You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

140 lines
4.7 KiB

use crate::{
buf::StringBuf, constants::MAX_PIPE_CHUNK_SIZE, opt::Format, output::ResponseOut, stdin,
use distant_core::{DataStream, Request, RequestData, Response, Session};
use log::*;
use std::{io, thread};
use structopt::StructOpt;
use tokio::{sync::mpsc, task::JoinHandle};
/// Represents a wrapper around a session that provides CLI functionality such as reading from
/// stdin and piping results back out to stdout
pub struct CliSession {
_stdin_thread: thread::JoinHandle<()>,
req_task: JoinHandle<()>,
res_task: JoinHandle<io::Result<()>>,
impl CliSession {
pub fn new<T>(tenant: String, mut session: Session<T>, format: Format) -> Self
T: DataStream + 'static,
let (stdin_thread, stdin_rx) = stdin::spawn_channel(MAX_PIPE_CHUNK_SIZE);
let (exit_tx, exit_rx) = mpsc::channel(1);
let broadcast = session.broadcast.take().unwrap();
let res_task =
async move { process_incoming_responses(broadcast, format, exit_rx).await },
let map_line = move |line: &str| match format {
Format::Json => serde_json::from_str(&line)
.map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, x)),
Format::Shell => {
let data = RequestData::from_iter_safe(
.chain(line.trim().split(' ').filter(|s| !s.trim().is_empty())),
.map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, x));|x| Request::new(tenant.to_string(), vec![x]))
let req_task = tokio::spawn(async move {
process_outgoing_requests(session, stdin_rx, exit_tx, format, map_line).await
Self {
_stdin_thread: stdin_thread,
/// Wait for the cli session to terminate
pub async fn wait(self) -> io::Result<()> {
match tokio::try_join!(self.req_task, self.res_task) {
Ok((_, res)) => res,
Err(x) => Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe, x)),
/// Helper function that loops, processing incoming responses not tied to a request to be sent out
/// over stdout/stderr
async fn process_incoming_responses(
mut broadcast: mpsc::Receiver<Response>,
format: Format,
mut exit: mpsc::Receiver<()>,
) -> io::Result<()> {
loop {
tokio::select! {
res = broadcast.recv() => {
match res {
Some(res) => ResponseOut::new(format, res)?.print(),
None => return Ok(()),
_ = exit.recv() => {
return Ok(());
/// Helper function that loops, processing outgoing requests created from stdin, and printing out
/// responses
async fn process_outgoing_requests<T, F>(
mut session: Session<T>,
mut stdin_rx: mpsc::Receiver<String>,
exit_tx: mpsc::Sender<()>,
format: Format,
map_line: F,
) where
T: DataStream,
F: Fn(&str) -> io::Result<Request>,
let mut buf = StringBuf::new();
while let Some(data) = stdin_rx.recv().await {
// Update our buffer with the new data and split it into concrete lines and remainder
let (lines, new_buf) = buf.into_full_lines();
buf = new_buf;
// For each complete line, parse into a request
if let Some(lines) = lines {
for line in lines.lines().map(|line| line.trim()) {
trace!("Processing line: {:?}", line);
if line.is_empty() {
} else if line == "exit" {
debug!("Got exit request, so closing cli session");
if exit_tx.send(()).await.is_err() {
error!("Failed to close cli session");
match map_line(line) {
Ok(req) => match session.send(req).await {
Ok(res) => match ResponseOut::new(format, res) {
Ok(out) => out.print(),
Err(x) => error!("Failed to format response: {}", x),
Err(x) => {
error!("Failed to send request: {}", x)
Err(x) => {
error!("Failed to parse line: {}", x);