You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1148 lines
35 KiB

| vCard to LDIF/CSV Converter Class |
| extends the PEAR Contact_Vcard_Parse Class |
| |
| Copyright (C) 2006-2013, Thomas Bruederli - Switzerland |
| Licensed under the GNU GPL |
| |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
// version 1.31 required
* Typedef of a vCard object
class vCard
var $version;
var $displayname;
var $surname;
var $firstname;
var $middlename;
var $nickname;
var $title;
var $birthday;
var $organization;
var $department;
var $jobtitle;
var $home = array();
var $work = array();
var $countrycode;
var $relatedname;
var $email;
var $email2;
var $email3;
var $pager;
var $mobile;
var $im = array();
var $notes;
var $categories;
var $uid;
var $photo;
* vCard to LDIF/CSV Converter Class
class vcard_convert extends Contact_Vcard_Parse
// define mapping for newline values
static $NEWLINE_MAP = array(
'\n' => "\n",
'n' => "\n",
'lf' => "\n",
'\r' => "\r",
'r' => "\r",
'cr' => "\r",
'rn' => "\r\n",
'\r\n' => "\r\n",
'crlf' => "\r\n",
var $parsed = array();
var $vcards = array();
var $file_charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
var $charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
var $export_count = 0;
var $mailonly = false;
var $phoneonly = false;
var $accesscode = null;
* Constructor taking a list of converter properties
function __construct($p = array())
foreach ($p as $prop => $value)
$this->$prop = $value;
* Read a file and parse it
* @override
function fromFile($filename, $decode_qp = true)
if (!filesize($filename) || ($text = $this->fileGetContents($filename)) === false)
return false;
// dump to, and get return from, the fromText() method.
return $this->fromText($text, $decode_qp);
* Parse a given string for vCards
* @override
function fromText($text, $decode_qp = true)
// check if charsets are specified (usually vcard version < 3.0 but this is not reliable)
if (preg_match('/charset=/i', substr($text, 0, 2048)))
$this->charset = null;
// try to detect charset of the whole file
else if ($encoding = vcard_convert::get_charset($text))
$this->charset = $this->file_charset = $encoding;
// convert document to UTF-8
if (isset($this->charset) && $this->charset != 'UTF-8' && $this->charset != 'ISO-8859-1')
$text = $this->utf8_convert($text);
$this->charset = 'UTF-8';
$this->parsed = parent::fromText($text, $decode_qp);
if (!empty($this->parsed))
// after normalize() all values should be UTF-8
if (!isset($this->charset))
$this->charset = 'UTF-8';
return count($this->cards);
return false;
* Convert the abstract vCard structure into address objects
* @access private
function normalize()
$this->cards = array();
foreach($this->parsed as $i => $card)
$vcard = new vCard;
$vcard->version = (float)$card['VERSION'][0]['value'][0][0];
// convert all values to UTF-8 according to their charset param
if (!isset($this->charset))
$card = $this->card2utf8($card);
// extract names
$names = $card['N'][0]['value'];
$vcard->surname = trim($names[0][0]);
$vcard->firstname = trim($names[1][0]);
$vcard->middlename = trim($names[2][0]);
$vcard->title = trim($names[3][0]);
if (empty($vcard->title) && isset($card['TITLE']))
$vcard->title = trim($card['TITLE'][0]['value'][0][0]);
$vcard->displayname = isset($card['FN']) ? trim($card['FN'][0]['value'][0][0]) : '';
$vcard->nickname = isset($card['NICKNAME']) ? trim($card['NICKNAME'][0]['value'][0][0]) : '';
// extract notes
$vcard->notes = isset($card['NOTE']) ? ltrim($card['NOTE'][0]['value'][0][0]) : '';
// extract birthday and anniversary
foreach (array('BDAY' => 'birthday', 'ANNIVERSARY' => 'anniversary', 'X-ANNIVERSARY' => 'anniversary') as $vcf => $propname)
if (is_array($card[$vcf]))
$temp = preg_replace('/[\-\.\/]/', '', $card[$vcf][0]['value'][0][0]);
$vcard->$propname = array(
'y' => substr($temp,0,4),
'm' => substr($temp,4,2),
'd' => substr($temp,6,2));
if (is_array($card['GENDER']))
$vcard->gender = $card['GENDER'][0]['value'][0][0];
else if (is_array($card['X-GENDER']))
$vcard->gender = $card['X-GENDER'][0]['value'][0][0];
if (!empty($vcard->gender))
$vcard->gender = strtoupper($vcard->gender[0]);
// extract job_title
if (is_array($card['TITLE']))
$vcard->jobtitle = $card['TITLE'][0]['value'][0][0];
// extract UID
if (is_array($card['UID']))
$vcard->uid = $card['UID'][0]['value'][0][0];
// extract org and dep
if (is_array($card['ORG']) && ($temp = $card['ORG'][0]['value']))
$vcard->organization = trim($temp[0][0]);
$vcard->department = trim($temp[1][0]);
// extract urls
if (is_array($card['URL']))
$this->parse_url($card['URL'], $vcard);
// extract addresses
if (is_array($card['ADR']))
$this->parse_adr($card['ADR'], $vcard);
// extract phones
if (is_array($card['TEL']))
$this->parse_tel($card['TEL'], $vcard);
// read Apple Address Book proprietary fields
for ($n = 1; $n <= 9; $n++)
$prefix = 'ITEM'.$n;
if (is_array($card["$prefix.TEL"])) {
$this->parse_tel($card["$prefix.TEL"], $vcard);
if (is_array($card["$prefix.URL"])) {
$this->parse_url($card["$prefix.URL"], $vcard);
if (is_array($card["$prefix.ADR"])) {
$this->parse_adr($card["$prefix.ADR"], $vcard);
if (is_array($card["$prefix.X-ABADR"])) {
$this->parse_cc($card["$prefix.X-ABADR"], $vcard);
if (is_array($card["$prefix.X-ABDATE"])) {
$this->parse_abdate($card["$prefix.X-ABDATE"], $vcard, $card["$prefix.X-ABLABEL"][0]);
if (is_array($card["$prefix.X-ABRELATEDNAMES"])) {
$this->parse_rn($card["$prefix.X-ABRELATEDNAMES"], $vcard /*, $card["$prefix.X-ABLABEL"][0]*/);
// extract e-mail addresses
$a_email = array();
$n = 0;
if (is_array($card['EMAIL'])) {
while (isset($card['EMAIL'][$n])) {
$a_email[] = $card['EMAIL'][$n]['value'][0][0];
if ($n < 2) { //as only 3 e-mail address will be exported we don't need to search for more
for ($n = 1; $n <= 9; $n++) {
if (is_array($card["ITEM$n.EMAIL"]))
$a_email[] = $card["ITEM$n.EMAIL"][0]['value'][0][0];
if (isset($card["ITEM$n.EMAIL"][1]))
$a_email[] = $card["ITEM$n.EMAIL"][1]['value'][0][0];
if (count($a_email))
$vcard->email = $a_email[0];
if (!empty($a_email[1]))
$vcard->email2 = $a_email[1];
if (!empty($a_email[2]))
$vcard->email3 = $a_email[2];
// find IM entries
if (is_array($card['X-AIM']))
$vcard->im['aim'] = $card['X-AIM'][0]['value'][0][0];
if (is_array($card['X-IQC']))
$vcard->im['icq'] = $card['X-ICQ'][0]['value'][0][0];
if (is_array($card['X-MSN']))
$vcard->im['msn'] = $card['X-MSN'][0]['value'][0][0];
if (is_array($card['X-JABBER']))
$vcard->im['jabber'] = $card['X-JABBER'][0]['value'][0][0];
if (is_array($card['PHOTO'][0]))
$vcard->photo = array('data' => $card['PHOTO'][0]['value'][0][0], 'encoding' => $card['PHOTO'][0]['param']['ENCODING'][0], 'type' => $card['PHOTO'][0]['param']['TYPE'][0]);
$vcard->categories = join(',', (array)$card['CATEGORIES'][0]['value'][0]);
$this->cards[] = $vcard;
* Helper method to parse an URL node
* @access private
function parse_url(&$node, &$vcard)
foreach($node as $url)
if (empty($url['param']['TYPE'][0]) || in_array_nc("WORK", $url['param']['TYPE']) || in_array_nc("PREF", $url['param']['TYPE']))
$vcard->work['url'] = $url['value'][0][0];
if (in_array_nc("HOME", $url['param']['TYPE']))
$vcard->home['url'] = $url['value'][0][0];
* Helper method to parse first or preferred related name node (when available)
* @access private
function parse_rn(&$node, &$vcard, $ablabel = null)
$key = $ablabel ? strtolower(trim($ablabel['value'][0][0], '_$!<>')) : null;
if (empty($key))
$key = 'relatedname';
foreach($node as $rn)
if (empty($vcard->{$key}) || in_array_nc("PREF", $rn['param']['TYPE']))
$vcard->{$key} = $rn['value'][0][0];
* Helper method to parse first or preferred country code (when available)
* @access private
function parse_cc(&$node, &$vcard)
foreach($node as $cc)
if (empty($vcard->countrycode) || in_array_nc("PREF", $cc['param']['TYPE']))
$vcard->countrycode = $cc['value'][0][0];
* Helper method to parse an address node
* @access private
function parse_adr(&$node, &$vcard)
$home = array();
$work = array();
foreach($node as $adr)
if (empty($adr['param']['TYPE'][0]) || in_array_nc("HOME", $adr['param']['TYPE']))
$home = $adr['value'];
if (in_array_nc("WORK", $adr['param']['TYPE']))
$work = $adr['value'];
// values not splitted by Contact_Vcard_Parse if key is like item1.ADR
if (strstr($home[0][0], ';'))
$temp = explode(';', $home[0][0]);
$vcard->home += array(
'addr1' => $temp[2],
'city' => $temp[3],
'state' => $temp[4],
'zipcode' => $temp[5],
'country' => $temp[6]);
else if (sizeof($home)>6)
$vcard->home += array(
'addr1' => $home[2][0],
'city' => $home[3][0],
'state' => $home[4][0],
'zipcode' => $home[5][0],
'country' => $home[6][0]);
// values not splitted by Contact_Vcard_Parse if key is like item1.ADR
if (strstr($work[0][0], ';'))
$temp = explode(';', $work[0][0]);
$vcard->work += array(
'office' => $temp[1],
'addr1' => $temp[2],
'city' => $temp[3],
'state' => $temp[4],
'zipcode' => $temp[5],
'country' => $temp[6]);
else if (sizeof($work)>6)
$vcard->work += array(
'addr1' => $work[2][0],
'city' => $work[3][0],
'state' => $work[4][0],
'zipcode' => $work[5][0],
'country' => $work[6][0]);
* Helper method to parse an phone number node
* @access private
function parse_tel(&$node, &$vcard)
foreach($node as $tel)
if (in_array_nc("PAGER", $tel['param']['TYPE']))
$vcard->pager = $tel['value'][0][0];
else if (in_array_nc("CELL", $tel['param']['TYPE']))
$vcard->mobile = $tel['value'][0][0];
else if (in_array_nc("HOME", $tel['param']['TYPE']) || in_array_nc("PREF", $tel['param']['TYPE']))
if (in_array_nc("FAX", $tel['param']['TYPE']))
$vcard->home['fax'] = $tel['value'][0][0];
$vcard->home['phone'] = $tel['value'][0][0];
else if (in_array_nc("WORK", $tel['param']['TYPE']))
if(in_array_nc("FAX", $tel['param']['TYPE']))
$vcard->work['fax'] = $tel['value'][0][0];
$vcard->work['phone'] = $tel['value'][0][0];
else if (in_array_nc("VOICE", $tel['param']['TYPE']))
if (!isset($vcard->home['phone']))
$vcard->home['phone'] = $tel['value'][0][0];
else if (!isset($vcard->work['phone']))
$vcard->work['phone'] = $tel['value'][0][0];
else if (!isset($vcard->mobile))
$vcard->mobile = $tel['value'][0][0];
if (in_array_nc("FAX", $tel['param']['TYPE']))
$vcard->fax = $tel['value'][0][0];
* Helper method to parse X-ABDATE nodes
* @access private
function parse_abdate(&$node, &$vcard, $ablabel = null)
$key = $ablabel ? strtolower(trim($ablabel['value'][0][0], '_$!<>')) : null;
if (empty($key))
$key = '_x_abdate';
foreach($node as $abdate)
if (empty($vcard->{$key}) && preg_match('/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/', $abdate['value'][0][0], $m))
$vcard->{$key} = array(
'y' => intval($m[1]),
'm' => intval($m[2]),
'd' => intval($m[3]),
* Convert the parsed vCard data into CSV format
function toCSV($delm="\t", $add_title=true, $encoding=null, $newlines="\n")
$out = '';
$eol = isset(self::$NEWLINE_MAP[$newlines]) ? self::$NEWLINE_MAP[$newlines] : $newlines;
$this->export_count = 0;
if ($add_title)
$out .= 'First Name'.$delm.'Last Name'.$delm.'Display Name'.$delm.'Nickname'.$delm.'E-mail Address'.$delm.'E-mail 2 Address'.$delm.'E-mail 3 Address'.$delm;
$out .= 'Home Phone'.$delm.'Business Phone'.$delm.'Home Fax'.$delm.'Business Fax'.$delm.'Pager'.$delm.'Mobile Phone'.$delm;
$out .= 'Home Street'.$delm.'Home Address 2'.$delm.'Home City'.$delm.'Home State'.$delm.'Home Postal Code'.$delm.'Home Country'.$delm;
$out .= 'Business Address'.$delm.'Business Address 2'.$delm.'Business City'.$delm.'Business State'.$delm.'Business Postal Code'.$delm;
$out .= 'Business Country'.$delm.'Country Code'.$delm.'Related name'.$delm.'Job Title'.$delm.'Department'.$delm.'Organization'.$delm.'Notes'.$delm;
$out .= 'Birthday'.$delm.'Anniversary'.$delm.'Gender'.$delm;
$out .= 'Web Page'.$delm.'Web Page 2'.$delm.'Categories';
$out .= $eol;
foreach ($this->cards as $card)
if ($this->mailonly && empty($card->email) && empty($card->email2) && empty($card->email3))
if ($this->phoneonly && empty($card->home['phone']) && empty($card->work['phone']) && empty($card->mobile))
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->firstname, $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->surname, $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->displayname, $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->nickname, $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->email, $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->email2, $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->email3, $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($this->normalize_phone($card->home['phone']), $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($this->normalize_phone($card->work['phone']), $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($this->normalize_phone($card->home['fax']), $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($this->normalize_phone($card->work['fax']), $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($this->normalize_phone($card->pager), $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($this->normalize_phone($card->mobile), $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->home['addr1'], $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->home['addr2'], $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->home['city'], $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->home['state'], $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->home['zipcode'], $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->home['country'], $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->work['addr1'], $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->work['addr2'], $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->work['city'], $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->work['state'], $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->work['zipcode'], $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->work['country'], $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->countrycode, $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->relatedname, $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->jobtitle, $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->department, $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->organization, $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->notes, $delm);
$out .= !empty($card->birthday) ? $this->csv_encode(sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d 00:00:00', $card->birthday['y'], $card->birthday['m'], $card->birthday['d']), $delm) : $delm;
$out .= !empty($card->anniversary) ? $this->csv_encode(sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $card->anniversary['y'], $card->anniversary['m'], $card->anniversary['d']), $delm) : $delm;
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->gender, $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->work['url'], $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->home['url'], $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->categories, $delm, false);
$out .= $eol;
return $this->charset_convert($out, $encoding);
* New GMail export function
* @author Thomas Bruederli
* @author Max Plischke <>
function toGmail()
$delm = ',';
$this->export_count = 0;
$out = "Name,E-mail,Notes,Section 1 - Description,Section 1 - Email,".
"Section 1 - IM,Section 1 - Phone,Section 1 - Mobile,".
"Section 1 - Pager,Section 1 - Fax,Section 1 - Company,".
"Section 1 - Title,Section 1 - Other,Section 1 - Address,".
"Section 2 - Description,Section 2 - Email,Section 2 - IM,".
"Section 2 - Phone,Section 2 - Mobile,Section 2 - Pager,".
"Section 2 - Fax,Section 2 - Company,Section 2 - Title,".
"Section 2 - Other,Section 2 - Address\n";
foreach ($this->cards as $card)
if ($this->mailonly && empty($card->email) && empty($card->email2))
if ($this->phoneonly && empty($card->home['phone']) && empty($card->work['phone']) && empty($card->mobile))
$home = array($card->home['addr1'], $card->home['city']);
if ($card->home['state']) $home[] = $card->home['state'];
if ($card->home['zipcode']) $home[] = $card->home['zipcode'];
if ($card->home['country']) $home[] = $card->home['country'];
$work = array($card->work['addr1'], $card->work['city']);
if ($card->work['state']) $work[] = $card->work['state'];
if ($card->work['zipcode']) $work[] = $card->work['zipcode'];
if ($card->work['country']) $work[] = $card->work['country'];
$im = array_values($card->im);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->displayname, $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->email, $delm); // main
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->notes, $delm); // Notes
$out .= $this->csv_encode('Home', $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode('', $delm); // home email ?
$out .= $this->csv_encode($im[0], $delm); // IM
$out .= $this->csv_encode($this->normalize_phone($card->home['phone']), $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($this->normalize_phone($card->mobile), $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($this->normalize_phone($card->pager), $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($this->normalize_phone($card->home['fax']), $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode('', $delm); //
$out .= /* $card['title'] . */ $delm;
$out .= $this->csv_encode('', $delm); // other
$out .= $this->csv_encode(join(' ', $home), $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode('Work', $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->email2, $delm); // work email
$out .= $this->csv_encode($im[1], $delm); // IM
$out .= $this->csv_encode($this->normalize_phone($card->work['phone']), $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode('', $delm); //
$out .= $this->csv_encode('', $delm); //
$out .= $this->csv_encode($this->normalize_phone($card->work['fax']), $delm); // work fax
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->organization, $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->jobtitle, $delm); // title
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->department, $delm);
$out .= $this->csv_encode(join(' ', $work), $delm);
//$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->nick, $delm);
//$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->home['url'], $delm);
//$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->work['url'], $delm, FALSE);
$out .= "\n";
return $out;
* Convert the parsed vCard data into libdlusb format
* @author Kevin Clement <>
function toLibdlusb()
$delm="; ";
$out = '';
$this->export_count = 0;
foreach ($this->cards as $card)
if ($this->mailonly && empty($card->email) && empty($card->email2))
if ($this->phoneonly && empty($card->home['phone']) && empty($card->work['phone']) && empty($card->mobile))
// a little ugly but this filters out files that only have incompatible data to prevent "blank" files
if (empty($card->home['phone']) && empty($card->work['phone']) && empty($card->email) && empty($card->mobile))
// having determined there is data that needs exporting this
// makes certain we don't have holes to save watch memory
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->displayname, $delm);
if ($card->home['phone'] != '')
$out .= 'Home = ';
$out .= $this->csv_encode($this->normalize_phone($card->home['phone']), $delm);
if ($card->work['phone'] != '')
$out .= 'Work = ';
$out .= $this->csv_encode($this->normalize_phone($card->work['phone']), $delm);
if ($card->email != '')
$out .= 'Email = ';
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->email, $delm);
if($card->mobile != '')
$out .= 'Mobile = ';
$out .= $this->csv_encode($this->normalize_phone($card->mobile), $delm);
$out .= "\n";
// convert to ISO-8859-1
//if ($encoding == 'ISO-8859-1' && $this->charset == 'UTF-8' && function_exists('utf8_decode'))
// $out = utf8_decode($out);
return $out;
* Export cards as Ldif/LDAP Ldif
function toLdif($identifier="", $attrib=null, $encoding="UTF-8")
$out = '';
$this->export_count = 0;
foreach($this->cards as $card)
if ($this->mailonly && empty($card->email) && empty($card->email2))
if ($this->phoneonly && empty($card->home['phone']) && empty($card->work['phone']) && empty($card->mobile) && empty($card->fax))
// If we will export LDIF for an LDAP server, some checks and tweaks are needed
if ($identifier != "")
$card->displayname = trim($card->displayname);
// Generate a random UID for LDAP Ldif if not present
if (empty($card->uid))
$card->uid = uniqid('card-id-');
if (empty($card->displayname))
$card->displayname = trim($card->firstname.' '.$card->surname);
if (empty($card->displayname))
$card->displayname = trim($card->nickname);
if (empty($card->displayname))
$card->displayname = trim($card->organization);
if (empty($card->displayname))
$card->displayname = $card->uid;
if (empty($card->surname))
$card->surname = $card->displayname;
$a_out = array();
if ($identifier == "")
$a_out['dn'] = sprintf("cn=%s,mail=%s", $card->displayname, $card->email);
$a_out['dn'] = sprintf("uid=%s,%s", $card->uid, $identifier);
$a_out['objectclass'] = array('top', 'person', 'organizationalPerson', 'inetOrgPerson', 'mozillaAbPersonAlpha');
$a_out['cn'] = $card->displayname;
$a_out['sn'] = $card->surname;
if ($card->uid)
$a_out['uid'] = $card->uid;
if ($card->firstname)
$a_out['givenName'] = $card->firstname;
if ($card->title)
$a_out['title'] = $card->title;
if ($card->jobtitle)
$a_out['employeeType'] = $card->jobtitle;
if ($card->email)
$a_out['mail'] = $card->email;
// Get the binary for the photo of type jpeg
// FIXME: ? According to the specs, only JFIF formats should be used
// but some clients read even PNG from the jpegPhoto attr. Should we be
// so restrictive here?
if ($card->photo && strtolower($card->photo['type']) == "jpeg")
$a_out['jpegPhoto'] = base64_decode(preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $card->photo['data']));
if ($card->nickname)
$a_out['mozillaNickname'] = $card->nickname;
if ($card->email2)
$a_out['mozillaSecondEmail'] = $card->email2;
if ($card->home['phone'])
$a_out['homePhone'] = $this->normalize_phone($card->home['phone']);
if ($card->mobile)
$a_out['mobile'] = $this->normalize_phone($card->mobile);
if ($card->fax)
$a_out['fax'] = $this->normalize_phone($card->fax);
if ($card->pager)
$a_out['pager'] = $this->normalize_phone($card->pager);
if ($card->home['addr1'])
$a_out['mozillaHomeStreet'] = $card->home['addr1'];
if ($card->home['city'])
$a_out['mozillaHomeLocalityName'] = $card->home['city'];
if ($card->home['state'])
$a_out['mozillaHomeState'] = $card->home['state'];
if ($card->home['zipcode'])
$a_out['mozillaHomePostalCode'] = $card->home['zipcode'];
if ($card->home['country'])
$a_out['mozillaHomeCountryName'] = $card->home['country'];
if ($card->organization)
$a_out['o'] = $card->organization;
if ($card->department)
$a_out['departmentNumber'] = $card->department;
if ($card->work['addr1'])
$a_out['street'] = $card->work['addr1'];
if ($card->work['city'])
$a_out['l'] = $card->work['city'];
if ($card->work['state'])
$a_out['st'] = $card->work['state'];
if ($card->work['zipcode'])
$a_out['postalCode'] = $card->work['zipcode'];
if ($card->work['country'] && strlen($card->work['country']) == 2)
$a_out['c'] = $card->work['country'];
if ($card->work['phone'])
$a_out['telephoneNumber'] = $this->normalize_phone($card->work['phone']);
if ($card->work['fax'])
$a_out['fax'] = $this->normalize_phone($card->work['fax']);
else if ($card->home['fax'])
$a_out['fax'] = $this->normalize_phone($card->home['fax']);
if ($card->work['url'])
$a_out['mozillaWorkUrl'] = $card->work['url'];
if ($card->home['url'])
$a_out['mozillaHomeUrl'] = $card->home['url'];
if ($card->notes)
$a_out['description'] = $card->notes;
if ($card->birthday) {
$a_out['birthyear'] = $card->birthday['y'];
$a_out['mozillaCustom1'] = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", $card->birthday['y'], $card->birthday['m'], $card->birthday['d']);
// only return a single attribute (e.g. dn)
if (!empty($attrib))
if (!isset($a_out[$attrib]))
$val = is_array($a_out[$attrib]) ? $a_out[$attrib][0] : $a_out[$attrib];
$out .= trim($this->ldif_encode($val, $enc, true));
// compose ldif output
foreach ($a_out as $key => $val)
$enc = $key == 'dn' ? 'UTF-8' : $encoding;
if (is_array($val))
foreach ($val as $i => $val2)
$out .= sprintf("%s: %s\n", $key, $this->ldif_encode($val2, $enc));
$out .= sprintf("%s:%s\n", $key, $this->ldif_encode($val, $enc));
$out .= "\n";
return $out;
* Convert the parsed vCard data into CSV format for FritzBox
* @author Thomas Bruederli
* @author Gerd Mueller <>
function toFritzBox()
$out = 'sep='.$delm."\r\n";
$this->export_count = 0;
$out .= 'Name'.$delm.
foreach ($this->cards as $card)
if ($this->mailonly && empty($card->email) && empty($card->email2))
if ($this->phoneonly && empty($card->home['phone']) && empty($card->work['phone']) && empty($card->mobile))
$firstname = $this->csv_encode($card->firstname, $delm, false);
$surname = $this->csv_encode($card->surname, $delm, false);
$organization = $this->csv_encode($card->organization, $delm, false);
if (strlen($surname)) $name[] = $surname;
if (strlen($firstname)) $name[] = $firstname;
if (count($name))
$out .= implode(' ',$name) . $delm;
} else
$out .= $organization.$delm;
$out .= $this->csv_encode($this->normalize_phone($card->home['phone']), $delm);
$out .= $delm; # Vanity
$out .= $delm; # Kurzwahl
$out .= $this->csv_encode($this->normalize_phone($card->work['phone']), $delm);
$out .= $delm; # Vanity
$out .= $delm; # Kurzwahl
$out .= $this->csv_encode($this->normalize_phone($card->mobile), $delm);
$out .= $delm; # Vanity
$out .= $delm; # Kurzwahl
$out .= $this->csv_encode($card->notes, $delm);
$out .= $organization.$delm;
$out .= $delm; # Bild
$out .= $delm; # Kategorie
$out .= $delm; # ImageUrl
$out .= '1'.$delm; #Prio
$out .= $this->csv_encode((empty($card->email)) ? $card->email2 : $card->email, $delm);
$out .= $delm; # RingTone
$out .= $delm; # RingVol
$out .= "\r\n";
// convert to ISO-8859-1
if ($this->charset == 'UTF-8' && function_exists('utf8_decode'))
$out = utf8_decode($out);
return $out;
* Export all cards images
function toImages($tmpdir)
$this->export_count = 0;
foreach($this->cards as $card)
if ($card->photo)
$ext = strtolower($card->photo['type']);
if ($ext == "jpeg" || $ext == "png")
if ($ext == "jpeg")
$ext = "jpg";
// Try to guess the displayname of the card if it is empty
$card->displayname = trim($card->displayname);
if (empty($card->displayname))
$card->displayname = trim($card->firstname.' '.$card->surname);
if (empty($card->displayname))
$card->displayname = trim($card->nickname);
if (empty($card->displayname))
$card->displayname = trim($card->organization);
// A FIX: Since some cards may give no (or identical) filenames
// after the cleanup by asciiwords, always generate a random UID
// for card's file name
$fn = asciiwords(strtolower($card->displayname));
if (empty($fn) || preg_match("/^[_ -]+$/",$fn) || preg_match("/^-/",$fn))
$fn = uniqid('card-id-');
$fn .= uniqid('-card-id-');
$operation = file_put_contents($tmpdir.'/'.$fn.'.'.$ext, base64_decode(preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $card->photo['data'])));
if ($operation !== False)
return $this->export_count;
* Encode one col string for CSV export
* @access private
function csv_encode($str, $delm, $add_delm=true)
if (strpos($str, $delm))
$str = '"'.$str.'"';
return preg_replace('/\r?\n/', ' ', $str) . ($add_delm ? $delm : '');
* Encode one col string for Ldif export
* @access private
function ldif_encode($str, $encoding, $nowrap = false)
// base64-encode all values that contain non-ascii chars
// $str is already UTF-encoded after the VCard is read in $card
if (preg_match('/[^\x09\x20-\x7E]/', $str))
$str = ': ' . base64_encode($this->charset_convert($str, $encoding));
$str = ' ' . $str;
// Make long lines splited according to LDIF specs to a new line starting with [:space:]
return $nowrap ? $str : preg_replace('/\n $/', '', chunk_split($str, 76, "\n "));
* Strip Access Code
* @access private
function normalize_phone($phone)
if (strlen($this->accesscode))
$phone = preg_replace('/^[\+|00]+' . $this->accesscode . '[- ]*(\d+)/', '0\1', $phone);
return $phone;
* Convert a whole vcard (array) to UTF-8.
* Each member value that has a charset parameter will be converted.
* @access private
function card2utf8($card)
foreach ($card as $key => $node)
foreach ($node as $i => $subnode)
if ($subnode['param']['CHARSET'] && ($charset = strtoupper($subnode['param']['CHARSET'][0])))
$card[$key][$i]['value'] = $this->utf8_convert($subnode['value'], $charset);
return $card;
* Convert the given input to UTF-8.
* If it's an array, all values will be converted recursively.
* @access private
function utf8_convert($in, $from=null)
// Sometimes the charset in $from is in quotes, so clean it up
$from = trim($from,'"');
if (!$from)
$from = $this->charset;
// recursively convert all array values
if (is_array($in))
foreach ($in as $key => $value)
$in[$key] = $this->utf8_convert($value, $from);
return $in;
$str = $in;
// try to convert to UTF-8
if ($from != 'UTF-8')
if ($from == 'ISO-8859-1' && function_exists('utf8_encode'))
$str = utf8_encode($str);
else if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding'))
$str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-8', $from);
if (strlen($str) == 0)
error_log("Vcfconvert error: mbstring failed to convert the text!");
else if (function_exists('iconv'))
$str = iconv($from, 'UTF-8', $str);
if (strlen($str) == 0)
error_log("Vcfconvert error: iconv failed to convert the text!");
error_log("Vcfconvert warning: the vcard is not in UTF-8.");
// strip BOM if it is still there
return ltrim($str, "\xFE\xFF\xEF\xBB\xBF\0");
* Convert the given string from internal charset to the target encoding
function charset_convert($str, $encoding)
// convert to ISO-8859-1
if ($encoding == 'ISO-8859-1' && $this->charset == 'UTF-8' && function_exists('utf8_decode'))
return utf8_decode($str);
// convert to any other charset
if (!empty($encoding) && $encoding !== $this->charset && function_exists('iconv'))
return iconv($this->charset, $encoding.'//IGNORE', $str);
return $str;
* Returns UNICODE type based on BOM (Byte Order Mark) or default value on no match
* @author Clemens Wacha <>
* @access private
* @static
function get_charset($string)
if (substr($string, 0, 4) == "\0\0\xFE\xFF") return 'UTF-32BE'; // Big Endian
if (substr($string, 0, 4) == "\xFF\xFE\0\0") return 'UTF-32LE'; // Little Endian
if (substr($string, 0, 2) == "\xFE\xFF") return 'UTF-16BE'; // Big Endian
if (substr($string, 0, 2) == "\xFF\xFE") return 'UTF-16LE'; // Little Endian
if (substr($string, 0, 3) == "\xEF\xBB\xBF") return 'UTF-8';
// no match, check for utf-8
if (vcard_convert::is_utf8($string)) return 'UTF-8';
// heuristics
if ($string[0] == "\0" && $string[1] == "\0" && $string[2] == "\0" && $string[3] != "\0") return 'UTF-32BE';
if ($string[0] != "\0" && $string[1] == "\0" && $string[2] == "\0" && $string[3] == "\0") return 'UTF-32LE';
if ($string[0] == "\0" && $string[1] != "\0" && $string[2] == "\0" && $string[3] != "\0") return 'UTF-16BE';
if ($string[0] != "\0" && $string[1] == "\0" && $string[2] != "\0" && $string[3] == "\0") return 'UTF-16LE';
return false;
* Returns true if $string is valid UTF-8 and false otherwise.
* From
* @access private
* @static
function is_utf8($string)
return preg_match('/\A(
| [\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]
| \xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]
| [\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2}
| \xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF]
| \xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2}
| [\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3}
| \xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2}
)*\z/xs', substr($string, 0, 2048));
} // end class vcard_convert
* Checks if a value exists in an array non-case-sensitive
function in_array_nc($needle, $haystack, $strict = false)
foreach ((array)$haystack as $key => $value)
if (strtolower($needle) == strtolower($value) && ($strict || gettype($needle) == gettype($value)))
return true;
return false;