You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

138 lines
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.fenix.components
import io.mockk.Called
import io.mockk.MockKAnnotations
import io.mockk.Runs
import io.mockk.confirmVerified
import io.mockk.every
import io.mockk.impl.annotations.MockK
import io.mockk.just
import io.mockk.mockk
import io.mockk.verify
import mozilla.components.concept.sync.AccountObserver
import mozilla.components.concept.sync.AuthType
import mozilla.components.concept.sync.OAuthAccount
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics.Event
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics.MetricController
import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.Settings
class BackgroundServicesTest {
private lateinit var metrics: MetricController
private lateinit var settings: Settings
private lateinit var observer: TelemetryAccountObserver
private lateinit var registry: ObserverRegistry<AccountObserver>
fun setup() {
every { metrics.track(any()) } just Runs
every { settings.signedInFxaAccount = any() } just Runs
observer = TelemetryAccountObserver(settings, metrics)
registry = ObserverRegistry<AccountObserver>().apply { register(observer) }
fun `telemetry account observer tracks sign in event`() {
val account = mockk<OAuthAccount>()
registry.notifyObservers { onAuthenticated(account, AuthType.Signin) }
verify { metrics.track(Event.SyncAuthSignIn) }
verify { settings.signedInFxaAccount = true }
confirmVerified(metrics, settings)
fun `telemetry account observer tracks sign up event`() {
val account = mockk<OAuthAccount>()
registry.notifyObservers { onAuthenticated(account, AuthType.Signup) }
verify { metrics.track(Event.SyncAuthSignUp) }
verify { settings.signedInFxaAccount = true }
confirmVerified(metrics, settings)
fun `telemetry account observer tracks pairing event`() {
val account = mockk<OAuthAccount>()
registry.notifyObservers { onAuthenticated(account, AuthType.Pairing) }
verify { metrics.track(Event.SyncAuthPaired) }
verify { settings.signedInFxaAccount = true }
confirmVerified(metrics, settings)
fun `telemetry account observer tracks shared event`() {
val account = mockk<OAuthAccount>()
registry.notifyObservers { onAuthenticated(account, AuthType.MigratedReuse) }
verify { metrics.track(Event.SyncAuthFromSharedReuse) }
verify { settings.signedInFxaAccount = true }
confirmVerified(metrics, settings)
registry.notifyObservers { onAuthenticated(account, AuthType.MigratedCopy) }
verify { metrics.track(Event.SyncAuthFromSharedCopy) }
fun `telemetry account observer tracks recovered event`() {
val account = mockk<OAuthAccount>()
registry.notifyObservers { onAuthenticated(account, AuthType.Recovered) }
verify { metrics.track(Event.SyncAuthRecovered) }
verify { settings.signedInFxaAccount = true }
confirmVerified(metrics, settings)
fun `telemetry account observer tracks external creation event with null action`() {
val account = mockk<OAuthAccount>()
registry.notifyObservers { onAuthenticated(account, AuthType.OtherExternal(null)) }
verify { metrics.track(Event.SyncAuthOtherExternal) }
verify { settings.signedInFxaAccount = true }
confirmVerified(metrics, settings)
fun `telemetry account observer tracks external creation event with some action`() {
val account = mockk<OAuthAccount>()
registry.notifyObservers { onAuthenticated(account, AuthType.OtherExternal("someAction")) }
verify { metrics.track(Event.SyncAuthOtherExternal) }
verify { settings.signedInFxaAccount = true }
confirmVerified(metrics, settings)
fun `telemetry account observer does not track existing account`() {
val account = mockk<OAuthAccount>()
registry.notifyObservers { onAuthenticated(account, AuthType.Existing) }
verify { metrics wasNot Called }
verify { settings.signedInFxaAccount = true }
confirmVerified(metrics, settings)
fun `telemetry account observer tracks sign out event`() {
registry.notifyObservers { onLoggedOut() }
verify { metrics.track(Event.SyncAuthSignOut) }
verify { settings.signedInFxaAccount = false }
confirmVerified(metrics, settings)