gpg import, output copy, parse args

devrandom 13 years ago
parent 1a4e64250b
commit 9c29c2aad9

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
* incremenral update of dest directory
* inject config into customized builder

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import re
import tempfile
import atexit
import urllib2
import argparse
import yaml
from zipfile import ZipFile
@ -57,12 +58,12 @@ def extract(dir_name, zip_path):
return files
def get_assertions(dir_name, file_names):
def get_assertions(temp_dir, unpack_dir, file_names):
assertions = {"build" : {}}
sums = {}
to_check = {}
for file_name in file_names:
shasum = subprocess.Popen(["sha256sum", '-b', os.path.join(dir_name, file_name)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0][0:64]
shasum = subprocess.Popen(["sha256sum", '-b', os.path.join(unpack_dir, file_name)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0][0:64]
sums[file_name] = shasum
to_check[file_name] = 1
@ -73,51 +74,63 @@ def get_assertions(dir_name, file_names):
if file_name.startswith("gitian"):
del to_check[file_name]
if file_name.endswith(".assert"):
popen = subprocess.Popen(["gpg", '--keyid-format', 'long', '--quiet', '--batch', '--verify', os.path.join(dir_name, file_name + '.pgp'), os.path.join(dir_name, file_name)], stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
popen = subprocess.Popen(["gpg", '--homedir', path.join(temp_dir, 'gpg'), '--keyid-format', 'long', '--quiet', '--batch', '--verify', os.path.join(unpack_dir, file_name + '.pgp'), os.path.join(unpack_dir, file_name)], stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
gpgout = popen.communicate()[1]
retcode = popen.wait()
if retcode != 0:
print 'pgp verify failed for %s' %(file_name)
print>>sys.stderr, 'PGP verify failed for %s' %(file_name)
error = True
match ='key ([A-F0-9]+)$', gpgout, re.M)
assertions['build'][] = 1
f = file(os.path.join(dir_name, file_name), 'r')
f = file(os.path.join(unpack_dir, file_name), 'r')
assertion = yaml.load(f, OrderedDictYAMLLoader)
if assertion['out_manifest']:
if out_manifest:
if out_manifest != assertion['out_manifest']:
print 'not all out manifests are identical'
print>>sys.stderr, 'not all out manifests are identical'
error = True
out_manifest = assertion['out_manifest']
for line in out_manifest.split("\n"):
if line != "":
shasum = line[0:64]
summed_file = line[66:]
if sums[summed_file] != shasum:
print "sha256sum mismatch on %s" %(summed_file)
error = True
del to_check[summed_file]
if len(to_check) > 0:
print "Some of the files were not checksummed:"
for key in to_check:
print " ", key
return (error, assertions)
if out_manifest:
for line in out_manifest.split("\n"):
if line != "":
shasum = line[0:64]
summed_file = line[66:]
if sums[summed_file] != shasum:
print>>sys.stderr, "sha256sum mismatch on %s" %(summed_file)
error = True
del to_check[summed_file]
if len(to_check) > 0:
print>>sys.stderr, "Some of the files were not checksummed:"
for key in to_check:
print>>sys.stderr, " ", key
print>>sys.stderr, 'No build assertions found'
error = True
return (not error, assertions, sums)
def import_keys(temp_dir, config):
os.mkdir(path.join(temp_dir, 'gpg'), 0700)
signers = config['signers']
for keyid in signers:
popen = subprocess.Popen(["gpg", '--homedir', path.join(temp_dir, 'gpg'), '--import', '--quiet', '--batch'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
if popen.wait() != 0:
print>>sys.stderr, 'Key %s failed to import'%(keyid)
def check_assertions(config, assertions):
total_weight = 0
for key in assertions['build']:
if not config['signers'].has_key(key):
print 'key %s is not in config, skipping'%(key)
print>>sys.stderr, 'key %s is not in config, skipping'%(key)
total_weight += config['signers'][key]['weight']
if total_weight < config['minimum_weight']:
print "The total weight of signatures is %d, which is less than the minimum required %d"%(total_weight, config['minimum_weight'])
print>>sys.stderr, "The total weight of signatures is %d, which is less than the minimum required %d"%(total_weight, config['minimum_weight'])
return False
return True
@ -141,38 +154,54 @@ class OrderedDictYAMLLoader(yaml.Loader):
value = self.construct_object(value)
data[key] = value
args = sys.argv[:]
full_prog = args.pop(0)
full_prog = sys.argv[0]
prog = os.path.basename(full_prog)
if len(args) < 2:
print>>sys.stderr, "usage: %s URL CONFIG\n"%(full_prog)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Download a verify a gitian package')
parser.add_argument('--url', metavar='URL', type=str, nargs='+', required=True,
help='one or more URLs where the package can be found')
parser.add_argument('--config', metavar='CONF', type=str, required=True,
help='a configuration file')
parser.add_argument('--dest', metavar='DEST', type=str, required=True,
help='the destination directory for unpacking')
args = parser.parse_args()
url = args.pop(0)
config_file = args.pop(0)
url = args.url[0]
config_file = args.config
f = file(config_file, 'r')
config = yaml.safe_load(f)
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp('', prog)
if path.exists(args.dest):
print>>sys.stderr, "destination already exists, please remove it first"
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('', prog)
atexit.register(remove_temp, temp_dir)
atexit.register(remove_temp, tempdir)
import_keys(temp_dir, config)
package_file = path.join(tempdir, "package")
package_file = path.join(temp_dir, 'package')
download(url, package_file)
unpack_dir = path.join(tempdir, "unpack")
unpack_dir = path.join(temp_dir, 'unpack')
files = extract(unpack_dir, package_file)
(error, assertions) = get_assertions(unpack_dir, files)
if error:
print "There were errors getting assertions, aborting"
(success, assertions, out_manifest) = get_assertions(temp_dir, unpack_dir, files)
if not success:
print>>sys.stderr, "There were errors getting assertions, aborting"
if not check_assertions(config, assertions):
print "There were errors checking assertions, build is untrusted, aborting"
print>>sys.stderr, "There were errors checking assertions, build is untrusted, aborting"
#os.system("cd %s ; /bin/bash"%(tempdir))
shutil.copytree(unpack_dir, args.dest)
f = file(path.join(args.dest, '.manifest'), 'w')
yaml.dump(out_manifest, f)
#os.system("cd %s ; /bin/bash"%(temp_dir))
