You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

58 lines
1.7 KiB

package cointop
import (
func (ct *Cointop) setKeybinding(key interface{}, callback func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error) {
var err error
switch t := key.(type) {
case gocui.Key:
err = ct.g.SetKeybinding("", t, gocui.ModNone, callback)
case rune:
err = ct.g.SetKeybinding("", t, gocui.ModNone, callback)
if err != nil {
func (ct *Cointop) keybindings(g *gocui.Gui) error {
ct.setKeybinding(gocui.KeyArrowDown, ct.cursorDown)
ct.setKeybinding('j', ct.cursorDown)
ct.setKeybinding(gocui.KeyArrowUp, ct.cursorUp)
ct.setKeybinding('k', ct.cursorUp)
ct.setKeybinding(gocui.KeyCtrlD, ct.pageDown)
ct.setKeybinding(gocui.KeyCtrlU, ct.pageUp)
ct.setKeybinding('r', ct.sort("rank", false))
ct.setKeybinding('n', ct.sort("name", true))
ct.setKeybinding('s', ct.sort("symbol", false))
ct.setKeybinding('p', ct.sort("price", true))
ct.setKeybinding('m', ct.sort("marketcap", true))
ct.setKeybinding('v', ct.sort("24hvolume", true))
ct.setKeybinding('1', ct.sort("1hchange", true))
ct.setKeybinding('2', ct.sort("24hchange", true))
ct.setKeybinding('7', ct.sort("7dchange", true))
ct.setKeybinding('t', ct.sort("totalsupply", true))
ct.setKeybinding('a', ct.sort("availablesupply", true))
ct.setKeybinding('l', ct.sort("lastupdated", true))
ct.setKeybinding(gocui.KeyEnter, ct.enter)
ct.setKeybinding(gocui.KeySpace, ct.enter)
ct.setKeybinding(gocui.KeyCtrlC, ct.quit)
ct.setKeybinding('q', ct.quit)
ct.setKeybinding(gocui.KeyEsc, ct.quit)
return nil
func (ct *Cointop) enter(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
exec.Command("open", ct.rowLink()).Output()
return nil
func (ct *Cointop) quit(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gocui.ErrQuit