use crate::cli::fixtures::DistantServerCtx; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use predicates::prelude::*; use std::{ env, io, path::PathBuf, process::{Command, Stdio}, sync::mpsc, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; /// Predicate that checks for a single line that is a failure pub static FAILURE_LINE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| regex_pred(r"^Failed \(.*\): '.*'\.\n$")); /// Produces a regex predicate using the given string pub fn regex_pred(s: &str) -> predicates::str::RegexPredicate { predicate::str::is_match(s).unwrap() } /// Creates a random tenant name pub fn random_tenant() -> String { format!("test-tenant-{}", rand::random::()) } /// Initializes logging (should only call once) pub fn init_logging(path: impl Into) -> flexi_logger::LoggerHandle { use flexi_logger::{FileSpec, LevelFilter, LogSpecification, Logger}; let modules = &["distant", "distant_core"]; // Disable logging for everything but our binary, which is based on verbosity let mut builder = LogSpecification::builder(); builder.default(LevelFilter::Off); // For each module, configure logging for module in modules { builder.module(module, LevelFilter::Trace); } // Create our logger, but don't initialize yet let logger = Logger::with( .format_for_files(flexi_logger::opt_format) .log_to_file(FileSpec::try_from(path).expect("Failed to create log file spec")); logger.start().expect("Failed to initialize logger") } pub fn friendly_recv_line( receiver: &mpsc::Receiver, duration: Duration, ) -> io::Result { let start = Instant::now(); loop { if let Ok(line) = receiver.try_recv() { break Ok(line); } if start.elapsed() > duration { return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::TimedOut, format!("Failed to receive line after {}s", duration.as_secs_f32()), )); } std::thread::yield_now(); } } pub fn spawn_line_reader(mut reader: T) -> mpsc::Receiver where T: std::io::Read + Send + 'static, { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(); std::thread::spawn(move || { let mut buf = String::new(); let mut tmp = [0; 1024]; while let Ok(n) = tmp) { if n == 0 { break; } let data = String::from_utf8_lossy(&tmp[..n]); buf.push_str(data.as_ref()); // Send all complete lines if let Some(idx) = buf.rfind('\n') { let remaining = buf.split_off(idx + 1); for line in buf.lines() { tx.send(line.to_string()).unwrap(); } buf = remaining; } } // If something is remaining at end, also send it if !buf.is_empty() { tx.send(buf).unwrap(); } }); rx } /// Produces a new command for distant using the given subcommand pub fn distant_subcommand(ctx: &DistantServerCtx, subcommand: &str) -> Command { let mut cmd = Command::new(cargo_bin(env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"))); cmd.arg(subcommand) .args(&["--session", "environment"]) .env("DISTANT_HOST", ctx.addr.ip().to_string()) .env("DISTANT_PORT", ctx.addr.port().to_string()) .env("DISTANT_KEY", ctx.key.as_str()) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()); cmd } /// Look up the path to a cargo-built binary within an integration test /// /// Taken from fn cargo_bin>(name: S) -> PathBuf { cargo_bin_str(name.as_ref()) } fn cargo_bin_str(name: &str) -> PathBuf { let env_var = format!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_{}", name); std::env::var_os(&env_var) .map(|p| p.into()) .unwrap_or_else(|| target_dir().join(format!("{}{}", name, env::consts::EXE_SUFFIX))) } // Adapted from // fn target_dir() -> PathBuf { env::current_exe() .ok() .map(|mut path| { path.pop(); if path.ends_with("deps") { path.pop(); } path }) .unwrap() }