use crate::{ utils::Timer, GenericServerRef, Listener, Request, Response, Server, ServerConnection, ServerCtx, ServerRef, ServerReply, ServerState, Shutdown, TypedAsyncRead, TypedAsyncWrite, }; use log::*; use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize}; use std::{ io, sync::{Arc, Weak}, }; use tokio::sync::{mpsc, Mutex}; mod tcp; pub use tcp::*; #[cfg(unix)] mod unix; #[cfg(unix)] pub use unix::*; #[cfg(windows)] mod windows; #[cfg(windows)] pub use windows::*; /// Extension trait to provide a reference implementation of starting a server /// that will listen for new connections (exposed as [`TypedAsyncWrite`] and [`TypedAsyncRead`]) /// and process them using the [`Server`] implementation pub trait ServerExt { type Request; type Response; /// Start a new server using the provided listener fn start(self, listener: L) -> io::Result> where L: Listener + 'static, R: TypedAsyncRead> + Send + 'static, W: TypedAsyncWrite> + Send + 'static; } impl ServerExt for S where S: Server + Sync + 'static, Req: DeserializeOwned + Send + Sync + 'static, Res: Serialize + Send + 'static, Data: Default + Send + Sync + 'static, { type Request = Req; type Response = Res; fn start(self, listener: L) -> io::Result> where L: Listener + 'static, R: TypedAsyncRead> + Send + 'static, W: TypedAsyncWrite> + Send + 'static, { let server = Arc::new(self); let state = Arc::new(ServerState::new()); let task = tokio::spawn(task(server, Arc::clone(&state), listener)); Ok(Box::new(GenericServerRef { state, task })) } } async fn task(server: Arc, state: Arc, mut listener: L) where S: Server + Sync + 'static, Req: DeserializeOwned + Send + Sync + 'static, Res: Serialize + Send + 'static, Data: Default + Send + Sync + 'static, L: Listener + 'static, R: TypedAsyncRead> + Send + 'static, W: TypedAsyncWrite> + Send + 'static, { // Grab a copy of our server's configuration so we can leverage it below let config = server.config(); // Create the timer that will be used shutdown the server after duration elapsed let (shutdown_tx, mut shutdown_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); // NOTE: We do a manual map such that the shutdown sender is not captured and dropped when // there is no shutdown after configured. This is because we need the future for the // shutdown receiver to last forever in the event that there is no shutdown configured, // not return immediately, which is what would happen if the sender was dropped. #[allow(clippy::manual_map)] let mut shutdown_timer = match config.shutdown { // Create a timer, start it, and drop it so it will always happen Shutdown::After(duration) => { Timer::new(duration, async move { let _ = shutdown_tx.send(()).await; }) .start(); None } Shutdown::Lonely(duration) => Some(Timer::new(duration, async move { let _ = shutdown_tx.send(()).await; })), Shutdown::Never => None, }; if let Some(timer) = shutdown_timer.as_mut() { info!( "Server shutdown timer configured: {}s", timer.duration().as_secs_f32() ); timer.start(); } let mut shutdown_timer =|timer| Arc::new(Mutex::new(timer))); loop { let server = Arc::clone(&server); // Receive a new connection, exiting if no longer accepting connections or if the shutdown // signal has been received let (mut writer, mut reader) = tokio::select! { result = listener.accept() => { match result { Ok(x) => x, Err(x) => { error!("Server no longer accepting connections: {x}"); if let Some(timer) = shutdown_timer.take() { timer.lock().await.abort(); } break; } } } _ = shutdown_rx.recv() => { info!( "Server shutdown triggered after {}s", config.shutdown.duration().unwrap_or_default().as_secs_f32(), ); break; } }; let mut connection = ServerConnection::new(); let connection_id =; let state = Arc::clone(&state); // Ensure that the shutdown timer is cancelled now that we have a connection if let Some(timer) = shutdown_timer.as_ref() { timer.lock().await.stop(); } // Create some default data for the new connection and pass it // to the callback prior to processing new requests let local_data = { let mut data = Data::default(); server.on_accept(&mut data).await; Arc::new(data) }; // Start a writer task that reads from a channel and forwards all // data through the writer let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel::>(1); connection.writer_task = Some(tokio::spawn(async move { while let Some(data) = rx.recv().await { // Log our message as a string, which can be expensive if log_enabled!(Level::Trace) { trace!( "[Conn {connection_id}] Sending {}", &data .to_vec() .map(|x| String::from_utf8_lossy(&x).to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string()) ); } if let Err(x) = writer.write(data).await { error!("[Conn {connection_id}] Failed to send {x}"); break; } } })); // Start a reader task that reads requests and processes them // using the provided handler let weak_state = Arc::downgrade(&state); let weak_shutdown_timer = shutdown_timer .as_ref() .map(Arc::downgrade) .unwrap_or_default(); connection.reader_task = Some(tokio::spawn(async move { loop { match { Ok(Some(request)) => { let reply = ServerReply { origin_id:, tx: tx.clone(), }; let ctx = ServerCtx { connection_id, request, reply: reply.clone(), local_data: Arc::clone(&local_data), }; server.on_request(ctx).await; } Ok(None) => { debug!("[Conn {connection_id}] Connection closed"); // Remove the connection from our state if it has closed if let Some(state) = Weak::upgrade(&weak_state) { state.connections.write().await.remove(&connection_id); // If we have no more connections, start the timer if let Some(timer) = Weak::upgrade(&weak_shutdown_timer) { if { timer.lock().await.start(); } } } break; } Err(x) => { // NOTE: We do NOT break out of the loop, as this could happen // if someone sends bad data at any point, but does not // mean that the reader itself has failed. This can // happen from getting non-compliant typed data error!("[Conn {connection_id}] {x}"); } } } })); state .connections .write() .await .insert(connection_id, connection); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::{ IntoSplit, MpscListener, MpscTransport, MpscTransportReadHalf, MpscTransportWriteHalf, ServerConfig, }; use async_trait::async_trait; use std::time::Duration; pub struct TestServer(ServerConfig); #[async_trait] impl Server for TestServer { type Request = u16; type Response = String; type LocalData = (); fn config(&self) -> ServerConfig { self.0.clone() } async fn on_request(&self, ctx: ServerCtx) { // Always send back "hello" ctx.reply.send("hello".to_string()).await.unwrap(); } } #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] fn make_listener( buffer: usize, ) -> ( mpsc::Sender<( MpscTransportWriteHalf>, MpscTransportReadHalf>, )>, MpscListener<( MpscTransportWriteHalf>, MpscTransportReadHalf>, )>, ) { MpscListener::channel(buffer) } #[tokio::test] async fn should_invoke_handler_upon_receiving_a_request() { // Create a test listener where we will forward a connection let (tx, listener) = make_listener(100); // Make bounded transport pair and send off one of them to act as our connection let (mut transport, connection) = MpscTransport::, Response>::pair(100); tx.send(connection.into_split()) .await .expect("Failed to feed listener a connection"); let _server = ServerExt::start(TestServer(ServerConfig::default()), listener) .expect("Failed to start server"); transport .write(Request::new(123)) .await .expect("Failed to send request"); let response: Response =; assert_eq!(response.payload, "hello"); } #[tokio::test] async fn should_lonely_shutdown_if_no_connections_received_after_n_secs_when_config_set() { let (_tx, listener) = make_listener(100); let server = ServerExt::start( TestServer(ServerConfig { shutdown: Shutdown::Lonely(Duration::from_millis(100)), }), listener, ) .expect("Failed to start server"); // Wait for some time tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(300)).await; assert!(server.is_finished(), "Server shutdown not triggered!"); } #[tokio::test] async fn should_lonely_shutdown_if_last_connection_terminated_and_then_no_connections_after_n_secs( ) { // Create a test listener where we will forward a connection let (tx, listener) = make_listener(100); // Make bounded transport pair and send off one of them to act as our connection let (transport, connection) = MpscTransport::, Response>::pair(100); tx.send(connection.into_split()) .await .expect("Failed to feed listener a connection"); let server = ServerExt::start( TestServer(ServerConfig { shutdown: Shutdown::Lonely(Duration::from_millis(100)), }), listener, ) .expect("Failed to start server"); // Drop the connection by dropping the transport drop(transport); // Wait for some time tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(300)).await; assert!(server.is_finished(), "Server shutdown not triggered!"); } #[tokio::test] async fn should_not_lonely_shutdown_as_long_as_a_connection_exists() { // Create a test listener where we will forward a connection let (tx, listener) = make_listener(100); // Make bounded transport pair and send off one of them to act as our connection let (_transport, connection) = MpscTransport::, Response>::pair(100); tx.send(connection.into_split()) .await .expect("Failed to feed listener a connection"); let server = ServerExt::start( TestServer(ServerConfig { shutdown: Shutdown::Lonely(Duration::from_millis(100)), }), listener, ) .expect("Failed to start server"); // Wait for some time tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(300)).await; assert!(!server.is_finished(), "Server shutdown when it should not!"); } #[tokio::test] async fn should_shutdown_after_n_seconds_even_with_connections_if_config_set_to_after() { let (tx, listener) = make_listener(100); // Make bounded transport pair and send off one of them to act as our connection let (_transport, connection) = MpscTransport::, Response>::pair(100); tx.send(connection.into_split()) .await .expect("Failed to feed listener a connection"); let server = ServerExt::start( TestServer(ServerConfig { shutdown: Shutdown::After(Duration::from_millis(100)), }), listener, ) .expect("Failed to start server"); // Wait for some time tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(300)).await; assert!(server.is_finished(), "Server shutdown not triggered!"); } #[tokio::test] async fn should_shutdown_after_n_seconds_if_config_set_to_after() { let (_tx, listener) = make_listener(100); let server = ServerExt::start( TestServer(ServerConfig { shutdown: Shutdown::After(Duration::from_millis(100)), }), listener, ) .expect("Failed to start server"); // Wait for some time tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(300)).await; assert!(server.is_finished(), "Server shutdown not triggered!"); } #[tokio::test] async fn should_never_shutdown_if_config_set_to_never() { let (_tx, listener) = make_listener(100); let server = ServerExt::start( TestServer(ServerConfig { shutdown: Shutdown::Never, }), listener, ) .expect("Failed to start server"); // Wait for some time tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(300)).await; assert!(!server.is_finished(), "Server shutdown when it should not!"); } }