# [Openssh-server](https://www.openssh.com/) is a sandboxed environment that # allows ssh access without giving keys to the entire server. Giving ssh access # via private key often means giving full access to the server. This container # creates a limited and sandboxed environment that others can ssh into. The # users only have access to the folders mapped and the processes running inside # this container. --- version: "2.1" services: openssh-server: image: ghcr.io/linuxserver/openssh-server container_name: openssh-server # Optionally the hostname can be defined. hostname: {{ project_name }} # optional environment: # for UserID - PUID=${PUID:-1024} # for GroupID - PGID=${PGID:-100} # specify a timezone to use, see this [list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones#List). - TZ=${TZ:-Europe/Amsterdam} # Optional ssh public key, which will automatically be added to authorized_keys. - PUBLIC_KEY=yourpublickey # optional # Optionally specify a file containing the public key (works with docker secrets). - PUBLIC_KEY_FILE=/path/to/file # optional # Optionally specify a directory containing the public keys (works with docker secrets). - PUBLIC_KEY_DIR=/path/to/directory/containing/_only_/pubkeys # optional # Optionally specify a URL containing the public key. - PUBLIC_KEY_URL=https://github.com/username.keys # optional # Set to `true` to allow `linuxserver.io`, the ssh user, sudo access. Without `USER_PASSWORD` set, this will allow passwordless sudo access. - SUDO_ACCESS=false # optional # Set to `true` to allow user/password ssh access. You will want to set `USER_PASSWORD` or `USER_PASSWORD_FILE` as well. - PASSWORD_ACCESS=false # optional # Optionally set a sudo password for `linuxserver.io`, the ssh user. If this or `USER_PASSWORD_FILE` are not set but `SUDO_ACCESS` is set to true, the user will have passwordless sudo access. - USER_PASSWORD=password # optional # Optionally specify a file that contains the password. This setting supersedes the `USER_PASSWORD` option (works with docker secrets). - USER_PASSWORD_FILE=/path/to/file # optional # Optionally specify a user name (Default:`linuxserver.io`) - USER_NAME=linuxserver.io # optional # Set to `true` to log to stdout instead of file. - LOG_STDOUT= # optional volumes: # Contains all relevant configuration files. - ${BASEDIR:-/volume1/docker}/openssh-server/config:/config ports: # ssh port - 2222:2222 restart: unless-stopped