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use crate::{Listener, UnixSocketTransport};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use std::{
fmt, io,
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use tokio::net::{UnixListener, UnixStream};
/// Represents a [`Listener`] for incoming connections over a Unix socket
pub struct UnixSocketListener {
path: PathBuf,
inner: tokio::net::UnixListener,
impl UnixSocketListener {
/// Creates a new listener by binding to the specified path, failing if the path already
/// exists. Sets permission of unix socket to `0o600` where only the owner can read from and
/// write to the socket.
pub async fn bind(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> io::Result<Self> {
Self::bind_with_permissions(path, Self::default_unix_socket_file_permissions()).await
/// Creates a new listener by binding to the specified path, failing if the path already
/// exists. Sets the unix socket file permissions to `mode`.
pub async fn bind_with_permissions(path: impl AsRef<Path>, mode: u32) -> io::Result<Self> {
// Attempt to bind to the path, and if we fail, we see if we can connect
// to the path -- if not, we can try to delete the path and start again
let listener = match UnixListener::bind(path.as_ref()) {
Ok(listener) => listener,
Err(_) => {
// If we can connect to the path, then it's already in use
if UnixStream::connect(path.as_ref()).await.is_ok() {
return Err(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::AddrInUse));
// Otherwise, remove the file and try again
// TODO: We should be setting this permission during bind, but neither std library nor
// tokio have support for this. We would need to create our own raw socket and
// use libc to change the permissions via the raw file descriptor
// See
let mut permissions = tokio::fs::metadata(path.as_ref()).await?.permissions();
tokio::fs::set_permissions(path.as_ref(), permissions).await?;
Ok(Self {
path: path.as_ref().to_path_buf(),
inner: listener,
/// Returns the path to the socket
pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {
/// Returns the default unix socket file permissions as an octal (e.g. `0o600`)
pub const fn default_unix_socket_file_permissions() -> u32 {
impl fmt::Debug for UnixSocketListener {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("path", &self.path)
impl Listener for UnixSocketListener {
type Output = UnixSocketTransport;
async fn accept(&mut self) -> io::Result<Self::Output> {
// NOTE: Address provided is unnamed, or at least the `as_pathname()` method is
// returning none, so we use our listener's path, which is the same as
// what is being connected, anyway
let (stream, _) = tokio::net::UnixListener::accept(&self.inner).await?;
Ok(UnixSocketTransport {
path: self.path.to_path_buf(),
inner: stream,
mod tests {
use super::*;
use tempfile::NamedTempFile;
use tokio::{
io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt},
async fn should_succeed_to_bind_if_file_exists_at_path_but_nothing_listening() {
// Generate a socket path
let path = NamedTempFile::new()
.expect("Failed to create file")
// This should fail as we're already got a file at the path
.expect("Unexpectedly failed to bind to existing file");
async fn should_fail_to_bind_if_socket_already_bound() {
// Generate a socket path and delete the file after
let path = NamedTempFile::new()
.expect("Failed to create socket file")
// Listen at the socket
let _listener = UnixSocketListener::bind(&path)
.expect("Unexpectedly failed to bind first time");
// Now this should fail as we're already bound to the path
.expect_err("Unexpectedly succeeded in binding to same socket");
async fn should_be_able_to_receive_connections_and_send_and_receive_data_with_them() {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
// Spawn a task that will wait for two connections and then
// return the success or failure
let task: JoinHandle<io::Result<()>> = tokio::spawn(async move {
// Generate a socket path and delete the file after
let path = NamedTempFile::new()
.expect("Failed to create socket file")
// Listen at the socket
let mut listener = UnixSocketListener::bind(&path).await?;
// Send the name path to our main test thread
.map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, x.display().to_string()))?;
// Get first connection
let mut conn_1 = listener.accept().await?;
// Send some data to the first connection (12 bytes)
conn_1.write_all(b"hello conn 1").await?;
// Get some data from the first connection (14 bytes)
let mut buf: [u8; 14] = [0; 14];
let _ = conn_1.read_exact(&mut buf).await?;
assert_eq!(&buf, b"hello server 1");
// Get second connection
let mut conn_2 = listener.accept().await?;
// Send some data on to second connection (12 bytes)
conn_2.write_all(b"hello conn 2").await?;
// Get some data from the second connection (14 bytes)
let mut buf: [u8; 14] = [0; 14];
let _ = conn_2.read_exact(&mut buf).await?;
assert_eq!(&buf, b"hello server 2");
// Wait for the server to be ready
let path = rx.await.expect("Failed to get server socket path");
// Connect to the listener twice, sending some bytes and receiving some bytes from each
let mut buf: [u8; 12] = [0; 12];
let mut conn = UnixSocketTransport::connect(&path)
.expect("Conn 1 failed to connect");
conn.write_all(b"hello server 1")
.expect("Conn 1 failed to write");
conn.read_exact(&mut buf)
.expect("Conn 1 failed to read");
assert_eq!(&buf, b"hello conn 1");
let mut conn = UnixSocketTransport::connect(&path)
.expect("Conn 2 failed to connect");
conn.write_all(b"hello server 2")
.expect("Conn 2 failed to write");
conn.read_exact(&mut buf)
.expect("Conn 2 failed to read");
assert_eq!(&buf, b"hello conn 2");
// Verify that the task has completed by waiting on it
let _ = task.await.expect("Listener task failed unexpectedly");