package cointop import ( "fmt" "math" "net/url" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" ) func (ct *Cointop) refreshTable() error { maxX := ct.width() ct.table = table.New().SetWidth(maxX) ct.table.HideColumHeaders = true if ct.portfoliovisible { ct.table.AddCol("") ct.table.AddCol("") ct.table.AddCol("") ct.table.AddCol("") ct.table.AddCol("") ct.table.AddCol("") ct.table.AddCol("") ct.table.AddCol("") ct.table.AddCol("") total := ct.getPortfolioTotal() for _, coin := range ct.coins { unix, _ := strconv.ParseInt(coin.LastUpdated, 10, 64) lastUpdated := time.Unix(unix, 0).Format("15:04:05 Jan 02") colorbalance := ct.colorscheme.TableColumnPrice color24h := ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChange if coin.PercentChange24H > 0 { color24h = ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChangeUp } if coin.PercentChange24H < 0 { color24h = ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChangeDown } name := coin.Name dots := "..." star := " " rank := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", star, ct.colorscheme.TableRow(fmt.Sprintf("%6v ", coin.Rank))) if len(name) > 20 { name = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", name[0:18], dots) } percentHoldings := (coin.Balance / total) * 1e2 if math.IsNaN(percentHoldings) { percentHoldings = 0 } ct.table.AddRow( rank, ct.colorscheme.TableRow(pad.Right(fmt.Sprintf("%.22s", name), 21, " ")), ct.colorscheme.TableRow(pad.Right(fmt.Sprintf("%.6s", coin.Symbol), 5, " ")), ct.colorscheme.TableRow(fmt.Sprintf("%13s", humanize.Commaf(coin.Price))), ct.colorscheme.TableRow(fmt.Sprintf("%15s", strconv.FormatFloat(coin.Holdings, 'f', -1, 64))), colorbalance(fmt.Sprintf("%15s", humanize.Commaf(coin.Balance))), color24h(fmt.Sprintf("%8.2f%%", coin.PercentChange24H)), ct.colorscheme.TableRow(fmt.Sprintf("%10.2f%%", percentHoldings)), ct.colorscheme.TableRow(pad.Right(fmt.Sprintf("%17s", lastUpdated), 80, " ")), ) } } else { ct.table.AddCol("") ct.table.AddCol("") ct.table.AddCol("") ct.table.AddCol("") ct.table.AddCol("") ct.table.AddCol("") ct.table.AddCol("") ct.table.AddCol("") ct.table.AddCol("") ct.table.AddCol("") ct.table.AddCol("") ct.table.AddCol("") for _, coin := range ct.coins { if coin == nil { continue } unix, _ := strconv.ParseInt(coin.LastUpdated, 10, 64) lastUpdated := time.Unix(unix, 0).Format("15:04:05 Jan 02") namecolor := ct.colorscheme.TableRow color1h := ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChange color24h := ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChange color7d := ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChange if coin.Favorite { namecolor = ct.colorscheme.TableRowFavorite } if coin.PercentChange1H > 0 { color1h = ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChangeUp } if coin.PercentChange1H < 0 { color1h = ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChangeDown } if coin.PercentChange24H > 0 { color24h = ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChangeUp } if coin.PercentChange24H < 0 { color24h = ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChangeDown } if coin.PercentChange7D > 0 { color7d = ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChangeUp } if coin.PercentChange7D < 0 { color7d = ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChangeDown } name := coin.Name dots := "..." star := ct.colorscheme.TableRow(" ") if coin.Favorite { star = ct.colorscheme.TableRowFavorite("*") } rank := fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", star, ct.colorscheme.TableRow(fmt.Sprintf("%6v ", coin.Rank))) if len(name) > 20 { name = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", name[0:18], dots) } symbolpadding := 5 // NOTE: this is to adjust padding by 1 because when all name rows are // yellow it messes the spacing (need to debug) if ct.filterByFavorites { symbolpadding = 6 } ct.table.AddRow( rank, namecolor(pad.Right(fmt.Sprintf("%.22s", name), 21, " ")), ct.colorscheme.TableRow(pad.Right(fmt.Sprintf("%.6s", coin.Symbol), symbolpadding, " ")), ct.colorscheme.TableColumnPrice(fmt.Sprintf("%12s", humanize.Commaf(coin.Price))), ct.colorscheme.TableRow(fmt.Sprintf("%18s", humanize.Commaf(coin.MarketCap))), ct.colorscheme.TableRow(fmt.Sprintf("%15s", humanize.Commaf(coin.Volume24H))), color1h(fmt.Sprintf("%8.2f%%", coin.PercentChange1H)), color24h(fmt.Sprintf("%8.2f%%", coin.PercentChange24H)), color7d(fmt.Sprintf("%8.2f%%", coin.PercentChange7D)), ct.colorscheme.TableRow(fmt.Sprintf("%21s", humanize.Commaf(coin.TotalSupply))), ct.colorscheme.TableRow(fmt.Sprintf("%18s", humanize.Commaf(coin.AvailableSupply))), ct.colorscheme.TableRow(fmt.Sprintf("%18s", lastUpdated)), // TODO: add %percent of cap ) } } // highlight last row if current row is out of bounds (can happen when switching views) currentrow := ct.highlightedRowIndex() if len(ct.coins) > currentrow { ct.highlightRow(currentrow) } ct.update(func() { ct.tableview.Clear() ct.table.Format().Fprint(ct.tableview) go ct.rowChanged() go ct.updateHeaders() go ct.updateMarketbar() go ct.updateChart() }) return nil } func (ct *Cointop) updateTable() error { sliced := []*Coin{} for i := range ct.allcoinsslugmap { v := ct.allcoinsslugmap[i] if ct.favorites[v.Name] { v.Favorite = true } } if ct.filterByFavorites { for i := range ct.allcoins { coin := ct.allcoins[i] if coin.Favorite { sliced = append(sliced, coin) } } ct.coins = sliced go ct.refreshTable() return nil } if ct.portfoliovisible { sliced = ct.getPortfolioSlice() ct.coins = sliced go ct.refreshTable() return nil } start := * ct.perpage end := start + ct.perpage allcoins := ct.allCoins() size := len(allcoins) if start < 0 { start = 0 } if end >= size-1 { start = int(math.Floor(float64(start/100)) * 100) end = size - 1 } if start < 0 { start = 0 } if end >= size { end = size - 1 } if end < 0 { end = 0 } if start >= end { return nil } if end > 0 { sliced = allcoins[start:end] } ct.coins = sliced ct.sort(ct.sortby, ct.sortdesc, ct.coins, true) go ct.refreshTable() return nil } func (ct *Cointop) highlightedRowIndex() int { _, y := ct.tableview.Origin() _, cy := ct.tableview.Cursor() idx := y + cy if idx < 0 { idx = 0 } if idx >= len(ct.coins) { idx = len(ct.coins) - 1 } return idx } func (ct *Cointop) highlightedRowCoin() *Coin { idx := ct.highlightedRowIndex() if len(ct.coins) == 0 { return nil } return ct.coins[idx] } func (ct *Cointop) rowLink() string { coin := ct.highlightedRowCoin() if coin == nil { return "" } return ct.api.CoinLink(coin.Name) } func (ct *Cointop) rowLinkShort() string { link := ct.rowLink() if link != "" { u, err := url.Parse(link) if err != nil { return "" } host := u.Hostname() host = strings.Replace(host, "www.", "", -1) path := u.EscapedPath() parts := strings.Split(path, "/") if len(parts) > 0 { path = parts[len(parts)-1] } return fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/.../%s", host, path) } return "" } func (ct *Cointop) allCoins() []*Coin { if ct.filterByFavorites { var list []*Coin for i := range ct.allcoins { coin := ct.allcoins[i] if coin.Favorite { list = append(list, coin) } } return list } if ct.portfoliovisible { var list []*Coin for i := range ct.allcoins { coin := ct.allcoins[i] if ct.portfolioEntryExists(coin) { list = append(list, coin) } } return list } return ct.allcoins } func (ct *Cointop) coinBySymbol(symbol string) *Coin { for i := range ct.allcoins { coin := ct.allcoins[i] if coin.Symbol == symbol { return coin } } return nil }