const skip = Symbol('skip') function apply(fn, ...args) { if (typeof fn === 'function') return fn(...args) return fn } function len(x) { if (Array.isArray(x)) return x.length if (typeof x === 'string') return x.length if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null) return Object.keys(x).length throw new Error(`Cannot get length of ${typeof x}`) } function uniq(x) { if (Array.isArray(x)) return [ Set(x)] throw new Error(`Cannot get unique values of ${typeof x}`) } function sort(x) { if (Array.isArray(x)) return x.sort() throw new Error(`Cannot sort ${typeof x}`) } function map(fn) { return function (x) { if (Array.isArray(x)) return, i) => fn(v, i)) throw new Error(`Cannot map ${typeof x}`) } } function sortBy(fn) { return function (x) { if (Array.isArray(x)) return x.sort((a, b) => { const fa = fn(a) const fb = fn(b) return fa < fb ? -1 : fa > fb ? 1 : 0 }) throw new Error(`Cannot sort ${typeof x}`) } } function groupBy(keyFn) { return function (x) { const grouped = {} for (const item of x) { const key = typeof keyFn === 'function' ? keyFn(item) : item[keyFn] if (!grouped.hasOwnProperty(key)) grouped[key] = [] grouped[key].push(item) } return grouped } } function chunk(size) { return function (x) { const res = [] let i = 0 while (i < x.length) { res.push(x.slice(i, i += size)) } return res } } function zip(...x) { const length = Math.min( => a.length)) const res = [] for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { res.push( => a[i])) } return res } function flatten(x) { if (Array.isArray(x)) return x.flat() throw new Error(`Cannot flatten ${typeof x}`) } function reverse(x) { if (Array.isArray(x)) return x.reverse() throw new Error(`Cannot reverse ${typeof x}`) } function keys(x) { if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null) return Object.keys(x) throw new Error(`Cannot get keys of ${typeof x}`) } function values(x) { if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null) return Object.values(x) throw new Error(`Cannot get values of ${typeof x}`) } function list(x) { if (Array.isArray(x)) { for (const y of x) console.log(y) return skip } throw new Error(`Cannot list ${typeof x}`) }