What are Input Feeds?

Input Maps are additional connection inputs for the monitor. With it you can add audio to MJPEG or use a different stream for another output, like Recording, Stream, or Detector.

Currently there are many references to Input Map. This will be changed to Input Feed within the next few updates.

One Thing to Always Remember

First Connection is labelled as 0, Second is 1, Third is 2 and so on. This will be further explained below.

How to add an Input Feed

1. Open your Monitor Settings for the desired monitor or Add a New one.

2. Click Options and then click Add Input Feed. You should now be graced with another section named Input Map : 1.

3. Like before in the Connection section, Add the connection details for your additional stream. You must take note of the following fields when doing so

  • Input Type : The type of stream data it is.
  • Full URL Path : The connection address.
  • Monitor Capture Rate : It is only required for MJPEG based streams.
  • RTSP Transport : Leave it at Auto if you don't know. Try TCP if Auto does not work. This option is only for H.264 and H.265 based streams.

4. Feed Designation. You may now notice Input Feed boxes appearing inside certain sections. This is to choose which feed is used for the output. If nothing is selected the default is Input Map 0.

You can review the following table to know your options. Options are not limited to this table.

Input Feed Selection Value
First Connection, All streams in first feed 0
First Connection, First stream in feed 0:0
First Connection, Video streams only 0:v
First Connection, Video stream only from first feed 0:v:0
First Connection, Audio streams only 0:a
First Connection, Audio stream only from first feed 0:a:0

By replacing the first zero in the options you can select a different map. So instead of using 0:0 to get the first stream of the first feed we can do 1:0 to get the first feed of Input Map 1.

This may change in the future to make it easier but for now it is manual. The first connection is labelled as Input Map 0.

How to add Audio to an MJPEG Stream

This part of the tutorial assumes you have an MJPEG camera already up and running. Also be aware that audio recording is illegal in some parts of the world. Check with your local law enforcement if you are unsure.

1. Open your Monitor Settings for the desired monitor or Add a New one.

2. Click Options and then click Add Input Feed. You should now be graced with another section named Input Map : 1.

3. Select Raw as the Input Type for the new feed. Add the connection URL for your audio stream in the Full URL Path field.

4. Adding to your Dashboard Stream. If you don't need audio in your dashboard stream then skip this and move to Step 5. Add two inputs by click the plus icon. Fill them as follows.

  • 0:0
  • 1:0

Now select your Audio Encoder. If you don't know you should select aac.

This can only be done with specific Stream Types like Poseidon, FLV, HEVC, or HLS.

5. Adding to your Recordings. Add two inputs by click the plus icon. Fill them as follows.

  • 0:0
  • 1:0

Now select your Audio Encoder. If you don't know you should select aac.

6. Happy Listening!

How to Record on a High Resolution and Stream on a Low Resolution (H.264)

This part of the tutorial assumes you have a camera setup streaming and recording already with your High Resolution.

This method pulls two streams from a single camera. Many camera's are designed with this purpose in mind but others simply meet minimum expectations. In short : some camera's can crash if too many streams are opened directly from the camera.

1. Open your Monitor Settings for the desired monitor.

2. Click Options and then click Add Input Feed. You should now be graced with another section named Input Map : 1.

3. Add the Connection details for the Low Resolution stream.

  • Set the Input Type as H.264 / H.265 / H.265+.
  • Fill Full URL Path with your stream's connection address.
  • Optionally you can set RTSP Transport to TCP.

4. Scroll to your Stream section and click the Add (Plus Icon) button in the Input Feed section within the Stream section. Fill the newly generated field with 1. This will point at your second stream.

By default all outputs will use the First Connection (Input Map : 0).

4. Now Save the configuration.