use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString}; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; use anyhow::Context; use log::*; /// Utility functions to spawn a process in the background #[allow(dead_code)] pub struct Spawner; #[allow(dead_code)] impl Spawner { /// Spawns a new instance of this running process without a `--daemon` flag, /// returning the id of the spawned process pub fn spawn_running_background(extra_args: Vec) -> anyhow::Result { let cmd = Self::make_current_cmd(extra_args, "--daemon")?; #[cfg(windows)] let cmd = { let mut s = OsString::new(); s.push("'"); s.push(&cmd); s.push("'"); s }; Self::spawn_background(cmd) } #[inline] fn make_current_cmd(extra_args: Vec, exclude: &str) -> anyhow::Result { // Get absolute path to our binary let program = which::which(std::env::current_exe().unwrap_or_else(|_| { PathBuf::from(if cfg!(windows) { "distant.exe" } else { "distant" }) })) .context("Failed to locate distant binary")?; // Remove --daemon argument to to ensure runs in foreground, // otherwise we would fork bomb ourselves // // Also, remove first argument (program) since we determined it above let mut cmd = OsString::new(); cmd.push(program.as_os_str()); let it = std::env::args_os() .skip(1) .filter(|arg| { !arg.to_str() .map(|s| s.trim().eq_ignore_ascii_case(exclude)) .unwrap_or_default() }) .chain(extra_args.into_iter()); for arg in it { cmd.push(" "); cmd.push(&arg); } Ok(cmd) } } #[cfg(unix)] #[allow(dead_code)] impl Spawner { /// Spawns a process on Unix that runs in the background and won't be terminated when the /// parent process exits pub fn spawn_background(cmd: impl AsRef) -> anyhow::Result { let cmd = cmd .as_ref() .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("cmd is not a UTF-8 str"))?; // Build out the command and args from our string let (cmd, args) = match cmd.split_once(' ') { Some((cmd_str, args_str)) => ( cmd_str, shell_words::split(args_str).context("Failed to split process arguments")?, ), None => (cmd, Vec::new()), }; debug!("Spawning background process: {}", cmd); let child = Command::new(cmd) .args(args) .stdin(Stdio::null()) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .spawn() .context("Failed to spawn background process")?; Ok( } } #[cfg(windows)] impl Spawner { /// Spawns a process on Windows that runs in the background without a console and does not get /// terminated when the parent or other ancestors terminate (such as openssh session) pub fn spawn_background(cmd: impl AsRef) -> anyhow::Result { use std::io::{BufRead, Cursor}; use std::os::windows::process::CommandExt; // Get absolute path to powershell let powershell = which::which("powershell.exe").context("Failed to find powershell.exe")?; // Pass along our environment variables let env = { let mut s = OsString::new(); s.push(r#"$startup.Properties['EnvironmentVariables'].value=@("#); let mut first = true; for (key, value) in std::env::vars_os() { if !first { s.push(","); } else { first = false; } s.push("'"); s.push(key); s.push("="); s.push(value); s.push("'"); } s.push(")"); s }; let args = vec![ OsString::from(r#"$startup=[wmiclass]"Win32_ProcessStartup""#), OsString::from(";"), OsString::from(r#"$startup.Properties['ShowWindow'].value=$False"#), OsString::from(";"), env, OsString::from(";"), OsString::from("Invoke-WmiMethod"), OsString::from("-Class"), OsString::from("Win32_Process"), OsString::from("-Name"), OsString::from("Create"), OsString::from("-ArgumentList"), { let mut arg_list = OsString::new(); arg_list.push(cmd.as_ref()); arg_list.push(",$null,$startup"); arg_list }, ]; // const DETACHED_PROCESS: u32 = 0x00000008; const CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP: u32 = 0x00000200; const CREATE_NO_WINDOW: u32 = 0x08000000; let flags = CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP | CREATE_NO_WINDOW; debug!( "Spawning background process: {} {:?}", powershell.to_string_lossy(), args ); let output = Command::new(powershell.into_os_string()) .creation_flags(flags) .args(args) .stdin(Stdio::null()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .output() .context("Failed to spawn background process")?; if !output.status.success() { anyhow::bail!( "Program failed [{}]: {}", output.status.code().unwrap_or(1), String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr) ); } let stdout = Cursor::new(output.stdout); let mut process_id = None; let mut return_value = None; for line in stdout.lines().map_while(Result::ok) { let line = line.trim(); if line.starts_with("ProcessId") { if let Some((_, id)) = line.split_once(':') { process_id = id.trim().parse::().ok(); } } else if line.starts_with("ReturnValue") { if let Some((_, value)) = line.split_once(':') { return_value = value.trim().parse::().ok(); } } } match (return_value, process_id) { (Some(0), Some(pid)) => Ok(pid), (Some(0), None) => anyhow::bail!("Program succeeded, but missing process pid"), (Some(code), _) => anyhow::bail!( "Program failed [{}]: {}", code, String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr) ), (None, _) => anyhow::bail!("Missing return value"), } } }