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use std::future::Future;
use std::io;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use distant_core_auth::Authenticator;
use crate::client::Client;
use crate::common::{Destination, Map};
/// Interface for a handler to launch a server, returning the destination to the server.
pub trait LaunchHandler: Send + Sync {
/// Launches a server using the target `destination`. If the destination is unsupported, this
/// method will return an error.
/// * Takes `options` as additional parameters custom to the destination.
/// * Takes `authenticator` to handle any authentication needs.
async fn launch(
destination: &Destination,
options: &Map,
authenticator: &mut dyn Authenticator,
) -> io::Result<Destination>;
impl<F, R> LaunchHandler for F
F: Fn(&Destination, &Map, &mut dyn Authenticator) -> R + Send + Sync + 'static,
R: Future<Output = io::Result<Destination>> + Send + 'static,
async fn launch(
destination: &Destination,
options: &Map,
authenticator: &mut dyn Authenticator,
) -> io::Result<Destination> {
self(destination, options, authenticator).await
/// Generates a new [`LaunchHandler`] for the provided anonymous function.
/// ### Examples
/// ```
/// use distant_plugin::boxed_launch_handler;
/// let _handler = boxed_launch_handler!(|destination, options, authenticator| {
/// todo!("Implement handler logic.");
/// });
/// let _handler = boxed_launch_handler!(|destination, options, authenticator| async {
/// todo!("We support async within as well regardless of the keyword!");
/// });
/// let _handler = boxed_launch_handler!(move |destination, options, authenticator| {
/// todo!("You can also explicitly mark to move into the closure");
/// });
/// ```
macro_rules! boxed_launch_handler {
(|$destination:ident, $options:ident, $authenticator:ident| $(async)? $body:block) => {{
let x: Box<dyn $crate::handlers::LaunchHandler> = Box::new(
|$destination: &$crate::common::Destination,
$options: &$crate::common::Map,
$authenticator: &mut dyn $crate::auth::Authenticator| async { $body },
(move |$destination:ident, $options:ident, $authenticator:ident| $(async)? $body:block) => {{
let x: Box<dyn $crate::handlers::LaunchHandler> = Box::new(
move |$destination: &$crate::common::Destination,
$options: &$crate::common::Map,
$authenticator: &mut dyn $crate::auth::Authenticator| async move { $body },
/// Interface for a handler to connect to a server, returning a boxed client to the server.
pub trait ConnectHandler: Send + Sync {
/// Connects to a server at the specified `destination`. If the destination is unsupported,
/// this method will return an error.
/// * Takes `options` as additional parameters custom to the destination.
/// * Takes `authenticator` to handle any authentication needs.
async fn connect(
destination: &Destination,
options: &Map,
authenticator: &mut dyn Authenticator,
) -> io::Result<Box<dyn Client>>;
impl<F, R> ConnectHandler for F
F: Fn(&Destination, &Map, &mut dyn Authenticator) -> R + Send + Sync + 'static,
R: Future<Output = io::Result<Box<dyn Client>>> + Send + 'static,
async fn connect(
destination: &Destination,
options: &Map,
authenticator: &mut dyn Authenticator,
) -> io::Result<Box<dyn Client>> {
self(destination, options, authenticator).await
/// Generates a new [`ConnectHandler`] for the provided anonymous function.
/// ### Examples
/// ```
/// use distant_plugin::boxed_connect_handler;
/// let _handler = boxed_connect_handler!(|destination, options, authenticator| {
/// todo!("Implement handler logic.");
/// });
/// let _handler = boxed_connect_handler!(|destination, options, authenticator| async {
/// todo!("We support async within as well regardless of the keyword!");
/// });
/// let _handler = boxed_connect_handler!(move |destination, options, authenticator| {
/// todo!("You can also explicitly mark to move into the closure");
/// });
/// ```
macro_rules! boxed_connect_handler {
(|$destination:ident, $options:ident, $authenticator:ident| $(async)? $body:block) => {{
let x: Box<dyn $crate::handlers::ConnectHandler> = Box::new(
|$destination: &$crate::common::Destination,
$options: &$crate::common::Map,
$authenticator: &mut dyn $crate::auth::Authenticator| async { $body },
(move |$destination:ident, $options:ident, $authenticator:ident| $(async)? $body:block) => {{
let x: Box<dyn $crate::handlers::ConnectHandler> = Box::new(
move |$destination: &$crate::common::Destination,
$options: &$crate::common::Map,
$authenticator: &mut dyn $crate::auth::Authenticator| async move { $body },
mod tests {
use distant_core_auth::msg::*;
use test_log::test;
use super::*;
fn test_destination() -> Destination {
fn test_options() -> Map {
/// Creates an authenticator that does nothing.
fn test_authenticator() -> impl Authenticator {
struct __TestAuthenticator;
impl Authenticator for __TestAuthenticator {
async fn initialize(
&mut self,
_initialization: Initialization,
) -> io::Result<InitializationResponse> {
async fn challenge(&mut self, _challenge: Challenge) -> io::Result<ChallengeResponse> {
async fn verify(
&mut self,
_verification: Verification,
) -> io::Result<VerificationResponse> {
async fn info(&mut self, _info: Info) -> io::Result<()> {
async fn error(&mut self, _error: Error) -> io::Result<()> {
async fn start_method(&mut self, _start_method: StartMethod) -> io::Result<()> {
async fn finished(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
async fn boxed_launch_handler_should_generate_valid_boxed_launch_handler() {
let handler = boxed_launch_handler!(|_destination, _options, _authenticator| {
let Err(err) = handler
&mut test_authenticator(),
else {
panic!("Launch succeeded unexpectedly");
assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::Other);
let handler = boxed_launch_handler!(|_destination, _options, _authenticator| async {
let Err(err) = handler
&mut test_authenticator(),
else {
panic!("Launch succeeded unexpectedly");
assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::Other);
let handler = boxed_launch_handler!(move |_destination, _options, _authenticator| {
let Err(err) = handler
&mut test_authenticator(),
else {
panic!("Launch succeeded unexpectedly");
assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::Other);
let handler = boxed_launch_handler!(move |_destination, _options, _authenticator| async {
let Err(err) = handler
&mut test_authenticator(),
else {
panic!("Launch succeeded unexpectedly");
assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::Other);
async fn boxed_connect_handler_should_generate_valid_boxed_connect_handler() {
let handler = boxed_connect_handler!(|_destination, _options, _authenticator| {
let Err(err) = handler
&mut test_authenticator(),
else {
panic!("Connect succeeded unexpectedly");
assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::Other);
let handler = boxed_connect_handler!(|_destination, _options, _authenticator| async {
let Err(err) = handler
&mut test_authenticator(),
else {
panic!("Connect succeeded unexpectedly");
assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::Other);
let handler = boxed_connect_handler!(move |_destination, _options, _authenticator| {
let Err(err) = handler
&mut test_authenticator(),
else {
panic!("Connect succeeded unexpectedly");
assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::Other);
let handler = boxed_connect_handler!(move |_destination, _options, _authenticator| async {
let Err(err) = handler
&mut test_authenticator(),
else {
panic!("Connect succeeded unexpectedly");
assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::Other);