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# [Snipe-it]( makes asset management easy. It
# was built by people solving real-world IT and asset management problems, and a
# solid UX has always been a top priority. Straightforward design and bulk
# actions mean getting things done faster.
. ./.env
docker run -d \
--name=snipe-it \
-e PUID=${PUID:-1024} `# for UserID` \
-e PGID=${PGID:-100} `# for GroupID` \
-e TZ=${TZ:-Europe/Amsterdam} `# specify a timezone to use, see this [list](` \
-e APP_URL=http://localhost:8080 `# Hostname or IP and port if applicable, be sure to define https/http` \
-e MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR= `# Mysql hostname or IP to use` \
-e MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT= `# Mysql port to use` \
-e MYSQL_DATABASE= `# Mysql database to use` \
-e MYSQL_USER= `# Mysql user to use` \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD= `# Mysql password to use` \
-e APP_ENV=production `# optional` `# Default is `production` but can use `testing` or `develop`.` \
-e APP_DEBUG=false `# optional` `# Set to `true` to see debugging output in the web UI.` \
-e APP_LOCALE= `# optional` `# Default is `en`. Set to a language from [this list](` \
-e MAIL_PORT_587_TCP_ADDR=US/Pacific `# optional` `# SMTP mail server ip or hostname.` \
-e MAIL_PORT_587_TCP_PORT=US/Pacific `# optional` `# SMTP mail server port.` \
-e MAIL_ENV_FROM_ADDR=US/Pacific `# optional` `# The email address mail should be replied to and listed when sent.` \
-e MAIL_ENV_FROM_NAME=US/Pacific `# optional` `# The name listed on email sent from the default account on the system.` \
-e MAIL_ENV_ENCRYPTION=US/Pacific `# optional` `# Mail encryption to use e.g. `tls`.` \
-e MAIL_ENV_USERNAME=US/Pacific `# optional` `# SMTP server login username.` \
-e MAIL_ENV_PASSWORD=US/Pacific `# optional` `# SMTP server login password.` \
-p 8080:80 `# Snipe-IT Web UI` \
-v ${BASEDIR:-/volume1/docker}/snipe-it/config:/config `# Contains your config files and data storage for Snipe-IT` \
--restart unless-stopped \