use crate::net::{SecretKey32, UnprotectedToHexKey}; use derive_more::{Display, Error}; use std::{ env, net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr}, ops::Deref, path::{Path, PathBuf}, str::FromStr, }; use tokio::{io, net::lookup_host}; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct SessionInfo { pub host: String, pub port: u16, pub key: SecretKey32, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Display, Error, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum SessionInfoParseError { #[display(fmt = "Prefix of string is invalid")] BadPrefix, #[display(fmt = "Bad hex key for session")] BadHexKey, #[display(fmt = "Invalid key for session")] InvalidKey, #[display(fmt = "Invalid port for session")] InvalidPort, #[display(fmt = "Missing address for session")] MissingAddr, #[display(fmt = "Missing key for session")] MissingKey, #[display(fmt = "Missing port for session")] MissingPort, } impl From for io::Error { fn from(x: SessionInfoParseError) -> Self { io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, x) } } impl FromStr for SessionInfo { type Err = SessionInfoParseError; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { let mut tokens = s.split(' ').take(5); // First, validate that we have the appropriate prefix if != "DISTANT" { return Err(SessionInfoParseError::BadPrefix); } if != "DATA" { return Err(SessionInfoParseError::BadPrefix); } // Second, load up the address without parsing it let host = tokens .next() .ok_or(SessionInfoParseError::MissingAddr)? .trim() .to_string(); // Third, load up the port and parse it into a number let port = tokens .next() .ok_or(SessionInfoParseError::MissingPort)? .trim() .parse::() .map_err(|_| SessionInfoParseError::InvalidPort)?; // Fourth, load up the key and convert it back into a secret key from a hex slice let key = SecretKey32::from_slice( &hex::decode( tokens .next() .ok_or(SessionInfoParseError::MissingKey)? .trim(), ) .map_err(|_| SessionInfoParseError::BadHexKey)?, ) .map_err(|_| SessionInfoParseError::InvalidKey)?; Ok(SessionInfo { host, port, key }) } } impl SessionInfo { /// Loads session from environment variables pub fn from_environment() -> io::Result { fn to_err(x: env::VarError) -> io::Error { io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, x) } let host = env::var("DISTANT_HOST").map_err(to_err)?; let port = env::var("DISTANT_PORT").map_err(to_err)?; let key = env::var("DISTANT_KEY").map_err(to_err)?; Ok(format!("DISTANT DATA {} {} {}", host, port, key).parse()?) } /// Loads session from the next line available in this program's stdin pub fn from_stdin() -> io::Result { let mut line = String::new(); std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut line)?; line.parse() .map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, x)) } /// Consumes the session and returns the key pub fn into_key(self) -> SecretKey32 { self.key } /// Returns the ip address associated with the session based on the host pub async fn to_ip_addr(&self) -> io::Result { let addr = match { Ok(addr) => addr, Err(_) => lookup_host((, self.port)) .await? .next() .ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::NotFound, "Failed to lookup_host"))? .ip(), }; Ok(addr) } /// Returns socket address associated with the session pub async fn to_socket_addr(&self) -> io::Result { let addr = self.to_ip_addr().await?; Ok(SocketAddr::from((addr, self.port))) } /// Converts to unprotected string that exposes the key in the form of /// `DISTANT DATA ` pub fn to_unprotected_string(&self) -> String { format!( "DISTANT DATA {} {} {}",, self.port, self.key.unprotected_to_hex_key() ) } } /// Provides operations related to working with a session that is disk-based pub struct SessionInfoFile { path: PathBuf, session: SessionInfo, } impl AsRef for SessionInfoFile { fn as_ref(&self) -> &Path { self.as_path() } } impl AsRef for SessionInfoFile { fn as_ref(&self) -> &SessionInfo { self.as_session() } } impl Deref for SessionInfoFile { type Target = SessionInfo; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.session } } impl From for SessionInfo { fn from(sf: SessionInfoFile) -> Self { sf.session } } impl SessionInfoFile { /// Creates a new inmemory pointer to a session and its file pub fn new(path: impl Into, session: SessionInfo) -> Self { Self { path: path.into(), session, } } /// Returns a reference to the path to the session file pub fn as_path(&self) -> &Path { self.path.as_path() } /// Returns a reference to the session pub fn as_session(&self) -> &SessionInfo { &self.session } /// Saves a session by overwriting its current pub async fn save(&self) -> io::Result<()> { self.save_to(self.as_path(), true).await } /// Saves a session to to a file at the specified path /// /// If all is true, will create all directories leading up to file's location pub async fn save_to(&self, path: impl AsRef, all: bool) -> io::Result<()> { if all { if let Some(dir) = path.as_ref().parent() { tokio::fs::create_dir_all(dir).await?; } } tokio::fs::write(path.as_ref(), self.session.to_unprotected_string()).await } /// Loads a session from a file at the specified path pub async fn load_from(path: impl AsRef) -> io::Result { let text = tokio::fs::read_to_string(path.as_ref()).await?; Ok(Self { path: path.as_ref().to_path_buf(), session: text.parse()?, }) } }