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# Booksonic is a server and an app for streaming your audiobooks to any pc or
# android phone. Most of the functionality is also availiable on other platforms
# that have apps for subsonic.
source ./.env
docker run -d \
--name=booksonic \
-e PUID=${PUID:-1024} `# for GroupID` \
-e PGID=${PGID:-100} `# for UserID` \
-e TZ=${TZ:-Europe/Amsterdam} `# Specify a timezone to use for example Europe/Amsterdam` \
-e CONTEXT_PATH=url-base `# Base url for use with reverse proxies etc.` \
-p 4040:4040 `# Application WebUI` \
-v ${BASEDIR:-/volume1/docker}/booksonic/config:/config `# Configuration files.` \
-v ${BASEDIR:-/volume1/docker}/booksonic/audiobooks:/audiobooks `# Audiobooks.` \
-v ${BASEDIR:-/volume1/docker}/booksonic/podcasts:/podcasts `# Podcasts.` \
-v ${BASEDIR:-/volume1/docker}/booksonic/othermedia:/othermedia `# Other media.` \
--restart unless-stopped \