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# Introduction
3 years ago
Caddy v2 is the easiest reverse proxy ever! You'll be able to host multiple dockerized applications with one VM and one domain name! I learned from DoTheEvo but it wasn't as noob friendly for people new to linux or for people who have no idea what to do with their VMs. So I create this! In addition to the application specific guides on DoTheEvo's page I added some of my own!
4 years ago
3 years ago
Please start with the A-Z guide below which will take you from base Ubuntu 20.04 to having docker, docker-compose, caddy v2 installed.
3 years ago
## A to Z Guide
From Base Ubuntu -> docker, docker-compose, caddy v2 installed.
## Application Specific Deployments
#### Seafile
#### Wordpress
#### Zoneminder
#### ShinobiCCTV
# Quick-References and Notes
## Most Commonly Used Commands
4 years ago
docker exec -w /etc/caddy caddy caddy reload
Use this command everytime you make changes to Caddyfile.
docker exec -t -i CONTAINERNAME /bin/bash
docker exec -t -i CONTAINERNAME /bin/sh
4 years ago
Commands to enter a container's shell. Use bash first, if that doens't work try sh.
4 years ago
3 years ago
## Commonly used Docker Specific Commands
4 years ago
docker container ls # list all running containers
docker container ls -a # list all containers even stopped ones
docker container rm # remove container
docker container kill # kill a running container
3 years ago
docker system prune # Remove all unused docker: containers, images, networks and volumes to free up space
docker container prune # Similar to system prune but only targets containers.
### While inside app specific folder
docker-compose restart # restart docker stack for application
docker-compose down # turn off application
docker-compose up # turn on application with logs. CTRL+C to exit
docker-compose up -d # turn on application without logs and runs in background
3 years ago
docker-compose pull # update application
3 years ago
## Commonly added lines added to app specific docker-compose.yml files
### Commonly Added To Applications
container_name: app-name # A container name for Caddyfile to reference to
# with reverse-proxy app-name:80 for example
restart: unless-stopped # When your VM restarts the docker-container will start automatically
- "8080:80" # Usually reverse-proxy will do. Sometimes there are cases where you need ports open.
# Here we open port 8080 on the host machine. It maps to port 80 inside the docker container.
- ./folder:/some/pathinsidecontainer/folder # Changes made in ./folder will appear inside the path mentioned
### The Caddy Network
4 years ago
name: caddy_net
# Caddy v2 References
To prevent automatic HTTPS on Caddy 2, append http:// to your CaddyFile Entries. Example Below.
``` {
reverse_proxy wordpress:80
You can reverse proxy to IP Address + Port instead of by container name.
``` {