# SKS OpenPGP keyserver docker on Alpine Linux [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ogarcia/docker-sks.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ogarcia/docker-sks) (c) 2017 Óscar García Amor Redistribution, modifications and pull requests are welcomed under the terms of GPLv3 license. [SKS][1] is an OpenPGP keyserver whose goal is to provide easy to deploy, decentralized, and highly reliable synchronization. That means that a key submitted to one SKS server will quickly be distributed to all key servers, and even wildly out-of-date servers, or servers that experience spotty connectivity, can fully synchronize with rest of the system. This docker packages **SKS**, under [Alpine Linux][2], a lightweight Linux distribution. Visit [Docker Hub][3] to see all available tags. [1]: https://bitbucket.org/skskeyserver/sks-keyserver/wiki/Home [2]: https://alpinelinux.org/ [3]: https://hub.docker.com/r/connectical/sks/ ## Run To run this container exposing SKS and mounting a permanent volume for sks data in `/docker/sks`, run. ``` /usr/bin/docker run --rm \ --network host \ --name sks \ -e "SKS_SERVER_CONTACT=YOUR_OPENPGP_KEYID" \ -v /docker/sks:/var/lib/sks \ connectical/sks ``` Take note that if you dont have a valid SKS database, the server will not run. Please, take a look to [dump documentation][4] and [SKS Readme][5] for more info. [4]: https://bitbucket.org/skskeyserver/sks-keyserver/wiki/KeydumpSources [5]: https://bitbucket.org/skskeyserver/sks-keyserver/src/tip/README.md ## Executing commands If you need execute a SKS command, for example `sks_build.sh` for buld database, simply call docker with desired command. ``` /usr/bin/docker run -t -i --rm \ -v /docker/sks:/var/lib/sks \ connectical/sks sks_build.sh ``` Take note that if you pass paths to command, these paths will refer to inside of docker. ## Configuration via docker variables The `run.sh` script that lauchs SKS use the following environment variables to modify the config file (you can refer to [SKS man page][6] to know more about this settings). | Variable | Default value | | --- | --- | | SKS_HOSTNAME | localhost | | SKS_RECON_ADDR | | | SKS_RECON_PORT | 11370 | | SKS_HKP_ADRESS | | | SKS_HKP_PORT | 11371 | | SKS_SERVER_CONTACT | | | SKS_NODENAME | keys | The config file have more options, you can edit them directly, the `run.sh` script only touch those mentioned above. [6]: https://manpages.debian.org/stretch/sks/sks.8.en.html ## Run with systemd If you want run this image with systemd you can use the following unit. ``` [Unit] Description=SKS OpenPGP keyserver container Requires=docker.service After=docker.service [Service] ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker kill sks ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm sks ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/docker pull connectical/sks:VERSION_TAG ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run \ --network host \ --name sks \ -v /docker/sks:/var/lib/sks \ -e "SKS_HOSTNAME=your.host.example.com" \ -e "SKS_RECON_ADDR=" \ -e "SKS_RECON_PORT=11370" \ -e "SKS_HKP_ADRESS=" \ -e "SKS_HKP_PORT=11371" \ -e "SKS_SERVER_CONTACT=YOUR_OPENPGP_KEYID" \ -e "SKS_NODENAME=keys" \ connectical/sks:VERSION_TAG ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop -t 2 sks Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ```