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use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use std::{env, path::PathBuf};
/// Represents the maximum size (in bytes) that data will be read from pipes
/// per individual `read` call
/// Current setting is 16k size
pub const MAX_PIPE_CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 16384;
/// Capacity associated with a server receiving messages from a connection
/// with a client
pub const SERVER_CONN_MSG_CAPACITY: usize = 10000;
/// Represents maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait on a network request
/// before failing (0 meaning indefinitely)
pub const TIMEOUT: usize = 15000;
pub static TIMEOUT_STR: Lazy<String> = Lazy::new(|| TIMEOUT.to_string());
pub static SERVER_CONN_MSG_CAPACITY_STR: Lazy<String> =
Lazy::new(|| SERVER_CONN_MSG_CAPACITY.to_string());
/// Represents the path to the global session file
pub static SESSION_FILE_PATH: Lazy<PathBuf> = Lazy::new(|| env::temp_dir().join("distant.session"));
pub static SESSION_FILE_PATH_STR: Lazy<String> =
Lazy::new(|| SESSION_FILE_PATH.to_string_lossy().to_string());
/// Represents the path to a socket to communicate instead of a session file
pub static SESSION_SOCKET_PATH: Lazy<PathBuf> = Lazy::new(|| env::temp_dir().join("distant.sock"));
pub static SESSION_SOCKET_PATH_STR: Lazy<String> =
Lazy::new(|| SESSION_SOCKET_PATH.to_string_lossy().to_string());