use crate::net::SecretKeyError; use derive_more::{Display, Error, From}; use futures::{SinkExt, StreamExt}; use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize}; use std::marker::Unpin; use tokio::io::{self, AsyncRead, AsyncWrite}; use tokio_util::codec::{Framed, FramedRead, FramedWrite}; mod codec; pub use codec::*; mod inmemory; pub use inmemory::*; mod tcp; pub use tcp::*; #[cfg(unix)] mod unix; #[cfg(unix)] pub use unix::*; #[derive(Debug, Display, Error, From)] pub enum TransportError { CryptoError(SecretKeyError), IoError(io::Error), SerializeError(serde_cbor::Error), } /// Interface representing a two-way data stream /// /// Enables splitting into separate, functioning halves that can read and write respectively pub trait DataStream: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin { type Read: AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'static; type Write: AsyncWrite + Send + Unpin + 'static; /// Returns a textual description of the connection associated with this stream fn to_connection_tag(&self) -> String; /// Splits this stream into read and write halves fn into_split(self) -> (Self::Read, Self::Write); } /// Represents a transport of data across the network #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Transport(Framed) where T: DataStream, U: Codec; impl Transport where T: DataStream, U: Codec, { /// Creates a new instance of the transport, wrapping the stream in a `Framed` pub fn new(stream: T, codec: U) -> Self { Self(Framed::new(stream, codec)) } /// Sends some data across the wire, waiting for it to completely send pub async fn send(&mut self, data: D) -> Result<(), TransportError> { // Serialize data into a byte stream // NOTE: Cannot used packed implementation for now due to issues with deserialization let data = serde_cbor::to_vec(&data)?; // Use underlying codec to send data (may encrypt, sign, etc.) self.0.send(&data).await.map_err(TransportError::from) } /// Receives some data from out on the wire, waiting until it's available, /// returning none if the transport is now closed pub async fn receive(&mut self) -> Result, TransportError> { // Use underlying codec to receive data (may decrypt, validate, etc.) if let Some(data) = { let data = data?; // Deserialize byte stream into our expected type let data = serde_cbor::from_slice(&data)?; Ok(Some(data)) } else { Ok(None) } } /// Returns a textual description of the transport's underlying connection pub fn to_connection_tag(&self) -> String { self.0.get_ref().to_connection_tag() } /// Splits transport into read and write halves pub fn into_split( self, ) -> ( TransportReadHalf, TransportWriteHalf, ) { let parts = self.0.into_parts(); let (read_half, write_half) =; // Create our split read half and populate its buffer with existing contents let mut f_read = FramedRead::new(read_half, parts.codec.clone()); *f_read.read_buffer_mut() = parts.read_buf; // Create our split write half and populate its buffer with existing contents let mut f_write = FramedWrite::new(write_half, parts.codec); *f_write.write_buffer_mut() = parts.write_buf; let t_read = TransportReadHalf(f_read); let t_write = TransportWriteHalf(f_write); (t_read, t_write) } } /// Represents a transport of data out to the network pub struct TransportWriteHalf(FramedWrite) where T: AsyncWrite + Unpin, U: Codec; impl TransportWriteHalf where T: AsyncWrite + Unpin, U: Codec, { /// Sends some data across the wire, waiting for it to completely send pub async fn send(&mut self, data: D) -> Result<(), TransportError> { // Serialize data into a byte stream // NOTE: Cannot used packed implementation for now due to issues with deserialization let data = serde_cbor::to_vec(&data)?; // Use underlying codec to send data (may encrypt, sign, etc.) self.0.send(&data).await.map_err(TransportError::from) } } /// Represents a transport of data in from the network pub struct TransportReadHalf(FramedRead) where T: AsyncRead + Unpin, U: Codec; impl TransportReadHalf where T: AsyncRead + Unpin, U: Codec, { /// Receives some data from out on the wire, waiting until it's available, /// returning none if the transport is now closed pub async fn receive(&mut self) -> Result, TransportError> { // Use underlying codec to receive data (may decrypt, validate, etc.) if let Some(data) = { let data = data?; // Deserialize byte stream into our expected type let data = serde_cbor::from_slice(&data)?; Ok(Some(data)) } else { Ok(None) } } } /// Test utilities #[cfg(test)] impl Transport { /// Makes a connected pair of inmemory transports pub fn make_pair() -> ( Transport, Transport, ) { Self::pair(crate::constants::test::BUFFER_SIZE) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct TestData { name: String, value: usize, } #[tokio::test] async fn send_should_convert_data_into_byte_stream_and_send_through_stream() { let (_tx, mut rx, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(1); let mut transport = Transport::new(stream, PlainCodec::new()); let data = TestData { name: String::from("test"), value: 123, }; let bytes = serde_cbor::to_vec(&data).unwrap(); let len = (bytes.len() as u64).to_be_bytes(); let mut frame = Vec::new(); frame.extend(len.iter().copied()); frame.extend(bytes); transport.send(data).await.unwrap(); let outgoing = rx.recv().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(outgoing, frame); } #[tokio::test] async fn receive_should_return_none_if_stream_is_closed() { let (_, _, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(1); let mut transport = Transport::new(stream, PlainCodec::new()); let result = transport.receive::().await; match result { Ok(None) => {} x => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", x), } } #[tokio::test] async fn receive_should_fail_if_unable_to_convert_to_type() { let (tx, _rx, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(1); let mut transport = Transport::new(stream, PlainCodec::new()); #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct OtherTestData(usize); let data = OtherTestData(123); let bytes = serde_cbor::to_vec(&data).unwrap(); let len = (bytes.len() as u64).to_be_bytes(); let mut frame = Vec::new(); frame.extend(len.iter().copied()); frame.extend(bytes); tx.send(frame).await.unwrap(); let result = transport.receive::().await; match result { Err(TransportError::SerializeError(_)) => {} x => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", x), } } #[tokio::test] async fn receive_should_return_some_instance_of_type_when_coming_into_stream() { let (tx, _rx, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(1); let mut transport = Transport::new(stream, PlainCodec::new()); let data = TestData { name: String::from("test"), value: 123, }; let bytes = serde_cbor::to_vec(&data).unwrap(); let len = (bytes.len() as u64).to_be_bytes(); let mut frame = Vec::new(); frame.extend(len.iter().copied()); frame.extend(bytes); tx.send(frame).await.unwrap(); let received_data = transport.receive::().await.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(received_data, data); } mod read_half { use super::*; #[tokio::test] async fn receive_should_return_none_if_stream_is_closed() { let (_, _, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(1); let transport = Transport::new(stream, PlainCodec::new()); let (mut rh, _) = transport.into_split(); let result = rh.receive::().await; match result { Ok(None) => {} x => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", x), } } #[tokio::test] async fn receive_should_fail_if_unable_to_convert_to_type() { let (tx, _rx, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(1); let transport = Transport::new(stream, PlainCodec::new()); let (mut rh, _) = transport.into_split(); #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct OtherTestData(usize); let data = OtherTestData(123); let bytes = serde_cbor::to_vec(&data).unwrap(); let len = (bytes.len() as u64).to_be_bytes(); let mut frame = Vec::new(); frame.extend(len.iter().copied()); frame.extend(bytes); tx.send(frame).await.unwrap(); let result = rh.receive::().await; match result { Err(TransportError::SerializeError(_)) => {} x => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", x), } } #[tokio::test] async fn receive_should_return_some_instance_of_type_when_coming_into_stream() { let (tx, _rx, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(1); let transport = Transport::new(stream, PlainCodec::new()); let (mut rh, _) = transport.into_split(); let data = TestData { name: String::from("test"), value: 123, }; let bytes = serde_cbor::to_vec(&data).unwrap(); let len = (bytes.len() as u64).to_be_bytes(); let mut frame = Vec::new(); frame.extend(len.iter().copied()); frame.extend(bytes); tx.send(frame).await.unwrap(); let received_data = rh.receive::().await.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(received_data, data); } } mod write_half { use super::*; #[tokio::test] async fn send_should_convert_data_into_byte_stream_and_send_through_stream() { let (_tx, mut rx, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(1); let transport = Transport::new(stream, PlainCodec::new()); let (_, mut wh) = transport.into_split(); let data = TestData { name: String::from("test"), value: 123, }; let bytes = serde_cbor::to_vec(&data).unwrap(); let len = (bytes.len() as u64).to_be_bytes(); let mut frame = Vec::new(); frame.extend(len.iter().copied()); frame.extend(bytes); wh.send(data).await.unwrap(); let outgoing = rx.recv().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(outgoing, frame); } } }