use async_compat::CompatExt; use distant_core::{ data::{DirEntry, Error as DistantError, FileType, RunningProcess}, Request, RequestData, Response, ResponseData, }; use futures::future; use log::*; use std::{ collections::HashMap, future::Future, io::{self, Read, Write}, path::{Component, Path, PathBuf}, pin::Pin, sync::Arc, }; use tokio::sync::{mpsc, Mutex}; use wezterm_ssh::{Child, ExecResult, OpenFileType, OpenOptions, Session as WezSession, WriteMode}; const MAX_PIPE_CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 8192; const READ_PAUSE_MILLIS: u64 = 50; fn to_other_error(err: E) -> io::Error where E: Into>, { io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err) } #[derive(Default)] pub(crate) struct State { processes: HashMap, } struct Process { id: usize, cmd: String, args: Vec, stdin_tx: mpsc::Sender, kill_tx: mpsc::Sender<()>, } type ReplyRet = Pin + Send + 'static>>; type PostHook = Box; struct Outgoing { data: ResponseData, post_hook: Option, } impl From for Outgoing { fn from(data: ResponseData) -> Self { Self { data, post_hook: None, } } } /// Processes the provided request, sending replies using the given sender pub(super) async fn process( session: WezSession, state: Arc>, req: Request, tx: mpsc::Sender, ) -> Result<(), mpsc::error::SendError> { async fn inner( session: WezSession, state: Arc>, data: RequestData, reply: F, ) -> io::Result where F: FnMut(Vec) -> ReplyRet + Clone + Send + 'static, { match data { RequestData::FileRead { path } => file_read(session, path).await, RequestData::FileReadText { path } => file_read_text(session, path).await, RequestData::FileWrite { path, data } => file_write(session, path, data).await, RequestData::FileWriteText { path, text } => file_write(session, path, text).await, RequestData::FileAppend { path, data } => file_append(session, path, data).await, RequestData::FileAppendText { path, text } => file_append(session, path, text).await, RequestData::DirRead { path, depth, absolute, canonicalize, include_root, } => dir_read(session, path, depth, absolute, canonicalize, include_root).await, RequestData::DirCreate { path, all } => dir_create(session, path, all).await, RequestData::Remove { path, force } => remove(session, path, force).await, RequestData::Copy { src, dst } => copy(session, src, dst).await, RequestData::Rename { src, dst } => rename(session, src, dst).await, RequestData::Exists { path } => exists(session, path).await, RequestData::Metadata { path, canonicalize, resolve_file_type, } => metadata(session, path, canonicalize, resolve_file_type).await, RequestData::ProcRun { cmd, args } => proc_run(session, state, reply, cmd, args).await, RequestData::ProcKill { id } => proc_kill(session, state, id).await, RequestData::ProcStdin { id, data } => proc_stdin(session, state, id, data).await, RequestData::ProcList {} => proc_list(session, state).await, RequestData::SystemInfo {} => system_info(session).await, } } let reply = { let origin_id =; let tenant = req.tenant.clone(); let tx_2 = tx.clone(); move |payload: Vec| -> ReplyRet { let tx = tx_2.clone(); let res = Response::new(tenant.to_string(), origin_id, payload); Box::pin(async move { tx.send(res).await.is_ok() }) } }; // Build up a collection of tasks to run independently let mut payload_tasks = Vec::new(); for data in req.payload { let state_2 = Arc::clone(&state); let reply_2 = reply.clone(); let session = session.clone(); payload_tasks.push(tokio::spawn(async move { match inner(session, state_2, data, reply_2).await { Ok(outgoing) => outgoing, Err(x) => Outgoing::from(ResponseData::from(x)), } })); } // Collect the results of our tasks into the payload entries let mut outgoing: Vec = future::join_all(payload_tasks) .await .into_iter() .map(|x| match x { Ok(outgoing) => outgoing, Err(x) => Outgoing::from(ResponseData::from(x)), }) .collect(); let post_hooks: Vec = outgoing .iter_mut() .filter_map(|x| x.post_hook.take()) .collect(); let payload = outgoing.into_iter().map(|x|; let res = Response::new(req.tenant,, payload); // Send out our primary response from processing the request let result = tx.send(res).await; // Invoke all post hooks for hook in post_hooks { hook(); } result } async fn file_read(session: WezSession, path: PathBuf) -> io::Result { use smol::io::AsyncReadExt; let mut file = session .sftp() .open(path) .compat() .await .map_err(to_other_error)?; let mut contents = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut contents).compat().await?; Ok(Outgoing::from(ResponseData::Blob { data: contents.into_bytes(), })) } async fn file_read_text(session: WezSession, path: PathBuf) -> io::Result { use smol::io::AsyncReadExt; let mut file = session .sftp() .open(path) .compat() .await .map_err(to_other_error)?; let mut contents = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut contents).compat().await?; Ok(Outgoing::from(ResponseData::Text { data: contents })) } async fn file_write( session: WezSession, path: PathBuf, data: impl AsRef<[u8]>, ) -> io::Result { use smol::io::AsyncWriteExt; let mut file = session .sftp() .create(path) .compat() .await .map_err(to_other_error)?; file.write_all(data.as_ref()).compat().await?; Ok(Outgoing::from(ResponseData::Ok)) } async fn file_append( session: WezSession, path: PathBuf, data: impl AsRef<[u8]>, ) -> io::Result { use smol::io::AsyncWriteExt; let mut file = session .sftp() .open_mode( path, OpenOptions { read: false, write: Some(WriteMode::Append), // Using 644 as this mirrors "ssh touch ..." // 644: rw-r--r-- mode: 0o644, ty: OpenFileType::File, }, ) .compat() .await .map_err(to_other_error)?; file.write_all(data.as_ref()).compat().await?; Ok(Outgoing::from(ResponseData::Ok)) } async fn dir_read( session: WezSession, path: PathBuf, depth: usize, absolute: bool, canonicalize: bool, include_root: bool, ) -> io::Result { let sftp = session.sftp(); // Canonicalize our provided path to ensure that it is exists, not a loop, and absolute let root_path = sftp.realpath(path).compat().await.map_err(to_other_error)?; // Build up our entry list let mut entries = Vec::new(); let mut errors = Vec::new(); let mut to_traverse = vec![DirEntry { path: root_path.to_path_buf(), file_type: FileType::Dir, depth: 0, }]; while let Some(entry) = to_traverse.pop() { let is_root = entry.depth == 0; let next_depth = entry.depth + 1; let ft = entry.file_type; let path = if entry.path.is_relative() { root_path.join(&entry.path) } else { entry.path.to_path_buf() }; // Always include any non-root in our traverse list, but only include the // root directory if flagged to do so if !is_root || include_root { entries.push(entry); } let is_dir = match ft { FileType::Dir => true, FileType::File => false, FileType::Symlink => match sftp.stat(&path).await { Ok(stat) => stat.is_dir(), Err(x) => { errors.push(DistantError::from(to_other_error(x))); continue; } }, }; // Determine if we continue traversing or stop if is_dir && (depth == 0 || next_depth <= depth) { match sftp.readdir(&path).compat().await.map_err(to_other_error) { Ok(entries) => { for (mut path, stat) in entries { // Canonicalize the path if specified, otherwise just return // the path as is path = if canonicalize { match sftp.realpath(path).compat().await { Ok(path) => path, Err(x) => { errors.push(DistantError::from(to_other_error(x))); continue; } } } else { path }; // Strip the path of its prefix based if not flagged as absolute if !absolute { // NOTE: In the situation where we canonicalized the path earlier, // there is no guarantee that our root path is still the parent of // the symlink's destination; so, in that case we MUST just return // the path if the strip_prefix fails path = path .strip_prefix(root_path.as_path()) .map(Path::to_path_buf) .unwrap_or(path); }; let ft = stat.ty; to_traverse.push(DirEntry { path, file_type: if ft.is_dir() { FileType::Dir } else if ft.is_file() { FileType::File } else { FileType::Symlink }, depth: next_depth, }); } } Err(x) if is_root => return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, x)), Err(x) => errors.push(DistantError::from(x)), } } } // Sort entries by filename entries.sort_unstable_by_key(|e| e.path.to_path_buf()); Ok(Outgoing::from(ResponseData::DirEntries { entries, errors })) } async fn dir_create(session: WezSession, path: PathBuf, all: bool) -> io::Result { let sftp = session.sftp(); // Makes the immediate directory, failing if given a path with missing components async fn mkdir(sftp: &wezterm_ssh::Sftp, path: PathBuf) -> io::Result<()> { // Using 755 as this mirrors "ssh mkdir ..." // 755: rwxr-xr-x sftp.mkdir(path, 0o755) .compat() .await .map_err(to_other_error) } if all { // Keep trying to create a directory, moving up to parent each time a failure happens let mut failed_paths = Vec::new(); let mut cur_path = path.as_path(); loop { let failed = mkdir(&sftp, cur_path.to_path_buf()).await.is_err(); if failed { failed_paths.push(cur_path); if let Some(path) = cur_path.parent() { cur_path = path; } else { return Err(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied)); } } else { break; } } // Now that we've successfully created a parent component (or the directory), proceed // to attempt to create each failed directory while let Some(path) = failed_paths.pop() { mkdir(&sftp, path.to_path_buf()).await?; } } else { mkdir(&sftp, path).await?; } Ok(Outgoing::from(ResponseData::Ok)) } async fn remove(session: WezSession, path: PathBuf, force: bool) -> io::Result { let sftp = session.sftp(); // Determine if we are dealing with a file or directory let stat = sftp .stat(path.to_path_buf()) .compat() .await .map_err(to_other_error)?; // If a file or symlink, we just unlink (easy) if stat.is_file() || stat.is_symlink() { sftp.unlink(path) .compat() .await .map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, x))?; // If directory and not forcing, we just rmdir (easy) } else if !force { sftp.rmdir(path) .compat() .await .map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, x))?; // Otherwise, we need to find all files and directories, keep track of their depth, and // then attempt to remove them all } else { let mut entries = Vec::new(); let mut to_traverse = vec![DirEntry { path, file_type: FileType::Dir, depth: 0, }]; // Collect all entries within directory while let Some(entry) = to_traverse.pop() { if entry.file_type == FileType::Dir { let path = entry.path.to_path_buf(); let depth = entry.depth; entries.push(entry); for (path, stat) in sftp.readdir(path).await.map_err(to_other_error)? { to_traverse.push(DirEntry { path, file_type: if stat.is_dir() { FileType::Dir } else if stat.is_file() { FileType::File } else { FileType::Symlink }, depth: depth + 1, }); } } else { entries.push(entry); } } // Sort by depth such that deepest are last as we will be popping // off entries from end to remove first entries.sort_unstable_by_key(|e| e.depth); while let Some(entry) = entries.pop() { if entry.file_type == FileType::Dir { sftp.rmdir(entry.path) .compat() .await .map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, x))?; } else { sftp.unlink(entry.path) .compat() .await .map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, x))?; } } } Ok(Outgoing::from(ResponseData::Ok)) } async fn copy(session: WezSession, src: PathBuf, dst: PathBuf) -> io::Result { // NOTE: SFTP does not provide a remote-to-remote copy method, so we instead execute // a program and hope that it applies, starting with the Unix/BSD/GNU cp method // and switch to Window's xcopy if the former fails // Unix cp -R let unix_result = session .exec(&format!("cp -R {:?} {:?}", src, dst), None) .compat() .await; let failed = unix_result.is_err() || { let exit_status = unix_result.unwrap().child.async_wait().compat().await; exit_status.is_err() || !exit_status.unwrap().success() }; // Windows xcopy /s /e if failed { let exit_status = session .exec(&format!("xcopy {:?} {:?} /s /e", src, dst), None) .compat() .await .map_err(to_other_error)? .child .async_wait() .compat() .await .map_err(to_other_error)?; if !exit_status.success() { return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Unix and windows copy commands failed", )); } } Ok(Outgoing::from(ResponseData::Ok)) } async fn rename(session: WezSession, src: PathBuf, dst: PathBuf) -> io::Result { session .sftp() .rename(src, dst, Default::default()) .compat() .await .map_err(to_other_error)?; Ok(Outgoing::from(ResponseData::Ok)) } async fn exists(session: WezSession, path: PathBuf) -> io::Result { // NOTE: SFTP does not provide a means to check if a path exists that can be performed // separately from getting permission errors; so, we just assume any error means that the path // does not exist let exists = session.sftp().lstat(path).compat().await.is_ok(); Ok(Outgoing::from(ResponseData::Exists(exists))) } async fn metadata( session: WezSession, path: PathBuf, canonicalize: bool, resolve_file_type: bool, ) -> io::Result { let sftp = session.sftp(); let canonicalized_path = if canonicalize { Some( sftp.realpath(path.to_path_buf()) .compat() .await .map_err(to_other_error)?, ) } else { None }; let stat = if resolve_file_type { sftp.stat(path).compat().await.map_err(to_other_error)? } else { sftp.lstat(path).compat().await.map_err(to_other_error)? }; let file_type = if stat.is_dir() { FileType::Dir } else if stat.is_file() { FileType::File } else { FileType::Symlink }; Ok(Outgoing::from(ResponseData::Metadata { canonicalized_path, file_type, len: stat.len(), // Check that owner, group, or other has write permission (if not, then readonly) readonly: stat.is_readonly(), accessed:, modified:, created: None, })) } async fn proc_run( session: WezSession, state: Arc>, reply: F, cmd: String, args: Vec, ) -> io::Result where F: FnMut(Vec) -> ReplyRet + Clone + Send + 'static, { let id = rand::random(); let cmd_string = format!("{} {}", cmd, args.join(" ")); let ExecResult { mut stdin, mut stdout, mut stderr, mut child, } = session .exec(&cmd_string, None) .compat() .await .map_err(to_other_error)?; // Force stdin, stdout, and stderr to be nonblocking stdin .set_non_blocking(true) .map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, x))?; stdout .set_non_blocking(true) .map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, x))?; stderr .set_non_blocking(true) .map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, x))?; // Check if the process died immediately and report // an error if that's the case if let Ok(Some(exit_status)) = child.try_wait() { return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe, format!("Process exited early: {:?}", exit_status), )); } let (stdin_tx, mut stdin_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let (kill_tx, mut kill_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); state.lock().await.processes.insert( id, Process { id, cmd, args, stdin_tx, kill_tx, }, ); let post_hook = Box::new(move || { // Spawn a task that sends stdout as a response let mut reply_2 = reply.clone(); let stdout_task = tokio::spawn(async move { let mut buf: [u8; MAX_PIPE_CHUNK_SIZE] = [0; MAX_PIPE_CHUNK_SIZE]; loop { match buf) { Ok(n) if n > 0 => match String::from_utf8(buf[..n].to_vec()) { Ok(data) => { let payload = vec![ResponseData::ProcStdout { id, data }]; if !reply_2(payload).await { error!(" Stdout channel closed", id); break; } // Pause to allow buffer to fill up a little bit, avoiding // spamming with a lot of smaller responses tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis( READ_PAUSE_MILLIS, )) .await; } Err(x) => { error!( " Invalid data read from stdout pipe: {}", id, x ); break; } }, Ok(_) => break, Err(x) if x.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { // Pause to allow buffer to fill up a little bit, avoiding // spamming with a lot of smaller responses tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(READ_PAUSE_MILLIS)) .await; } Err(_) => break, } } }); // Spawn a task that sends stderr as a response let mut reply_2 = reply.clone(); let stderr_task = tokio::spawn(async move { let mut buf: [u8; MAX_PIPE_CHUNK_SIZE] = [0; MAX_PIPE_CHUNK_SIZE]; loop { match buf) { Ok(n) if n > 0 => match String::from_utf8(buf[..n].to_vec()) { Ok(data) => { let payload = vec![ResponseData::ProcStderr { id, data }]; if !reply_2(payload).await { error!(" Stderr channel closed", id); break; } // Pause to allow buffer to fill up a little bit, avoiding // spamming with a lot of smaller responses tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis( READ_PAUSE_MILLIS, )) .await; } Err(x) => { error!( " Invalid data read from stderr pipe: {}", id, x ); break; } }, Ok(_) => break, Err(x) if x.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { // Pause to allow buffer to fill up a little bit, avoiding // spamming with a lot of smaller responses tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(READ_PAUSE_MILLIS)) .await; } Err(_) => break, } } }); let stdin_task = tokio::spawn(async move { while let Some(line) = stdin_rx.recv().await { if let Err(x) = stdin.write_all(line.as_bytes()) { error!(" Failed to send stdin: {}", id, x); break; } } }); // Spawn a task that waits on the process to exit but can also // kill the process when triggered let state_2 = Arc::clone(&state); let mut reply_2 = reply.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { let mut should_kill = false; let mut success = false; tokio::select! { _ = kill_rx.recv() => { should_kill = true; } result = child.async_wait().compat() => { match result { Ok(status) => { success = status.success(); } Err(x) => { error!(" Waiting on process failed: {}", id, x); } } } } // Force stdin task to abort if it hasn't exited as there is no // point to sending any more stdin stdin_task.abort(); if should_kill { debug!(" Process killed", id); if let Err(x) = child.kill() { error!(" Unable to kill process: {}", id, x); } // NOTE: At the moment, child.kill does nothing for wezterm_ssh::SshChildProcess; // so, we need to manually run kill/taskkill to make sure that the // process is sent a kill signal if let Some(pid) = child.process_id() { let _ = session .exec(&format!("kill -9 {}", pid), None) .compat() .await; let _ = session .exec(&format!("taskkill /F /PID {}", pid), None) .compat() .await; } } else { debug!(" Process done", id); } if let Err(x) = stderr_task.await { error!(" Join on stderr task failed: {}", id, x); } if let Err(x) = stdout_task.await { error!(" Join on stdout task failed: {}", id, x); } state_2.lock().await.processes.remove(&id); let payload = vec![ResponseData::ProcDone { id, success: !should_kill && success, code: None, }]; if !reply_2(payload).await { error!(" Failed to send done!", id,); } }); }); Ok(Outgoing { data: ResponseData::ProcStart { id }, post_hook: Some(post_hook), }) } async fn proc_kill( _session: WezSession, state: Arc>, id: usize, ) -> io::Result { if let Some(process) = state.lock().await.processes.remove(&id) { if process.kill_tx.send(()).await.is_ok() { return Ok(Outgoing::from(ResponseData::Ok)); } } Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe, "Unable to send kill signal to process", )) } async fn proc_stdin( _session: WezSession, state: Arc>, id: usize, data: String, ) -> io::Result { if let Some(process) = state.lock().await.processes.get_mut(&id) { if process.stdin_tx.send(data).await.is_ok() { return Ok(Outgoing::from(ResponseData::Ok)); } } Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe, "Unable to send stdin to process", )) } async fn proc_list(_session: WezSession, state: Arc>) -> io::Result { Ok(Outgoing::from(ResponseData::ProcEntries { entries: state .lock() .await .processes .values() .map(|p| RunningProcess { cmd: p.cmd.to_string(), args: p.args.clone(), id:, }) .collect(), })) } async fn system_info(session: WezSession) -> io::Result { let current_dir = session .sftp() .realpath(".") .compat() .await .map_err(to_other_error)?; let first_component = current_dir.components().next(); let is_windows = first_component.is_some() && matches!(first_component.unwrap(), Component::Prefix(_)); let is_unix = current_dir.as_os_str().to_string_lossy().starts_with('/'); let family = if is_windows { "windows" } else if is_unix { "unix" } else { "" } .to_string(); Ok(Outgoing::from(ResponseData::SystemInfo { family, os: "".to_string(), arch: "".to_string(), current_dir, main_separator: if is_windows { '\\' } else { '/' }, })) }