: unbuffered channel passed to (*Object).Go") - } - ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) - call := &Call{ - Destination: o.dest, - Path: o.path, - Method: method, - Args: args, - Done: ch, - ctxCanceler: cancel, - ctx: ctx, - } - o.conn.calls.track(msg.serial, call) - o.conn.sendMessageAndIfClosed(msg, func() { - o.conn.calls.handleSendError(msg, ErrClosed) - cancel() - }) - go func() { - <-ctx.Done() - o.conn.calls.handleSendError(msg, ctx.Err()) - }() - - return call - } - done := make(chan *Call, 1) - call := &Call{ - Err: nil, - Done: done, - } - defer func() { - call.Done <- call - close(done) - }() - o.conn.sendMessageAndIfClosed(msg, func() { - call.Err = ErrClosed - }) - return call + return o.conn.SendWithContext(ctx, msg, ch) } // GetProperty calls org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get on the given // object. The property name must be given in interface.member notation. func (o *Object) GetProperty(p string) (Variant, error) { + var result Variant + err := o.StoreProperty(p, &result) + return result, err +} + +// StoreProperty calls org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get on the given +// object. The property name must be given in interface.member notation. +// It stores the returned property into the provided value. +func (o *Object) StoreProperty(p string, value interface{}) error { idx := strings.LastIndex(p, ".") if idx == -1 || idx+1 == len(p) { - return Variant{}, errors.New("dbus: invalid property " + p) + return errors.New("dbus: invalid property " + p) } iface := p[:idx] prop := p[idx+1:] - result := Variant{} - err := o.Call("org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get", 0, iface, prop).Store(&result) - - if err != nil { - return Variant{}, err - } - - return result, nil + return o.Call("org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get", 0, iface, prop). + Store(value) } // SetProperty calls org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set on the given diff --git a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/sequence.go b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/sequence.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89435d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/sequence.go @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +package dbus + +// Sequence represents the value of a monotonically increasing counter. +type Sequence uint64 + +const ( + // NoSequence indicates the absence of a sequence value. + NoSequence Sequence = 0 +) + +// sequenceGenerator represents a monotonically increasing counter. +type sequenceGenerator struct { + nextSequence Sequence +} + +func (generator *sequenceGenerator) next() Sequence { + result := generator.nextSequence + generator.nextSequence++ + return result +} + +func newSequenceGenerator() *sequenceGenerator { + return &sequenceGenerator{nextSequence: 1} +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/sequential_handler.go b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/sequential_handler.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef2fcdb --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/sequential_handler.go @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +package dbus + +import ( + "sync" +) + +// NewSequentialSignalHandler returns an instance of a new +// signal handler that guarantees sequential processing of signals. It is a +// guarantee of this signal handler that signals will be written to +// channels in the order they are received on the DBus connection. +func NewSequentialSignalHandler() SignalHandler { + return &sequentialSignalHandler{} +} + +type sequentialSignalHandler struct { + mu sync.RWMutex + closed bool + signals []*sequentialSignalChannelData +} + +func (sh *sequentialSignalHandler) DeliverSignal(intf, name string, signal *Signal) { + sh.mu.RLock() + defer sh.mu.RUnlock() + if sh.closed { + return + } + for _, scd := range sh.signals { + scd.deliver(signal) + } +} + +func (sh *sequentialSignalHandler) Terminate() { + sh.mu.Lock() + defer sh.mu.Unlock() + if sh.closed { + return + } + + for _, scd := range sh.signals { + scd.close() + close(scd.ch) + } + sh.closed = true + sh.signals = nil +} + +func (sh *sequentialSignalHandler) AddSignal(ch chan<- *Signal) { + sh.mu.Lock() + defer sh.mu.Unlock() + if sh.closed { + return + } + sh.signals = append(sh.signals, newSequentialSignalChannelData(ch)) +} + +func (sh *sequentialSignalHandler) RemoveSignal(ch chan<- *Signal) { + sh.mu.Lock() + defer sh.mu.Unlock() + if sh.closed { + return + } + for i := len(sh.signals) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + if ch == sh.signals[i].ch { + sh.signals[i].close() + copy(sh.signals[i:], sh.signals[i+1:]) + sh.signals[len(sh.signals)-1] = nil + sh.signals = sh.signals[:len(sh.signals)-1] + } + } +} + +type sequentialSignalChannelData struct { + ch chan<- *Signal + in chan *Signal + done chan struct{} +} + +func newSequentialSignalChannelData(ch chan<- *Signal) *sequentialSignalChannelData { + scd := &sequentialSignalChannelData{ + ch: ch, + in: make(chan *Signal), + done: make(chan struct{}), + } + go scd.bufferSignals() + return scd +} + +func (scd *sequentialSignalChannelData) bufferSignals() { + defer close(scd.done) + + // Ensure that signals are delivered to scd.ch in the same + // order they are received from scd.in. + var queue []*Signal + for { + if len(queue) == 0 { + signal, ok := <- scd.in + if !ok { + return + } + queue = append(queue, signal) + } + select { + case scd.ch <- queue[0]: + copy(queue, queue[1:]) + queue[len(queue)-1] = nil + queue = queue[:len(queue)-1] + case signal, ok := <-scd.in: + if !ok { + return + } + queue = append(queue, signal) + } + } +} + +func (scd *sequentialSignalChannelData) deliver(signal *Signal) { + scd.in <- signal +} + +func (scd *sequentialSignalChannelData) close() { + close(scd.in) + // Ensure that bufferSignals() has exited and won't attempt + // any future sends on scd.ch + <-scd.done +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/sig.go b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/sig.go index c1b8092..2d326ce 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/sig.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/sig.go @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ func ParseSignatureMust(s string) Signature { return sig } -// Empty retruns whether the signature is the empty signature. +// Empty returns whether the signature is the empty signature. func (s Signature) Empty() bool { return s.str == "" } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/transport_unixcred_freebsd.go b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/transport_unixcred_freebsd.go index 0fc5b92..1b5ed20 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/transport_unixcred_freebsd.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/transport_unixcred_freebsd.go @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ package dbus /* const int sizeofPtr = sizeof(void*); #define _WANT_UCRED +#include #include */ import "C" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/variant.go b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/variant.go index 5b51828..f1e81f3 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/variant.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/godbus/dbus/v5/variant.go @@ -142,3 +142,9 @@ func (v Variant) String() string { func (v Variant) Value() interface{} { return v.value } + +// Store converts the variant into a native go type using the same +// mechanism as the "Store" function. +func (v Variant) Store(value interface{}) error { + return storeInterfaces(v.value, value) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/colorable_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/colorable_windows.go index 04c4229..41215d7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/colorable_windows.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/colorable_windows.go @@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ loop: n256setup() } attr &= backgroundMask - attr |= n256foreAttr[n256] + attr |= n256foreAttr[n256%len(n256foreAttr)] i += 2 } } else if len(token) == 5 && token[i+1] == "2" { @@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ loop: n256setup() } attr &= foregroundMask - attr |= n256backAttr[n256] + attr |= n256backAttr[n256%len(n256backAttr)] i += 2 } } else if len(token) == 5 && token[i+1] == "2" { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/go.mod deleted file mode 100644 index 1e590b8..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/go.mod +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -module github.com/mattn/go-colorable - -require ( - github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.12 - golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20200223170610-d5e6a3e2c0ae // indirect -) - -go 1.13 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/go.sum deleted file mode 100644 index cf5b95d..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/go.sum +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.12 h1:wuysRhFDzyxgEmMf5xjvJ2M9dZoWAXNNr5LSBS7uHXY= -github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.12/go.mod h1:cbi8OIDigv2wuxKPP5vlRcQ1OAZbq2CE4Kysco4FUpU= -golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20200116001909-b77594299b42/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs= -golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20200223170610-d5e6a3e2c0ae h1:/WDfKMnPU+m5M4xB+6x4kaepxRw6jWvR5iDRdvjHgy8= -golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20200223170610-d5e6a3e2c0ae/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/go.mod deleted file mode 100644 index 605c4c2..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/go.mod +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -module github.com/mattn/go-isatty - -go 1.12 - -require golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20200116001909-b77594299b42 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/go.sum deleted file mode 100644 index 912e29c..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/go.sum +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20200116001909-b77594299b42 h1:vEOn+mP2zCOVzKckCZy6YsCtDblrpj/w7B9nxGNELpg= -golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20200116001909-b77594299b42/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/go.mod deleted file mode 100644 index fa7f4d8..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/go.mod +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -module github.com/mattn/go-runewidth - -go 1.9 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth.go b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth.go index 19f8e04..3d7fa56 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth.go @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ package runewidth import ( "os" + + "github.com/rivo/uniseg" ) //go:generate go run script/generate.go @@ -10,11 +12,14 @@ var ( // EastAsianWidth will be set true if the current locale is CJK EastAsianWidth bool - // ZeroWidthJoiner is flag to set to use UTR#51 ZWJ - ZeroWidthJoiner bool + // StrictEmojiNeutral should be set false if handle broken fonts + StrictEmojiNeutral bool = true // DefaultCondition is a condition in current locale - DefaultCondition = &Condition{} + DefaultCondition = &Condition{ + EastAsianWidth: false, + StrictEmojiNeutral: true, + } ) func init() { @@ -30,7 +35,6 @@ func handleEnv() { } // update DefaultCondition DefaultCondition.EastAsianWidth = EastAsianWidth - DefaultCondition.ZeroWidthJoiner = ZeroWidthJoiner } type interval struct { @@ -85,63 +89,69 @@ var nonprint = table{ // Condition have flag EastAsianWidth whether the current locale is CJK or not. type Condition struct { - EastAsianWidth bool - ZeroWidthJoiner bool + EastAsianWidth bool + StrictEmojiNeutral bool } // NewCondition return new instance of Condition which is current locale. func NewCondition() *Condition { return &Condition{ - EastAsianWidth: EastAsianWidth, - ZeroWidthJoiner: ZeroWidthJoiner, + EastAsianWidth: EastAsianWidth, + StrictEmojiNeutral: StrictEmojiNeutral, } } // RuneWidth returns the number of cells in r. // See http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr11/ func (c *Condition) RuneWidth(r rune) int { - switch { - case r < 0 || r > 0x10FFFF || inTables(r, nonprint, combining, notassigned): - return 0 - case (c.EastAsianWidth && IsAmbiguousWidth(r)) || inTables(r, doublewidth): - return 2 - default: - return 1 - } -} - -func (c *Condition) stringWidth(s string) (width int) { - for _, r := range []rune(s) { - width += c.RuneWidth(r) - } - return width -} - -func (c *Condition) stringWidthZeroJoiner(s string) (width int) { - r1, r2 := rune(0), rune(0) - for _, r := range []rune(s) { - if r == 0xFE0E || r == 0xFE0F { - continue + // optimized version, verified by TestRuneWidthChecksums() + if !c.EastAsianWidth { + switch { + case r < 0x20 || r > 0x10FFFF: + return 0 + case (r >= 0x7F && r <= 0x9F) || r == 0xAD: // nonprint + return 0 + case r < 0x300: + return 1 + case inTable(r, narrow): + return 1 + case inTables(r, nonprint, combining): + return 0 + case inTable(r, doublewidth): + return 2 + default: + return 1 } - w := c.RuneWidth(r) - if r2 == 0x200D && inTables(r, emoji) && inTables(r1, emoji) { - if width < w { - width = w - } - } else { - width += w + } else { + switch { + case r < 0 || r > 0x10FFFF || inTables(r, nonprint, combining): + return 0 + case inTable(r, narrow): + return 1 + case inTables(r, ambiguous, doublewidth): + return 2 + case !c.StrictEmojiNeutral && inTables(r, ambiguous, emoji, narrow): + return 2 + default: + return 1 } - r1, r2 = r2, r } - return width } // StringWidth return width as you can see func (c *Condition) StringWidth(s string) (width int) { - if c.ZeroWidthJoiner { - return c.stringWidthZeroJoiner(s) + g := uniseg.NewGraphemes(s) + for g.Next() { + var chWidth int + for _, r := range g.Runes() { + chWidth = c.RuneWidth(r) + if chWidth > 0 { + break // Our best guess at this point is to use the width of the first non-zero-width rune. + } + } + width += chWidth } - return c.stringWidth(s) + return } // Truncate return string truncated with w cells @@ -149,19 +159,25 @@ func (c *Condition) Truncate(s string, w int, tail string) string { if c.StringWidth(s) <= w { return s } - r := []rune(s) - tw := c.StringWidth(tail) - w -= tw - width := 0 - i := 0 - for ; i < len(r); i++ { - cw := c.RuneWidth(r[i]) - if width+cw > w { + w -= c.StringWidth(tail) + var width int + pos := len(s) + g := uniseg.NewGraphemes(s) + for g.Next() { + var chWidth int + for _, r := range g.Runes() { + chWidth = c.RuneWidth(r) + if chWidth > 0 { + break // See StringWidth() for details. + } + } + if width+chWidth > w { + pos, _ = g.Positions() break } - width += cw + width += chWidth } - return string(r[0:i]) + tail + return s[:pos] + tail } // Wrap return string wrapped with w cells @@ -169,7 +185,7 @@ func (c *Condition) Wrap(s string, w int) string { width := 0 out := "" for _, r := range []rune(s) { - cw := RuneWidth(r) + cw := c.RuneWidth(r) if r == '\n' { out += string(r) width = 0 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth_table.go b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth_table.go index b27d77d..e5d890c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth_table.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth_table.go @@ -124,8 +124,10 @@ var ambiguous = table{ {0x1F18F, 0x1F190}, {0x1F19B, 0x1F1AC}, {0xE0100, 0xE01EF}, {0xF0000, 0xFFFFD}, {0x100000, 0x10FFFD}, } -var notassigned = table{ - {0x27E6, 0x27ED}, {0x2985, 0x2986}, +var narrow = table{ + {0x0020, 0x007E}, {0x00A2, 0x00A3}, {0x00A5, 0x00A6}, + {0x00AC, 0x00AC}, {0x00AF, 0x00AF}, {0x27E6, 0x27ED}, + {0x2985, 0x2986}, } var neutral = table{ diff --git a/vendor/github.com/miguelmota/go-coinmarketcap/pro/v1/coinmarketcap.go b/vendor/github.com/miguelmota/go-coinmarketcap/pro/v1/coinmarketcap.go index 2a995a4..03a64cb 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/miguelmota/go-coinmarketcap/pro/v1/coinmarketcap.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/miguelmota/go-coinmarketcap/pro/v1/coinmarketcap.go @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import ( type Client struct { proAPIKey string Cryptocurrency *CryptocurrencyService + Fiat *FiatService Exchange *ExchangeService GlobalMetrics *GlobalMetricsService Tools *ToolsService @@ -27,6 +28,9 @@ type Config struct { // CryptocurrencyService ... type CryptocurrencyService service +// FiatService ... +type FiatService service + // ExchangeService ... type ExchangeService service @@ -68,15 +72,30 @@ type Listing struct { } // MapListing is the structure of a map listing +type Platform struct { + ID int `json:"id"` + Name string `json:"name"` + Symbol string `json:"symbol"` + Slug string `json:"slug"` + TokenAddress string `json:"token_address"` +} type MapListing struct { - ID float64 `json:"id"` - Name string `json:"name"` - Symbol string `json:"symbol"` - Slug string `json:"slug"` - IsActive int `json:"is_active"` - FirstHistoricalData string `json:"first_historical_data"` - LastHistoricalData string `json:"last_historical_data"` - Platform *string + ID float64 `json:"id"` + Name string `json:"name"` + Symbol string `json:"symbol"` + Slug string `json:"slug"` + IsActive int `json:"is_active"` + FirstHistoricalData string `json:"first_historical_data"` + LastHistoricalData string `json:"last_historical_data"` + Platform Platform `json:"platform"` +} + +// FiatMapListing is the structure of a fiat map listing +type FiatMapListing struct { + ID float64 `json:"id"` + Name string `json:"name"` + Sign string `json:"sign"` + Symbol string `json:"symbol"` } // ConvertListing is the converted listing structure @@ -175,6 +194,13 @@ type MapOptions struct { Symbol string } +// FiatMapOptions options +type FiatMapOptions struct { + Start int + Limit int + IncludeMetals bool +} + // QuoteOptions options type QuoteOptions struct { // Covert suppots multiple currencies command separated. eg. "BRL,USD" @@ -185,11 +211,12 @@ type QuoteOptions struct { // ConvertOptions options type ConvertOptions struct { - Amount float64 - ID string - Symbol string - Time int - Convert string + Amount float64 + ID string + Symbol string + Time int + Convert string + ConvertID string } // MarketPairOptions options @@ -254,6 +281,7 @@ func NewClient(cfg *Config) *Client { c.common.client = c c.Cryptocurrency = (*CryptocurrencyService)(&c.common) + c.Fiat = (*FiatService)(&c.common) c.Exchange = (*ExchangeService)(&c.common) c.GlobalMetrics = (*GlobalMetricsService)(&c.common) c.Tools = (*ToolsService)(&c.common) @@ -415,6 +443,58 @@ func (s *CryptocurrencyService) Map(options *MapOptions) ([]*MapListing, error) return result, nil } +// Map returns a paginated list of all cryptocurrencies by CoinMarketCap ID. +func (s *FiatService) Map(options *FiatMapOptions) ([]*FiatMapListing, error) { + var params []string + if options == nil { + options = new(FiatMapOptions) + } + + if options.Start != 0 { + params = append(params, fmt.Sprintf("start=%d", options.Start)) + } + + if options.Limit != 0 { + params = append(params, fmt.Sprintf("limit=%d", options.Limit)) + } + + if options.IncludeMetals { + params = append(params, "include_metals=true") + } + + url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/fiat/map?%s", baseURL, strings.Join(params, "&")) + + body, err := s.client.makeReq(url) + resp := new(Response) + err = json.Unmarshal(body, &resp) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("JSON Error: [%s]. Response body: [%s]", err.Error(), string(body)) + } + + var result []*FiatMapListing + ifcs, ok := resp.Data.(interface{}) + if !ok { + return nil, ErrTypeAssertion + } + + for _, item := range ifcs.([]interface{}) { + value := new(FiatMapListing) + b, err := json.Marshal(item) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + err = json.Unmarshal(b, value) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + result = append(result, value) + } + + return result, nil +} + // Exchange ... type Exchange struct { ID int `json:"id"` @@ -702,6 +782,8 @@ func (s *ToolsService) PriceConversion(options *ConvertOptions) (*ConvertListing if options.Convert != "" { params = append(params, fmt.Sprintf("convert=%s", options.Convert)) + } else if options.ConvertID != "" { + params = append(params, fmt.Sprintf("convert_id=%s", options.ConvertID)) } url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/tools/price-conversion?%s", baseURL, strings.Join(params, "&")) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/miguelmota/gocui/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/miguelmota/gocui/go.mod deleted file mode 100644 index 6c1e831..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/miguelmota/gocui/go.mod +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -module github.com/miguelmota/gocui - -go 1.13 - -require ( - github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.7 // indirect - github.com/miguelmota/termbox-go v0.0.0-20191229070316-58d4fcbce2a7 -) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/miguelmota/gocui/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/miguelmota/gocui/go.sum deleted file mode 100644 index 76e0c06..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/miguelmota/gocui/go.sum +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.7 h1:Ei8KR0497xHyKJPAv59M1dkC+rOZCMBJ+t3fZ+twI54= -github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.7/go.mod h1:H031xJmbD/WCDINGzjvQ9THkh0rPKHF+m2gUSrubnMI= -github.com/miguelmota/termbox-go v0.0.0-20191229070316-58d4fcbce2a7 h1:sZmjSV25xMXIGAaATVuOtC9VtGHMydXpd9OejNaTxQE= -github.com/miguelmota/termbox-go v0.0.0-20191229070316-58d4fcbce2a7/go.mod h1:DRZE481VrAygaB/4DTvG0To/HsucthXAu0sY1Exb7gw= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mitchellh/go-wordwrap/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/mitchellh/go-wordwrap/go.mod deleted file mode 100644 index 2ae411b..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/mitchellh/go-wordwrap/go.mod +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -module github.com/mitchellh/go-wordwrap diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mitchellh/go-wordwrap/wordwrap.go b/vendor/github.com/mitchellh/go-wordwrap/wordwrap.go index ac67205..f7bedda 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/mitchellh/go-wordwrap/wordwrap.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/mitchellh/go-wordwrap/wordwrap.go @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import ( "unicode" ) +const nbsp = 0xA0 + // WrapString wraps the given string within lim width in characters. // // Wrapping is currently naive and only happens at white-space. A future @@ -18,50 +20,58 @@ func WrapString(s string, lim uint) string { var current uint var wordBuf, spaceBuf bytes.Buffer + var wordBufLen, spaceBufLen uint for _, char := range s { if char == '\n' { if wordBuf.Len() == 0 { - if current+uint(spaceBuf.Len()) > lim { + if current+spaceBufLen > lim { current = 0 } else { - current += uint(spaceBuf.Len()) + current += spaceBufLen spaceBuf.WriteTo(buf) } spaceBuf.Reset() + spaceBufLen = 0 } else { - current += uint(spaceBuf.Len() + wordBuf.Len()) + current += spaceBufLen + wordBufLen spaceBuf.WriteTo(buf) spaceBuf.Reset() + spaceBufLen = 0 wordBuf.WriteTo(buf) wordBuf.Reset() + wordBufLen = 0 } buf.WriteRune(char) current = 0 - } else if unicode.IsSpace(char) { + } else if unicode.IsSpace(char) && char != nbsp { if spaceBuf.Len() == 0 || wordBuf.Len() > 0 { - current += uint(spaceBuf.Len() + wordBuf.Len()) + current += spaceBufLen + wordBufLen spaceBuf.WriteTo(buf) spaceBuf.Reset() + spaceBufLen = 0 wordBuf.WriteTo(buf) wordBuf.Reset() + wordBufLen = 0 } spaceBuf.WriteRune(char) + spaceBufLen++ } else { - wordBuf.WriteRune(char) + wordBufLen++ - if current+uint(spaceBuf.Len()+wordBuf.Len()) > lim && uint(wordBuf.Len()) < lim { + if current+wordBufLen+spaceBufLen > lim && wordBufLen < lim { buf.WriteRune('\n') current = 0 spaceBuf.Reset() + spaceBufLen = 0 } } } if wordBuf.Len() == 0 { - if current+uint(spaceBuf.Len()) <= lim { + if current+spaceBufLen <= lim { spaceBuf.WriteTo(buf) } } else { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/.travis.yml index 9c64270..366d48a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/.travis.yml +++ b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/.travis.yml @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ language: go - +arch: + - ppc64le + - amd64 go: - - 1.1 - - 1.2 - 1.3 - 1.4 - 1.5 @@ -12,3 +12,11 @@ go: - 1.9 - "1.10" - tip +jobs: + exclude : + - arch : ppc64le + go : + - 1.3 + - arch : ppc64le + go : + - 1.4 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/README.md b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/README.md index cb9b2ef..f06530d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/README.md @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Generate ASCII table on the fly ... Installation is simple as - Set custom footer support - Optional identical cells merging - Set custom caption -- Optional reflowing of paragrpahs in multi-line cells. +- Optional reflowing of paragraphs in multi-line cells. #### Example 1 - Basic ```go @@ -197,6 +197,41 @@ table.Render() +----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ ``` +#### Example 7 - Identical cells merging (specify the column index to merge) +```go +data := [][]string{ + []string{"1/1/2014", "Domain name", "1234", "$10.98"}, + []string{"1/1/2014", "January Hosting", "1234", "$10.98"}, + []string{"1/4/2014", "February Hosting", "3456", "$51.00"}, + []string{"1/4/2014", "February Extra Bandwidth", "4567", "$30.00"}, +} + +table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) +table.SetHeader([]string{"Date", "Description", "CV2", "Amount"}) +table.SetFooter([]string{"", "", "Total", "$146.93"}) +table.SetAutoMergeCellsByColumnIndex([]int{2, 3}) +table.SetRowLine(true) +table.AppendBulk(data) +table.Render() +``` + +##### Output 7 +``` ++----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ +| DATE | DESCRIPTION | CV2 | AMOUNT | ++----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ +| 1/1/2014 | Domain name | 1234 | $10.98 | ++----------+--------------------------+ + + +| 1/1/2014 | January Hosting | | | ++----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ +| 1/4/2014 | February Hosting | 3456 | $51.00 | ++----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ +| 1/4/2014 | February Extra Bandwidth | 4567 | $30.00 | ++----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ +| TOTAL | $146.93 | ++----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ +``` + #### Table with color ```go @@ -233,7 +268,7 @@ table.Render() #### Table with color Output ![Table with Color](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/6460392/21101956/bbc7b356-c0a1-11e6-9f36-dba694746efc.png) -#### Example - 7 Table Cells with Color +#### Example - 8 Table Cells with Color Individual Cell Colors from `func Rich` take precedence over Column Colors @@ -289,7 +324,7 @@ table.Render() ##### Table cells with color Output ![Table cells with Color](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9064687/63969376-bcd88d80-ca6f-11e9-9466-c3d954700b25.png) -#### Example 8 - Set table caption +#### Example 9 - Set table caption ```go data := [][]string{ []string{"A", "The Good", "500"}, @@ -310,7 +345,7 @@ table.Render() // Send output Note: Caption text will wrap with total width of rendered table. -##### Output 7 +##### Output 9 ``` +------+-----------------------+--------+ | NAME | SIGN | RATING | @@ -323,7 +358,7 @@ Note: Caption text will wrap with total width of rendered table. Movie ratings. ``` -#### Example 8 - Set NoWhiteSpace and TablePadding option +#### Example 10 - Set NoWhiteSpace and TablePadding option ```go data := [][]string{ {"node1.example.com", "Ready", "compute", "1.11"}, @@ -349,7 +384,7 @@ table.AppendBulk(data) // Add Bulk Data table.Render() ``` -##### Output 8 +##### Output 10 ``` NAME STATUS ROLE VERSION node1.example.com Ready compute 1.11 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/go.mod deleted file mode 100644 index 0430d99..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/go.mod +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -module github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter - -go 1.12 - -require github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.7 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/go.sum deleted file mode 100644 index 1e7b9aa..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/go.sum +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.7 h1:Ei8KR0497xHyKJPAv59M1dkC+rOZCMBJ+t3fZ+twI54= -github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.7/go.mod h1:H031xJmbD/WCDINGzjvQ9THkh0rPKHF+m2gUSrubnMI= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/table.go b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/table.go index cf63ead..f913149 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/table.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/table.go @@ -48,39 +48,40 @@ type Border struct { } type Table struct { - out io.Writer - rows [][]string - lines [][][]string - cs map[int]int - rs map[int]int - headers [][]string - footers [][]string - caption bool - captionText string - autoFmt bool - autoWrap bool - reflowText bool - mW int - pCenter string - pRow string - pColumn string - tColumn int - tRow int - hAlign int - fAlign int - align int - newLine string - rowLine bool - autoMergeCells bool - noWhiteSpace bool - tablePadding string - hdrLine bool - borders Border - colSize int - headerParams []string - columnsParams []string - footerParams []string - columnsAlign []int + out io.Writer + rows [][]string + lines [][][]string + cs map[int]int + rs map[int]int + headers [][]string + footers [][]string + caption bool + captionText string + autoFmt bool + autoWrap bool + reflowText bool + mW int + pCenter string + pRow string + pColumn string + tColumn int + tRow int + hAlign int + fAlign int + align int + newLine string + rowLine bool + autoMergeCells bool + columnsToAutoMergeCells map[int]bool + noWhiteSpace bool + tablePadding string + hdrLine bool + borders Border + colSize int + headerParams []string + columnsParams []string + footerParams []string + columnsAlign []int } // Start New Table @@ -276,6 +277,21 @@ func (t *Table) SetAutoMergeCells(auto bool) { t.autoMergeCells = auto } +// Set Auto Merge Cells By Column Index +// This would enable / disable the merge of cells with identical values for specific columns +// If cols is empty, it is the same as `SetAutoMergeCells(true)`. +func (t *Table) SetAutoMergeCellsByColumnIndex(cols []int) { + t.autoMergeCells = true + + if len(cols) > 0 { + m := make(map[int]bool) + for _, col := range cols { + m[col] = true + } + t.columnsToAutoMergeCells = m + } +} + // Set Table Border // This would enable / disable line around the table func (t *Table) SetBorder(border bool) { @@ -830,9 +846,19 @@ func (t *Table) printRowMergeCells(writer io.Writer, columns [][]string, rowIdx } if t.autoMergeCells { + var mergeCell bool + if t.columnsToAutoMergeCells != nil { + // Check to see if the column index is in columnsToAutoMergeCells. + if t.columnsToAutoMergeCells[y] { + mergeCell = true + } + } else { + // columnsToAutoMergeCells was not set. + mergeCell = true + } //Store the full line to merge mutli-lines cells fullLine := strings.TrimRight(strings.Join(columns[y], " "), " ") - if len(previousLine) > y && fullLine == previousLine[y] && fullLine != "" { + if len(previousLine) > y && fullLine == previousLine[y] && fullLine != "" && mergeCell { // If this cell is identical to the one above but not empty, we don't display the border and keep the cell empty. displayCellBorder = append(displayCellBorder, false) str = "" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/LICENSE.txt b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/LICENSE.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5040f1e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/LICENSE.txt @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2019 Oliver Kuederle + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/README.md b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8da293 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +# Unicode Text Segmentation for Go + +[![Godoc Reference](https://img.shields.io/badge/godoc-reference-blue.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/rivo/uniseg) +[![Go Report](https://img.shields.io/badge/go%20report-A%2B-brightgreen.svg)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/rivo/uniseg) + +This Go package implements Unicode Text Segmentation according to [Unicode Standard Annex #29](http://unicode.org/reports/tr29/) (Unicode version 12.0.0). + +At this point, only the determination of grapheme cluster boundaries is implemented. + +## Background + +In Go, [strings are read-only slices of bytes](https://blog.golang.org/strings). They can be turned into Unicode code points using the `for` loop or by casting: `[]rune(str)`. However, multiple code points may be combined into one user-perceived character or what the Unicode specification calls "grapheme cluster". Here are some examples: + +|String|Bytes (UTF-8)|Code points (runes)|Grapheme clusters| +|-|-|-|-| +|Käse|6 bytes: `4b 61 cc 88 73 65`|5 code points: `4b 61 308 73 65`|4 clusters: `[4b],[61 308],[73],[65]`| +|🏳️‍🌈|14 bytes: `f0 9f 8f b3 ef b8 8f e2 80 8d f0 9f 8c 88`|4 code points: `1f3f3 fe0f 200d 1f308`|1 cluster: `[1f3f3 fe0f 200d 1f308]`| +|🇩🇪|8 bytes: `f0 9f 87 a9 f0 9f 87 aa`|2 code points: `1f1e9 1f1ea`|1 cluster: `[1f1e9 1f1ea]`| + +This package provides a tool to iterate over these grapheme clusters. This may be used to determine the number of user-perceived characters, to split strings in their intended places, or to extract individual characters which form a unit. + +## Installation + +```bash +go get github.com/rivo/uniseg +``` + +## Basic Example + +```go +package uniseg + +import ( + "fmt" + + "github.com/rivo/uniseg" +) + +func main() { + gr := uniseg.NewGraphemes("👍🏼!") + for gr.Next() { + fmt.Printf("%x ", gr.Runes()) + } + // Output: [1f44d 1f3fc] [21] +} +``` + +## Documentation + +Refer to https://godoc.org/github.com/rivo/uniseg for the package's documentation. + +## Dependencies + +This package does not depend on any packages outside the standard library. + +## Your Feedback + +Add your issue here on GitHub. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions. + +## Version + +Version tags will be introduced once Golang modules are official. Consider this version 0.1. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/doc.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60c737d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/doc.go @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +/* +Package uniseg implements Unicode Text Segmentation according to Unicode +Standard Annex #29 (http://unicode.org/reports/tr29/). + +At this point, only the determination of grapheme cluster boundaries is +implemented. +*/ +package uniseg diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/grapheme.go b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/grapheme.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..207157f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/grapheme.go @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +package uniseg + +import "unicode/utf8" + +// The states of the grapheme cluster parser. +const ( + grAny = iota + grCR + grControlLF + grL + grLVV + grLVTT + grPrepend + grExtendedPictographic + grExtendedPictographicZWJ + grRIOdd + grRIEven +) + +// The grapheme cluster parser's breaking instructions. +const ( + grNoBoundary = iota + grBoundary +) + +// The grapheme cluster parser's state transitions. Maps (state, property) to +// (new state, breaking instruction, rule number). The breaking instruction +// always refers to the boundary between the last and next code point. +// +// This map is queried as follows: +// +// 1. Find specific state + specific property. Stop if found. +// 2. Find specific state + any property. +// 3. Find any state + specific property. +// 4. If only (2) or (3) (but not both) was found, stop. +// 5. If both (2) and (3) were found, use state and breaking instruction from +// the transition with the lower rule number, prefer (3) if rule numbers +// are equal. Stop. +// 6. Assume grAny and grBoundary. +var grTransitions = map[[2]int][3]int{ + // GB5 + {grAny, prCR}: {grCR, grBoundary, 50}, + {grAny, prLF}: {grControlLF, grBoundary, 50}, + {grAny, prControl}: {grControlLF, grBoundary, 50}, + + // GB4 + {grCR, prAny}: {grAny, grBoundary, 40}, + {grControlLF, prAny}: {grAny, grBoundary, 40}, + + // GB3. + {grCR, prLF}: {grAny, grNoBoundary, 30}, + + // GB6. + {grAny, prL}: {grL, grBoundary, 9990}, + {grL, prL}: {grL, grNoBoundary, 60}, + {grL, prV}: {grLVV, grNoBoundary, 60}, + {grL, prLV}: {grLVV, grNoBoundary, 60}, + {grL, prLVT}: {grLVTT, grNoBoundary, 60}, + + // GB7. + {grAny, prLV}: {grLVV, grBoundary, 9990}, + {grAny, prV}: {grLVV, grBoundary, 9990}, + {grLVV, prV}: {grLVV, grNoBoundary, 70}, + {grLVV, prT}: {grLVTT, grNoBoundary, 70}, + + // GB8. + {grAny, prLVT}: {grLVTT, grBoundary, 9990}, + {grAny, prT}: {grLVTT, grBoundary, 9990}, + {grLVTT, prT}: {grLVTT, grNoBoundary, 80}, + + // GB9. + {grAny, prExtend}: {grAny, grNoBoundary, 90}, + {grAny, prZWJ}: {grAny, grNoBoundary, 90}, + + // GB9a. + {grAny, prSpacingMark}: {grAny, grNoBoundary, 91}, + + // GB9b. + {grAny, prPreprend}: {grPrepend, grBoundary, 9990}, + {grPrepend, prAny}: {grAny, grNoBoundary, 92}, + + // GB11. + {grAny, prExtendedPictographic}: {grExtendedPictographic, grBoundary, 9990}, + {grExtendedPictographic, prExtend}: {grExtendedPictographic, grNoBoundary, 110}, + {grExtendedPictographic, prZWJ}: {grExtendedPictographicZWJ, grNoBoundary, 110}, + {grExtendedPictographicZWJ, prExtendedPictographic}: {grExtendedPictographic, grNoBoundary, 110}, + + // GB12 / GB13. + {grAny, prRegionalIndicator}: {grRIOdd, grBoundary, 9990}, + {grRIOdd, prRegionalIndicator}: {grRIEven, grNoBoundary, 120}, + {grRIEven, prRegionalIndicator}: {grRIOdd, grBoundary, 120}, +} + +// Graphemes implements an iterator over Unicode extended grapheme clusters, +// specified in the Unicode Standard Annex #29. Grapheme clusters correspond to +// "user-perceived characters". These characters often consist of multiple +// code points (e.g. the "woman kissing woman" emoji consists of 8 code points: +// woman + ZWJ + heavy black heart (2 code points) + ZWJ + kiss mark + ZWJ + +// woman) and the rules described in Annex #29 must be applied to group those +// code points into clusters perceived by the user as one character. +type Graphemes struct { + // The code points over which this class iterates. + codePoints []rune + + // The (byte-based) indices of the code points into the original string plus + // len(original string). Thus, len(indices) = len(codePoints) + 1. + indices []int + + // The current grapheme cluster to be returned. These are indices into + // codePoints/indices. If start == end, we either haven't started iterating + // yet (0) or the iteration has already completed (1). + start, end int + + // The index of the next code point to be parsed. + pos int + + // The current state of the code point parser. + state int +} + +// NewGraphemes returns a new grapheme cluster iterator. +func NewGraphemes(s string) *Graphemes { + l := utf8.RuneCountInString(s) + codePoints := make([]rune, l) + indices := make([]int, l+1) + i := 0 + for pos, r := range s { + codePoints[i] = r + indices[i] = pos + i++ + } + indices[l] = len(s) + g := &Graphemes{ + codePoints: codePoints, + indices: indices, + } + g.Next() // Parse ahead. + return g +} + +// Next advances the iterator by one grapheme cluster and returns false if no +// clusters are left. This function must be called before the first cluster is +// accessed. +func (g *Graphemes) Next() bool { + g.start = g.end + + // The state transition gives us a boundary instruction BEFORE the next code + // point so we always need to stay ahead by one code point. + + // Parse the next code point. + for g.pos <= len(g.codePoints) { + // GB2. + if g.pos == len(g.codePoints) { + g.end = g.pos + g.pos++ + break + } + + // Determine the property of the next character. + nextProperty := property(g.codePoints[g.pos]) + g.pos++ + + // Find the applicable transition. + var boundary bool + transition, ok := grTransitions[[2]int{g.state, nextProperty}] + if ok { + // We have a specific transition. We'll use it. + g.state = transition[0] + boundary = transition[1] == grBoundary + } else { + // No specific transition found. Try the less specific ones. + transAnyProp, okAnyProp := grTransitions[[2]int{g.state, prAny}] + transAnyState, okAnyState := grTransitions[[2]int{grAny, nextProperty}] + if okAnyProp && okAnyState { + // Both apply. We'll use a mix (see comments for grTransitions). + g.state = transAnyState[0] + boundary = transAnyState[1] == grBoundary + if transAnyProp[2] < transAnyState[2] { + g.state = transAnyProp[0] + boundary = transAnyProp[1] == grBoundary + } + } else if okAnyProp { + // We only have a specific state. + g.state = transAnyProp[0] + boundary = transAnyProp[1] == grBoundary + // This branch will probably never be reached because okAnyState will + // always be true given the current transition map. But we keep it here + // for future modifications to the transition map where this may not be + // true anymore. + } else if okAnyState { + // We only have a specific property. + g.state = transAnyState[0] + boundary = transAnyState[1] == grBoundary + } else { + // No known transition. GB999: Any x Any. + g.state = grAny + boundary = true + } + } + + // If we found a cluster boundary, let's stop here. The current cluster will + // be the one that just ended. + if g.pos-1 == 0 /* GB1 */ || boundary { + g.end = g.pos - 1 + break + } + } + + return g.start != g.end +} + +// Runes returns a slice of runes (code points) which corresponds to the current +// grapheme cluster. If the iterator is already past the end or Next() has not +// yet been called, nil is returned. +func (g *Graphemes) Runes() []rune { + if g.start == g.end { + return nil + } + return g.codePoints[g.start:g.end] +} + +// Str returns a substring of the original string which corresponds to the +// current grapheme cluster. If the iterator is already past the end or Next() +// has not yet been called, an empty string is returned. +func (g *Graphemes) Str() string { + if g.start == g.end { + return "" + } + return string(g.codePoints[g.start:g.end]) +} + +// Bytes returns a byte slice which corresponds to the current grapheme cluster. +// If the iterator is already past the end or Next() has not yet been called, +// nil is returned. +func (g *Graphemes) Bytes() []byte { + if g.start == g.end { + return nil + } + return []byte(string(g.codePoints[g.start:g.end])) +} + +// Positions returns the interval of the current grapheme cluster as byte +// positions into the original string. The first returned value "from" indexes +// the first byte and the second returned value "to" indexes the first byte that +// is not included anymore, i.e. str[from:to] is the current grapheme cluster of +// the original string "str". If Next() has not yet been called, both values are +// 0. If the iterator is already past the end, both values are 1. +func (g *Graphemes) Positions() (int, int) { + return g.indices[g.start], g.indices[g.end] +} + +// Reset puts the iterator into its initial state such that the next call to +// Next() sets it to the first grapheme cluster again. +func (g *Graphemes) Reset() { + g.start, g.end, g.pos, g.state = 0, 0, 0, grAny + g.Next() // Parse ahead again. +} + +// GraphemeClusterCount returns the number of user-perceived characters +// (grapheme clusters) for the given string. To calculate this number, it +// iterates through the string using the Graphemes iterator. +func GraphemeClusterCount(s string) (n int) { + g := NewGraphemes(s) + for g.Next() { + n++ + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/properties.go b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/properties.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a75ab58 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/properties.go @@ -0,0 +1,1658 @@ +package uniseg + +// The unicode properties. Only the ones needed in the context of this package +// are included. +const ( + prAny = iota + prPreprend + prCR + prLF + prControl + prExtend + prRegionalIndicator + prSpacingMark + prL + prV + prT + prLV + prLVT + prZWJ + prExtendedPictographic +) + +// Maps code point ranges to their properties. In the context of this package, +// any code point that is not contained may map to "prAny". The code point +// ranges in this slice are numerically sorted. +// +// These ranges were taken from +// http://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/auxiliary/GraphemeBreakProperty.txt +// as well as +// https://unicode.org/Public/emoji/latest/emoji-data.txt +// ("Extended_Pictographic" only) on March 11, 2019. See +// https://www.unicode.org/license.html for the Unicode license agreement. +var codePoints = [][3]int{ + {0x0000, 0x0009, prControl}, // Cc [10] .. + {0x000A, 0x000A, prLF}, // Cc + {0x000B, 0x000C, prControl}, // Cc [2] .. + {0x000D, 0x000D, prCR}, // Cc + {0x000E, 0x001F, prControl}, // Cc [18] .. + {0x007F, 0x009F, prControl}, // Cc [33] .. + {0x00A9, 0x00A9, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [1] (©️) copyright + {0x00AD, 0x00AD, prControl}, // Cf SOFT HYPHEN + {0x00AE, 0x00AE, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [1] (®️) registered + {0x0300, 0x036F, prExtend}, // Mn [112] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT..COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER X + {0x0483, 0x0487, prExtend}, // Mn [5] COMBINING CYRILLIC TITLO..COMBINING CYRILLIC POKRYTIE + {0x0488, 0x0489, prExtend}, // Me [2] COMBINING CYRILLIC HUNDRED THOUSANDS SIGN..COMBINING CYRILLIC MILLIONS SIGN + {0x0591, 0x05BD, prExtend}, // Mn [45] HEBREW ACCENT ETNAHTA..HEBREW POINT METEG + {0x05BF, 0x05BF, prExtend}, // Mn HEBREW POINT RAFE + {0x05C1, 0x05C2, prExtend}, // Mn [2] HEBREW POINT SHIN DOT..HEBREW POINT SIN DOT + {0x05C4, 0x05C5, prExtend}, // Mn [2] HEBREW MARK UPPER DOT..HEBREW MARK LOWER DOT + {0x05C7, 0x05C7, prExtend}, // Mn HEBREW POINT QAMATS QATAN + {0x0600, 0x0605, prPreprend}, // Cf [6] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN..ARABIC NUMBER MARK ABOVE + {0x0610, 0x061A, prExtend}, // Mn [11] ARABIC SIGN SALLALLAHOU ALAYHE WASSALLAM..ARABIC SMALL KASRA + {0x061C, 0x061C, prControl}, // Cf ARABIC LETTER MARK + {0x064B, 0x065F, prExtend}, // Mn [21] ARABIC FATHATAN..ARABIC WAVY HAMZA BELOW + {0x0670, 0x0670, prExtend}, // Mn ARABIC LETTER SUPERSCRIPT ALEF + {0x06D6, 0x06DC, prExtend}, // Mn [7] ARABIC SMALL HIGH LIGATURE SAD WITH LAM WITH ALEF MAKSURA..ARABIC SMALL HIGH SEEN + {0x06DD, 0x06DD, prPreprend}, // Cf ARABIC END OF AYAH + {0x06DF, 0x06E4, prExtend}, // Mn [6] ARABIC SMALL HIGH ROUNDED ZERO..ARABIC SMALL HIGH MADDA + {0x06E7, 0x06E8, prExtend}, // Mn [2] ARABIC SMALL HIGH YEH..ARABIC SMALL HIGH NOON + {0x06EA, 0x06ED, prExtend}, // Mn [4] ARABIC EMPTY CENTRE LOW STOP..ARABIC SMALL LOW MEEM + {0x070F, 0x070F, prPreprend}, // Cf SYRIAC ABBREVIATION MARK + {0x0711, 0x0711, prExtend}, // Mn SYRIAC LETTER SUPERSCRIPT ALAPH + {0x0730, 0x074A, prExtend}, // Mn [27] SYRIAC PTHAHA ABOVE..SYRIAC BARREKH + {0x07A6, 0x07B0, prExtend}, // Mn [11] THAANA ABAFILI..THAANA SUKUN + {0x07EB, 0x07F3, prExtend}, // Mn [9] NKO COMBINING SHORT HIGH TONE..NKO COMBINING DOUBLE DOT ABOVE + {0x07FD, 0x07FD, prExtend}, // Mn NKO DANTAYALAN + {0x0816, 0x0819, prExtend}, // Mn [4] SAMARITAN MARK IN..SAMARITAN MARK DAGESH + {0x081B, 0x0823, prExtend}, // Mn [9] SAMARITAN MARK EPENTHETIC YUT..SAMARITAN VOWEL SIGN A + {0x0825, 0x0827, prExtend}, // Mn [3] SAMARITAN VOWEL SIGN SHORT A..SAMARITAN VOWEL SIGN U + {0x0829, 0x082D, prExtend}, // Mn [5] SAMARITAN VOWEL SIGN LONG I..SAMARITAN MARK NEQUDAA + {0x0859, 0x085B, prExtend}, // Mn [3] MANDAIC AFFRICATION MARK..MANDAIC GEMINATION MARK + {0x08D3, 0x08E1, prExtend}, // Mn [15] ARABIC SMALL LOW WAW..ARABIC SMALL HIGH SIGN SAFHA + {0x08E2, 0x08E2, prPreprend}, // Cf ARABIC DISPUTED END OF AYAH + {0x08E3, 0x0902, prExtend}, // Mn [32] ARABIC TURNED DAMMA BELOW..DEVANAGARI SIGN ANUSVARA + {0x0903, 0x0903, prSpacingMark}, // Mc DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA + {0x093A, 0x093A, prExtend}, // Mn DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN OE + {0x093B, 0x093B, prSpacingMark}, // Mc DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN OOE + {0x093C, 0x093C, prExtend}, // Mn DEVANAGARI SIGN NUKTA + {0x093E, 0x0940, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN AA..DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN II + {0x0941, 0x0948, prExtend}, // Mn [8] DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN U..DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN AI + {0x0949, 0x094C, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [4] DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN CANDRA O..DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN AU + {0x094D, 0x094D, prExtend}, // Mn DEVANAGARI SIGN VIRAMA + {0x094E, 0x094F, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN PRISHTHAMATRA E..DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN AW + {0x0951, 0x0957, prExtend}, // Mn [7] DEVANAGARI STRESS SIGN UDATTA..DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN UUE + {0x0962, 0x0963, prExtend}, // Mn [2] DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L..DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL + {0x0981, 0x0981, prExtend}, // Mn BENGALI SIGN CANDRABINDU + {0x0982, 0x0983, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] BENGALI SIGN ANUSVARA..BENGALI SIGN VISARGA + {0x09BC, 0x09BC, prExtend}, // Mn BENGALI SIGN NUKTA + {0x09BE, 0x09BE, prExtend}, // Mc BENGALI VOWEL SIGN AA + {0x09BF, 0x09C0, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] BENGALI VOWEL SIGN I..BENGALI VOWEL SIGN II + {0x09C1, 0x09C4, prExtend}, // Mn [4] BENGALI VOWEL SIGN U..BENGALI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR + {0x09C7, 0x09C8, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] BENGALI VOWEL SIGN E..BENGALI VOWEL SIGN AI + {0x09CB, 0x09CC, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] BENGALI VOWEL SIGN O..BENGALI VOWEL SIGN AU + {0x09CD, 0x09CD, prExtend}, // Mn BENGALI SIGN VIRAMA + {0x09D7, 0x09D7, prExtend}, // Mc BENGALI AU LENGTH MARK + {0x09E2, 0x09E3, prExtend}, // Mn [2] BENGALI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L..BENGALI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL + {0x09FE, 0x09FE, prExtend}, // Mn BENGALI SANDHI MARK + {0x0A01, 0x0A02, prExtend}, // Mn [2] GURMUKHI SIGN ADAK BINDI..GURMUKHI SIGN BINDI + {0x0A03, 0x0A03, prSpacingMark}, // Mc GURMUKHI SIGN VISARGA + {0x0A3C, 0x0A3C, prExtend}, // Mn GURMUKHI SIGN NUKTA + {0x0A3E, 0x0A40, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] GURMUKHI VOWEL SIGN AA..GURMUKHI VOWEL SIGN II + {0x0A41, 0x0A42, prExtend}, // Mn [2] GURMUKHI VOWEL SIGN U..GURMUKHI VOWEL SIGN UU + {0x0A47, 0x0A48, prExtend}, // Mn [2] GURMUKHI VOWEL SIGN EE..GURMUKHI VOWEL SIGN AI + {0x0A4B, 0x0A4D, prExtend}, // Mn [3] GURMUKHI VOWEL SIGN OO..GURMUKHI SIGN VIRAMA + {0x0A51, 0x0A51, prExtend}, // Mn GURMUKHI SIGN UDAAT + {0x0A70, 0x0A71, prExtend}, // Mn [2] GURMUKHI TIPPI..GURMUKHI ADDAK + {0x0A75, 0x0A75, prExtend}, // Mn GURMUKHI SIGN YAKASH + {0x0A81, 0x0A82, prExtend}, // Mn [2] GUJARATI SIGN CANDRABINDU..GUJARATI SIGN ANUSVARA + {0x0A83, 0x0A83, prSpacingMark}, // Mc GUJARATI SIGN VISARGA + {0x0ABC, 0x0ABC, prExtend}, // Mn GUJARATI SIGN NUKTA + {0x0ABE, 0x0AC0, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN AA..GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN II + {0x0AC1, 0x0AC5, prExtend}, // Mn [5] GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN U..GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN CANDRA E + {0x0AC7, 0x0AC8, prExtend}, // Mn [2] GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN E..GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN AI + {0x0AC9, 0x0AC9, prSpacingMark}, // Mc GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN CANDRA O + {0x0ACB, 0x0ACC, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN O..GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN AU + {0x0ACD, 0x0ACD, prExtend}, // Mn GUJARATI SIGN VIRAMA + {0x0AE2, 0x0AE3, prExtend}, // Mn [2] GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L..GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL + {0x0AFA, 0x0AFF, prExtend}, // Mn [6] GUJARATI SIGN SUKUN..GUJARATI SIGN TWO-CIRCLE NUKTA ABOVE + {0x0B01, 0x0B01, prExtend}, // Mn ORIYA SIGN CANDRABINDU + {0x0B02, 0x0B03, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] ORIYA SIGN ANUSVARA..ORIYA SIGN VISARGA + {0x0B3C, 0x0B3C, prExtend}, // Mn ORIYA SIGN NUKTA + {0x0B3E, 0x0B3E, prExtend}, // Mc ORIYA VOWEL SIGN AA + {0x0B3F, 0x0B3F, prExtend}, // Mn ORIYA VOWEL SIGN I + {0x0B40, 0x0B40, prSpacingMark}, // Mc ORIYA VOWEL SIGN II + {0x0B41, 0x0B44, prExtend}, // Mn [4] ORIYA VOWEL SIGN U..ORIYA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR + {0x0B47, 0x0B48, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] ORIYA VOWEL SIGN E..ORIYA VOWEL SIGN AI + {0x0B4B, 0x0B4C, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] ORIYA VOWEL SIGN O..ORIYA VOWEL SIGN AU + {0x0B4D, 0x0B4D, prExtend}, // Mn ORIYA SIGN VIRAMA + {0x0B56, 0x0B56, prExtend}, // Mn ORIYA AI LENGTH MARK + {0x0B57, 0x0B57, prExtend}, // Mc ORIYA AU LENGTH MARK + {0x0B62, 0x0B63, prExtend}, // Mn [2] ORIYA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L..ORIYA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL + {0x0B82, 0x0B82, prExtend}, // Mn TAMIL SIGN ANUSVARA + {0x0BBE, 0x0BBE, prExtend}, // Mc TAMIL VOWEL SIGN AA + {0x0BBF, 0x0BBF, prSpacingMark}, // Mc TAMIL VOWEL SIGN I + {0x0BC0, 0x0BC0, prExtend}, // Mn TAMIL VOWEL SIGN II + {0x0BC1, 0x0BC2, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] TAMIL VOWEL SIGN U..TAMIL VOWEL SIGN UU + {0x0BC6, 0x0BC8, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] TAMIL VOWEL SIGN E..TAMIL VOWEL SIGN AI + {0x0BCA, 0x0BCC, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] TAMIL VOWEL SIGN O..TAMIL VOWEL SIGN AU + {0x0BCD, 0x0BCD, prExtend}, // Mn TAMIL SIGN VIRAMA + {0x0BD7, 0x0BD7, prExtend}, // Mc TAMIL AU LENGTH MARK + {0x0C00, 0x0C00, prExtend}, // Mn TELUGU SIGN COMBINING CANDRABINDU ABOVE + {0x0C01, 0x0C03, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] TELUGU SIGN CANDRABINDU..TELUGU SIGN VISARGA + {0x0C04, 0x0C04, prExtend}, // Mn TELUGU SIGN COMBINING ANUSVARA ABOVE + {0x0C3E, 0x0C40, prExtend}, // Mn [3] TELUGU VOWEL SIGN AA..TELUGU VOWEL SIGN II + {0x0C41, 0x0C44, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [4] TELUGU VOWEL SIGN U..TELUGU VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR + {0x0C46, 0x0C48, prExtend}, // Mn [3] TELUGU VOWEL SIGN E..TELUGU VOWEL SIGN AI + {0x0C4A, 0x0C4D, prExtend}, // Mn [4] TELUGU VOWEL SIGN O..TELUGU SIGN VIRAMA + {0x0C55, 0x0C56, prExtend}, // Mn [2] TELUGU LENGTH MARK..TELUGU AI LENGTH MARK + {0x0C62, 0x0C63, prExtend}, // Mn [2] TELUGU VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L..TELUGU VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL + {0x0C81, 0x0C81, prExtend}, // Mn KANNADA SIGN CANDRABINDU + {0x0C82, 0x0C83, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] KANNADA SIGN ANUSVARA..KANNADA SIGN VISARGA + {0x0CBC, 0x0CBC, prExtend}, // Mn KANNADA SIGN NUKTA + {0x0CBE, 0x0CBE, prSpacingMark}, // Mc KANNADA VOWEL SIGN AA + {0x0CBF, 0x0CBF, prExtend}, // Mn KANNADA VOWEL SIGN I + {0x0CC0, 0x0CC1, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] KANNADA VOWEL SIGN II..KANNADA VOWEL SIGN U + {0x0CC2, 0x0CC2, prExtend}, // Mc KANNADA VOWEL SIGN UU + {0x0CC3, 0x0CC4, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] KANNADA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R..KANNADA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR + {0x0CC6, 0x0CC6, prExtend}, // Mn KANNADA VOWEL SIGN E + {0x0CC7, 0x0CC8, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] KANNADA VOWEL SIGN EE..KANNADA VOWEL SIGN AI + {0x0CCA, 0x0CCB, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] KANNADA VOWEL SIGN O..KANNADA VOWEL SIGN OO + {0x0CCC, 0x0CCD, prExtend}, // Mn [2] KANNADA VOWEL SIGN AU..KANNADA SIGN VIRAMA + {0x0CD5, 0x0CD6, prExtend}, // Mc [2] KANNADA LENGTH MARK..KANNADA AI LENGTH MARK + {0x0CE2, 0x0CE3, prExtend}, // Mn [2] KANNADA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L..KANNADA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL + {0x0D00, 0x0D01, prExtend}, // Mn [2] MALAYALAM SIGN COMBINING ANUSVARA ABOVE..MALAYALAM SIGN CANDRABINDU + {0x0D02, 0x0D03, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] MALAYALAM SIGN ANUSVARA..MALAYALAM SIGN VISARGA + {0x0D3B, 0x0D3C, prExtend}, // Mn [2] MALAYALAM SIGN VERTICAL BAR VIRAMA..MALAYALAM SIGN CIRCULAR VIRAMA + {0x0D3E, 0x0D3E, prExtend}, // Mc MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN AA + {0x0D3F, 0x0D40, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN I..MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN II + {0x0D41, 0x0D44, prExtend}, // Mn [4] MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN U..MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR + {0x0D46, 0x0D48, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN E..MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN AI + {0x0D4A, 0x0D4C, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN O..MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN AU + {0x0D4D, 0x0D4D, prExtend}, // Mn MALAYALAM SIGN VIRAMA + {0x0D4E, 0x0D4E, prPreprend}, // Lo MALAYALAM LETTER DOT REPH + {0x0D57, 0x0D57, prExtend}, // Mc MALAYALAM AU LENGTH MARK + {0x0D62, 0x0D63, prExtend}, // Mn [2] MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L..MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL + {0x0D82, 0x0D83, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] SINHALA SIGN ANUSVARAYA..SINHALA SIGN VISARGAYA + {0x0DCA, 0x0DCA, prExtend}, // Mn SINHALA SIGN AL-LAKUNA + {0x0DCF, 0x0DCF, prExtend}, // Mc SINHALA VOWEL SIGN AELA-PILLA + {0x0DD0, 0x0DD1, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] SINHALA VOWEL SIGN KETTI AEDA-PILLA..SINHALA VOWEL SIGN DIGA AEDA-PILLA + {0x0DD2, 0x0DD4, prExtend}, // Mn [3] SINHALA VOWEL SIGN KETTI IS-PILLA..SINHALA VOWEL SIGN KETTI PAA-PILLA + {0x0DD6, 0x0DD6, prExtend}, // Mn SINHALA VOWEL SIGN DIGA PAA-PILLA + {0x0DD8, 0x0DDE, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [7] SINHALA VOWEL SIGN GAETTA-PILLA..SINHALA VOWEL SIGN KOMBUVA HAA GAYANUKITTA + {0x0DDF, 0x0DDF, prExtend}, // Mc SINHALA VOWEL SIGN GAYANUKITTA + {0x0DF2, 0x0DF3, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] SINHALA VOWEL SIGN DIGA GAETTA-PILLA..SINHALA VOWEL SIGN DIGA GAYANUKITTA + {0x0E31, 0x0E31, prExtend}, // Mn THAI CHARACTER MAI HAN-AKAT + {0x0E33, 0x0E33, prSpacingMark}, // Lo THAI CHARACTER SARA AM + {0x0E34, 0x0E3A, prExtend}, // Mn [7] THAI CHARACTER SARA I..THAI CHARACTER PHINTHU + {0x0E47, 0x0E4E, prExtend}, // Mn [8] THAI CHARACTER MAITAIKHU..THAI CHARACTER YAMAKKAN + {0x0EB1, 0x0EB1, prExtend}, // Mn LAO VOWEL SIGN MAI KAN + {0x0EB3, 0x0EB3, prSpacingMark}, // Lo LAO VOWEL SIGN AM + {0x0EB4, 0x0EBC, prExtend}, // Mn [9] LAO VOWEL SIGN I..LAO SEMIVOWEL SIGN LO + {0x0EC8, 0x0ECD, prExtend}, // Mn [6] LAO TONE MAI EK..LAO NIGGAHITA + {0x0F18, 0x0F19, prExtend}, // Mn [2] TIBETAN ASTROLOGICAL SIGN -KHYUD PA..TIBETAN ASTROLOGICAL SIGN SDONG TSHUGS + {0x0F35, 0x0F35, prExtend}, // Mn TIBETAN MARK NGAS BZUNG NYI ZLA + {0x0F37, 0x0F37, prExtend}, // Mn TIBETAN MARK NGAS BZUNG SGOR RTAGS + {0x0F39, 0x0F39, prExtend}, // Mn TIBETAN MARK TSA -PHRU + {0x0F3E, 0x0F3F, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] TIBETAN SIGN YAR TSHES..TIBETAN SIGN MAR TSHES + {0x0F71, 0x0F7E, prExtend}, // Mn [14] TIBETAN VOWEL SIGN AA..TIBETAN SIGN RJES SU NGA RO + {0x0F7F, 0x0F7F, prSpacingMark}, // Mc TIBETAN SIGN RNAM BCAD + {0x0F80, 0x0F84, prExtend}, // Mn [5] TIBETAN VOWEL SIGN REVERSED I..TIBETAN MARK HALANTA + {0x0F86, 0x0F87, prExtend}, // Mn [2] TIBETAN SIGN LCI RTAGS..TIBETAN SIGN YANG RTAGS + {0x0F8D, 0x0F97, prExtend}, // Mn [11] TIBETAN SUBJOINED SIGN LCE TSA CAN..TIBETAN SUBJOINED LETTER JA + {0x0F99, 0x0FBC, prExtend}, // Mn [36] TIBETAN SUBJOINED LETTER NYA..TIBETAN SUBJOINED LETTER FIXED-FORM RA + {0x0FC6, 0x0FC6, prExtend}, // Mn TIBETAN SYMBOL PADMA GDAN + {0x102D, 0x1030, prExtend}, // Mn [4] MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN I..MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN UU + {0x1031, 0x1031, prSpacingMark}, // Mc MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN E + {0x1032, 0x1037, prExtend}, // Mn [6] MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN AI..MYANMAR SIGN DOT BELOW + {0x1039, 0x103A, prExtend}, // Mn [2] MYANMAR SIGN VIRAMA..MYANMAR SIGN ASAT + {0x103B, 0x103C, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL YA..MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL RA + {0x103D, 0x103E, prExtend}, // Mn [2] MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL WA..MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL HA + {0x1056, 0x1057, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R..MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR + {0x1058, 0x1059, prExtend}, // Mn [2] MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L..MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL + {0x105E, 0x1060, prExtend}, // Mn [3] MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MON MEDIAL NA..MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MON MEDIAL LA + {0x1071, 0x1074, prExtend}, // Mn [4] MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN GEBA KAREN I..MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN KAYAH EE + {0x1082, 0x1082, prExtend}, // Mn MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN SHAN MEDIAL WA + {0x1084, 0x1084, prSpacingMark}, // Mc MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN SHAN E + {0x1085, 0x1086, prExtend}, // Mn [2] MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN SHAN E ABOVE..MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN SHAN FINAL Y + {0x108D, 0x108D, prExtend}, // Mn MYANMAR SIGN SHAN COUNCIL EMPHATIC TONE + {0x109D, 0x109D, prExtend}, // Mn MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN AITON AI + {0x1100, 0x115F, prL}, // Lo [96] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK..HANGUL CHOSEONG FILLER + {0x1160, 0x11A7, prV}, // Lo [72] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER..HANGUL JUNGSEONG O-YAE + {0x11A8, 0x11FF, prT}, // Lo [88] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK..HANGUL JONGSEONG SSANGNIEUN + {0x135D, 0x135F, prExtend}, // Mn [3] ETHIOPIC COMBINING GEMINATION AND VOWEL LENGTH MARK..ETHIOPIC COMBINING GEMINATION MARK + {0x1712, 0x1714, prExtend}, // Mn [3] TAGALOG VOWEL SIGN I..TAGALOG SIGN VIRAMA + {0x1732, 0x1734, prExtend}, // Mn [3] HANUNOO VOWEL SIGN I..HANUNOO SIGN PAMUDPOD + {0x1752, 0x1753, prExtend}, // Mn [2] BUHID VOWEL SIGN I..BUHID VOWEL SIGN U + {0x1772, 0x1773, prExtend}, // Mn [2] TAGBANWA VOWEL SIGN I..TAGBANWA VOWEL SIGN U + {0x17B4, 0x17B5, prExtend}, // Mn [2] KHMER VOWEL INHERENT AQ..KHMER VOWEL INHERENT AA + {0x17B6, 0x17B6, prSpacingMark}, // Mc KHMER VOWEL SIGN AA + {0x17B7, 0x17BD, prExtend}, // Mn [7] KHMER VOWEL SIGN I..KHMER VOWEL SIGN UA + {0x17BE, 0x17C5, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [8] KHMER VOWEL SIGN OE..KHMER VOWEL SIGN AU + {0x17C6, 0x17C6, prExtend}, // Mn KHMER SIGN NIKAHIT + {0x17C7, 0x17C8, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] KHMER SIGN REAHMUK..KHMER SIGN YUUKALEAPINTU + {0x17C9, 0x17D3, prExtend}, // Mn [11] KHMER SIGN MUUSIKATOAN..KHMER SIGN BATHAMASAT + {0x17DD, 0x17DD, prExtend}, // Mn KHMER SIGN ATTHACAN + {0x180B, 0x180D, prExtend}, // Mn [3] MONGOLIAN FREE VARIATION SELECTOR ONE..MONGOLIAN FREE VARIATION SELECTOR THREE + {0x180E, 0x180E, prControl}, // Cf MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR + {0x1885, 0x1886, prExtend}, // Mn [2] MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI BALUDA..MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI THREE BALUDA + {0x18A9, 0x18A9, prExtend}, // Mn MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI DAGALGA + {0x1920, 0x1922, prExtend}, // Mn [3] LIMBU VOWEL SIGN A..LIMBU VOWEL SIGN U + {0x1923, 0x1926, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [4] LIMBU VOWEL SIGN EE..LIMBU VOWEL SIGN AU + {0x1927, 0x1928, prExtend}, // Mn [2] LIMBU VOWEL SIGN E..LIMBU VOWEL SIGN O + {0x1929, 0x192B, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] LIMBU SUBJOINED LETTER YA..LIMBU SUBJOINED LETTER WA + {0x1930, 0x1931, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] LIMBU SMALL LETTER KA..LIMBU SMALL LETTER NGA + {0x1932, 0x1932, prExtend}, // Mn LIMBU SMALL LETTER ANUSVARA + {0x1933, 0x1938, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [6] LIMBU SMALL LETTER TA..LIMBU SMALL LETTER LA + {0x1939, 0x193B, prExtend}, // Mn [3] LIMBU SIGN MUKPHRENG..LIMBU SIGN SA-I + {0x1A17, 0x1A18, prExtend}, // Mn [2] BUGINESE VOWEL SIGN I..BUGINESE VOWEL SIGN U + {0x1A19, 0x1A1A, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] BUGINESE VOWEL SIGN E..BUGINESE VOWEL SIGN O + {0x1A1B, 0x1A1B, prExtend}, // Mn BUGINESE VOWEL SIGN AE + {0x1A55, 0x1A55, prSpacingMark}, // Mc TAI THAM CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL RA + {0x1A56, 0x1A56, prExtend}, // Mn TAI THAM CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL LA + {0x1A57, 0x1A57, prSpacingMark}, // Mc TAI THAM CONSONANT SIGN LA TANG LAI + {0x1A58, 0x1A5E, prExtend}, // Mn [7] TAI THAM SIGN MAI KANG LAI..TAI THAM CONSONANT SIGN SA + {0x1A60, 0x1A60, prExtend}, // Mn TAI THAM SIGN SAKOT + {0x1A62, 0x1A62, prExtend}, // Mn TAI THAM VOWEL SIGN MAI SAT + {0x1A65, 0x1A6C, prExtend}, // Mn [8] TAI THAM VOWEL SIGN I..TAI THAM VOWEL SIGN OA BELOW + {0x1A6D, 0x1A72, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [6] TAI THAM VOWEL SIGN OY..TAI THAM VOWEL SIGN THAM AI + {0x1A73, 0x1A7C, prExtend}, // Mn [10] TAI THAM VOWEL SIGN OA ABOVE..TAI THAM SIGN KHUEN-LUE KARAN + {0x1A7F, 0x1A7F, prExtend}, // Mn TAI THAM COMBINING CRYPTOGRAMMIC DOT + {0x1AB0, 0x1ABD, prExtend}, // Mn [14] COMBINING DOUBLED CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT..COMBINING PARENTHESES BELOW + {0x1ABE, 0x1ABE, prExtend}, // Me COMBINING PARENTHESES OVERLAY + {0x1B00, 0x1B03, prExtend}, // Mn [4] BALINESE SIGN ULU RICEM..BALINESE SIGN SURANG + {0x1B04, 0x1B04, prSpacingMark}, // Mc BALINESE SIGN BISAH + {0x1B34, 0x1B34, prExtend}, // Mn BALINESE SIGN REREKAN + {0x1B35, 0x1B35, prExtend}, // Mc BALINESE VOWEL SIGN TEDUNG + {0x1B36, 0x1B3A, prExtend}, // Mn [5] BALINESE VOWEL SIGN ULU..BALINESE VOWEL SIGN RA REPA + {0x1B3B, 0x1B3B, prSpacingMark}, // Mc BALINESE VOWEL SIGN RA REPA TEDUNG + {0x1B3C, 0x1B3C, prExtend}, // Mn BALINESE VOWEL SIGN LA LENGA + {0x1B3D, 0x1B41, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [5] BALINESE VOWEL SIGN LA LENGA TEDUNG..BALINESE VOWEL SIGN TALING REPA TEDUNG + {0x1B42, 0x1B42, prExtend}, // Mn BALINESE VOWEL SIGN PEPET + {0x1B43, 0x1B44, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] BALINESE VOWEL SIGN PEPET TEDUNG..BALINESE ADEG ADEG + {0x1B6B, 0x1B73, prExtend}, // Mn [9] BALINESE MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING TEGEH..BALINESE MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING GONG + {0x1B80, 0x1B81, prExtend}, // Mn [2] SUNDANESE SIGN PANYECEK..SUNDANESE SIGN PANGLAYAR + {0x1B82, 0x1B82, prSpacingMark}, // Mc SUNDANESE SIGN PANGWISAD + {0x1BA1, 0x1BA1, prSpacingMark}, // Mc SUNDANESE CONSONANT SIGN PAMINGKAL + {0x1BA2, 0x1BA5, prExtend}, // Mn [4] SUNDANESE CONSONANT SIGN PANYAKRA..SUNDANESE VOWEL SIGN PANYUKU + {0x1BA6, 0x1BA7, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] SUNDANESE VOWEL SIGN PANAELAENG..SUNDANESE VOWEL SIGN PANOLONG + {0x1BA8, 0x1BA9, prExtend}, // Mn [2] SUNDANESE VOWEL SIGN PAMEPET..SUNDANESE VOWEL SIGN PANEULEUNG + {0x1BAA, 0x1BAA, prSpacingMark}, // Mc SUNDANESE SIGN PAMAAEH + {0x1BAB, 0x1BAD, prExtend}, // Mn [3] SUNDANESE SIGN VIRAMA..SUNDANESE CONSONANT SIGN PASANGAN WA + {0x1BE6, 0x1BE6, prExtend}, // Mn BATAK SIGN TOMPI + {0x1BE7, 0x1BE7, prSpacingMark}, // Mc BATAK VOWEL SIGN E + {0x1BE8, 0x1BE9, prExtend}, // Mn [2] BATAK VOWEL SIGN PAKPAK E..BATAK VOWEL SIGN EE + {0x1BEA, 0x1BEC, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] BATAK VOWEL SIGN I..BATAK VOWEL SIGN O + {0x1BED, 0x1BED, prExtend}, // Mn BATAK VOWEL SIGN KARO O + {0x1BEE, 0x1BEE, prSpacingMark}, // Mc BATAK VOWEL SIGN U + {0x1BEF, 0x1BF1, prExtend}, // Mn [3] BATAK VOWEL SIGN U FOR SIMALUNGUN SA..BATAK CONSONANT SIGN H + {0x1BF2, 0x1BF3, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] BATAK PANGOLAT..BATAK PANONGONAN + {0x1C24, 0x1C2B, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [8] LEPCHA SUBJOINED LETTER YA..LEPCHA VOWEL SIGN UU + {0x1C2C, 0x1C33, prExtend}, // Mn [8] LEPCHA VOWEL SIGN E..LEPCHA CONSONANT SIGN T + {0x1C34, 0x1C35, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] LEPCHA CONSONANT SIGN NYIN-DO..LEPCHA CONSONANT SIGN KANG + {0x1C36, 0x1C37, prExtend}, // Mn [2] LEPCHA SIGN RAN..LEPCHA SIGN NUKTA + {0x1CD0, 0x1CD2, prExtend}, // Mn [3] VEDIC TONE KARSHANA..VEDIC TONE PRENKHA + {0x1CD4, 0x1CE0, prExtend}, // Mn [13] VEDIC SIGN YAJURVEDIC MIDLINE SVARITA..VEDIC TONE RIGVEDIC KASHMIRI INDEPENDENT SVARITA + {0x1CE1, 0x1CE1, prSpacingMark}, // Mc VEDIC TONE ATHARVAVEDIC INDEPENDENT SVARITA + {0x1CE2, 0x1CE8, prExtend}, // Mn [7] VEDIC SIGN VISARGA SVARITA..VEDIC SIGN VISARGA ANUDATTA WITH TAIL + {0x1CED, 0x1CED, prExtend}, // Mn VEDIC SIGN TIRYAK + {0x1CF4, 0x1CF4, prExtend}, // Mn VEDIC TONE CANDRA ABOVE + {0x1CF7, 0x1CF7, prSpacingMark}, // Mc VEDIC SIGN ATIKRAMA + {0x1CF8, 0x1CF9, prExtend}, // Mn [2] VEDIC TONE RING ABOVE..VEDIC TONE DOUBLE RING ABOVE + {0x1DC0, 0x1DF9, prExtend}, // Mn [58] COMBINING DOTTED GRAVE ACCENT..COMBINING WIDE INVERTED BRIDGE BELOW + {0x1DFB, 0x1DFF, prExtend}, // Mn [5] COMBINING DELETION MARK..COMBINING RIGHT ARROWHEAD AND DOWN ARROWHEAD BELOW + {0x200B, 0x200B, prControl}, // Cf ZERO WIDTH SPACE + {0x200C, 0x200C, prExtend}, // Cf ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER + {0x200D, 0x200D, prZWJ}, // Cf ZERO WIDTH JOINER + {0x200E, 0x200F, prControl}, // Cf [2] LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK..RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK + {0x2028, 0x2028, prControl}, // Zl LINE SEPARATOR + {0x2029, 0x2029, prControl}, // Zp PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR + {0x202A, 0x202E, prControl}, // Cf [5] LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING..RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE + {0x203C, 0x203C, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [1] (‼️) double exclamation mark + {0x2049, 0x2049, prExtendedPictographic}, // 3.0 [1] (⁉️) exclamation question mark + {0x2060, 0x2064, prControl}, // Cf [5] WORD JOINER..INVISIBLE PLUS + {0x2065, 0x2065, prControl}, // Cn + {0x2066, 0x206F, prControl}, // Cf [10] LEFT-TO-RIGHT ISOLATE..NOMINAL DIGIT SHAPES + {0x20D0, 0x20DC, prExtend}, // Mn [13] COMBINING LEFT HARPOON ABOVE..COMBINING FOUR DOTS ABOVE + {0x20DD, 0x20E0, prExtend}, // Me [4] COMBINING ENCLOSING CIRCLE..COMBINING ENCLOSING CIRCLE BACKSLASH + {0x20E1, 0x20E1, prExtend}, // Mn COMBINING LEFT RIGHT ARROW ABOVE + {0x20E2, 0x20E4, prExtend}, // Me [3] COMBINING ENCLOSING SCREEN..COMBINING ENCLOSING UPWARD POINTING TRIANGLE + {0x20E5, 0x20F0, prExtend}, // Mn [12] COMBINING REVERSE SOLIDUS OVERLAY..COMBINING ASTERISK ABOVE + {0x2122, 0x2122, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [1] (™️) trade mark + {0x2139, 0x2139, prExtendedPictographic}, // 3.0 [1] (ℹ️) information + {0x2194, 0x2199, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [6] (↔️..↙️) left-right arrow..down-left arrow + {0x21A9, 0x21AA, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [2] (↩️..↪️) right arrow curving left..left arrow curving right + {0x231A, 0x231B, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [2] (⌚..⌛) watch..hourglass done + {0x2328, 0x2328, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [1] (⌨️) keyboard + {0x2388, 0x2388, prExtendedPictographic}, // 3.0 [1] (⎈) HELM SYMBOL + {0x23CF, 0x23CF, prExtendedPictographic}, // 4.0 [1] (⏏️) eject button + {0x23E9, 0x23F3, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [11] (⏩..⏳) fast-forward button..hourglass not done + {0x23F8, 0x23FA, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [3] (⏸️..⏺️) pause button..record button + {0x24C2, 0x24C2, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [1] (Ⓜ️) circled M + {0x25AA, 0x25AB, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [2] (▪️..▫️) black small square..white small square + {0x25B6, 0x25B6, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [1] (▶️) play button + {0x25C0, 0x25C0, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [1] (◀️) reverse button + {0x25FB, 0x25FE, prExtendedPictographic}, // 3.2 [4] (◻️..◾) white medium square..black medium-small square + {0x2600, 0x2605, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [6] (☀️..★) sun..BLACK STAR + {0x2607, 0x2612, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [12] (☇..☒) LIGHTNING..BALLOT BOX WITH X + {0x2614, 0x2615, prExtendedPictographic}, // 4.0 [2] (☔..☕) umbrella with rain drops..hot beverage + {0x2616, 0x2617, prExtendedPictographic}, // 3.2 [2] (☖..☗) WHITE SHOGI PIECE..BLACK SHOGI PIECE + {0x2618, 0x2618, prExtendedPictographic}, // 4.1 [1] (☘️) shamrock + {0x2619, 0x2619, prExtendedPictographic}, // 3.0 [1] (☙) REVERSED ROTATED FLORAL HEART BULLET + {0x261A, 0x266F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [86] (☚..♯) BLACK LEFT POINTING INDEX..MUSIC SHARP SIGN + {0x2670, 0x2671, prExtendedPictographic}, // 3.0 [2] (♰..♱) WEST SYRIAC CROSS..EAST SYRIAC CROSS + {0x2672, 0x267D, prExtendedPictographic}, // 3.2 [12] (♲..♽) UNIVERSAL RECYCLING SYMBOL..PARTIALLY-RECYCLED PAPER SYMBOL + {0x267E, 0x267F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 4.1 [2] (♾️..♿) infinity..wheelchair symbol + {0x2680, 0x2685, prExtendedPictographic}, // 3.2 [6] (⚀..⚅) DIE FACE-1..DIE FACE-6 + {0x2690, 0x2691, prExtendedPictographic}, // 4.0 [2] (⚐..⚑) WHITE FLAG..BLACK FLAG + {0x2692, 0x269C, prExtendedPictographic}, // 4.1 [11] (⚒️..⚜️) hammer and pick..fleur-de-lis + {0x269D, 0x269D, prExtendedPictographic}, // 5.1 [1] (⚝) OUTLINED WHITE STAR + {0x269E, 0x269F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 5.2 [2] (⚞..⚟) THREE LINES CONVERGING RIGHT..THREE LINES CONVERGING LEFT + {0x26A0, 0x26A1, prExtendedPictographic}, // 4.0 [2] (⚠️..⚡) warning..high voltage + {0x26A2, 0x26B1, prExtendedPictographic}, // 4.1 [16] (⚢..⚱️) DOUBLED FEMALE SIGN..funeral urn + {0x26B2, 0x26B2, prExtendedPictographic}, // 5.0 [1] (⚲) NEUTER + {0x26B3, 0x26BC, prExtendedPictographic}, // 5.1 [10] (⚳..⚼) CERES..SESQUIQUADRATE + {0x26BD, 0x26BF, prExtendedPictographic}, // 5.2 [3] (⚽..⚿) soccer ball..SQUARED KEY + {0x26C0, 0x26C3, prExtendedPictographic}, // 5.1 [4] (⛀..⛃) WHITE DRAUGHTS MAN..BLACK DRAUGHTS KING + {0x26C4, 0x26CD, prExtendedPictographic}, // 5.2 [10] (⛄..⛍) snowman without snow..DISABLED CAR + {0x26CE, 0x26CE, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [1] (⛎) Ophiuchus + {0x26CF, 0x26E1, prExtendedPictographic}, // 5.2 [19] (⛏️..⛡) pick..RESTRICTED LEFT ENTRY-2 + {0x26E2, 0x26E2, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [1] (⛢) ASTRONOMICAL SYMBOL FOR URANUS + {0x26E3, 0x26E3, prExtendedPictographic}, // 5.2 [1] (⛣) HEAVY CIRCLE WITH STROKE AND TWO DOTS ABOVE + {0x26E4, 0x26E7, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [4] (⛤..⛧) PENTAGRAM..INVERTED PENTAGRAM + {0x26E8, 0x26FF, prExtendedPictographic}, // 5.2 [24] (⛨..⛿) BLACK CROSS ON SHIELD..WHITE FLAG WITH HORIZONTAL MIDDLE BLACK STRIPE + {0x2700, 0x2700, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [1] (✀) BLACK SAFETY SCISSORS + {0x2701, 0x2704, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [4] (✁..✄) UPPER BLADE SCISSORS..WHITE SCISSORS + {0x2705, 0x2705, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [1] (✅) check mark button + {0x2708, 0x2709, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [2] (✈️..✉️) airplane..envelope + {0x270A, 0x270B, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [2] (✊..✋) raised fist..raised hand + {0x270C, 0x2712, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [7] (✌️..✒️) victory hand..black nib + {0x2714, 0x2714, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [1] (✔️) check mark + {0x2716, 0x2716, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [1] (✖️) multiplication sign + {0x271D, 0x271D, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [1] (✝️) latin cross + {0x2721, 0x2721, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [1] (✡️) star of David + {0x2728, 0x2728, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [1] (✨) sparkles + {0x2733, 0x2734, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [2] (✳️..✴️) eight-spoked asterisk..eight-pointed star + {0x2744, 0x2744, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [1] (❄️) snowflake + {0x2747, 0x2747, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [1] (❇️) sparkle + {0x274C, 0x274C, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [1] (❌) cross mark + {0x274E, 0x274E, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [1] (❎) cross mark button + {0x2753, 0x2755, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [3] (❓..❕) question mark..white exclamation mark + {0x2757, 0x2757, prExtendedPictographic}, // 5.2 [1] (❗) exclamation mark + {0x2763, 0x2767, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [5] (❣️..❧) heart exclamation..ROTATED FLORAL HEART BULLET + {0x2795, 0x2797, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [3] (➕..➗) plus sign..division sign + {0x27A1, 0x27A1, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [1] (➡️) right arrow + {0x27B0, 0x27B0, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [1] (➰) curly loop + {0x27BF, 0x27BF, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [1] (➿) double curly loop + {0x2934, 0x2935, prExtendedPictographic}, // 3.2 [2] (⤴️..⤵️) right arrow curving up..right arrow curving down + {0x2B05, 0x2B07, prExtendedPictographic}, // 4.0 [3] (⬅️..⬇️) left arrow..down arrow + {0x2B1B, 0x2B1C, prExtendedPictographic}, // 5.1 [2] (⬛..⬜) black large square..white large square + {0x2B50, 0x2B50, prExtendedPictographic}, // 5.1 [1] (⭐) star + {0x2B55, 0x2B55, prExtendedPictographic}, // 5.2 [1] (⭕) hollow red circle + {0x2CEF, 0x2CF1, prExtend}, // Mn [3] COPTIC COMBINING NI ABOVE..COPTIC COMBINING SPIRITUS LENIS + {0x2D7F, 0x2D7F, prExtend}, // Mn TIFINAGH CONSONANT JOINER + {0x2DE0, 0x2DFF, prExtend}, // Mn [32] COMBINING CYRILLIC LETTER BE..COMBINING CYRILLIC LETTER IOTIFIED BIG YUS + {0x302A, 0x302D, prExtend}, // Mn [4] IDEOGRAPHIC LEVEL TONE MARK..IDEOGRAPHIC ENTERING TONE MARK + {0x302E, 0x302F, prExtend}, // Mc [2] HANGUL SINGLE DOT TONE MARK..HANGUL DOUBLE DOT TONE MARK + {0x3030, 0x3030, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [1] (〰️) wavy dash + {0x303D, 0x303D, prExtendedPictographic}, // 3.2 [1] (〽️) part alternation mark + {0x3099, 0x309A, prExtend}, // Mn [2] COMBINING KATAKANA-HIRAGANA VOICED SOUND MARK..COMBINING KATAKANA-HIRAGANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK + {0x3297, 0x3297, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [1] (㊗️) Japanese “congratulations” button + {0x3299, 0x3299, prExtendedPictographic}, // 1.1 [1] (㊙️) Japanese “secret” button + {0xA66F, 0xA66F, prExtend}, // Mn COMBINING CYRILLIC VZMET + {0xA670, 0xA672, prExtend}, // Me [3] COMBINING CYRILLIC TEN MILLIONS SIGN..COMBINING CYRILLIC THOUSAND MILLIONS SIGN + {0xA674, 0xA67D, prExtend}, // Mn [10] COMBINING CYRILLIC LETTER UKRAINIAN IE..COMBINING CYRILLIC PAYEROK + {0xA69E, 0xA69F, prExtend}, // Mn [2] COMBINING CYRILLIC LETTER EF..COMBINING CYRILLIC LETTER IOTIFIED E + {0xA6F0, 0xA6F1, prExtend}, // Mn [2] BAMUM COMBINING MARK KOQNDON..BAMUM COMBINING MARK TUKWENTIS + {0xA802, 0xA802, prExtend}, // Mn SYLOTI NAGRI SIGN DVISVARA + {0xA806, 0xA806, prExtend}, // Mn SYLOTI NAGRI SIGN HASANTA + {0xA80B, 0xA80B, prExtend}, // Mn SYLOTI NAGRI SIGN ANUSVARA + {0xA823, 0xA824, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] SYLOTI NAGRI VOWEL SIGN A..SYLOTI NAGRI VOWEL SIGN I + {0xA825, 0xA826, prExtend}, // Mn [2] SYLOTI NAGRI VOWEL SIGN U..SYLOTI NAGRI VOWEL SIGN E + {0xA827, 0xA827, prSpacingMark}, // Mc SYLOTI NAGRI VOWEL SIGN OO + {0xA880, 0xA881, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] SAURASHTRA SIGN ANUSVARA..SAURASHTRA SIGN VISARGA + {0xA8B4, 0xA8C3, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [16] SAURASHTRA CONSONANT SIGN HAARU..SAURASHTRA VOWEL SIGN AU + {0xA8C4, 0xA8C5, prExtend}, // Mn [2] SAURASHTRA SIGN VIRAMA..SAURASHTRA SIGN CANDRABINDU + {0xA8E0, 0xA8F1, prExtend}, // Mn [18] COMBINING DEVANAGARI DIGIT ZERO..COMBINING DEVANAGARI SIGN AVAGRAHA + {0xA8FF, 0xA8FF, prExtend}, // Mn DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN AY + {0xA926, 0xA92D, prExtend}, // Mn [8] KAYAH LI VOWEL UE..KAYAH LI TONE CALYA PLOPHU + {0xA947, 0xA951, prExtend}, // Mn [11] REJANG VOWEL SIGN I..REJANG CONSONANT SIGN R + {0xA952, 0xA953, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] REJANG CONSONANT SIGN H..REJANG VIRAMA + {0xA960, 0xA97C, prL}, // Lo [29] HANGUL CHOSEONG TIKEUT-MIEUM..HANGUL CHOSEONG SSANGYEORINHIEUH + {0xA980, 0xA982, prExtend}, // Mn [3] JAVANESE SIGN PANYANGGA..JAVANESE SIGN LAYAR + {0xA983, 0xA983, prSpacingMark}, // Mc JAVANESE SIGN WIGNYAN + {0xA9B3, 0xA9B3, prExtend}, // Mn JAVANESE SIGN CECAK TELU + {0xA9B4, 0xA9B5, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] JAVANESE VOWEL SIGN TARUNG..JAVANESE VOWEL SIGN TOLONG + {0xA9B6, 0xA9B9, prExtend}, // Mn [4] JAVANESE VOWEL SIGN WULU..JAVANESE VOWEL SIGN SUKU MENDUT + {0xA9BA, 0xA9BB, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] JAVANESE VOWEL SIGN TALING..JAVANESE VOWEL SIGN DIRGA MURE + {0xA9BC, 0xA9BD, prExtend}, // Mn [2] JAVANESE VOWEL SIGN PEPET..JAVANESE CONSONANT SIGN KERET + {0xA9BE, 0xA9C0, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] JAVANESE CONSONANT SIGN PENGKAL..JAVANESE PANGKON + {0xA9E5, 0xA9E5, prExtend}, // Mn MYANMAR SIGN SHAN SAW + {0xAA29, 0xAA2E, prExtend}, // Mn [6] CHAM VOWEL SIGN AA..CHAM VOWEL SIGN OE + {0xAA2F, 0xAA30, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] CHAM VOWEL SIGN O..CHAM VOWEL SIGN AI + {0xAA31, 0xAA32, prExtend}, // Mn [2] CHAM VOWEL SIGN AU..CHAM VOWEL SIGN UE + {0xAA33, 0xAA34, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] CHAM CONSONANT SIGN YA..CHAM CONSONANT SIGN RA + {0xAA35, 0xAA36, prExtend}, // Mn [2] CHAM CONSONANT SIGN LA..CHAM CONSONANT SIGN WA + {0xAA43, 0xAA43, prExtend}, // Mn CHAM CONSONANT SIGN FINAL NG + {0xAA4C, 0xAA4C, prExtend}, // Mn CHAM CONSONANT SIGN FINAL M + {0xAA4D, 0xAA4D, prSpacingMark}, // Mc CHAM CONSONANT SIGN FINAL H + {0xAA7C, 0xAA7C, prExtend}, // Mn MYANMAR SIGN TAI LAING TONE-2 + {0xAAB0, 0xAAB0, prExtend}, // Mn TAI VIET MAI KANG + {0xAAB2, 0xAAB4, prExtend}, // Mn [3] TAI VIET VOWEL I..TAI VIET VOWEL U + {0xAAB7, 0xAAB8, prExtend}, // Mn [2] TAI VIET MAI KHIT..TAI VIET VOWEL IA + {0xAABE, 0xAABF, prExtend}, // Mn [2] TAI VIET VOWEL AM..TAI VIET TONE MAI EK + {0xAAC1, 0xAAC1, prExtend}, // Mn TAI VIET TONE MAI THO + {0xAAEB, 0xAAEB, prSpacingMark}, // Mc MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN II + {0xAAEC, 0xAAED, prExtend}, // Mn [2] MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN UU..MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN AAI + {0xAAEE, 0xAAEF, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN AU..MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN AAU + {0xAAF5, 0xAAF5, prSpacingMark}, // Mc MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN VISARGA + {0xAAF6, 0xAAF6, prExtend}, // Mn MEETEI MAYEK VIRAMA + {0xABE3, 0xABE4, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN ONAP..MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN INAP + {0xABE5, 0xABE5, prExtend}, // Mn MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN ANAP + {0xABE6, 0xABE7, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN YENAP..MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN SOUNAP + {0xABE8, 0xABE8, prExtend}, // Mn MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN UNAP + {0xABE9, 0xABEA, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN CHEINAP..MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN NUNG + {0xABEC, 0xABEC, prSpacingMark}, // Mc MEETEI MAYEK LUM IYEK + {0xABED, 0xABED, prExtend}, // Mn MEETEI MAYEK APUN IYEK + {0xAC00, 0xAC00, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GA + {0xAC01, 0xAC1B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GAH + {0xAC1C, 0xAC1C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GAE + {0xAC1D, 0xAC37, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GAEH + {0xAC38, 0xAC38, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GYA + {0xAC39, 0xAC53, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GYAH + {0xAC54, 0xAC54, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GYAE + {0xAC55, 0xAC6F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GYAEH + {0xAC70, 0xAC70, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GEO + {0xAC71, 0xAC8B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GEOH + {0xAC8C, 0xAC8C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GE + {0xAC8D, 0xACA7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GEH + {0xACA8, 0xACA8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GYEO + {0xACA9, 0xACC3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GYEOH + {0xACC4, 0xACC4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GYE + {0xACC5, 0xACDF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GYEH + {0xACE0, 0xACE0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GO + {0xACE1, 0xACFB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GOH + {0xACFC, 0xACFC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GWA + {0xACFD, 0xAD17, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GWAH + {0xAD18, 0xAD18, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GWAE + {0xAD19, 0xAD33, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GWAEH + {0xAD34, 0xAD34, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GOE + {0xAD35, 0xAD4F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GOEH + {0xAD50, 0xAD50, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GYO + {0xAD51, 0xAD6B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GYOH + {0xAD6C, 0xAD6C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GU + {0xAD6D, 0xAD87, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GUH + {0xAD88, 0xAD88, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GWEO + {0xAD89, 0xADA3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GWEOH + {0xADA4, 0xADA4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GWE + {0xADA5, 0xADBF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GWEH + {0xADC0, 0xADC0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GWI + {0xADC1, 0xADDB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GWIH + {0xADDC, 0xADDC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GYU + {0xADDD, 0xADF7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GYUH + {0xADF8, 0xADF8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GEU + {0xADF9, 0xAE13, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GEUH + {0xAE14, 0xAE14, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GYI + {0xAE15, 0xAE2F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GYIH + {0xAE30, 0xAE30, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GI + {0xAE31, 0xAE4B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GIH + {0xAE4C, 0xAE4C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGA + {0xAE4D, 0xAE67, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGAH + {0xAE68, 0xAE68, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGAE + {0xAE69, 0xAE83, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGAEH + {0xAE84, 0xAE84, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYA + {0xAE85, 0xAE9F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYAH + {0xAEA0, 0xAEA0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYAE + {0xAEA1, 0xAEBB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYAEH + {0xAEBC, 0xAEBC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGEO + {0xAEBD, 0xAED7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGEOH + {0xAED8, 0xAED8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGE + {0xAED9, 0xAEF3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGEH + {0xAEF4, 0xAEF4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYEO + {0xAEF5, 0xAF0F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYEOH + {0xAF10, 0xAF10, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYE + {0xAF11, 0xAF2B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYEH + {0xAF2C, 0xAF2C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGO + {0xAF2D, 0xAF47, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGOH + {0xAF48, 0xAF48, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWA + {0xAF49, 0xAF63, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWAH + {0xAF64, 0xAF64, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWAE + {0xAF65, 0xAF7F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWAEH + {0xAF80, 0xAF80, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGOE + {0xAF81, 0xAF9B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGOEH + {0xAF9C, 0xAF9C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYO + {0xAF9D, 0xAFB7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYOH + {0xAFB8, 0xAFB8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGU + {0xAFB9, 0xAFD3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGUH + {0xAFD4, 0xAFD4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWEO + {0xAFD5, 0xAFEF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWEOH + {0xAFF0, 0xAFF0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWE + {0xAFF1, 0xB00B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWEH + {0xB00C, 0xB00C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWI + {0xB00D, 0xB027, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWIH + {0xB028, 0xB028, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYU + {0xB029, 0xB043, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYUH + {0xB044, 0xB044, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGEU + {0xB045, 0xB05F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGEUH + {0xB060, 0xB060, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYI + {0xB061, 0xB07B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYIH + {0xB07C, 0xB07C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGI + {0xB07D, 0xB097, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGIH + {0xB098, 0xB098, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NA + {0xB099, 0xB0B3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NAH + {0xB0B4, 0xB0B4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NAE + {0xB0B5, 0xB0CF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NAEH + {0xB0D0, 0xB0D0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NYA + {0xB0D1, 0xB0EB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NYAH + {0xB0EC, 0xB0EC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NYAE + {0xB0ED, 0xB107, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NYAEH + {0xB108, 0xB108, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NEO + {0xB109, 0xB123, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NEOH + {0xB124, 0xB124, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NE + {0xB125, 0xB13F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NEH + {0xB140, 0xB140, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NYEO + {0xB141, 0xB15B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NYEOH + {0xB15C, 0xB15C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NYE + {0xB15D, 0xB177, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NYEH + {0xB178, 0xB178, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NO + {0xB179, 0xB193, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NOH + {0xB194, 0xB194, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NWA + {0xB195, 0xB1AF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NWAH + {0xB1B0, 0xB1B0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NWAE + {0xB1B1, 0xB1CB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NWAEH + {0xB1CC, 0xB1CC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NOE + {0xB1CD, 0xB1E7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NOEH + {0xB1E8, 0xB1E8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NYO + {0xB1E9, 0xB203, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NYOH + {0xB204, 0xB204, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NU + {0xB205, 0xB21F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NUH + {0xB220, 0xB220, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NWEO + {0xB221, 0xB23B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NWEOH + {0xB23C, 0xB23C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NWE + {0xB23D, 0xB257, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NWEH + {0xB258, 0xB258, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NWI + {0xB259, 0xB273, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NWIH + {0xB274, 0xB274, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NYU + {0xB275, 0xB28F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NYUH + {0xB290, 0xB290, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NEU + {0xB291, 0xB2AB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NEUH + {0xB2AC, 0xB2AC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NYI + {0xB2AD, 0xB2C7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NYIH + {0xB2C8, 0xB2C8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NI + {0xB2C9, 0xB2E3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NIH + {0xB2E4, 0xB2E4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DA + {0xB2E5, 0xB2FF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DAH + {0xB300, 0xB300, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DAE + {0xB301, 0xB31B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DAEH + {0xB31C, 0xB31C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DYA + {0xB31D, 0xB337, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DYAH + {0xB338, 0xB338, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DYAE + {0xB339, 0xB353, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DYAEH + {0xB354, 0xB354, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DEO + {0xB355, 0xB36F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DEOH + {0xB370, 0xB370, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DE + {0xB371, 0xB38B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DEH + {0xB38C, 0xB38C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DYEO + {0xB38D, 0xB3A7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DYEOH + {0xB3A8, 0xB3A8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DYE + {0xB3A9, 0xB3C3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DYEH + {0xB3C4, 0xB3C4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DO + {0xB3C5, 0xB3DF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DOH + {0xB3E0, 0xB3E0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DWA + {0xB3E1, 0xB3FB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DWAH + {0xB3FC, 0xB3FC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DWAE + {0xB3FD, 0xB417, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DWAEH + {0xB418, 0xB418, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DOE + {0xB419, 0xB433, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DOEH + {0xB434, 0xB434, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DYO + {0xB435, 0xB44F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DYOH + {0xB450, 0xB450, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DU + {0xB451, 0xB46B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DUH + {0xB46C, 0xB46C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DWEO + {0xB46D, 0xB487, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DWEOH + {0xB488, 0xB488, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DWE + {0xB489, 0xB4A3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DWEH + {0xB4A4, 0xB4A4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DWI + {0xB4A5, 0xB4BF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DWIH + {0xB4C0, 0xB4C0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DYU + {0xB4C1, 0xB4DB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DYUH + {0xB4DC, 0xB4DC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DEU + {0xB4DD, 0xB4F7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DEUH + {0xB4F8, 0xB4F8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DYI + {0xB4F9, 0xB513, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DYIH + {0xB514, 0xB514, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DI + {0xB515, 0xB52F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DIH + {0xB530, 0xB530, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDA + {0xB531, 0xB54B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDAH + {0xB54C, 0xB54C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDAE + {0xB54D, 0xB567, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDAEH + {0xB568, 0xB568, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYA + {0xB569, 0xB583, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYAH + {0xB584, 0xB584, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYAE + {0xB585, 0xB59F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYAEH + {0xB5A0, 0xB5A0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDEO + {0xB5A1, 0xB5BB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDEOH + {0xB5BC, 0xB5BC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDE + {0xB5BD, 0xB5D7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDEH + {0xB5D8, 0xB5D8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYEO + {0xB5D9, 0xB5F3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYEOH + {0xB5F4, 0xB5F4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYE + {0xB5F5, 0xB60F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYEH + {0xB610, 0xB610, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDO + {0xB611, 0xB62B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDOH + {0xB62C, 0xB62C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWA + {0xB62D, 0xB647, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWAH + {0xB648, 0xB648, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWAE + {0xB649, 0xB663, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWAEH + {0xB664, 0xB664, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDOE + {0xB665, 0xB67F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDOEH + {0xB680, 0xB680, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYO + {0xB681, 0xB69B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYOH + {0xB69C, 0xB69C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDU + {0xB69D, 0xB6B7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDUH + {0xB6B8, 0xB6B8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWEO + {0xB6B9, 0xB6D3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWEOH + {0xB6D4, 0xB6D4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWE + {0xB6D5, 0xB6EF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWEH + {0xB6F0, 0xB6F0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWI + {0xB6F1, 0xB70B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWIH + {0xB70C, 0xB70C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYU + {0xB70D, 0xB727, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYUH + {0xB728, 0xB728, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDEU + {0xB729, 0xB743, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDEUH + {0xB744, 0xB744, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYI + {0xB745, 0xB75F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYIH + {0xB760, 0xB760, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDI + {0xB761, 0xB77B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDIH + {0xB77C, 0xB77C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RA + {0xB77D, 0xB797, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RAH + {0xB798, 0xB798, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RAE + {0xB799, 0xB7B3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RAEH + {0xB7B4, 0xB7B4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RYA + {0xB7B5, 0xB7CF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RYAH + {0xB7D0, 0xB7D0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RYAE + {0xB7D1, 0xB7EB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RYAEH + {0xB7EC, 0xB7EC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE REO + {0xB7ED, 0xB807, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE REOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE REOH + {0xB808, 0xB808, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RE + {0xB809, 0xB823, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE REG..HANGUL SYLLABLE REH + {0xB824, 0xB824, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RYEO + {0xB825, 0xB83F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RYEOH + {0xB840, 0xB840, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RYE + {0xB841, 0xB85B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RYEH + {0xB85C, 0xB85C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RO + {0xB85D, 0xB877, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE ROG..HANGUL SYLLABLE ROH + {0xB878, 0xB878, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RWA + {0xB879, 0xB893, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RWAH + {0xB894, 0xB894, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RWAE + {0xB895, 0xB8AF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RWAEH + {0xB8B0, 0xB8B0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE ROE + {0xB8B1, 0xB8CB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE ROEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE ROEH + {0xB8CC, 0xB8CC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RYO + {0xB8CD, 0xB8E7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RYOH + {0xB8E8, 0xB8E8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RU + {0xB8E9, 0xB903, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RUH + {0xB904, 0xB904, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RWEO + {0xB905, 0xB91F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RWEOH + {0xB920, 0xB920, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RWE + {0xB921, 0xB93B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RWEH + {0xB93C, 0xB93C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RWI + {0xB93D, 0xB957, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RWIH + {0xB958, 0xB958, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RYU + {0xB959, 0xB973, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RYUH + {0xB974, 0xB974, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE REU + {0xB975, 0xB98F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE REUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE REUH + {0xB990, 0xB990, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RYI + {0xB991, 0xB9AB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RYIH + {0xB9AC, 0xB9AC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RI + {0xB9AD, 0xB9C7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RIH + {0xB9C8, 0xB9C8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MA + {0xB9C9, 0xB9E3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MAH + {0xB9E4, 0xB9E4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MAE + {0xB9E5, 0xB9FF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MAEH + {0xBA00, 0xBA00, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MYA + {0xBA01, 0xBA1B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MYAH + {0xBA1C, 0xBA1C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MYAE + {0xBA1D, 0xBA37, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MYAEH + {0xBA38, 0xBA38, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MEO + {0xBA39, 0xBA53, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MEOH + {0xBA54, 0xBA54, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE ME + {0xBA55, 0xBA6F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MEH + {0xBA70, 0xBA70, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MYEO + {0xBA71, 0xBA8B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MYEOH + {0xBA8C, 0xBA8C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MYE + {0xBA8D, 0xBAA7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MYEH + {0xBAA8, 0xBAA8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MO + {0xBAA9, 0xBAC3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MOH + {0xBAC4, 0xBAC4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MWA + {0xBAC5, 0xBADF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MWAH + {0xBAE0, 0xBAE0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MWAE + {0xBAE1, 0xBAFB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MWAEH + {0xBAFC, 0xBAFC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MOE + {0xBAFD, 0xBB17, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MOEH + {0xBB18, 0xBB18, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MYO + {0xBB19, 0xBB33, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MYOH + {0xBB34, 0xBB34, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MU + {0xBB35, 0xBB4F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MUH + {0xBB50, 0xBB50, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MWEO + {0xBB51, 0xBB6B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MWEOH + {0xBB6C, 0xBB6C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MWE + {0xBB6D, 0xBB87, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MWEH + {0xBB88, 0xBB88, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MWI + {0xBB89, 0xBBA3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MWIH + {0xBBA4, 0xBBA4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MYU + {0xBBA5, 0xBBBF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MYUH + {0xBBC0, 0xBBC0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MEU + {0xBBC1, 0xBBDB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MEUH + {0xBBDC, 0xBBDC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MYI + {0xBBDD, 0xBBF7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MYIH + {0xBBF8, 0xBBF8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MI + {0xBBF9, 0xBC13, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MIH + {0xBC14, 0xBC14, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BA + {0xBC15, 0xBC2F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BAH + {0xBC30, 0xBC30, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BAE + {0xBC31, 0xBC4B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BAEH + {0xBC4C, 0xBC4C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BYA + {0xBC4D, 0xBC67, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BYAH + {0xBC68, 0xBC68, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BYAE + {0xBC69, 0xBC83, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BYAEH + {0xBC84, 0xBC84, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BEO + {0xBC85, 0xBC9F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BEOH + {0xBCA0, 0xBCA0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BE + {0xBCA1, 0xBCBB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BEH + {0xBCBC, 0xBCBC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BYEO + {0xBCBD, 0xBCD7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BYEOH + {0xBCD8, 0xBCD8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BYE + {0xBCD9, 0xBCF3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BYEH + {0xBCF4, 0xBCF4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BO + {0xBCF5, 0xBD0F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BOH + {0xBD10, 0xBD10, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BWA + {0xBD11, 0xBD2B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BWAH + {0xBD2C, 0xBD2C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BWAE + {0xBD2D, 0xBD47, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BWAEH + {0xBD48, 0xBD48, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BOE + {0xBD49, 0xBD63, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BOEH + {0xBD64, 0xBD64, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BYO + {0xBD65, 0xBD7F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BYOH + {0xBD80, 0xBD80, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BU + {0xBD81, 0xBD9B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BUH + {0xBD9C, 0xBD9C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BWEO + {0xBD9D, 0xBDB7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BWEOH + {0xBDB8, 0xBDB8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BWE + {0xBDB9, 0xBDD3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BWEH + {0xBDD4, 0xBDD4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BWI + {0xBDD5, 0xBDEF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BWIH + {0xBDF0, 0xBDF0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BYU + {0xBDF1, 0xBE0B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BYUH + {0xBE0C, 0xBE0C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BEU + {0xBE0D, 0xBE27, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BEUH + {0xBE28, 0xBE28, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BYI + {0xBE29, 0xBE43, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BYIH + {0xBE44, 0xBE44, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BI + {0xBE45, 0xBE5F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BIH + {0xBE60, 0xBE60, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBA + {0xBE61, 0xBE7B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBAH + {0xBE7C, 0xBE7C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBAE + {0xBE7D, 0xBE97, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBAEH + {0xBE98, 0xBE98, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYA + {0xBE99, 0xBEB3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYAH + {0xBEB4, 0xBEB4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYAE + {0xBEB5, 0xBECF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYAEH + {0xBED0, 0xBED0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBEO + {0xBED1, 0xBEEB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBEOH + {0xBEEC, 0xBEEC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBE + {0xBEED, 0xBF07, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBEH + {0xBF08, 0xBF08, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYEO + {0xBF09, 0xBF23, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYEOH + {0xBF24, 0xBF24, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYE + {0xBF25, 0xBF3F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYEH + {0xBF40, 0xBF40, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBO + {0xBF41, 0xBF5B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBOH + {0xBF5C, 0xBF5C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWA + {0xBF5D, 0xBF77, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWAH + {0xBF78, 0xBF78, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWAE + {0xBF79, 0xBF93, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWAEH + {0xBF94, 0xBF94, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBOE + {0xBF95, 0xBFAF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBOEH + {0xBFB0, 0xBFB0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYO + {0xBFB1, 0xBFCB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYOH + {0xBFCC, 0xBFCC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBU + {0xBFCD, 0xBFE7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBUH + {0xBFE8, 0xBFE8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWEO + {0xBFE9, 0xC003, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWEOH + {0xC004, 0xC004, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWE + {0xC005, 0xC01F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWEH + {0xC020, 0xC020, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWI + {0xC021, 0xC03B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWIH + {0xC03C, 0xC03C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYU + {0xC03D, 0xC057, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYUH + {0xC058, 0xC058, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBEU + {0xC059, 0xC073, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBEUH + {0xC074, 0xC074, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYI + {0xC075, 0xC08F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYIH + {0xC090, 0xC090, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBI + {0xC091, 0xC0AB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBIH + {0xC0AC, 0xC0AC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SA + {0xC0AD, 0xC0C7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SAH + {0xC0C8, 0xC0C8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SAE + {0xC0C9, 0xC0E3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SAEH + {0xC0E4, 0xC0E4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SYA + {0xC0E5, 0xC0FF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SYAH + {0xC100, 0xC100, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SYAE + {0xC101, 0xC11B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SYAEH + {0xC11C, 0xC11C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SEO + {0xC11D, 0xC137, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SEOH + {0xC138, 0xC138, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SE + {0xC139, 0xC153, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SEH + {0xC154, 0xC154, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SYEO + {0xC155, 0xC16F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SYEOH + {0xC170, 0xC170, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SYE + {0xC171, 0xC18B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SYEH + {0xC18C, 0xC18C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SO + {0xC18D, 0xC1A7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SOH + {0xC1A8, 0xC1A8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SWA + {0xC1A9, 0xC1C3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SWAH + {0xC1C4, 0xC1C4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SWAE + {0xC1C5, 0xC1DF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SWAEH + {0xC1E0, 0xC1E0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SOE + {0xC1E1, 0xC1FB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SOEH + {0xC1FC, 0xC1FC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SYO + {0xC1FD, 0xC217, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SYOH + {0xC218, 0xC218, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SU + {0xC219, 0xC233, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SUH + {0xC234, 0xC234, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SWEO + {0xC235, 0xC24F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SWEOH + {0xC250, 0xC250, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SWE + {0xC251, 0xC26B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SWEH + {0xC26C, 0xC26C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SWI + {0xC26D, 0xC287, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SWIH + {0xC288, 0xC288, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SYU + {0xC289, 0xC2A3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SYUH + {0xC2A4, 0xC2A4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SEU + {0xC2A5, 0xC2BF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SEUH + {0xC2C0, 0xC2C0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SYI + {0xC2C1, 0xC2DB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SYIH + {0xC2DC, 0xC2DC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SI + {0xC2DD, 0xC2F7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SIH + {0xC2F8, 0xC2F8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSA + {0xC2F9, 0xC313, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSAH + {0xC314, 0xC314, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSAE + {0xC315, 0xC32F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSAEH + {0xC330, 0xC330, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYA + {0xC331, 0xC34B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYAH + {0xC34C, 0xC34C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYAE + {0xC34D, 0xC367, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYAEH + {0xC368, 0xC368, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSEO + {0xC369, 0xC383, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSEOH + {0xC384, 0xC384, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSE + {0xC385, 0xC39F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSEH + {0xC3A0, 0xC3A0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYEO + {0xC3A1, 0xC3BB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYEOH + {0xC3BC, 0xC3BC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYE + {0xC3BD, 0xC3D7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYEH + {0xC3D8, 0xC3D8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSO + {0xC3D9, 0xC3F3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSOH + {0xC3F4, 0xC3F4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWA + {0xC3F5, 0xC40F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWAH + {0xC410, 0xC410, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWAE + {0xC411, 0xC42B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWAEH + {0xC42C, 0xC42C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSOE + {0xC42D, 0xC447, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSOEH + {0xC448, 0xC448, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYO + {0xC449, 0xC463, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYOH + {0xC464, 0xC464, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSU + {0xC465, 0xC47F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSUH + {0xC480, 0xC480, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWEO + {0xC481, 0xC49B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWEOH + {0xC49C, 0xC49C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWE + {0xC49D, 0xC4B7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWEH + {0xC4B8, 0xC4B8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWI + {0xC4B9, 0xC4D3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWIH + {0xC4D4, 0xC4D4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYU + {0xC4D5, 0xC4EF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYUH + {0xC4F0, 0xC4F0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSEU + {0xC4F1, 0xC50B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSEUH + {0xC50C, 0xC50C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYI + {0xC50D, 0xC527, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYIH + {0xC528, 0xC528, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSI + {0xC529, 0xC543, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSIH + {0xC544, 0xC544, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE A + {0xC545, 0xC55F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE AG..HANGUL SYLLABLE AH + {0xC560, 0xC560, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE AE + {0xC561, 0xC57B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE AEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE AEH + {0xC57C, 0xC57C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE YA + {0xC57D, 0xC597, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE YAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE YAH + {0xC598, 0xC598, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE YAE + {0xC599, 0xC5B3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE YAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE YAEH + {0xC5B4, 0xC5B4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE EO + {0xC5B5, 0xC5CF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE EOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE EOH + {0xC5D0, 0xC5D0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE E + {0xC5D1, 0xC5EB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE EG..HANGUL SYLLABLE EH + {0xC5EC, 0xC5EC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE YEO + {0xC5ED, 0xC607, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE YEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE YEOH + {0xC608, 0xC608, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE YE + {0xC609, 0xC623, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE YEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE YEH + {0xC624, 0xC624, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE O + {0xC625, 0xC63F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE OG..HANGUL SYLLABLE OH + {0xC640, 0xC640, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE WA + {0xC641, 0xC65B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE WAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE WAH + {0xC65C, 0xC65C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE WAE + {0xC65D, 0xC677, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE WAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE WAEH + {0xC678, 0xC678, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE OE + {0xC679, 0xC693, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE OEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE OEH + {0xC694, 0xC694, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE YO + {0xC695, 0xC6AF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE YOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE YOH + {0xC6B0, 0xC6B0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE U + {0xC6B1, 0xC6CB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE UG..HANGUL SYLLABLE UH + {0xC6CC, 0xC6CC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE WEO + {0xC6CD, 0xC6E7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE WEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE WEOH + {0xC6E8, 0xC6E8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE WE + {0xC6E9, 0xC703, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE WEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE WEH + {0xC704, 0xC704, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE WI + {0xC705, 0xC71F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE WIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE WIH + {0xC720, 0xC720, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE YU + {0xC721, 0xC73B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE YUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE YUH + {0xC73C, 0xC73C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE EU + {0xC73D, 0xC757, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE EUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE EUH + {0xC758, 0xC758, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE YI + {0xC759, 0xC773, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE YIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE YIH + {0xC774, 0xC774, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE I + {0xC775, 0xC78F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE IG..HANGUL SYLLABLE IH + {0xC790, 0xC790, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JA + {0xC791, 0xC7AB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JAH + {0xC7AC, 0xC7AC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JAE + {0xC7AD, 0xC7C7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JAEH + {0xC7C8, 0xC7C8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JYA + {0xC7C9, 0xC7E3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JYAH + {0xC7E4, 0xC7E4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JYAE + {0xC7E5, 0xC7FF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JYAEH + {0xC800, 0xC800, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JEO + {0xC801, 0xC81B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JEOH + {0xC81C, 0xC81C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JE + {0xC81D, 0xC837, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JEH + {0xC838, 0xC838, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JYEO + {0xC839, 0xC853, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JYEOH + {0xC854, 0xC854, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JYE + {0xC855, 0xC86F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JYEH + {0xC870, 0xC870, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JO + {0xC871, 0xC88B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JOH + {0xC88C, 0xC88C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JWA + {0xC88D, 0xC8A7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JWAH + {0xC8A8, 0xC8A8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JWAE + {0xC8A9, 0xC8C3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JWAEH + {0xC8C4, 0xC8C4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JOE + {0xC8C5, 0xC8DF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JOEH + {0xC8E0, 0xC8E0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JYO + {0xC8E1, 0xC8FB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JYOH + {0xC8FC, 0xC8FC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JU + {0xC8FD, 0xC917, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JUH + {0xC918, 0xC918, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JWEO + {0xC919, 0xC933, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JWEOH + {0xC934, 0xC934, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JWE + {0xC935, 0xC94F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JWEH + {0xC950, 0xC950, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JWI + {0xC951, 0xC96B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JWIH + {0xC96C, 0xC96C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JYU + {0xC96D, 0xC987, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JYUH + {0xC988, 0xC988, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JEU + {0xC989, 0xC9A3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JEUH + {0xC9A4, 0xC9A4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JYI + {0xC9A5, 0xC9BF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JYIH + {0xC9C0, 0xC9C0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JI + {0xC9C1, 0xC9DB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JIH + {0xC9DC, 0xC9DC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJA + {0xC9DD, 0xC9F7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJAH + {0xC9F8, 0xC9F8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJAE + {0xC9F9, 0xCA13, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJAEH + {0xCA14, 0xCA14, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYA + {0xCA15, 0xCA2F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYAH + {0xCA30, 0xCA30, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYAE + {0xCA31, 0xCA4B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYAEH + {0xCA4C, 0xCA4C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJEO + {0xCA4D, 0xCA67, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJEOH + {0xCA68, 0xCA68, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJE + {0xCA69, 0xCA83, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJEH + {0xCA84, 0xCA84, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYEO + {0xCA85, 0xCA9F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYEOH + {0xCAA0, 0xCAA0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYE + {0xCAA1, 0xCABB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYEH + {0xCABC, 0xCABC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJO + {0xCABD, 0xCAD7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJOH + {0xCAD8, 0xCAD8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWA + {0xCAD9, 0xCAF3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWAH + {0xCAF4, 0xCAF4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWAE + {0xCAF5, 0xCB0F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWAEH + {0xCB10, 0xCB10, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJOE + {0xCB11, 0xCB2B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJOEH + {0xCB2C, 0xCB2C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYO + {0xCB2D, 0xCB47, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYOH + {0xCB48, 0xCB48, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJU + {0xCB49, 0xCB63, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJUH + {0xCB64, 0xCB64, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWEO + {0xCB65, 0xCB7F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWEOH + {0xCB80, 0xCB80, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWE + {0xCB81, 0xCB9B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWEH + {0xCB9C, 0xCB9C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWI + {0xCB9D, 0xCBB7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWIH + {0xCBB8, 0xCBB8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYU + {0xCBB9, 0xCBD3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYUH + {0xCBD4, 0xCBD4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJEU + {0xCBD5, 0xCBEF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJEUH + {0xCBF0, 0xCBF0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYI + {0xCBF1, 0xCC0B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYIH + {0xCC0C, 0xCC0C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJI + {0xCC0D, 0xCC27, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJIH + {0xCC28, 0xCC28, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CA + {0xCC29, 0xCC43, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CAH + {0xCC44, 0xCC44, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CAE + {0xCC45, 0xCC5F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CAEH + {0xCC60, 0xCC60, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CYA + {0xCC61, 0xCC7B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CYAH + {0xCC7C, 0xCC7C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CYAE + {0xCC7D, 0xCC97, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CYAEH + {0xCC98, 0xCC98, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CEO + {0xCC99, 0xCCB3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CEOH + {0xCCB4, 0xCCB4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CE + {0xCCB5, 0xCCCF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CEH + {0xCCD0, 0xCCD0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CYEO + {0xCCD1, 0xCCEB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CYEOH + {0xCCEC, 0xCCEC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CYE + {0xCCED, 0xCD07, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CYEH + {0xCD08, 0xCD08, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CO + {0xCD09, 0xCD23, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE COG..HANGUL SYLLABLE COH + {0xCD24, 0xCD24, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CWA + {0xCD25, 0xCD3F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CWAH + {0xCD40, 0xCD40, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CWAE + {0xCD41, 0xCD5B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CWAEH + {0xCD5C, 0xCD5C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE COE + {0xCD5D, 0xCD77, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE COEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE COEH + {0xCD78, 0xCD78, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CYO + {0xCD79, 0xCD93, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CYOH + {0xCD94, 0xCD94, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CU + {0xCD95, 0xCDAF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CUH + {0xCDB0, 0xCDB0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CWEO + {0xCDB1, 0xCDCB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CWEOH + {0xCDCC, 0xCDCC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CWE + {0xCDCD, 0xCDE7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CWEH + {0xCDE8, 0xCDE8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CWI + {0xCDE9, 0xCE03, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CWIH + {0xCE04, 0xCE04, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CYU + {0xCE05, 0xCE1F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CYUH + {0xCE20, 0xCE20, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CEU + {0xCE21, 0xCE3B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CEUH + {0xCE3C, 0xCE3C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CYI + {0xCE3D, 0xCE57, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CYIH + {0xCE58, 0xCE58, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CI + {0xCE59, 0xCE73, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CIH + {0xCE74, 0xCE74, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KA + {0xCE75, 0xCE8F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KAH + {0xCE90, 0xCE90, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KAE + {0xCE91, 0xCEAB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KAEH + {0xCEAC, 0xCEAC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KYA + {0xCEAD, 0xCEC7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KYAH + {0xCEC8, 0xCEC8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KYAE + {0xCEC9, 0xCEE3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KYAEH + {0xCEE4, 0xCEE4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KEO + {0xCEE5, 0xCEFF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KEOH + {0xCF00, 0xCF00, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KE + {0xCF01, 0xCF1B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KEH + {0xCF1C, 0xCF1C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KYEO + {0xCF1D, 0xCF37, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KYEOH + {0xCF38, 0xCF38, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KYE + {0xCF39, 0xCF53, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KYEH + {0xCF54, 0xCF54, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KO + {0xCF55, 0xCF6F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KOH + {0xCF70, 0xCF70, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KWA + {0xCF71, 0xCF8B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KWAH + {0xCF8C, 0xCF8C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KWAE + {0xCF8D, 0xCFA7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KWAEH + {0xCFA8, 0xCFA8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KOE + {0xCFA9, 0xCFC3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KOEH + {0xCFC4, 0xCFC4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KYO + {0xCFC5, 0xCFDF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KYOH + {0xCFE0, 0xCFE0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KU + {0xCFE1, 0xCFFB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KUH + {0xCFFC, 0xCFFC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KWEO + {0xCFFD, 0xD017, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KWEOH + {0xD018, 0xD018, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KWE + {0xD019, 0xD033, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KWEH + {0xD034, 0xD034, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KWI + {0xD035, 0xD04F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KWIH + {0xD050, 0xD050, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KYU + {0xD051, 0xD06B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KYUH + {0xD06C, 0xD06C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KEU + {0xD06D, 0xD087, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KEUH + {0xD088, 0xD088, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KYI + {0xD089, 0xD0A3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KYIH + {0xD0A4, 0xD0A4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KI + {0xD0A5, 0xD0BF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KIH + {0xD0C0, 0xD0C0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TA + {0xD0C1, 0xD0DB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TAH + {0xD0DC, 0xD0DC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TAE + {0xD0DD, 0xD0F7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TAEH + {0xD0F8, 0xD0F8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TYA + {0xD0F9, 0xD113, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TYAH + {0xD114, 0xD114, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TYAE + {0xD115, 0xD12F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TYAEH + {0xD130, 0xD130, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TEO + {0xD131, 0xD14B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TEOH + {0xD14C, 0xD14C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TE + {0xD14D, 0xD167, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TEH + {0xD168, 0xD168, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TYEO + {0xD169, 0xD183, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TYEOH + {0xD184, 0xD184, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TYE + {0xD185, 0xD19F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TYEH + {0xD1A0, 0xD1A0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TO + {0xD1A1, 0xD1BB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TOH + {0xD1BC, 0xD1BC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TWA + {0xD1BD, 0xD1D7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TWAH + {0xD1D8, 0xD1D8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TWAE + {0xD1D9, 0xD1F3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TWAEH + {0xD1F4, 0xD1F4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TOE + {0xD1F5, 0xD20F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TOEH + {0xD210, 0xD210, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TYO + {0xD211, 0xD22B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TYOH + {0xD22C, 0xD22C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TU + {0xD22D, 0xD247, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TUH + {0xD248, 0xD248, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TWEO + {0xD249, 0xD263, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TWEOH + {0xD264, 0xD264, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TWE + {0xD265, 0xD27F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TWEH + {0xD280, 0xD280, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TWI + {0xD281, 0xD29B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TWIH + {0xD29C, 0xD29C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TYU + {0xD29D, 0xD2B7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TYUH + {0xD2B8, 0xD2B8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TEU + {0xD2B9, 0xD2D3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TEUH + {0xD2D4, 0xD2D4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TYI + {0xD2D5, 0xD2EF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TYIH + {0xD2F0, 0xD2F0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TI + {0xD2F1, 0xD30B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TIH + {0xD30C, 0xD30C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PA + {0xD30D, 0xD327, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PAH + {0xD328, 0xD328, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PAE + {0xD329, 0xD343, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PAEH + {0xD344, 0xD344, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PYA + {0xD345, 0xD35F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PYAH + {0xD360, 0xD360, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PYAE + {0xD361, 0xD37B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PYAEH + {0xD37C, 0xD37C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PEO + {0xD37D, 0xD397, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PEOH + {0xD398, 0xD398, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PE + {0xD399, 0xD3B3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PEH + {0xD3B4, 0xD3B4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PYEO + {0xD3B5, 0xD3CF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PYEOH + {0xD3D0, 0xD3D0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PYE + {0xD3D1, 0xD3EB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PYEH + {0xD3EC, 0xD3EC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PO + {0xD3ED, 0xD407, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE POG..HANGUL SYLLABLE POH + {0xD408, 0xD408, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PWA + {0xD409, 0xD423, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PWAH + {0xD424, 0xD424, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PWAE + {0xD425, 0xD43F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PWAEH + {0xD440, 0xD440, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE POE + {0xD441, 0xD45B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE POEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE POEH + {0xD45C, 0xD45C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PYO + {0xD45D, 0xD477, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PYOH + {0xD478, 0xD478, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PU + {0xD479, 0xD493, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PUH + {0xD494, 0xD494, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PWEO + {0xD495, 0xD4AF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PWEOH + {0xD4B0, 0xD4B0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PWE + {0xD4B1, 0xD4CB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PWEH + {0xD4CC, 0xD4CC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PWI + {0xD4CD, 0xD4E7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PWIH + {0xD4E8, 0xD4E8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PYU + {0xD4E9, 0xD503, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PYUH + {0xD504, 0xD504, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PEU + {0xD505, 0xD51F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PEUH + {0xD520, 0xD520, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PYI + {0xD521, 0xD53B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PYIH + {0xD53C, 0xD53C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PI + {0xD53D, 0xD557, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PIH + {0xD558, 0xD558, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HA + {0xD559, 0xD573, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HAH + {0xD574, 0xD574, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HAE + {0xD575, 0xD58F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HAEH + {0xD590, 0xD590, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HYA + {0xD591, 0xD5AB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HYAH + {0xD5AC, 0xD5AC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HYAE + {0xD5AD, 0xD5C7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HYAEH + {0xD5C8, 0xD5C8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HEO + {0xD5C9, 0xD5E3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HEOH + {0xD5E4, 0xD5E4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HE + {0xD5E5, 0xD5FF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HEH + {0xD600, 0xD600, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HYEO + {0xD601, 0xD61B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HYEOH + {0xD61C, 0xD61C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HYE + {0xD61D, 0xD637, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HYEH + {0xD638, 0xD638, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HO + {0xD639, 0xD653, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HOH + {0xD654, 0xD654, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HWA + {0xD655, 0xD66F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HWAH + {0xD670, 0xD670, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HWAE + {0xD671, 0xD68B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HWAEH + {0xD68C, 0xD68C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HOE + {0xD68D, 0xD6A7, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HOEH + {0xD6A8, 0xD6A8, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HYO + {0xD6A9, 0xD6C3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HYOH + {0xD6C4, 0xD6C4, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HU + {0xD6C5, 0xD6DF, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HUH + {0xD6E0, 0xD6E0, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HWEO + {0xD6E1, 0xD6FB, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HWEOH + {0xD6FC, 0xD6FC, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HWE + {0xD6FD, 0xD717, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HWEH + {0xD718, 0xD718, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HWI + {0xD719, 0xD733, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HWIH + {0xD734, 0xD734, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HYU + {0xD735, 0xD74F, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HYUH + {0xD750, 0xD750, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HEU + {0xD751, 0xD76B, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HEUH + {0xD76C, 0xD76C, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HYI + {0xD76D, 0xD787, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HYIH + {0xD788, 0xD788, prLV}, // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HI + {0xD789, 0xD7A3, prLVT}, // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HIH + {0xD7B0, 0xD7C6, prV}, // Lo [23] HANGUL JUNGSEONG O-YEO..HANGUL JUNGSEONG ARAEA-E + {0xD7CB, 0xD7FB, prT}, // Lo [49] HANGUL JONGSEONG NIEUN-RIEUL..HANGUL JONGSEONG PHIEUPH-THIEUTH + {0xFB1E, 0xFB1E, prExtend}, // Mn HEBREW POINT JUDEO-SPANISH VARIKA + {0xFE00, 0xFE0F, prExtend}, // Mn [16] VARIATION SELECTOR-1..VARIATION SELECTOR-16 + {0xFE20, 0xFE2F, prExtend}, // Mn [16] COMBINING LIGATURE LEFT HALF..COMBINING CYRILLIC TITLO RIGHT HALF + {0xFEFF, 0xFEFF, prControl}, // Cf ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE + {0xFF9E, 0xFF9F, prExtend}, // Lm [2] HALFWIDTH KATAKANA VOICED SOUND MARK..HALFWIDTH KATAKANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK + {0xFFF0, 0xFFF8, prControl}, // Cn [9] .. + {0xFFF9, 0xFFFB, prControl}, // Cf [3] INTERLINEAR ANNOTATION ANCHOR..INTERLINEAR ANNOTATION TERMINATOR + {0x101FD, 0x101FD, prExtend}, // Mn PHAISTOS DISC SIGN COMBINING OBLIQUE STROKE + {0x102E0, 0x102E0, prExtend}, // Mn COPTIC EPACT THOUSANDS MARK + {0x10376, 0x1037A, prExtend}, // Mn [5] COMBINING OLD PERMIC LETTER AN..COMBINING OLD PERMIC LETTER SII + {0x10A01, 0x10A03, prExtend}, // Mn [3] KHAROSHTHI VOWEL SIGN I..KHAROSHTHI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R + {0x10A05, 0x10A06, prExtend}, // Mn [2] KHAROSHTHI VOWEL SIGN E..KHAROSHTHI VOWEL SIGN O + {0x10A0C, 0x10A0F, prExtend}, // Mn [4] KHAROSHTHI VOWEL LENGTH MARK..KHAROSHTHI SIGN VISARGA + {0x10A38, 0x10A3A, prExtend}, // Mn [3] KHAROSHTHI SIGN BAR ABOVE..KHAROSHTHI SIGN DOT BELOW + {0x10A3F, 0x10A3F, prExtend}, // Mn KHAROSHTHI VIRAMA + {0x10AE5, 0x10AE6, prExtend}, // Mn [2] MANICHAEAN ABBREVIATION MARK ABOVE..MANICHAEAN ABBREVIATION MARK BELOW + {0x10D24, 0x10D27, prExtend}, // Mn [4] HANIFI ROHINGYA SIGN HARBAHAY..HANIFI ROHINGYA SIGN TASSI + {0x10F46, 0x10F50, prExtend}, // Mn [11] SOGDIAN COMBINING DOT BELOW..SOGDIAN COMBINING STROKE BELOW + {0x11000, 0x11000, prSpacingMark}, // Mc BRAHMI SIGN CANDRABINDU + {0x11001, 0x11001, prExtend}, // Mn BRAHMI SIGN ANUSVARA + {0x11002, 0x11002, prSpacingMark}, // Mc BRAHMI SIGN VISARGA + {0x11038, 0x11046, prExtend}, // Mn [15] BRAHMI VOWEL SIGN AA..BRAHMI VIRAMA + {0x1107F, 0x11081, prExtend}, // Mn [3] BRAHMI NUMBER JOINER..KAITHI SIGN ANUSVARA + {0x11082, 0x11082, prSpacingMark}, // Mc KAITHI SIGN VISARGA + {0x110B0, 0x110B2, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] KAITHI VOWEL SIGN AA..KAITHI VOWEL SIGN II + {0x110B3, 0x110B6, prExtend}, // Mn [4] KAITHI VOWEL SIGN U..KAITHI VOWEL SIGN AI + {0x110B7, 0x110B8, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] KAITHI VOWEL SIGN O..KAITHI VOWEL SIGN AU + {0x110B9, 0x110BA, prExtend}, // Mn [2] KAITHI SIGN VIRAMA..KAITHI SIGN NUKTA + {0x110BD, 0x110BD, prPreprend}, // Cf KAITHI NUMBER SIGN + {0x110CD, 0x110CD, prPreprend}, // Cf KAITHI NUMBER SIGN ABOVE + {0x11100, 0x11102, prExtend}, // Mn [3] CHAKMA SIGN CANDRABINDU..CHAKMA SIGN VISARGA + {0x11127, 0x1112B, prExtend}, // Mn [5] CHAKMA VOWEL SIGN A..CHAKMA VOWEL SIGN UU + {0x1112C, 0x1112C, prSpacingMark}, // Mc CHAKMA VOWEL SIGN E + {0x1112D, 0x11134, prExtend}, // Mn [8] CHAKMA VOWEL SIGN AI..CHAKMA MAAYYAA + {0x11145, 0x11146, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] CHAKMA VOWEL SIGN AA..CHAKMA VOWEL SIGN EI + {0x11173, 0x11173, prExtend}, // Mn MAHAJANI SIGN NUKTA + {0x11180, 0x11181, prExtend}, // Mn [2] SHARADA SIGN CANDRABINDU..SHARADA SIGN ANUSVARA + {0x11182, 0x11182, prSpacingMark}, // Mc SHARADA SIGN VISARGA + {0x111B3, 0x111B5, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] SHARADA VOWEL SIGN AA..SHARADA VOWEL SIGN II + {0x111B6, 0x111BE, prExtend}, // Mn [9] SHARADA VOWEL SIGN U..SHARADA VOWEL SIGN O + {0x111BF, 0x111C0, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] SHARADA VOWEL SIGN AU..SHARADA SIGN VIRAMA + {0x111C2, 0x111C3, prPreprend}, // Lo [2] SHARADA SIGN JIHVAMULIYA..SHARADA SIGN UPADHMANIYA + {0x111C9, 0x111CC, prExtend}, // Mn [4] SHARADA SANDHI MARK..SHARADA EXTRA SHORT VOWEL MARK + {0x1122C, 0x1122E, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] KHOJKI VOWEL SIGN AA..KHOJKI VOWEL SIGN II + {0x1122F, 0x11231, prExtend}, // Mn [3] KHOJKI VOWEL SIGN U..KHOJKI VOWEL SIGN AI + {0x11232, 0x11233, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] KHOJKI VOWEL SIGN O..KHOJKI VOWEL SIGN AU + {0x11234, 0x11234, prExtend}, // Mn KHOJKI SIGN ANUSVARA + {0x11235, 0x11235, prSpacingMark}, // Mc KHOJKI SIGN VIRAMA + {0x11236, 0x11237, prExtend}, // Mn [2] KHOJKI SIGN NUKTA..KHOJKI SIGN SHADDA + {0x1123E, 0x1123E, prExtend}, // Mn KHOJKI SIGN SUKUN + {0x112DF, 0x112DF, prExtend}, // Mn KHUDAWADI SIGN ANUSVARA + {0x112E0, 0x112E2, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] KHUDAWADI VOWEL SIGN AA..KHUDAWADI VOWEL SIGN II + {0x112E3, 0x112EA, prExtend}, // Mn [8] KHUDAWADI VOWEL SIGN U..KHUDAWADI SIGN VIRAMA + {0x11300, 0x11301, prExtend}, // Mn [2] GRANTHA SIGN COMBINING ANUSVARA ABOVE..GRANTHA SIGN CANDRABINDU + {0x11302, 0x11303, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] GRANTHA SIGN ANUSVARA..GRANTHA SIGN VISARGA + {0x1133B, 0x1133C, prExtend}, // Mn [2] COMBINING BINDU BELOW..GRANTHA SIGN NUKTA + {0x1133E, 0x1133E, prExtend}, // Mc GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN AA + {0x1133F, 0x1133F, prSpacingMark}, // Mc GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN I + {0x11340, 0x11340, prExtend}, // Mn GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN II + {0x11341, 0x11344, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [4] GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN U..GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR + {0x11347, 0x11348, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN EE..GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN AI + {0x1134B, 0x1134D, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN OO..GRANTHA SIGN VIRAMA + {0x11357, 0x11357, prExtend}, // Mc GRANTHA AU LENGTH MARK + {0x11362, 0x11363, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L..GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL + {0x11366, 0x1136C, prExtend}, // Mn [7] COMBINING GRANTHA DIGIT ZERO..COMBINING GRANTHA DIGIT SIX + {0x11370, 0x11374, prExtend}, // Mn [5] COMBINING GRANTHA LETTER A..COMBINING GRANTHA LETTER PA + {0x11435, 0x11437, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] NEWA VOWEL SIGN AA..NEWA VOWEL SIGN II + {0x11438, 0x1143F, prExtend}, // Mn [8] NEWA VOWEL SIGN U..NEWA VOWEL SIGN AI + {0x11440, 0x11441, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] NEWA VOWEL SIGN O..NEWA VOWEL SIGN AU + {0x11442, 0x11444, prExtend}, // Mn [3] NEWA SIGN VIRAMA..NEWA SIGN ANUSVARA + {0x11445, 0x11445, prSpacingMark}, // Mc NEWA SIGN VISARGA + {0x11446, 0x11446, prExtend}, // Mn NEWA SIGN NUKTA + {0x1145E, 0x1145E, prExtend}, // Mn NEWA SANDHI MARK + {0x114B0, 0x114B0, prExtend}, // Mc TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN AA + {0x114B1, 0x114B2, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN I..TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN II + {0x114B3, 0x114B8, prExtend}, // Mn [6] TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN U..TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL + {0x114B9, 0x114B9, prSpacingMark}, // Mc TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN E + {0x114BA, 0x114BA, prExtend}, // Mn TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN SHORT E + {0x114BB, 0x114BC, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN AI..TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN O + {0x114BD, 0x114BD, prExtend}, // Mc TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN SHORT O + {0x114BE, 0x114BE, prSpacingMark}, // Mc TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN AU + {0x114BF, 0x114C0, prExtend}, // Mn [2] TIRHUTA SIGN CANDRABINDU..TIRHUTA SIGN ANUSVARA + {0x114C1, 0x114C1, prSpacingMark}, // Mc TIRHUTA SIGN VISARGA + {0x114C2, 0x114C3, prExtend}, // Mn [2] TIRHUTA SIGN VIRAMA..TIRHUTA SIGN NUKTA + {0x115AF, 0x115AF, prExtend}, // Mc SIDDHAM VOWEL SIGN AA + {0x115B0, 0x115B1, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] SIDDHAM VOWEL SIGN I..SIDDHAM VOWEL SIGN II + {0x115B2, 0x115B5, prExtend}, // Mn [4] SIDDHAM VOWEL SIGN U..SIDDHAM VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR + {0x115B8, 0x115BB, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [4] SIDDHAM VOWEL SIGN E..SIDDHAM VOWEL SIGN AU + {0x115BC, 0x115BD, prExtend}, // Mn [2] SIDDHAM SIGN CANDRABINDU..SIDDHAM SIGN ANUSVARA + {0x115BE, 0x115BE, prSpacingMark}, // Mc SIDDHAM SIGN VISARGA + {0x115BF, 0x115C0, prExtend}, // Mn [2] SIDDHAM SIGN VIRAMA..SIDDHAM SIGN NUKTA + {0x115DC, 0x115DD, prExtend}, // Mn [2] SIDDHAM VOWEL SIGN ALTERNATE U..SIDDHAM VOWEL SIGN ALTERNATE UU + {0x11630, 0x11632, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] MODI VOWEL SIGN AA..MODI VOWEL SIGN II + {0x11633, 0x1163A, prExtend}, // Mn [8] MODI VOWEL SIGN U..MODI VOWEL SIGN AI + {0x1163B, 0x1163C, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] MODI VOWEL SIGN O..MODI VOWEL SIGN AU + {0x1163D, 0x1163D, prExtend}, // Mn MODI SIGN ANUSVARA + {0x1163E, 0x1163E, prSpacingMark}, // Mc MODI SIGN VISARGA + {0x1163F, 0x11640, prExtend}, // Mn [2] MODI SIGN VIRAMA..MODI SIGN ARDHACANDRA + {0x116AB, 0x116AB, prExtend}, // Mn TAKRI SIGN ANUSVARA + {0x116AC, 0x116AC, prSpacingMark}, // Mc TAKRI SIGN VISARGA + {0x116AD, 0x116AD, prExtend}, // Mn TAKRI VOWEL SIGN AA + {0x116AE, 0x116AF, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] TAKRI VOWEL SIGN I..TAKRI VOWEL SIGN II + {0x116B0, 0x116B5, prExtend}, // Mn [6] TAKRI VOWEL SIGN U..TAKRI VOWEL SIGN AU + {0x116B6, 0x116B6, prSpacingMark}, // Mc TAKRI SIGN VIRAMA + {0x116B7, 0x116B7, prExtend}, // Mn TAKRI SIGN NUKTA + {0x1171D, 0x1171F, prExtend}, // Mn [3] AHOM CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL LA..AHOM CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL LIGATING RA + {0x11720, 0x11721, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] AHOM VOWEL SIGN A..AHOM VOWEL SIGN AA + {0x11722, 0x11725, prExtend}, // Mn [4] AHOM VOWEL SIGN I..AHOM VOWEL SIGN UU + {0x11726, 0x11726, prSpacingMark}, // Mc AHOM VOWEL SIGN E + {0x11727, 0x1172B, prExtend}, // Mn [5] AHOM VOWEL SIGN AW..AHOM SIGN KILLER + {0x1182C, 0x1182E, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] DOGRA VOWEL SIGN AA..DOGRA VOWEL SIGN II + {0x1182F, 0x11837, prExtend}, // Mn [9] DOGRA VOWEL SIGN U..DOGRA SIGN ANUSVARA + {0x11838, 0x11838, prSpacingMark}, // Mc DOGRA SIGN VISARGA + {0x11839, 0x1183A, prExtend}, // Mn [2] DOGRA SIGN VIRAMA..DOGRA SIGN NUKTA + {0x119D1, 0x119D3, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [3] NANDINAGARI VOWEL SIGN AA..NANDINAGARI VOWEL SIGN II + {0x119D4, 0x119D7, prExtend}, // Mn [4] NANDINAGARI VOWEL SIGN U..NANDINAGARI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR + {0x119DA, 0x119DB, prExtend}, // Mn [2] NANDINAGARI VOWEL SIGN E..NANDINAGARI VOWEL SIGN AI + {0x119DC, 0x119DF, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [4] NANDINAGARI VOWEL SIGN O..NANDINAGARI SIGN VISARGA + {0x119E0, 0x119E0, prExtend}, // Mn NANDINAGARI SIGN VIRAMA + {0x119E4, 0x119E4, prSpacingMark}, // Mc NANDINAGARI VOWEL SIGN PRISHTHAMATRA E + {0x11A01, 0x11A0A, prExtend}, // Mn [10] ZANABAZAR SQUARE VOWEL SIGN I..ZANABAZAR SQUARE VOWEL LENGTH MARK + {0x11A33, 0x11A38, prExtend}, // Mn [6] ZANABAZAR SQUARE FINAL CONSONANT MARK..ZANABAZAR SQUARE SIGN ANUSVARA + {0x11A39, 0x11A39, prSpacingMark}, // Mc ZANABAZAR SQUARE SIGN VISARGA + {0x11A3A, 0x11A3A, prPreprend}, // Lo ZANABAZAR SQUARE CLUSTER-INITIAL LETTER RA + {0x11A3B, 0x11A3E, prExtend}, // Mn [4] ZANABAZAR SQUARE CLUSTER-FINAL LETTER YA..ZANABAZAR SQUARE CLUSTER-FINAL LETTER VA + {0x11A47, 0x11A47, prExtend}, // Mn ZANABAZAR SQUARE SUBJOINER + {0x11A51, 0x11A56, prExtend}, // Mn [6] SOYOMBO VOWEL SIGN I..SOYOMBO VOWEL SIGN OE + {0x11A57, 0x11A58, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] SOYOMBO VOWEL SIGN AI..SOYOMBO VOWEL SIGN AU + {0x11A59, 0x11A5B, prExtend}, // Mn [3] SOYOMBO VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R..SOYOMBO VOWEL LENGTH MARK + {0x11A84, 0x11A89, prPreprend}, // Lo [6] SOYOMBO SIGN JIHVAMULIYA..SOYOMBO CLUSTER-INITIAL LETTER SA + {0x11A8A, 0x11A96, prExtend}, // Mn [13] SOYOMBO FINAL CONSONANT SIGN G..SOYOMBO SIGN ANUSVARA + {0x11A97, 0x11A97, prSpacingMark}, // Mc SOYOMBO SIGN VISARGA + {0x11A98, 0x11A99, prExtend}, // Mn [2] SOYOMBO GEMINATION MARK..SOYOMBO SUBJOINER + {0x11C2F, 0x11C2F, prSpacingMark}, // Mc BHAIKSUKI VOWEL SIGN AA + {0x11C30, 0x11C36, prExtend}, // Mn [7] BHAIKSUKI VOWEL SIGN I..BHAIKSUKI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L + {0x11C38, 0x11C3D, prExtend}, // Mn [6] BHAIKSUKI VOWEL SIGN E..BHAIKSUKI SIGN ANUSVARA + {0x11C3E, 0x11C3E, prSpacingMark}, // Mc BHAIKSUKI SIGN VISARGA + {0x11C3F, 0x11C3F, prExtend}, // Mn BHAIKSUKI SIGN VIRAMA + {0x11C92, 0x11CA7, prExtend}, // Mn [22] MARCHEN SUBJOINED LETTER KA..MARCHEN SUBJOINED LETTER ZA + {0x11CA9, 0x11CA9, prSpacingMark}, // Mc MARCHEN SUBJOINED LETTER YA + {0x11CAA, 0x11CB0, prExtend}, // Mn [7] MARCHEN SUBJOINED LETTER RA..MARCHEN VOWEL SIGN AA + {0x11CB1, 0x11CB1, prSpacingMark}, // Mc MARCHEN VOWEL SIGN I + {0x11CB2, 0x11CB3, prExtend}, // Mn [2] MARCHEN VOWEL SIGN U..MARCHEN VOWEL SIGN E + {0x11CB4, 0x11CB4, prSpacingMark}, // Mc MARCHEN VOWEL SIGN O + {0x11CB5, 0x11CB6, prExtend}, // Mn [2] MARCHEN SIGN ANUSVARA..MARCHEN SIGN CANDRABINDU + {0x11D31, 0x11D36, prExtend}, // Mn [6] MASARAM GONDI VOWEL SIGN AA..MASARAM GONDI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R + {0x11D3A, 0x11D3A, prExtend}, // Mn MASARAM GONDI VOWEL SIGN E + {0x11D3C, 0x11D3D, prExtend}, // Mn [2] MASARAM GONDI VOWEL SIGN AI..MASARAM GONDI VOWEL SIGN O + {0x11D3F, 0x11D45, prExtend}, // Mn [7] MASARAM GONDI VOWEL SIGN AU..MASARAM GONDI VIRAMA + {0x11D46, 0x11D46, prPreprend}, // Lo MASARAM GONDI REPHA + {0x11D47, 0x11D47, prExtend}, // Mn MASARAM GONDI RA-KARA + {0x11D8A, 0x11D8E, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [5] GUNJALA GONDI VOWEL SIGN AA..GUNJALA GONDI VOWEL SIGN UU + {0x11D90, 0x11D91, prExtend}, // Mn [2] GUNJALA GONDI VOWEL SIGN EE..GUNJALA GONDI VOWEL SIGN AI + {0x11D93, 0x11D94, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] GUNJALA GONDI VOWEL SIGN OO..GUNJALA GONDI VOWEL SIGN AU + {0x11D95, 0x11D95, prExtend}, // Mn GUNJALA GONDI SIGN ANUSVARA + {0x11D96, 0x11D96, prSpacingMark}, // Mc GUNJALA GONDI SIGN VISARGA + {0x11D97, 0x11D97, prExtend}, // Mn GUNJALA GONDI VIRAMA + {0x11EF3, 0x11EF4, prExtend}, // Mn [2] MAKASAR VOWEL SIGN I..MAKASAR VOWEL SIGN U + {0x11EF5, 0x11EF6, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [2] MAKASAR VOWEL SIGN E..MAKASAR VOWEL SIGN O + {0x13430, 0x13438, prControl}, // Cf [9] EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPH VERTICAL JOINER..EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPH END SEGMENT + {0x16AF0, 0x16AF4, prExtend}, // Mn [5] BASSA VAH COMBINING HIGH TONE..BASSA VAH COMBINING HIGH-LOW TONE + {0x16B30, 0x16B36, prExtend}, // Mn [7] PAHAWH HMONG MARK CIM TUB..PAHAWH HMONG MARK CIM TAUM + {0x16F4F, 0x16F4F, prExtend}, // Mn MIAO SIGN CONSONANT MODIFIER BAR + {0x16F51, 0x16F87, prSpacingMark}, // Mc [55] MIAO SIGN ASPIRATION..MIAO VOWEL SIGN UI + {0x16F8F, 0x16F92, prExtend}, // Mn [4] MIAO TONE RIGHT..MIAO TONE BELOW + {0x1BC9D, 0x1BC9E, prExtend}, // Mn [2] DUPLOYAN THICK LETTER SELECTOR..DUPLOYAN DOUBLE MARK + {0x1BCA0, 0x1BCA3, prControl}, // Cf [4] SHORTHAND FORMAT LETTER OVERLAP..SHORTHAND FORMAT UP STEP + {0x1D165, 0x1D165, prExtend}, // Mc MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING STEM + {0x1D166, 0x1D166, prSpacingMark}, // Mc MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING SPRECHGESANG STEM + {0x1D167, 0x1D169, prExtend}, // Mn [3] MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING TREMOLO-1..MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING TREMOLO-3 + {0x1D16D, 0x1D16D, prSpacingMark}, // Mc MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING AUGMENTATION DOT + {0x1D16E, 0x1D172, prExtend}, // Mc [5] MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING FLAG-1..MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING FLAG-5 + {0x1D173, 0x1D17A, prControl}, // Cf [8] MUSICAL SYMBOL BEGIN BEAM..MUSICAL SYMBOL END PHRASE + {0x1D17B, 0x1D182, prExtend}, // Mn [8] MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING ACCENT..MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING LOURE + {0x1D185, 0x1D18B, prExtend}, // Mn [7] MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING DOIT..MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING TRIPLE TONGUE + {0x1D1AA, 0x1D1AD, prExtend}, // Mn [4] MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING DOWN BOW..MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING SNAP PIZZICATO + {0x1D242, 0x1D244, prExtend}, // Mn [3] COMBINING GREEK MUSICAL TRISEME..COMBINING GREEK MUSICAL PENTASEME + {0x1DA00, 0x1DA36, prExtend}, // Mn [55] SIGNWRITING HEAD RIM..SIGNWRITING AIR SUCKING IN + {0x1DA3B, 0x1DA6C, prExtend}, // Mn [50] SIGNWRITING MOUTH CLOSED NEUTRAL..SIGNWRITING EXCITEMENT + {0x1DA75, 0x1DA75, prExtend}, // Mn SIGNWRITING UPPER BODY TILTING FROM HIP JOINTS + {0x1DA84, 0x1DA84, prExtend}, // Mn SIGNWRITING LOCATION HEAD NECK + {0x1DA9B, 0x1DA9F, prExtend}, // Mn [5] SIGNWRITING FILL MODIFIER-2..SIGNWRITING FILL MODIFIER-6 + {0x1DAA1, 0x1DAAF, prExtend}, // Mn [15] SIGNWRITING ROTATION MODIFIER-2..SIGNWRITING ROTATION MODIFIER-16 + {0x1E000, 0x1E006, prExtend}, // Mn [7] COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER AZU..COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER ZHIVETE + {0x1E008, 0x1E018, prExtend}, // Mn [17] COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER ZEMLJA..COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER HERU + {0x1E01B, 0x1E021, prExtend}, // Mn [7] COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER SHTA..COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER YATI + {0x1E023, 0x1E024, prExtend}, // Mn [2] COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER YU..COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER SMALL YUS + {0x1E026, 0x1E02A, prExtend}, // Mn [5] COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER YO..COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER FITA + {0x1E130, 0x1E136, prExtend}, // Mn [7] NYIAKENG PUACHUE HMONG TONE-B..NYIAKENG PUACHUE HMONG TONE-D + {0x1E2EC, 0x1E2EF, prExtend}, // Mn [4] WANCHO TONE TUP..WANCHO TONE KOINI + {0x1E8D0, 0x1E8D6, prExtend}, // Mn [7] MENDE KIKAKUI COMBINING NUMBER TEENS..MENDE KIKAKUI COMBINING NUMBER MILLIONS + {0x1E944, 0x1E94A, prExtend}, // Mn [7] ADLAM ALIF LENGTHENER..ADLAM NUKTA + {0x1F000, 0x1F02B, prExtendedPictographic}, // 5.1 [44] (🀀..🀫) MAHJONG TILE EAST WIND..MAHJONG TILE BACK + {0x1F02C, 0x1F02F, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [4] (🀬..🀯) .. + {0x1F030, 0x1F093, prExtendedPictographic}, // 5.1[100] (🀰..🂓) DOMINO TILE HORIZONTAL BACK..DOMINO TILE VERTICAL-06-06 + {0x1F094, 0x1F09F, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [12] (🂔..🂟) .. + {0x1F0A0, 0x1F0AE, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [15] (🂠..🂮) PLAYING CARD BACK..PLAYING CARD KING OF SPADES + {0x1F0AF, 0x1F0B0, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [2] (🂯..🂰) .. + {0x1F0B1, 0x1F0BE, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [14] (🂱..🂾) PLAYING CARD ACE OF HEARTS..PLAYING CARD KING OF HEARTS + {0x1F0BF, 0x1F0BF, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [1] (🂿) PLAYING CARD RED JOKER + {0x1F0C0, 0x1F0C0, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [1] (🃀) + {0x1F0C1, 0x1F0CF, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [15] (🃁..🃏) PLAYING CARD ACE OF DIAMONDS..joker + {0x1F0D0, 0x1F0D0, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [1] (🃐) + {0x1F0D1, 0x1F0DF, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [15] (🃑..🃟) PLAYING CARD ACE OF CLUBS..PLAYING CARD WHITE JOKER + {0x1F0E0, 0x1F0F5, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [22] (🃠..🃵) PLAYING CARD FOOL..PLAYING CARD TRUMP-21 + {0x1F0F6, 0x1F0FF, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [10] (🃶..🃿) .. + {0x1F10D, 0x1F10F, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [3] (🄍..🄏) .. + {0x1F12F, 0x1F12F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 11.0 [1] (🄯) COPYLEFT SYMBOL + {0x1F16C, 0x1F16C, prExtendedPictographic}, // 12.0 [1] (🅬) RAISED MR SIGN + {0x1F16D, 0x1F16F, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [3] (🅭..🅯) .. + {0x1F170, 0x1F171, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [2] (🅰️..🅱️) A button (blood type)..B button (blood type) + {0x1F17E, 0x1F17E, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [1] (🅾️) O button (blood type) + {0x1F17F, 0x1F17F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 5.2 [1] (🅿️) P button + {0x1F18E, 0x1F18E, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [1] (🆎) AB button (blood type) + {0x1F191, 0x1F19A, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [10] (🆑..🆚) CL button..VS button + {0x1F1AD, 0x1F1E5, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [57] (🆭..🇥) .. + {0x1F1E6, 0x1F1FF, prRegionalIndicator}, // So [26] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A..REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER Z + {0x1F201, 0x1F202, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [2] (🈁..🈂️) Japanese “here” button..Japanese “service charge” button + {0x1F203, 0x1F20F, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [13] (🈃..🈏) .. + {0x1F21A, 0x1F21A, prExtendedPictographic}, // 5.2 [1] (🈚) Japanese “free of charge” button + {0x1F22F, 0x1F22F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 5.2 [1] (🈯) Japanese “reserved” button + {0x1F232, 0x1F23A, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [9] (🈲..🈺) Japanese “prohibited” button..Japanese “open for business” button + {0x1F23C, 0x1F23F, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [4] (🈼..🈿) .. + {0x1F249, 0x1F24F, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [7] (🉉..🉏) .. + {0x1F250, 0x1F251, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [2] (🉐..🉑) Japanese “bargain” button..Japanese “acceptable” button + {0x1F252, 0x1F25F, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [14] (🉒..🉟) .. + {0x1F260, 0x1F265, prExtendedPictographic}, // 10.0 [6] (🉠..🉥) ROUNDED SYMBOL FOR FU..ROUNDED SYMBOL FOR CAI + {0x1F266, 0x1F2FF, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA[154] (🉦..🋿) .. + {0x1F300, 0x1F320, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [33] (🌀..🌠) cyclone..shooting star + {0x1F321, 0x1F32C, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [12] (🌡️..🌬️) thermometer..wind face + {0x1F32D, 0x1F32F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 8.0 [3] (🌭..🌯) hot dog..burrito + {0x1F330, 0x1F335, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [6] (🌰..🌵) chestnut..cactus + {0x1F336, 0x1F336, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [1] (🌶️) hot pepper + {0x1F337, 0x1F37C, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [70] (🌷..🍼) tulip..baby bottle + {0x1F37D, 0x1F37D, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [1] (🍽️) fork and knife with plate + {0x1F37E, 0x1F37F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 8.0 [2] (🍾..🍿) bottle with popping cork..popcorn + {0x1F380, 0x1F393, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [20] (🎀..🎓) ribbon..graduation cap + {0x1F394, 0x1F39F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [12] (🎔..🎟️) HEART WITH TIP ON THE LEFT..admission tickets + {0x1F3A0, 0x1F3C4, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [37] (🎠..🏄) carousel horse..person surfing + {0x1F3C5, 0x1F3C5, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [1] (🏅) sports medal + {0x1F3C6, 0x1F3CA, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [5] (🏆..🏊) trophy..person swimming + {0x1F3CB, 0x1F3CE, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [4] (🏋️..🏎️) person lifting weights..racing car + {0x1F3CF, 0x1F3D3, prExtendedPictographic}, // 8.0 [5] (🏏..🏓) cricket game..ping pong + {0x1F3D4, 0x1F3DF, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [12] (🏔️..🏟️) snow-capped mountain..stadium + {0x1F3E0, 0x1F3F0, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [17] (🏠..🏰) house..castle + {0x1F3F1, 0x1F3F7, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [7] (🏱..🏷️) WHITE PENNANT..label + {0x1F3F8, 0x1F3FA, prExtendedPictographic}, // 8.0 [3] (🏸..🏺) badminton..amphora + {0x1F3FB, 0x1F3FF, prExtend}, // Sk [5] EMOJI MODIFIER FITZPATRICK TYPE-1-2..EMOJI MODIFIER FITZPATRICK TYPE-6 + {0x1F400, 0x1F43E, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [63] (🐀..🐾) rat..paw prints + {0x1F43F, 0x1F43F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [1] (🐿️) chipmunk + {0x1F440, 0x1F440, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [1] (👀) eyes + {0x1F441, 0x1F441, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [1] (👁️) eye + {0x1F442, 0x1F4F7, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0[182] (👂..📷) ear..camera + {0x1F4F8, 0x1F4F8, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [1] (📸) camera with flash + {0x1F4F9, 0x1F4FC, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [4] (📹..📼) video camera..videocassette + {0x1F4FD, 0x1F4FE, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [2] (📽️..📾) film projector..PORTABLE STEREO + {0x1F4FF, 0x1F4FF, prExtendedPictographic}, // 8.0 [1] (📿) prayer beads + {0x1F500, 0x1F53D, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [62] (🔀..🔽) shuffle tracks button..downwards button + {0x1F546, 0x1F54A, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [5] (🕆..🕊️) WHITE LATIN CROSS..dove + {0x1F54B, 0x1F54F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 8.0 [5] (🕋..🕏) kaaba..BOWL OF HYGIEIA + {0x1F550, 0x1F567, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [24] (🕐..🕧) one o’clock..twelve-thirty + {0x1F568, 0x1F579, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [18] (🕨..🕹️) RIGHT SPEAKER..joystick + {0x1F57A, 0x1F57A, prExtendedPictographic}, // 9.0 [1] (🕺) man dancing + {0x1F57B, 0x1F5A3, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [41] (🕻..🖣) LEFT HAND TELEPHONE RECEIVER..BLACK DOWN POINTING BACKHAND INDEX + {0x1F5A4, 0x1F5A4, prExtendedPictographic}, // 9.0 [1] (🖤) black heart + {0x1F5A5, 0x1F5FA, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [86] (🖥️..🗺️) desktop computer..world map + {0x1F5FB, 0x1F5FF, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [5] (🗻..🗿) mount fuji..moai + {0x1F600, 0x1F600, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.1 [1] (😀) grinning face + {0x1F601, 0x1F610, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [16] (😁..😐) beaming face with smiling eyes..neutral face + {0x1F611, 0x1F611, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.1 [1] (😑) expressionless face + {0x1F612, 0x1F614, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [3] (😒..😔) unamused face..pensive face + {0x1F615, 0x1F615, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.1 [1] (😕) confused face + {0x1F616, 0x1F616, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [1] (😖) confounded face + {0x1F617, 0x1F617, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.1 [1] (😗) kissing face + {0x1F618, 0x1F618, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [1] (😘) face blowing a kiss + {0x1F619, 0x1F619, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.1 [1] (😙) kissing face with smiling eyes + {0x1F61A, 0x1F61A, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [1] (😚) kissing face with closed eyes + {0x1F61B, 0x1F61B, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.1 [1] (😛) face with tongue + {0x1F61C, 0x1F61E, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [3] (😜..😞) winking face with tongue..disappointed face + {0x1F61F, 0x1F61F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.1 [1] (😟) worried face + {0x1F620, 0x1F625, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [6] (😠..😥) angry face..sad but relieved face + {0x1F626, 0x1F627, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.1 [2] (😦..😧) frowning face with open mouth..anguished face + {0x1F628, 0x1F62B, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [4] (😨..😫) fearful face..tired face + {0x1F62C, 0x1F62C, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.1 [1] (😬) grimacing face + {0x1F62D, 0x1F62D, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [1] (😭) loudly crying face + {0x1F62E, 0x1F62F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.1 [2] (😮..😯) face with open mouth..hushed face + {0x1F630, 0x1F633, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [4] (😰..😳) anxious face with sweat..flushed face + {0x1F634, 0x1F634, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.1 [1] (😴) sleeping face + {0x1F635, 0x1F640, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [12] (😵..🙀) dizzy face..weary cat + {0x1F641, 0x1F642, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [2] (🙁..🙂) slightly frowning face..slightly smiling face + {0x1F643, 0x1F644, prExtendedPictographic}, // 8.0 [2] (🙃..🙄) upside-down face..face with rolling eyes + {0x1F645, 0x1F64F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [11] (🙅..🙏) person gesturing NO..folded hands + {0x1F680, 0x1F6C5, prExtendedPictographic}, // 6.0 [70] (🚀..🛅) rocket..left luggage + {0x1F6C6, 0x1F6CF, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [10] (🛆..🛏️) TRIANGLE WITH ROUNDED CORNERS..bed + {0x1F6D0, 0x1F6D0, prExtendedPictographic}, // 8.0 [1] (🛐) place of worship + {0x1F6D1, 0x1F6D2, prExtendedPictographic}, // 9.0 [2] (🛑..🛒) stop sign..shopping cart + {0x1F6D3, 0x1F6D4, prExtendedPictographic}, // 10.0 [2] (🛓..🛔) STUPA..PAGODA + {0x1F6D5, 0x1F6D5, prExtendedPictographic}, // 12.0 [1] (🛕) hindu temple + {0x1F6D6, 0x1F6DF, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [10] (🛖..🛟) .. + {0x1F6E0, 0x1F6EC, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [13] (🛠️..🛬) hammer and wrench..airplane arrival + {0x1F6ED, 0x1F6EF, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [3] (🛭..🛯) .. + {0x1F6F0, 0x1F6F3, prExtendedPictographic}, // 7.0 [4] (🛰️..🛳️) satellite..passenger ship + {0x1F6F4, 0x1F6F6, prExtendedPictographic}, // 9.0 [3] (🛴..🛶) kick scooter..canoe + {0x1F6F7, 0x1F6F8, prExtendedPictographic}, // 10.0 [2] (🛷..🛸) sled..flying saucer + {0x1F6F9, 0x1F6F9, prExtendedPictographic}, // 11.0 [1] (🛹) skateboard + {0x1F6FA, 0x1F6FA, prExtendedPictographic}, // 12.0 [1] (🛺) auto rickshaw + {0x1F6FB, 0x1F6FF, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [5] (🛻..🛿) .. + {0x1F774, 0x1F77F, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [12] (🝴..🝿) .. + {0x1F7D5, 0x1F7D8, prExtendedPictographic}, // 11.0 [4] (🟕..🟘) CIRCLED TRIANGLE..NEGATIVE CIRCLED SQUARE + {0x1F7D9, 0x1F7DF, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [7] (🟙..🟟) .. + {0x1F7E0, 0x1F7EB, prExtendedPictographic}, // 12.0 [12] (🟠..🟫) orange circle..brown square + {0x1F7EC, 0x1F7FF, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [20] (🟬..🟿) .. + {0x1F80C, 0x1F80F, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [4] (🠌..🠏) .. + {0x1F848, 0x1F84F, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [8] (🡈..🡏) .. + {0x1F85A, 0x1F85F, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [6] (🡚..🡟) .. + {0x1F888, 0x1F88F, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [8] (🢈..🢏) .. + {0x1F8AE, 0x1F8FF, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [82] (🢮..🣿) .. + {0x1F90C, 0x1F90C, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [1] (🤌) + {0x1F90D, 0x1F90F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 12.0 [3] (🤍..🤏) white heart..pinching hand + {0x1F910, 0x1F918, prExtendedPictographic}, // 8.0 [9] (🤐..🤘) zipper-mouth face..sign of the horns + {0x1F919, 0x1F91E, prExtendedPictographic}, // 9.0 [6] (🤙..🤞) call me hand..crossed fingers + {0x1F91F, 0x1F91F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 10.0 [1] (🤟) love-you gesture + {0x1F920, 0x1F927, prExtendedPictographic}, // 9.0 [8] (🤠..🤧) cowboy hat face..sneezing face + {0x1F928, 0x1F92F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 10.0 [8] (🤨..🤯) face with raised eyebrow..exploding head + {0x1F930, 0x1F930, prExtendedPictographic}, // 9.0 [1] (🤰) pregnant woman + {0x1F931, 0x1F932, prExtendedPictographic}, // 10.0 [2] (🤱..🤲) breast-feeding..palms up together + {0x1F933, 0x1F93A, prExtendedPictographic}, // 9.0 [8] (🤳..🤺) selfie..person fencing + {0x1F93C, 0x1F93E, prExtendedPictographic}, // 9.0 [3] (🤼..🤾) people wrestling..person playing handball + {0x1F93F, 0x1F93F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 12.0 [1] (🤿) diving mask + {0x1F940, 0x1F945, prExtendedPictographic}, // 9.0 [6] (🥀..🥅) wilted flower..goal net + {0x1F947, 0x1F94B, prExtendedPictographic}, // 9.0 [5] (🥇..🥋) 1st place medal..martial arts uniform + {0x1F94C, 0x1F94C, prExtendedPictographic}, // 10.0 [1] (🥌) curling stone + {0x1F94D, 0x1F94F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 11.0 [3] (🥍..🥏) lacrosse..flying disc + {0x1F950, 0x1F95E, prExtendedPictographic}, // 9.0 [15] (🥐..🥞) croissant..pancakes + {0x1F95F, 0x1F96B, prExtendedPictographic}, // 10.0 [13] (🥟..🥫) dumpling..canned food + {0x1F96C, 0x1F970, prExtendedPictographic}, // 11.0 [5] (🥬..🥰) leafy green..smiling face with hearts + {0x1F971, 0x1F971, prExtendedPictographic}, // 12.0 [1] (🥱) yawning face + {0x1F972, 0x1F972, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [1] (🥲) + {0x1F973, 0x1F976, prExtendedPictographic}, // 11.0 [4] (🥳..🥶) partying face..cold face + {0x1F977, 0x1F979, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [3] (🥷..🥹) .. + {0x1F97A, 0x1F97A, prExtendedPictographic}, // 11.0 [1] (🥺) pleading face + {0x1F97B, 0x1F97B, prExtendedPictographic}, // 12.0 [1] (🥻) sari + {0x1F97C, 0x1F97F, prExtendedPictographic}, // 11.0 [4] (🥼..🥿) lab coat..flat shoe + {0x1F980, 0x1F984, prExtendedPictographic}, // 8.0 [5] (🦀..🦄) crab..unicorn + {0x1F985, 0x1F991, prExtendedPictographic}, // 9.0 [13] (🦅..🦑) eagle..squid + {0x1F992, 0x1F997, prExtendedPictographic}, // 10.0 [6] (🦒..🦗) giraffe..cricket + {0x1F998, 0x1F9A2, prExtendedPictographic}, // 11.0 [11] (🦘..🦢) kangaroo..swan + {0x1F9A3, 0x1F9A4, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [2] (🦣..🦤) .. + {0x1F9A5, 0x1F9AA, prExtendedPictographic}, // 12.0 [6] (🦥..🦪) sloth..oyster + {0x1F9AB, 0x1F9AD, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [3] (🦫..🦭) .. + {0x1F9AE, 0x1F9AF, prExtendedPictographic}, // 12.0 [2] (🦮..🦯) guide dog..probing cane + {0x1F9B0, 0x1F9B9, prExtendedPictographic}, // 11.0 [10] (🦰..🦹) red hair..supervillain + {0x1F9BA, 0x1F9BF, prExtendedPictographic}, // 12.0 [6] (🦺..🦿) safety vest..mechanical leg + {0x1F9C0, 0x1F9C0, prExtendedPictographic}, // 8.0 [1] (🧀) cheese wedge + {0x1F9C1, 0x1F9C2, prExtendedPictographic}, // 11.0 [2] (🧁..🧂) cupcake..salt + {0x1F9C3, 0x1F9CA, prExtendedPictographic}, // 12.0 [8] (🧃..🧊) beverage box..ice cube + {0x1F9CB, 0x1F9CC, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [2] (🧋..🧌) .. + {0x1F9CD, 0x1F9CF, prExtendedPictographic}, // 12.0 [3] (🧍..🧏) person standing..deaf person + {0x1F9D0, 0x1F9E6, prExtendedPictographic}, // 10.0 [23] (🧐..🧦) face with monocle..socks + {0x1F9E7, 0x1F9FF, prExtendedPictographic}, // 11.0 [25] (🧧..🧿) red envelope..nazar amulet + {0x1FA00, 0x1FA53, prExtendedPictographic}, // 12.0 [84] (🨀..🩓) NEUTRAL CHESS KING..BLACK CHESS KNIGHT-BISHOP + {0x1FA54, 0x1FA5F, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [12] (🩔..🩟) .. + {0x1FA60, 0x1FA6D, prExtendedPictographic}, // 11.0 [14] (🩠..🩭) XIANGQI RED GENERAL..XIANGQI BLACK SOLDIER + {0x1FA6E, 0x1FA6F, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [2] (🩮..🩯) .. + {0x1FA70, 0x1FA73, prExtendedPictographic}, // 12.0 [4] (🩰..🩳) ballet shoes..shorts + {0x1FA74, 0x1FA77, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [4] (🩴..🩷) .. + {0x1FA78, 0x1FA7A, prExtendedPictographic}, // 12.0 [3] (🩸..🩺) drop of blood..stethoscope + {0x1FA7B, 0x1FA7F, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [5] (🩻..🩿) .. + {0x1FA80, 0x1FA82, prExtendedPictographic}, // 12.0 [3] (🪀..🪂) yo-yo..parachute + {0x1FA83, 0x1FA8F, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA [13] (🪃..🪏) .. + {0x1FA90, 0x1FA95, prExtendedPictographic}, // 12.0 [6] (🪐..🪕) ringed planet..banjo + {0x1FA96, 0x1FFFD, prExtendedPictographic}, // NA[1384] (🪖..🿽) .. + {0xE0000, 0xE0000, prControl}, // Cn + {0xE0001, 0xE0001, prControl}, // Cf LANGUAGE TAG + {0xE0002, 0xE001F, prControl}, // Cn [30] .. + {0xE0020, 0xE007F, prExtend}, // Cf [96] TAG SPACE..CANCEL TAG + {0xE0080, 0xE00FF, prControl}, // Cn [128] .. + {0xE0100, 0xE01EF, prExtend}, // Mn [240] VARIATION SELECTOR-17..VARIATION SELECTOR-256 + {0xE01F0, 0xE0FFF, prControl}, // Cn [3600] .. +} + +// property returns the Unicode property value (see constants above) of the +// given code point. +func property(r rune) int { + // Run a binary search. + from := 0 + to := len(codePoints) + for to > from { + middle := (from + to) / 2 + cpRange := codePoints[middle] + if int(r) < cpRange[0] { + to = middle + continue + } + if int(r) > cpRange[1] { + from = middle + 1 + continue + } + return cpRange[2] + } + return prAny +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/.golangci.yml b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/.golangci.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d6e617 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/.golangci.yml @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +run: + deadline: 5m + +linters: + disable-all: true + enable: + #- bodyclose + - deadcode + #- depguard + #- dogsled + #- dupl + - errcheck + #- exhaustive + #- funlen + - gas + #- gochecknoinits + - goconst + #- gocritic + #- gocyclo + #- gofmt + - goimports + - golint + #- gomnd + #- goprintffuncname + #- gosec + #- gosimple + - govet + - ineffassign + - interfacer + #- lll + - maligned + - megacheck + #- misspell + #- nakedret + #- noctx + #- nolintlint + #- rowserrcheck + #- scopelint + #- staticcheck + - structcheck + #- stylecheck + #- typecheck + - unconvert + #- unparam + #- unused + - varcheck + #- whitespace + fast: false diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/.travis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index a9bd4e5..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/.travis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -language: go - -stages: - - diff - - test - - build - -go: - - 1.12.x - - 1.13.x - - tip - -before_install: - - go get -u github.com/kyoh86/richgo - - go get -u github.com/mitchellh/gox - -matrix: - allow_failures: - - go: tip - include: - - stage: diff - go: 1.13.x - script: make fmt - - stage: build - go: 1.13.x - script: make cobra_generator - -script: - - make test diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/CHANGELOG.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a23b4f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/CHANGELOG.md @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# Cobra Changelog + +## v1.1.3 + +* **Fix:** release-branch.cobra1.1 only: Revert "Deprecate Go < 1.14" to maintain backward compatibility + +## v1.1.2 + +### Notable Changes + +* Bump license year to 2021 in golden files (#1309) @Bowbaq +* Enhance PowerShell completion with custom comp (#1208) @Luap99 +* Update gopkg.in/yaml.v2 to v2.4.0: The previous breaking change in yaml.v2 v2.3.0 has been reverted, see go-yaml/yaml#670 +* Documentation readability improvements (#1228 etc.) @zaataylor etc. +* Use golangci-lint: Repair warnings and errors resulting from linting (#1044) @umarcor + +## v1.1.1 + +* **Fix:** yaml.v2 2.3.0 contained a unintended breaking change. This release reverts to yaml.v2 v2.2.8 which has recent critical CVE fixes, but does not have the breaking changes. See https://github.com/spf13/cobra/pull/1259 for context. +* **Fix:** correct internal formatting for go-md2man v2 (which caused man page generation to be broken). See https://github.com/spf13/cobra/issues/1049 for context. + +## v1.1.0 + +### Notable Changes + +* Extend Go completions and revamp zsh comp (#1070) +* Fix man page doc generation - no auto generated tag when `cmd.DisableAutoGenTag = true` (#1104) @jpmcb +* Add completion for help command (#1136) +* Complete subcommands when TraverseChildren is set (#1171) +* Fix stderr printing functions (#894) +* fix: fish output redirection (#1247) + +## v1.0.0 + +Announcing v1.0.0 of Cobra. 🎉 + +### Notable Changes +* Fish completion (including support for Go custom completion) @marckhouzam +* API (urgent): Rename BashCompDirectives to ShellCompDirectives @marckhouzam +* Remove/replace SetOutput on Command - deprecated @jpmcb +* add support for autolabel stale PR @xchapter7x +* Add Labeler Actions @xchapter7x +* Custom completions coded in Go (instead of Bash) @marckhouzam +* Partial Revert of #922 @jharshman +* Add Makefile to project @jharshman +* Correct documentation for InOrStdin @desponda +* Apply formatting to templates @jharshman +* Revert change so help is printed on stdout again @marckhouzam +* Update md2man to v2.0.0 @pdf +* update viper to v1.4.0 @umarcor +* Update cmd/root.go example in README.md @jharshman diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/CONDUCT.md b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/CONDUCT.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d16f88 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/CONDUCT.md @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +## Cobra User Contract + +### Versioning +Cobra will follow a steady release cadence. Non breaking changes will be released as minor versions quarterly. Patch bug releases are at the discretion of the maintainers. Users can expect security patch fixes to be released within relatively short order of a CVE becoming known. For more information on security patch fixes see the CVE section below. Releases will follow [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/). Users tracking the Master branch should expect unpredictable breaking changes as the project continues to move forward. For stability, it is highly recommended to use a release. + +### Backward Compatibility +We will maintain two major releases in a moving window. The N-1 release will only receive bug fixes and security updates and will be dropped once N+1 is released. + +### Deprecation +Deprecation of Go versions or dependent packages will only occur in major releases. To reduce the change of this taking users by surprise, any large deprecation will be preceded by an announcement in the [#cobra slack channel](https://gophers.slack.com/archives/CD3LP1199) and an Issue on Github. + +### CVE +Maintainers will make every effort to release security patches in the case of a medium to high severity CVE directly impacting the library. The speed in which these patches reach a release is up to the discretion of the maintainers. A low severity CVE may be a lower priority than a high severity one. + +### Communication +Cobra maintainers will use GitHub issues and the [#cobra slack channel](https://gophers.slack.com/archives/CD3LP1199) as the primary means of communication with the community. This is to foster open communication with all users and contributors. + +### Breaking Changes +Breaking changes are generally allowed in the master branch, as this is the branch used to develop the next release of Cobra. + +There may be times, however, when master is closed for breaking changes. This is likely to happen as we near the release of a new version. + +Breaking changes are not allowed in release branches, as these represent minor versions that have already been released. These version have consumers who expect the APIs, behaviors, etc, to remain stable during the lifetime of the patch stream for the minor release. + +Examples of breaking changes include: +- Removing or renaming exported constant, variable, type, or function. +- Updating the version of critical libraries such as `spf13/pflag`, `spf13/viper` etc... + - Some version updates may be acceptable for picking up bug fixes, but maintainers must exercise caution when reviewing. + +There may, at times, need to be exceptions where breaking changes are allowed in release branches. These are at the discretion of the project's maintainers, and must be carefully considered before merging. + +### CI Testing +Maintainers will ensure the Cobra test suite utilizes the current supported versions of Golang. + +### Disclaimer +Changes to this document and the contents therein are at the discretion of the maintainers. +None of the contents of this document are legally binding in any way to the maintainers or the users. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/CONTRIBUTING.md b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/CONTRIBUTING.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f356e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +# Contributing to Cobra + +Thank you so much for contributing to Cobra. We appreciate your time and help. +Here are some guidelines to help you get started. + +## Code of Conduct + +Be kind and respectful to the members of the community. Take time to educate +others who are seeking help. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. + +## Questions + +If you have questions regarding Cobra, feel free to ask it in the community +[#cobra Slack channel][cobra-slack] + +## Filing a bug or feature + +1. Before filing an issue, please check the existing issues to see if a + similar one was already opened. If there is one already opened, feel free + to comment on it. +1. If you believe you've found a bug, please provide detailed steps of + reproduction, the version of Cobra and anything else you believe will be + useful to help troubleshoot it (e.g. OS environment, environment variables, + etc...). Also state the current behavior vs. the expected behavior. +1. If you'd like to see a feature or an enhancement please open an issue with + a clear title and description of what the feature is and why it would be + beneficial to the project and its users. + +## Submitting changes + +1. CLA: Upon submitting a Pull Request (PR), contributors will be prompted to + sign a CLA. Please sign the CLA :slightly_smiling_face: +1. Tests: If you are submitting code, please ensure you have adequate tests + for the feature. Tests can be run via `go test ./...` or `make test`. +1. Since this is golang project, ensure the new code is properly formatted to + ensure code consistency. Run `make all`. + +### Quick steps to contribute + +1. Fork the project. +1. Download your fork to your PC (`git clone https://github.com/your_username/cobra && cd cobra`) +1. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) +1. Make changes and run tests (`make test`) +1. Add them to staging (`git add .`) +1. Commit your changes (`git commit -m 'Add some feature'`) +1. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) +1. Create new pull request + + +[cobra-slack]: https://gophers.slack.com/archives/CD3LP1199 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/Makefile b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/Makefile index e9740d1..472c73b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/Makefile +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/Makefile @@ -1,21 +1,29 @@ BIN="./bin" SRC=$(shell find . -name "*.go") +ifeq (, $(shell which golangci-lint)) +$(warning "could not find golangci-lint in $(PATH), run: curl -sfL https://install.goreleaser.com/github.com/golangci/golangci-lint.sh | sh") +endif + ifeq (, $(shell which richgo)) $(warning "could not find richgo in $(PATH), run: go get github.com/kyoh86/richgo") endif -.PHONY: fmt vet test cobra_generator install_deps clean +.PHONY: fmt lint test cobra_generator install_deps clean default: all -all: fmt vet test cobra_generator +all: fmt test cobra_generator fmt: $(info ******************** checking formatting ********************) @test -z $(shell gofmt -l $(SRC)) || (gofmt -d $(SRC); exit 1) -test: install_deps vet +lint: + $(info ******************** running lint tools ********************) + golangci-lint run -v + +test: install_deps lint $(info ******************** running tests ********************) richgo test -v ./... @@ -28,9 +36,5 @@ install_deps: $(info ******************** downloading dependencies ********************) go get -v ./... -vet: - $(info ******************** vetting ********************) - go vet ./... - clean: rm -rf $(BIN) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/README.md b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/README.md index 9d79934..074e397 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/README.md @@ -2,35 +2,14 @@ Cobra is both a library for creating powerful modern CLI applications as well as a program to generate applications and command files. -Many of the most widely used Go projects are built using Cobra, such as: -[Kubernetes](http://kubernetes.io/), -[Hugo](http://gohugo.io), -[rkt](https://github.com/coreos/rkt), -[etcd](https://github.com/coreos/etcd), -[Moby (former Docker)](https://github.com/moby/moby), -[Docker (distribution)](https://github.com/docker/distribution), -[OpenShift](https://www.openshift.com/), -[Delve](https://github.com/derekparker/delve), -[GopherJS](http://www.gopherjs.org/), -[CockroachDB](http://www.cockroachlabs.com/), -[Bleve](http://www.blevesearch.com/), -[ProjectAtomic (enterprise)](http://www.projectatomic.io/), -[Giant Swarm's gsctl](https://github.com/giantswarm/gsctl), -[Nanobox](https://github.com/nanobox-io/nanobox)/[Nanopack](https://github.com/nanopack), -[rclone](http://rclone.org/), -[nehm](https://github.com/bogem/nehm), -[Pouch](https://github.com/alibaba/pouch), -[Istio](https://istio.io), -[Prototool](https://github.com/uber/prototool), -[mattermost-server](https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server), -[Gardener](https://github.com/gardener/gardenctl), -[Linkerd](https://linkerd.io/), -[Github CLI](https://github.com/cli/cli) -etc. - -[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/spf13/cobra.svg "Travis CI status")](https://travis-ci.org/spf13/cobra) +Cobra is used in many Go projects such as [Kubernetes](http://kubernetes.io/), +[Hugo](https://gohugo.io), and [Github CLI](https://github.com/cli/cli) to +name a few. [This list](./projects_using_cobra.md) contains a more extensive list of projects using Cobra. + +[![](https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/spf13/cobra/Test?longCache=tru&label=Test&logo=github%20actions&logoColor=fff)](https://github.com/spf13/cobra/actions?query=workflow%3ATest) [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/spf13/cobra?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/spf13/cobra) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/spf13/cobra)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/spf13/cobra) +[![Slack](https://img.shields.io/badge/Slack-cobra-brightgreen)](https://gophers.slack.com/archives/CD3LP1199) # Table of Contents @@ -39,20 +18,19 @@ etc. * [Commands](#commands) * [Flags](#flags) - [Installing](#installing) -- [Getting Started](#getting-started) - * [Using the Cobra Generator](#using-the-cobra-generator) - * [Using the Cobra Library](#using-the-cobra-library) - * [Working with Flags](#working-with-flags) - * [Positional and Custom Arguments](#positional-and-custom-arguments) - * [Example](#example) - * [Help Command](#help-command) - * [Usage Message](#usage-message) - * [PreRun and PostRun Hooks](#prerun-and-postrun-hooks) - * [Suggestions when "unknown command" happens](#suggestions-when-unknown-command-happens) - * [Generating documentation for your command](#generating-documentation-for-your-command) - * [Generating bash completions](#generating-bash-completions) - * [Generating zsh completions](#generating-zsh-completions) -- [Contributing](#contributing) +- [Usage](#usage) + * [Using the Cobra Generator](user_guide.md#using-the-cobra-generator) + * [Using the Cobra Library](user_guide.md#using-the-cobra-library) + * [Working with Flags](user_guide.md#working-with-flags) + * [Positional and Custom Arguments](user_guide.md#positional-and-custom-arguments) + * [Example](user_guide.md#example) + * [Help Command](user_guide.md#help-command) + * [Usage Message](user_guide.md#usage-message) + * [PreRun and PostRun Hooks](user_guide.md#prerun-and-postrun-hooks) + * [Suggestions when "unknown command" happens](user_guide.md#suggestions-when-unknown-command-happens) + * [Generating documentation for your command](user_guide.md#generating-documentation-for-your-command) + * [Generating shell completions](user_guide.md#generating-shell-completions) +- [Contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md) - [License](#license) # Overview @@ -72,7 +50,7 @@ Cobra provides: * Intelligent suggestions (`app srver`... did you mean `app server`?) * Automatic help generation for commands and flags * Automatic help flag recognition of `-h`, `--help`, etc. -* Automatically generated bash autocomplete for your application +* Automatically generated shell autocomplete for your application (bash, zsh, fish, powershell) * Automatically generated man pages for your application * Command aliases so you can change things without breaking them * The flexibility to define your own help, usage, etc. @@ -84,8 +62,8 @@ Cobra is built on a structure of commands, arguments & flags. **Commands** represent actions, **Args** are things and **Flags** are modifiers for those actions. -The best applications will read like sentences when used. Users will know how -to use the application because they will natively understand how to use it. +The best applications read like sentences when used, and as a result, users +intuitively know how to interact with them. The pattern to follow is `APPNAME VERB NOUN --ADJECTIVE.` @@ -130,7 +108,7 @@ Using Cobra is easy. First, use `go get` to install the latest version of the library. This command will install the `cobra` generator executable along with the library and its dependencies: - go get -u github.com/spf13/cobra/cobra + go get -u github.com/spf13/cobra Next, include Cobra in your application: @@ -138,632 +116,9 @@ Next, include Cobra in your application: import "github.com/spf13/cobra" ``` -# Getting Started - -While you are welcome to provide your own organization, typically a Cobra-based -application will follow the following organizational structure: - -``` - ▾ appName/ - ▾ cmd/ - add.go - your.go - commands.go - here.go - main.go -``` - -In a Cobra app, typically the main.go file is very bare. It serves one purpose: initializing Cobra. - -```go -package main - -import ( - "{pathToYourApp}/cmd" -) - -func main() { - cmd.Execute() -} -``` - -## Using the Cobra Generator - -Cobra provides its own program that will create your application and add any -commands you want. It's the easiest way to incorporate Cobra into your application. - -[Here](https://github.com/spf13/cobra/blob/master/cobra/README.md) you can find more information about it. - -## Using the Cobra Library - -To manually implement Cobra you need to create a bare main.go file and a rootCmd file. -You will optionally provide additional commands as you see fit. - -### Create rootCmd - -Cobra doesn't require any special constructors. Simply create your commands. - -Ideally you place this in app/cmd/root.go: - -```go -var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{ - Use: "hugo", - Short: "Hugo is a very fast static site generator", - Long: `A Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with - love by spf13 and friends in Go. - Complete documentation is available at http://hugo.spf13.com`, - Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { - // Do Stuff Here - }, -} - -func Execute() { - if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil { - fmt.Println(err) - os.Exit(1) - } -} -``` - -You will additionally define flags and handle configuration in your init() function. - -For example cmd/root.go: - -```go -package cmd - -import ( - "fmt" - "os" - - homedir "github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir" - "github.com/spf13/cobra" - "github.com/spf13/viper" -) - -var ( - // Used for flags. - cfgFile string - userLicense string - - rootCmd = &cobra.Command{ - Use: "cobra", - Short: "A generator for Cobra based Applications", - Long: `Cobra is a CLI library for Go that empowers applications. -This application is a tool to generate the needed files -to quickly create a Cobra application.`, - } -) - -// Execute executes the root command. -func Execute() error { - return rootCmd.Execute() -} - -func init() { - cobra.OnInitialize(initConfig) - - rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&cfgFile, "config", "", "config file (default is $HOME/.cobra.yaml)") - rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("author", "a", "YOUR NAME", "author name for copyright attribution") - rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&userLicense, "license", "l", "", "name of license for the project") - rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Bool("viper", true, "use Viper for configuration") - viper.BindPFlag("author", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("author")) - viper.BindPFlag("useViper", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("viper")) - viper.SetDefault("author", "NAME HERE ") - viper.SetDefault("license", "apache") - - rootCmd.AddCommand(addCmd) - rootCmd.AddCommand(initCmd) -} - -func er(msg interface{}) { - fmt.Println("Error:", msg) - os.Exit(1) -} - -func initConfig() { - if cfgFile != "" { - // Use config file from the flag. - viper.SetConfigFile(cfgFile) - } else { - // Find home directory. - home, err := homedir.Dir() - if err != nil { - er(err) - } - - // Search config in home directory with name ".cobra" (without extension). - viper.AddConfigPath(home) - viper.SetConfigName(".cobra") - } - - viper.AutomaticEnv() - - if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err == nil { - fmt.Println("Using config file:", viper.ConfigFileUsed()) - } -} -``` - -### Create your main.go - -With the root command you need to have your main function execute it. -Execute should be run on the root for clarity, though it can be called on any command. - -In a Cobra app, typically the main.go file is very bare. It serves, one purpose, to initialize Cobra. - -```go -package main - -import ( - "{pathToYourApp}/cmd" -) - -func main() { - cmd.Execute() -} -``` - -### Create additional commands - -Additional commands can be defined and typically are each given their own file -inside of the cmd/ directory. - -If you wanted to create a version command you would create cmd/version.go and -populate it with the following: - -```go -package cmd - -import ( - "fmt" - - "github.com/spf13/cobra" -) - -func init() { - rootCmd.AddCommand(versionCmd) -} - -var versionCmd = &cobra.Command{ - Use: "version", - Short: "Print the version number of Hugo", - Long: `All software has versions. This is Hugo's`, - Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { - fmt.Println("Hugo Static Site Generator v0.9 -- HEAD") - }, -} -``` - -## Working with Flags - -Flags provide modifiers to control how the action command operates. - -### Assign flags to a command - -Since the flags are defined and used in different locations, we need to -define a variable outside with the correct scope to assign the flag to -work with. - -```go -var Verbose bool -var Source string -``` - -There are two different approaches to assign a flag. - -### Persistent Flags - -A flag can be 'persistent' meaning that this flag will be available to the -command it's assigned to as well as every command under that command. For -global flags, assign a flag as a persistent flag on the root. - -```go -rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&Verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "verbose output") -``` - -### Local Flags - -A flag can also be assigned locally which will only apply to that specific command. - -```go -localCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&Source, "source", "s", "", "Source directory to read from") -``` - -### Local Flag on Parent Commands - -By default Cobra only parses local flags on the target command, any local flags on -parent commands are ignored. By enabling `Command.TraverseChildren` Cobra will -parse local flags on each command before executing the target command. - -```go -command := cobra.Command{ - Use: "print [OPTIONS] [COMMANDS]", - TraverseChildren: true, -} -``` - -### Bind Flags with Config - -You can also bind your flags with [viper](https://github.com/spf13/viper): -```go -var author string - -func init() { - rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&author, "author", "YOUR NAME", "Author name for copyright attribution") - viper.BindPFlag("author", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("author")) -} -``` - -In this example the persistent flag `author` is bound with `viper`. -**Note**, that the variable `author` will not be set to the value from config, -when the `--author` flag is not provided by user. - -More in [viper documentation](https://github.com/spf13/viper#working-with-flags). - -### Required flags - -Flags are optional by default. If instead you wish your command to report an error -when a flag has not been set, mark it as required: -```go -rootCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&Region, "region", "r", "", "AWS region (required)") -rootCmd.MarkFlagRequired("region") -``` - -## Positional and Custom Arguments - -Validation of positional arguments can be specified using the `Args` field -of `Command`. - -The following validators are built in: - -- `NoArgs` - the command will report an error if there are any positional args. -- `ArbitraryArgs` - the command will accept any args. -- `OnlyValidArgs` - the command will report an error if there are any positional args that are not in the `ValidArgs` field of `Command`. -- `MinimumNArgs(int)` - the command will report an error if there are not at least N positional args. -- `MaximumNArgs(int)` - the command will report an error if there are more than N positional args. -- `ExactArgs(int)` - the command will report an error if there are not exactly N positional args. -- `ExactValidArgs(int)` - the command will report an error if there are not exactly N positional args OR if there are any positional args that are not in the `ValidArgs` field of `Command` -- `RangeArgs(min, max)` - the command will report an error if the number of args is not between the minimum and maximum number of expected args. - -An example of setting the custom validator: - -```go -var cmd = &cobra.Command{ - Short: "hello", - Args: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { - if len(args) < 1 { - return errors.New("requires a color argument") - } - if myapp.IsValidColor(args[0]) { - return nil - } - return fmt.Errorf("invalid color specified: %s", args[0]) - }, - Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { - fmt.Println("Hello, World!") - }, -} -``` - -## Example - -In the example below, we have defined three commands. Two are at the top level -and one (cmdTimes) is a child of one of the top commands. In this case the root -is not executable meaning that a subcommand is required. This is accomplished -by not providing a 'Run' for the 'rootCmd'. - -We have only defined one flag for a single command. - -More documentation about flags is available at https://github.com/spf13/pflag - -```go -package main - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" - - "github.com/spf13/cobra" -) - -func main() { - var echoTimes int - - var cmdPrint = &cobra.Command{ - Use: "print [string to print]", - Short: "Print anything to the screen", - Long: `print is for printing anything back to the screen. -For many years people have printed back to the screen.`, - Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), - Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { - fmt.Println("Print: " + strings.Join(args, " ")) - }, - } - - var cmdEcho = &cobra.Command{ - Use: "echo [string to echo]", - Short: "Echo anything to the screen", - Long: `echo is for echoing anything back. -Echo works a lot like print, except it has a child command.`, - Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), - Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { - fmt.Println("Echo: " + strings.Join(args, " ")) - }, - } - - var cmdTimes = &cobra.Command{ - Use: "times [string to echo]", - Short: "Echo anything to the screen more times", - Long: `echo things multiple times back to the user by providing -a count and a string.`, - Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), - Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { - for i := 0; i < echoTimes; i++ { - fmt.Println("Echo: " + strings.Join(args, " ")) - } - }, - } - - cmdTimes.Flags().IntVarP(&echoTimes, "times", "t", 1, "times to echo the input") - - var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{Use: "app"} - rootCmd.AddCommand(cmdPrint, cmdEcho) - cmdEcho.AddCommand(cmdTimes) - rootCmd.Execute() -} -``` - -For a more complete example of a larger application, please checkout [Hugo](http://gohugo.io/). - -## Help Command - -Cobra automatically adds a help command to your application when you have subcommands. -This will be called when a user runs 'app help'. Additionally, help will also -support all other commands as input. Say, for instance, you have a command called -'create' without any additional configuration; Cobra will work when 'app help -create' is called. Every command will automatically have the '--help' flag added. - -### Example - -The following output is automatically generated by Cobra. Nothing beyond the -command and flag definitions are needed. - - $ cobra help - - Cobra is a CLI library for Go that empowers applications. - This application is a tool to generate the needed files - to quickly create a Cobra application. - - Usage: - cobra [command] - - Available Commands: - add Add a command to a Cobra Application - help Help about any command - init Initialize a Cobra Application - - Flags: - -a, --author string author name for copyright attribution (default "YOUR NAME") - --config string config file (default is $HOME/.cobra.yaml) - -h, --help help for cobra - -l, --license string name of license for the project - --viper use Viper for configuration (default true) - - Use "cobra [command] --help" for more information about a command. - - -Help is just a command like any other. There is no special logic or behavior -around it. In fact, you can provide your own if you want. - -### Defining your own help - -You can provide your own Help command or your own template for the default command to use -with following functions: - -```go -cmd.SetHelpCommand(cmd *Command) -cmd.SetHelpFunc(f func(*Command, []string)) -cmd.SetHelpTemplate(s string) -``` - -The latter two will also apply to any children commands. - -## Usage Message - -When the user provides an invalid flag or invalid command, Cobra responds by -showing the user the 'usage'. - -### Example -You may recognize this from the help above. That's because the default help -embeds the usage as part of its output. - - $ cobra --invalid - Error: unknown flag: --invalid - Usage: - cobra [command] - - Available Commands: - add Add a command to a Cobra Application - help Help about any command - init Initialize a Cobra Application - - Flags: - -a, --author string author name for copyright attribution (default "YOUR NAME") - --config string config file (default is $HOME/.cobra.yaml) - -h, --help help for cobra - -l, --license string name of license for the project - --viper use Viper for configuration (default true) - - Use "cobra [command] --help" for more information about a command. - -### Defining your own usage -You can provide your own usage function or template for Cobra to use. -Like help, the function and template are overridable through public methods: - -```go -cmd.SetUsageFunc(f func(*Command) error) -cmd.SetUsageTemplate(s string) -``` - -## Version Flag - -Cobra adds a top-level '--version' flag if the Version field is set on the root command. -Running an application with the '--version' flag will print the version to stdout using -the version template. The template can be customized using the -`cmd.SetVersionTemplate(s string)` function. - -## PreRun and PostRun Hooks - -It is possible to run functions before or after the main `Run` function of your command. The `PersistentPreRun` and `PreRun` functions will be executed before `Run`. `PersistentPostRun` and `PostRun` will be executed after `Run`. The `Persistent*Run` functions will be inherited by children if they do not declare their own. These functions are run in the following order: - -- `PersistentPreRun` -- `PreRun` -- `Run` -- `PostRun` -- `PersistentPostRun` - -An example of two commands which use all of these features is below. When the subcommand is executed, it will run the root command's `PersistentPreRun` but not the root command's `PersistentPostRun`: - -```go -package main - -import ( - "fmt" - - "github.com/spf13/cobra" -) - -func main() { - - var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{ - Use: "root [sub]", - Short: "My root command", - PersistentPreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { - fmt.Printf("Inside rootCmd PersistentPreRun with args: %v\n", args) - }, - PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { - fmt.Printf("Inside rootCmd PreRun with args: %v\n", args) - }, - Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { - fmt.Printf("Inside rootCmd Run with args: %v\n", args) - }, - PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { - fmt.Printf("Inside rootCmd PostRun with args: %v\n", args) - }, - PersistentPostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { - fmt.Printf("Inside rootCmd PersistentPostRun with args: %v\n", args) - }, - } - - var subCmd = &cobra.Command{ - Use: "sub [no options!]", - Short: "My subcommand", - PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { - fmt.Printf("Inside subCmd PreRun with args: %v\n", args) - }, - Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { - fmt.Printf("Inside subCmd Run with args: %v\n", args) - }, - PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { - fmt.Printf("Inside subCmd PostRun with args: %v\n", args) - }, - PersistentPostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { - fmt.Printf("Inside subCmd PersistentPostRun with args: %v\n", args) - }, - } - - rootCmd.AddCommand(subCmd) - - rootCmd.SetArgs([]string{""}) - rootCmd.Execute() - fmt.Println() - rootCmd.SetArgs([]string{"sub", "arg1", "arg2"}) - rootCmd.Execute() -} -``` - -Output: -``` -Inside rootCmd PersistentPreRun with args: [] -Inside rootCmd PreRun with args: [] -Inside rootCmd Run with args: [] -Inside rootCmd PostRun with args: [] -Inside rootCmd PersistentPostRun with args: [] - -Inside rootCmd PersistentPreRun with args: [arg1 arg2] -Inside subCmd PreRun with args: [arg1 arg2] -Inside subCmd Run with args: [arg1 arg2] -Inside subCmd PostRun with args: [arg1 arg2] -Inside subCmd PersistentPostRun with args: [arg1 arg2] -``` - -## Suggestions when "unknown command" happens - -Cobra will print automatic suggestions when "unknown command" errors happen. This allows Cobra to behave similarly to the `git` command when a typo happens. For example: - -``` -$ hugo srever -Error: unknown command "srever" for "hugo" - -Did you mean this? - server - -Run 'hugo --help' for usage. -``` - -Suggestions are automatic based on every subcommand registered and use an implementation of [Levenshtein distance](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance). Every registered command that matches a minimum distance of 2 (ignoring case) will be displayed as a suggestion. - -If you need to disable suggestions or tweak the string distance in your command, use: - -```go -command.DisableSuggestions = true -``` - -or - -```go -command.SuggestionsMinimumDistance = 1 -``` - -You can also explicitly set names for which a given command will be suggested using the `SuggestFor` attribute. This allows suggestions for strings that are not close in terms of string distance, but makes sense in your set of commands and for some which you don't want aliases. Example: - -``` -$ kubectl remove -Error: unknown command "remove" for "kubectl" - -Did you mean this? - delete - -Run 'kubectl help' for usage. -``` - -## Generating documentation for your command - -Cobra can generate documentation based on subcommands, flags, etc. in the following formats: - -- [Markdown](doc/md_docs.md) -- [ReStructured Text](doc/rest_docs.md) -- [Man Page](doc/man_docs.md) - -## Generating bash completions - -Cobra can generate a bash-completion file. If you add more information to your command, these completions can be amazingly powerful and flexible. Read more about it in [Bash Completions](bash_completions.md). - -## Generating zsh completions - -Cobra can generate zsh-completion file. Read more about it in -[Zsh Completions](zsh_completions.md). - -# Contributing +# Usage -1. Fork it -2. Download your fork to your PC (`git clone https://github.com/your_username/cobra && cd cobra`) -3. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) -4. Make changes and add them (`git add .`) -5. Commit your changes (`git commit -m 'Add some feature'`) -6. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) -7. Create new pull request +See [User Guide](user_guide.md). # License diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/bash_completions.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/bash_completions.go index 1e27188..733f4d1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/bash_completions.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/bash_completions.go @@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ const ( BashCompSubdirsInDir = "cobra_annotation_bash_completion_subdirs_in_dir" ) -func writePreamble(buf *bytes.Buffer, name string) { - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("# bash completion for %-36s -*- shell-script -*-\n", name)) - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(` +func writePreamble(buf io.StringWriter, name string) { + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf("# bash completion for %-36s -*- shell-script -*-\n", name)) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(` __%[1]s_debug() { if [[ -n ${BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE} ]]; then @@ -62,6 +62,12 @@ __%[1]s_handle_go_custom_completion() { __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: cur is ${cur}, words[*] is ${words[*]}, #words[@] is ${#words[@]}" + local shellCompDirectiveError=%[3]d + local shellCompDirectiveNoSpace=%[4]d + local shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp=%[5]d + local shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt=%[6]d + local shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs=%[7]d + local out requestComp lastParam lastChar comp directive args # Prepare the command to request completions for the program. @@ -95,24 +101,50 @@ __%[1]s_handle_go_custom_completion() __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: the completion directive is: ${directive}" __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: the completions are: ${out[*]}" - if [ $((directive & %[3]d)) -ne 0 ]; then + if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveError)) -ne 0 ]; then # Error code. No completion. __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: received error from custom completion go code" return else - if [ $((directive & %[4]d)) -ne 0 ]; then + if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveNoSpace)) -ne 0 ]; then if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: activating no space" compopt -o nospace fi fi - if [ $((directive & %[5]d)) -ne 0 ]; then + if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp)) -ne 0 ]; then if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then __%[1]s_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}: activating no file completion" compopt +o default fi fi + fi + if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt)) -ne 0 ]; then + # File extension filtering + local fullFilter filter filteringCmd + # Do not use quotes around the $out variable or else newline + # characters will be kept. + for filter in ${out[*]}; do + fullFilter+="$filter|" + done + + filteringCmd="_filedir $fullFilter" + __%[1]s_debug "File filtering command: $filteringCmd" + $filteringCmd + elif [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs)) -ne 0 ]; then + # File completion for directories only + local subDir + # Use printf to strip any trailing newline + subdir=$(printf "%%s" "${out[0]}") + if [ -n "$subdir" ]; then + __%[1]s_debug "Listing directories in $subdir" + __%[1]s_handle_subdirs_in_dir_flag "$subdir" + else + __%[1]s_debug "Listing directories in ." + _filedir -d + fi + else while IFS='' read -r comp; do COMPREPLY+=("$comp") done < <(compgen -W "${out[*]}" -- "$cur") @@ -181,10 +213,9 @@ __%[1]s_handle_reply() local completions completions=("${commands[@]}") if [[ ${#must_have_one_noun[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then - completions=("${must_have_one_noun[@]}") + completions+=("${must_have_one_noun[@]}") elif [[ -n "${has_completion_function}" ]]; then # if a go completion function is provided, defer to that function - completions=() __%[1]s_handle_go_custom_completion fi if [[ ${#must_have_one_flag[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then @@ -344,14 +375,16 @@ __%[1]s_handle_word() __%[1]s_handle_word } -`, name, ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd, ShellCompDirectiveError, ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace, ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp)) +`, name, ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd, + ShellCompDirectiveError, ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace, ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp, + ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt, ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs)) } -func writePostscript(buf *bytes.Buffer, name string) { +func writePostscript(buf io.StringWriter, name string) { name = strings.Replace(name, ":", "__", -1) - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("__start_%s()\n", name)) - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`{ - local cur prev words cword + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf("__start_%s()\n", name)) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(`{ + local cur prev words cword split declare -A flaghash 2>/dev/null || : declare -A aliashash 2>/dev/null || : if declare -F _init_completion >/dev/null 2>&1; then @@ -367,43 +400,45 @@ func writePostscript(buf *bytes.Buffer, name string) { local flags_with_completion=() local flags_completion=() local commands=("%[1]s") + local command_aliases=() local must_have_one_flag=() local must_have_one_noun=() local has_completion_function local last_command local nouns=() + local noun_aliases=() __%[1]s_handle_word } `, name)) - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(`if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then complete -o default -F __start_%s %s else complete -o default -o nospace -F __start_%s %s fi `, name, name, name, name)) - buf.WriteString("# ex: ts=4 sw=4 et filetype=sh\n") + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, "# ex: ts=4 sw=4 et filetype=sh\n") } -func writeCommands(buf *bytes.Buffer, cmd *Command) { - buf.WriteString(" commands=()\n") +func writeCommands(buf io.StringWriter, cmd *Command) { + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, " commands=()\n") for _, c := range cmd.Commands() { - if !c.IsAvailableCommand() || c == cmd.helpCommand { + if !c.IsAvailableCommand() && c != cmd.helpCommand { continue } - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" commands+=(%q)\n", c.Name())) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" commands+=(%q)\n", c.Name())) writeCmdAliases(buf, c) } - buf.WriteString("\n") + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, "\n") } -func writeFlagHandler(buf *bytes.Buffer, name string, annotations map[string][]string, cmd *Command) { +func writeFlagHandler(buf io.StringWriter, name string, annotations map[string][]string, cmd *Command) { for key, value := range annotations { switch key { case BashCompFilenameExt: - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" flags_with_completion+=(%q)\n", name)) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" flags_with_completion+=(%q)\n", name)) var ext string if len(value) > 0 { @@ -411,17 +446,18 @@ func writeFlagHandler(buf *bytes.Buffer, name string, annotations map[string][]s } else { ext = "_filedir" } - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" flags_completion+=(%q)\n", ext)) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" flags_completion+=(%q)\n", ext)) case BashCompCustom: - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" flags_with_completion+=(%q)\n", name)) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" flags_with_completion+=(%q)\n", name)) + if len(value) > 0 { handlers := strings.Join(value, "; ") - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" flags_completion+=(%q)\n", handlers)) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" flags_completion+=(%q)\n", handlers)) } else { - buf.WriteString(" flags_completion+=(:)\n") + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, " flags_completion+=(:)\n") } case BashCompSubdirsInDir: - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" flags_with_completion+=(%q)\n", name)) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" flags_with_completion+=(%q)\n", name)) var ext string if len(value) == 1 { @@ -429,49 +465,55 @@ func writeFlagHandler(buf *bytes.Buffer, name string, annotations map[string][]s } else { ext = "_filedir -d" } - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" flags_completion+=(%q)\n", ext)) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" flags_completion+=(%q)\n", ext)) } } } -func writeShortFlag(buf *bytes.Buffer, flag *pflag.Flag, cmd *Command) { +const cbn = "\")\n" + +func writeShortFlag(buf io.StringWriter, flag *pflag.Flag, cmd *Command) { name := flag.Shorthand format := " " if len(flag.NoOptDefVal) == 0 { format += "two_word_" } - format += "flags+=(\"-%s\")\n" - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(format, name)) + format += "flags+=(\"-%s" + cbn + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(format, name)) writeFlagHandler(buf, "-"+name, flag.Annotations, cmd) } -func writeFlag(buf *bytes.Buffer, flag *pflag.Flag, cmd *Command) { +func writeFlag(buf io.StringWriter, flag *pflag.Flag, cmd *Command) { name := flag.Name format := " flags+=(\"--%s" if len(flag.NoOptDefVal) == 0 { format += "=" } - format += "\")\n" - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(format, name)) + format += cbn + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(format, name)) if len(flag.NoOptDefVal) == 0 { - format = " two_word_flags+=(\"--%s\")\n" - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(format, name)) + format = " two_word_flags+=(\"--%s" + cbn + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(format, name)) } writeFlagHandler(buf, "--"+name, flag.Annotations, cmd) } -func writeLocalNonPersistentFlag(buf *bytes.Buffer, flag *pflag.Flag) { +func writeLocalNonPersistentFlag(buf io.StringWriter, flag *pflag.Flag) { name := flag.Name - format := " local_nonpersistent_flags+=(\"--%s" + format := " local_nonpersistent_flags+=(\"--%[1]s" + cbn if len(flag.NoOptDefVal) == 0 { - format += "=" + format += " local_nonpersistent_flags+=(\"--%[1]s=" + cbn + } + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(format, name)) + if len(flag.Shorthand) > 0 { + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" local_nonpersistent_flags+=(\"-%s\")\n", flag.Shorthand)) } - format += "\")\n" - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(format, name)) } // Setup annotations for go completions for registered flags func prepareCustomAnnotationsForFlags(cmd *Command) { + flagCompletionMutex.RLock() + defer flagCompletionMutex.RUnlock() for flag := range flagCompletionFunctions { // Make sure the completion script calls the __*_go_custom_completion function for // every registered flag. We need to do this here (and not when the flag was registered @@ -484,9 +526,9 @@ func prepareCustomAnnotationsForFlags(cmd *Command) { } } -func writeFlags(buf *bytes.Buffer, cmd *Command) { +func writeFlags(buf io.StringWriter, cmd *Command) { prepareCustomAnnotationsForFlags(cmd) - buf.WriteString(` flags=() + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, ` flags=() two_word_flags=() local_nonpersistent_flags=() flags_with_completion=() @@ -502,7 +544,9 @@ func writeFlags(buf *bytes.Buffer, cmd *Command) { if len(flag.Shorthand) > 0 { writeShortFlag(buf, flag, cmd) } - if localNonPersistentFlags.Lookup(flag.Name) != nil { + // localNonPersistentFlags are used to stop the completion of subcommands when one is set + // if TraverseChildren is true we should allow to complete subcommands + if localNonPersistentFlags.Lookup(flag.Name) != nil && !cmd.Root().TraverseChildren { writeLocalNonPersistentFlag(buf, flag) } }) @@ -516,11 +560,11 @@ func writeFlags(buf *bytes.Buffer, cmd *Command) { } }) - buf.WriteString("\n") + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, "\n") } -func writeRequiredFlag(buf *bytes.Buffer, cmd *Command) { - buf.WriteString(" must_have_one_flag=()\n") +func writeRequiredFlag(buf io.StringWriter, cmd *Command) { + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, " must_have_one_flag=()\n") flags := cmd.NonInheritedFlags() flags.VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) { if nonCompletableFlag(flag) { @@ -533,57 +577,57 @@ func writeRequiredFlag(buf *bytes.Buffer, cmd *Command) { if flag.Value.Type() != "bool" { format += "=" } - format += "\")\n" - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(format, flag.Name)) + format += cbn + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(format, flag.Name)) if len(flag.Shorthand) > 0 { - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" must_have_one_flag+=(\"-%s\")\n", flag.Shorthand)) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" must_have_one_flag+=(\"-%s"+cbn, flag.Shorthand)) } } } }) } -func writeRequiredNouns(buf *bytes.Buffer, cmd *Command) { - buf.WriteString(" must_have_one_noun=()\n") - sort.Sort(sort.StringSlice(cmd.ValidArgs)) +func writeRequiredNouns(buf io.StringWriter, cmd *Command) { + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, " must_have_one_noun=()\n") + sort.Strings(cmd.ValidArgs) for _, value := range cmd.ValidArgs { // Remove any description that may be included following a tab character. // Descriptions are not supported by bash completion. value = strings.Split(value, "\t")[0] - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" must_have_one_noun+=(%q)\n", value)) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" must_have_one_noun+=(%q)\n", value)) } if cmd.ValidArgsFunction != nil { - buf.WriteString(" has_completion_function=1\n") + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, " has_completion_function=1\n") } } -func writeCmdAliases(buf *bytes.Buffer, cmd *Command) { +func writeCmdAliases(buf io.StringWriter, cmd *Command) { if len(cmd.Aliases) == 0 { return } - sort.Sort(sort.StringSlice(cmd.Aliases)) + sort.Strings(cmd.Aliases) - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprint(` if [[ -z "${BASH_VERSION}" || "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" -gt 3 ]]; then`, "\n")) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprint(` if [[ -z "${BASH_VERSION}" || "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" -gt 3 ]]; then`, "\n")) for _, value := range cmd.Aliases { - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" command_aliases+=(%q)\n", value)) - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" aliashash[%q]=%q\n", value, cmd.Name())) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" command_aliases+=(%q)\n", value)) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" aliashash[%q]=%q\n", value, cmd.Name())) } - buf.WriteString(` fi`) - buf.WriteString("\n") + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, ` fi`) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, "\n") } -func writeArgAliases(buf *bytes.Buffer, cmd *Command) { - buf.WriteString(" noun_aliases=()\n") - sort.Sort(sort.StringSlice(cmd.ArgAliases)) +func writeArgAliases(buf io.StringWriter, cmd *Command) { + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, " noun_aliases=()\n") + sort.Strings(cmd.ArgAliases) for _, value := range cmd.ArgAliases { - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" noun_aliases+=(%q)\n", value)) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" noun_aliases+=(%q)\n", value)) } } -func gen(buf *bytes.Buffer, cmd *Command) { +func gen(buf io.StringWriter, cmd *Command) { for _, c := range cmd.Commands() { - if !c.IsAvailableCommand() || c == cmd.helpCommand { + if !c.IsAvailableCommand() && c != cmd.helpCommand { continue } gen(buf, c) @@ -593,22 +637,22 @@ func gen(buf *bytes.Buffer, cmd *Command) { commandName = strings.Replace(commandName, ":", "__", -1) if cmd.Root() == cmd { - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("_%s_root_command()\n{\n", commandName)) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf("_%s_root_command()\n{\n", commandName)) } else { - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("_%s()\n{\n", commandName)) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf("_%s()\n{\n", commandName)) } - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" last_command=%q\n", commandName)) - buf.WriteString("\n") - buf.WriteString(" command_aliases=()\n") - buf.WriteString("\n") + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(" last_command=%q\n", commandName)) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, "\n") + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, " command_aliases=()\n") + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, "\n") writeCommands(buf, cmd) writeFlags(buf, cmd) writeRequiredFlag(buf, cmd) writeRequiredNouns(buf, cmd) writeArgAliases(buf, cmd) - buf.WriteString("}\n\n") + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, "}\n\n") } // GenBashCompletion generates bash completion file and writes to the passed writer. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/bash_completions.md b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/bash_completions.md index e61a3a6..52919b2 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/bash_completions.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/bash_completions.md @@ -1,206 +1,16 @@ -# Generating Bash Completions For Your Own cobra.Command +# Generating Bash Completions For Your cobra.Command -If you are using the generator you can create a completion command by running +Please refer to [Shell Completions](shell_completions.md) for details. -```bash -cobra add completion -``` - -Update the help text show how to install the bash_completion Linux show here [Kubectl docs show mac options](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/#enabling-shell-autocompletion) - -Writing the shell script to stdout allows the most flexible use. - -```go -// completionCmd represents the completion command -var completionCmd = &cobra.Command{ - Use: "completion", - Short: "Generates bash completion scripts", - Long: `To load completion run - -. <(bitbucket completion) - -To configure your bash shell to load completions for each session add to your bashrc - -# ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile -. <(bitbucket completion) -`, - Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { - rootCmd.GenBashCompletion(os.Stdout); - }, -} -``` - -**Note:** The cobra generator may include messages printed to stdout for example if the config file is loaded, this will break the auto complete script - - -## Example from kubectl - -Generating bash completions from a cobra command is incredibly easy. An actual program which does so for the kubernetes kubectl binary is as follows: - -```go -package main - -import ( - "io/ioutil" - "os" - - "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubectl/cmd" - "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubectl/cmd/util" -) - -func main() { - kubectl := cmd.NewKubectlCommand(util.NewFactory(nil), os.Stdin, ioutil.Discard, ioutil.Discard) - kubectl.GenBashCompletionFile("out.sh") -} -``` - -`out.sh` will get you completions of subcommands and flags. Copy it to `/etc/bash_completion.d/` as described [here](https://debian-administration.org/article/316/An_introduction_to_bash_completion_part_1) and reset your terminal to use autocompletion. If you make additional annotations to your code, you can get even more intelligent and flexible behavior. - -## Have the completions code complete your 'nouns' - -### Static completion of nouns - -This method allows you to provide a pre-defined list of completion choices for your nouns using the `validArgs` field. -For example, if you want `kubectl get [tab][tab]` to show a list of valid "nouns" you have to set them. Simplified code from `kubectl get` looks like: - -```go -validArgs []string = { "pod", "node", "service", "replicationcontroller" } - -cmd := &cobra.Command{ - Use: "get [(-o|--output=)json|yaml|template|...] (RESOURCE [NAME] | RESOURCE/NAME ...)", - Short: "Display one or many resources", - Long: get_long, - Example: get_example, - Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { - err := RunGet(f, out, cmd, args) - util.CheckErr(err) - }, - ValidArgs: validArgs, -} -``` - -Notice we put the "ValidArgs" on the "get" subcommand. Doing so will give results like - -```bash -# kubectl get [tab][tab] -node pod replicationcontroller service -``` - -### Plural form and shortcuts for nouns - -If your nouns have a number of aliases, you can define them alongside `ValidArgs` using `ArgAliases`: - -```go -argAliases []string = { "pods", "nodes", "services", "svc", "replicationcontrollers", "rc" } - -cmd := &cobra.Command{ - ... - ValidArgs: validArgs, - ArgAliases: argAliases -} -``` - -The aliases are not shown to the user on tab completion, but they are accepted as valid nouns by -the completion algorithm if entered manually, e.g. in: - -```bash -# kubectl get rc [tab][tab] -backend frontend database -``` - -Note that without declaring `rc` as an alias, the completion algorithm would show the list of nouns -in this example again instead of the replication controllers. - -### Dynamic completion of nouns - -In some cases it is not possible to provide a list of possible completions in advance. Instead, the list of completions must be determined at execution-time. Cobra provides two ways of defining such dynamic completion of nouns. Note that both these methods can be used along-side each other as long as they are not both used for the same command. - -**Note**: *Custom Completions written in Go* will automatically work for other shell-completion scripts (e.g., Fish shell), while *Custom Completions written in Bash* will only work for Bash shell-completion. It is therefore recommended to use *Custom Completions written in Go*. - -#### 1. Custom completions of nouns written in Go - -In a similar fashion as for static completions, you can use the `ValidArgsFunction` field to provide a Go function that Cobra will execute when it needs the list of completion choices for the nouns of a command. Note that either `ValidArgs` or `ValidArgsFunction` can be used for a single cobra command, but not both. -Simplified code from `helm status` looks like: - -```go -cmd := &cobra.Command{ - Use: "status RELEASE_NAME", - Short: "Display the status of the named release", - Long: status_long, - RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { - RunGet(args[0]) - }, - ValidArgsFunction: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) { - if len(args) != 0 { - return nil, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp - } - return getReleasesFromCluster(toComplete), cobra.ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp - }, -} -``` -Where `getReleasesFromCluster()` is a Go function that obtains the list of current Helm releases running on the Kubernetes cluster. -Notice we put the `ValidArgsFunction` on the `status` subcommand. Let's assume the Helm releases on the cluster are: `harbor`, `notary`, `rook` and `thanos` then this dynamic completion will give results like - -```bash -# helm status [tab][tab] -harbor notary rook thanos -``` -You may have noticed the use of `cobra.ShellCompDirective`. These directives are bit fields allowing to control some shell completion behaviors for your particular completion. You can combine them with the bit-or operator such as `cobra.ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace | cobra.ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp` -```go -// Indicates an error occurred and completions should be ignored. -ShellCompDirectiveError -// Indicates that the shell should not add a space after the completion, -// even if there is a single completion provided. -ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace -// Indicates that the shell should not provide file completion even when -// no completion is provided. -// This currently does not work for zsh or bash < 4 -ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp -// Indicates that the shell will perform its default behavior after completions -// have been provided (this implies !ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace && !ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp). -ShellCompDirectiveDefault -``` +## Bash legacy dynamic completions -When using the `ValidArgsFunction`, Cobra will call your registered function after having parsed all flags and arguments provided in the command-line. You therefore don't need to do this parsing yourself. For example, when a user calls `helm status --namespace my-rook-ns [tab][tab]`, Cobra will call your registered `ValidArgsFunction` after having parsed the `--namespace` flag, as it would have done when calling the `RunE` function. +For backward compatibility, Cobra still supports its legacy dynamic completion solution (described below). Unlike the `ValidArgsFunction` solution, the legacy solution will only work for Bash shell-completion and not for other shells. This legacy solution can be used along-side `ValidArgsFunction` and `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()`, as long as both solutions are not used for the same command. This provides a path to gradually migrate from the legacy solution to the new solution. -##### Debugging +**Note**: Cobra's default `completion` command uses bash completion V2. If you are currently using Cobra's legacy dynamic completion solution, you should not use the default `completion` command but continue using your own. -Cobra achieves dynamic completions written in Go through the use of a hidden command called by the completion script. To debug your Go completion code, you can call this hidden command directly: -```bash -# helm __complete status har -harbor -:4 -Completion ended with directive: ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp # This is on stderr -``` -***Important:*** If the noun to complete is empty, you must pass an empty parameter to the `__complete` command: -```bash -# helm __complete status "" -harbor -notary -rook -thanos -:4 -Completion ended with directive: ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp # This is on stderr -``` -Calling the `__complete` command directly allows you to run the Go debugger to troubleshoot your code. You can also add printouts to your code; Cobra provides the following functions to use for printouts in Go completion code: -```go -// Prints to the completion script debug file (if BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE -// is set to a file path) and optionally prints to stderr. -cobra.CompDebug(msg string, printToStdErr bool) { -cobra.CompDebugln(msg string, printToStdErr bool) +The legacy solution allows you to inject bash functions into the bash completion script. Those bash functions are responsible for providing the completion choices for your own completions. -// Prints to the completion script debug file (if BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE -// is set to a file path) and to stderr. -cobra.CompError(msg string) -cobra.CompErrorln(msg string) -``` -***Important:*** You should **not** leave traces that print to stdout in your completion code as they will be interpreted as completion choices by the completion script. Instead, use the cobra-provided debugging traces functions mentioned above. - -#### 2. Custom completions of nouns written in Bash - -This method allows you to inject bash functions into the completion script. Those bash functions are responsible for providing the completion choices for your own completions. - -Some more actual code that works in kubernetes: +Some code that works in kubernetes: ```bash const ( @@ -253,93 +63,7 @@ Find more information at https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes.`, The `BashCompletionFunction` option is really only valid/useful on the root command. Doing the above will cause `__kubectl_custom_func()` (`___custom_func()`) to be called when the built in processor was unable to find a solution. In the case of kubernetes a valid command might look something like `kubectl get pod [mypod]`. If you type `kubectl get pod [tab][tab]` the `__kubectl_customc_func()` will run because the cobra.Command only understood "kubectl" and "get." `__kubectl_custom_func()` will see that the cobra.Command is "kubectl_get" and will thus call another helper `__kubectl_get_resource()`. `__kubectl_get_resource` will look at the 'nouns' collected. In our example the only noun will be `pod`. So it will call `__kubectl_parse_get pod`. `__kubectl_parse_get` will actually call out to kubernetes and get any pods. It will then set `COMPREPLY` to valid pods! -## Mark flags as required - -Most of the time completions will only show subcommands. But if a flag is required to make a subcommand work, you probably want it to show up when the user types [tab][tab]. Marking a flag as 'Required' is incredibly easy. - -```go -cmd.MarkFlagRequired("pod") -cmd.MarkFlagRequired("container") -``` - -and you'll get something like - -```bash -# kubectl exec [tab][tab][tab] --c --container= -p --pod= -``` - -# Specify valid filename extensions for flags that take a filename - -In this example we use --filename= and expect to get a json or yaml file as the argument. To make this easier we annotate the --filename flag with valid filename extensions. - -```go - annotations := []string{"json", "yaml", "yml"} - annotation := make(map[string][]string) - annotation[cobra.BashCompFilenameExt] = annotations - - flag := &pflag.Flag{ - Name: "filename", - Shorthand: "f", - Usage: usage, - Value: value, - DefValue: value.String(), - Annotations: annotation, - } - cmd.Flags().AddFlag(flag) -``` - -Now when you run a command with this filename flag you'll get something like - -```bash -# kubectl create -f -test/ example/ rpmbuild/ -hello.yml test.json -``` - -So while there are many other files in the CWD it only shows me subdirs and those with valid extensions. - -# Specify custom flag completion - -As for nouns, Cobra provides two ways of defining dynamic completion of flags. Note that both these methods can be used along-side each other as long as they are not both used for the same flag. - -**Note**: *Custom Completions written in Go* will automatically work for other shell-completion scripts (e.g., Fish shell), while *Custom Completions written in Bash* will only work for Bash shell-completion. It is therefore recommended to use *Custom Completions written in Go*. - -## 1. Custom completions of flags written in Go - -To provide a Go function that Cobra will execute when it needs the list of completion choices for a flag, you must register the function in the following manner: - -```go -flagName := "output" -cmd.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(flagName, func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) { - return []string{"json", "table", "yaml"}, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveDefault -}) -``` -Notice that calling `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` is done through the `command` with which the flag is associated. In our example this dynamic completion will give results like so: - -```bash -# helm status --output [tab][tab] -json table yaml -``` - -### Debugging - -You can also easily debug your Go completion code for flags: -```bash -# helm __complete status --output "" -json -table -yaml -:4 -Completion ended with directive: ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp # This is on stderr -``` -***Important:*** You should **not** leave traces that print to stdout in your completion code as they will be interpreted as completion choices by the completion script. Instead, use the cobra-provided debugging traces functions mentioned in the above section. - -## 2. Custom completions of flags written in Bash - -Alternatively, you can use bash code for flag custom completion. Similar to the filename -completion and filtering using `cobra.BashCompFilenameExt`, you can specify -a custom flag completion bash function with `cobra.BashCompCustom`: +Similarly, for flags: ```go annotation := make(map[string][]string) @@ -367,17 +91,3 @@ __kubectl_get_namespaces() fi } ``` -# Using bash aliases for commands - -You can also configure the `bash aliases` for the commands and they will also support completions. - -```bash -alias aliasname=origcommand -complete -o default -F __start_origcommand aliasname - -# and now when you run `aliasname` completion will make -# suggestions as it did for `origcommand`. - -$) aliasname -completion firstcommand secondcommand -``` diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/bash_completionsV2.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/bash_completionsV2.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8859b57 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/bash_completionsV2.go @@ -0,0 +1,302 @@ +package cobra + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "io" + "os" +) + +func (c *Command) genBashCompletion(w io.Writer, includeDesc bool) error { + buf := new(bytes.Buffer) + genBashComp(buf, c.Name(), includeDesc) + _, err := buf.WriteTo(w) + return err +} + +func genBashComp(buf io.StringWriter, name string, includeDesc bool) { + compCmd := ShellCompRequestCmd + if !includeDesc { + compCmd = ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd + } + + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(`# bash completion V2 for %-36[1]s -*- shell-script -*- + +__%[1]s_debug() +{ + if [[ -n ${BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE:-} ]]; then + echo "$*" >> "${BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE}" + fi +} + +# Macs have bash3 for which the bash-completion package doesn't include +# _init_completion. This is a minimal version of that function. +__%[1]s_init_completion() +{ + COMPREPLY=() + _get_comp_words_by_ref "$@" cur prev words cword +} + +# This function calls the %[1]s program to obtain the completion +# results and the directive. It fills the 'out' and 'directive' vars. +__%[1]s_get_completion_results() { + local requestComp lastParam lastChar args + + # Prepare the command to request completions for the program. + # Calling ${words[0]} instead of directly %[1]s allows to handle aliases + args=("${words[@]:1}") + requestComp="${words[0]} %[2]s ${args[*]}" + + lastParam=${words[$((${#words[@]}-1))]} + lastChar=${lastParam:$((${#lastParam}-1)):1} + __%[1]s_debug "lastParam ${lastParam}, lastChar ${lastChar}" + + if [ -z "${cur}" ] && [ "${lastChar}" != "=" ]; then + # If the last parameter is complete (there is a space following it) + # We add an extra empty parameter so we can indicate this to the go method. + __%[1]s_debug "Adding extra empty parameter" + requestComp="${requestComp} ''" + fi + + # When completing a flag with an = (e.g., %[1]s -n=) + # bash focuses on the part after the =, so we need to remove + # the flag part from $cur + if [[ "${cur}" == -*=* ]]; then + cur="${cur#*=}" + fi + + __%[1]s_debug "Calling ${requestComp}" + # Use eval to handle any environment variables and such + out=$(eval "${requestComp}" 2>/dev/null) + + # Extract the directive integer at the very end of the output following a colon (:) + directive=${out##*:} + # Remove the directive + out=${out%%:*} + if [ "${directive}" = "${out}" ]; then + # There is not directive specified + directive=0 + fi + __%[1]s_debug "The completion directive is: ${directive}" + __%[1]s_debug "The completions are: ${out[*]}" +} + +__%[1]s_process_completion_results() { + local shellCompDirectiveError=%[3]d + local shellCompDirectiveNoSpace=%[4]d + local shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp=%[5]d + local shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt=%[6]d + local shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs=%[7]d + + if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveError)) -ne 0 ]; then + # Error code. No completion. + __%[1]s_debug "Received error from custom completion go code" + return + else + if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveNoSpace)) -ne 0 ]; then + if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then + __%[1]s_debug "Activating no space" + compopt -o nospace + else + __%[1]s_debug "No space directive not supported in this version of bash" + fi + fi + if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp)) -ne 0 ]; then + if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then + __%[1]s_debug "Activating no file completion" + compopt +o default + else + __%[1]s_debug "No file completion directive not supported in this version of bash" + fi + fi + fi + + if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt)) -ne 0 ]; then + # File extension filtering + local fullFilter filter filteringCmd + + # Do not use quotes around the $out variable or else newline + # characters will be kept. + for filter in ${out[*]}; do + fullFilter+="$filter|" + done + + filteringCmd="_filedir $fullFilter" + __%[1]s_debug "File filtering command: $filteringCmd" + $filteringCmd + elif [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs)) -ne 0 ]; then + # File completion for directories only + + # Use printf to strip any trailing newline + local subdir + subdir=$(printf "%%s" "${out[0]}") + if [ -n "$subdir" ]; then + __%[1]s_debug "Listing directories in $subdir" + pushd "$subdir" >/dev/null 2>&1 && _filedir -d && popd >/dev/null 2>&1 || return + else + __%[1]s_debug "Listing directories in ." + _filedir -d + fi + else + __%[1]s_handle_standard_completion_case + fi + + __%[1]s_handle_special_char "$cur" : + __%[1]s_handle_special_char "$cur" = +} + +__%[1]s_handle_standard_completion_case() { + local tab comp + tab=$(printf '\t') + + local longest=0 + # Look for the longest completion so that we can format things nicely + while IFS='' read -r comp; do + # Strip any description before checking the length + comp=${comp%%%%$tab*} + # Only consider the completions that match + comp=$(compgen -W "$comp" -- "$cur") + if ((${#comp}>longest)); then + longest=${#comp} + fi + done < <(printf "%%s\n" "${out[@]}") + + local completions=() + while IFS='' read -r comp; do + if [ -z "$comp" ]; then + continue + fi + + __%[1]s_debug "Original comp: $comp" + comp="$(__%[1]s_format_comp_descriptions "$comp" "$longest")" + __%[1]s_debug "Final comp: $comp" + completions+=("$comp") + done < <(printf "%%s\n" "${out[@]}") + + while IFS='' read -r comp; do + COMPREPLY+=("$comp") + done < <(compgen -W "${completions[*]}" -- "$cur") + + # If there is a single completion left, remove the description text + if [ ${#COMPREPLY[*]} -eq 1 ]; then + __%[1]s_debug "COMPREPLY[0]: ${COMPREPLY[0]}" + comp="${COMPREPLY[0]%%%% *}" + __%[1]s_debug "Removed description from single completion, which is now: ${comp}" + COMPREPLY=() + COMPREPLY+=("$comp") + fi +} + +__%[1]s_handle_special_char() +{ + local comp="$1" + local char=$2 + if [[ "$comp" == *${char}* && "$COMP_WORDBREAKS" == *${char}* ]]; then + local word=${comp%%"${comp##*${char}}"} + local idx=${#COMPREPLY[*]} + while [[ $((--idx)) -ge 0 ]]; do + COMPREPLY[$idx]=${COMPREPLY[$idx]#"$word"} + done + fi +} + +__%[1]s_format_comp_descriptions() +{ + local tab + tab=$(printf '\t') + local comp="$1" + local longest=$2 + + # Properly format the description string which follows a tab character if there is one + if [[ "$comp" == *$tab* ]]; then + desc=${comp#*$tab} + comp=${comp%%%%$tab*} + + # $COLUMNS stores the current shell width. + # Remove an extra 4 because we add 2 spaces and 2 parentheses. + maxdesclength=$(( COLUMNS - longest - 4 )) + + # Make sure we can fit a description of at least 8 characters + # if we are to align the descriptions. + if [[ $maxdesclength -gt 8 ]]; then + # Add the proper number of spaces to align the descriptions + for ((i = ${#comp} ; i < longest ; i++)); do + comp+=" " + done + else + # Don't pad the descriptions so we can fit more text after the completion + maxdesclength=$(( COLUMNS - ${#comp} - 4 )) + fi + + # If there is enough space for any description text, + # truncate the descriptions that are too long for the shell width + if [ $maxdesclength -gt 0 ]; then + if [ ${#desc} -gt $maxdesclength ]; then + desc=${desc:0:$(( maxdesclength - 1 ))} + desc+="…" + fi + comp+=" ($desc)" + fi + fi + + # Must use printf to escape all special characters + printf "%%q" "${comp}" +} + +__start_%[1]s() +{ + local cur prev words cword split + + COMPREPLY=() + + # Call _init_completion from the bash-completion package + # to prepare the arguments properly + if declare -F _init_completion >/dev/null 2>&1; then + _init_completion -n "=:" || return + else + __%[1]s_init_completion -n "=:" || return + fi + + __%[1]s_debug + __%[1]s_debug "========= starting completion logic ==========" + __%[1]s_debug "cur is ${cur}, words[*] is ${words[*]}, #words[@] is ${#words[@]}, cword is $cword" + + # The user could have moved the cursor backwards on the command-line. + # We need to trigger completion from the $cword location, so we need + # to truncate the command-line ($words) up to the $cword location. + words=("${words[@]:0:$cword+1}") + __%[1]s_debug "Truncated words[*]: ${words[*]}," + + local out directive + __%[1]s_get_completion_results + __%[1]s_process_completion_results +} + +if [[ $(type -t compopt) = "builtin" ]]; then + complete -o default -F __start_%[1]s %[1]s +else + complete -o default -o nospace -F __start_%[1]s %[1]s +fi + +# ex: ts=4 sw=4 et filetype=sh +`, name, compCmd, + ShellCompDirectiveError, ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace, ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp, + ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt, ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs)) +} + +// GenBashCompletionFileV2 generates Bash completion version 2. +func (c *Command) GenBashCompletionFileV2(filename string, includeDesc bool) error { + outFile, err := os.Create(filename) + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer outFile.Close() + + return c.GenBashCompletionV2(outFile, includeDesc) +} + +// GenBashCompletionV2 generates Bash completion file version 2 +// and writes it to the passed writer. +func (c *Command) GenBashCompletionV2(w io.Writer, includeDesc bool) error { + return c.genBashCompletion(w, includeDesc) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/cobra.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/cobra.go index d01becc..d6cbfd7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/cobra.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/cobra.go @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ package cobra import ( "fmt" "io" + "os" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" @@ -205,3 +206,17 @@ func stringInSlice(a string, list []string) bool { } return false } + +// CheckErr prints the msg with the prefix 'Error:' and exits with error code 1. If the msg is nil, it does nothing. +func CheckErr(msg interface{}) { + if msg != nil { + fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Error:", msg) + os.Exit(1) + } +} + +// WriteStringAndCheck writes a string into a buffer, and checks if the error is not nil. +func WriteStringAndCheck(b io.StringWriter, s string) { + _, err := b.WriteString(s) + CheckErr(err) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/command.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/command.go index 88e6ed7..2cc1889 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/command.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/command.go @@ -37,6 +37,14 @@ type FParseErrWhitelist flag.ParseErrorsWhitelist // definition to ensure usability. type Command struct { // Use is the one-line usage message. + // Recommended syntax is as follow: + // [ ] identifies an optional argument. Arguments that are not enclosed in brackets are required. + // ... indicates that you can specify multiple values for the previous argument. + // | indicates mutually exclusive information. You can use the argument to the left of the separator or the + // argument to the right of the separator. You cannot use both arguments in a single use of the command. + // { } delimits a set of mutually exclusive arguments when one of the arguments is required. If the arguments are + // optional, they are enclosed in brackets ([ ]). + // Example: add [-F file | -D dir]... [-f format] profile Use string // Aliases is an array of aliases that can be used instead of the first word in Use. @@ -55,9 +63,9 @@ type Command struct { // Example is examples of how to use the command. Example string - // ValidArgs is list of all valid non-flag arguments that are accepted in bash completions + // ValidArgs is list of all valid non-flag arguments that are accepted in shell completions ValidArgs []string - // ValidArgsFunction is an optional function that provides valid non-flag arguments for bash completion. + // ValidArgsFunction is an optional function that provides valid non-flag arguments for shell completion. // It is a dynamic version of using ValidArgs. // Only one of ValidArgs and ValidArgsFunction can be used for a command. ValidArgsFunction func(cmd *Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, ShellCompDirective) @@ -66,19 +74,17 @@ type Command struct { Args PositionalArgs // ArgAliases is List of aliases for ValidArgs. - // These are not suggested to the user in the bash completion, + // These are not suggested to the user in the shell completion, // but accepted if entered manually. ArgAliases []string - // BashCompletionFunction is custom functions used by the bash autocompletion generator. + // BashCompletionFunction is custom bash functions used by the legacy bash autocompletion generator. + // For portability with other shells, it is recommended to instead use ValidArgsFunction BashCompletionFunction string // Deprecated defines, if this command is deprecated and should print this string when used. Deprecated string - // Hidden defines, if this command is hidden and should NOT show up in the list of available commands. - Hidden bool - // Annotations are key/value pairs that can be used by applications to identify or // group commands. Annotations map[string]string @@ -118,55 +124,6 @@ type Command struct { // PersistentPostRunE: PersistentPostRun but returns an error. PersistentPostRunE func(cmd *Command, args []string) error - // SilenceErrors is an option to quiet errors down stream. - SilenceErrors bool - - // SilenceUsage is an option to silence usage when an error occurs. - SilenceUsage bool - - // DisableFlagParsing disables the flag parsing. - // If this is true all flags will be passed to the command as arguments. - DisableFlagParsing bool - - // DisableAutoGenTag defines, if gen tag ("Auto generated by spf13/cobra...") - // will be printed by generating docs for this command. - DisableAutoGenTag bool - - // DisableFlagsInUseLine will disable the addition of [flags] to the usage - // line of a command when printing help or generating docs - DisableFlagsInUseLine bool - - // DisableSuggestions disables the suggestions based on Levenshtein distance - // that go along with 'unknown command' messages. - DisableSuggestions bool - // SuggestionsMinimumDistance defines minimum levenshtein distance to display suggestions. - // Must be > 0. - SuggestionsMinimumDistance int - - // TraverseChildren parses flags on all parents before executing child command. - TraverseChildren bool - - // FParseErrWhitelist flag parse errors to be ignored - FParseErrWhitelist FParseErrWhitelist - - ctx context.Context - - // commands is the list of commands supported by this program. - commands []*Command - // parent is a parent command for this command. - parent *Command - // Max lengths of commands' string lengths for use in padding. - commandsMaxUseLen int - commandsMaxCommandPathLen int - commandsMaxNameLen int - // commandsAreSorted defines, if command slice are sorted or not. - commandsAreSorted bool - // commandCalledAs is the name or alias value used to call this command. - commandCalledAs struct { - name string - called bool - } - // args is actual args parsed from flags. args []string // flagErrorBuf contains all error messages from pflag. @@ -208,6 +165,63 @@ type Command struct { outWriter io.Writer // errWriter is a writer defined by the user that replaces stderr errWriter io.Writer + + //FParseErrWhitelist flag parse errors to be ignored + FParseErrWhitelist FParseErrWhitelist + + // CompletionOptions is a set of options to control the handling of shell completion + CompletionOptions CompletionOptions + + // commandsAreSorted defines, if command slice are sorted or not. + commandsAreSorted bool + // commandCalledAs is the name or alias value used to call this command. + commandCalledAs struct { + name string + called bool + } + + ctx context.Context + + // commands is the list of commands supported by this program. + commands []*Command + // parent is a parent command for this command. + parent *Command + // Max lengths of commands' string lengths for use in padding. + commandsMaxUseLen int + commandsMaxCommandPathLen int + commandsMaxNameLen int + + // TraverseChildren parses flags on all parents before executing child command. + TraverseChildren bool + + // Hidden defines, if this command is hidden and should NOT show up in the list of available commands. + Hidden bool + + // SilenceErrors is an option to quiet errors down stream. + SilenceErrors bool + + // SilenceUsage is an option to silence usage when an error occurs. + SilenceUsage bool + + // DisableFlagParsing disables the flag parsing. + // If this is true all flags will be passed to the command as arguments. + DisableFlagParsing bool + + // DisableAutoGenTag defines, if gen tag ("Auto generated by spf13/cobra...") + // will be printed by generating docs for this command. + DisableAutoGenTag bool + + // DisableFlagsInUseLine will disable the addition of [flags] to the usage + // line of a command when printing help or generating docs + DisableFlagsInUseLine bool + + // DisableSuggestions disables the suggestions based on Levenshtein distance + // that go along with 'unknown command' messages. + DisableSuggestions bool + + // SuggestionsMinimumDistance defines minimum levenshtein distance to display suggestions. + // Must be > 0. + SuggestionsMinimumDistance int } // Context returns underlying command context. If command wasn't @@ -359,7 +373,7 @@ func (c *Command) UsageFunc() (f func(*Command) error) { c.mergePersistentFlags() err := tmpl(c.OutOrStderr(), c.UsageTemplate(), c) if err != nil { - c.Println(err) + c.PrintErrln(err) } return err } @@ -387,7 +401,7 @@ func (c *Command) HelpFunc() func(*Command, []string) { // See https://github.com/spf13/cobra/issues/1002 err := tmpl(c.OutOrStdout(), c.HelpTemplate(), c) if err != nil { - c.Println(err) + c.PrintErrln(err) } } } @@ -410,7 +424,7 @@ func (c *Command) UsageString() string { c.outWriter = bb c.errWriter = bb - c.Usage() + CheckErr(c.Usage()) // Setting things back to normal c.outWriter = tmpOutput @@ -874,7 +888,8 @@ func (c *Command) preRun() { } // ExecuteContext is the same as Execute(), but sets the ctx on the command. -// Retrieve ctx by calling cmd.Context() inside your *Run lifecycle functions. +// Retrieve ctx by calling cmd.Context() inside your *Run lifecycle or ValidArgs +// functions. func (c *Command) ExecuteContext(ctx context.Context) error { c.ctx = ctx return c.Execute() @@ -888,6 +903,14 @@ func (c *Command) Execute() error { return err } +// ExecuteContextC is the same as ExecuteC(), but sets the ctx on the command. +// Retrieve ctx by calling cmd.Context() inside your *Run lifecycle or ValidArgs +// functions. +func (c *Command) ExecuteContextC(ctx context.Context) (*Command, error) { + c.ctx = ctx + return c.ExecuteC() +} + // ExecuteC executes the command. func (c *Command) ExecuteC() (cmd *Command, err error) { if c.ctx == nil { @@ -904,9 +927,10 @@ func (c *Command) ExecuteC() (cmd *Command, err error) { preExecHookFn(c) } - // initialize help as the last point possible to allow for user - // overriding + // initialize help at the last point to allow for user overriding c.InitDefaultHelpCmd() + // initialize completion at the last point to allow for user overriding + c.initDefaultCompletionCmd() args := c.args @@ -915,7 +939,7 @@ func (c *Command) ExecuteC() (cmd *Command, err error) { args = os.Args[1:] } - // initialize the hidden command to be used for bash completion + // initialize the hidden command to be used for shell completion c.initCompleteCmd(args) var flags []string @@ -930,8 +954,8 @@ func (c *Command) ExecuteC() (cmd *Command, err error) { c = cmd } if !c.SilenceErrors { - c.Println("Error:", err.Error()) - c.Printf("Run '%v --help' for usage.\n", c.CommandPath()) + c.PrintErrln("Error:", err.Error()) + c.PrintErrf("Run '%v --help' for usage.\n", c.CommandPath()) } return c, err } @@ -956,13 +980,13 @@ func (c *Command) ExecuteC() (cmd *Command, err error) { return cmd, nil } - // If root command has SilentErrors flagged, + // If root command has SilenceErrors flagged, // all subcommands should respect it if !cmd.SilenceErrors && !c.SilenceErrors { - c.Println("Error:", err.Error()) + c.PrintErrln("Error:", err.Error()) } - // If root command has SilentUsage flagged, + // If root command has SilenceUsage flagged, // all subcommands should respect it if !cmd.SilenceUsage && !c.SilenceUsage { c.Println(cmd.UsageString()) @@ -979,6 +1003,10 @@ func (c *Command) ValidateArgs(args []string) error { } func (c *Command) validateRequiredFlags() error { + if c.DisableFlagParsing { + return nil + } + flags := c.Flags() missingFlagNames := []string{} flags.VisitAll(func(pflag *flag.Flag) { @@ -1052,15 +1080,33 @@ func (c *Command) InitDefaultHelpCmd() { Short: "Help about any command", Long: `Help provides help for any command in the application. Simply type ` + c.Name() + ` help [path to command] for full details.`, - + ValidArgsFunction: func(c *Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, ShellCompDirective) { + var completions []string + cmd, _, e := c.Root().Find(args) + if e != nil { + return nil, ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp + } + if cmd == nil { + // Root help command. + cmd = c.Root() + } + for _, subCmd := range cmd.Commands() { + if subCmd.IsAvailableCommand() || subCmd == cmd.helpCommand { + if strings.HasPrefix(subCmd.Name(), toComplete) { + completions = append(completions, fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s", subCmd.Name(), subCmd.Short)) + } + } + } + return completions, ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp + }, Run: func(c *Command, args []string) { cmd, _, e := c.Root().Find(args) if cmd == nil || e != nil { c.Printf("Unknown help topic %#q\n", args) - c.Root().Usage() + CheckErr(c.Root().Usage()) } else { cmd.InitDefaultHelpFlag() // make possible 'help' flag to be shown - cmd.Help() + CheckErr(cmd.Help()) } }, } @@ -1179,12 +1225,12 @@ func (c *Command) PrintErr(i ...interface{}) { // PrintErrln is a convenience method to Println to the defined Err output, fallback to Stderr if not set. func (c *Command) PrintErrln(i ...interface{}) { - c.Print(fmt.Sprintln(i...)) + c.PrintErr(fmt.Sprintln(i...)) } // PrintErrf is a convenience method to Printf to the defined Err output, fallback to Stderr if not set. func (c *Command) PrintErrf(format string, i ...interface{}) { - c.Print(fmt.Sprintf(format, i...)) + c.PrintErr(fmt.Sprintf(format, i...)) } // CommandPath returns the full path to this command. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/completions.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/completions.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b849b9c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/completions.go @@ -0,0 +1,781 @@ +package cobra + +import ( + "fmt" + "os" + "strings" + "sync" + + "github.com/spf13/pflag" +) + +const ( + // ShellCompRequestCmd is the name of the hidden command that is used to request + // completion results from the program. It is used by the shell completion scripts. + ShellCompRequestCmd = "__complete" + // ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd is the name of the hidden command that is used to request + // completion results without their description. It is used by the shell completion scripts. + ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd = "__completeNoDesc" +) + +// Global map of flag completion functions. Make sure to use flagCompletionMutex before you try to read and write from it. +var flagCompletionFunctions = map[*pflag.Flag]func(cmd *Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, ShellCompDirective){} + +// lock for reading and writing from flagCompletionFunctions +var flagCompletionMutex = &sync.RWMutex{} + +// ShellCompDirective is a bit map representing the different behaviors the shell +// can be instructed to have once completions have been provided. +type ShellCompDirective int + +type flagCompError struct { + subCommand string + flagName string +} + +func (e *flagCompError) Error() string { + return "Subcommand '" + e.subCommand + "' does not support flag '" + e.flagName + "'" +} + +const ( + // ShellCompDirectiveError indicates an error occurred and completions should be ignored. + ShellCompDirectiveError ShellCompDirective = 1 << iota + + // ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace indicates that the shell should not add a space + // after the completion even if there is a single completion provided. + ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace + + // ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp indicates that the shell should not provide + // file completion even when no completion is provided. + ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp + + // ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt indicates that the provided completions + // should be used as file extension filters. + // For flags, using Command.MarkFlagFilename() and Command.MarkPersistentFlagFilename() + // is a shortcut to using this directive explicitly. The BashCompFilenameExt + // annotation can also be used to obtain the same behavior for flags. + ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt + + // ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs indicates that only directory names should + // be provided in file completion. To request directory names within another + // directory, the returned completions should specify the directory within + // which to search. The BashCompSubdirsInDir annotation can be used to + // obtain the same behavior but only for flags. + ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs + + // =========================================================================== + + // All directives using iota should be above this one. + // For internal use. + shellCompDirectiveMaxValue + + // ShellCompDirectiveDefault indicates to let the shell perform its default + // behavior after completions have been provided. + // This one must be last to avoid messing up the iota count. + ShellCompDirectiveDefault ShellCompDirective = 0 +) + +const ( + // Constants for the completion command + compCmdName = "completion" + compCmdNoDescFlagName = "no-descriptions" + compCmdNoDescFlagDesc = "disable completion descriptions" + compCmdNoDescFlagDefault = false +) + +// CompletionOptions are the options to control shell completion +type CompletionOptions struct { + // DisableDefaultCmd prevents Cobra from creating a default 'completion' command + DisableDefaultCmd bool + // DisableNoDescFlag prevents Cobra from creating the '--no-descriptions' flag + // for shells that support completion descriptions + DisableNoDescFlag bool + // DisableDescriptions turns off all completion descriptions for shells + // that support them + DisableDescriptions bool +} + +// NoFileCompletions can be used to disable file completion for commands that should +// not trigger file completions. +func NoFileCompletions(cmd *Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, ShellCompDirective) { + return nil, ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp +} + +// RegisterFlagCompletionFunc should be called to register a function to provide completion for a flag. +func (c *Command) RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(flagName string, f func(cmd *Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, ShellCompDirective)) error { + flag := c.Flag(flagName) + if flag == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("RegisterFlagCompletionFunc: flag '%s' does not exist", flagName) + } + flagCompletionMutex.Lock() + defer flagCompletionMutex.Unlock() + + if _, exists := flagCompletionFunctions[flag]; exists { + return fmt.Errorf("RegisterFlagCompletionFunc: flag '%s' already registered", flagName) + } + flagCompletionFunctions[flag] = f + return nil +} + +// Returns a string listing the different directive enabled in the specified parameter +func (d ShellCompDirective) string() string { + var directives []string + if d&ShellCompDirectiveError != 0 { + directives = append(directives, "ShellCompDirectiveError") + } + if d&ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace != 0 { + directives = append(directives, "ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace") + } + if d&ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp != 0 { + directives = append(directives, "ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp") + } + if d&ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt != 0 { + directives = append(directives, "ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt") + } + if d&ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs != 0 { + directives = append(directives, "ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs") + } + if len(directives) == 0 { + directives = append(directives, "ShellCompDirectiveDefault") + } + + if d >= shellCompDirectiveMaxValue { + return fmt.Sprintf("ERROR: unexpected ShellCompDirective value: %d", d) + } + return strings.Join(directives, ", ") +} + +// Adds a special hidden command that can be used to request custom completions. +func (c *Command) initCompleteCmd(args []string) { + completeCmd := &Command{ + Use: fmt.Sprintf("%s [command-line]", ShellCompRequestCmd), + Aliases: []string{ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd}, + DisableFlagsInUseLine: true, + Hidden: true, + DisableFlagParsing: true, + Args: MinimumNArgs(1), + Short: "Request shell completion choices for the specified command-line", + Long: fmt.Sprintf("%[2]s is a special command that is used by the shell completion logic\n%[1]s", + "to request completion choices for the specified command-line.", ShellCompRequestCmd), + Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { + finalCmd, completions, directive, err := cmd.getCompletions(args) + if err != nil { + CompErrorln(err.Error()) + // Keep going for multiple reasons: + // 1- There could be some valid completions even though there was an error + // 2- Even without completions, we need to print the directive + } + + noDescriptions := (cmd.CalledAs() == ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd) + for _, comp := range completions { + if noDescriptions { + // Remove any description that may be included following a tab character. + comp = strings.Split(comp, "\t")[0] + } + + // Make sure we only write the first line to the output. + // This is needed if a description contains a linebreak. + // Otherwise the shell scripts will interpret the other lines as new flags + // and could therefore provide a wrong completion. + comp = strings.Split(comp, "\n")[0] + + // Finally trim the completion. This is especially important to get rid + // of a trailing tab when there are no description following it. + // For example, a sub-command without a description should not be completed + // with a tab at the end (or else zsh will show a -- following it + // although there is no description). + comp = strings.TrimSpace(comp) + + // Print each possible completion to stdout for the completion script to consume. + fmt.Fprintln(finalCmd.OutOrStdout(), comp) + } + + // As the last printout, print the completion directive for the completion script to parse. + // The directive integer must be that last character following a single colon (:). + // The completion script expects : + fmt.Fprintf(finalCmd.OutOrStdout(), ":%d\n", directive) + + // Print some helpful info to stderr for the user to understand. + // Output from stderr must be ignored by the completion script. + fmt.Fprintf(finalCmd.ErrOrStderr(), "Completion ended with directive: %s\n", directive.string()) + }, + } + c.AddCommand(completeCmd) + subCmd, _, err := c.Find(args) + if err != nil || subCmd.Name() != ShellCompRequestCmd { + // Only create this special command if it is actually being called. + // This reduces possible side-effects of creating such a command; + // for example, having this command would cause problems to a + // cobra program that only consists of the root command, since this + // command would cause the root command to suddenly have a subcommand. + c.RemoveCommand(completeCmd) + } +} + +func (c *Command) getCompletions(args []string) (*Command, []string, ShellCompDirective, error) { + // The last argument, which is not completely typed by the user, + // should not be part of the list of arguments + toComplete := args[len(args)-1] + trimmedArgs := args[:len(args)-1] + + var finalCmd *Command + var finalArgs []string + var err error + // Find the real command for which completion must be performed + // check if we need to traverse here to parse local flags on parent commands + if c.Root().TraverseChildren { + finalCmd, finalArgs, err = c.Root().Traverse(trimmedArgs) + } else { + finalCmd, finalArgs, err = c.Root().Find(trimmedArgs) + } + if err != nil { + // Unable to find the real command. E.g., someInvalidCmd + return c, []string{}, ShellCompDirectiveDefault, fmt.Errorf("Unable to find a command for arguments: %v", trimmedArgs) + } + finalCmd.ctx = c.ctx + + // Check if we are doing flag value completion before parsing the flags. + // This is important because if we are completing a flag value, we need to also + // remove the flag name argument from the list of finalArgs or else the parsing + // could fail due to an invalid value (incomplete) for the flag. + flag, finalArgs, toComplete, flagErr := checkIfFlagCompletion(finalCmd, finalArgs, toComplete) + + // Check if interspersed is false or -- was set on a previous arg. + // This works by counting the arguments. Normally -- is not counted as arg but + // if -- was already set or interspersed is false and there is already one arg then + // the extra added -- is counted as arg. + flagCompletion := true + _ = finalCmd.ParseFlags(append(finalArgs, "--")) + newArgCount := finalCmd.Flags().NArg() + + // Parse the flags early so we can check if required flags are set + if err = finalCmd.ParseFlags(finalArgs); err != nil { + return finalCmd, []string{}, ShellCompDirectiveDefault, fmt.Errorf("Error while parsing flags from args %v: %s", finalArgs, err.Error()) + } + + realArgCount := finalCmd.Flags().NArg() + if newArgCount > realArgCount { + // don't do flag completion (see above) + flagCompletion = false + } + // Error while attempting to parse flags + if flagErr != nil { + // If error type is flagCompError and we don't want flagCompletion we should ignore the error + if _, ok := flagErr.(*flagCompError); !(ok && !flagCompletion) { + return finalCmd, []string{}, ShellCompDirectiveDefault, flagErr + } + } + + if flag != nil && flagCompletion { + // Check if we are completing a flag value subject to annotations + if validExts, present := flag.Annotations[BashCompFilenameExt]; present { + if len(validExts) != 0 { + // File completion filtered by extensions + return finalCmd, validExts, ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt, nil + } + + // The annotation requests simple file completion. There is no reason to do + // that since it is the default behavior anyway. Let's ignore this annotation + // in case the program also registered a completion function for this flag. + // Even though it is a mistake on the program's side, let's be nice when we can. + } + + if subDir, present := flag.Annotations[BashCompSubdirsInDir]; present { + if len(subDir) == 1 { + // Directory completion from within a directory + return finalCmd, subDir, ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs, nil + } + // Directory completion + return finalCmd, []string{}, ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs, nil + } + } + + // When doing completion of a flag name, as soon as an argument starts with + // a '-' we know it is a flag. We cannot use isFlagArg() here as it requires + // the flag name to be complete + if flag == nil && len(toComplete) > 0 && toComplete[0] == '-' && !strings.Contains(toComplete, "=") && flagCompletion { + var completions []string + + // First check for required flags + completions = completeRequireFlags(finalCmd, toComplete) + + // If we have not found any required flags, only then can we show regular flags + if len(completions) == 0 { + doCompleteFlags := func(flag *pflag.Flag) { + if !flag.Changed || + strings.Contains(flag.Value.Type(), "Slice") || + strings.Contains(flag.Value.Type(), "Array") { + // If the flag is not already present, or if it can be specified multiple times (Array or Slice) + // we suggest it as a completion + completions = append(completions, getFlagNameCompletions(flag, toComplete)...) + } + } + + // We cannot use finalCmd.Flags() because we may not have called ParsedFlags() for commands + // that have set DisableFlagParsing; it is ParseFlags() that merges the inherited and + // non-inherited flags. + finalCmd.InheritedFlags().VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) { + doCompleteFlags(flag) + }) + finalCmd.NonInheritedFlags().VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) { + doCompleteFlags(flag) + }) + } + + directive := ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp + if len(completions) == 1 && strings.HasSuffix(completions[0], "=") { + // If there is a single completion, the shell usually adds a space + // after the completion. We don't want that if the flag ends with an = + directive = ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace + } + return finalCmd, completions, directive, nil + } + + // We only remove the flags from the arguments if DisableFlagParsing is not set. + // This is important for commands which have requested to do their own flag completion. + if !finalCmd.DisableFlagParsing { + finalArgs = finalCmd.Flags().Args() + } + + var completions []string + directive := ShellCompDirectiveDefault + if flag == nil { + foundLocalNonPersistentFlag := false + // If TraverseChildren is true on the root command we don't check for + // local flags because we can use a local flag on a parent command + if !finalCmd.Root().TraverseChildren { + // Check if there are any local, non-persistent flags on the command-line + localNonPersistentFlags := finalCmd.LocalNonPersistentFlags() + finalCmd.NonInheritedFlags().VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) { + if localNonPersistentFlags.Lookup(flag.Name) != nil && flag.Changed { + foundLocalNonPersistentFlag = true + } + }) + } + + // Complete subcommand names, including the help command + if len(finalArgs) == 0 && !foundLocalNonPersistentFlag { + // We only complete sub-commands if: + // - there are no arguments on the command-line and + // - there are no local, non-persistent flags on the command-line or TraverseChildren is true + for _, subCmd := range finalCmd.Commands() { + if subCmd.IsAvailableCommand() || subCmd == finalCmd.helpCommand { + if strings.HasPrefix(subCmd.Name(), toComplete) { + completions = append(completions, fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s", subCmd.Name(), subCmd.Short)) + } + directive = ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp + } + } + } + + // Complete required flags even without the '-' prefix + completions = append(completions, completeRequireFlags(finalCmd, toComplete)...) + + // Always complete ValidArgs, even if we are completing a subcommand name. + // This is for commands that have both subcommands and ValidArgs. + if len(finalCmd.ValidArgs) > 0 { + if len(finalArgs) == 0 { + // ValidArgs are only for the first argument + for _, validArg := range finalCmd.ValidArgs { + if strings.HasPrefix(validArg, toComplete) { + completions = append(completions, validArg) + } + } + directive = ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp + + // If no completions were found within commands or ValidArgs, + // see if there are any ArgAliases that should be completed. + if len(completions) == 0 { + for _, argAlias := range finalCmd.ArgAliases { + if strings.HasPrefix(argAlias, toComplete) { + completions = append(completions, argAlias) + } + } + } + } + + // If there are ValidArgs specified (even if they don't match), we stop completion. + // Only one of ValidArgs or ValidArgsFunction can be used for a single command. + return finalCmd, completions, directive, nil + } + + // Let the logic continue so as to add any ValidArgsFunction completions, + // even if we already found sub-commands. + // This is for commands that have subcommands but also specify a ValidArgsFunction. + } + + // Find the completion function for the flag or command + var completionFn func(cmd *Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, ShellCompDirective) + if flag != nil && flagCompletion { + flagCompletionMutex.RLock() + completionFn = flagCompletionFunctions[flag] + flagCompletionMutex.RUnlock() + } else { + completionFn = finalCmd.ValidArgsFunction + } + if completionFn != nil { + // Go custom completion defined for this flag or command. + // Call the registered completion function to get the completions. + var comps []string + comps, directive = completionFn(finalCmd, finalArgs, toComplete) + completions = append(completions, comps...) + } + + return finalCmd, completions, directive, nil +} + +func getFlagNameCompletions(flag *pflag.Flag, toComplete string) []string { + if nonCompletableFlag(flag) { + return []string{} + } + + var completions []string + flagName := "--" + flag.Name + if strings.HasPrefix(flagName, toComplete) { + // Flag without the = + completions = append(completions, fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s", flagName, flag.Usage)) + + // Why suggest both long forms: --flag and --flag= ? + // This forces the user to *always* have to type either an = or a space after the flag name. + // Let's be nice and avoid making users have to do that. + // Since boolean flags and shortname flags don't show the = form, let's go that route and never show it. + // The = form will still work, we just won't suggest it. + // This also makes the list of suggested flags shorter as we avoid all the = forms. + // + // if len(flag.NoOptDefVal) == 0 { + // // Flag requires a value, so it can be suffixed with = + // flagName += "=" + // completions = append(completions, fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s", flagName, flag.Usage)) + // } + } + + flagName = "-" + flag.Shorthand + if len(flag.Shorthand) > 0 && strings.HasPrefix(flagName, toComplete) { + completions = append(completions, fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s", flagName, flag.Usage)) + } + + return completions +} + +func completeRequireFlags(finalCmd *Command, toComplete string) []string { + var completions []string + + doCompleteRequiredFlags := func(flag *pflag.Flag) { + if _, present := flag.Annotations[BashCompOneRequiredFlag]; present { + if !flag.Changed { + // If the flag is not already present, we suggest it as a completion + completions = append(completions, getFlagNameCompletions(flag, toComplete)...) + } + } + } + + // We cannot use finalCmd.Flags() because we may not have called ParsedFlags() for commands + // that have set DisableFlagParsing; it is ParseFlags() that merges the inherited and + // non-inherited flags. + finalCmd.InheritedFlags().VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) { + doCompleteRequiredFlags(flag) + }) + finalCmd.NonInheritedFlags().VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) { + doCompleteRequiredFlags(flag) + }) + + return completions +} + +func checkIfFlagCompletion(finalCmd *Command, args []string, lastArg string) (*pflag.Flag, []string, string, error) { + if finalCmd.DisableFlagParsing { + // We only do flag completion if we are allowed to parse flags + // This is important for commands which have requested to do their own flag completion. + return nil, args, lastArg, nil + } + + var flagName string + trimmedArgs := args + flagWithEqual := false + orgLastArg := lastArg + + // When doing completion of a flag name, as soon as an argument starts with + // a '-' we know it is a flag. We cannot use isFlagArg() here as that function + // requires the flag name to be complete + if len(lastArg) > 0 && lastArg[0] == '-' { + if index := strings.Index(lastArg, "="); index >= 0 { + // Flag with an = + if strings.HasPrefix(lastArg[:index], "--") { + // Flag has full name + flagName = lastArg[2:index] + } else { + // Flag is shorthand + // We have to get the last shorthand flag name + // e.g. `-asd` => d to provide the correct completion + // https://github.com/spf13/cobra/issues/1257 + flagName = lastArg[index-1 : index] + } + lastArg = lastArg[index+1:] + flagWithEqual = true + } else { + // Normal flag completion + return nil, args, lastArg, nil + } + } + + if len(flagName) == 0 { + if len(args) > 0 { + prevArg := args[len(args)-1] + if isFlagArg(prevArg) { + // Only consider the case where the flag does not contain an =. + // If the flag contains an = it means it has already been fully processed, + // so we don't need to deal with it here. + if index := strings.Index(prevArg, "="); index < 0 { + if strings.HasPrefix(prevArg, "--") { + // Flag has full name + flagName = prevArg[2:] + } else { + // Flag is shorthand + // We have to get the last shorthand flag name + // e.g. `-asd` => d to provide the correct completion + // https://github.com/spf13/cobra/issues/1257 + flagName = prevArg[len(prevArg)-1:] + } + // Remove the uncompleted flag or else there could be an error created + // for an invalid value for that flag + trimmedArgs = args[:len(args)-1] + } + } + } + } + + if len(flagName) == 0 { + // Not doing flag completion + return nil, trimmedArgs, lastArg, nil + } + + flag := findFlag(finalCmd, flagName) + if flag == nil { + // Flag not supported by this command, the interspersed option might be set so return the original args + return nil, args, orgLastArg, &flagCompError{subCommand: finalCmd.Name(), flagName: flagName} + } + + if !flagWithEqual { + if len(flag.NoOptDefVal) != 0 { + // We had assumed dealing with a two-word flag but the flag is a boolean flag. + // In that case, there is no value following it, so we are not really doing flag completion. + // Reset everything to do noun completion. + trimmedArgs = args + flag = nil + } + } + + return flag, trimmedArgs, lastArg, nil +} + +// initDefaultCompletionCmd adds a default 'completion' command to c. +// This function will do nothing if any of the following is true: +// 1- the feature has been explicitly disabled by the program, +// 2- c has no subcommands (to avoid creating one), +// 3- c already has a 'completion' command provided by the program. +func (c *Command) initDefaultCompletionCmd() { + if c.CompletionOptions.DisableDefaultCmd || !c.HasSubCommands() { + return + } + + for _, cmd := range c.commands { + if cmd.Name() == compCmdName || cmd.HasAlias(compCmdName) { + // A completion command is already available + return + } + } + + haveNoDescFlag := !c.CompletionOptions.DisableNoDescFlag && !c.CompletionOptions.DisableDescriptions + + completionCmd := &Command{ + Use: compCmdName, + Short: "generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell", + Long: fmt.Sprintf(` +Generate the autocompletion script for %[1]s for the specified shell. +See each sub-command's help for details on how to use the generated script. +`, c.Root().Name()), + Args: NoArgs, + ValidArgsFunction: NoFileCompletions, + } + c.AddCommand(completionCmd) + + out := c.OutOrStdout() + noDesc := c.CompletionOptions.DisableDescriptions + shortDesc := "generate the autocompletion script for %s" + bash := &Command{ + Use: "bash", + Short: fmt.Sprintf(shortDesc, "bash"), + Long: fmt.Sprintf(` +Generate the autocompletion script for the bash shell. + +This script depends on the 'bash-completion' package. +If it is not installed already, you can install it via your OS's package manager. + +To load completions in your current shell session: +$ source <(%[1]s completion bash) + +To load completions for every new session, execute once: +Linux: + $ %[1]s completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/%[1]s +MacOS: + $ %[1]s completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/%[1]s + +You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect. + `, c.Root().Name()), + Args: NoArgs, + DisableFlagsInUseLine: true, + ValidArgsFunction: NoFileCompletions, + RunE: func(cmd *Command, args []string) error { + return cmd.Root().GenBashCompletionV2(out, !noDesc) + }, + } + if haveNoDescFlag { + bash.Flags().BoolVar(&noDesc, compCmdNoDescFlagName, compCmdNoDescFlagDefault, compCmdNoDescFlagDesc) + } + + zsh := &Command{ + Use: "zsh", + Short: fmt.Sprintf(shortDesc, "zsh"), + Long: fmt.Sprintf(` +Generate the autocompletion script for the zsh shell. + +If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment you will need +to enable it. You can execute the following once: + +$ echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc + +To load completions for every new session, execute once: +# Linux: +$ %[1]s completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_%[1]s" +# macOS: +$ %[1]s completion zsh > /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_%[1]s + +You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect. +`, c.Root().Name()), + Args: NoArgs, + ValidArgsFunction: NoFileCompletions, + RunE: func(cmd *Command, args []string) error { + if noDesc { + return cmd.Root().GenZshCompletionNoDesc(out) + } + return cmd.Root().GenZshCompletion(out) + }, + } + if haveNoDescFlag { + zsh.Flags().BoolVar(&noDesc, compCmdNoDescFlagName, compCmdNoDescFlagDefault, compCmdNoDescFlagDesc) + } + + fish := &Command{ + Use: "fish", + Short: fmt.Sprintf(shortDesc, "fish"), + Long: fmt.Sprintf(` +Generate the autocompletion script for the fish shell. + +To load completions in your current shell session: +$ %[1]s completion fish | source + +To load completions for every new session, execute once: +$ %[1]s completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/%[1]s.fish + +You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect. +`, c.Root().Name()), + Args: NoArgs, + ValidArgsFunction: NoFileCompletions, + RunE: func(cmd *Command, args []string) error { + return cmd.Root().GenFishCompletion(out, !noDesc) + }, + } + if haveNoDescFlag { + fish.Flags().BoolVar(&noDesc, compCmdNoDescFlagName, compCmdNoDescFlagDefault, compCmdNoDescFlagDesc) + } + + powershell := &Command{ + Use: "powershell", + Short: fmt.Sprintf(shortDesc, "powershell"), + Long: fmt.Sprintf(` +Generate the autocompletion script for powershell. + +To load completions in your current shell session: +PS C:\> %[1]s completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression + +To load completions for every new session, add the output of the above command +to your powershell profile. +`, c.Root().Name()), + Args: NoArgs, + ValidArgsFunction: NoFileCompletions, + RunE: func(cmd *Command, args []string) error { + if noDesc { + return cmd.Root().GenPowerShellCompletion(out) + } + return cmd.Root().GenPowerShellCompletionWithDesc(out) + + }, + } + if haveNoDescFlag { + powershell.Flags().BoolVar(&noDesc, compCmdNoDescFlagName, compCmdNoDescFlagDefault, compCmdNoDescFlagDesc) + } + + completionCmd.AddCommand(bash, zsh, fish, powershell) +} + +func findFlag(cmd *Command, name string) *pflag.Flag { + flagSet := cmd.Flags() + if len(name) == 1 { + // First convert the short flag into a long flag + // as the cmd.Flag() search only accepts long flags + if short := flagSet.ShorthandLookup(name); short != nil { + name = short.Name + } else { + set := cmd.InheritedFlags() + if short = set.ShorthandLookup(name); short != nil { + name = short.Name + } else { + return nil + } + } + } + return cmd.Flag(name) +} + +// CompDebug prints the specified string to the same file as where the +// completion script prints its logs. +// Note that completion printouts should never be on stdout as they would +// be wrongly interpreted as actual completion choices by the completion script. +func CompDebug(msg string, printToStdErr bool) { + msg = fmt.Sprintf("[Debug] %s", msg) + + // Such logs are only printed when the user has set the environment + // variable BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE to the path of some file to be used. + if path := os.Getenv("BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE"); path != "" { + f, err := os.OpenFile(path, + os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644) + if err == nil { + defer f.Close() + WriteStringAndCheck(f, msg) + } + } + + if printToStdErr { + // Must print to stderr for this not to be read by the completion script. + fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, msg) + } +} + +// CompDebugln prints the specified string with a newline at the end +// to the same file as where the completion script prints its logs. +// Such logs are only printed when the user has set the environment +// variable BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE to the path of some file to be used. +func CompDebugln(msg string, printToStdErr bool) { + CompDebug(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", msg), printToStdErr) +} + +// CompError prints the specified completion message to stderr. +func CompError(msg string) { + msg = fmt.Sprintf("[Error] %s", msg) + CompDebug(msg, true) +} + +// CompErrorln prints the specified completion message to stderr with a newline at the end. +func CompErrorln(msg string) { + CompError(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", msg)) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/custom_completions.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/custom_completions.go deleted file mode 100644 index ba57327..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/custom_completions.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,384 +0,0 @@ -package cobra - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "os" - "strings" - - "github.com/spf13/pflag" -) - -const ( - // ShellCompRequestCmd is the name of the hidden command that is used to request - // completion results from the program. It is used by the shell completion scripts. - ShellCompRequestCmd = "__complete" - // ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd is the name of the hidden command that is used to request - // completion results without their description. It is used by the shell completion scripts. - ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd = "__completeNoDesc" -) - -// Global map of flag completion functions. -var flagCompletionFunctions = map[*pflag.Flag]func(cmd *Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, ShellCompDirective){} - -// ShellCompDirective is a bit map representing the different behaviors the shell -// can be instructed to have once completions have been provided. -type ShellCompDirective int - -const ( - // ShellCompDirectiveError indicates an error occurred and completions should be ignored. - ShellCompDirectiveError ShellCompDirective = 1 << iota - - // ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace indicates that the shell should not add a space - // after the completion even if there is a single completion provided. - ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace - - // ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp indicates that the shell should not provide - // file completion even when no completion is provided. - // This currently does not work for zsh or bash < 4 - ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp - - // ShellCompDirectiveDefault indicates to let the shell perform its default - // behavior after completions have been provided. - ShellCompDirectiveDefault ShellCompDirective = 0 -) - -// RegisterFlagCompletionFunc should be called to register a function to provide completion for a flag. -func (c *Command) RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(flagName string, f func(cmd *Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, ShellCompDirective)) error { - flag := c.Flag(flagName) - if flag == nil { - return fmt.Errorf("RegisterFlagCompletionFunc: flag '%s' does not exist", flagName) - } - if _, exists := flagCompletionFunctions[flag]; exists { - return fmt.Errorf("RegisterFlagCompletionFunc: flag '%s' already registered", flagName) - } - flagCompletionFunctions[flag] = f - return nil -} - -// Returns a string listing the different directive enabled in the specified parameter -func (d ShellCompDirective) string() string { - var directives []string - if d&ShellCompDirectiveError != 0 { - directives = append(directives, "ShellCompDirectiveError") - } - if d&ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace != 0 { - directives = append(directives, "ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace") - } - if d&ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp != 0 { - directives = append(directives, "ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp") - } - if len(directives) == 0 { - directives = append(directives, "ShellCompDirectiveDefault") - } - - if d > ShellCompDirectiveError+ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace+ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp { - return fmt.Sprintf("ERROR: unexpected ShellCompDirective value: %d", d) - } - return strings.Join(directives, ", ") -} - -// Adds a special hidden command that can be used to request custom completions. -func (c *Command) initCompleteCmd(args []string) { - completeCmd := &Command{ - Use: fmt.Sprintf("%s [command-line]", ShellCompRequestCmd), - Aliases: []string{ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd}, - DisableFlagsInUseLine: true, - Hidden: true, - DisableFlagParsing: true, - Args: MinimumNArgs(1), - Short: "Request shell completion choices for the specified command-line", - Long: fmt.Sprintf("%[2]s is a special command that is used by the shell completion logic\n%[1]s", - "to request completion choices for the specified command-line.", ShellCompRequestCmd), - Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { - finalCmd, completions, directive, err := cmd.getCompletions(args) - if err != nil { - CompErrorln(err.Error()) - // Keep going for multiple reasons: - // 1- There could be some valid completions even though there was an error - // 2- Even without completions, we need to print the directive - } - - noDescriptions := (cmd.CalledAs() == ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd) - for _, comp := range completions { - if noDescriptions { - // Remove any description that may be included following a tab character. - comp = strings.Split(comp, "\t")[0] - } - // Print each possible completion to stdout for the completion script to consume. - fmt.Fprintln(finalCmd.OutOrStdout(), comp) - } - - if directive > ShellCompDirectiveError+ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace+ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp { - directive = ShellCompDirectiveDefault - } - - // As the last printout, print the completion directive for the completion script to parse. - // The directive integer must be that last character following a single colon (:). - // The completion script expects : - fmt.Fprintf(finalCmd.OutOrStdout(), ":%d\n", directive) - - // Print some helpful info to stderr for the user to understand. - // Output from stderr must be ignored by the completion script. - fmt.Fprintf(finalCmd.ErrOrStderr(), "Completion ended with directive: %s\n", directive.string()) - }, - } - c.AddCommand(completeCmd) - subCmd, _, err := c.Find(args) - if err != nil || subCmd.Name() != ShellCompRequestCmd { - // Only create this special command if it is actually being called. - // This reduces possible side-effects of creating such a command; - // for example, having this command would cause problems to a - // cobra program that only consists of the root command, since this - // command would cause the root command to suddenly have a subcommand. - c.RemoveCommand(completeCmd) - } -} - -func (c *Command) getCompletions(args []string) (*Command, []string, ShellCompDirective, error) { - var completions []string - - // The last argument, which is not completely typed by the user, - // should not be part of the list of arguments - toComplete := args[len(args)-1] - trimmedArgs := args[:len(args)-1] - - // Find the real command for which completion must be performed - finalCmd, finalArgs, err := c.Root().Find(trimmedArgs) - if err != nil { - // Unable to find the real command. E.g., someInvalidCmd - return c, completions, ShellCompDirectiveDefault, fmt.Errorf("Unable to find a command for arguments: %v", trimmedArgs) - } - - // When doing completion of a flag name, as soon as an argument starts with - // a '-' we know it is a flag. We cannot use isFlagArg() here as it requires - // the flag to be complete - if len(toComplete) > 0 && toComplete[0] == '-' && !strings.Contains(toComplete, "=") { - // We are completing a flag name - finalCmd.NonInheritedFlags().VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) { - completions = append(completions, getFlagNameCompletions(flag, toComplete)...) - }) - finalCmd.InheritedFlags().VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) { - completions = append(completions, getFlagNameCompletions(flag, toComplete)...) - }) - - directive := ShellCompDirectiveDefault - if len(completions) > 0 { - if strings.HasSuffix(completions[0], "=") { - directive = ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace - } - } - return finalCmd, completions, directive, nil - } - - var flag *pflag.Flag - if !finalCmd.DisableFlagParsing { - // We only do flag completion if we are allowed to parse flags - // This is important for commands which have requested to do their own flag completion. - flag, finalArgs, toComplete, err = checkIfFlagCompletion(finalCmd, finalArgs, toComplete) - if err != nil { - // Error while attempting to parse flags - return finalCmd, completions, ShellCompDirectiveDefault, err - } - } - - if flag == nil { - // Complete subcommand names - for _, subCmd := range finalCmd.Commands() { - if subCmd.IsAvailableCommand() && strings.HasPrefix(subCmd.Name(), toComplete) { - completions = append(completions, fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s", subCmd.Name(), subCmd.Short)) - } - } - - if len(finalCmd.ValidArgs) > 0 { - // Always complete ValidArgs, even if we are completing a subcommand name. - // This is for commands that have both subcommands and ValidArgs. - for _, validArg := range finalCmd.ValidArgs { - if strings.HasPrefix(validArg, toComplete) { - completions = append(completions, validArg) - } - } - - // If there are ValidArgs specified (even if they don't match), we stop completion. - // Only one of ValidArgs or ValidArgsFunction can be used for a single command. - return finalCmd, completions, ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp, nil - } - - // Always let the logic continue so as to add any ValidArgsFunction completions, - // even if we already found sub-commands. - // This is for commands that have subcommands but also specify a ValidArgsFunction. - } - - // Parse the flags and extract the arguments to prepare for calling the completion function - if err = finalCmd.ParseFlags(finalArgs); err != nil { - return finalCmd, completions, ShellCompDirectiveDefault, fmt.Errorf("Error while parsing flags from args %v: %s", finalArgs, err.Error()) - } - - // We only remove the flags from the arguments if DisableFlagParsing is not set. - // This is important for commands which have requested to do their own flag completion. - if !finalCmd.DisableFlagParsing { - finalArgs = finalCmd.Flags().Args() - } - - // Find the completion function for the flag or command - var completionFn func(cmd *Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, ShellCompDirective) - if flag != nil { - completionFn = flagCompletionFunctions[flag] - } else { - completionFn = finalCmd.ValidArgsFunction - } - if completionFn == nil { - // Go custom completion not supported/needed for this flag or command - return finalCmd, completions, ShellCompDirectiveDefault, nil - } - - // Call the registered completion function to get the completions - comps, directive := completionFn(finalCmd, finalArgs, toComplete) - completions = append(completions, comps...) - return finalCmd, completions, directive, nil -} - -func getFlagNameCompletions(flag *pflag.Flag, toComplete string) []string { - if nonCompletableFlag(flag) { - return []string{} - } - - var completions []string - flagName := "--" + flag.Name - if strings.HasPrefix(flagName, toComplete) { - // Flag without the = - completions = append(completions, fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s", flagName, flag.Usage)) - - if len(flag.NoOptDefVal) == 0 { - // Flag requires a value, so it can be suffixed with = - flagName += "=" - completions = append(completions, fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s", flagName, flag.Usage)) - } - } - - flagName = "-" + flag.Shorthand - if len(flag.Shorthand) > 0 && strings.HasPrefix(flagName, toComplete) { - completions = append(completions, fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s", flagName, flag.Usage)) - } - - return completions -} - -func checkIfFlagCompletion(finalCmd *Command, args []string, lastArg string) (*pflag.Flag, []string, string, error) { - var flagName string - trimmedArgs := args - flagWithEqual := false - if isFlagArg(lastArg) { - if index := strings.Index(lastArg, "="); index >= 0 { - flagName = strings.TrimLeft(lastArg[:index], "-") - lastArg = lastArg[index+1:] - flagWithEqual = true - } else { - return nil, nil, "", errors.New("Unexpected completion request for flag") - } - } - - if len(flagName) == 0 { - if len(args) > 0 { - prevArg := args[len(args)-1] - if isFlagArg(prevArg) { - // Only consider the case where the flag does not contain an =. - // If the flag contains an = it means it has already been fully processed, - // so we don't need to deal with it here. - if index := strings.Index(prevArg, "="); index < 0 { - flagName = strings.TrimLeft(prevArg, "-") - - // Remove the uncompleted flag or else there could be an error created - // for an invalid value for that flag - trimmedArgs = args[:len(args)-1] - } - } - } - } - - if len(flagName) == 0 { - // Not doing flag completion - return nil, trimmedArgs, lastArg, nil - } - - flag := findFlag(finalCmd, flagName) - if flag == nil { - // Flag not supported by this command, nothing to complete - err := fmt.Errorf("Subcommand '%s' does not support flag '%s'", finalCmd.Name(), flagName) - return nil, nil, "", err - } - - if !flagWithEqual { - if len(flag.NoOptDefVal) != 0 { - // We had assumed dealing with a two-word flag but the flag is a boolean flag. - // In that case, there is no value following it, so we are not really doing flag completion. - // Reset everything to do noun completion. - trimmedArgs = args - flag = nil - } - } - - return flag, trimmedArgs, lastArg, nil -} - -func findFlag(cmd *Command, name string) *pflag.Flag { - flagSet := cmd.Flags() - if len(name) == 1 { - // First convert the short flag into a long flag - // as the cmd.Flag() search only accepts long flags - if short := flagSet.ShorthandLookup(name); short != nil { - name = short.Name - } else { - set := cmd.InheritedFlags() - if short = set.ShorthandLookup(name); short != nil { - name = short.Name - } else { - return nil - } - } - } - return cmd.Flag(name) -} - -// CompDebug prints the specified string to the same file as where the -// completion script prints its logs. -// Note that completion printouts should never be on stdout as they would -// be wrongly interpreted as actual completion choices by the completion script. -func CompDebug(msg string, printToStdErr bool) { - msg = fmt.Sprintf("[Debug] %s", msg) - - // Such logs are only printed when the user has set the environment - // variable BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE to the path of some file to be used. - if path := os.Getenv("BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE"); path != "" { - f, err := os.OpenFile(path, - os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644) - if err == nil { - defer f.Close() - f.WriteString(msg) - } - } - - if printToStdErr { - // Must print to stderr for this not to be read by the completion script. - fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, msg) - } -} - -// CompDebugln prints the specified string with a newline at the end -// to the same file as where the completion script prints its logs. -// Such logs are only printed when the user has set the environment -// variable BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE to the path of some file to be used. -func CompDebugln(msg string, printToStdErr bool) { - CompDebug(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", msg), printToStdErr) -} - -// CompError prints the specified completion message to stderr. -func CompError(msg string) { - msg = fmt.Sprintf("[Error] %s", msg) - CompDebug(msg, true) -} - -// CompErrorln prints the specified completion message to stderr with a newline at the end. -func CompErrorln(msg string) { - CompError(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", msg)) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/fish_completions.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/fish_completions.go index c83609c..bb57fd5 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/fish_completions.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/fish_completions.go @@ -5,48 +5,63 @@ import ( "fmt" "io" "os" + "strings" ) -func genFishComp(buf *bytes.Buffer, name string, includeDesc bool) { +func genFishComp(buf io.StringWriter, name string, includeDesc bool) { + // Variables should not contain a '-' or ':' character + nameForVar := name + nameForVar = strings.Replace(nameForVar, "-", "_", -1) + nameForVar = strings.Replace(nameForVar, ":", "_", -1) + compCmd := ShellCompRequestCmd if !includeDesc { compCmd = ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd } - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("# fish completion for %-36s -*- shell-script -*-\n", name)) - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(` + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf("# fish completion for %-36s -*- shell-script -*-\n", name)) + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(` function __%[1]s_debug - set file "$BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE" + set -l file "$BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE" if test -n "$file" echo "$argv" >> $file end end function __%[1]s_perform_completion - __%[1]s_debug "Starting __%[1]s_perform_completion with: $argv" + __%[1]s_debug "Starting __%[1]s_perform_completion" - set args (string split -- " " "$argv") - set lastArg "$args[-1]" + # Extract all args except the last one + set -l args (commandline -opc) + # Extract the last arg and escape it in case it is a space + set -l lastArg (string escape -- (commandline -ct)) __%[1]s_debug "args: $args" __%[1]s_debug "last arg: $lastArg" - set emptyArg "" - if test -z "$lastArg" - __%[1]s_debug "Setting emptyArg" - set emptyArg \"\" - end - __%[1]s_debug "emptyArg: $emptyArg" + set -l requestComp "$args[1] %[3]s $args[2..-1] $lastArg" - set requestComp "$args[1] %[2]s $args[2..-1] $emptyArg" __%[1]s_debug "Calling $requestComp" + set -l results (eval $requestComp 2> /dev/null) + + # Some programs may output extra empty lines after the directive. + # Let's ignore them or else it will break completion. + # Ref: https://github.com/spf13/cobra/issues/1279 + for line in $results[-1..1] + if test (string trim -- $line) = "" + # Found an empty line, remove it + set results $results[1..-2] + else + # Found non-empty line, we have our proper output + break + end + end - set results (eval $requestComp 2> /dev/null) - set comps $results[1..-2] - set directiveLine $results[-1] + set -l comps $results[1..-2] + set -l directiveLine $results[-1] # For Fish, when completing a flag with an = (e.g., -n=) # completions must be prefixed with the flag - set flagPrefix (string match -r -- '-.*=' "$lastArg") + set -l flagPrefix (string match -r -- '-.*=' "$lastArg") __%[1]s_debug "Comps: $comps" __%[1]s_debug "DirectiveLine: $directiveLine" @@ -59,97 +74,129 @@ function __%[1]s_perform_completion printf "%%s\n" "$directiveLine" end -# This function does three things: -# 1- Obtain the completions and store them in the global __%[1]s_comp_results -# 2- Set the __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp flag if file completion should be performed -# and unset it otherwise -# 3- Return true if the completion results are not empty +# This function does two things: +# - Obtain the completions and store them in the global __%[1]s_comp_results +# - Return false if file completion should be performed function __%[1]s_prepare_completions + __%[1]s_debug "" + __%[1]s_debug "========= starting completion logic ==========" + # Start fresh - set --erase __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp set --erase __%[1]s_comp_results - # Check if the command-line is already provided. This is useful for testing. - if not set --query __%[1]s_comp_commandLine - set __%[1]s_comp_commandLine (commandline) - end - __%[1]s_debug "commandLine is: $__%[1]s_comp_commandLine" - - set results (__%[1]s_perform_completion "$__%[1]s_comp_commandLine") - set --erase __%[1]s_comp_commandLine + set -l results (__%[1]s_perform_completion) __%[1]s_debug "Completion results: $results" if test -z "$results" __%[1]s_debug "No completion, probably due to a failure" # Might as well do file completion, in case it helps - set --global __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp 1 - return 0 + return 1 end - set directive (string sub --start 2 $results[-1]) + set -l directive (string sub --start 2 $results[-1]) set --global __%[1]s_comp_results $results[1..-2] __%[1]s_debug "Completions are: $__%[1]s_comp_results" __%[1]s_debug "Directive is: $directive" + set -l shellCompDirectiveError %[4]d + set -l shellCompDirectiveNoSpace %[5]d + set -l shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp %[6]d + set -l shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt %[7]d + set -l shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs %[8]d + if test -z "$directive" set directive 0 end - set compErr (math (math --scale 0 $directive / %[3]d) %% 2) + set -l compErr (math (math --scale 0 $directive / $shellCompDirectiveError) %% 2) if test $compErr -eq 1 __%[1]s_debug "Received error directive: aborting." # Might as well do file completion, in case it helps - set --global __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp 1 - return 0 + return 1 end - set nospace (math (math --scale 0 $directive / %[4]d) %% 2) - set nofiles (math (math --scale 0 $directive / %[5]d) %% 2) - - __%[1]s_debug "nospace: $nospace, nofiles: $nofiles" + set -l filefilter (math (math --scale 0 $directive / $shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt) %% 2) + set -l dirfilter (math (math --scale 0 $directive / $shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs) %% 2) + if test $filefilter -eq 1; or test $dirfilter -eq 1 + __%[1]s_debug "File extension filtering or directory filtering not supported" + # Do full file completion instead + return 1 + end - # Important not to quote the variable for count to work - set numComps (count $__%[1]s_comp_results) - __%[1]s_debug "numComps: $numComps" + set -l nospace (math (math --scale 0 $directive / $shellCompDirectiveNoSpace) %% 2) + set -l nofiles (math (math --scale 0 $directive / $shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp) %% 2) - if test $numComps -eq 1; and test $nospace -ne 0 - # To support the "nospace" directive we trick the shell - # by outputting an extra, longer completion. - __%[1]s_debug "Adding second completion to perform nospace directive" - set --append __%[1]s_comp_results $__%[1]s_comp_results[1]. - end + __%[1]s_debug "nospace: $nospace, nofiles: $nofiles" - if test $numComps -eq 0; and test $nofiles -eq 0 - __%[1]s_debug "Requesting file completion" - set --global __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp 1 + # If we want to prevent a space, or if file completion is NOT disabled, + # we need to count the number of valid completions. + # To do so, we will filter on prefix as the completions we have received + # may not already be filtered so as to allow fish to match on different + # criteria than the prefix. + if test $nospace -ne 0; or test $nofiles -eq 0 + set -l prefix (commandline -t | string escape --style=regex) + __%[1]s_debug "prefix: $prefix" + + set -l completions (string match -r -- "^$prefix.*" $__%[1]s_comp_results) + set --global __%[1]s_comp_results $completions + __%[1]s_debug "Filtered completions are: $__%[1]s_comp_results" + + # Important not to quote the variable for count to work + set -l numComps (count $__%[1]s_comp_results) + __%[1]s_debug "numComps: $numComps" + + if test $numComps -eq 1; and test $nospace -ne 0 + # We must first split on \t to get rid of the descriptions to be + # able to check what the actual completion will be. + # We don't need descriptions anyway since there is only a single + # real completion which the shell will expand immediately. + set -l split (string split --max 1 \t $__%[1]s_comp_results[1]) + + # Fish won't add a space if the completion ends with any + # of the following characters: @=/:., + set -l lastChar (string sub -s -1 -- $split) + if not string match -r -q "[@=/:.,]" -- "$lastChar" + # In other cases, to support the "nospace" directive we trick the shell + # by outputting an extra, longer completion. + __%[1]s_debug "Adding second completion to perform nospace directive" + set --global __%[1]s_comp_results $split[1] $split[1]. + __%[1]s_debug "Completions are now: $__%[1]s_comp_results" + end + end + + if test $numComps -eq 0; and test $nofiles -eq 0 + # To be consistent with bash and zsh, we only trigger file + # completion when there are no other completions + __%[1]s_debug "Requesting file completion" + return 1 + end end - # If we don't want file completion, we must return true even if there - # are no completions found. This is because fish will perform the last - # completion command, even if its condition is false, if no other - # completion command was triggered - return (not set --query __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp) + return 0 end -# Remove any pre-existing completions for the program since we will be handling all of them -# TODO this cleanup is not sufficient. Fish completions are only loaded once the user triggers -# them, so the below deletion will not work as it is run too early. What else can we do? -complete -c %[1]s -e +# Since Fish completions are only loaded once the user triggers them, we trigger them ourselves +# so we can properly delete any completions provided by another script. +# Only do this if the program can be found, or else fish may print some errors; besides, +# the existing completions will only be loaded if the program can be found. +if type -q "%[2]s" + # The space after the program name is essential to trigger completion for the program + # and not completion of the program name itself. + # Also, we use '> /dev/null 2>&1' since '&>' is not supported in older versions of fish. + complete --do-complete "%[2]s " > /dev/null 2>&1 +end -# The order in which the below two lines are defined is very important so that __%[1]s_prepare_completions -# is called first. It is __%[1]s_prepare_completions that sets up the __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp variable. -# -# This completion will be run second as complete commands are added FILO. -# It triggers file completion choices when __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp is set. -complete -c %[1]s -n 'set --query __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp' +# Remove any pre-existing completions for the program since we will be handling all of them. +complete -c %[2]s -e -# This completion will be run first as complete commands are added FILO. -# The call to __%[1]s_prepare_completions will setup both __%[1]s_comp_results abd __%[1]s_comp_do_file_comp. -# It provides the program's completion choices. -complete -c %[1]s -n '__%[1]s_prepare_completions' -f -a '$__%[1]s_comp_results' +# The call to __%[1]s_prepare_completions will setup __%[1]s_comp_results +# which provides the program's completion choices. +complete -c %[2]s -n '__%[1]s_prepare_completions' -f -a '$__%[1]s_comp_results' -`, name, compCmd, ShellCompDirectiveError, ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace, ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp)) +`, nameForVar, name, compCmd, + ShellCompDirectiveError, ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace, ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp, + ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt, ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs)) } // GenFishCompletion generates fish completion file and writes to the passed writer. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/fish_completions.md b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/fish_completions.md index 6bfe5f8..19b2ed1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/fish_completions.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/fish_completions.md @@ -1,7 +1,4 @@ -## Generating Fish Completions for your own cobra.Command +## Generating Fish Completions For Your cobra.Command -Cobra supports native Fish completions generated from the root `cobra.Command`. You can use the `command.GenFishCompletion()` or `command.GenFishCompletionFile()` functions. You must provide these functions with a parameter indicating if the completions should be annotated with a description; Cobra will provide the description automatically based on usage information. You can choose to make this option configurable by your users. +Please refer to [Shell Completions](shell_completions.md) for details. -### Limitations - -* Custom completions implemented using the `ValidArgsFunction` and `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` are supported automatically but the ones implemented in Bash scripting are not. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/go.mod deleted file mode 100644 index dea1030..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/go.mod +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -module github.com/spf13/cobra - -go 1.12 - -require ( - github.com/cpuguy83/go-md2man/v2 v2.0.0 - github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap v1.0.0 - github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir v1.1.0 - github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.3 - github.com/spf13/viper v1.4.0 - gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2 -) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/go.sum deleted file mode 100644 index 3aaa2ac..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/go.sum 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h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0= -gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20180628173108-788fd7840127 h1:qIbj1fsPNlZgppZ+VLlY7N33q108Sa+fhmuc+sWQYwY= -gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20180628173108-788fd7840127/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0= -gopkg.in/resty.v1 v1.12.0/go.mod h1:mDo4pnntr5jdWRML875a/NmxYqAlA73dVijT2AXvQQo= -gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.0.0-20170812160011-eb3733d160e7/go.mod h1:JAlM8MvJe8wmxCU4Bli9HhUf9+ttbYbLASfIpnQbh74= -gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.1/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI= -gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2 h1:ZCJp+EgiOT7lHqUV2J862kp8Qj64Jo6az82+3Td9dZw= -gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI= -honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190102054323-c2f93a96b099/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/powershell_completions.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/powershell_completions.go index 756c61b..59234c0 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/powershell_completions.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/powershell_completions.go @@ -1,6 +1,3 @@ -// PowerShell completions are based on the amazing work from clap: -// https://github.com/clap-rs/clap/blob/3294d18efe5f264d12c9035f404c7d189d4824e1/src/completions/powershell.rs -// // The generated scripts require PowerShell v5.0+ (which comes Windows 10, but // can be downloaded separately for windows 7 or 8.1). @@ -11,90 +8,278 @@ import ( "fmt" "io" "os" - "strings" - - "github.com/spf13/pflag" ) -var powerShellCompletionTemplate = `using namespace System.Management.Automation -using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language -Register-ArgumentCompleter -Native -CommandName '%s' -ScriptBlock { - param($wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition) - $commandElements = $commandAst.CommandElements - $command = @( - '%s' - for ($i = 1; $i -lt $commandElements.Count; $i++) { - $element = $commandElements[$i] - if ($element -isnot [StringConstantExpressionAst] -or - $element.StringConstantType -ne [StringConstantType]::BareWord -or - $element.Value.StartsWith('-')) { - break - } - $element.Value - } - ) -join ';' - $completions = @(switch ($command) {%s - }) - $completions.Where{ $_.CompletionText -like "$wordToComplete*" } | - Sort-Object -Property ListItemText -}` - -func generatePowerShellSubcommandCases(out io.Writer, cmd *Command, previousCommandName string) { - var cmdName string - if previousCommandName == "" { - cmdName = cmd.Name() - } else { - cmdName = fmt.Sprintf("%s;%s", previousCommandName, cmd.Name()) - } - - fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n '%s' {", cmdName) - - cmd.Flags().VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) { - if nonCompletableFlag(flag) { - return - } - usage := escapeStringForPowerShell(flag.Usage) - if len(flag.Shorthand) > 0 { - fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n [CompletionResult]::new('-%s', '%s', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, '%s')", flag.Shorthand, flag.Shorthand, usage) - } - fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n [CompletionResult]::new('--%s', '%s', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, '%s')", flag.Name, flag.Name, usage) - }) - - for _, subCmd := range cmd.Commands() { - usage := escapeStringForPowerShell(subCmd.Short) - fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n [CompletionResult]::new('%s', '%s', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterValue, '%s')", subCmd.Name(), subCmd.Name(), usage) +func genPowerShellComp(buf io.StringWriter, name string, includeDesc bool) { + compCmd := ShellCompRequestCmd + if !includeDesc { + compCmd = ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd } + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(`# powershell completion for %-36[1]s -*- shell-script -*- - fmt.Fprint(out, "\n break\n }") - - for _, subCmd := range cmd.Commands() { - generatePowerShellSubcommandCases(out, subCmd, cmdName) - } +function __%[1]s_debug { + if ($env:BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE) { + "$args" | Out-File -Append -FilePath "$env:BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE" + } } -func escapeStringForPowerShell(s string) string { - return strings.Replace(s, "'", "''", -1) +filter __%[1]s_escapeStringWithSpecialChars { +`+" $_ -replace '\\s|#|@|\\$|;|,|''|\\{|\\}|\\(|\\)|\"|`|\\||<|>|&','`$&'"+` } -// GenPowerShellCompletion generates PowerShell completion file and writes to the passed writer. -func (c *Command) GenPowerShellCompletion(w io.Writer) error { - buf := new(bytes.Buffer) +Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName '%[1]s' -ScriptBlock { + param( + $WordToComplete, + $CommandAst, + $CursorPosition + ) + + # Get the current command line and convert into a string + $Command = $CommandAst.CommandElements + $Command = "$Command" + + __%[1]s_debug "" + __%[1]s_debug "========= starting completion logic ==========" + __%[1]s_debug "WordToComplete: $WordToComplete Command: $Command CursorPosition: $CursorPosition" + + # The user could have moved the cursor backwards on the command-line. + # We need to trigger completion from the $CursorPosition location, so we need + # to truncate the command-line ($Command) up to the $CursorPosition location. + # Make sure the $Command is longer then the $CursorPosition before we truncate. + # This happens because the $Command does not include the last space. + if ($Command.Length -gt $CursorPosition) { + $Command=$Command.Substring(0,$CursorPosition) + } + __%[1]s_debug "Truncated command: $Command" + + $ShellCompDirectiveError=%[3]d + $ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace=%[4]d + $ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp=%[5]d + $ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt=%[6]d + $ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs=%[7]d + + # Prepare the command to request completions for the program. + # Split the command at the first space to separate the program and arguments. + $Program,$Arguments = $Command.Split(" ",2) + $RequestComp="$Program %[2]s $Arguments" + __%[1]s_debug "RequestComp: $RequestComp" + + # we cannot use $WordToComplete because it + # has the wrong values if the cursor was moved + # so use the last argument + if ($WordToComplete -ne "" ) { + $WordToComplete = $Arguments.Split(" ")[-1] + } + __%[1]s_debug "New WordToComplete: $WordToComplete" + + + # Check for flag with equal sign + $IsEqualFlag = ($WordToComplete -Like "--*=*" ) + if ( $IsEqualFlag ) { + __%[1]s_debug "Completing equal sign flag" + # Remove the flag part + $Flag,$WordToComplete = $WordToComplete.Split("=",2) + } + + if ( $WordToComplete -eq "" -And ( -Not $IsEqualFlag )) { + # If the last parameter is complete (there is a space following it) + # We add an extra empty parameter so we can indicate this to the go method. + __%[1]s_debug "Adding extra empty parameter" +`+" # We need to use `\"`\" to pass an empty argument a \"\" or '' does not work!!!"+` +`+" $RequestComp=\"$RequestComp\" + ' `\"`\"'"+` + } + + __%[1]s_debug "Calling $RequestComp" + #call the command store the output in $out and redirect stderr and stdout to null + # $Out is an array contains each line per element + Invoke-Expression -OutVariable out "$RequestComp" 2>&1 | Out-Null + + + # get directive from last line + [int]$Directive = $Out[-1].TrimStart(':') + if ($Directive -eq "") { + # There is no directive specified + $Directive = 0 + } + __%[1]s_debug "The completion directive is: $Directive" + + # remove directive (last element) from out + $Out = $Out | Where-Object { $_ -ne $Out[-1] } + __%[1]s_debug "The completions are: $Out" + + if (($Directive -band $ShellCompDirectiveError) -ne 0 ) { + # Error code. No completion. + __%[1]s_debug "Received error from custom completion go code" + return + } + + $Longest = 0 + $Values = $Out | ForEach-Object { + #Split the output in name and description +`+" $Name, $Description = $_.Split(\"`t\",2)"+` + __%[1]s_debug "Name: $Name Description: $Description" + + # Look for the longest completion so that we can format things nicely + if ($Longest -lt $Name.Length) { + $Longest = $Name.Length + } + + # Set the description to a one space string if there is none set. + # This is needed because the CompletionResult does not accept an empty string as argument + if (-Not $Description) { + $Description = " " + } + @{Name="$Name";Description="$Description"} + } + + + $Space = " " + if (($Directive -band $ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace) -ne 0 ) { + # remove the space here + __%[1]s_debug "ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace is called" + $Space = "" + } + + if ((($Directive -band $ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt) -ne 0 ) -or + (($Directive -band $ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs) -ne 0 )) { + __%[1]s_debug "ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs are not supported" + + # return here to prevent the completion of the extensions + return + } + + $Values = $Values | Where-Object { + # filter the result + $_.Name -like "$WordToComplete*" + + # Join the flag back if we have an equal sign flag + if ( $IsEqualFlag ) { + __%[1]s_debug "Join the equal sign flag back to the completion value" + $_.Name = $Flag + "=" + $_.Name + } + } - var subCommandCases bytes.Buffer - generatePowerShellSubcommandCases(&subCommandCases, c, "") - fmt.Fprintf(buf, powerShellCompletionTemplate, c.Name(), c.Name(), subCommandCases.String()) + if (($Directive -band $ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp) -ne 0 ) { + __%[1]s_debug "ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp is called" + if ($Values.Length -eq 0) { + # Just print an empty string here so the + # shell does not start to complete paths. + # We cannot use CompletionResult here because + # it does not accept an empty string as argument. + "" + return + } + } + + # Get the current mode + $Mode = (Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler | Where-Object {$_.Key -eq "Tab" }).Function + __%[1]s_debug "Mode: $Mode" + + $Values | ForEach-Object { + + # store temporary because switch will overwrite $_ + $comp = $_ + + # PowerShell supports three different completion modes + # - TabCompleteNext (default windows style - on each key press the next option is displayed) + # - Complete (works like bash) + # - MenuComplete (works like zsh) + # You set the mode with Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Tab -Function + + # CompletionResult Arguments: + # 1) CompletionText text to be used as the auto completion result + # 2) ListItemText text to be displayed in the suggestion list + # 3) ResultType type of completion result + # 4) ToolTip text for the tooltip with details about the object + + switch ($Mode) { + + # bash like + "Complete" { + + if ($Values.Length -eq 1) { + __%[1]s_debug "Only one completion left" + + # insert space after value + [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($($comp.Name | __%[1]s_escapeStringWithSpecialChars) + $Space, "$($comp.Name)", 'ParameterValue', "$($comp.Description)") + + } else { + # Add the proper number of spaces to align the descriptions + while($comp.Name.Length -lt $Longest) { + $comp.Name = $comp.Name + " " + } + + # Check for empty description and only add parentheses if needed + if ($($comp.Description) -eq " " ) { + $Description = "" + } else { + $Description = " ($($comp.Description))" + } + + [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new("$($comp.Name)$Description", "$($comp.Name)$Description", 'ParameterValue', "$($comp.Description)") + } + } + + # zsh like + "MenuComplete" { + # insert space after value + # MenuComplete will automatically show the ToolTip of + # the highlighted value at the bottom of the suggestions. + [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($($comp.Name | __%[1]s_escapeStringWithSpecialChars) + $Space, "$($comp.Name)", 'ParameterValue', "$($comp.Description)") + } + + # TabCompleteNext and in case we get something unknown + Default { + # Like MenuComplete but we don't want to add a space here because + # the user need to press space anyway to get the completion. + # Description will not be shown because thats not possible with TabCompleteNext + [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($($comp.Name | __%[1]s_escapeStringWithSpecialChars), "$($comp.Name)", 'ParameterValue', "$($comp.Description)") + } + } + + } +} +`, name, compCmd, + ShellCompDirectiveError, ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace, ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp, + ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt, ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs)) +} + +func (c *Command) genPowerShellCompletion(w io.Writer, includeDesc bool) error { + buf := new(bytes.Buffer) + genPowerShellComp(buf, c.Name(), includeDesc) _, err := buf.WriteTo(w) return err } -// GenPowerShellCompletionFile generates PowerShell completion file. -func (c *Command) GenPowerShellCompletionFile(filename string) error { +func (c *Command) genPowerShellCompletionFile(filename string, includeDesc bool) error { outFile, err := os.Create(filename) if err != nil { return err } defer outFile.Close() - return c.GenPowerShellCompletion(outFile) + return c.genPowerShellCompletion(outFile, includeDesc) +} + +// GenPowerShellCompletionFile generates powershell completion file without descriptions. +func (c *Command) GenPowerShellCompletionFile(filename string) error { + return c.genPowerShellCompletionFile(filename, false) +} + +// GenPowerShellCompletion generates powershell completion file without descriptions +// and writes it to the passed writer. +func (c *Command) GenPowerShellCompletion(w io.Writer) error { + return c.genPowerShellCompletion(w, false) +} + +// GenPowerShellCompletionFileWithDesc generates powershell completion file with descriptions. +func (c *Command) GenPowerShellCompletionFileWithDesc(filename string) error { + return c.genPowerShellCompletionFile(filename, true) +} + +// GenPowerShellCompletionWithDesc generates powershell completion file with descriptions +// and writes it to the passed writer. +func (c *Command) GenPowerShellCompletionWithDesc(w io.Writer) error { + return c.genPowerShellCompletion(w, true) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/powershell_completions.md b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/powershell_completions.md index afed802..c449f1e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/powershell_completions.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/powershell_completions.md @@ -1,14 +1,3 @@ # Generating PowerShell Completions For Your Own cobra.Command -Cobra can generate PowerShell completion scripts. Users need PowerShell version 5.0 or above, which comes with Windows 10 and can be downloaded separately for Windows 7 or 8.1. They can then write the completions to a file and source this file from their PowerShell profile, which is referenced by the `$Profile` environment variable. See `Get-Help about_Profiles` for more info about PowerShell profiles. - -# What's supported - -- Completion for subcommands using their `.Short` description -- Completion for non-hidden flags using their `.Name` and `.Shorthand` - -# What's not yet supported - -- Command aliases -- Required, filename or custom flags (they will work like normal flags) -- Custom completion scripts +Please refer to [Shell Completions](shell_completions.md#powershell-completions) for details. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/projects_using_cobra.md b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/projects_using_cobra.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d98a71e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/projects_using_cobra.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +## Projects using Cobra + +- [Arduino CLI](https://github.com/arduino/arduino-cli) +- [Bleve](http://www.blevesearch.com/) +- [CockroachDB](http://www.cockroachlabs.com/) +- [Cosmos SDK](https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk) +- [Delve](https://github.com/derekparker/delve) +- [Docker (distribution)](https://github.com/docker/distribution) +- [Etcd](https://etcd.io/) +- [Gardener](https://github.com/gardener/gardenctl) +- [Giant Swarm's gsctl](https://github.com/giantswarm/gsctl) +- [Git Bump](https://github.com/erdaltsksn/git-bump) +- [Github CLI](https://github.com/cli/cli) +- [GitHub Labeler](https://github.com/erdaltsksn/gh-label) +- [Golangci-lint](https://golangci-lint.run) +- [GopherJS](http://www.gopherjs.org/) +- [Helm](https://helm.sh) +- [Hugo](https://gohugo.io) +- [Istio](https://istio.io) +- [Kool](https://github.com/kool-dev/kool) +- [Kubernetes](http://kubernetes.io/) +- [Linkerd](https://linkerd.io/) +- [Mattermost-server](https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server) +- [Metal Stack CLI](https://github.com/metal-stack/metalctl) +- [Moby (former Docker)](https://github.com/moby/moby) +- [Nanobox](https://github.com/nanobox-io/nanobox)/[Nanopack](https://github.com/nanopack) +- [OpenShift](https://www.openshift.com/) +- [Ory Hydra](https://github.com/ory/hydra) +- [Ory Kratos](https://github.com/ory/kratos) +- [Pouch](https://github.com/alibaba/pouch) +- [ProjectAtomic (enterprise)](http://www.projectatomic.io/) +- [Prototool](https://github.com/uber/prototool) +- [Random](https://github.com/erdaltsksn/random) +- [Rclone](https://rclone.org/) +- [Skaffold](https://skaffold.dev/) +- [Tendermint](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint) +- [Twitch CLI](https://github.com/twitchdev/twitch-cli) +- [Werf](https://werf.io/) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/shell_completions.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/shell_completions.go index ba0af9c..d99bf91 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/shell_completions.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/shell_completions.go @@ -4,82 +4,81 @@ import ( "github.com/spf13/pflag" ) -// MarkFlagRequired adds the BashCompOneRequiredFlag annotation to the named flag if it exists, +// MarkFlagRequired instructs the various shell completion implementations to +// prioritize the named flag when performing completion, // and causes your command to report an error if invoked without the flag. func (c *Command) MarkFlagRequired(name string) error { return MarkFlagRequired(c.Flags(), name) } -// MarkPersistentFlagRequired adds the BashCompOneRequiredFlag annotation to the named persistent flag if it exists, +// MarkPersistentFlagRequired instructs the various shell completion implementations to +// prioritize the named persistent flag when performing completion, // and causes your command to report an error if invoked without the flag. func (c *Command) MarkPersistentFlagRequired(name string) error { return MarkFlagRequired(c.PersistentFlags(), name) } -// MarkFlagRequired adds the BashCompOneRequiredFlag annotation to the named flag if it exists, +// MarkFlagRequired instructs the various shell completion implementations to +// prioritize the named flag when performing completion, // and causes your command to report an error if invoked without the flag. func MarkFlagRequired(flags *pflag.FlagSet, name string) error { return flags.SetAnnotation(name, BashCompOneRequiredFlag, []string{"true"}) } -// MarkFlagFilename adds the BashCompFilenameExt annotation to the named flag, if it exists. -// Generated bash autocompletion will select filenames for the flag, limiting to named extensions if provided. +// MarkFlagFilename instructs the various shell completion implementations to +// limit completions for the named flag to the specified file extensions. func (c *Command) MarkFlagFilename(name string, extensions ...string) error { return MarkFlagFilename(c.Flags(), name, extensions...) } // MarkFlagCustom adds the BashCompCustom annotation to the named flag, if it exists. -// Generated bash autocompletion will call the bash function f for the flag. +// The bash completion script will call the bash function f for the flag. +// +// This will only work for bash completion. +// It is recommended to instead use c.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(...) which allows +// to register a Go function which will work across all shells. func (c *Command) MarkFlagCustom(name string, f string) error { return MarkFlagCustom(c.Flags(), name, f) } // MarkPersistentFlagFilename instructs the various shell completion -// implementations to limit completions for this persistent flag to the -// specified extensions (patterns). -// -// Shell Completion compatibility matrix: bash, zsh +// implementations to limit completions for the named persistent flag to the +// specified file extensions. func (c *Command) MarkPersistentFlagFilename(name string, extensions ...string) error { return MarkFlagFilename(c.PersistentFlags(), name, extensions...) } // MarkFlagFilename instructs the various shell completion implementations to -// limit completions for this flag to the specified extensions (patterns). -// -// Shell Completion compatibility matrix: bash, zsh +// limit completions for the named flag to the specified file extensions. func MarkFlagFilename(flags *pflag.FlagSet, name string, extensions ...string) error { return flags.SetAnnotation(name, BashCompFilenameExt, extensions) } -// MarkFlagCustom instructs the various shell completion implementations to -// limit completions for this flag to the specified extensions (patterns). +// MarkFlagCustom adds the BashCompCustom annotation to the named flag, if it exists. +// The bash completion script will call the bash function f for the flag. // -// Shell Completion compatibility matrix: bash, zsh +// This will only work for bash completion. +// It is recommended to instead use c.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(...) which allows +// to register a Go function which will work across all shells. func MarkFlagCustom(flags *pflag.FlagSet, name string, f string) error { return flags.SetAnnotation(name, BashCompCustom, []string{f}) } // MarkFlagDirname instructs the various shell completion implementations to -// complete only directories with this named flag. -// -// Shell Completion compatibility matrix: zsh +// limit completions for the named flag to directory names. func (c *Command) MarkFlagDirname(name string) error { return MarkFlagDirname(c.Flags(), name) } // MarkPersistentFlagDirname instructs the various shell completion -// implementations to complete only directories with this persistent named flag. -// -// Shell Completion compatibility matrix: zsh +// implementations to limit completions for the named persistent flag to +// directory names. func (c *Command) MarkPersistentFlagDirname(name string) error { return MarkFlagDirname(c.PersistentFlags(), name) } // MarkFlagDirname instructs the various shell completion implementations to -// complete only directories with this specified flag. -// -// Shell Completion compatibility matrix: zsh +// limit completions for the named flag to directory names. func MarkFlagDirname(flags *pflag.FlagSet, name string) error { - zshPattern := "-(/)" - return flags.SetAnnotation(name, zshCompDirname, []string{zshPattern}) + return flags.SetAnnotation(name, BashCompSubdirsInDir, []string{}) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/shell_completions.md b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/shell_completions.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ba06a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/shell_completions.md @@ -0,0 +1,546 @@ +# Generating shell completions + +Cobra can generate shell completions for multiple shells. +The currently supported shells are: +- Bash +- Zsh +- fish +- PowerShell + +Cobra will automatically provide your program with a fully functional `completion` command, +similarly to how it provides the `help` command. + +## Creating your own completion command + +If you do not wish to use the default `completion` command, you can choose to +provide your own, which will take precedence over the default one. (This also provides +backwards-compatibility with programs that already have their own `completion` command.) + +If you are using the generator, you can create a completion command by running + +```bash +cobra add completion +``` +and then modifying the generated `cmd/completion.go` file to look something like this +(writing the shell script to stdout allows the most flexible use): + +```go +var completionCmd = &cobra.Command{ + Use: "completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell]", + Short: "Generate completion script", + Long: `To load completions: + +Bash: + + $ source <(yourprogram completion bash) + + # To load completions for each session, execute once: + # Linux: + $ yourprogram completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/yourprogram + # macOS: + $ yourprogram completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/yourprogram + +Zsh: + + # If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment, + # you will need to enable it. You can execute the following once: + + $ echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc + + # To load completions for each session, execute once: + $ yourprogram completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_yourprogram" + + # You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect. + +fish: + + $ yourprogram completion fish | source + + # To load completions for each session, execute once: + $ yourprogram completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/yourprogram.fish + +PowerShell: + + PS> yourprogram completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression + + # To load completions for every new session, run: + PS> yourprogram completion powershell > yourprogram.ps1 + # and source this file from your PowerShell profile. +`, + DisableFlagsInUseLine: true, + ValidArgs: []string{"bash", "zsh", "fish", "powershell"}, + Args: cobra.ExactValidArgs(1), + Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { + switch args[0] { + case "bash": + cmd.Root().GenBashCompletion(os.Stdout) + case "zsh": + cmd.Root().GenZshCompletion(os.Stdout) + case "fish": + cmd.Root().GenFishCompletion(os.Stdout, true) + case "powershell": + cmd.Root().GenPowerShellCompletionWithDesc(os.Stdout) + } + }, +} +``` + +**Note:** The cobra generator may include messages printed to stdout, for example, if the config file is loaded; this will break the auto-completion script so must be removed. + +## Adapting the default completion command + +Cobra provides a few options for the default `completion` command. To configure such options you must set +the `CompletionOptions` field on the *root* command. + +To tell Cobra *not* to provide the default `completion` command: +``` +rootCmd.CompletionOptions.DisableDefaultCmd = true +``` + +To tell Cobra *not* to provide the user with the `--no-descriptions` flag to the completion sub-commands: +``` +rootCmd.CompletionOptions.DisableNoDescFlag = true +``` + +To tell Cobra to completely disable descriptions for completions: +``` +rootCmd.CompletionOptions.DisableDescriptions = true +``` + +# Customizing completions + +The generated completion scripts will automatically handle completing commands and flags. However, you can make your completions much more powerful by providing information to complete your program's nouns and flag values. + +## Completion of nouns + +### Static completion of nouns + +Cobra allows you to provide a pre-defined list of completion choices for your nouns using the `ValidArgs` field. +For example, if you want `kubectl get [tab][tab]` to show a list of valid "nouns" you have to set them. +Some simplified code from `kubectl get` looks like: + +```go +validArgs []string = { "pod", "node", "service", "replicationcontroller" } + +cmd := &cobra.Command{ + Use: "get [(-o|--output=)json|yaml|template|...] (RESOURCE [NAME] | RESOURCE/NAME ...)", + Short: "Display one or many resources", + Long: get_long, + Example: get_example, + Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { + cobra.CheckErr(RunGet(f, out, cmd, args)) + }, + ValidArgs: validArgs, +} +``` + +Notice we put the `ValidArgs` field on the `get` sub-command. Doing so will give results like: + +```bash +$ kubectl get [tab][tab] +node pod replicationcontroller service +``` + +#### Aliases for nouns + +If your nouns have aliases, you can define them alongside `ValidArgs` using `ArgAliases`: + +```go +argAliases []string = { "pods", "nodes", "services", "svc", "replicationcontrollers", "rc" } + +cmd := &cobra.Command{ + ... + ValidArgs: validArgs, + ArgAliases: argAliases +} +``` + +The aliases are not shown to the user on tab completion, but they are accepted as valid nouns by +the completion algorithm if entered manually, e.g. in: + +```bash +$ kubectl get rc [tab][tab] +backend frontend database +``` + +Note that without declaring `rc` as an alias, the completion algorithm would not know to show the list of +replication controllers following `rc`. + +### Dynamic completion of nouns + +In some cases it is not possible to provide a list of completions in advance. Instead, the list of completions must be determined at execution-time. In a similar fashion as for static completions, you can use the `ValidArgsFunction` field to provide a Go function that Cobra will execute when it needs the list of completion choices for the nouns of a command. Note that either `ValidArgs` or `ValidArgsFunction` can be used for a single cobra command, but not both. +Simplified code from `helm status` looks like: + +```go +cmd := &cobra.Command{ + Use: "status RELEASE_NAME", + Short: "Display the status of the named release", + Long: status_long, + RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { + RunGet(args[0]) + }, + ValidArgsFunction: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) { + if len(args) != 0 { + return nil, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp + } + return getReleasesFromCluster(toComplete), cobra.ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp + }, +} +``` +Where `getReleasesFromCluster()` is a Go function that obtains the list of current Helm releases running on the Kubernetes cluster. +Notice we put the `ValidArgsFunction` on the `status` sub-command. Let's assume the Helm releases on the cluster are: `harbor`, `notary`, `rook` and `thanos` then this dynamic completion will give results like: + +```bash +$ helm status [tab][tab] +harbor notary rook thanos +``` +You may have noticed the use of `cobra.ShellCompDirective`. These directives are bit fields allowing to control some shell completion behaviors for your particular completion. You can combine them with the bit-or operator such as `cobra.ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace | cobra.ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp` +```go +// Indicates that the shell will perform its default behavior after completions +// have been provided (this implies none of the other directives). +ShellCompDirectiveDefault + +// Indicates an error occurred and completions should be ignored. +ShellCompDirectiveError + +// Indicates that the shell should not add a space after the completion, +// even if there is a single completion provided. +ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace + +// Indicates that the shell should not provide file completion even when +// no completion is provided. +ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp + +// Indicates that the returned completions should be used as file extension filters. +// For example, to complete only files of the form *.json or *.yaml: +// return []string{"yaml", "json"}, ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt +// For flags, using MarkFlagFilename() and MarkPersistentFlagFilename() +// is a shortcut to using this directive explicitly. +// +ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt + +// Indicates that only directory names should be provided in file completion. +// For example: +// return nil, ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs +// For flags, using MarkFlagDirname() is a shortcut to using this directive explicitly. +// +// To request directory names within another directory, the returned completions +// should specify a single directory name within which to search. For example, +// to complete directories within "themes/": +// return []string{"themes"}, ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs +// +ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs +``` + +***Note***: When using the `ValidArgsFunction`, Cobra will call your registered function after having parsed all flags and arguments provided in the command-line. You therefore don't need to do this parsing yourself. For example, when a user calls `helm status --namespace my-rook-ns [tab][tab]`, Cobra will call your registered `ValidArgsFunction` after having parsed the `--namespace` flag, as it would have done when calling the `RunE` function. + +#### Debugging + +Cobra achieves dynamic completion through the use of a hidden command called by the completion script. To debug your Go completion code, you can call this hidden command directly: +```bash +$ helm __complete status har +harbor +:4 +Completion ended with directive: ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp # This is on stderr +``` +***Important:*** If the noun to complete is empty (when the user has not yet typed any letters of that noun), you must pass an empty parameter to the `__complete` command: +```bash +$ helm __complete status "" +harbor +notary +rook +thanos +:4 +Completion ended with directive: ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp # This is on stderr +``` +Calling the `__complete` command directly allows you to run the Go debugger to troubleshoot your code. You can also add printouts to your code; Cobra provides the following functions to use for printouts in Go completion code: +```go +// Prints to the completion script debug file (if BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE +// is set to a file path) and optionally prints to stderr. +cobra.CompDebug(msg string, printToStdErr bool) { +cobra.CompDebugln(msg string, printToStdErr bool) + +// Prints to the completion script debug file (if BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE +// is set to a file path) and to stderr. +cobra.CompError(msg string) +cobra.CompErrorln(msg string) +``` +***Important:*** You should **not** leave traces that print directly to stdout in your completion code as they will be interpreted as completion choices by the completion script. Instead, use the cobra-provided debugging traces functions mentioned above. + +## Completions for flags + +### Mark flags as required + +Most of the time completions will only show sub-commands. But if a flag is required to make a sub-command work, you probably want it to show up when the user types [tab][tab]. You can mark a flag as 'Required' like so: + +```go +cmd.MarkFlagRequired("pod") +cmd.MarkFlagRequired("container") +``` + +and you'll get something like + +```bash +$ kubectl exec [tab][tab] +-c --container= -p --pod= +``` + +### Specify dynamic flag completion + +As for nouns, Cobra provides a way of defining dynamic completion of flags. To provide a Go function that Cobra will execute when it needs the list of completion choices for a flag, you must register the function using the `command.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` function. + +```go +flagName := "output" +cmd.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(flagName, func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) { + return []string{"json", "table", "yaml"}, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveDefault +}) +``` +Notice that calling `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` is done through the `command` with which the flag is associated. In our example this dynamic completion will give results like so: + +```bash +$ helm status --output [tab][tab] +json table yaml +``` + +#### Debugging + +You can also easily debug your Go completion code for flags: +```bash +$ helm __complete status --output "" +json +table +yaml +:4 +Completion ended with directive: ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp # This is on stderr +``` +***Important:*** You should **not** leave traces that print to stdout in your completion code as they will be interpreted as completion choices by the completion script. Instead, use the cobra-provided debugging traces functions mentioned further above. + +### Specify valid filename extensions for flags that take a filename + +To limit completions of flag values to file names with certain extensions you can either use the different `MarkFlagFilename()` functions or a combination of `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` and `ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt`, like so: +```go +flagName := "output" +cmd.MarkFlagFilename(flagName, "yaml", "json") +``` +or +```go +flagName := "output" +cmd.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(flagName, func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) { + return []string{"yaml", "json"}, ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt}) +``` + +### Limit flag completions to directory names + +To limit completions of flag values to directory names you can either use the `MarkFlagDirname()` functions or a combination of `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` and `ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs`, like so: +```go +flagName := "output" +cmd.MarkFlagDirname(flagName) +``` +or +```go +flagName := "output" +cmd.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(flagName, func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) { + return nil, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs +}) +``` +To limit completions of flag values to directory names *within another directory* you can use a combination of `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` and `ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs` like so: +```go +flagName := "output" +cmd.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(flagName, func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) { + return []string{"themes"}, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs +}) +``` +### Descriptions for completions + +Cobra provides support for completion descriptions. Such descriptions are supported for each shell +(however, for bash, it is only available in the [completion V2 version](#bash-completion-v2)). +For commands and flags, Cobra will provide the descriptions automatically, based on usage information. +For example, using zsh: +``` +$ helm s[tab] +search -- search for a keyword in charts +show -- show information of a chart +status -- displays the status of the named release +``` +while using fish: +``` +$ helm s[tab] +search (search for a keyword in charts) show (show information of a chart) status (displays the status of the named release) +``` + +Cobra allows you to add descriptions to your own completions. Simply add the description text after each completion, following a `\t` separator. This technique applies to completions returned by `ValidArgs`, `ValidArgsFunction` and `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()`. For example: +```go +ValidArgsFunction: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) { + return []string{"harbor\tAn image registry", "thanos\tLong-term metrics"}, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp +}} +``` +or +```go +ValidArgs: []string{"bash\tCompletions for bash", "zsh\tCompletions for zsh"} +``` +## Bash completions + +### Dependencies + +The bash completion script generated by Cobra requires the `bash_completion` package. You should update the help text of your completion command to show how to install the `bash_completion` package ([Kubectl docs](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/#enabling-shell-autocompletion)) + +### Aliases + +You can also configure `bash` aliases for your program and they will also support completions. + +```bash +alias aliasname=origcommand +complete -o default -F __start_origcommand aliasname + +# and now when you run `aliasname` completion will make +# suggestions as it did for `origcommand`. + +$ aliasname +completion firstcommand secondcommand +``` +### Bash legacy dynamic completions + +For backward compatibility, Cobra still supports its bash legacy dynamic completion solution. +Please refer to [Bash Completions](bash_completions.md) for details. + +### Bash completion V2 + +Cobra provides two versions for bash completion. The original bash completion (which started it all!) can be used by calling +`GenBashCompletion()` or `GenBashCompletionFile()`. + +A new V2 bash completion version is also available. This version can be used by calling `GenBashCompletionV2()` or +`GenBashCompletionFileV2()`. The V2 version does **not** support the legacy dynamic completion +(see [Bash Completions](bash_completions.md)) but instead works only with the Go dynamic completion +solution described in this document. +Unless your program already uses the legacy dynamic completion solution, it is recommended that you use the bash +completion V2 solution which provides the following extra features: +- Supports completion descriptions (like the other shells) +- Small completion script of less than 300 lines (v1 generates scripts of thousands of lines; `kubectl` for example has a bash v1 completion script of over 13K lines) +- Streamlined user experience thanks to a completion behavior aligned with the other shells + +`Bash` completion V2 supports descriptions for completions. When calling `GenBashCompletionV2()` or `GenBashCompletionFileV2()` +you must provide these functions with a parameter indicating if the completions should be annotated with a description; Cobra +will provide the description automatically based on usage information. You can choose to make this option configurable by +your users. + +``` +# With descriptions +$ helm s[tab][tab] +search (search for a keyword in charts) status (display the status of the named release) +show (show information of a chart) + +# Without descriptions +$ helm s[tab][tab] +search show status +``` +**Note**: Cobra's default `completion` command uses bash completion V2. If for some reason you need to use bash completion V1, you will need to implement your own `completion` command. +## Zsh completions + +Cobra supports native zsh completion generated from the root `cobra.Command`. +The generated completion script should be put somewhere in your `$fpath` and be named +`_`. You will need to start a new shell for the completions to become available. + +Zsh supports descriptions for completions. Cobra will provide the description automatically, +based on usage information. Cobra provides a way to completely disable such descriptions by +using `GenZshCompletionNoDesc()` or `GenZshCompletionFileNoDesc()`. You can choose to make +this a configurable option to your users. +``` +# With descriptions +$ helm s[tab] +search -- search for a keyword in charts +show -- show information of a chart +status -- displays the status of the named release + +# Without descriptions +$ helm s[tab] +search show status +``` +*Note*: Because of backward-compatibility requirements, we were forced to have a different API to disable completion descriptions between `zsh` and `fish`. + +### Limitations + +* Custom completions implemented in Bash scripting (legacy) are not supported and will be ignored for `zsh` (including the use of the `BashCompCustom` flag annotation). + * You should instead use `ValidArgsFunction` and `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` which are portable to the different shells (`bash`, `zsh`, `fish`, `powershell`). +* The function `MarkFlagCustom()` is not supported and will be ignored for `zsh`. + * You should instead use `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()`. + +### Zsh completions standardization + +Cobra 1.1 standardized its zsh completion support to align it with its other shell completions. Although the API was kept backward-compatible, some small changes in behavior were introduced. +Please refer to [Zsh Completions](zsh_completions.md) for details. + +## fish completions + +Cobra supports native fish completions generated from the root `cobra.Command`. You can use the `command.GenFishCompletion()` or `command.GenFishCompletionFile()` functions. You must provide these functions with a parameter indicating if the completions should be annotated with a description; Cobra will provide the description automatically based on usage information. You can choose to make this option configurable by your users. +``` +# With descriptions +$ helm s[tab] +search (search for a keyword in charts) show (show information of a chart) status (displays the status of the named release) + +# Without descriptions +$ helm s[tab] +search show status +``` +*Note*: Because of backward-compatibility requirements, we were forced to have a different API to disable completion descriptions between `zsh` and `fish`. + +### Limitations + +* Custom completions implemented in bash scripting (legacy) are not supported and will be ignored for `fish` (including the use of the `BashCompCustom` flag annotation). + * You should instead use `ValidArgsFunction` and `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` which are portable to the different shells (`bash`, `zsh`, `fish`, `powershell`). +* The function `MarkFlagCustom()` is not supported and will be ignored for `fish`. + * You should instead use `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()`. +* The following flag completion annotations are not supported and will be ignored for `fish`: + * `BashCompFilenameExt` (filtering by file extension) + * `BashCompSubdirsInDir` (filtering by directory) +* The functions corresponding to the above annotations are consequently not supported and will be ignored for `fish`: + * `MarkFlagFilename()` and `MarkPersistentFlagFilename()` (filtering by file extension) + * `MarkFlagDirname()` and `MarkPersistentFlagDirname()` (filtering by directory) +* Similarly, the following completion directives are not supported and will be ignored for `fish`: + * `ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt` (filtering by file extension) + * `ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs` (filtering by directory) + +## PowerShell completions + +Cobra supports native PowerShell completions generated from the root `cobra.Command`. You can use the `command.GenPowerShellCompletion()` or `command.GenPowerShellCompletionFile()` functions. To include descriptions use `command.GenPowerShellCompletionWithDesc()` and `command.GenPowerShellCompletionFileWithDesc()`. Cobra will provide the description automatically based on usage information. You can choose to make this option configurable by your users. + +The script is designed to support all three PowerShell completion modes: + +* TabCompleteNext (default windows style - on each key press the next option is displayed) +* Complete (works like bash) +* MenuComplete (works like zsh) + +You set the mode with `Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Tab -Function `. Descriptions are only displayed when using the `Complete` or `MenuComplete` mode. + +Users need PowerShell version 5.0 or above, which comes with Windows 10 and can be downloaded separately for Windows 7 or 8.1. They can then write the completions to a file and source this file from their PowerShell profile, which is referenced by the `$Profile` environment variable. See `Get-Help about_Profiles` for more info about PowerShell profiles. + +``` +# With descriptions and Mode 'Complete' +$ helm s[tab] +search (search for a keyword in charts) show (show information of a chart) status (displays the status of the named release) + +# With descriptions and Mode 'MenuComplete' The description of the current selected value will be displayed below the suggestions. +$ helm s[tab] +search show status + +search for a keyword in charts + +# Without descriptions +$ helm s[tab] +search show status +``` + +### Limitations + +* Custom completions implemented in bash scripting (legacy) are not supported and will be ignored for `powershell` (including the use of the `BashCompCustom` flag annotation). + * You should instead use `ValidArgsFunction` and `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` which are portable to the different shells (`bash`, `zsh`, `fish`, `powershell`). +* The function `MarkFlagCustom()` is not supported and will be ignored for `powershell`. + * You should instead use `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()`. +* The following flag completion annotations are not supported and will be ignored for `powershell`: + * `BashCompFilenameExt` (filtering by file extension) + * `BashCompSubdirsInDir` (filtering by directory) +* The functions corresponding to the above annotations are consequently not supported and will be ignored for `powershell`: + * `MarkFlagFilename()` and `MarkPersistentFlagFilename()` (filtering by file extension) + * `MarkFlagDirname()` and `MarkPersistentFlagDirname()` (filtering by directory) +* Similarly, the following completion directives are not supported and will be ignored for `powershell`: + * `ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt` (filtering by file extension) + * `ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs` (filtering by directory) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/user_guide.md b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/user_guide.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..311abce --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/user_guide.md @@ -0,0 +1,637 @@ +# User Guide + +While you are welcome to provide your own organization, typically a Cobra-based +application will follow the following organizational structure: + +``` + ▾ appName/ + ▾ cmd/ + add.go + your.go + commands.go + here.go + main.go +``` + +In a Cobra app, typically the main.go file is very bare. It serves one purpose: initializing Cobra. + +```go +package main + +import ( + "{pathToYourApp}/cmd" +) + +func main() { + cmd.Execute() +} +``` + +## Using the Cobra Generator + +Cobra provides its own program that will create your application and add any +commands you want. It's the easiest way to incorporate Cobra into your application. + +[Here](https://github.com/spf13/cobra/blob/master/cobra/README.md) you can find more information about it. + +## Using the Cobra Library + +To manually implement Cobra you need to create a bare main.go file and a rootCmd file. +You will optionally provide additional commands as you see fit. + +### Create rootCmd + +Cobra doesn't require any special constructors. Simply create your commands. + +Ideally you place this in app/cmd/root.go: + +```go +var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{ + Use: "hugo", + Short: "Hugo is a very fast static site generator", + Long: `A Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with + love by spf13 and friends in Go. + Complete documentation is available at http://hugo.spf13.com`, + Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { + // Do Stuff Here + }, +} + +func Execute() { + if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil { + fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) + os.Exit(1) + } +} +``` + +You will additionally define flags and handle configuration in your init() function. + +For example cmd/root.go: + +```go +package cmd + +import ( + "fmt" + "os" + + "github.com/spf13/cobra" + "github.com/spf13/viper" +) + +var ( + // Used for flags. + cfgFile string + userLicense string + + rootCmd = &cobra.Command{ + Use: "cobra", + Short: "A generator for Cobra based Applications", + Long: `Cobra is a CLI library for Go that empowers applications. +This application is a tool to generate the needed files +to quickly create a Cobra application.`, + } +) + +// Execute executes the root command. +func Execute() error { + return rootCmd.Execute() +} + +func init() { + cobra.OnInitialize(initConfig) + + rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&cfgFile, "config", "", "config file (default is $HOME/.cobra.yaml)") + rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("author", "a", "YOUR NAME", "author name for copyright attribution") + rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&userLicense, "license", "l", "", "name of license for the project") + rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Bool("viper", true, "use Viper for configuration") + viper.BindPFlag("author", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("author")) + viper.BindPFlag("useViper", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("viper")) + viper.SetDefault("author", "NAME HERE ") + viper.SetDefault("license", "apache") + + rootCmd.AddCommand(addCmd) + rootCmd.AddCommand(initCmd) +} + +func initConfig() { + if cfgFile != "" { + // Use config file from the flag. + viper.SetConfigFile(cfgFile) + } else { + // Find home directory. + home, err := os.UserHomeDir() + cobra.CheckErr(err) + + // Search config in home directory with name ".cobra" (without extension). + viper.AddConfigPath(home) + viper.SetConfigType("yaml") + viper.SetConfigName(".cobra") + } + + viper.AutomaticEnv() + + if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err == nil { + fmt.Println("Using config file:", viper.ConfigFileUsed()) + } +} +``` + +### Create your main.go + +With the root command you need to have your main function execute it. +Execute should be run on the root for clarity, though it can be called on any command. + +In a Cobra app, typically the main.go file is very bare. It serves one purpose: to initialize Cobra. + +```go +package main + +import ( + "{pathToYourApp}/cmd" +) + +func main() { + cmd.Execute() +} +``` + +### Create additional commands + +Additional commands can be defined and typically are each given their own file +inside of the cmd/ directory. + +If you wanted to create a version command you would create cmd/version.go and +populate it with the following: + +```go +package cmd + +import ( + "fmt" + + "github.com/spf13/cobra" +) + +func init() { + rootCmd.AddCommand(versionCmd) +} + +var versionCmd = &cobra.Command{ + Use: "version", + Short: "Print the version number of Hugo", + Long: `All software has versions. This is Hugo's`, + Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { + fmt.Println("Hugo Static Site Generator v0.9 -- HEAD") + }, +} +``` + +### Returning and handling errors + +If you wish to return an error to the caller of a command, `RunE` can be used. + +```go +package cmd + +import ( + "fmt" + + "github.com/spf13/cobra" +) + +func init() { + rootCmd.AddCommand(tryCmd) +} + +var tryCmd = &cobra.Command{ + Use: "try", + Short: "Try and possibly fail at something", + RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { + if err := someFunc(); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil + }, +} +``` + +The error can then be caught at the execute function call. + +## Working with Flags + +Flags provide modifiers to control how the action command operates. + +### Assign flags to a command + +Since the flags are defined and used in different locations, we need to +define a variable outside with the correct scope to assign the flag to +work with. + +```go +var Verbose bool +var Source string +``` + +There are two different approaches to assign a flag. + +### Persistent Flags + +A flag can be 'persistent', meaning that this flag will be available to the +command it's assigned to as well as every command under that command. For +global flags, assign a flag as a persistent flag on the root. + +```go +rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&Verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "verbose output") +``` + +### Local Flags + +A flag can also be assigned locally, which will only apply to that specific command. + +```go +localCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&Source, "source", "s", "", "Source directory to read from") +``` + +### Local Flag on Parent Commands + +By default, Cobra only parses local flags on the target command, and any local flags on +parent commands are ignored. By enabling `Command.TraverseChildren`, Cobra will +parse local flags on each command before executing the target command. + +```go +command := cobra.Command{ + Use: "print [OPTIONS] [COMMANDS]", + TraverseChildren: true, +} +``` + +### Bind Flags with Config + +You can also bind your flags with [viper](https://github.com/spf13/viper): +```go +var author string + +func init() { + rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&author, "author", "YOUR NAME", "Author name for copyright attribution") + viper.BindPFlag("author", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("author")) +} +``` + +In this example, the persistent flag `author` is bound with `viper`. +**Note**: the variable `author` will not be set to the value from config, +when the `--author` flag is not provided by user. + +More in [viper documentation](https://github.com/spf13/viper#working-with-flags). + +### Required flags + +Flags are optional by default. If instead you wish your command to report an error +when a flag has not been set, mark it as required: +```go +rootCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&Region, "region", "r", "", "AWS region (required)") +rootCmd.MarkFlagRequired("region") +``` + +Or, for persistent flags: +```go +rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&Region, "region", "r", "", "AWS region (required)") +rootCmd.MarkPersistentFlagRequired("region") +``` + +## Positional and Custom Arguments + +Validation of positional arguments can be specified using the `Args` field +of `Command`. + +The following validators are built in: + +- `NoArgs` - the command will report an error if there are any positional args. +- `ArbitraryArgs` - the command will accept any args. +- `OnlyValidArgs` - the command will report an error if there are any positional args that are not in the `ValidArgs` field of `Command`. +- `MinimumNArgs(int)` - the command will report an error if there are not at least N positional args. +- `MaximumNArgs(int)` - the command will report an error if there are more than N positional args. +- `ExactArgs(int)` - the command will report an error if there are not exactly N positional args. +- `ExactValidArgs(int)` - the command will report an error if there are not exactly N positional args OR if there are any positional args that are not in the `ValidArgs` field of `Command` +- `RangeArgs(min, max)` - the command will report an error if the number of args is not between the minimum and maximum number of expected args. + +An example of setting the custom validator: + +```go +var cmd = &cobra.Command{ + Short: "hello", + Args: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { + if len(args) < 1 { + return errors.New("requires a color argument") + } + if myapp.IsValidColor(args[0]) { + return nil + } + return fmt.Errorf("invalid color specified: %s", args[0]) + }, + Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { + fmt.Println("Hello, World!") + }, +} +``` + +## Example + +In the example below, we have defined three commands. Two are at the top level +and one (cmdTimes) is a child of one of the top commands. In this case the root +is not executable, meaning that a subcommand is required. This is accomplished +by not providing a 'Run' for the 'rootCmd'. + +We have only defined one flag for a single command. + +More documentation about flags is available at https://github.com/spf13/pflag + +```go +package main + +import ( + "fmt" + "strings" + + "github.com/spf13/cobra" +) + +func main() { + var echoTimes int + + var cmdPrint = &cobra.Command{ + Use: "print [string to print]", + Short: "Print anything to the screen", + Long: `print is for printing anything back to the screen. +For many years people have printed back to the screen.`, + Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), + Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { + fmt.Println("Print: " + strings.Join(args, " ")) + }, + } + + var cmdEcho = &cobra.Command{ + Use: "echo [string to echo]", + Short: "Echo anything to the screen", + Long: `echo is for echoing anything back. +Echo works a lot like print, except it has a child command.`, + Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), + Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { + fmt.Println("Echo: " + strings.Join(args, " ")) + }, + } + + var cmdTimes = &cobra.Command{ + Use: "times [string to echo]", + Short: "Echo anything to the screen more times", + Long: `echo things multiple times back to the user by providing +a count and a string.`, + Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), + Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { + for i := 0; i < echoTimes; i++ { + fmt.Println("Echo: " + strings.Join(args, " ")) + } + }, + } + + cmdTimes.Flags().IntVarP(&echoTimes, "times", "t", 1, "times to echo the input") + + var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{Use: "app"} + rootCmd.AddCommand(cmdPrint, cmdEcho) + cmdEcho.AddCommand(cmdTimes) + rootCmd.Execute() +} +``` + +For a more complete example of a larger application, please checkout [Hugo](http://gohugo.io/). + +## Help Command + +Cobra automatically adds a help command to your application when you have subcommands. +This will be called when a user runs 'app help'. Additionally, help will also +support all other commands as input. Say, for instance, you have a command called +'create' without any additional configuration; Cobra will work when 'app help +create' is called. Every command will automatically have the '--help' flag added. + +### Example + +The following output is automatically generated by Cobra. Nothing beyond the +command and flag definitions are needed. + + $ cobra help + + Cobra is a CLI library for Go that empowers applications. + This application is a tool to generate the needed files + to quickly create a Cobra application. + + Usage: + cobra [command] + + Available Commands: + add Add a command to a Cobra Application + help Help about any command + init Initialize a Cobra Application + + Flags: + -a, --author string author name for copyright attribution (default "YOUR NAME") + --config string config file (default is $HOME/.cobra.yaml) + -h, --help help for cobra + -l, --license string name of license for the project + --viper use Viper for configuration (default true) + + Use "cobra [command] --help" for more information about a command. + + +Help is just a command like any other. There is no special logic or behavior +around it. In fact, you can provide your own if you want. + +### Defining your own help + +You can provide your own Help command or your own template for the default command to use +with following functions: + +```go +cmd.SetHelpCommand(cmd *Command) +cmd.SetHelpFunc(f func(*Command, []string)) +cmd.SetHelpTemplate(s string) +``` + +The latter two will also apply to any children commands. + +## Usage Message + +When the user provides an invalid flag or invalid command, Cobra responds by +showing the user the 'usage'. + +### Example +You may recognize this from the help above. That's because the default help +embeds the usage as part of its output. + + $ cobra --invalid + Error: unknown flag: --invalid + Usage: + cobra [command] + + Available Commands: + add Add a command to a Cobra Application + help Help about any command + init Initialize a Cobra Application + + Flags: + -a, --author string author name for copyright attribution (default "YOUR NAME") + --config string config file (default is $HOME/.cobra.yaml) + -h, --help help for cobra + -l, --license string name of license for the project + --viper use Viper for configuration (default true) + + Use "cobra [command] --help" for more information about a command. + +### Defining your own usage +You can provide your own usage function or template for Cobra to use. +Like help, the function and template are overridable through public methods: + +```go +cmd.SetUsageFunc(f func(*Command) error) +cmd.SetUsageTemplate(s string) +``` + +## Version Flag + +Cobra adds a top-level '--version' flag if the Version field is set on the root command. +Running an application with the '--version' flag will print the version to stdout using +the version template. The template can be customized using the +`cmd.SetVersionTemplate(s string)` function. + +## PreRun and PostRun Hooks + +It is possible to run functions before or after the main `Run` function of your command. The `PersistentPreRun` and `PreRun` functions will be executed before `Run`. `PersistentPostRun` and `PostRun` will be executed after `Run`. The `Persistent*Run` functions will be inherited by children if they do not declare their own. These functions are run in the following order: + +- `PersistentPreRun` +- `PreRun` +- `Run` +- `PostRun` +- `PersistentPostRun` + +An example of two commands which use all of these features is below. When the subcommand is executed, it will run the root command's `PersistentPreRun` but not the root command's `PersistentPostRun`: + +```go +package main + +import ( + "fmt" + + "github.com/spf13/cobra" +) + +func main() { + + var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{ + Use: "root [sub]", + Short: "My root command", + PersistentPreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { + fmt.Printf("Inside rootCmd PersistentPreRun with args: %v\n", args) + }, + PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { + fmt.Printf("Inside rootCmd PreRun with args: %v\n", args) + }, + Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { + fmt.Printf("Inside rootCmd Run with args: %v\n", args) + }, + PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { + fmt.Printf("Inside rootCmd PostRun with args: %v\n", args) + }, + PersistentPostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { + fmt.Printf("Inside rootCmd PersistentPostRun with args: %v\n", args) + }, + } + + var subCmd = &cobra.Command{ + Use: "sub [no options!]", + Short: "My subcommand", + PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { + fmt.Printf("Inside subCmd PreRun with args: %v\n", args) + }, + Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { + fmt.Printf("Inside subCmd Run with args: %v\n", args) + }, + PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { + fmt.Printf("Inside subCmd PostRun with args: %v\n", args) + }, + PersistentPostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { + fmt.Printf("Inside subCmd PersistentPostRun with args: %v\n", args) + }, + } + + rootCmd.AddCommand(subCmd) + + rootCmd.SetArgs([]string{""}) + rootCmd.Execute() + fmt.Println() + rootCmd.SetArgs([]string{"sub", "arg1", "arg2"}) + rootCmd.Execute() +} +``` + +Output: +``` +Inside rootCmd PersistentPreRun with args: [] +Inside rootCmd PreRun with args: [] +Inside rootCmd Run with args: [] +Inside rootCmd PostRun with args: [] +Inside rootCmd PersistentPostRun with args: [] + +Inside rootCmd PersistentPreRun with args: [arg1 arg2] +Inside subCmd PreRun with args: [arg1 arg2] +Inside subCmd Run with args: [arg1 arg2] +Inside subCmd PostRun with args: [arg1 arg2] +Inside subCmd PersistentPostRun with args: [arg1 arg2] +``` + +## Suggestions when "unknown command" happens + +Cobra will print automatic suggestions when "unknown command" errors happen. This allows Cobra to behave similarly to the `git` command when a typo happens. For example: + +``` +$ hugo srever +Error: unknown command "srever" for "hugo" + +Did you mean this? + server + +Run 'hugo --help' for usage. +``` + +Suggestions are automatic based on every subcommand registered and use an implementation of [Levenshtein distance](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance). Every registered command that matches a minimum distance of 2 (ignoring case) will be displayed as a suggestion. + +If you need to disable suggestions or tweak the string distance in your command, use: + +```go +command.DisableSuggestions = true +``` + +or + +```go +command.SuggestionsMinimumDistance = 1 +``` + +You can also explicitly set names for which a given command will be suggested using the `SuggestFor` attribute. This allows suggestions for strings that are not close in terms of string distance, but makes sense in your set of commands and for some which you don't want aliases. Example: + +``` +$ kubectl remove +Error: unknown command "remove" for "kubectl" + +Did you mean this? + delete + +Run 'kubectl help' for usage. +``` + +## Generating documentation for your command + +Cobra can generate documentation based on subcommands, flags, etc. Read more about it in the [docs generation documentation](doc/README.md). + +## Generating shell completions + +Cobra can generate a shell-completion file for the following shells: bash, zsh, fish, PowerShell. If you add more information to your commands, these completions can be amazingly powerful and flexible. Read more about it in [Shell Completions](shell_completions.md). diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/zsh_completions.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/zsh_completions.go index 1275548..1afec30 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/zsh_completions.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/zsh_completions.go @@ -1,336 +1,258 @@ package cobra import ( - "encoding/json" + "bytes" "fmt" "io" "os" - "sort" - "strings" - "text/template" - - "github.com/spf13/pflag" -) - -const ( - zshCompArgumentAnnotation = "cobra_annotations_zsh_completion_argument_annotation" - zshCompArgumentFilenameComp = "cobra_annotations_zsh_completion_argument_file_completion" - zshCompArgumentWordComp = "cobra_annotations_zsh_completion_argument_word_completion" - zshCompDirname = "cobra_annotations_zsh_dirname" -) - -var ( - zshCompFuncMap = template.FuncMap{ - "genZshFuncName": zshCompGenFuncName, - "extractFlags": zshCompExtractFlag, - "genFlagEntryForZshArguments": zshCompGenFlagEntryForArguments, - "extractArgsCompletions": zshCompExtractArgumentCompletionHintsForRendering, - } - zshCompletionText = ` -{{/* should accept Command (that contains subcommands) as parameter */}} -{{define "argumentsC" -}} -{{ $cmdPath := genZshFuncName .}} -function {{$cmdPath}} { - local -a commands - - _arguments -C \{{- range extractFlags .}} - {{genFlagEntryForZshArguments .}} \{{- end}} - "1: :->cmnds" \ - "*::arg:->args" - - case $state in - cmnds) - commands=({{range .Commands}}{{if not .Hidden}} - "{{.Name}}:{{.Short}}"{{end}}{{end}} - ) - _describe "command" commands - ;; - esac - - case "$words[1]" in {{- range .Commands}}{{if not .Hidden}} - {{.Name}}) - {{$cmdPath}}_{{.Name}} - ;;{{end}}{{end}} - esac -} -{{range .Commands}}{{if not .Hidden}} -{{template "selectCmdTemplate" .}} -{{- end}}{{end}} -{{- end}} - -{{/* should accept Command without subcommands as parameter */}} -{{define "arguments" -}} -function {{genZshFuncName .}} { -{{" _arguments"}}{{range extractFlags .}} \ - {{genFlagEntryForZshArguments . -}} -{{end}}{{range extractArgsCompletions .}} \ - {{.}}{{end}} -} -{{end}} - -{{/* dispatcher for commands with or without subcommands */}} -{{define "selectCmdTemplate" -}} -{{if .Hidden}}{{/* ignore hidden*/}}{{else -}} -{{if .Commands}}{{template "argumentsC" .}}{{else}}{{template "arguments" .}}{{end}} -{{- end}} -{{- end}} - -{{/* template entry point */}} -{{define "Main" -}} -#compdef _{{.Name}} {{.Name}} - -{{template "selectCmdTemplate" .}} -{{end}} -` ) -// zshCompArgsAnnotation is used to encode/decode zsh completion for -// arguments to/from Command.Annotations. -type zshCompArgsAnnotation map[int]zshCompArgHint - -type zshCompArgHint struct { - // Indicates the type of the completion to use. One of: - // zshCompArgumentFilenameComp or zshCompArgumentWordComp - Tipe string `json:"type"` - - // A value for the type above (globs for file completion or words) - Options []string `json:"options"` -} - -// GenZshCompletionFile generates zsh completion file. +// GenZshCompletionFile generates zsh completion file including descriptions. func (c *Command) GenZshCompletionFile(filename string) error { - outFile, err := os.Create(filename) - if err != nil { - return err - } - defer outFile.Close() - - return c.GenZshCompletion(outFile) + return c.genZshCompletionFile(filename, true) } -// GenZshCompletion generates a zsh completion file and writes to the passed -// writer. The completion always run on the root command regardless of the -// command it was called from. +// GenZshCompletion generates zsh completion file including descriptions +// and writes it to the passed writer. func (c *Command) GenZshCompletion(w io.Writer) error { - tmpl, err := template.New("Main").Funcs(zshCompFuncMap).Parse(zshCompletionText) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("error creating zsh completion template: %v", err) - } - return tmpl.Execute(w, c.Root()) + return c.genZshCompletion(w, true) } -// MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile marks the specified argument (first -// argument is 1) as completed by file selection. patterns (e.g. "*.txt") are -// optional - if not provided the completion will search for all files. -func (c *Command) MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile(argPosition int, patterns ...string) error { - if argPosition < 1 { - return fmt.Errorf("Invalid argument position (%d)", argPosition) - } - annotation, err := c.zshCompGetArgsAnnotations() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if c.zshcompArgsAnnotationnIsDuplicatePosition(annotation, argPosition) { - return fmt.Errorf("Duplicate annotation for positional argument at index %d", argPosition) - } - annotation[argPosition] = zshCompArgHint{ - Tipe: zshCompArgumentFilenameComp, - Options: patterns, - } - return c.zshCompSetArgsAnnotations(annotation) +// GenZshCompletionFileNoDesc generates zsh completion file without descriptions. +func (c *Command) GenZshCompletionFileNoDesc(filename string) error { + return c.genZshCompletionFile(filename, false) } -// MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentWords marks the specified positional argument -// (first argument is 1) as completed by the provided words. At east one word -// must be provided, spaces within words will be offered completion with -// "word\ word". -func (c *Command) MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentWords(argPosition int, words ...string) error { - if argPosition < 1 { - return fmt.Errorf("Invalid argument position (%d)", argPosition) - } - if len(words) == 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("Trying to set empty word list for positional argument %d", argPosition) - } - annotation, err := c.zshCompGetArgsAnnotations() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if c.zshcompArgsAnnotationnIsDuplicatePosition(annotation, argPosition) { - return fmt.Errorf("Duplicate annotation for positional argument at index %d", argPosition) - } - annotation[argPosition] = zshCompArgHint{ - Tipe: zshCompArgumentWordComp, - Options: words, - } - return c.zshCompSetArgsAnnotations(annotation) +// GenZshCompletionNoDesc generates zsh completion file without descriptions +// and writes it to the passed writer. +func (c *Command) GenZshCompletionNoDesc(w io.Writer) error { + return c.genZshCompletion(w, false) } -func zshCompExtractArgumentCompletionHintsForRendering(c *Command) ([]string, error) { - var result []string - annotation, err := c.zshCompGetArgsAnnotations() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - for k, v := range annotation { - s, err := zshCompRenderZshCompArgHint(k, v) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result = append(result, s) - } - if len(c.ValidArgs) > 0 { - if _, positionOneExists := annotation[1]; !positionOneExists { - s, err := zshCompRenderZshCompArgHint(1, zshCompArgHint{ - Tipe: zshCompArgumentWordComp, - Options: c.ValidArgs, - }) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - result = append(result, s) - } - } - sort.Strings(result) - return result, nil -} - -func zshCompRenderZshCompArgHint(i int, z zshCompArgHint) (string, error) { - switch t := z.Tipe; t { - case zshCompArgumentFilenameComp: - var globs []string - for _, g := range z.Options { - globs = append(globs, fmt.Sprintf(`-g "%s"`, g)) - } - return fmt.Sprintf(`'%d: :_files %s'`, i, strings.Join(globs, " ")), nil - case zshCompArgumentWordComp: - var words []string - for _, w := range z.Options { - words = append(words, fmt.Sprintf("%q", w)) - } - return fmt.Sprintf(`'%d: :(%s)'`, i, strings.Join(words, " ")), nil - default: - return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid zsh argument completion annotation: %s", t) - } -} - -func (c *Command) zshcompArgsAnnotationnIsDuplicatePosition(annotation zshCompArgsAnnotation, position int) bool { - _, dup := annotation[position] - return dup -} - -func (c *Command) zshCompGetArgsAnnotations() (zshCompArgsAnnotation, error) { - annotation := make(zshCompArgsAnnotation) - annotationString, ok := c.Annotations[zshCompArgumentAnnotation] - if !ok { - return annotation, nil - } - err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(annotationString), &annotation) - if err != nil { - return annotation, fmt.Errorf("Error unmarshaling zsh argument annotation: %v", err) - } - return annotation, nil -} - -func (c *Command) zshCompSetArgsAnnotations(annotation zshCompArgsAnnotation) error { - jsn, err := json.Marshal(annotation) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("Error marshaling zsh argument annotation: %v", err) - } - if c.Annotations == nil { - c.Annotations = make(map[string]string) - } - c.Annotations[zshCompArgumentAnnotation] = string(jsn) +// MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile only worked for zsh and its behavior was +// not consistent with Bash completion. It has therefore been disabled. +// Instead, when no other completion is specified, file completion is done by +// default for every argument. One can disable file completion on a per-argument +// basis by using ValidArgsFunction and ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp. +// To achieve file extension filtering, one can use ValidArgsFunction and +// ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt. +// +// Deprecated +func (c *Command) MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile(argPosition int, patterns ...string) error { return nil } -func zshCompGenFuncName(c *Command) string { - if c.HasParent() { - return zshCompGenFuncName(c.Parent()) + "_" + c.Name() - } - return "_" + c.Name() -} - -func zshCompExtractFlag(c *Command) []*pflag.Flag { - var flags []*pflag.Flag - c.LocalFlags().VisitAll(func(f *pflag.Flag) { - if !f.Hidden { - flags = append(flags, f) - } - }) - c.InheritedFlags().VisitAll(func(f *pflag.Flag) { - if !f.Hidden { - flags = append(flags, f) - } - }) - return flags -} - -// zshCompGenFlagEntryForArguments returns an entry that matches _arguments -// zsh-completion parameters. It's too complicated to generate in a template. -func zshCompGenFlagEntryForArguments(f *pflag.Flag) string { - if f.Name == "" || f.Shorthand == "" { - return zshCompGenFlagEntryForSingleOptionFlag(f) - } - return zshCompGenFlagEntryForMultiOptionFlag(f) +// MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentWords only worked for zsh. It has therefore +// been disabled. +// To achieve the same behavior across all shells, one can use +// ValidArgs (for the first argument only) or ValidArgsFunction for +// any argument (can include the first one also). +// +// Deprecated +func (c *Command) MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentWords(argPosition int, words ...string) error { + return nil } -func zshCompGenFlagEntryForSingleOptionFlag(f *pflag.Flag) string { - var option, multiMark, extras string - - if zshCompFlagCouldBeSpecifiedMoreThenOnce(f) { - multiMark = "*" - } - - option = "--" + f.Name - if option == "--" { - option = "-" + f.Shorthand +func (c *Command) genZshCompletionFile(filename string, includeDesc bool) error { + outFile, err := os.Create(filename) + if err != nil { + return err } - extras = zshCompGenFlagEntryExtras(f) + defer outFile.Close() - return fmt.Sprintf(`'%s%s[%s]%s'`, multiMark, option, zshCompQuoteFlagDescription(f.Usage), extras) + return c.genZshCompletion(outFile, includeDesc) } -func zshCompGenFlagEntryForMultiOptionFlag(f *pflag.Flag) string { - var options, parenMultiMark, curlyMultiMark, extras string - - if zshCompFlagCouldBeSpecifiedMoreThenOnce(f) { - parenMultiMark = "*" - curlyMultiMark = "\\*" - } - - options = fmt.Sprintf(`'(%s-%s %s--%s)'{%s-%s,%s--%s}`, - parenMultiMark, f.Shorthand, parenMultiMark, f.Name, curlyMultiMark, f.Shorthand, curlyMultiMark, f.Name) - extras = zshCompGenFlagEntryExtras(f) - - return fmt.Sprintf(`%s'[%s]%s'`, options, zshCompQuoteFlagDescription(f.Usage), extras) +func (c *Command) genZshCompletion(w io.Writer, includeDesc bool) error { + buf := new(bytes.Buffer) + genZshComp(buf, c.Name(), includeDesc) + _, err := buf.WriteTo(w) + return err } -func zshCompGenFlagEntryExtras(f *pflag.Flag) string { - if f.NoOptDefVal != "" { - return "" +func genZshComp(buf io.StringWriter, name string, includeDesc bool) { + compCmd := ShellCompRequestCmd + if !includeDesc { + compCmd = ShellCompNoDescRequestCmd } + WriteStringAndCheck(buf, fmt.Sprintf(`#compdef _%[1]s %[1]s - extras := ":" // allow options for flag (even without assistance) - for key, values := range f.Annotations { - switch key { - case zshCompDirname: - extras = fmt.Sprintf(":filename:_files -g %q", values[0]) - case BashCompFilenameExt: - extras = ":filename:_files" - for _, pattern := range values { - extras = extras + fmt.Sprintf(` -g "%s"`, pattern) - } - } - } +# zsh completion for %-36[1]s -*- shell-script -*- - return extras +__%[1]s_debug() +{ + local file="$BASH_COMP_DEBUG_FILE" + if [[ -n ${file} ]]; then + echo "$*" >> "${file}" + fi } -func zshCompFlagCouldBeSpecifiedMoreThenOnce(f *pflag.Flag) bool { - return strings.Contains(f.Value.Type(), "Slice") || - strings.Contains(f.Value.Type(), "Array") +_%[1]s() +{ + local shellCompDirectiveError=%[3]d + local shellCompDirectiveNoSpace=%[4]d + local shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp=%[5]d + local shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt=%[6]d + local shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs=%[7]d + + local lastParam lastChar flagPrefix requestComp out directive comp lastComp noSpace + local -a completions + + __%[1]s_debug "\n========= starting completion logic ==========" + __%[1]s_debug "CURRENT: ${CURRENT}, words[*]: ${words[*]}" + + # The user could have moved the cursor backwards on the command-line. + # We need to trigger completion from the $CURRENT location, so we need + # to truncate the command-line ($words) up to the $CURRENT location. + # (We cannot use $CURSOR as its value does not work when a command is an alias.) + words=("${=words[1,CURRENT]}") + __%[1]s_debug "Truncated words[*]: ${words[*]}," + + lastParam=${words[-1]} + lastChar=${lastParam[-1]} + __%[1]s_debug "lastParam: ${lastParam}, lastChar: ${lastChar}" + + # For zsh, when completing a flag with an = (e.g., %[1]s -n=) + # completions must be prefixed with the flag + setopt local_options BASH_REMATCH + if [[ "${lastParam}" =~ '-.*=' ]]; then + # We are dealing with a flag with an = + flagPrefix="-P ${BASH_REMATCH}" + fi + + # Prepare the command to obtain completions + requestComp="${words[1]} %[2]s ${words[2,-1]}" + if [ "${lastChar}" = "" ]; then + # If the last parameter is complete (there is a space following it) + # We add an extra empty parameter so we can indicate this to the go completion code. + __%[1]s_debug "Adding extra empty parameter" + requestComp="${requestComp} \"\"" + fi + + __%[1]s_debug "About to call: eval ${requestComp}" + + # Use eval to handle any environment variables and such + out=$(eval ${requestComp} 2>/dev/null) + __%[1]s_debug "completion output: ${out}" + + # Extract the directive integer following a : from the last line + local lastLine + while IFS='\n' read -r line; do + lastLine=${line} + done < <(printf "%%s\n" "${out[@]}") + __%[1]s_debug "last line: ${lastLine}" + + if [ "${lastLine[1]}" = : ]; then + directive=${lastLine[2,-1]} + # Remove the directive including the : and the newline + local suffix + (( suffix=${#lastLine}+2)) + out=${out[1,-$suffix]} + else + # There is no directive specified. Leave $out as is. + __%[1]s_debug "No directive found. Setting do default" + directive=0 + fi + + __%[1]s_debug "directive: ${directive}" + __%[1]s_debug "completions: ${out}" + __%[1]s_debug "flagPrefix: ${flagPrefix}" + + if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveError)) -ne 0 ]; then + __%[1]s_debug "Completion received error. Ignoring completions." + return + fi + + while IFS='\n' read -r comp; do + if [ -n "$comp" ]; then + # If requested, completions are returned with a description. + # The description is preceded by a TAB character. + # For zsh's _describe, we need to use a : instead of a TAB. + # We first need to escape any : as part of the completion itself. + comp=${comp//:/\\:} + + local tab=$(printf '\t') + comp=${comp//$tab/:} + + __%[1]s_debug "Adding completion: ${comp}" + completions+=${comp} + lastComp=$comp + fi + done < <(printf "%%s\n" "${out[@]}") + + if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveNoSpace)) -ne 0 ]; then + __%[1]s_debug "Activating nospace." + noSpace="-S ''" + fi + + if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt)) -ne 0 ]; then + # File extension filtering + local filteringCmd + filteringCmd='_files' + for filter in ${completions[@]}; do + if [ ${filter[1]} != '*' ]; then + # zsh requires a glob pattern to do file filtering + filter="\*.$filter" + fi + filteringCmd+=" -g $filter" + done + filteringCmd+=" ${flagPrefix}" + + __%[1]s_debug "File filtering command: $filteringCmd" + _arguments '*:filename:'"$filteringCmd" + elif [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveFilterDirs)) -ne 0 ]; then + # File completion for directories only + local subDir + subdir="${completions[1]}" + if [ -n "$subdir" ]; then + __%[1]s_debug "Listing directories in $subdir" + pushd "${subdir}" >/dev/null 2>&1 + else + __%[1]s_debug "Listing directories in ." + fi + + local result + _arguments '*:dirname:_files -/'" ${flagPrefix}" + result=$? + if [ -n "$subdir" ]; then + popd >/dev/null 2>&1 + fi + return $result + else + __%[1]s_debug "Calling _describe" + if eval _describe "completions" completions $flagPrefix $noSpace; then + __%[1]s_debug "_describe found some completions" + + # Return the success of having called _describe + return 0 + else + __%[1]s_debug "_describe did not find completions." + __%[1]s_debug "Checking if we should do file completion." + if [ $((directive & shellCompDirectiveNoFileComp)) -ne 0 ]; then + __%[1]s_debug "deactivating file completion" + + # We must return an error code here to let zsh know that there were no + # completions found by _describe; this is what will trigger other + # matching algorithms to attempt to find completions. + # For example zsh can match letters in the middle of words. + return 1 + else + # Perform file completion + __%[1]s_debug "Activating file completion" + + # We must return the result of this command, so it must be the + # last command, or else we must store its result to return it. + _arguments '*:filename:_files'" ${flagPrefix}" + fi + fi + fi } -func zshCompQuoteFlagDescription(s string) string { - return strings.Replace(s, "'", `'\''`, -1) +# don't run the completion function when being source-ed or eval-ed +if [ "$funcstack[1]" = "_%[1]s" ]; then + _%[1]s +fi +`, name, compCmd, + ShellCompDirectiveError, ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace, ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp, + ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt, ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs)) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/zsh_completions.md b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/zsh_completions.md index df9c2ea..7cff617 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/zsh_completions.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cobra/zsh_completions.md @@ -1,39 +1,48 @@ -## Generating Zsh Completion for your cobra.Command - -Cobra supports native Zsh completion generated from the root `cobra.Command`. -The generated completion script should be put somewhere in your `$fpath` named -`_`. - -### What's Supported - -* Completion for all non-hidden subcommands using their `.Short` description. -* Completion for all non-hidden flags using the following rules: - * Filename completion works by marking the flag with `cmd.MarkFlagFilename...` - family of commands. - * The requirement for argument to the flag is decided by the `.NoOptDefVal` - flag value - if it's empty then completion will expect an argument. - * Flags of one of the various `*Array` and `*Slice` types supports multiple - specifications (with or without argument depending on the specific type). -* Completion of positional arguments using the following rules: - * Argument position for all options below starts at `1`. If argument position - `0` is requested it will raise an error. - * Use `command.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile` to complete filenames. Glob - patterns (e.g. `"*.log"`) are optional - if not specified it will offer to - complete all file types. - * Use `command.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentWords` to offer specific words for - completion. At least one word is required. - * It's possible to specify completion for some arguments and leave some - unspecified (e.g. offer words for second argument but nothing for first - argument). This will cause no completion for first argument but words - completion for second argument. - * If no argument completion was specified for 1st argument (but optionally was - specified for 2nd) and the command has `ValidArgs` it will be used as - completion options for 1st argument. - * Argument completions only offered for commands with no subcommands. - -### What's not yet Supported - -* Custom completion scripts are not supported yet (We should probably create zsh - specific one, doesn't make sense to re-use the bash one as the functions will - be different). -* Whatever other feature you're looking for and doesn't exist :) +## Generating Zsh Completion For Your cobra.Command + +Please refer to [Shell Completions](shell_completions.md) for details. + +## Zsh completions standardization + +Cobra 1.1 standardized its zsh completion support to align it with its other shell completions. Although the API was kept backwards-compatible, some small changes in behavior were introduced. + +### Deprecation summary + +See further below for more details on these deprecations. + +* `cmd.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile(pos, []string{})` is no longer needed. It is therefore **deprecated** and silently ignored. +* `cmd.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile(pos, glob[])` is **deprecated** and silently ignored. + * Instead use `ValidArgsFunction` with `ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt`. +* `cmd.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentWords()` is **deprecated** and silently ignored. + * Instead use `ValidArgsFunction`. + +### Behavioral changes + +**Noun completion** +|Old behavior|New behavior| +|---|---| +|No file completion by default (opposite of bash)|File completion by default; use `ValidArgsFunction` with `ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp` to turn off file completion on a per-argument basis| +|Completion of flag names without the `-` prefix having been typed|Flag names are only completed if the user has typed the first `-`| +`cmd.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile(pos, []string{})` used to turn on file completion on a per-argument position basis|File completion for all arguments by default; `cmd.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile()` is **deprecated** and silently ignored| +|`cmd.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile(pos, glob[])` used to turn on file completion **with glob filtering** on a per-argument position basis (zsh-specific)|`cmd.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile()` is **deprecated** and silently ignored; use `ValidArgsFunction` with `ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt` for file **extension** filtering (not full glob filtering)| +|`cmd.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentWords(pos, words[])` used to provide completion choices on a per-argument position basis (zsh-specific)|`cmd.MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentWords()` is **deprecated** and silently ignored; use `ValidArgsFunction` to achieve the same behavior| + +**Flag-value completion** + +|Old behavior|New behavior| +|---|---| +|No file completion by default (opposite of bash)|File completion by default; use `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()` with `ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp` to turn off file completion| +|`cmd.MarkFlagFilename(flag, []string{})` and similar used to turn on file completion|File completion by default; `cmd.MarkFlagFilename(flag, []string{})` no longer needed in this context and silently ignored| +|`cmd.MarkFlagFilename(flag, glob[])` used to turn on file completion **with glob filtering** (syntax of `[]string{"*.yaml", "*.yml"}` incompatible with bash)|Will continue to work, however, support for bash syntax is added and should be used instead so as to work for all shells (`[]string{"yaml", "yml"}`)| +|`cmd.MarkFlagDirname(flag)` only completes directories (zsh-specific)|Has been added for all shells| +|Completion of a flag name does not repeat, unless flag is of type `*Array` or `*Slice` (not supported by bash)|Retained for `zsh` and added to `fish`| +|Completion of a flag name does not provide the `=` form (unlike bash)|Retained for `zsh` and added to `fish`| + +**Improvements** + +* Custom completion support (`ValidArgsFunction` and `RegisterFlagCompletionFunc()`) +* File completion by default if no other completions found +* Handling of required flags +* File extension filtering no longer mutually exclusive with bash usage +* Completion of directory names *within* another directory +* Support for `=` form of flags diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/pflag/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/spf13/pflag/go.mod deleted file mode 100644 index b2287ee..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/pflag/go.mod +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -module github.com/spf13/pflag - -go 1.12 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/pflag/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/spf13/pflag/go.sum deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/tadvi/systray/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/tadvi/systray/go.mod deleted file mode 100644 index 87f4706..0000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/tadvi/systray/go.mod +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -module github.com/tadvi/systray diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_arm64.go index b799e44..94c71ac 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build go1.11,!gccgo,!purego +//go:build go1.11 && gc && !purego +// +build go1.11,gc,!purego package chacha20 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_arm64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_arm64.s index 8914815..63cae9e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_arm64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_arm64.s @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build go1.11,!gccgo,!purego +//go:build go1.11 && gc && !purego +// +build go1.11,gc,!purego #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_noasm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_noasm.go index 4635307..025b498 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_noasm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_noasm.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build !arm64,!s390x,!ppc64le arm64,!go1.11 gccgo purego +//go:build (!arm64 && !s390x && !ppc64le) || (arm64 && !go1.11) || !gc || purego +// +build !arm64,!s390x,!ppc64le arm64,!go1.11 !gc purego package chacha20 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_ppc64le.go index b799330..da420b2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_ppc64le.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build !gccgo,!purego +//go:build gc && !purego +// +build gc,!purego package chacha20 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_ppc64le.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_ppc64le.s index 23c6021..5c0fed2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_ppc64le.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_ppc64le.s @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ // The differences in this and the original implementation are // due to the calling conventions and initialization of constants. -// +build !gccgo,!purego +//go:build gc && !purego +// +build gc,!purego #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_s390x.go index a9244bd..c5898db 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_s390x.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build !gccgo,!purego +//go:build gc && !purego +// +build gc,!purego package chacha20 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_s390x.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_s390x.s index 89c658c..f3ef5a0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_s390x.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha_s390x.s @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build !gccgo,!purego +//go:build gc && !purego +// +build gc,!purego #include "go_asm.h" #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/curve25519.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/curve25519.go index 4b9a655..cda3fdd 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/curve25519.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/curve25519.go @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ package curve25519 // import "golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519" import ( "crypto/subtle" "fmt" + + "golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field" ) // ScalarMult sets dst to the product scalar * point. @@ -18,7 +20,55 @@ import ( // zeroes, irrespective of the scalar. Instead, use the X25519 function, which // will return an error. func ScalarMult(dst, scalar, point *[32]byte) { - scalarMult(dst, scalar, point) + var e [32]byte + + copy(e[:], scalar[:]) + e[0] &= 248 + e[31] &= 127 + e[31] |= 64 + + var x1, x2, z2, x3, z3, tmp0, tmp1 field.Element + x1.SetBytes(point[:]) + x2.One() + x3.Set(&x1) + z3.One() + + swap := 0 + for pos := 254; pos >= 0; pos-- { + b := e[pos/8] >> uint(pos&7) + b &= 1 + swap ^= int(b) + x2.Swap(&x3, swap) + z2.Swap(&z3, swap) + swap = int(b) + + tmp0.Subtract(&x3, &z3) + tmp1.Subtract(&x2, &z2) + x2.Add(&x2, &z2) + z2.Add(&x3, &z3) + z3.Multiply(&tmp0, &x2) + z2.Multiply(&z2, &tmp1) + tmp0.Square(&tmp1) + tmp1.Square(&x2) + x3.Add(&z3, &z2) + z2.Subtract(&z3, &z2) + x2.Multiply(&tmp1, &tmp0) + tmp1.Subtract(&tmp1, &tmp0) + z2.Square(&z2) + + z3.Mult32(&tmp1, 121666) + x3.Square(&x3) + tmp0.Add(&tmp0, &z3) + z3.Multiply(&x1, &z2) + z2.Multiply(&tmp1, &tmp0) + } + + x2.Swap(&x3, swap) + z2.Swap(&z3, swap) + + z2.Invert(&z2) + x2.Multiply(&x2, &z2) + copy(dst[:], x2.Bytes()) } // ScalarBaseMult sets dst to the product scalar * base where base is the diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/curve25519_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/curve25519_amd64.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5120b77..0000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/curve25519_amd64.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,240 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// +build amd64,!gccgo,!appengine,!purego - -package curve25519 - -// These functions are implemented in the .s files. The names of the functions -// in the rest of the file are also taken from the SUPERCOP sources to help -// people following along. - -//go:noescape - -func cswap(inout *[5]uint64, v uint64) - -//go:noescape - -func ladderstep(inout *[5][5]uint64) - -//go:noescape - -func freeze(inout *[5]uint64) - -//go:noescape - -func mul(dest, a, b *[5]uint64) - -//go:noescape - -func square(out, in *[5]uint64) - -// mladder uses a Montgomery ladder to calculate (xr/zr) *= s. -func mladder(xr, zr *[5]uint64, s *[32]byte) { - var work [5][5]uint64 - - work[0] = *xr - setint(&work[1], 1) - setint(&work[2], 0) - work[3] = *xr - setint(&work[4], 1) - - j := uint(6) - var prevbit byte - - for i := 31; i >= 0; i-- { - for j < 8 { - bit := ((*s)[i] >> j) & 1 - swap := bit ^ prevbit - prevbit = bit - cswap(&work[1], uint64(swap)) - ladderstep(&work) - j-- - } - j = 7 - } - - *xr = work[1] - *zr = work[2] -} - -func scalarMult(out, in, base *[32]byte) { - var e [32]byte - copy(e[:], (*in)[:]) - e[0] &= 248 - e[31] &= 127 - e[31] |= 64 - - var t, z [5]uint64 - unpack(&t, base) - mladder(&t, &z, &e) - invert(&z, &z) - mul(&t, &t, &z) - pack(out, &t) -} - -func setint(r *[5]uint64, v uint64) { - r[0] = v - r[1] = 0 - r[2] = 0 - r[3] = 0 - r[4] = 0 -} - -// unpack sets r = x where r consists of 5, 51-bit limbs in little-endian -// order. -func unpack(r *[5]uint64, x *[32]byte) { - r[0] = uint64(x[0]) | - uint64(x[1])<<8 | - uint64(x[2])<<16 | - uint64(x[3])<<24 | - uint64(x[4])<<32 | - uint64(x[5])<<40 | - uint64(x[6]&7)<<48 - - r[1] = uint64(x[6])>>3 | - uint64(x[7])<<5 | - uint64(x[8])<<13 | - uint64(x[9])<<21 | - uint64(x[10])<<29 | - uint64(x[11])<<37 | - uint64(x[12]&63)<<45 - - r[2] = uint64(x[12])>>6 | - uint64(x[13])<<2 | - uint64(x[14])<<10 | - uint64(x[15])<<18 | - uint64(x[16])<<26 | - uint64(x[17])<<34 | - uint64(x[18])<<42 | - uint64(x[19]&1)<<50 - - r[3] = uint64(x[19])>>1 | - uint64(x[20])<<7 | - uint64(x[21])<<15 | - uint64(x[22])<<23 | - uint64(x[23])<<31 | - uint64(x[24])<<39 | - uint64(x[25]&15)<<47 - - r[4] = uint64(x[25])>>4 | - uint64(x[26])<<4 | - uint64(x[27])<<12 | - uint64(x[28])<<20 | - uint64(x[29])<<28 | - uint64(x[30])<<36 | - uint64(x[31]&127)<<44 -} - -// pack sets out = x where out is the usual, little-endian form of the 5, -// 51-bit limbs in x. -func pack(out *[32]byte, x *[5]uint64) { - t := *x - freeze(&t) - - out[0] = byte(t[0]) - out[1] = byte(t[0] >> 8) - out[2] = byte(t[0] >> 16) - out[3] = byte(t[0] >> 24) - out[4] = byte(t[0] >> 32) - out[5] = byte(t[0] >> 40) - out[6] = byte(t[0] >> 48) - - out[6] ^= byte(t[1]<<3) & 0xf8 - out[7] = byte(t[1] >> 5) - out[8] = byte(t[1] >> 13) - out[9] = byte(t[1] >> 21) - out[10] = byte(t[1] >> 29) - out[11] = byte(t[1] >> 37) - out[12] = byte(t[1] >> 45) - - out[12] ^= byte(t[2]<<6) & 0xc0 - out[13] = byte(t[2] >> 2) - out[14] = byte(t[2] >> 10) - out[15] = byte(t[2] >> 18) - out[16] = byte(t[2] >> 26) - out[17] = byte(t[2] >> 34) - out[18] = byte(t[2] >> 42) - out[19] = byte(t[2] >> 50) - - out[19] ^= byte(t[3]<<1) & 0xfe - out[20] = byte(t[3] >> 7) - out[21] = byte(t[3] >> 15) - out[22] = byte(t[3] >> 23) - out[23] = byte(t[3] >> 31) - out[24] = byte(t[3] >> 39) - out[25] = byte(t[3] >> 47) - - out[25] ^= byte(t[4]<<4) & 0xf0 - out[26] = byte(t[4] >> 4) - out[27] = byte(t[4] >> 12) - out[28] = byte(t[4] >> 20) - out[29] = byte(t[4] >> 28) - out[30] = byte(t[4] >> 36) - out[31] = byte(t[4] >> 44) -} - -// invert calculates r = x^-1 mod p using Fermat's little theorem. -func invert(r *[5]uint64, x *[5]uint64) { - var z2, z9, z11, z2_5_0, z2_10_0, z2_20_0, z2_50_0, z2_100_0, t [5]uint64 - - square(&z2, x) /* 2 */ - square(&t, &z2) /* 4 */ - square(&t, &t) /* 8 */ - mul(&z9, &t, x) /* 9 */ - mul(&z11, &z9, &z2) /* 11 */ - square(&t, &z11) /* 22 */ - mul(&z2_5_0, &t, &z9) /* 2^5 - 2^0 = 31 */ - - square(&t, &z2_5_0) /* 2^6 - 2^1 */ - for i := 1; i < 5; i++ { /* 2^20 - 2^10 */ - square(&t, &t) - } - mul(&z2_10_0, &t, &z2_5_0) /* 2^10 - 2^0 */ - - square(&t, &z2_10_0) /* 2^11 - 2^1 */ - for i := 1; i < 10; i++ { /* 2^20 - 2^10 */ - square(&t, &t) - } - mul(&z2_20_0, &t, &z2_10_0) /* 2^20 - 2^0 */ - - square(&t, &z2_20_0) /* 2^21 - 2^1 */ - for i := 1; i < 20; i++ { /* 2^40 - 2^20 */ - square(&t, &t) - } - mul(&t, &t, &z2_20_0) /* 2^40 - 2^0 */ - - square(&t, &t) /* 2^41 - 2^1 */ - for i := 1; i < 10; i++ { /* 2^50 - 2^10 */ - square(&t, &t) - } - mul(&z2_50_0, &t, &z2_10_0) /* 2^50 - 2^0 */ - - square(&t, &z2_50_0) /* 2^51 - 2^1 */ - for i := 1; i < 50; i++ { /* 2^100 - 2^50 */ - square(&t, &t) - } - mul(&z2_100_0, &t, &z2_50_0) /* 2^100 - 2^0 */ - - square(&t, &z2_100_0) /* 2^101 - 2^1 */ - for i := 1; i < 100; i++ { /* 2^200 - 2^100 */ - square(&t, &t) - } - mul(&t, &t, &z2_100_0) /* 2^200 - 2^0 */ - - square(&t, &t) /* 2^201 - 2^1 */ - for i := 1; i < 50; i++ { /* 2^250 - 2^50 */ - square(&t, &t) - } - mul(&t, &t, &z2_50_0) /* 2^250 - 2^0 */ - - square(&t, &t) /* 2^251 - 2^1 */ - square(&t, &t) /* 2^252 - 2^2 */ - square(&t, &t) /* 2^253 - 2^3 */ - - square(&t, &t) /* 2^254 - 2^4 */ - - square(&t, &t) /* 2^255 - 2^5 */ - mul(r, &t, &z11) /* 2^255 - 21 */ -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/curve25519_amd64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/curve25519_amd64.s deleted file mode 100644 index 0250c88..0000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/curve25519_amd64.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1793 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// This code was translated into a form compatible with 6a from the public -// domain sources in SUPERCOP: https://bench.cr.yp.to/supercop.html - -// +build amd64,!gccgo,!appengine,!purego - -#define REDMASK51 0x0007FFFFFFFFFFFF - -// These constants cannot be encoded in non-MOVQ immediates. -// We access them directly from memory instead. - -DATA ·_121666_213(SB)/8, $996687872 -GLOBL ·_121666_213(SB), 8, $8 - -DATA ·_2P0(SB)/8, $0xFFFFFFFFFFFDA -GLOBL ·_2P0(SB), 8, $8 - -DATA ·_2P1234(SB)/8, $0xFFFFFFFFFFFFE -GLOBL ·_2P1234(SB), 8, $8 - -// func freeze(inout *[5]uint64) -TEXT ·freeze(SB),7,$0-8 - MOVQ inout+0(FP), DI - - MOVQ 0(DI),SI - MOVQ 8(DI),DX - MOVQ 16(DI),CX - MOVQ 24(DI),R8 - MOVQ 32(DI),R9 - MOVQ $REDMASK51,AX - MOVQ AX,R10 - SUBQ $18,R10 - MOVQ $3,R11 -REDUCELOOP: - MOVQ SI,R12 - SHRQ $51,R12 - ANDQ AX,SI - ADDQ R12,DX - MOVQ DX,R12 - SHRQ $51,R12 - ANDQ AX,DX - ADDQ R12,CX - MOVQ CX,R12 - SHRQ $51,R12 - ANDQ AX,CX - ADDQ R12,R8 - MOVQ R8,R12 - SHRQ $51,R12 - ANDQ AX,R8 - ADDQ R12,R9 - MOVQ R9,R12 - SHRQ $51,R12 - ANDQ AX,R9 - IMUL3Q $19,R12,R12 - ADDQ R12,SI - SUBQ $1,R11 - JA REDUCELOOP - MOVQ $1,R12 - CMPQ R10,SI - CMOVQLT R11,R12 - CMPQ AX,DX - CMOVQNE R11,R12 - CMPQ AX,CX - CMOVQNE R11,R12 - CMPQ AX,R8 - CMOVQNE R11,R12 - CMPQ AX,R9 - CMOVQNE R11,R12 - NEGQ R12 - ANDQ R12,AX - ANDQ R12,R10 - SUBQ R10,SI - SUBQ AX,DX - SUBQ AX,CX - SUBQ AX,R8 - SUBQ AX,R9 - MOVQ SI,0(DI) - MOVQ DX,8(DI) - MOVQ CX,16(DI) - MOVQ R8,24(DI) - MOVQ R9,32(DI) - RET - -// func ladderstep(inout *[5][5]uint64) -TEXT ·ladderstep(SB),0,$296-8 - MOVQ inout+0(FP),DI - - MOVQ 40(DI),SI - MOVQ 48(DI),DX - MOVQ 56(DI),CX - MOVQ 64(DI),R8 - MOVQ 72(DI),R9 - MOVQ SI,AX - MOVQ DX,R10 - MOVQ CX,R11 - MOVQ R8,R12 - MOVQ R9,R13 - ADDQ ·_2P0(SB),AX - ADDQ ·_2P1234(SB),R10 - ADDQ ·_2P1234(SB),R11 - ADDQ ·_2P1234(SB),R12 - ADDQ ·_2P1234(SB),R13 - ADDQ 80(DI),SI - ADDQ 88(DI),DX - ADDQ 96(DI),CX - ADDQ 104(DI),R8 - ADDQ 112(DI),R9 - SUBQ 80(DI),AX - SUBQ 88(DI),R10 - SUBQ 96(DI),R11 - SUBQ 104(DI),R12 - SUBQ 112(DI),R13 - MOVQ SI,0(SP) - MOVQ DX,8(SP) - MOVQ CX,16(SP) - MOVQ R8,24(SP) - MOVQ R9,32(SP) - MOVQ AX,40(SP) - MOVQ R10,48(SP) - MOVQ R11,56(SP) - MOVQ R12,64(SP) - MOVQ R13,72(SP) - MOVQ 40(SP),AX - MULQ 40(SP) - MOVQ AX,SI - MOVQ DX,CX - MOVQ 40(SP),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 48(SP) - MOVQ AX,R8 - MOVQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 40(SP),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 56(SP) - MOVQ AX,R10 - MOVQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 40(SP),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 64(SP) - MOVQ AX,R12 - MOVQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 40(SP),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 72(SP) - MOVQ AX,R14 - MOVQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 48(SP),AX - MULQ 48(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 48(SP),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 56(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 48(SP),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 64(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 48(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 72(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 56(SP),AX - MULQ 56(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 56(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 64(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 56(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 72(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 64(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 64(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 64(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 72(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 72(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 72(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ $REDMASK51,DX - SHLQ $13,SI,CX - ANDQ DX,SI - SHLQ $13,R8,R9 - ANDQ DX,R8 - ADDQ CX,R8 - SHLQ $13,R10,R11 - ANDQ DX,R10 - ADDQ R9,R10 - SHLQ $13,R12,R13 - ANDQ DX,R12 - ADDQ R11,R12 - SHLQ $13,R14,R15 - ANDQ DX,R14 - ADDQ R13,R14 - IMUL3Q $19,R15,CX - ADDQ CX,SI - MOVQ SI,CX - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R8,CX - ANDQ DX,SI - MOVQ CX,R8 - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R10,CX - ANDQ DX,R8 - MOVQ CX,R9 - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R12,CX - ANDQ DX,R9 - MOVQ CX,AX - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R14,CX - ANDQ DX,AX - MOVQ CX,R10 - SHRQ $51,CX - IMUL3Q $19,CX,CX - ADDQ CX,SI - ANDQ DX,R10 - MOVQ SI,80(SP) - MOVQ R8,88(SP) - MOVQ R9,96(SP) - MOVQ AX,104(SP) - MOVQ R10,112(SP) - MOVQ 0(SP),AX - MULQ 0(SP) - MOVQ AX,SI - MOVQ DX,CX - MOVQ 0(SP),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 8(SP) - MOVQ AX,R8 - MOVQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 0(SP),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 16(SP) - MOVQ AX,R10 - MOVQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 0(SP),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 24(SP) - MOVQ AX,R12 - MOVQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 0(SP),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 32(SP) - MOVQ AX,R14 - MOVQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 8(SP),AX - MULQ 8(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 8(SP),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 16(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 8(SP),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 24(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 8(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 32(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 16(SP),AX - MULQ 16(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 16(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 24(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 16(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 32(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 24(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 24(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 24(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 32(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 32(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 32(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ $REDMASK51,DX - SHLQ $13,SI,CX - ANDQ DX,SI - SHLQ $13,R8,R9 - ANDQ DX,R8 - ADDQ CX,R8 - SHLQ $13,R10,R11 - ANDQ DX,R10 - ADDQ R9,R10 - SHLQ $13,R12,R13 - ANDQ DX,R12 - ADDQ R11,R12 - SHLQ $13,R14,R15 - ANDQ DX,R14 - ADDQ R13,R14 - IMUL3Q $19,R15,CX - ADDQ CX,SI - MOVQ SI,CX - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R8,CX - ANDQ DX,SI - MOVQ CX,R8 - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R10,CX - ANDQ DX,R8 - MOVQ CX,R9 - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R12,CX - ANDQ DX,R9 - MOVQ CX,AX - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R14,CX - ANDQ DX,AX - MOVQ CX,R10 - SHRQ $51,CX - IMUL3Q $19,CX,CX - ADDQ CX,SI - ANDQ DX,R10 - MOVQ SI,120(SP) - MOVQ R8,128(SP) - MOVQ R9,136(SP) - MOVQ AX,144(SP) - MOVQ R10,152(SP) - MOVQ SI,SI - MOVQ R8,DX - MOVQ R9,CX - MOVQ AX,R8 - MOVQ R10,R9 - ADDQ ·_2P0(SB),SI - ADDQ ·_2P1234(SB),DX - ADDQ ·_2P1234(SB),CX - ADDQ ·_2P1234(SB),R8 - ADDQ ·_2P1234(SB),R9 - SUBQ 80(SP),SI - SUBQ 88(SP),DX - SUBQ 96(SP),CX - SUBQ 104(SP),R8 - SUBQ 112(SP),R9 - MOVQ SI,160(SP) - MOVQ DX,168(SP) - MOVQ CX,176(SP) - MOVQ R8,184(SP) - MOVQ R9,192(SP) - MOVQ 120(DI),SI - MOVQ 128(DI),DX - MOVQ 136(DI),CX - MOVQ 144(DI),R8 - MOVQ 152(DI),R9 - MOVQ SI,AX - MOVQ DX,R10 - MOVQ CX,R11 - MOVQ R8,R12 - MOVQ R9,R13 - ADDQ ·_2P0(SB),AX - ADDQ ·_2P1234(SB),R10 - ADDQ ·_2P1234(SB),R11 - ADDQ ·_2P1234(SB),R12 - ADDQ ·_2P1234(SB),R13 - ADDQ 160(DI),SI - ADDQ 168(DI),DX - ADDQ 176(DI),CX - ADDQ 184(DI),R8 - ADDQ 192(DI),R9 - SUBQ 160(DI),AX - SUBQ 168(DI),R10 - SUBQ 176(DI),R11 - SUBQ 184(DI),R12 - SUBQ 192(DI),R13 - MOVQ SI,200(SP) - MOVQ DX,208(SP) - MOVQ CX,216(SP) - MOVQ R8,224(SP) - MOVQ R9,232(SP) - MOVQ AX,240(SP) - MOVQ R10,248(SP) - MOVQ R11,256(SP) - MOVQ R12,264(SP) - MOVQ R13,272(SP) - MOVQ 224(SP),SI - IMUL3Q $19,SI,AX - MOVQ AX,280(SP) - MULQ 56(SP) - MOVQ AX,SI - MOVQ DX,CX - MOVQ 232(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MOVQ AX,288(SP) - MULQ 48(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 200(SP),AX - MULQ 40(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 200(SP),AX - MULQ 48(SP) - MOVQ AX,R8 - MOVQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 200(SP),AX - MULQ 56(SP) - MOVQ AX,R10 - MOVQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 200(SP),AX - MULQ 64(SP) - MOVQ AX,R12 - MOVQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 200(SP),AX - MULQ 72(SP) - MOVQ AX,R14 - MOVQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 208(SP),AX - MULQ 40(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 208(SP),AX - MULQ 48(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 208(SP),AX - MULQ 56(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 208(SP),AX - MULQ 64(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 208(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 72(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 216(SP),AX - MULQ 40(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 216(SP),AX - MULQ 48(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 216(SP),AX - MULQ 56(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 216(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 64(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 216(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 72(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 224(SP),AX - MULQ 40(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 224(SP),AX - MULQ 48(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 280(SP),AX - MULQ 64(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 280(SP),AX - MULQ 72(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 232(SP),AX - MULQ 40(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 288(SP),AX - MULQ 56(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 288(SP),AX - MULQ 64(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 288(SP),AX - MULQ 72(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ $REDMASK51,DX - SHLQ $13,SI,CX - ANDQ DX,SI - SHLQ $13,R8,R9 - ANDQ DX,R8 - ADDQ CX,R8 - SHLQ $13,R10,R11 - ANDQ DX,R10 - ADDQ R9,R10 - SHLQ $13,R12,R13 - ANDQ DX,R12 - ADDQ R11,R12 - SHLQ $13,R14,R15 - ANDQ DX,R14 - ADDQ R13,R14 - IMUL3Q $19,R15,CX - ADDQ CX,SI - MOVQ SI,CX - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R8,CX - MOVQ CX,R8 - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,SI - ADDQ R10,CX - MOVQ CX,R9 - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,R8 - ADDQ R12,CX - MOVQ CX,AX - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,R9 - ADDQ R14,CX - MOVQ CX,R10 - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,AX - IMUL3Q $19,CX,CX - ADDQ CX,SI - ANDQ DX,R10 - MOVQ SI,40(SP) - MOVQ R8,48(SP) - MOVQ R9,56(SP) - MOVQ AX,64(SP) - MOVQ R10,72(SP) - MOVQ 264(SP),SI - IMUL3Q $19,SI,AX - MOVQ AX,200(SP) - MULQ 16(SP) - MOVQ AX,SI - MOVQ DX,CX - MOVQ 272(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MOVQ AX,208(SP) - MULQ 8(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 240(SP),AX - MULQ 0(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 240(SP),AX - MULQ 8(SP) - MOVQ AX,R8 - MOVQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 240(SP),AX - MULQ 16(SP) - MOVQ AX,R10 - MOVQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 240(SP),AX - MULQ 24(SP) - MOVQ AX,R12 - MOVQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 240(SP),AX - MULQ 32(SP) - MOVQ AX,R14 - MOVQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 248(SP),AX - MULQ 0(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 248(SP),AX - MULQ 8(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 248(SP),AX - MULQ 16(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 248(SP),AX - MULQ 24(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 248(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 32(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 256(SP),AX - MULQ 0(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 256(SP),AX - MULQ 8(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 256(SP),AX - MULQ 16(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 256(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 24(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 256(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 32(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 264(SP),AX - MULQ 0(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 264(SP),AX - MULQ 8(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 200(SP),AX - MULQ 24(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 200(SP),AX - MULQ 32(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 272(SP),AX - MULQ 0(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 208(SP),AX - MULQ 16(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 208(SP),AX - MULQ 24(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 208(SP),AX - MULQ 32(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ $REDMASK51,DX - SHLQ $13,SI,CX - ANDQ DX,SI - SHLQ $13,R8,R9 - ANDQ DX,R8 - ADDQ CX,R8 - SHLQ $13,R10,R11 - ANDQ DX,R10 - ADDQ R9,R10 - SHLQ $13,R12,R13 - ANDQ DX,R12 - ADDQ R11,R12 - SHLQ $13,R14,R15 - ANDQ DX,R14 - ADDQ R13,R14 - IMUL3Q $19,R15,CX - ADDQ CX,SI - MOVQ SI,CX - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R8,CX - MOVQ CX,R8 - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,SI - ADDQ R10,CX - MOVQ CX,R9 - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,R8 - ADDQ R12,CX - MOVQ CX,AX - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,R9 - ADDQ R14,CX - MOVQ CX,R10 - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,AX - IMUL3Q $19,CX,CX - ADDQ CX,SI - ANDQ DX,R10 - MOVQ SI,DX - MOVQ R8,CX - MOVQ R9,R11 - MOVQ AX,R12 - MOVQ R10,R13 - ADDQ ·_2P0(SB),DX - ADDQ ·_2P1234(SB),CX - ADDQ ·_2P1234(SB),R11 - ADDQ ·_2P1234(SB),R12 - ADDQ ·_2P1234(SB),R13 - ADDQ 40(SP),SI - ADDQ 48(SP),R8 - ADDQ 56(SP),R9 - ADDQ 64(SP),AX - ADDQ 72(SP),R10 - SUBQ 40(SP),DX - SUBQ 48(SP),CX - SUBQ 56(SP),R11 - SUBQ 64(SP),R12 - SUBQ 72(SP),R13 - MOVQ SI,120(DI) - MOVQ R8,128(DI) - MOVQ R9,136(DI) - MOVQ AX,144(DI) - MOVQ R10,152(DI) - MOVQ DX,160(DI) - MOVQ CX,168(DI) - MOVQ R11,176(DI) - MOVQ R12,184(DI) - MOVQ R13,192(DI) - MOVQ 120(DI),AX - MULQ 120(DI) - MOVQ AX,SI - MOVQ DX,CX - MOVQ 120(DI),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 128(DI) - MOVQ AX,R8 - MOVQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 120(DI),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 136(DI) - MOVQ AX,R10 - MOVQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 120(DI),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 144(DI) - MOVQ AX,R12 - MOVQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 120(DI),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 152(DI) - MOVQ AX,R14 - MOVQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 128(DI),AX - MULQ 128(DI) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 128(DI),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 136(DI) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 128(DI),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 144(DI) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 128(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 152(DI) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 136(DI),AX - MULQ 136(DI) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 136(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 144(DI) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 136(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 152(DI) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 144(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 144(DI) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 144(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 152(DI) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 152(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 152(DI) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ $REDMASK51,DX - SHLQ $13,SI,CX - ANDQ DX,SI - SHLQ $13,R8,R9 - ANDQ DX,R8 - ADDQ CX,R8 - SHLQ $13,R10,R11 - ANDQ DX,R10 - ADDQ R9,R10 - SHLQ $13,R12,R13 - ANDQ DX,R12 - ADDQ R11,R12 - SHLQ $13,R14,R15 - ANDQ DX,R14 - ADDQ R13,R14 - IMUL3Q $19,R15,CX - ADDQ CX,SI - MOVQ SI,CX - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R8,CX - ANDQ DX,SI - MOVQ CX,R8 - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R10,CX - ANDQ DX,R8 - MOVQ CX,R9 - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R12,CX - ANDQ DX,R9 - MOVQ CX,AX - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R14,CX - ANDQ DX,AX - MOVQ CX,R10 - SHRQ $51,CX - IMUL3Q $19,CX,CX - ADDQ CX,SI - ANDQ DX,R10 - MOVQ SI,120(DI) - MOVQ R8,128(DI) - MOVQ R9,136(DI) - MOVQ AX,144(DI) - MOVQ R10,152(DI) - MOVQ 160(DI),AX - MULQ 160(DI) - MOVQ AX,SI - MOVQ DX,CX - MOVQ 160(DI),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 168(DI) - MOVQ AX,R8 - MOVQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 160(DI),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 176(DI) - MOVQ AX,R10 - MOVQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 160(DI),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 184(DI) - MOVQ AX,R12 - MOVQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 160(DI),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 192(DI) - MOVQ AX,R14 - MOVQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 168(DI),AX - MULQ 168(DI) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 168(DI),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 176(DI) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 168(DI),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 184(DI) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 168(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 192(DI) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 176(DI),AX - MULQ 176(DI) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 176(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 184(DI) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 176(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 192(DI) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 184(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 184(DI) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 184(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 192(DI) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 192(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 192(DI) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ $REDMASK51,DX - SHLQ $13,SI,CX - ANDQ DX,SI - SHLQ $13,R8,R9 - ANDQ DX,R8 - ADDQ CX,R8 - SHLQ $13,R10,R11 - ANDQ DX,R10 - ADDQ R9,R10 - SHLQ $13,R12,R13 - ANDQ DX,R12 - ADDQ R11,R12 - SHLQ $13,R14,R15 - ANDQ DX,R14 - ADDQ R13,R14 - IMUL3Q $19,R15,CX - ADDQ CX,SI - MOVQ SI,CX - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R8,CX - ANDQ DX,SI - MOVQ CX,R8 - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R10,CX - ANDQ DX,R8 - MOVQ CX,R9 - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R12,CX - ANDQ DX,R9 - MOVQ CX,AX - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R14,CX - ANDQ DX,AX - MOVQ CX,R10 - SHRQ $51,CX - IMUL3Q $19,CX,CX - ADDQ CX,SI - ANDQ DX,R10 - MOVQ SI,160(DI) - MOVQ R8,168(DI) - MOVQ R9,176(DI) - MOVQ AX,184(DI) - MOVQ R10,192(DI) - MOVQ 184(DI),SI - IMUL3Q $19,SI,AX - MOVQ AX,0(SP) - MULQ 16(DI) - MOVQ AX,SI - MOVQ DX,CX - MOVQ 192(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MOVQ AX,8(SP) - MULQ 8(DI) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 160(DI),AX - MULQ 0(DI) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 160(DI),AX - MULQ 8(DI) - MOVQ AX,R8 - MOVQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 160(DI),AX - MULQ 16(DI) - MOVQ AX,R10 - MOVQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 160(DI),AX - MULQ 24(DI) - MOVQ AX,R12 - MOVQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 160(DI),AX - MULQ 32(DI) - MOVQ AX,R14 - MOVQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 168(DI),AX - MULQ 0(DI) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 168(DI),AX - MULQ 8(DI) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 168(DI),AX - MULQ 16(DI) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 168(DI),AX - MULQ 24(DI) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 168(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 32(DI) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 176(DI),AX - MULQ 0(DI) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 176(DI),AX - MULQ 8(DI) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 176(DI),AX - MULQ 16(DI) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 176(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 24(DI) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 176(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 32(DI) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 184(DI),AX - MULQ 0(DI) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 184(DI),AX - MULQ 8(DI) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 0(SP),AX - MULQ 24(DI) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 0(SP),AX - MULQ 32(DI) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 192(DI),AX - MULQ 0(DI) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 8(SP),AX - MULQ 16(DI) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 8(SP),AX - MULQ 24(DI) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 8(SP),AX - MULQ 32(DI) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ $REDMASK51,DX - SHLQ $13,SI,CX - ANDQ DX,SI - SHLQ $13,R8,R9 - ANDQ DX,R8 - ADDQ CX,R8 - SHLQ $13,R10,R11 - ANDQ DX,R10 - ADDQ R9,R10 - SHLQ $13,R12,R13 - ANDQ DX,R12 - ADDQ R11,R12 - SHLQ $13,R14,R15 - ANDQ DX,R14 - ADDQ R13,R14 - IMUL3Q $19,R15,CX - ADDQ CX,SI - MOVQ SI,CX - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R8,CX - MOVQ CX,R8 - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,SI - ADDQ R10,CX - MOVQ CX,R9 - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,R8 - ADDQ R12,CX - MOVQ CX,AX - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,R9 - ADDQ R14,CX - MOVQ CX,R10 - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,AX - IMUL3Q $19,CX,CX - ADDQ CX,SI - ANDQ DX,R10 - MOVQ SI,160(DI) - MOVQ R8,168(DI) - MOVQ R9,176(DI) - MOVQ AX,184(DI) - MOVQ R10,192(DI) - MOVQ 144(SP),SI - IMUL3Q $19,SI,AX - MOVQ AX,0(SP) - MULQ 96(SP) - MOVQ AX,SI - MOVQ DX,CX - MOVQ 152(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MOVQ AX,8(SP) - MULQ 88(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 120(SP),AX - MULQ 80(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 120(SP),AX - MULQ 88(SP) - MOVQ AX,R8 - MOVQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 120(SP),AX - MULQ 96(SP) - MOVQ AX,R10 - MOVQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 120(SP),AX - MULQ 104(SP) - MOVQ AX,R12 - MOVQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 120(SP),AX - MULQ 112(SP) - MOVQ AX,R14 - MOVQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 128(SP),AX - MULQ 80(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 128(SP),AX - MULQ 88(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 128(SP),AX - MULQ 96(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 128(SP),AX - MULQ 104(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 128(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 112(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 136(SP),AX - MULQ 80(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 136(SP),AX - MULQ 88(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 136(SP),AX - MULQ 96(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 136(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 104(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 136(SP),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 112(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 144(SP),AX - MULQ 80(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 144(SP),AX - MULQ 88(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 0(SP),AX - MULQ 104(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 0(SP),AX - MULQ 112(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 152(SP),AX - MULQ 80(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 8(SP),AX - MULQ 96(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 8(SP),AX - MULQ 104(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 8(SP),AX - MULQ 112(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ $REDMASK51,DX - SHLQ $13,SI,CX - ANDQ DX,SI - SHLQ $13,R8,R9 - ANDQ DX,R8 - ADDQ CX,R8 - SHLQ $13,R10,R11 - ANDQ DX,R10 - ADDQ R9,R10 - SHLQ $13,R12,R13 - ANDQ DX,R12 - ADDQ R11,R12 - SHLQ $13,R14,R15 - ANDQ DX,R14 - ADDQ R13,R14 - IMUL3Q $19,R15,CX - ADDQ CX,SI - MOVQ SI,CX - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R8,CX - MOVQ CX,R8 - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,SI - ADDQ R10,CX - MOVQ CX,R9 - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,R8 - ADDQ R12,CX - MOVQ CX,AX - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,R9 - ADDQ R14,CX - MOVQ CX,R10 - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,AX - IMUL3Q $19,CX,CX - ADDQ CX,SI - ANDQ DX,R10 - MOVQ SI,40(DI) - MOVQ R8,48(DI) - MOVQ R9,56(DI) - MOVQ AX,64(DI) - MOVQ R10,72(DI) - MOVQ 160(SP),AX - MULQ ·_121666_213(SB) - SHRQ $13,AX - MOVQ AX,SI - MOVQ DX,CX - MOVQ 168(SP),AX - MULQ ·_121666_213(SB) - SHRQ $13,AX - ADDQ AX,CX - MOVQ DX,R8 - MOVQ 176(SP),AX - MULQ ·_121666_213(SB) - SHRQ $13,AX - ADDQ AX,R8 - MOVQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 184(SP),AX - MULQ ·_121666_213(SB) - SHRQ $13,AX - ADDQ AX,R9 - MOVQ DX,R10 - MOVQ 192(SP),AX - MULQ ·_121666_213(SB) - SHRQ $13,AX - ADDQ AX,R10 - IMUL3Q $19,DX,DX - ADDQ DX,SI - ADDQ 80(SP),SI - ADDQ 88(SP),CX - ADDQ 96(SP),R8 - ADDQ 104(SP),R9 - ADDQ 112(SP),R10 - MOVQ SI,80(DI) - MOVQ CX,88(DI) - MOVQ R8,96(DI) - MOVQ R9,104(DI) - MOVQ R10,112(DI) - MOVQ 104(DI),SI - IMUL3Q $19,SI,AX - MOVQ AX,0(SP) - MULQ 176(SP) - MOVQ AX,SI - MOVQ DX,CX - MOVQ 112(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MOVQ AX,8(SP) - MULQ 168(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 80(DI),AX - MULQ 160(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 80(DI),AX - MULQ 168(SP) - MOVQ AX,R8 - MOVQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 80(DI),AX - MULQ 176(SP) - MOVQ AX,R10 - MOVQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 80(DI),AX - MULQ 184(SP) - MOVQ AX,R12 - MOVQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 80(DI),AX - MULQ 192(SP) - MOVQ AX,R14 - MOVQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 88(DI),AX - MULQ 160(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 88(DI),AX - MULQ 168(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 88(DI),AX - MULQ 176(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 88(DI),AX - MULQ 184(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 88(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 192(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 96(DI),AX - MULQ 160(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 96(DI),AX - MULQ 168(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 96(DI),AX - MULQ 176(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 96(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 184(SP) - ADDQ AX,SI - ADCQ DX,CX - MOVQ 96(DI),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 192(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 104(DI),AX - MULQ 160(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 104(DI),AX - MULQ 168(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 0(SP),AX - MULQ 184(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 0(SP),AX - MULQ 192(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 112(DI),AX - MULQ 160(SP) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 8(SP),AX - MULQ 176(SP) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 8(SP),AX - MULQ 184(SP) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 8(SP),AX - MULQ 192(SP) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ $REDMASK51,DX - SHLQ $13,SI,CX - ANDQ DX,SI - SHLQ $13,R8,R9 - ANDQ DX,R8 - ADDQ CX,R8 - SHLQ $13,R10,R11 - ANDQ DX,R10 - ADDQ R9,R10 - SHLQ $13,R12,R13 - ANDQ DX,R12 - ADDQ R11,R12 - SHLQ $13,R14,R15 - ANDQ DX,R14 - ADDQ R13,R14 - IMUL3Q $19,R15,CX - ADDQ CX,SI - MOVQ SI,CX - SHRQ $51,CX - ADDQ R8,CX - MOVQ CX,R8 - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,SI - ADDQ R10,CX - MOVQ CX,R9 - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,R8 - ADDQ R12,CX - MOVQ CX,AX - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,R9 - ADDQ R14,CX - MOVQ CX,R10 - SHRQ $51,CX - ANDQ DX,AX - IMUL3Q $19,CX,CX - ADDQ CX,SI - ANDQ DX,R10 - MOVQ SI,80(DI) - MOVQ R8,88(DI) - MOVQ R9,96(DI) - MOVQ AX,104(DI) - MOVQ R10,112(DI) - RET - -// func cswap(inout *[4][5]uint64, v uint64) -TEXT ·cswap(SB),7,$0 - MOVQ inout+0(FP),DI - MOVQ v+8(FP),SI - - SUBQ $1, SI - NOTQ SI - MOVQ SI, X15 - PSHUFD $0x44, X15, X15 - - MOVOU 0(DI), X0 - MOVOU 16(DI), X2 - MOVOU 32(DI), X4 - MOVOU 48(DI), X6 - MOVOU 64(DI), X8 - MOVOU 80(DI), X1 - MOVOU 96(DI), X3 - MOVOU 112(DI), X5 - MOVOU 128(DI), X7 - MOVOU 144(DI), X9 - - MOVO X1, X10 - MOVO X3, X11 - MOVO X5, X12 - MOVO X7, X13 - MOVO X9, X14 - - PXOR X0, X10 - PXOR X2, X11 - PXOR X4, X12 - PXOR X6, X13 - PXOR X8, X14 - PAND X15, X10 - PAND X15, X11 - PAND X15, X12 - PAND X15, X13 - PAND X15, X14 - PXOR X10, X0 - PXOR X10, X1 - PXOR X11, X2 - PXOR X11, X3 - PXOR X12, X4 - PXOR X12, X5 - PXOR X13, X6 - PXOR X13, X7 - PXOR X14, X8 - PXOR X14, X9 - - MOVOU X0, 0(DI) - MOVOU X2, 16(DI) - MOVOU X4, 32(DI) - MOVOU X6, 48(DI) - MOVOU X8, 64(DI) - MOVOU X1, 80(DI) - MOVOU X3, 96(DI) - MOVOU X5, 112(DI) - MOVOU X7, 128(DI) - MOVOU X9, 144(DI) - RET - -// func mul(dest, a, b *[5]uint64) -TEXT ·mul(SB),0,$16-24 - MOVQ dest+0(FP), DI - MOVQ a+8(FP), SI - MOVQ b+16(FP), DX - - MOVQ DX,CX - MOVQ 24(SI),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MOVQ AX,0(SP) - MULQ 16(CX) - MOVQ AX,R8 - MOVQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 32(SI),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MOVQ AX,8(SP) - MULQ 8(CX) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 0(SI),AX - MULQ 0(CX) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 0(SI),AX - MULQ 8(CX) - MOVQ AX,R10 - MOVQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 0(SI),AX - MULQ 16(CX) - MOVQ AX,R12 - MOVQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 0(SI),AX - MULQ 24(CX) - MOVQ AX,R14 - MOVQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 0(SI),AX - MULQ 32(CX) - MOVQ AX,BX - MOVQ DX,BP - MOVQ 8(SI),AX - MULQ 0(CX) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 8(SI),AX - MULQ 8(CX) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 8(SI),AX - MULQ 16(CX) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 8(SI),AX - MULQ 24(CX) - ADDQ AX,BX - ADCQ DX,BP - MOVQ 8(SI),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 32(CX) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 16(SI),AX - MULQ 0(CX) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 16(SI),AX - MULQ 8(CX) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 16(SI),AX - MULQ 16(CX) - ADDQ AX,BX - ADCQ DX,BP - MOVQ 16(SI),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 24(CX) - ADDQ AX,R8 - ADCQ DX,R9 - MOVQ 16(SI),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 32(CX) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 24(SI),AX - MULQ 0(CX) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ 24(SI),AX - MULQ 8(CX) - ADDQ AX,BX - ADCQ DX,BP - MOVQ 0(SP),AX - MULQ 24(CX) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 0(SP),AX - MULQ 32(CX) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 32(SI),AX - MULQ 0(CX) - ADDQ AX,BX - ADCQ DX,BP - MOVQ 8(SP),AX - MULQ 16(CX) - ADDQ AX,R10 - ADCQ DX,R11 - MOVQ 8(SP),AX - MULQ 24(CX) - ADDQ AX,R12 - ADCQ DX,R13 - MOVQ 8(SP),AX - MULQ 32(CX) - ADDQ AX,R14 - ADCQ DX,R15 - MOVQ $REDMASK51,SI - SHLQ $13,R8,R9 - ANDQ SI,R8 - SHLQ $13,R10,R11 - ANDQ SI,R10 - ADDQ R9,R10 - SHLQ $13,R12,R13 - ANDQ SI,R12 - ADDQ R11,R12 - SHLQ $13,R14,R15 - ANDQ SI,R14 - ADDQ R13,R14 - SHLQ $13,BX,BP - ANDQ SI,BX - ADDQ R15,BX - IMUL3Q $19,BP,DX - ADDQ DX,R8 - MOVQ R8,DX - SHRQ $51,DX - ADDQ R10,DX - MOVQ DX,CX - SHRQ $51,DX - ANDQ SI,R8 - ADDQ R12,DX - MOVQ DX,R9 - SHRQ $51,DX - ANDQ SI,CX - ADDQ R14,DX - MOVQ DX,AX - SHRQ $51,DX - ANDQ SI,R9 - ADDQ BX,DX - MOVQ DX,R10 - SHRQ $51,DX - ANDQ SI,AX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,DX - ADDQ DX,R8 - ANDQ SI,R10 - MOVQ R8,0(DI) - MOVQ CX,8(DI) - MOVQ R9,16(DI) - MOVQ AX,24(DI) - MOVQ R10,32(DI) - RET - -// func square(out, in *[5]uint64) -TEXT ·square(SB),7,$0-16 - MOVQ out+0(FP), DI - MOVQ in+8(FP), SI - - MOVQ 0(SI),AX - MULQ 0(SI) - MOVQ AX,CX - MOVQ DX,R8 - MOVQ 0(SI),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 8(SI) - MOVQ AX,R9 - MOVQ DX,R10 - MOVQ 0(SI),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 16(SI) - MOVQ AX,R11 - MOVQ DX,R12 - MOVQ 0(SI),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 24(SI) - MOVQ AX,R13 - MOVQ DX,R14 - MOVQ 0(SI),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 32(SI) - MOVQ AX,R15 - MOVQ DX,BX - MOVQ 8(SI),AX - MULQ 8(SI) - ADDQ AX,R11 - ADCQ DX,R12 - MOVQ 8(SI),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 16(SI) - ADDQ AX,R13 - ADCQ DX,R14 - MOVQ 8(SI),AX - SHLQ $1,AX - MULQ 24(SI) - ADDQ AX,R15 - ADCQ DX,BX - MOVQ 8(SI),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 32(SI) - ADDQ AX,CX - ADCQ DX,R8 - MOVQ 16(SI),AX - MULQ 16(SI) - ADDQ AX,R15 - ADCQ DX,BX - MOVQ 16(SI),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 24(SI) - ADDQ AX,CX - ADCQ DX,R8 - MOVQ 16(SI),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 32(SI) - ADDQ AX,R9 - ADCQ DX,R10 - MOVQ 24(SI),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 24(SI) - ADDQ AX,R9 - ADCQ DX,R10 - MOVQ 24(SI),DX - IMUL3Q $38,DX,AX - MULQ 32(SI) - ADDQ AX,R11 - ADCQ DX,R12 - MOVQ 32(SI),DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,AX - MULQ 32(SI) - ADDQ AX,R13 - ADCQ DX,R14 - MOVQ $REDMASK51,SI - SHLQ $13,CX,R8 - ANDQ SI,CX - SHLQ $13,R9,R10 - ANDQ SI,R9 - ADDQ R8,R9 - SHLQ $13,R11,R12 - ANDQ SI,R11 - ADDQ R10,R11 - SHLQ $13,R13,R14 - ANDQ SI,R13 - ADDQ R12,R13 - SHLQ $13,R15,BX - ANDQ SI,R15 - ADDQ R14,R15 - IMUL3Q $19,BX,DX - ADDQ DX,CX - MOVQ CX,DX - SHRQ $51,DX - ADDQ R9,DX - ANDQ SI,CX - MOVQ DX,R8 - SHRQ $51,DX - ADDQ R11,DX - ANDQ SI,R8 - MOVQ DX,R9 - SHRQ $51,DX - ADDQ R13,DX - ANDQ SI,R9 - MOVQ DX,AX - SHRQ $51,DX - ADDQ R15,DX - ANDQ SI,AX - MOVQ DX,R10 - SHRQ $51,DX - IMUL3Q $19,DX,DX - ADDQ DX,CX - ANDQ SI,R10 - MOVQ CX,0(DI) - MOVQ R8,8(DI) - MOVQ R9,16(DI) - MOVQ AX,24(DI) - MOVQ R10,32(DI) - RET diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/curve25519_generic.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/curve25519_generic.go deleted file mode 100644 index c43b13f..0000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/curve25519_generic.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,828 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -package curve25519 - -import "encoding/binary" - -// This code is a port of the public domain, "ref10" implementation of -// curve25519 from SUPERCOP 20130419 by D. J. Bernstein. - -// fieldElement represents an element of the field GF(2^255 - 19). An element -// t, entries t[0]...t[9], represents the integer t[0]+2^26 t[1]+2^51 t[2]+2^77 -// t[3]+2^102 t[4]+...+2^230 t[9]. Bounds on each t[i] vary depending on -// context. -type fieldElement [10]int32 - -func feZero(fe *fieldElement) { - for i := range fe { - fe[i] = 0 - } -} - -func feOne(fe *fieldElement) { - feZero(fe) - fe[0] = 1 -} - -func feAdd(dst, a, b *fieldElement) { - for i := range dst { - dst[i] = a[i] + b[i] - } -} - -func feSub(dst, a, b *fieldElement) { - for i := range dst { - dst[i] = a[i] - b[i] - } -} - -func feCopy(dst, src *fieldElement) { - for i := range dst { - dst[i] = src[i] - } -} - -// feCSwap replaces (f,g) with (g,f) if b == 1; replaces (f,g) with (f,g) if b == 0. -// -// Preconditions: b in {0,1}. -func feCSwap(f, g *fieldElement, b int32) { - b = -b - for i := range f { - t := b & (f[i] ^ g[i]) - f[i] ^= t - g[i] ^= t - } -} - -// load3 reads a 24-bit, little-endian value from in. -func load3(in []byte) int64 { - var r int64 - r = int64(in[0]) - r |= int64(in[1]) << 8 - r |= int64(in[2]) << 16 - return r -} - -// load4 reads a 32-bit, little-endian value from in. -func load4(in []byte) int64 { - return int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(in)) -} - -func feFromBytes(dst *fieldElement, src *[32]byte) { - h0 := load4(src[:]) - h1 := load3(src[4:]) << 6 - h2 := load3(src[7:]) << 5 - h3 := load3(src[10:]) << 3 - h4 := load3(src[13:]) << 2 - h5 := load4(src[16:]) - h6 := load3(src[20:]) << 7 - h7 := load3(src[23:]) << 5 - h8 := load3(src[26:]) << 4 - h9 := (load3(src[29:]) & 0x7fffff) << 2 - - var carry [10]int64 - carry[9] = (h9 + 1<<24) >> 25 - h0 += carry[9] * 19 - h9 -= carry[9] << 25 - carry[1] = (h1 + 1<<24) >> 25 - h2 += carry[1] - h1 -= carry[1] << 25 - carry[3] = (h3 + 1<<24) >> 25 - h4 += carry[3] - h3 -= carry[3] << 25 - carry[5] = (h5 + 1<<24) >> 25 - h6 += carry[5] - h5 -= carry[5] << 25 - carry[7] = (h7 + 1<<24) >> 25 - h8 += carry[7] - h7 -= carry[7] << 25 - - carry[0] = (h0 + 1<<25) >> 26 - h1 += carry[0] - h0 -= carry[0] << 26 - carry[2] = (h2 + 1<<25) >> 26 - h3 += carry[2] - h2 -= carry[2] << 26 - carry[4] = (h4 + 1<<25) >> 26 - h5 += carry[4] - h4 -= carry[4] << 26 - carry[6] = (h6 + 1<<25) >> 26 - h7 += carry[6] - h6 -= carry[6] << 26 - carry[8] = (h8 + 1<<25) >> 26 - h9 += carry[8] - h8 -= carry[8] << 26 - - dst[0] = int32(h0) - dst[1] = int32(h1) - dst[2] = int32(h2) - dst[3] = int32(h3) - dst[4] = int32(h4) - dst[5] = int32(h5) - dst[6] = int32(h6) - dst[7] = int32(h7) - dst[8] = int32(h8) - dst[9] = int32(h9) -} - -// feToBytes marshals h to s. -// Preconditions: -// |h| bounded by 1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,etc. -// -// Write p=2^255-19; q=floor(h/p). -// Basic claim: q = floor(2^(-255)(h + 19 2^(-25)h9 + 2^(-1))). -// -// Proof: -// Have |h|<=p so |q|<=1 so |19^2 2^(-255) q|<1/4. -// Also have |h-2^230 h9|<2^230 so |19 2^(-255)(h-2^230 h9)|<1/4. -// -// Write y=2^(-1)-19^2 2^(-255)q-19 2^(-255)(h-2^230 h9). -// Then 0> 25 - q = (h[0] + q) >> 26 - q = (h[1] + q) >> 25 - q = (h[2] + q) >> 26 - q = (h[3] + q) >> 25 - q = (h[4] + q) >> 26 - q = (h[5] + q) >> 25 - q = (h[6] + q) >> 26 - q = (h[7] + q) >> 25 - q = (h[8] + q) >> 26 - q = (h[9] + q) >> 25 - - // Goal: Output h-(2^255-19)q, which is between 0 and 2^255-20. - h[0] += 19 * q - // Goal: Output h-2^255 q, which is between 0 and 2^255-20. - - carry[0] = h[0] >> 26 - h[1] += carry[0] - h[0] -= carry[0] << 26 - carry[1] = h[1] >> 25 - h[2] += carry[1] - h[1] -= carry[1] << 25 - carry[2] = h[2] >> 26 - h[3] += carry[2] - h[2] -= carry[2] << 26 - carry[3] = h[3] >> 25 - h[4] += carry[3] - h[3] -= carry[3] << 25 - carry[4] = h[4] >> 26 - h[5] += carry[4] - h[4] -= carry[4] << 26 - carry[5] = h[5] >> 25 - h[6] += carry[5] - h[5] -= carry[5] << 25 - carry[6] = h[6] >> 26 - h[7] += carry[6] - h[6] -= carry[6] << 26 - carry[7] = h[7] >> 25 - h[8] += carry[7] - h[7] -= carry[7] << 25 - carry[8] = h[8] >> 26 - h[9] += carry[8] - h[8] -= carry[8] << 26 - carry[9] = h[9] >> 25 - h[9] -= carry[9] << 25 - // h10 = carry9 - - // Goal: Output h[0]+...+2^255 h10-2^255 q, which is between 0 and 2^255-20. - // Have h[0]+...+2^230 h[9] between 0 and 2^255-1; - // evidently 2^255 h10-2^255 q = 0. - // Goal: Output h[0]+...+2^230 h[9]. - - s[0] = byte(h[0] >> 0) - s[1] = byte(h[0] >> 8) - s[2] = byte(h[0] >> 16) - s[3] = byte((h[0] >> 24) | (h[1] << 2)) - s[4] = byte(h[1] >> 6) - s[5] = byte(h[1] >> 14) - s[6] = byte((h[1] >> 22) | (h[2] << 3)) - s[7] = byte(h[2] >> 5) - s[8] = byte(h[2] >> 13) - s[9] = byte((h[2] >> 21) | (h[3] << 5)) - s[10] = byte(h[3] >> 3) - s[11] = byte(h[3] >> 11) - s[12] = byte((h[3] >> 19) | (h[4] << 6)) - s[13] = byte(h[4] >> 2) - s[14] = byte(h[4] >> 10) - s[15] = byte(h[4] >> 18) - s[16] = byte(h[5] >> 0) - s[17] = byte(h[5] >> 8) - s[18] = byte(h[5] >> 16) - s[19] = byte((h[5] >> 24) | (h[6] << 1)) - s[20] = byte(h[6] >> 7) - s[21] = byte(h[6] >> 15) - s[22] = byte((h[6] >> 23) | (h[7] << 3)) - s[23] = byte(h[7] >> 5) - s[24] = byte(h[7] >> 13) - s[25] = byte((h[7] >> 21) | (h[8] << 4)) - s[26] = byte(h[8] >> 4) - s[27] = byte(h[8] >> 12) - s[28] = byte((h[8] >> 20) | (h[9] << 6)) - s[29] = byte(h[9] >> 2) - s[30] = byte(h[9] >> 10) - s[31] = byte(h[9] >> 18) -} - -// feMul calculates h = f * g -// Can overlap h with f or g. -// -// Preconditions: -// |f| bounded by 1.1*2^26,1.1*2^25,1.1*2^26,1.1*2^25,etc. -// |g| bounded by 1.1*2^26,1.1*2^25,1.1*2^26,1.1*2^25,etc. -// -// Postconditions: -// |h| bounded by 1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,etc. -// -// Notes on implementation strategy: -// -// Using schoolbook multiplication. -// Karatsuba would save a little in some cost models. -// -// Most multiplications by 2 and 19 are 32-bit precomputations; -// cheaper than 64-bit postcomputations. -// -// There is one remaining multiplication by 19 in the carry chain; -// one *19 precomputation can be merged into this, -// but the resulting data flow is considerably less clean. -// -// There are 12 carries below. -// 10 of them are 2-way parallelizable and vectorizable. -// Can get away with 11 carries, but then data flow is much deeper. -// -// With tighter constraints on inputs can squeeze carries into int32. -func feMul(h, f, g *fieldElement) { - f0 := f[0] - f1 := f[1] - f2 := f[2] - f3 := f[3] - f4 := f[4] - f5 := f[5] - f6 := f[6] - f7 := f[7] - f8 := f[8] - f9 := f[9] - g0 := g[0] - g1 := g[1] - g2 := g[2] - g3 := g[3] - g4 := g[4] - g5 := g[5] - g6 := g[6] - g7 := g[7] - g8 := g[8] - g9 := g[9] - g1_19 := 19 * g1 // 1.4*2^29 - g2_19 := 19 * g2 // 1.4*2^30; still ok - g3_19 := 19 * g3 - g4_19 := 19 * g4 - g5_19 := 19 * g5 - g6_19 := 19 * g6 - g7_19 := 19 * g7 - g8_19 := 19 * g8 - g9_19 := 19 * g9 - f1_2 := 2 * f1 - f3_2 := 2 * f3 - f5_2 := 2 * f5 - f7_2 := 2 * f7 - f9_2 := 2 * f9 - f0g0 := int64(f0) * int64(g0) - f0g1 := int64(f0) * int64(g1) - f0g2 := int64(f0) * int64(g2) - f0g3 := int64(f0) * int64(g3) - f0g4 := int64(f0) * int64(g4) - f0g5 := int64(f0) * int64(g5) - f0g6 := int64(f0) * int64(g6) - f0g7 := int64(f0) * int64(g7) - f0g8 := int64(f0) * int64(g8) - f0g9 := int64(f0) * int64(g9) - f1g0 := int64(f1) * int64(g0) - f1g1_2 := int64(f1_2) * int64(g1) - f1g2 := int64(f1) * int64(g2) - f1g3_2 := int64(f1_2) * int64(g3) - f1g4 := int64(f1) * int64(g4) - f1g5_2 := int64(f1_2) * int64(g5) - f1g6 := int64(f1) * int64(g6) - f1g7_2 := int64(f1_2) * int64(g7) - f1g8 := int64(f1) * int64(g8) - f1g9_38 := int64(f1_2) * int64(g9_19) - f2g0 := int64(f2) * int64(g0) - f2g1 := int64(f2) * int64(g1) - f2g2 := int64(f2) * int64(g2) - f2g3 := int64(f2) * int64(g3) - f2g4 := int64(f2) * int64(g4) - f2g5 := int64(f2) * int64(g5) - f2g6 := int64(f2) * int64(g6) - f2g7 := int64(f2) * int64(g7) - f2g8_19 := int64(f2) * int64(g8_19) - f2g9_19 := int64(f2) * int64(g9_19) - f3g0 := int64(f3) * int64(g0) - f3g1_2 := int64(f3_2) * int64(g1) - f3g2 := int64(f3) * int64(g2) - f3g3_2 := int64(f3_2) * int64(g3) - f3g4 := int64(f3) * int64(g4) - f3g5_2 := int64(f3_2) * int64(g5) - f3g6 := int64(f3) * int64(g6) - f3g7_38 := int64(f3_2) * int64(g7_19) - f3g8_19 := int64(f3) * int64(g8_19) - f3g9_38 := int64(f3_2) * int64(g9_19) - f4g0 := int64(f4) * int64(g0) - f4g1 := int64(f4) * int64(g1) - f4g2 := int64(f4) * int64(g2) - f4g3 := int64(f4) * int64(g3) - f4g4 := int64(f4) * int64(g4) - f4g5 := int64(f4) * int64(g5) - f4g6_19 := int64(f4) * int64(g6_19) - f4g7_19 := int64(f4) * int64(g7_19) - f4g8_19 := int64(f4) * int64(g8_19) - f4g9_19 := int64(f4) * int64(g9_19) - f5g0 := int64(f5) * int64(g0) - f5g1_2 := int64(f5_2) * int64(g1) - f5g2 := int64(f5) * int64(g2) - f5g3_2 := int64(f5_2) * int64(g3) - f5g4 := int64(f5) * int64(g4) - f5g5_38 := int64(f5_2) * int64(g5_19) - f5g6_19 := int64(f5) * int64(g6_19) - f5g7_38 := int64(f5_2) * int64(g7_19) - f5g8_19 := int64(f5) * int64(g8_19) - f5g9_38 := int64(f5_2) * int64(g9_19) - f6g0 := int64(f6) * int64(g0) - f6g1 := int64(f6) * int64(g1) - f6g2 := int64(f6) * int64(g2) - f6g3 := int64(f6) * int64(g3) - f6g4_19 := int64(f6) * int64(g4_19) - f6g5_19 := int64(f6) * int64(g5_19) - f6g6_19 := int64(f6) * int64(g6_19) - f6g7_19 := int64(f6) * int64(g7_19) - f6g8_19 := int64(f6) * int64(g8_19) - f6g9_19 := int64(f6) * int64(g9_19) - f7g0 := int64(f7) * int64(g0) - f7g1_2 := int64(f7_2) * int64(g1) - f7g2 := int64(f7) * int64(g2) - f7g3_38 := int64(f7_2) * int64(g3_19) - f7g4_19 := int64(f7) * int64(g4_19) - f7g5_38 := int64(f7_2) * int64(g5_19) - f7g6_19 := int64(f7) * int64(g6_19) - f7g7_38 := int64(f7_2) * int64(g7_19) - f7g8_19 := int64(f7) * int64(g8_19) - f7g9_38 := int64(f7_2) * int64(g9_19) - f8g0 := int64(f8) * int64(g0) - f8g1 := int64(f8) * int64(g1) - f8g2_19 := int64(f8) * int64(g2_19) - f8g3_19 := int64(f8) * int64(g3_19) - f8g4_19 := int64(f8) * int64(g4_19) - f8g5_19 := int64(f8) * int64(g5_19) - f8g6_19 := int64(f8) * int64(g6_19) - f8g7_19 := int64(f8) * int64(g7_19) - f8g8_19 := int64(f8) * int64(g8_19) - f8g9_19 := int64(f8) * int64(g9_19) - f9g0 := int64(f9) * int64(g0) - f9g1_38 := int64(f9_2) * int64(g1_19) - f9g2_19 := int64(f9) * int64(g2_19) - f9g3_38 := int64(f9_2) * int64(g3_19) - f9g4_19 := int64(f9) * int64(g4_19) - f9g5_38 := int64(f9_2) * int64(g5_19) - f9g6_19 := int64(f9) * int64(g6_19) - f9g7_38 := int64(f9_2) * int64(g7_19) - f9g8_19 := int64(f9) * int64(g8_19) - f9g9_38 := int64(f9_2) * int64(g9_19) - h0 := f0g0 + f1g9_38 + f2g8_19 + f3g7_38 + f4g6_19 + f5g5_38 + f6g4_19 + f7g3_38 + f8g2_19 + f9g1_38 - h1 := f0g1 + f1g0 + f2g9_19 + f3g8_19 + f4g7_19 + f5g6_19 + f6g5_19 + f7g4_19 + f8g3_19 + f9g2_19 - h2 := f0g2 + f1g1_2 + f2g0 + f3g9_38 + f4g8_19 + f5g7_38 + f6g6_19 + f7g5_38 + f8g4_19 + f9g3_38 - h3 := f0g3 + f1g2 + f2g1 + f3g0 + f4g9_19 + f5g8_19 + f6g7_19 + f7g6_19 + f8g5_19 + f9g4_19 - h4 := f0g4 + f1g3_2 + f2g2 + f3g1_2 + f4g0 + f5g9_38 + f6g8_19 + f7g7_38 + f8g6_19 + f9g5_38 - h5 := f0g5 + f1g4 + f2g3 + f3g2 + f4g1 + f5g0 + f6g9_19 + f7g8_19 + f8g7_19 + f9g6_19 - h6 := f0g6 + f1g5_2 + f2g4 + f3g3_2 + f4g2 + f5g1_2 + f6g0 + f7g9_38 + f8g8_19 + f9g7_38 - h7 := f0g7 + f1g6 + f2g5 + f3g4 + f4g3 + f5g2 + f6g1 + f7g0 + f8g9_19 + f9g8_19 - h8 := f0g8 + f1g7_2 + f2g6 + f3g5_2 + f4g4 + f5g3_2 + f6g2 + f7g1_2 + f8g0 + f9g9_38 - h9 := f0g9 + f1g8 + f2g7 + f3g6 + f4g5 + f5g4 + f6g3 + f7g2 + f8g1 + f9g0 - var carry [10]int64 - - // |h0| <= (1.1*1.1*2^52*(1+19+19+19+19)+1.1*1.1*2^50*(38+38+38+38+38)) - // i.e. |h0| <= 1.2*2^59; narrower ranges for h2, h4, h6, h8 - // |h1| <= (1.1*1.1*2^51*(1+1+19+19+19+19+19+19+19+19)) - // i.e. |h1| <= 1.5*2^58; narrower ranges for h3, h5, h7, h9 - - carry[0] = (h0 + (1 << 25)) >> 26 - h1 += carry[0] - h0 -= carry[0] << 26 - carry[4] = (h4 + (1 << 25)) >> 26 - h5 += carry[4] - h4 -= carry[4] << 26 - // |h0| <= 2^25 - // |h4| <= 2^25 - // |h1| <= 1.51*2^58 - // |h5| <= 1.51*2^58 - - carry[1] = (h1 + (1 << 24)) >> 25 - h2 += carry[1] - h1 -= carry[1] << 25 - carry[5] = (h5 + (1 << 24)) >> 25 - h6 += carry[5] - h5 -= carry[5] << 25 - // |h1| <= 2^24; from now on fits into int32 - // |h5| <= 2^24; from now on fits into int32 - // |h2| <= 1.21*2^59 - // |h6| <= 1.21*2^59 - - carry[2] = (h2 + (1 << 25)) >> 26 - h3 += carry[2] - h2 -= carry[2] << 26 - carry[6] = (h6 + (1 << 25)) >> 26 - h7 += carry[6] - h6 -= carry[6] << 26 - // |h2| <= 2^25; from now on fits into int32 unchanged - // |h6| <= 2^25; from now on fits into int32 unchanged - // |h3| <= 1.51*2^58 - // |h7| <= 1.51*2^58 - - carry[3] = (h3 + (1 << 24)) >> 25 - h4 += carry[3] - h3 -= carry[3] << 25 - carry[7] = (h7 + (1 << 24)) >> 25 - h8 += carry[7] - h7 -= carry[7] << 25 - // |h3| <= 2^24; from now on fits into int32 unchanged - // |h7| <= 2^24; from now on fits into int32 unchanged - // |h4| <= 1.52*2^33 - // |h8| <= 1.52*2^33 - - carry[4] = (h4 + (1 << 25)) >> 26 - h5 += carry[4] - h4 -= carry[4] << 26 - carry[8] = (h8 + (1 << 25)) >> 26 - h9 += carry[8] - h8 -= carry[8] << 26 - // |h4| <= 2^25; from now on fits into int32 unchanged - // |h8| <= 2^25; from now on fits into int32 unchanged - // |h5| <= 1.01*2^24 - // |h9| <= 1.51*2^58 - - carry[9] = (h9 + (1 << 24)) >> 25 - h0 += carry[9] * 19 - h9 -= carry[9] << 25 - // |h9| <= 2^24; from now on fits into int32 unchanged - // |h0| <= 1.8*2^37 - - carry[0] = (h0 + (1 << 25)) >> 26 - h1 += carry[0] - h0 -= carry[0] << 26 - // |h0| <= 2^25; from now on fits into int32 unchanged - // |h1| <= 1.01*2^24 - - h[0] = int32(h0) - h[1] = int32(h1) - h[2] = int32(h2) - h[3] = int32(h3) - h[4] = int32(h4) - h[5] = int32(h5) - h[6] = int32(h6) - h[7] = int32(h7) - h[8] = int32(h8) - h[9] = int32(h9) -} - -// feSquare calculates h = f*f. Can overlap h with f. -// -// Preconditions: -// |f| bounded by 1.1*2^26,1.1*2^25,1.1*2^26,1.1*2^25,etc. -// -// Postconditions: -// |h| bounded by 1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,etc. -func feSquare(h, f *fieldElement) { - f0 := f[0] - f1 := f[1] - f2 := f[2] - f3 := f[3] - f4 := f[4] - f5 := f[5] - f6 := f[6] - f7 := f[7] - f8 := f[8] - f9 := f[9] - f0_2 := 2 * f0 - f1_2 := 2 * f1 - f2_2 := 2 * f2 - f3_2 := 2 * f3 - f4_2 := 2 * f4 - f5_2 := 2 * f5 - f6_2 := 2 * f6 - f7_2 := 2 * f7 - f5_38 := 38 * f5 // 1.31*2^30 - f6_19 := 19 * f6 // 1.31*2^30 - f7_38 := 38 * f7 // 1.31*2^30 - f8_19 := 19 * f8 // 1.31*2^30 - f9_38 := 38 * f9 // 1.31*2^30 - f0f0 := int64(f0) * int64(f0) - f0f1_2 := int64(f0_2) * int64(f1) - f0f2_2 := int64(f0_2) * int64(f2) - f0f3_2 := int64(f0_2) * int64(f3) - f0f4_2 := int64(f0_2) * int64(f4) - f0f5_2 := int64(f0_2) * int64(f5) - f0f6_2 := int64(f0_2) * int64(f6) - f0f7_2 := int64(f0_2) * int64(f7) - f0f8_2 := int64(f0_2) * int64(f8) - f0f9_2 := int64(f0_2) * int64(f9) - f1f1_2 := int64(f1_2) * int64(f1) - f1f2_2 := int64(f1_2) * int64(f2) - f1f3_4 := int64(f1_2) * int64(f3_2) - f1f4_2 := int64(f1_2) * int64(f4) - f1f5_4 := int64(f1_2) * int64(f5_2) - f1f6_2 := int64(f1_2) * int64(f6) - f1f7_4 := int64(f1_2) * int64(f7_2) - f1f8_2 := int64(f1_2) * int64(f8) - f1f9_76 := int64(f1_2) * int64(f9_38) - f2f2 := int64(f2) * int64(f2) - f2f3_2 := int64(f2_2) * int64(f3) - f2f4_2 := int64(f2_2) * int64(f4) - f2f5_2 := int64(f2_2) * int64(f5) - f2f6_2 := int64(f2_2) * int64(f6) - f2f7_2 := int64(f2_2) * int64(f7) - f2f8_38 := int64(f2_2) * int64(f8_19) - f2f9_38 := int64(f2) * int64(f9_38) - f3f3_2 := int64(f3_2) * int64(f3) - f3f4_2 := int64(f3_2) * int64(f4) - f3f5_4 := int64(f3_2) * int64(f5_2) - f3f6_2 := int64(f3_2) * int64(f6) - f3f7_76 := int64(f3_2) * int64(f7_38) - f3f8_38 := int64(f3_2) * int64(f8_19) - f3f9_76 := int64(f3_2) * int64(f9_38) - f4f4 := int64(f4) * int64(f4) - f4f5_2 := int64(f4_2) * int64(f5) - f4f6_38 := int64(f4_2) * int64(f6_19) - f4f7_38 := int64(f4) * int64(f7_38) - f4f8_38 := int64(f4_2) * int64(f8_19) - f4f9_38 := int64(f4) * int64(f9_38) - f5f5_38 := int64(f5) * int64(f5_38) - f5f6_38 := int64(f5_2) * int64(f6_19) - f5f7_76 := int64(f5_2) * int64(f7_38) - f5f8_38 := int64(f5_2) * int64(f8_19) - f5f9_76 := int64(f5_2) * int64(f9_38) - f6f6_19 := int64(f6) * int64(f6_19) - f6f7_38 := int64(f6) * int64(f7_38) - f6f8_38 := int64(f6_2) * int64(f8_19) - f6f9_38 := int64(f6) * int64(f9_38) - f7f7_38 := int64(f7) * int64(f7_38) - f7f8_38 := int64(f7_2) * int64(f8_19) - f7f9_76 := int64(f7_2) * int64(f9_38) - f8f8_19 := int64(f8) * int64(f8_19) - f8f9_38 := int64(f8) * int64(f9_38) - f9f9_38 := int64(f9) * int64(f9_38) - h0 := f0f0 + f1f9_76 + f2f8_38 + f3f7_76 + f4f6_38 + f5f5_38 - h1 := f0f1_2 + f2f9_38 + f3f8_38 + f4f7_38 + f5f6_38 - h2 := f0f2_2 + f1f1_2 + f3f9_76 + f4f8_38 + f5f7_76 + f6f6_19 - h3 := f0f3_2 + f1f2_2 + f4f9_38 + f5f8_38 + f6f7_38 - h4 := f0f4_2 + f1f3_4 + f2f2 + f5f9_76 + f6f8_38 + f7f7_38 - h5 := f0f5_2 + f1f4_2 + f2f3_2 + f6f9_38 + f7f8_38 - h6 := f0f6_2 + f1f5_4 + f2f4_2 + f3f3_2 + f7f9_76 + f8f8_19 - h7 := f0f7_2 + f1f6_2 + f2f5_2 + f3f4_2 + f8f9_38 - h8 := f0f8_2 + f1f7_4 + f2f6_2 + f3f5_4 + f4f4 + f9f9_38 - h9 := f0f9_2 + f1f8_2 + f2f7_2 + f3f6_2 + f4f5_2 - var carry [10]int64 - - carry[0] = (h0 + (1 << 25)) >> 26 - h1 += carry[0] - h0 -= carry[0] << 26 - carry[4] = (h4 + (1 << 25)) >> 26 - h5 += carry[4] - h4 -= carry[4] << 26 - - carry[1] = (h1 + (1 << 24)) >> 25 - h2 += carry[1] - h1 -= carry[1] << 25 - carry[5] = (h5 + (1 << 24)) >> 25 - h6 += carry[5] - h5 -= carry[5] << 25 - - carry[2] = (h2 + (1 << 25)) >> 26 - h3 += carry[2] - h2 -= carry[2] << 26 - carry[6] = (h6 + (1 << 25)) >> 26 - h7 += carry[6] - h6 -= carry[6] << 26 - - carry[3] = (h3 + (1 << 24)) >> 25 - h4 += carry[3] - h3 -= carry[3] << 25 - carry[7] = (h7 + (1 << 24)) >> 25 - h8 += carry[7] - h7 -= carry[7] << 25 - - carry[4] = (h4 + (1 << 25)) >> 26 - h5 += carry[4] - h4 -= carry[4] << 26 - carry[8] = (h8 + (1 << 25)) >> 26 - h9 += carry[8] - h8 -= carry[8] << 26 - - carry[9] = (h9 + (1 << 24)) >> 25 - h0 += carry[9] * 19 - h9 -= carry[9] << 25 - - carry[0] = (h0 + (1 << 25)) >> 26 - h1 += carry[0] - h0 -= carry[0] << 26 - - h[0] = int32(h0) - h[1] = int32(h1) - h[2] = int32(h2) - h[3] = int32(h3) - h[4] = int32(h4) - h[5] = int32(h5) - h[6] = int32(h6) - h[7] = int32(h7) - h[8] = int32(h8) - h[9] = int32(h9) -} - -// feMul121666 calculates h = f * 121666. Can overlap h with f. -// -// Preconditions: -// |f| bounded by 1.1*2^26,1.1*2^25,1.1*2^26,1.1*2^25,etc. -// -// Postconditions: -// |h| bounded by 1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,1.1*2^25,1.1*2^24,etc. -func feMul121666(h, f *fieldElement) { - h0 := int64(f[0]) * 121666 - h1 := int64(f[1]) * 121666 - h2 := int64(f[2]) * 121666 - h3 := int64(f[3]) * 121666 - h4 := int64(f[4]) * 121666 - h5 := int64(f[5]) * 121666 - h6 := int64(f[6]) * 121666 - h7 := int64(f[7]) * 121666 - h8 := int64(f[8]) * 121666 - h9 := int64(f[9]) * 121666 - var carry [10]int64 - - carry[9] = (h9 + (1 << 24)) >> 25 - h0 += carry[9] * 19 - h9 -= carry[9] << 25 - carry[1] = (h1 + (1 << 24)) >> 25 - h2 += carry[1] - h1 -= carry[1] << 25 - carry[3] = (h3 + (1 << 24)) >> 25 - h4 += carry[3] - h3 -= carry[3] << 25 - carry[5] = (h5 + (1 << 24)) >> 25 - h6 += carry[5] - h5 -= carry[5] << 25 - carry[7] = (h7 + (1 << 24)) >> 25 - h8 += carry[7] - h7 -= carry[7] << 25 - - carry[0] = (h0 + (1 << 25)) >> 26 - h1 += carry[0] - h0 -= carry[0] << 26 - carry[2] = (h2 + (1 << 25)) >> 26 - h3 += carry[2] - h2 -= carry[2] << 26 - carry[4] = (h4 + (1 << 25)) >> 26 - h5 += carry[4] - h4 -= carry[4] << 26 - carry[6] = (h6 + (1 << 25)) >> 26 - h7 += carry[6] - h6 -= carry[6] << 26 - carry[8] = (h8 + (1 << 25)) >> 26 - h9 += carry[8] - h8 -= carry[8] << 26 - - h[0] = int32(h0) - h[1] = int32(h1) - h[2] = int32(h2) - h[3] = int32(h3) - h[4] = int32(h4) - h[5] = int32(h5) - h[6] = int32(h6) - h[7] = int32(h7) - h[8] = int32(h8) - h[9] = int32(h9) -} - -// feInvert sets out = z^-1. -func feInvert(out, z *fieldElement) { - var t0, t1, t2, t3 fieldElement - var i int - - feSquare(&t0, z) - for i = 1; i < 1; i++ { - feSquare(&t0, &t0) - } - feSquare(&t1, &t0) - for i = 1; i < 2; i++ { - feSquare(&t1, &t1) - } - feMul(&t1, z, &t1) - feMul(&t0, &t0, &t1) - feSquare(&t2, &t0) - for i = 1; i < 1; i++ { - feSquare(&t2, &t2) - } - feMul(&t1, &t1, &t2) - feSquare(&t2, &t1) - for i = 1; i < 5; i++ { - feSquare(&t2, &t2) - } - feMul(&t1, &t2, &t1) - feSquare(&t2, &t1) - for i = 1; i < 10; i++ { - feSquare(&t2, &t2) - } - feMul(&t2, &t2, &t1) - feSquare(&t3, &t2) - for i = 1; i < 20; i++ { - feSquare(&t3, &t3) - } - feMul(&t2, &t3, &t2) - feSquare(&t2, &t2) - for i = 1; i < 10; i++ { - feSquare(&t2, &t2) - } - feMul(&t1, &t2, &t1) - feSquare(&t2, &t1) - for i = 1; i < 50; i++ { - feSquare(&t2, &t2) - } - feMul(&t2, &t2, &t1) - feSquare(&t3, &t2) - for i = 1; i < 100; i++ { - feSquare(&t3, &t3) - } - feMul(&t2, &t3, &t2) - feSquare(&t2, &t2) - for i = 1; i < 50; i++ { - feSquare(&t2, &t2) - } - feMul(&t1, &t2, &t1) - feSquare(&t1, &t1) - for i = 1; i < 5; i++ { - feSquare(&t1, &t1) - } - feMul(out, &t1, &t0) -} - -func scalarMultGeneric(out, in, base *[32]byte) { - var e [32]byte - - copy(e[:], in[:]) - e[0] &= 248 - e[31] &= 127 - e[31] |= 64 - - var x1, x2, z2, x3, z3, tmp0, tmp1 fieldElement - feFromBytes(&x1, base) - feOne(&x2) - feCopy(&x3, &x1) - feOne(&z3) - - swap := int32(0) - for pos := 254; pos >= 0; pos-- { - b := e[pos/8] >> uint(pos&7) - b &= 1 - swap ^= int32(b) - feCSwap(&x2, &x3, swap) - feCSwap(&z2, &z3, swap) - swap = int32(b) - - feSub(&tmp0, &x3, &z3) - feSub(&tmp1, &x2, &z2) - feAdd(&x2, &x2, &z2) - feAdd(&z2, &x3, &z3) - feMul(&z3, &tmp0, &x2) - feMul(&z2, &z2, &tmp1) - feSquare(&tmp0, &tmp1) - feSquare(&tmp1, &x2) - feAdd(&x3, &z3, &z2) - feSub(&z2, &z3, &z2) - feMul(&x2, &tmp1, &tmp0) - feSub(&tmp1, &tmp1, &tmp0) - feSquare(&z2, &z2) - feMul121666(&z3, &tmp1) - feSquare(&x3, &x3) - feAdd(&tmp0, &tmp0, &z3) - feMul(&z3, &x1, &z2) - feMul(&z2, &tmp1, &tmp0) - } - - feCSwap(&x2, &x3, swap) - feCSwap(&z2, &z3, swap) - - feInvert(&z2, &z2) - feMul(&x2, &x2, &z2) - feToBytes(out, &x2) -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/curve25519_noasm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/curve25519_noasm.go deleted file mode 100644 index 047d49a..0000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/curve25519_noasm.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// +build !amd64 gccgo appengine purego - -package curve25519 - -func scalarMult(out, in, base *[32]byte) { - scalarMultGeneric(out, in, base) -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/README b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e25bca7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/README @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +This package is kept in sync with crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field in +the standard library. + +If there are any changes in the standard library that need to be synced to this +package, run sync.sh. It will not overwrite any local changes made since the +previous sync, so it's ok to land changes in this package first, and then sync +to the standard library later. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca841ad --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe.go @@ -0,0 +1,416 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package field implements fast arithmetic modulo 2^255-19. +package field + +import ( + "crypto/subtle" + "encoding/binary" + "math/bits" +) + +// Element represents an element of the field GF(2^255-19). Note that this +// is not a cryptographically secure group, and should only be used to interact +// with edwards25519.Point coordinates. +// +// This type works similarly to math/big.Int, and all arguments and receivers +// are allowed to alias. +// +// The zero value is a valid zero element. +type Element struct { + // An element t represents the integer + // t.l0 + t.l1*2^51 + t.l2*2^102 + t.l3*2^153 + t.l4*2^204 + // + // Between operations, all limbs are expected to be lower than 2^52. + l0 uint64 + l1 uint64 + l2 uint64 + l3 uint64 + l4 uint64 +} + +const maskLow51Bits uint64 = (1 << 51) - 1 + +var feZero = &Element{0, 0, 0, 0, 0} + +// Zero sets v = 0, and returns v. +func (v *Element) Zero() *Element { + *v = *feZero + return v +} + +var feOne = &Element{1, 0, 0, 0, 0} + +// One sets v = 1, and returns v. +func (v *Element) One() *Element { + *v = *feOne + return v +} + +// reduce reduces v modulo 2^255 - 19 and returns it. +func (v *Element) reduce() *Element { + v.carryPropagate() + + // After the light reduction we now have a field element representation + // v < 2^255 + 2^13 * 19, but need v < 2^255 - 19. + + // If v >= 2^255 - 19, then v + 19 >= 2^255, which would overflow 2^255 - 1, + // generating a carry. That is, c will be 0 if v < 2^255 - 19, and 1 otherwise. + c := (v.l0 + 19) >> 51 + c = (v.l1 + c) >> 51 + c = (v.l2 + c) >> 51 + c = (v.l3 + c) >> 51 + c = (v.l4 + c) >> 51 + + // If v < 2^255 - 19 and c = 0, this will be a no-op. Otherwise, it's + // effectively applying the reduction identity to the carry. + v.l0 += 19 * c + + v.l1 += v.l0 >> 51 + v.l0 = v.l0 & maskLow51Bits + v.l2 += v.l1 >> 51 + v.l1 = v.l1 & maskLow51Bits + v.l3 += v.l2 >> 51 + v.l2 = v.l2 & maskLow51Bits + v.l4 += v.l3 >> 51 + v.l3 = v.l3 & maskLow51Bits + // no additional carry + v.l4 = v.l4 & maskLow51Bits + + return v +} + +// Add sets v = a + b, and returns v. +func (v *Element) Add(a, b *Element) *Element { + v.l0 = a.l0 + b.l0 + v.l1 = a.l1 + b.l1 + v.l2 = a.l2 + b.l2 + v.l3 = a.l3 + b.l3 + v.l4 = a.l4 + b.l4 + // Using the generic implementation here is actually faster than the + // assembly. Probably because the body of this function is so simple that + // the compiler can figure out better optimizations by inlining the carry + // propagation. TODO + return v.carryPropagateGeneric() +} + +// Subtract sets v = a - b, and returns v. +func (v *Element) Subtract(a, b *Element) *Element { + // We first add 2 * p, to guarantee the subtraction won't underflow, and + // then subtract b (which can be up to 2^255 + 2^13 * 19). + v.l0 = (a.l0 + 0xFFFFFFFFFFFDA) - b.l0 + v.l1 = (a.l1 + 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFE) - b.l1 + v.l2 = (a.l2 + 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFE) - b.l2 + v.l3 = (a.l3 + 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFE) - b.l3 + v.l4 = (a.l4 + 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFE) - b.l4 + return v.carryPropagate() +} + +// Negate sets v = -a, and returns v. +func (v *Element) Negate(a *Element) *Element { + return v.Subtract(feZero, a) +} + +// Invert sets v = 1/z mod p, and returns v. +// +// If z == 0, Invert returns v = 0. +func (v *Element) Invert(z *Element) *Element { + // Inversion is implemented as exponentiation with exponent p − 2. It uses the + // same sequence of 255 squarings and 11 multiplications as [Curve25519]. + var z2, z9, z11, z2_5_0, z2_10_0, z2_20_0, z2_50_0, z2_100_0, t Element + + z2.Square(z) // 2 + t.Square(&z2) // 4 + t.Square(&t) // 8 + z9.Multiply(&t, z) // 9 + z11.Multiply(&z9, &z2) // 11 + t.Square(&z11) // 22 + z2_5_0.Multiply(&t, &z9) // 31 = 2^5 - 2^0 + + t.Square(&z2_5_0) // 2^6 - 2^1 + for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { + t.Square(&t) // 2^10 - 2^5 + } + z2_10_0.Multiply(&t, &z2_5_0) // 2^10 - 2^0 + + t.Square(&z2_10_0) // 2^11 - 2^1 + for i := 0; i < 9; i++ { + t.Square(&t) // 2^20 - 2^10 + } + z2_20_0.Multiply(&t, &z2_10_0) // 2^20 - 2^0 + + t.Square(&z2_20_0) // 2^21 - 2^1 + for i := 0; i < 19; i++ { + t.Square(&t) // 2^40 - 2^20 + } + t.Multiply(&t, &z2_20_0) // 2^40 - 2^0 + + t.Square(&t) // 2^41 - 2^1 + for i := 0; i < 9; i++ { + t.Square(&t) // 2^50 - 2^10 + } + z2_50_0.Multiply(&t, &z2_10_0) // 2^50 - 2^0 + + t.Square(&z2_50_0) // 2^51 - 2^1 + for i := 0; i < 49; i++ { + t.Square(&t) // 2^100 - 2^50 + } + z2_100_0.Multiply(&t, &z2_50_0) // 2^100 - 2^0 + + t.Square(&z2_100_0) // 2^101 - 2^1 + for i := 0; i < 99; i++ { + t.Square(&t) // 2^200 - 2^100 + } + t.Multiply(&t, &z2_100_0) // 2^200 - 2^0 + + t.Square(&t) // 2^201 - 2^1 + for i := 0; i < 49; i++ { + t.Square(&t) // 2^250 - 2^50 + } + t.Multiply(&t, &z2_50_0) // 2^250 - 2^0 + + t.Square(&t) // 2^251 - 2^1 + t.Square(&t) // 2^252 - 2^2 + t.Square(&t) // 2^253 - 2^3 + t.Square(&t) // 2^254 - 2^4 + t.Square(&t) // 2^255 - 2^5 + + return v.Multiply(&t, &z11) // 2^255 - 21 +} + +// Set sets v = a, and returns v. +func (v *Element) Set(a *Element) *Element { + *v = *a + return v +} + +// SetBytes sets v to x, which must be a 32-byte little-endian encoding. +// +// Consistent with RFC 7748, the most significant bit (the high bit of the +// last byte) is ignored, and non-canonical values (2^255-19 through 2^255-1) +// are accepted. Note that this is laxer than specified by RFC 8032. +func (v *Element) SetBytes(x []byte) *Element { + if len(x) != 32 { + panic("edwards25519: invalid field element input size") + } + + // Bits 0:51 (bytes 0:8, bits 0:64, shift 0, mask 51). + v.l0 = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(x[0:8]) + v.l0 &= maskLow51Bits + // Bits 51:102 (bytes 6:14, bits 48:112, shift 3, mask 51). + v.l1 = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(x[6:14]) >> 3 + v.l1 &= maskLow51Bits + // Bits 102:153 (bytes 12:20, bits 96:160, shift 6, mask 51). + v.l2 = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(x[12:20]) >> 6 + v.l2 &= maskLow51Bits + // Bits 153:204 (bytes 19:27, bits 152:216, shift 1, mask 51). + v.l3 = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(x[19:27]) >> 1 + v.l3 &= maskLow51Bits + // Bits 204:251 (bytes 24:32, bits 192:256, shift 12, mask 51). + // Note: not bytes 25:33, shift 4, to avoid overread. + v.l4 = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(x[24:32]) >> 12 + v.l4 &= maskLow51Bits + + return v +} + +// Bytes returns the canonical 32-byte little-endian encoding of v. +func (v *Element) Bytes() []byte { + // This function is outlined to make the allocations inline in the caller + // rather than happen on the heap. + var out [32]byte + return v.bytes(&out) +} + +func (v *Element) bytes(out *[32]byte) []byte { + t := *v + t.reduce() + + var buf [8]byte + for i, l := range [5]uint64{t.l0, t.l1, t.l2, t.l3, t.l4} { + bitsOffset := i * 51 + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf[:], l<= len(out) { + break + } + out[off] |= bb + } + } + + return out[:] +} + +// Equal returns 1 if v and u are equal, and 0 otherwise. +func (v *Element) Equal(u *Element) int { + sa, sv := u.Bytes(), v.Bytes() + return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(sa, sv) +} + +// mask64Bits returns 0xffffffff if cond is 1, and 0 otherwise. +func mask64Bits(cond int) uint64 { return ^(uint64(cond) - 1) } + +// Select sets v to a if cond == 1, and to b if cond == 0. +func (v *Element) Select(a, b *Element, cond int) *Element { + m := mask64Bits(cond) + v.l0 = (m & a.l0) | (^m & b.l0) + v.l1 = (m & a.l1) | (^m & b.l1) + v.l2 = (m & a.l2) | (^m & b.l2) + v.l3 = (m & a.l3) | (^m & b.l3) + v.l4 = (m & a.l4) | (^m & b.l4) + return v +} + +// Swap swaps v and u if cond == 1 or leaves them unchanged if cond == 0, and returns v. +func (v *Element) Swap(u *Element, cond int) { + m := mask64Bits(cond) + t := m & (v.l0 ^ u.l0) + v.l0 ^= t + u.l0 ^= t + t = m & (v.l1 ^ u.l1) + v.l1 ^= t + u.l1 ^= t + t = m & (v.l2 ^ u.l2) + v.l2 ^= t + u.l2 ^= t + t = m & (v.l3 ^ u.l3) + v.l3 ^= t + u.l3 ^= t + t = m & (v.l4 ^ u.l4) + v.l4 ^= t + u.l4 ^= t +} + +// IsNegative returns 1 if v is negative, and 0 otherwise. +func (v *Element) IsNegative() int { + return int(v.Bytes()[0] & 1) +} + +// Absolute sets v to |u|, and returns v. +func (v *Element) Absolute(u *Element) *Element { + return v.Select(new(Element).Negate(u), u, u.IsNegative()) +} + +// Multiply sets v = x * y, and returns v. +func (v *Element) Multiply(x, y *Element) *Element { + feMul(v, x, y) + return v +} + +// Square sets v = x * x, and returns v. +func (v *Element) Square(x *Element) *Element { + feSquare(v, x) + return v +} + +// Mult32 sets v = x * y, and returns v. +func (v *Element) Mult32(x *Element, y uint32) *Element { + x0lo, x0hi := mul51(x.l0, y) + x1lo, x1hi := mul51(x.l1, y) + x2lo, x2hi := mul51(x.l2, y) + x3lo, x3hi := mul51(x.l3, y) + x4lo, x4hi := mul51(x.l4, y) + v.l0 = x0lo + 19*x4hi // carried over per the reduction identity + v.l1 = x1lo + x0hi + v.l2 = x2lo + x1hi + v.l3 = x3lo + x2hi + v.l4 = x4lo + x3hi + // The hi portions are going to be only 32 bits, plus any previous excess, + // so we can skip the carry propagation. + return v +} + +// mul51 returns lo + hi * 2⁵¹ = a * b. +func mul51(a uint64, b uint32) (lo uint64, hi uint64) { + mh, ml := bits.Mul64(a, uint64(b)) + lo = ml & maskLow51Bits + hi = (mh << 13) | (ml >> 51) + return +} + +// Pow22523 set v = x^((p-5)/8), and returns v. (p-5)/8 is 2^252-3. +func (v *Element) Pow22523(x *Element) *Element { + var t0, t1, t2 Element + + t0.Square(x) // x^2 + t1.Square(&t0) // x^4 + t1.Square(&t1) // x^8 + t1.Multiply(x, &t1) // x^9 + t0.Multiply(&t0, &t1) // x^11 + t0.Square(&t0) // x^22 + t0.Multiply(&t1, &t0) // x^31 + t1.Square(&t0) // x^62 + for i := 1; i < 5; i++ { // x^992 + t1.Square(&t1) + } + t0.Multiply(&t1, &t0) // x^1023 -> 1023 = 2^10 - 1 + t1.Square(&t0) // 2^11 - 2 + for i := 1; i < 10; i++ { // 2^20 - 2^10 + t1.Square(&t1) + } + t1.Multiply(&t1, &t0) // 2^20 - 1 + t2.Square(&t1) // 2^21 - 2 + for i := 1; i < 20; i++ { // 2^40 - 2^20 + t2.Square(&t2) + } + t1.Multiply(&t2, &t1) // 2^40 - 1 + t1.Square(&t1) // 2^41 - 2 + for i := 1; i < 10; i++ { // 2^50 - 2^10 + t1.Square(&t1) + } + t0.Multiply(&t1, &t0) // 2^50 - 1 + t1.Square(&t0) // 2^51 - 2 + for i := 1; i < 50; i++ { // 2^100 - 2^50 + t1.Square(&t1) + } + t1.Multiply(&t1, &t0) // 2^100 - 1 + t2.Square(&t1) // 2^101 - 2 + for i := 1; i < 100; i++ { // 2^200 - 2^100 + t2.Square(&t2) + } + t1.Multiply(&t2, &t1) // 2^200 - 1 + t1.Square(&t1) // 2^201 - 2 + for i := 1; i < 50; i++ { // 2^250 - 2^50 + t1.Square(&t1) + } + t0.Multiply(&t1, &t0) // 2^250 - 1 + t0.Square(&t0) // 2^251 - 2 + t0.Square(&t0) // 2^252 - 4 + return v.Multiply(&t0, x) // 2^252 - 3 -> x^(2^252-3) +} + +// sqrtM1 is 2^((p-1)/4), which squared is equal to -1 by Euler's Criterion. +var sqrtM1 = &Element{1718705420411056, 234908883556509, + 2233514472574048, 2117202627021982, 765476049583133} + +// SqrtRatio sets r to the non-negative square root of the ratio of u and v. +// +// If u/v is square, SqrtRatio returns r and 1. If u/v is not square, SqrtRatio +// sets r according to Section 4.3 of draft-irtf-cfrg-ristretto255-decaf448-00, +// and returns r and 0. +func (r *Element) SqrtRatio(u, v *Element) (rr *Element, wasSquare int) { + var a, b Element + + // r = (u * v3) * (u * v7)^((p-5)/8) + v2 := a.Square(v) + uv3 := b.Multiply(u, b.Multiply(v2, v)) + uv7 := a.Multiply(uv3, a.Square(v2)) + r.Multiply(uv3, r.Pow22523(uv7)) + + check := a.Multiply(v, a.Square(r)) // check = v * r^2 + + uNeg := b.Negate(u) + correctSignSqrt := check.Equal(u) + flippedSignSqrt := check.Equal(uNeg) + flippedSignSqrtI := check.Equal(uNeg.Multiply(uNeg, sqrtM1)) + + rPrime := b.Multiply(r, sqrtM1) // r_prime = SQRT_M1 * r + // r = CT_SELECT(r_prime IF flipped_sign_sqrt | flipped_sign_sqrt_i ELSE r) + r.Select(rPrime, r, flippedSignSqrt|flippedSignSqrtI) + + r.Absolute(r) // Choose the nonnegative square root. + return r, correctSignSqrt | flippedSignSqrt +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44dc8e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +// Code generated by command: go run fe_amd64_asm.go -out ../fe_amd64.s -stubs ../fe_amd64.go -pkg field. DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build amd64,gc,!purego + +package field + +// feMul sets out = a * b. It works like feMulGeneric. +//go:noescape +func feMul(out *Element, a *Element, b *Element) + +// feSquare sets out = a * a. It works like feSquareGeneric. +//go:noescape +func feSquare(out *Element, a *Element) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_amd64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000..293f013 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ +// Code generated by command: go run fe_amd64_asm.go -out ../fe_amd64.s -stubs ../fe_amd64.go -pkg field. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build amd64 && gc && !purego +// +build amd64,gc,!purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +// func feMul(out *Element, a *Element, b *Element) +TEXT ·feMul(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-24 + MOVQ a+8(FP), CX + MOVQ b+16(FP), BX + + // r0 = a0×b0 + MOVQ (CX), AX + MULQ (BX) + MOVQ AX, DI + MOVQ DX, SI + + // r0 += 19×a1×b4 + MOVQ 8(CX), AX + IMUL3Q $0x13, AX, AX + MULQ 32(BX) + ADDQ AX, DI + ADCQ DX, SI + + // r0 += 19×a2×b3 + MOVQ 16(CX), AX + IMUL3Q $0x13, AX, AX + MULQ 24(BX) + ADDQ AX, DI + ADCQ DX, SI + + // r0 += 19×a3×b2 + MOVQ 24(CX), AX + IMUL3Q $0x13, AX, AX + MULQ 16(BX) + ADDQ AX, DI + ADCQ DX, SI + + // r0 += 19×a4×b1 + MOVQ 32(CX), AX + IMUL3Q $0x13, AX, AX + MULQ 8(BX) + ADDQ AX, DI + ADCQ DX, SI + + // r1 = a0×b1 + MOVQ (CX), AX + MULQ 8(BX) + MOVQ AX, R9 + MOVQ DX, R8 + + // r1 += a1×b0 + MOVQ 8(CX), AX + MULQ (BX) + ADDQ AX, R9 + ADCQ DX, R8 + + // r1 += 19×a2×b4 + MOVQ 16(CX), AX + IMUL3Q $0x13, AX, AX + MULQ 32(BX) + ADDQ AX, R9 + ADCQ DX, R8 + + // r1 += 19×a3×b3 + MOVQ 24(CX), AX + IMUL3Q $0x13, AX, AX + MULQ 24(BX) + ADDQ AX, R9 + ADCQ DX, R8 + + // r1 += 19×a4×b2 + MOVQ 32(CX), AX + IMUL3Q $0x13, AX, AX + MULQ 16(BX) + ADDQ AX, R9 + ADCQ DX, R8 + + // r2 = a0×b2 + MOVQ (CX), AX + MULQ 16(BX) + MOVQ AX, R11 + MOVQ DX, R10 + + // r2 += a1×b1 + MOVQ 8(CX), AX + MULQ 8(BX) + ADDQ AX, R11 + ADCQ DX, R10 + + // r2 += a2×b0 + MOVQ 16(CX), AX + MULQ (BX) + ADDQ AX, R11 + ADCQ DX, R10 + + // r2 += 19×a3×b4 + MOVQ 24(CX), AX + IMUL3Q $0x13, AX, AX + MULQ 32(BX) + ADDQ AX, R11 + ADCQ DX, R10 + + // r2 += 19×a4×b3 + MOVQ 32(CX), AX + IMUL3Q $0x13, AX, AX + MULQ 24(BX) + ADDQ AX, R11 + ADCQ DX, R10 + + // r3 = a0×b3 + MOVQ (CX), AX + MULQ 24(BX) + MOVQ AX, R13 + MOVQ DX, R12 + + // r3 += a1×b2 + MOVQ 8(CX), AX + MULQ 16(BX) + ADDQ AX, R13 + ADCQ DX, R12 + + // r3 += a2×b1 + MOVQ 16(CX), AX + MULQ 8(BX) + ADDQ AX, R13 + ADCQ DX, R12 + + // r3 += a3×b0 + MOVQ 24(CX), AX + MULQ (BX) + ADDQ AX, R13 + ADCQ DX, R12 + + // r3 += 19×a4×b4 + MOVQ 32(CX), AX + IMUL3Q $0x13, AX, AX + MULQ 32(BX) + ADDQ AX, R13 + ADCQ DX, R12 + + // r4 = a0×b4 + MOVQ (CX), AX + MULQ 32(BX) + MOVQ AX, R15 + MOVQ DX, R14 + + // r4 += a1×b3 + MOVQ 8(CX), AX + MULQ 24(BX) + ADDQ AX, R15 + ADCQ DX, R14 + + // r4 += a2×b2 + MOVQ 16(CX), AX + MULQ 16(BX) + ADDQ AX, R15 + ADCQ DX, R14 + + // r4 += a3×b1 + MOVQ 24(CX), AX + MULQ 8(BX) + ADDQ AX, R15 + ADCQ DX, R14 + + // r4 += a4×b0 + MOVQ 32(CX), AX + MULQ (BX) + ADDQ AX, R15 + ADCQ DX, R14 + + // First reduction chain + MOVQ $0x0007ffffffffffff, AX + SHLQ $0x0d, DI, SI + SHLQ $0x0d, R9, R8 + SHLQ $0x0d, R11, R10 + SHLQ $0x0d, R13, R12 + SHLQ $0x0d, R15, R14 + ANDQ AX, DI + IMUL3Q $0x13, R14, R14 + ADDQ R14, DI + ANDQ AX, R9 + ADDQ SI, R9 + ANDQ AX, R11 + ADDQ R8, R11 + ANDQ AX, R13 + ADDQ R10, R13 + ANDQ AX, R15 + ADDQ R12, R15 + + // Second reduction chain (carryPropagate) + MOVQ DI, SI + SHRQ $0x33, SI + MOVQ R9, R8 + SHRQ $0x33, R8 + MOVQ R11, R10 + SHRQ $0x33, R10 + MOVQ R13, R12 + SHRQ $0x33, R12 + MOVQ R15, R14 + SHRQ $0x33, R14 + ANDQ AX, DI + IMUL3Q $0x13, R14, R14 + ADDQ R14, DI + ANDQ AX, R9 + ADDQ SI, R9 + ANDQ AX, R11 + ADDQ R8, R11 + ANDQ AX, R13 + ADDQ R10, R13 + ANDQ AX, R15 + ADDQ R12, R15 + + // Store output + MOVQ out+0(FP), AX + MOVQ DI, (AX) + MOVQ R9, 8(AX) + MOVQ R11, 16(AX) + MOVQ R13, 24(AX) + MOVQ R15, 32(AX) + RET + +// func feSquare(out *Element, a *Element) +TEXT ·feSquare(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16 + MOVQ a+8(FP), CX + + // r0 = l0×l0 + MOVQ (CX), AX + MULQ (CX) + MOVQ AX, SI + MOVQ DX, BX + + // r0 += 38×l1×l4 + MOVQ 8(CX), AX + IMUL3Q $0x26, AX, AX + MULQ 32(CX) + ADDQ AX, SI + ADCQ DX, BX + + // r0 += 38×l2×l3 + MOVQ 16(CX), AX + IMUL3Q $0x26, AX, AX + MULQ 24(CX) + ADDQ AX, SI + ADCQ DX, BX + + // r1 = 2×l0×l1 + MOVQ (CX), AX + SHLQ $0x01, AX + MULQ 8(CX) + MOVQ AX, R8 + MOVQ DX, DI + + // r1 += 38×l2×l4 + MOVQ 16(CX), AX + IMUL3Q $0x26, AX, AX + MULQ 32(CX) + ADDQ AX, R8 + ADCQ DX, DI + + // r1 += 19×l3×l3 + MOVQ 24(CX), AX + IMUL3Q $0x13, AX, AX + MULQ 24(CX) + ADDQ AX, R8 + ADCQ DX, DI + + // r2 = 2×l0×l2 + MOVQ (CX), AX + SHLQ $0x01, AX + MULQ 16(CX) + MOVQ AX, R10 + MOVQ DX, R9 + + // r2 += l1×l1 + MOVQ 8(CX), AX + MULQ 8(CX) + ADDQ AX, R10 + ADCQ DX, R9 + + // r2 += 38×l3×l4 + MOVQ 24(CX), AX + IMUL3Q $0x26, AX, AX + MULQ 32(CX) + ADDQ AX, R10 + ADCQ DX, R9 + + // r3 = 2×l0×l3 + MOVQ (CX), AX + SHLQ $0x01, AX + MULQ 24(CX) + MOVQ AX, R12 + MOVQ DX, R11 + + // r3 += 2×l1×l2 + MOVQ 8(CX), AX + IMUL3Q $0x02, AX, AX + MULQ 16(CX) + ADDQ AX, R12 + ADCQ DX, R11 + + // r3 += 19×l4×l4 + MOVQ 32(CX), AX + IMUL3Q $0x13, AX, AX + MULQ 32(CX) + ADDQ AX, R12 + ADCQ DX, R11 + + // r4 = 2×l0×l4 + MOVQ (CX), AX + SHLQ $0x01, AX + MULQ 32(CX) + MOVQ AX, R14 + MOVQ DX, R13 + + // r4 += 2×l1×l3 + MOVQ 8(CX), AX + IMUL3Q $0x02, AX, AX + MULQ 24(CX) + ADDQ AX, R14 + ADCQ DX, R13 + + // r4 += l2×l2 + MOVQ 16(CX), AX + MULQ 16(CX) + ADDQ AX, R14 + ADCQ DX, R13 + + // First reduction chain + MOVQ $0x0007ffffffffffff, AX + SHLQ $0x0d, SI, BX + SHLQ $0x0d, R8, DI + SHLQ $0x0d, R10, R9 + SHLQ $0x0d, R12, R11 + SHLQ $0x0d, R14, R13 + ANDQ AX, SI + IMUL3Q $0x13, R13, R13 + ADDQ R13, SI + ANDQ AX, R8 + ADDQ BX, R8 + ANDQ AX, R10 + ADDQ DI, R10 + ANDQ AX, R12 + ADDQ R9, R12 + ANDQ AX, R14 + ADDQ R11, R14 + + // Second reduction chain (carryPropagate) + MOVQ SI, BX + SHRQ $0x33, BX + MOVQ R8, DI + SHRQ $0x33, DI + MOVQ R10, R9 + SHRQ $0x33, R9 + MOVQ R12, R11 + SHRQ $0x33, R11 + MOVQ R14, R13 + SHRQ $0x33, R13 + ANDQ AX, SI + IMUL3Q $0x13, R13, R13 + ADDQ R13, SI + ANDQ AX, R8 + ADDQ BX, R8 + ANDQ AX, R10 + ADDQ DI, R10 + ANDQ AX, R12 + ADDQ R9, R12 + ANDQ AX, R14 + ADDQ R11, R14 + + // Store output + MOVQ out+0(FP), AX + MOVQ SI, (AX) + MOVQ R8, 8(AX) + MOVQ R10, 16(AX) + MOVQ R12, 24(AX) + MOVQ R14, 32(AX) + RET diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_amd64_noasm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_amd64_noasm.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ddb6c9b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_amd64_noasm.go @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build !amd64 || !gc || purego +// +build !amd64 !gc purego + +package field + +func feMul(v, x, y *Element) { feMulGeneric(v, x, y) } + +func feSquare(v, x *Element) { feSquareGeneric(v, x) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_arm64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af459ef --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_arm64.go @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build arm64 && gc && !purego +// +build arm64,gc,!purego + +package field + +//go:noescape +func carryPropagate(v *Element) + +func (v *Element) carryPropagate() *Element { + carryPropagate(v) + return v +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_arm64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_arm64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c91e45 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_arm64.s @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build arm64 && gc && !purego +// +build arm64,gc,!purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +// carryPropagate works exactly like carryPropagateGeneric and uses the +// same AND, ADD, and LSR+MADD instructions emitted by the compiler, but +// avoids loading R0-R4 twice and uses LDP and STP. +// +// See https://golang.org/issues/43145 for the main compiler issue. +// +// func carryPropagate(v *Element) +TEXT ·carryPropagate(SB),NOFRAME|NOSPLIT,$0-8 + MOVD v+0(FP), R20 + + LDP 0(R20), (R0, R1) + LDP 16(R20), (R2, R3) + MOVD 32(R20), R4 + + AND $0x7ffffffffffff, R0, R10 + AND $0x7ffffffffffff, R1, R11 + AND $0x7ffffffffffff, R2, R12 + AND $0x7ffffffffffff, R3, R13 + AND $0x7ffffffffffff, R4, R14 + + ADD R0>>51, R11, R11 + ADD R1>>51, R12, R12 + ADD R2>>51, R13, R13 + ADD R3>>51, R14, R14 + // R4>>51 * 19 + R10 -> R10 + LSR $51, R4, R21 + MOVD $19, R22 + MADD R22, R10, R21, R10 + + STP (R10, R11), 0(R20) + STP (R12, R13), 16(R20) + MOVD R14, 32(R20) + + RET diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_arm64_noasm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_arm64_noasm.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..234a5b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_arm64_noasm.go @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build !arm64 || !gc || purego +// +build !arm64 !gc purego + +package field + +func (v *Element) carryPropagate() *Element { + return v.carryPropagateGeneric() +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_generic.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_generic.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b5b78c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/fe_generic.go @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package field + +import "math/bits" + +// uint128 holds a 128-bit number as two 64-bit limbs, for use with the +// bits.Mul64 and bits.Add64 intrinsics. +type uint128 struct { + lo, hi uint64 +} + +// mul64 returns a * b. +func mul64(a, b uint64) uint128 { + hi, lo := bits.Mul64(a, b) + return uint128{lo, hi} +} + +// addMul64 returns v + a * b. +func addMul64(v uint128, a, b uint64) uint128 { + hi, lo := bits.Mul64(a, b) + lo, c := bits.Add64(lo, v.lo, 0) + hi, _ = bits.Add64(hi, v.hi, c) + return uint128{lo, hi} +} + +// shiftRightBy51 returns a >> 51. a is assumed to be at most 115 bits. +func shiftRightBy51(a uint128) uint64 { + return (a.hi << (64 - 51)) | (a.lo >> 51) +} + +func feMulGeneric(v, a, b *Element) { + a0 := a.l0 + a1 := a.l1 + a2 := a.l2 + a3 := a.l3 + a4 := a.l4 + + b0 := b.l0 + b1 := b.l1 + b2 := b.l2 + b3 := b.l3 + b4 := b.l4 + + // Limb multiplication works like pen-and-paper columnar multiplication, but + // with 51-bit limbs instead of digits. + // + // a4 a3 a2 a1 a0 x + // b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 = + // ------------------------ + // a4b0 a3b0 a2b0 a1b0 a0b0 + + // a4b1 a3b1 a2b1 a1b1 a0b1 + + // a4b2 a3b2 a2b2 a1b2 a0b2 + + // a4b3 a3b3 a2b3 a1b3 a0b3 + + // a4b4 a3b4 a2b4 a1b4 a0b4 = + // ---------------------------------------------- + // r8 r7 r6 r5 r4 r3 r2 r1 r0 + // + // We can then use the reduction identity (a * 2²⁵⁵ + b = a * 19 + b) to + // reduce the limbs that would overflow 255 bits. r5 * 2²⁵⁵ becomes 19 * r5, + // r6 * 2³⁰⁶ becomes 19 * r6 * 2⁵¹, etc. + // + // Reduction can be carried out simultaneously to multiplication. For + // example, we do not compute r5: whenever the result of a multiplication + // belongs to r5, like a1b4, we multiply it by 19 and add the result to r0. + // + // a4b0 a3b0 a2b0 a1b0 a0b0 + + // a3b1 a2b1 a1b1 a0b1 19×a4b1 + + // a2b2 a1b2 a0b2 19×a4b2 19×a3b2 + + // a1b3 a0b3 19×a4b3 19×a3b3 19×a2b3 + + // a0b4 19×a4b4 19×a3b4 19×a2b4 19×a1b4 = + // -------------------------------------- + // r4 r3 r2 r1 r0 + // + // Finally we add up the columns into wide, overlapping limbs. + + a1_19 := a1 * 19 + a2_19 := a2 * 19 + a3_19 := a3 * 19 + a4_19 := a4 * 19 + + // r0 = a0×b0 + 19×(a1×b4 + a2×b3 + a3×b2 + a4×b1) + r0 := mul64(a0, b0) + r0 = addMul64(r0, a1_19, b4) + r0 = addMul64(r0, a2_19, b3) + r0 = addMul64(r0, a3_19, b2) + r0 = addMul64(r0, a4_19, b1) + + // r1 = a0×b1 + a1×b0 + 19×(a2×b4 + a3×b3 + a4×b2) + r1 := mul64(a0, b1) + r1 = addMul64(r1, a1, b0) + r1 = addMul64(r1, a2_19, b4) + r1 = addMul64(r1, a3_19, b3) + r1 = addMul64(r1, a4_19, b2) + + // r2 = a0×b2 + a1×b1 + a2×b0 + 19×(a3×b4 + a4×b3) + r2 := mul64(a0, b2) + r2 = addMul64(r2, a1, b1) + r2 = addMul64(r2, a2, b0) + r2 = addMul64(r2, a3_19, b4) + r2 = addMul64(r2, a4_19, b3) + + // r3 = a0×b3 + a1×b2 + a2×b1 + a3×b0 + 19×a4×b4 + r3 := mul64(a0, b3) + r3 = addMul64(r3, a1, b2) + r3 = addMul64(r3, a2, b1) + r3 = addMul64(r3, a3, b0) + r3 = addMul64(r3, a4_19, b4) + + // r4 = a0×b4 + a1×b3 + a2×b2 + a3×b1 + a4×b0 + r4 := mul64(a0, b4) + r4 = addMul64(r4, a1, b3) + r4 = addMul64(r4, a2, b2) + r4 = addMul64(r4, a3, b1) + r4 = addMul64(r4, a4, b0) + + // After the multiplication, we need to reduce (carry) the five coefficients + // to obtain a result with limbs that are at most slightly larger than 2⁵¹, + // to respect the Element invariant. + // + // Overall, the reduction works the same as carryPropagate, except with + // wider inputs: we take the carry for each coefficient by shifting it right + // by 51, and add it to the limb above it. The top carry is multiplied by 19 + // according to the reduction identity and added to the lowest limb. + // + // The largest coefficient (r0) will be at most 111 bits, which guarantees + // that all carries are at most 111 - 51 = 60 bits, which fits in a uint64. + // + // r0 = a0×b0 + 19×(a1×b4 + a2×b3 + a3×b2 + a4×b1) + // r0 < 2⁵²×2⁵² + 19×(2⁵²×2⁵² + 2⁵²×2⁵² + 2⁵²×2⁵² + 2⁵²×2⁵²) + // r0 < (1 + 19 × 4) × 2⁵² × 2⁵² + // r0 < 2⁷ × 2⁵² × 2⁵² + // r0 < 2¹¹¹ + // + // Moreover, the top coefficient (r4) is at most 107 bits, so c4 is at most + // 56 bits, and c4 * 19 is at most 61 bits, which again fits in a uint64 and + // allows us to easily apply the reduction identity. + // + // r4 = a0×b4 + a1×b3 + a2×b2 + a3×b1 + a4×b0 + // r4 < 5 × 2⁵² × 2⁵² + // r4 < 2¹⁰⁷ + // + + c0 := shiftRightBy51(r0) + c1 := shiftRightBy51(r1) + c2 := shiftRightBy51(r2) + c3 := shiftRightBy51(r3) + c4 := shiftRightBy51(r4) + + rr0 := r0.lo&maskLow51Bits + c4*19 + rr1 := r1.lo&maskLow51Bits + c0 + rr2 := r2.lo&maskLow51Bits + c1 + rr3 := r3.lo&maskLow51Bits + c2 + rr4 := r4.lo&maskLow51Bits + c3 + + // Now all coefficients fit into 64-bit registers but are still too large to + // be passed around as a Element. We therefore do one last carry chain, + // where the carries will be small enough to fit in the wiggle room above 2⁵¹. + *v = Element{rr0, rr1, rr2, rr3, rr4} + v.carryPropagate() +} + +func feSquareGeneric(v, a *Element) { + l0 := a.l0 + l1 := a.l1 + l2 := a.l2 + l3 := a.l3 + l4 := a.l4 + + // Squaring works precisely like multiplication above, but thanks to its + // symmetry we get to group a few terms together. + // + // l4 l3 l2 l1 l0 x + // l4 l3 l2 l1 l0 = + // ------------------------ + // l4l0 l3l0 l2l0 l1l0 l0l0 + + // l4l1 l3l1 l2l1 l1l1 l0l1 + + // l4l2 l3l2 l2l2 l1l2 l0l2 + + // l4l3 l3l3 l2l3 l1l3 l0l3 + + // l4l4 l3l4 l2l4 l1l4 l0l4 = + // ---------------------------------------------- + // r8 r7 r6 r5 r4 r3 r2 r1 r0 + // + // l4l0 l3l0 l2l0 l1l0 l0l0 + + // l3l1 l2l1 l1l1 l0l1 19×l4l1 + + // l2l2 l1l2 l0l2 19×l4l2 19×l3l2 + + // l1l3 l0l3 19×l4l3 19×l3l3 19×l2l3 + + // l0l4 19×l4l4 19×l3l4 19×l2l4 19×l1l4 = + // -------------------------------------- + // r4 r3 r2 r1 r0 + // + // With precomputed 2×, 19×, and 2×19× terms, we can compute each limb with + // only three Mul64 and four Add64, instead of five and eight. + + l0_2 := l0 * 2 + l1_2 := l1 * 2 + + l1_38 := l1 * 38 + l2_38 := l2 * 38 + l3_38 := l3 * 38 + + l3_19 := l3 * 19 + l4_19 := l4 * 19 + + // r0 = l0×l0 + 19×(l1×l4 + l2×l3 + l3×l2 + l4×l1) = l0×l0 + 19×2×(l1×l4 + l2×l3) + r0 := mul64(l0, l0) + r0 = addMul64(r0, l1_38, l4) + r0 = addMul64(r0, l2_38, l3) + + // r1 = l0×l1 + l1×l0 + 19×(l2×l4 + l3×l3 + l4×l2) = 2×l0×l1 + 19×2×l2×l4 + 19×l3×l3 + r1 := mul64(l0_2, l1) + r1 = addMul64(r1, l2_38, l4) + r1 = addMul64(r1, l3_19, l3) + + // r2 = l0×l2 + l1×l1 + l2×l0 + 19×(l3×l4 + l4×l3) = 2×l0×l2 + l1×l1 + 19×2×l3×l4 + r2 := mul64(l0_2, l2) + r2 = addMul64(r2, l1, l1) + r2 = addMul64(r2, l3_38, l4) + + // r3 = l0×l3 + l1×l2 + l2×l1 + l3×l0 + 19×l4×l4 = 2×l0×l3 + 2×l1×l2 + 19×l4×l4 + r3 := mul64(l0_2, l3) + r3 = addMul64(r3, l1_2, l2) + r3 = addMul64(r3, l4_19, l4) + + // r4 = l0×l4 + l1×l3 + l2×l2 + l3×l1 + l4×l0 = 2×l0×l4 + 2×l1×l3 + l2×l2 + r4 := mul64(l0_2, l4) + r4 = addMul64(r4, l1_2, l3) + r4 = addMul64(r4, l2, l2) + + c0 := shiftRightBy51(r0) + c1 := shiftRightBy51(r1) + c2 := shiftRightBy51(r2) + c3 := shiftRightBy51(r3) + c4 := shiftRightBy51(r4) + + rr0 := r0.lo&maskLow51Bits + c4*19 + rr1 := r1.lo&maskLow51Bits + c0 + rr2 := r2.lo&maskLow51Bits + c1 + rr3 := r3.lo&maskLow51Bits + c2 + rr4 := r4.lo&maskLow51Bits + c3 + + *v = Element{rr0, rr1, rr2, rr3, rr4} + v.carryPropagate() +} + +// carryPropagate brings the limbs below 52 bits by applying the reduction +// identity (a * 2²⁵⁵ + b = a * 19 + b) to the l4 carry. TODO inline +func (v *Element) carryPropagateGeneric() *Element { + c0 := v.l0 >> 51 + c1 := v.l1 >> 51 + c2 := v.l2 >> 51 + c3 := v.l3 >> 51 + c4 := v.l4 >> 51 + + v.l0 = v.l0&maskLow51Bits + c4*19 + v.l1 = v.l1&maskLow51Bits + c0 + v.l2 = v.l2&maskLow51Bits + c1 + v.l3 = v.l3&maskLow51Bits + c2 + v.l4 = v.l4&maskLow51Bits + c3 + + return v +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/sync.checkpoint b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/sync.checkpoint new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3685f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/sync.checkpoint @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +b0c49ae9f59d233526f8934262c5bbbe14d4358d diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/sync.sh b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/sync.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ba22a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519/internal/field/sync.sh @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +#! /bin/bash +set -euo pipefail + +cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" + +STD_PATH=src/crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field +LOCAL_PATH=curve25519/internal/field +LAST_SYNC_REF=$(cat $LOCAL_PATH/sync.checkpoint) + +git fetch https://go.googlesource.com/go master + +if git diff --quiet $LAST_SYNC_REF:$STD_PATH FETCH_HEAD:$STD_PATH; then + echo "No changes." +else + NEW_REF=$(git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD | tee $LOCAL_PATH/sync.checkpoint) + echo "Applying changes from $LAST_SYNC_REF to $NEW_REF..." + git diff $LAST_SYNC_REF:$STD_PATH FETCH_HEAD:$STD_PATH | \ + git apply -3 --directory=$LOCAL_PATH +fi diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ed25519/ed25519.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ed25519/ed25519.go index c7f8c7e..71ad917 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ed25519/ed25519.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ed25519/ed25519.go @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ // In Go 1.13, the ed25519 package was promoted to the standard library as // crypto/ed25519, and this package became a wrapper for the standard library one. // +//go:build !go1.13 // +build !go1.13 // Package ed25519 implements the Ed25519 signature algorithm. See diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ed25519/ed25519_go113.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ed25519/ed25519_go113.go index d1448d8..b5974dc 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ed25519/ed25519_go113.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ed25519/ed25519_go113.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build go1.13 // +build go1.13 // Package ed25519 implements the Ed25519 signature algorithm. See diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/subtle/aliasing.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/subtle/aliasing.go index f38797b..4fad24f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/subtle/aliasing.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/subtle/aliasing.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build !appengine +//go:build !purego +// +build !purego // Package subtle implements functions that are often useful in cryptographic // code but require careful thought to use correctly. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/subtle/aliasing_appengine.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/subtle/aliasing_purego.go similarity index 97% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/subtle/aliasing_appengine.go rename to vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/subtle/aliasing_purego.go index 0cc4a8a..80ccbed 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/subtle/aliasing_appengine.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/subtle/aliasing_purego.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build appengine +//go:build purego +// +build purego // Package subtle implements functions that are often useful in cryptographic // code but require careful thought to use correctly. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/bits_compat.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/bits_compat.go index 157a69f..45b5c96 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/bits_compat.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/bits_compat.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build !go1.13 // +build !go1.13 package poly1305 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/bits_go1.13.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/bits_go1.13.go index a0a185f..ed52b34 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/bits_go1.13.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/bits_go1.13.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build go1.13 // +build go1.13 package poly1305 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/mac_noasm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/mac_noasm.go index d118f30..f184b67 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/mac_noasm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/mac_noasm.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build !amd64,!ppc64le,!s390x gccgo purego +//go:build (!amd64 && !ppc64le && !s390x) || !gc || purego +// +build !amd64,!ppc64le,!s390x !gc purego package poly1305 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_amd64.go index 99e5a1d..6d52233 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build !gccgo,!purego +//go:build gc && !purego +// +build gc,!purego package poly1305 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_amd64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_amd64.s index 8d394a2..1d74f0f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_amd64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_amd64.s @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build !gccgo,!purego +//go:build gc && !purego +// +build gc,!purego #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_ppc64le.go index 2e7a120..4a06994 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_ppc64le.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build !gccgo,!purego +//go:build gc && !purego +// +build gc,!purego package poly1305 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_ppc64le.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_ppc64le.s index 4e02813..58422aa 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_ppc64le.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_ppc64le.s @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build !gccgo,!purego +//go:build gc && !purego +// +build gc,!purego #include "textflag.h" @@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ multiply: BGE loop bytes_between_0_and_15: - CMP $0, R5 + CMP R5, $0 BEQ done MOVD $0, R16 // h0 MOVD $0, R17 // h1 @@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ just1: // Exactly 8 MOVD (R4), R16 - CMP $0, R17 + CMP R17, $0 // Check if we've already set R17; if not // set 1 to indicate end of msg. @@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ less4: ADD $2, R4 less2: - CMP $0, R5 + CMP R5, $0 BEQ insert1 MOVBZ (R4), R21 SLD R22, R21, R21 @@ -166,12 +167,12 @@ insert1: carry: // Add new values to h0, h1, h2 - ADDC R16, R8 - ADDE R17, R9 - ADDE $0, R10 - MOVD $16, R5 - ADD R5, R4 - BR multiply + ADDC R16, R8 + ADDE R17, R9 + ADDZE R10, R10 + MOVD $16, R5 + ADD R5, R4 + BR multiply done: // Save h0, h1, h2 in state diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_s390x.go index 958fedc..62cc9f8 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_s390x.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build !gccgo,!purego +//go:build gc && !purego +// +build gc,!purego package poly1305 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_s390x.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_s390x.s index 0fa9ee6..69c64f8 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_s390x.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305/sum_s390x.s @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build !gccgo,!purego +//go:build gc && !purego +// +build gc,!purego #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/client.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/client.go index 7b00bff..99f68bd 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/client.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/client.go @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ func NewClientConn(c net.Conn, addr string, config *ClientConfig) (Conn, <-chan } conn := &connection{ - sshConn: sshConn{conn: c}, + sshConn: sshConn{conn: c, user: fullConf.User}, } if err := conn.clientHandshake(addr, &fullConf); err != nil { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/client_auth.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/client_auth.go index f326565..c611aeb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/client_auth.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/client_auth.go @@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ func (cb KeyboardInteractiveChallenge) auth(session []byte, user string, c packe } if len(answers) != len(prompts) { - return authFailure, nil, errors.New("ssh: not enough answers from keyboard-interactive callback") + return authFailure, nil, fmt.Errorf("ssh: incorrect number of answers from keyboard-interactive callback %d (expected %d)", len(answers), len(prompts)) } responseLength := 1 + 4 for _, a := range answers { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/kex.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/kex.go index 7eedb20..766e929 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/kex.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/kex.go @@ -557,8 +557,6 @@ type dhGEXSHA struct { hashFunc crypto.Hash } -const numMRTests = 64 - const ( dhGroupExchangeMinimumBits = 2048 dhGroupExchangePreferredBits = 2048 @@ -602,15 +600,8 @@ func (gex dhGEXSHA) Client(c packetConn, randSource io.Reader, magics *handshake gex.p = kexDHGexGroup.P gex.g = kexDHGexGroup.G - // Check if p is safe by verifing that p and (p-1)/2 are primes - one := big.NewInt(1) - var pHalf = &big.Int{} - pHalf.Rsh(gex.p, 1) - if !gex.p.ProbablyPrime(numMRTests) || !pHalf.ProbablyPrime(numMRTests) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("ssh: server provided gex p is not safe") - } - // Check if g is safe by verifing that g > 1 and g < p - 1 + one := big.NewInt(1) var pMinusOne = &big.Int{} pMinusOne.Sub(gex.p, one) if gex.g.Cmp(one) != 1 && gex.g.Cmp(pMinusOne) != -1 { @@ -618,6 +609,8 @@ func (gex dhGEXSHA) Client(c packetConn, randSource io.Reader, magics *handshake } // Send GexInit + var pHalf = &big.Int{} + pHalf.Rsh(gex.p, 1) x, err := rand.Int(randSource, pHalf) if err != nil { return nil, err diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/server.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/server.go index 7d42a8c..b6911e8 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/server.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/server.go @@ -572,6 +572,10 @@ userAuthLoop: perms = candidate.perms } case "gssapi-with-mic": + if config.GSSAPIWithMICConfig == nil { + authErr = errors.New("ssh: gssapi-with-mic auth not configured") + break + } gssapiConfig := config.GSSAPIWithMICConfig userAuthRequestGSSAPI, err := parseGSSAPIPayload(userAuthReq.Payload) if err != nil { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/html/const.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/html/const.go index 73804d3..ff7acf2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/html/const.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/html/const.go @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ var isSpecialElementMap = map[string]bool{ "iframe": true, "img": true, "input": true, - "keygen": true, + "keygen": true, // "keygen" has been removed from the spec, but are kept here for backwards compatibility. "li": true, "link": true, "listing": true, diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/html/foreign.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/html/foreign.go index 74774c4..9da9e9d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/html/foreign.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/html/foreign.go @@ -161,65 +161,62 @@ var mathMLAttributeAdjustments = map[string]string{ } var svgAttributeAdjustments = map[string]string{ - "attributename": "attributeName", - "attributetype": "attributeType", - "basefrequency": "baseFrequency", - "baseprofile": "baseProfile", - "calcmode": "calcMode", - "clippathunits": "clipPathUnits", - "contentscripttype": "contentScriptType", - "contentstyletype": "contentStyleType", - "diffuseconstant": "diffuseConstant", - "edgemode": "edgeMode", - "externalresourcesrequired": "externalResourcesRequired", - "filterunits": "filterUnits", - "glyphref": "glyphRef", - "gradienttransform": "gradientTransform", - "gradientunits": "gradientUnits", - "kernelmatrix": "kernelMatrix", - "kernelunitlength": "kernelUnitLength", - "keypoints": "keyPoints", - "keysplines": "keySplines", - "keytimes": "keyTimes", - "lengthadjust": "lengthAdjust", - "limitingconeangle": "limitingConeAngle", - "markerheight": "markerHeight", - "markerunits": "markerUnits", - "markerwidth": "markerWidth", - "maskcontentunits": "maskContentUnits", - "maskunits": "maskUnits", - "numoctaves": "numOctaves", - "pathlength": "pathLength", - "patterncontentunits": "patternContentUnits", - "patterntransform": "patternTransform", - "patternunits": "patternUnits", - "pointsatx": "pointsAtX", - "pointsaty": "pointsAtY", - "pointsatz": "pointsAtZ", - "preservealpha": "preserveAlpha", - "preserveaspectratio": "preserveAspectRatio", - "primitiveunits": "primitiveUnits", - "refx": "refX", - "refy": "refY", - "repeatcount": "repeatCount", - "repeatdur": "repeatDur", - "requiredextensions": "requiredExtensions", - "requiredfeatures": "requiredFeatures", - "specularconstant": "specularConstant", - "specularexponent": "specularExponent", - "spreadmethod": "spreadMethod", - "startoffset": "startOffset", - "stddeviation": "stdDeviation", - "stitchtiles": "stitchTiles", - "surfacescale": "surfaceScale", - "systemlanguage": "systemLanguage", - "tablevalues": "tableValues", - "targetx": "targetX", - "targety": "targetY", - "textlength": "textLength", - "viewbox": "viewBox", - "viewtarget": "viewTarget", - "xchannelselector": "xChannelSelector", - "ychannelselector": "yChannelSelector", - "zoomandpan": "zoomAndPan", + "attributename": "attributeName", + "attributetype": "attributeType", + "basefrequency": "baseFrequency", + "baseprofile": "baseProfile", + "calcmode": "calcMode", + "clippathunits": "clipPathUnits", + "diffuseconstant": "diffuseConstant", + "edgemode": "edgeMode", + "filterunits": "filterUnits", + "glyphref": "glyphRef", + "gradienttransform": "gradientTransform", + "gradientunits": "gradientUnits", + "kernelmatrix": "kernelMatrix", + "kernelunitlength": "kernelUnitLength", + "keypoints": "keyPoints", + "keysplines": "keySplines", + "keytimes": "keyTimes", + "lengthadjust": "lengthAdjust", + "limitingconeangle": "limitingConeAngle", + "markerheight": "markerHeight", + "markerunits": "markerUnits", + "markerwidth": "markerWidth", + "maskcontentunits": "maskContentUnits", + "maskunits": "maskUnits", + "numoctaves": "numOctaves", + "pathlength": "pathLength", + "patterncontentunits": "patternContentUnits", + "patterntransform": "patternTransform", + "patternunits": "patternUnits", + "pointsatx": "pointsAtX", + "pointsaty": "pointsAtY", + "pointsatz": "pointsAtZ", + "preservealpha": "preserveAlpha", + "preserveaspectratio": "preserveAspectRatio", + "primitiveunits": "primitiveUnits", + "refx": "refX", + "refy": "refY", + "repeatcount": "repeatCount", + "repeatdur": "repeatDur", + "requiredextensions": "requiredExtensions", + "requiredfeatures": "requiredFeatures", + "specularconstant": "specularConstant", + "specularexponent": "specularExponent", + "spreadmethod": "spreadMethod", + "startoffset": "startOffset", + "stddeviation": "stdDeviation", + "stitchtiles": "stitchTiles", + "surfacescale": "surfaceScale", + "systemlanguage": "systemLanguage", + "tablevalues": "tableValues", + "targetx": "targetX", + "targety": "targetY", + "textlength": "textLength", + "viewbox": "viewBox", + "viewtarget": "viewTarget", + "xchannelselector": "xChannelSelector", + "ychannelselector": "yChannelSelector", + "zoomandpan": "zoomAndPan", } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/html/parse.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/html/parse.go index 2cd12fc..f91466f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/html/parse.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/html/parse.go @@ -728,7 +728,13 @@ func inHeadNoscriptIM(p *parser) bool { return inBodyIM(p) case a.Basefont, a.Bgsound, a.Link, a.Meta, a.Noframes, a.Style: return inHeadIM(p) - case a.Head, a.Noscript: + case a.Head: + // Ignore the token. + return true + case a.Noscript: + // Don't let the tokenizer go into raw text mode even when a