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package main
import (
// Embed all static assets
//go:embed assets
var assets embed.FS
// Define global exit function, so unit tests can override this
var exit = os.Exit
// configuration state is stored in this struct
type configuration struct {
files struct {
originalDir string
fullsizeDir string
thumbnailDir string
directoryMode os.FileMode
fileMode os.FileMode
imageExtension string
videoExtension string
media struct {
thumbnailWidth int
thumbnailHeight int
fullsizeMaxWidth int
fullsizeMaxHeight int
videoMaxSize int
concurrency int
// initialize the configuration with hardcoded defaults
func initializeConfig() (config configuration) {
config.files.originalDir = "_original"
config.files.fullsizeDir = "_fullsize"
config.files.thumbnailDir = "_thumbnail"
config.files.directoryMode = 0755
config.files.fileMode = 0644
config.files.imageExtension = ".jpg"
config.files.videoExtension = ".mp4" = 280 = 210 = 1920 = 1080 = 640
config.concurrency = 8
return config
// file struct represents an individual media file
// relPath is the relative path to from source/gallery root directory.
// For source files, exists marks whether it exists in the gallery and doesn't need to be copied.
// In this case, gallery has all three transformed files (original, full-size and thumbnail) and
// the thumbnail's modification date isn't before the original source file's.
// For gallery files, exists marks whether all three gallery files are in place (original, full-size
// and thumbnail) and there's a corresponding source file.
type file struct {
name string
relPath string
absPath string
modTime time.Time
exists bool
// directory struct is one directory, which contains files and subdirectories
// relPath is the relative path from source/gallery root directory
// For source directories, exists reflects whether the directory exists in the gallery
// For gallery directories, exists reflects whether there's a corresponding source directory
type directory struct {
name string
relPath string
absPath string
modTime time.Time
files []file
subdirectories []directory
exists bool
// exists checks whether given file, directory or symlink exists
func exists(filepath string) bool {
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false
return true
// isDirectory checks whether provided path is a directory or symlink to one
// resolves symlinks only one level deep
func isDirectory(directory string) bool {
filestat, err := os.Stat(directory)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false
if filestat.IsDir() {
return true
if filestat.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 {
realDirectory, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(directory)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %s\n", err.Error())
return false
realFilestat, err := os.Stat(realDirectory)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %s\n", err.Error())
return false
if realFilestat.IsDir() {
return true
return false
// Validate that source and gallery directories given as parameters
// are valid directories. Return absolue path of source and gallery
func validateSourceAndGallery(source string, gallery string) (string, string) {
var err error
source, err = filepath.Abs(source)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %s\n", err.Error())
if !isDirectory(source) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Source directory doesn't exist: %s\n", source)
gallery, err = filepath.Abs(gallery)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %s\n", err.Error())
if !isDirectory(gallery) {
// Ok, gallery isn't a directory but check whether the parent directory is
// and we're supposed to create gallery there during runtime
galleryParent, err := filepath.Abs(gallery + "/../")
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %s\n", err.Error())
if !isDirectory(galleryParent) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Neither gallery directory or it's parent directory exist: %s\n", gallery)
return source, gallery
// Checks whether directory has media files, or subdirectories with media files.
// If there's a subdirectory that's empty or that has directories or files which
// aren't media files, we leave that out of the directory tree.
func dirHasMediafiles(directory string) (isEmpty bool) {
list, err := os.ReadDir(directory)
if err != nil {
// If we can't read the directory contents, it doesn't have media files in it
return false
if len(list) == 0 {
// If it's empty, it doesn't have media files
return false
for _, entry := range list {
entryAbsPath := filepath.Join(directory, entry.Name())
if entry.IsDir() {
// Recursion to subdirectories
if dirHasMediafiles(entryAbsPath) {
return true
} else if isMediaFile(entryAbsPath) {
// We found at least one media file, return true
return true
// Didn't find at least one media file
return false
// Check whether given path is a video file
func isVideoFile(filename string) bool {
switch filepath.Ext(strings.ToLower(filename)) {
case ".mp4", ".mov", ".3gp", ".avi", ".mts", ".m4v", ".mpg":
return true
return false
// Check whether given path is an image file
func isImageFile(filename string) bool {
switch filepath.Ext(strings.ToLower(filename)) {
case ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".heic", ".png", ".gif", ".tif", ".tiff":
return true
case ".cr2", ".raw", ".arw":
return true
return false
// Check whether given absolute path is a media file
func isMediaFile(filename string) bool {
if isImageFile(filename) {
return true
// TODO optIgnoreVideos
if isVideoFile(filename) {
return true
return false
// Create a recursive directory struct by traversing the directory absoluteDirectory.
// The function calls itself recursively, carrying state in the relativeDirectory parameter.
func createDirectoryTree(absoluteDirectory string, parentDirectory string) (tree directory) {
// In case the target directory doesn't exist, it's the gallery directory
// which hasn't been created yet. We'll just create a dummy tree and return it.
if !exists(absoluteDirectory) && parentDirectory == "" { = filepath.Base(absoluteDirectory)
tree.relPath = parentDirectory
tree.absPath, _ = filepath.Abs(absoluteDirectory)
// Fill in the directory name and other basic info = filepath.Base(absoluteDirectory)
tree.absPath, _ = filepath.Abs(absoluteDirectory)
tree.relPath = parentDirectory
absoluteDirectoryStat, _ := os.Stat(absoluteDirectory)
tree.modTime = absoluteDirectoryStat.ModTime()
// List directory contents
list, err := os.ReadDir(absoluteDirectory)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Couldn't list directory contents:", absoluteDirectory)
// If it's a directory and it has media files somewhere, add it to directories
// If it's a media file, add it to the files
for _, entry := range list {
entryAbsPath := filepath.Join(absoluteDirectory, entry.Name())
entryRelPath := filepath.Join(parentDirectory, entry.Name())
if entry.IsDir() {
if dirHasMediafiles(entryAbsPath) {
entrySubTree := createDirectoryTree(entryAbsPath, entryRelPath)
tree.subdirectories = append(tree.subdirectories, entrySubTree)
} else if isMediaFile(entryAbsPath) {
entryFileInfo, err := entry.Info()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Couldn't stat file information for media file:", entry.Name())
entryFile := file{
name: entry.Name(),
relPath: entryRelPath,
absPath: entryAbsPath,
modTime: entryFileInfo.ModTime(),
exists: false,
tree.files = append(tree.files, entryFile)
// stripExtension strips the filename extension and returns the basename
func stripExtension(filename string) string {
extension := filepath.Ext(filename)
return filename[0 : len(filename)-len(extension)]
func reservedDirectory(path string, config configuration) bool {
if path == config.files.thumbnailDir {
return true
if path == config.files.fullsizeDir {
return true
if path == config.files.originalDir {
return true
return false
// hasDirectoryChanged checks whether the gallery directory has changed and thus
// the HTML file needs to be updated. Could be due to:
// At least one non-existent source file or directory (will be created in gallery)
// We're doing a cleanup, and at least one non-existent gallery file or directory (will be removed from gallery HTML)
func hasDirectoryChanged(source directory, gallery directory, cleanUp bool) bool {
for _, sourceFile := range source.files {
if !sourceFile.exists {
return true
for _, sourceDir := range source.subdirectories {
if !sourceDir.exists {
return true
if cleanUp {
for _, galleryFile := range gallery.files {
if !galleryFile.exists {
return true
for _, galleryDir := range gallery.subdirectories {
if !galleryDir.exists {
return true
return false
// compareDirectoryTrees compares two directory trees (source and gallery) and marks
// each file that exists in both
func compareDirectoryTrees(source *directory, gallery *directory, config configuration) {
// If we are comparing two directories, we know they both exist so we can set the
// directory struct exists boolean
source.exists = true
gallery.exists = true
// Iterate over each file in source directory to see whether it exists in gallery
for i, sourceFile := range source.files {
sourceFileBasename := stripExtension(
var thumbnailFile, fullsizeFile, originalFile *file
// Go through all subdirectories, and check the ones that match
// the thumbnail, full-size or original subdirectories
for _, subDir := range gallery.subdirectories {
if == config.files.thumbnailDir {
for _, outputFile := range subDir.files {
outputFileBasename := stripExtension(
if sourceFileBasename == outputFileBasename {
thumbnailFile = &outputFile
thumbnailFile.exists = true
if == config.files.fullsizeDir {
for _, outputFile := range subDir.files {
outputFileBasename := stripExtension(
if sourceFileBasename == outputFileBasename {
fullsizeFile = &outputFile
fullsizeFile.exists = true
if == config.files.originalDir {
for _, outputFile := range subDir.files {
outputFileBasename := stripExtension(
if sourceFileBasename == outputFileBasename {
originalFile = &outputFile
originalFile.exists = true
// If all of thumbnail, full-size and original files exist in gallery, and they're
// modified after the source file, the source file exists and is up to date.
// Otherwise we overwrite gallery files in case source file's been updated since the thumbnail
// was created.
if thumbnailFile != nil && fullsizeFile != nil && originalFile != nil {
if !thumbnailFile.modTime.Before(sourceFile.modTime) {
source.files[i].exists = true
// After checking all the files in this directory, recurse into each subdirectory and do the same
for k, inputDir := range source.subdirectories {
if !reservedDirectory(, config) {
for l, outputDir := range gallery.subdirectories {
if == {
compareDirectoryTrees(&(source.subdirectories[k]), &(gallery.subdirectories[l]), config)
func countChanges(source directory) (outputChanges int) {
outputChanges = 0
for _, file := range source.files {
if !file.exists {
for _, dir := range source.subdirectories {
outputChanges = outputChanges + countChanges(dir)
return outputChanges
func createDirectory(destination string, dryRun bool, dirMode os.FileMode) {
if _, err := os.Stat(destination); os.IsNotExist(err) {
if dryRun {
fmt.Println("Would create directory:", destination)
} else {
err := os.Mkdir(destination, dirMode)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "couldn't create directory %s: %s\n", destination, err.Error())
func symlinkFile(sourceDir string, destDir string, filename string, dryRun bool) {
// TODO functionality
// TODO deprecate copyFile() function or use for originals
func copyFile(sourceDir string, destDir string, filename string, dryRun bool) {
sourceFilename := filepath.Join(sourceDir, filename)
destFilename := filepath.Join(destDir, filename)
if !dryRun {
_, err := os.Stat(sourceFilename)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "couldn't copy source file %s: %s\n", sourceFilename, err.Error())
sourceHandle, err := os.Open(sourceFilename)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "couldn't open source file for copy %s: %s\n", sourceFilename, err.Error())
defer sourceHandle.Close()
destHandle, err := os.Create(destFilename)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "couldn't create dest file %s: %s\n", destFilename, err.Error())
defer destHandle.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(destHandle, sourceHandle)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "couldn't copy file %s -> %s: %s\n", sourceFilename, destFilename, err.Error())
} else {
fmt.Println("would copy", sourceFilename, "to", destFilename)
// copyRootAssets copies all the embedded assets to the root directory of the gallery
func copyRootAssets(gallery directory, dryRun bool, fileMode os.FileMode) {
assetDirectoryListing, err := assets.ReadDir("assets")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("couldn't open embedded assets:", err.Error())
// Iterate through all the embedded assets
for _, entry := range assetDirectoryListing {
if !entry.IsDir() {
switch filepath.Ext(strings.ToLower(entry.Name())) {
// Copy all javascript and CSS files
case ".js", ".css":
if !dryRun {
filebuffer, err := assets.ReadFile("assets/" + entry.Name())
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("couldn't open embedded asset:", entry.Name(), ":", err.Error())
err = os.WriteFile(gallery.absPath+"/"+entry.Name(), filebuffer, fileMode)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("couldn't write embedded asset:", gallery.absPath+"/"+entry.Name(), ":", err.Error())
} else {
fmt.Println("Would copy JS/CSS file", entry.Name(), "to", gallery.absPath)
switch entry.Name() {
// Copy back.png and folder.png
case "back.png", "folder.png":
if !dryRun {
filebuffer, err := assets.ReadFile("assets/" + entry.Name())
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("couldn't open embedded asset:", entry.Name(), ":", err.Error())
err = os.WriteFile(gallery.absPath+"/"+entry.Name(), filebuffer, fileMode)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("couldn't write embedded asset:", gallery.absPath+"/"+entry.Name(), ":", err.Error())
} else {
fmt.Println("Would copy icon", entry.Name(), "to", gallery.absPath)
func createHTML(depth int, source directory, dryRun bool) {
// TODO functionality
// TODO dry-run
func createMedia(depth int, source directory, gallery directory, dryRun bool, config configuration, progressBar *pb.ProgressBar) {
// TODO concurrency
for _, file := range source.files {
if !file.exists {
// TODO functionality
fmt.Println("converting:",, file.relPath, file.absPath)
// Clean gallery directory of any directories or files which don't exist in source
func cleanDirectory(gallery directory, dryRun bool) {
for _, file := range gallery.files {
if !file.exists {
for _, dir := range gallery.subdirectories {
if !dir.exists {
// What about reserved directories for thumbnails, pictures and originals?
func createGallery(depth int, source directory, gallery directory, dryRun bool, cleanUp bool, config configuration, progressBar *pb.ProgressBar) {
if hasDirectoryChanged(source, gallery, cleanUp) {
createMedia(depth, source, gallery, dryRun, config, progressBar)
createHTML(depth, source, dryRun)
if cleanUp {
cleanDirectory(gallery, dryRun)
for _, subdir := range source.subdirectories {
fmt.Println("recursing to:",, subdir.relPath, subdir.absPath)
createGallery(depth+1, subdir, gallery, dryRun, cleanUp, config, progressBar)
func main() {
// Define command-line arguments
var args struct {
Source string `arg:"positional,required" help:"Source directory for images/videos"`
Gallery string `arg:"positional,required" help:"Destination directory to create gallery in"`
Verbose bool `arg:"-v,--verbose" help:"verbosity level"`
DryRun bool `arg:"--dry-run" help:"dry run; don't change anything, just print what would be done"`
CleanUp bool `arg:"-c,--cleanup" help:"cleanup, delete files and directories in gallery which don't exist in source"`
// Parse command-line arguments
// Validate source and gallery arguments, make paths absolute
args.Source, args.Gallery = validateSourceAndGallery(args.Source, args.Gallery)
// Initialize configuration (assets, directories, file types)
config := initializeConfig()
fmt.Println("Creating gallery...")
fmt.Println("Source:", args.Source)
fmt.Println("Gallery:", args.Gallery)
fmt.Println("Finding all media files...")
// Creating a directory struct of both source as well as gallery directories
source := createDirectoryTree(args.Source, "")
gallery := createDirectoryTree(args.Gallery, "")
// Check which source media exists in gallery
compareDirectoryTrees(&source, &gallery, config)
// Count number of source files which don't exist in gallery
changes := countChanges(source)
if changes > 0 {
fmt.Println(changes, "files to update")
if !exists(gallery.absPath) {
createDirectory(gallery.absPath, args.DryRun, config.files.directoryMode)
4 years ago
var progressBar *pb.ProgressBar
if !args.DryRun {
progressBar = pb.StartNew(changes)
if args.Verbose {
vips.LoggingSettings(nil, vips.LogLevelDebug)
CacheTrace: false,
CollectStats: false,
ReportLeaks: true})
} else {
vips.LoggingSettings(nil, vips.LogLevelError)
4 years ago
defer vips.Shutdown()
copyRootAssets(gallery, args.DryRun, config.files.fileMode)
createGallery(0, source, gallery, args.DryRun, args.CleanUp, config, progressBar)
if !args.DryRun {
fmt.Println("Gallery updated!")
} else {
fmt.Println("Gallery already up to date!")