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use mlua::prelude::*;
/// to_value!<'a, T: Serialize + ?Sized>(lua: &'a Lua, t: &T) -> Result<Value<'a>>
/// Converts to a Lua value using options specific to this module.
macro_rules! to_value {
($lua:expr, $x:expr) => {{
use mlua::{prelude::*, LuaSerdeExt};
let options = LuaSerializeOptions::new()
$lua.to_value_with($x, options)
mod log;
mod runtime;
mod session;
mod utils;
fn distant_lua(lua: &Lua) -> LuaResult<LuaTable> {
let exports = lua.create_table()?;
exports.set("PENDING", utils::pending(lua)?)?;
exports.set("log", log::make_log_tbl(lua)?)?;
exports.set("session", session::make_session_tbl(lua)?)?;
exports.set("utils", utils::make_utils_tbl(lua)?)?;