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41 lines
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use predicates::prelude::*;
use std::path::PathBuf;
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
/// Predicate that checks for a single line that is a failure
pub static ref FAILURE_LINE: predicates::str::RegexPredicate =
regex_pred(r"^Failed \(.*\): '.*'\.\n$");
/// Produces a regex predicate using the given string
pub fn regex_pred(s: &str) -> predicates::str::RegexPredicate {
/// Creates a random tenant name
pub fn random_tenant() -> String {
format!("test-tenant-{}", rand::random::<u16>())
/// Initializes logging (should only call once)
pub fn init_logging(path: impl Into<PathBuf>) -> flexi_logger::LoggerHandle {
use flexi_logger::{FileSpec, LevelFilter, LogSpecification, Logger};
let modules = &["distant", "distant_core"];
// Disable logging for everything but our binary, which is based on verbosity
let mut builder = LogSpecification::builder();
// For each module, configure logging
for module in modules {
builder.module(module, LevelFilter::Trace);
// Create our logger, but don't initialize yet
let logger = Logger::with(
.log_to_file(FileSpec::try_from(path).expect("Failed to create log file spec"));
logger.start().expect("Failed to initialize logger")