use log::*; use std::{ collections::HashMap, future::Future, pin::Pin, task::{Context, Poll}, }; use tokio::{ sync::{mpsc, oneshot}, task::{JoinError, JoinHandle}, }; /// Holds state related to multiple connections managed by a server #[derive(Default)] pub struct State { /// Map of all processes running on the server pub processes: HashMap, /// List of processes that will be killed when a connection drops client_processes: HashMap>, } impl State { /// Pushes a new process associated with a connection pub fn push_process(&mut self, conn_id: usize, process: Process) { self.client_processes .entry(conn_id) .or_insert_with(Vec::new) .push(; self.processes.insert(, process); } pub fn mut_process(&mut self, proc_id: usize) -> Option<&mut Process> { self.processes.get_mut(&proc_id) } /// Removes a process associated with a connection pub fn remove_process(&mut self, conn_id: usize, proc_id: usize) { self.client_processes.entry(conn_id).and_modify(|v| { if let Some(pos) = v.iter().position(|x| *x == proc_id) { v.remove(pos); } }); self.processes.remove(&proc_id); } /// Closes stdin for all processes associated with the connection pub fn close_stdin_for_connection(&mut self, conn_id: usize) { debug!(" Closing stdin to all processes", conn_id); if let Some(ids) = self.client_processes.get(&conn_id) { for id in ids { if let Some(process) = self.processes.get_mut(id) { trace!( " Closing stdin for proc {}", conn_id, ); process.close_stdin(); } } } } /// Cleans up state associated with a particular connection pub async fn cleanup_connection(&mut self, conn_id: usize) { debug!(" Cleaning up state", conn_id); if let Some(ids) = self.client_processes.remove(&conn_id) { for id in ids { if let Some(process) = self.processes.remove(&id) { trace!( " Requesting proc {} be killed", conn_id, ); let pid =; if !process.kill() { error!("Conn {} failed to send process {} kill signal", id, pid); } } } } } } /// Represents an actively-running process pub struct Process { /// Id of the process pub id: usize, /// Command used to start the process pub cmd: String, /// Arguments associated with the process pub args: Vec, /// Transport channel to send new input to the stdin of the process, /// one line at a time stdin_tx: Option>, /// Transport channel to report that the process should be killed kill_tx: Option>, /// Task used to wait on the process to complete or be killed wait_task: Option>, } impl Process { pub fn new(id: usize, cmd: String, args: Vec) -> Self { Self { id, cmd, args, stdin_tx: None, kill_tx: None, wait_task: None, } } /// Lazy initialization of process state pub(crate) fn initialize( &mut self, stdin_tx: mpsc::Sender, kill_tx: oneshot::Sender<()>, wait_task: JoinHandle<()>, ) { self.stdin_tx = Some(stdin_tx); self.kill_tx = Some(kill_tx); self.wait_task = Some(wait_task); } pub async fn send_stdin(&self, input: impl Into) -> bool { if let Some(stdin) = self.stdin_tx.as_ref() { if stdin.send(input.into()).await.is_ok() { return true; } } false } pub fn close_stdin(&mut self) { self.stdin_tx.take(); } pub fn kill(self) -> bool { self.kill_tx .map(|tx| tx.send(()).is_ok()) .unwrap_or_default() } } impl Future for Process { type Output = Result<(), JoinError>; fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { if let Some(task) = self.wait_task.as_mut() { Pin::new(task).poll(cx) } else { // TODO: Does this work? Poll::Pending } } }