Adds IDE documentation for gradle versionName error

Mitchell Hentges 5 years ago committed by Jonathan Almeida
parent 031ba5355e
commit e0fa11a276

@ -170,7 +170,12 @@ android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
// Append to the task so the first thing it does is run our validation
prebuildTask.doFirst {
if (!project.hasProperty('versionName')) {
throw new RuntimeException("Release builds require the 'versionName' property, e.g.: './gradlew -PversionName=<...> assembleNightly'")
throw new RuntimeException("Release builds require the 'versionName' property to be set.\n" +
"If you're using an IDE, set your build variant to be a \"debug\" type.\n" +
"If you're using the command-line, either build a debug variant instead ('./gradlew assembleDebug')\n" +
"\tor continue building the release build and set the \"versionName\" property ('./gradlew -PversionName=<...> assembleNightly').")
// TODO when Android Studio 3.5.0 is prevalent, we can set the "debug" build type as the default
