You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

102 lines
2.7 KiB

package cointop
import (
// TableHeaderView is structure for table header view
type TableHeaderView struct {
// NewTableHeaderView returns a new table header view
func NewTableHeaderView() *TableHeaderView {
return &TableHeaderView{NewView("header")}
// UpdateTableHeader renders the table header
func (ct *Cointop) UpdateTableHeader() {
var cols []string
type t struct {
colorfn func(a ...interface{}) string
displaytext string
padleft int
padright int
arrow string
baseColor := ct.colorscheme.TableHeaderSprintf()
cm := map[string]*t{
"rank": &t{baseColor, "[r]ank", 0, 1, " "},
"name": &t{baseColor, "[n]ame", 0, 11, " "},
"symbol": &t{baseColor, "[s]ymbol", 4, 0, " "},
"price": &t{baseColor, "[p]rice", 2, 0, " "},
"holdings": &t{baseColor, "[h]oldings", 5, 0, " "},
"balance": &t{baseColor, "[b]alance", 5, 0, " "},
"marketcap": &t{baseColor, "[m]arket cap", 5, 0, " "},
"24hvolume": &t{baseColor, "24H [v]olume", 3, 0, " "},
"1hchange": &t{baseColor, "[1]H%", 5, 0, " "},
"24hchange": &t{baseColor, "[2]4H%", 3, 0, " "},
"7dchange": &t{baseColor, "[7]D%", 4, 0, " "},
"totalsupply": &t{baseColor, "[t]otal supply", 7, 0, " "},
"availablesupply": &t{baseColor, "[a]vailable supply", 0, 0, " "},
"percentholdings": &t{baseColor, "%holdings", 2, 0, " "},
"lastupdated": &t{baseColor, "last [u]pdated", 3, 0, " "},
for k := range cm {
cm[k].arrow = " "
if ct.State.sortBy == k {
cm[k].colorfn = ct.colorscheme.TableHeaderColumnActiveSprintf()
if ct.State.sortDesc {
cm[k].arrow = "▼"
} else {
cm[k].arrow = "▲"
if ct.State.portfolioVisible {
cols = []string{"rank", "name", "symbol", "price",
"holdings", "balance", "24hchange", "percentholdings", "lastupdated"}
} else {
cols = []string{"rank", "name", "symbol", "price",
"marketcap", "24hvolume", "1hchange", "24hchange",
"7dchange", "totalsupply", "availablesupply", "lastupdated"}
var headers []string
for _, v := range cols {
s, ok := cm[v]
if !ok {
var str string
d := s.arrow + s.displaytext
if v == "price" || v == "balance" {
d = s.arrow + ct.currencySymbol() + s.displaytext
str = fmt.Sprintf(
strings.Repeat(" ", s.padleft),
strings.Repeat(" ", s.padright),
headers = append(headers, str)
ct.Update(func() error {
if ct.Views.TableHeader.Backing() == nil {
return nil
fmt.Fprintln(ct.Views.TableHeader.Backing(), strings.Join(headers, ""))
return nil