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use distant_net::{
AuthClient, AuthErrorKind, AuthQuestion, AuthRequest, AuthServer, AuthVerifyKind, Client,
IntoSplit, MpscListener, MpscTransport, ServerExt,
use std::collections::HashMap;
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
/// Spawns a server and client connected together, returning the client
fn setup() -> (AuthClient, mpsc::Receiver<AuthRequest>) {
// Make a pair of inmemory transports that we can use to test client and server connected
let (t1, t2) = MpscTransport::pair(100);
// Create the client
let (writer, reader) = t1.into_split();
let client = AuthClient::from(Client::new(writer, reader).unwrap());
// Prepare a channel where we can pass back out whatever request we get
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(100);
let tx_2 = tx.clone();
let tx_3 = tx.clone();
let tx_4 = tx.clone();
// Make a server that echos questions back as answers and only verifies the text "yes"
let server = AuthServer {
on_challenge: move |questions, options| {
let questions_2 = questions.clone();
tx.try_send(AuthRequest::Challenge { questions, options })
questions_2.into_iter().map(|x| x.text).collect()
on_verify: move |kind, text| {
let valid = text == "yes";
tx_2.try_send(AuthRequest::Verify { kind, text }).unwrap();
on_info: move |text| {
tx_3.try_send(AuthRequest::Info { text }).unwrap();
on_error: move |kind, text| {
tx_4.try_send(AuthRequest::Error { kind, text }).unwrap();
// Spawn the server to listen for our client to connect
tokio::spawn(async move {
let (writer, reader) = t2.into_split();
let (tx, listener) = MpscListener::channel(1);
tx.send((writer, reader)).await.unwrap();
let _server = server.start(listener).unwrap();
(client, rx)
async fn client_should_be_able_to_challenge_against_server() {
let (mut client, mut rx) = setup();
// Gotta start with the handshake first
// Now do the challenge
// Verify that the server received the request
let request = rx.recv().await.unwrap();
match request {
AuthRequest::Challenge { questions, options } => {
assert_eq!(questions.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(questions[0].text, "hello");
assert_eq!(questions[0].options, HashMap::new());
assert_eq!(options, HashMap::new());
x => panic!("Unexpected request received by server: {:?}", x),
async fn client_should_be_able_to_verify_against_server() {
let (mut client, mut rx) = setup();
// Gotta start with the handshake first
// "no" will yield false
.verify(AuthVerifyKind::Host, "no".to_string())
// Verify that the server received the request
let request = rx.recv().await.unwrap();
match request {
AuthRequest::Verify { kind, text } => {
assert_eq!(kind, AuthVerifyKind::Host);
assert_eq!(text, "no");
x => panic!("Unexpected request received by server: {:?}", x),
// "yes" will yield true
.verify(AuthVerifyKind::Host, "yes".to_string())
// Verify that the server received the request
let request = rx.recv().await.unwrap();
match request {
AuthRequest::Verify { kind, text } => {
assert_eq!(kind, AuthVerifyKind::Host);
assert_eq!(text, "yes");
x => panic!("Unexpected request received by server: {:?}", x),
async fn client_should_be_able_to_send_info_to_server() {
let (mut client, mut rx) = setup();
// Gotta start with the handshake first
// Send some information"hello, world")).await.unwrap();
// Verify that the server received the request
let request = rx.recv().await.unwrap();
match request {
AuthRequest::Info { text } => assert_eq!(text, "hello, world"),
x => panic!("Unexpected request received by server: {:?}", x),
async fn client_should_be_able_to_send_error_to_server() {
let (mut client, mut rx) = setup();
// Gotta start with the handshake first
// Send some error
.error(AuthErrorKind::Unknown, String::from("hello, world"))
// Verify that the server received the request
let request = rx.recv().await.unwrap();
match request {
AuthRequest::Error { kind, text } => {
assert_eq!(kind, AuthErrorKind::Unknown);
assert_eq!(text, "hello, world");
x => panic!("Unexpected request received by server: {:?}", x),