Adam Novak 2 years ago
parent 4609a0384c
commit 93e6678256

@ -100,9 +100,7 @@ We encourage you to participate in this open source project. We love Pull Reques
### How to Appease the Linter
If you are getting errors form `./gradelw ktlint`, try running `./gradlew
ktlintFormat` to let `ktlint` decide how to lay out your code, instead of just
yelling at you that you can't read its mind.
If you are getting errors form `./gradelw ktlint`, try running `./gradlew ktlintFormat` to let `ktlint` decide how to lay out your code, instead of just yelling at you that you can't read its mind.
### 🙅 How to skip CI checks for PRs 🙅
