You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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from typing import List, Union
from fastapi import APIRouter
from api_v1.settings import settings
from gpt4all import Embed4All
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
### This should follow
class EmbeddingRequest(BaseModel):
model: str = Field(
settings.model, description="The model to generate an embedding from."
input: Union[str, List[str], List[int], List[List[int]]] = Field(
..., description="Input text to embed, encoded as a string or array of tokens."
class EmbeddingUsage(BaseModel):
prompt_tokens: int = 0
total_tokens: int = 0
class Embedding(BaseModel):
index: int = 0
object: str = "embedding"
embedding: List[float]
class EmbeddingResponse(BaseModel):
object: str = "list"
model: str
data: List[Embedding]
usage: EmbeddingUsage
router = APIRouter(prefix="/embeddings", tags=["Embedding Endpoints"])
embedder = Embed4All()
def get_embedding(data: EmbeddingRequest) -> EmbeddingResponse:
Calculates the embedding for the given input using a specified model.
data (EmbeddingRequest): An EmbeddingRequest object containing the input data
and model name.
EmbeddingResponse: An EmbeddingResponse object encapsulating the calculated embedding,
usage info, and the model name.
embedding = embedder.embed(data.input)
return EmbeddingResponse(
data=[Embedding(embedding=embedding)], usage=EmbeddingUsage(), model=data.model
)"/", response_model=EmbeddingResponse)
def embeddings(data: EmbeddingRequest):
Creates a GPT4All embedding
return get_embedding(data)