Chip Senkbeil 10 months ago
parent 6feeb2d012
commit 8a34fec1f7
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 35EF1F8EC72A4131

@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
# distant - remotely edit files and run programs
<h1 align="center">
<img src="https://distant.dev/assets/images/distant-with-logo-300x87.png" alt="Distant">
<a href="https://distant.dev/">Documentation</a> |
<a href="https://github.com/chipsenkbeil/distant/discussions">Discussion</a>
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@ -13,159 +18,47 @@
🚧 **(Alpha stage software) This program is in rapid development and may break or change frequently!** 🚧
## Details
The `distant` binary supplies both a server and client component as well as
a command to start a server and configure the local client to be able to
talk to the server.
- Asynchronous in nature, powered by [`tokio`](https://tokio.rs/)
- Data is serialized to send across the wire via [`msgpack`](https://msgpack.org/)
- Encryption & authentication are handled via
[XChaCha20Poly1305](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8439) for an authenticated
encryption scheme via
Additionally, the core of the distant client and server codebase can be pulled
in to be used with your own Rust crates via the `distant-core` crate. The
networking library, which is agnostic of `distant` protocols, can be used via
the `distant-net` crate.
## Installation
### Prebuilt Binaries
If you would like a pre-built binary, check out the
[releases section](https://github.com/chipsenkbeil/distant/releases).
### Unix
### Building from Source
# Need to include -L to follow redirects as this returns 301
curl -L https://sh.distant.dev | sh
If you have [`cargo`](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo) installed, you can
directly download and build the source via:
cargo install distant
Alternatively, you can clone this repository and build from source following
the [build guide](./BUILDING.md).
## Backend Feature Matrix
Distant supports multiple backends to facilitate remote communication with
another server. Today, these backends include:
* `distant` - a standalone server acting as the reference implementation
* `ssh` - a wrapper around an `ssh` client that translates the distant protocol
into ssh server requests
Not every backend supports every feature of distant. Below is a table outlining
the available features and which backend supports each feature:
| Feature | distant | ssh |
| --------------------- | --------| ----|
| Filesystem I/O | ✅ | ✅ |
| Filesystem Watching | ✅ | ✅ |
| Process Execution | ✅ | ✅ |
| Reconnect | ✅ | ❌ |
| Search | ✅ | ❌ |
| System Information | ✅ | ⚠ |
| Version | ✅ | ✅ |
* ✅ means full support
* ⚠ means partial support
* ❌ means no support
### Feature Details
* `Filesystem I/O` - able to read from and write to the filesystem
* `Filesystem Watching` - able to receive notifications when changes to the
filesystem occur
* `Process Execution` - able to execute processes
* `Reconnect` - able to reconnect after network outages
* `Search` - able to search the filesystem
* `System Information` - able to retrieve information about the system
* `Version` - able to report back version information
## Example
### Starting the manager
In order to facilitate communication between a client and server, you first
need to start the manager. This can be done in one of two ways:
1. Leverage the `service` functionality to spawn the manager using one of the
following supported service management platforms:
- [`sc.exe`](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2012-r2-and-2012/cc754599(v=ws.11)) for use with [Window Service](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_service) (Windows)
- [Launchd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Launchd) (MacOS)
- [systemd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemd) (Linux)
- [OpenRC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenRC) (Linux)
- [rc.d](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Init#Research_Unix-style/BSD-style) (FreeBSD)
2. Run the manager manually by using the `listen` subcommand
#### Service management
# If you want to install the manager as a service, you can use the service
# interface available directly from the CLI
# By default, this will install a system-level service, which means that you
# will need elevated permissions to both install AND communicate with the
# manager
distant manager service install
# If you want to maintain a user-level manager service, you can include the
# --user flag. Note that this is only supported on MacOS (via launchd) and
# Linux (via systemd)
distant manager service install --user
# ........
# Once you have installed the service, you will normally need to start it
# manually or restart your machine to trigger startup on boot
distant manager service start # --user if you are working with user-level
# Can also use wget to the same result
wget https://sh.distant.dev | sh
#### Manual start
See https://distant.dev/getting-started/installation/unix/ for more details.
# If you choose to run the manager without a service management platform, you
# can either run the manager in the foreground or provide --daemon to spawn and
# detach the manager
### Windows
# Run in the foreground
distant manager listen
# Detach the manager where it will not terminate even if the parent exits
distant manager listen --daemon
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser # Optional: Needed to run a remote script the first time
irm sh.distant.dev | iex
### Interacting with a remote machine
Once you have a manager listening for client requests, you can begin
interacting with the manager, spawn and/or connect to servers, and interact
with remote machines.
See https://distant.dev/getting-started/installation/windows/ for more details.
# Connect to my.example.com on port 22 via SSH and start a distant server
distant client launch ssh://my.example.com
## Usage
# After the connection is established, you can perform different operations
# on the remote machine via `distant client action {command} [args]`
distant client action copy path/to/file new/path/to/file
distant client action spawn -- echo 'Hello, this is from the other side'
# Start a manager in the background
distant manager listen &
# Opening a shell to the remote machine is trivial
distant client shell
# SSH into a server, start distant, and connect to the distant server
distant launch ssh://example.com
# If you have more than one connection open, you can switch between active
# connections by using the `select` subcommand
distant client select '<ID>'
# Read the current working directory
distant fs read .
# For programmatic use, a REPL following the JSON API is available
distant client repl --format json
# Start a shell on the remote machine
distant shell
See https://distant.dev/getting-started/usage/ for more details.
## License
This project is licensed under either of
