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Ryan VanderMeulen e46a3545ae Bug 1821005 - Revert Gradle 8 upgrade due to startup crashes
Revert "Bug 1863744 - Update Gradle to version 8.4"

This reverts commit 829795632954148709fbe945c78d55cc62053ac8.

Revert "Bug 1821005 - Apply additional keep rules for missing classes detected while running R8."

This reverts commit 8f3f246cc5ff571323f56d46963d8d176bec91e3.

Revert "Bug 1821005 - Set UI_INJECTION_HOST mode for lint in test."

This reverts commit 6962bf0b5df57781045f68417f76527bcdf521ab.

Revert "Bug 1821005 -  Include sourcesJar as an input of publishing."

This reverts commit 41b2a48da577787c3189eec8c8af71c35cfecbfb.

Revert "Bug 1821005 - Set compileOptions for android subprojects."

This reverts commit fb21df9d0a9cd585e216733dc1bf929636df20f1.

Revert "Bug 1821005 - Replace deprecated project.buildDir"

This reverts commit 6f880de46ec73f7e5240a0279108bbb6aeb0f63b.

Revert "Bug 1821005 - Exclude generated metrics docs from detekt."

This reverts commit f17d2430bf1daabeed2724312354018050f3f52a.

Revert "Bug 1821005 - Exclude build in extensions versioning from detekt."

This reverts commit 34144c5ad1d62e2d85492f8d32341bbcd032690b.

Revert "Bug 1821005 - Add uses-feature tag for camera permission."

This reverts commit 13c80944bd1756cdcaa98eef783b6a23ad12cabd.

Revert "Bug 1821005 - Set nonTransitiveRClass and nonFinalResIds build flags to false."

This reverts commit 219fbc19c54134ad264edc79642fa1799c6f54d6.

Revert "Bug 1821005 - Apply plugin: 'kotlin-android' for UI modules."

This reverts commit ddbd5e18eb9d2b33b4de4a6df48d97ec4ab42963.

Revert "Bug 1821005 - Enable generation of the BuildConfig class"

This reverts commit 65c2b8c63790fbd2352f3f94b99c80d81d18dae1.

Revert "Bug 1821005 - Add namespace to samples-glean-library module"

This reverts commit 0239233efb1cc4e896e4aa0337e3da911eeb2f1c.

Revert "Bug 1821005 - Replace deprecated toLowerCase with lowercase."

This reverts commit 69f2c66aad3aa638a1bab31b2a1e6c597d1f3992.

Revert "Bug 1821005 - Replace deprecated 'toInt' method with 'code' property."

This reverts commit 7adb38a6fbe20de3fdb6723a10e574d183e7fcff.

Revert "Bug 1821005 - Replace deprecated execResult."

This reverts commit bfd02dd16d7e5c9dbcf34858fbbe4176d698f8cd.

Revert "Bug 1849833 - Replace deprecated extractNativeLibs manifest attribute."

This reverts commit a05bc9618457ab2d71a5d3d88d8d3b0318497a54.

Revert "Bug 1821005 - Upgrade AGP to 8.0.2"

This reverts commit fc0fadd63553e2144ce074454d502ecf307eb988.

Revert "Bug 1821005 - Upgrade kotlin-dsl to 4.1.0."

This reverts commit 14e8903e922fa22e28450520be3b6152be6a3a8f.

Revert "Bug 1821005 - Upgrade Gradle to 8.3 version."

This reverts commit f14f447a4d43588d24e4ca3efde0668ddcf7cf08.
7 months ago
app Bug 1821005 - Revert Gradle 8 upgrade due to startup crashes 7 months ago
automation Bug 1858607 - Top sites TestRail matching 8 months ago
benchmark Bug 1849833 - Replace all with configureEach. 9 months ago
certificates [fenix] Adds certificates to repository 5 years ago
config Bug 1848527 - Part 1: Enable OutdatedDocumentation detekt rule in Fenix 8 months ago
docs Bug 1825116 - delete trailing whitespace from docs 9 months ago
fastlane [fenix] For - UI screenshots tests update ( 4 years ago
gradle/wrapper Bug 1821005 - Revert Gradle 8 upgrade due to startup crashes 7 months ago
mozilla-detekt-rules Bug 1837107 - Unify FenixDependencies with AC's DependenciesPlugin 12 months ago
mozilla-lint-rules Bug 1821005 - Revert Gradle 8 upgrade due to startup crashes 7 months ago
plugins Bug 1821005 - Revert Gradle 8 upgrade due to startup crashes 7 months ago
tools Bug 1825116 - Reformat some python files with black and avoid 'bare except' ruff warnings 11 months ago
.adjust_token [fenix] Fixes Integrate Adjust SDK (for Greenfield flavor) 5 years ago
.buildconfig.yml Bug 1834820 - Add RemoteSettings downloader class 8 months ago
.editorconfig [fenix] For - Remove import-ordering from the list of disabled ktlint rules 2 years ago
.gitattributes [fenix] Adds a gitattribute file to manage changelog merges 5 years ago Bug 1825116 - Resolve many black, isort, and file-whitespace lint issues 1 year ago
Gemfile [fenix] Adding l10n screenshot tests for Fenix ( 5 years ago
Jenkinsfile [fenix] Fixes - Rename master branch to main ( 3 years ago Bug 1832711 - Update readme and docs for how to use local GV in Fenix 1 year ago [fenix] Update 2 years ago
bors.toml [fenix] Issue - Add back non-blocking bors to trigger CI on contributor PRs ( ( 4 years ago
build.gradle Bug 1821005 - Revert Gradle 8 upgrade due to startup crashes 7 months ago
codecov.yml [fenix] No issue: Add threshold to codecov ( 5 years ago
detekt-baseline.xml Bug 1849073 - Part 1: Remove the Bookmark Search Dialog 8 months ago Bug 1821005 - Revert Gradle 8 upgrade due to startup crashes 7 months ago
gradlew Bug 1821005 - Revert Gradle 8 upgrade due to startup crashes 7 months ago
gradlew.bat Bug 1857110 - Update Gradle to version 7.6.3 8 months ago
ktlint-baseline.xml Bug 1838903 - Fix Fenix formatting issues and update baseline 12 months ago
l10n.toml Import translations from android-l10n 1 year ago
settings.gradle Bug 1849833 - Use configureEach to avoid unnecessary configuration. 9 months ago

Firefox for Android

Task Status codecov

Fenix (internal codename) is the all-new Firefox for Android browser, based on GeckoView and Mozilla Android Components.

Get it on Google Play

Getting Involved

Please read the Community Participation Guidelines and the Bugzilla Etiquette guidelines before filing an issue. This is our professional working environment as much as it is our bug tracker, and we want to keep our workspace clean and healthy.

Beginners! - Watch out for Issues with the "Good First Issue" label. These are easy bugs that have been left for first timers to have a go, get involved and make a positive contribution to the project!

I want to open a Pull Request!

We encourage you to participate in this open source project. We love Pull Requests, Bug Reports, ideas, (security) code reviews or any other kind of positive contribution.

Since we are a small team, however, we do not have the bandwidth to review unsolicited PRs. Please follow our Pull Request guidelines, or we may close the PR.

To make it easier to review, we have these PR requirements:

  • Every PR must have exactly one issue associated with it.
  • Write a clear explanation of what the code is doing when opening the pull request, and optionally add comments to the PR.
  • Make sure there are tests - or ask for help on how the code should be tested in the Issue!
  • Keep PRs small and to the point. For extra code-health changes, either file a separate issue, or make it a separate PR that can be easily reviewed.
  • Use micro-commits. This makes it easier and faster to review.
  • Add a screenshot for UX changes (this is part of the PR checklist)

As a small team, we have to prioritize our work, and reviewing PRs takes time. We receive lots of PRs every day, so if you can keep your PRs small, it helps our small team review and merge code faster, minimizing stale code.

Keep in mind that the team is very overloaded, so PRs sometimes wait for a very long time. However this is not for lack of interest, but because we find ourselves in a constant need to prioritize certain issues/PRs over others. If you think your issue/PR is very important, try to popularize it by getting other users to comment and share their point of view.

I want to file an issue!

Great! We encourage you to participate in this open source project. We love Pull Requests, Bug Reports, ideas, (security) code reviews or any other kind of positive contribution.

To make it easier to triage, we have these issue requirements:

  • Please do your best to search for duplicate issues before filing a new issue so we can keep our issue board clean.
  • Every issue should have exactly one bug/feature request described in it. Please do not file meta feedback list tickets as it is difficult to parse them and address their individual points.
  • Feature Requests are better when theyre open-ended instead of demanding a specific solution -ie “I want an easier way to do X” instead of “add Y”
  • Issues are not the place to go off topic or debate. If you have questions, please join the channel.
  • Please always remember our Community Participation Guidelines
  • Please do not tag specific team members to try to get your issue looked at faster. We have a triage process that will tag and label issues correctly in due time. If you think an issue is very severe, you can ask about it in Matrix.

Please keep in mind that even though a feature you have in mind may seem like a small ask, as a small team, we have to prioritize our planned work and every new feature adds complexity and maintenance and may take up design, research, marketing, product, and engineering time. We appreciate everyones passion but we will not be able to incorporate every feature request or even fix every bug. That being said, just because we haven't replied, doesn't mean we don't care about the issue, please be patient with our response times as we're very busy.

Build Instructions


  • Android SDK
  • To run command line tools, you'll need to configure Java: see our how-to guide.
  1. Clone or Download the repository:
git clone
  1. Import the project into Android Studio or build on the command line:
./gradlew clean app:assembleDebug

If this errors out, make sure that you have an ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable pointing to the right path.

  1. Make sure to select the correct build variant in Android Studio. See the next section.

  2. Make sure to select "Default APK" under Installation Options inside Run/Debug configuration: see this bug.

Build Variants

For general development, we recommend the debug build variant. Here's an explanation of each variant:

  • debug: the default for developers, similar to most other Android apps. It is debuggable, uses a Nightly GeckoView with debug symbols, adds tools like LeakCanary for troublingshooting, and does not strip unused code.
  • nightly: what we ship to the Firefox Nightly channel, using GeckoView Nightly.
  • beta: what we ship to the Firefox Beta channel, using GeckoView Beta. It is more stable than nightly.
  • release: what we ship as Firefox for Android, using GeckoView Release. It is the most stable.

nightly, beta, and release are unsigned and debuggable=false by default. If you want these variants to be:

Performance Build Variants

For accurate performance measurements, read this section!

To analyze performance during local development build a production variant locally (this could either be the Nightly, beta or release). Otherwise, you could also grab a pre-existing APK if you don't need to test some local changes. Then, use the Firefox profiler to profile what you need!

For more information on how to use the profiler or how to use the build, refer to this how to measure performance with the build

If you want to run performance tests/benchmarks in automation or locally use a production build since it is much closer in behavior compared to what users see in the wild.

Before you can install any release builds, You will need to sign production build variants: see Automatically signing release builds for details.

Known disabled-by-default features

Some features are disabled by default when Fenix is built locally. This can be problematic at times for checking performance since you might want to know how your code behaves with those features. The known features that are disabled by default are:

  • Sentry
  • Adjust
  • Mozilla Location Services (also known as MLS)
  • Firebase Push Services
  • Telemetry (only disabled by default in debug builds)
  • Nimbus

Pre-push hooks

To reduce review turn-around time, we'd like all pushes to run tests locally. We'd recommend you use our provided pre-push hook in config/ Using this hook will guarantee your hook gets updated as the repository changes. This hook tries to run as much as possible without taking too much time.

Before you can run the hook, you'll need to configure Java properly because it relies on command line tools: see our how-to guide.

To add it on Mac/Linux, run this command from the project root:

ln -s ../../config/ .git/hooks/pre-push

or for Windows run this command using the Command Prompt with administrative privileges:

mklink .git\hooks\pre-push ..\..\config\

or using PowerShell:

New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path .git\hooks\pre-push -Value (Resolve-Path config\

To push without running the pre-push hook (e.g. doc updates):

git push <remote> --no-verify

Note: If while pushing you encounter this error "Could not initialize class org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper" and are currently on Java14 then downgrading your Java version to Java13 or lower can resolve the issue

Steps to downgrade Java Version on Mac with Brew:

  1. Install Homebrew (
  2. run brew update
  3. To uninstall your current java version, run sudo rm -fr /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/<jdk-version>
  4. run brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
  5. run brew search java
  6. If you see java11, then run brew install java11
  7. Verify java-version by running java -version helpers

You can speed up local development by setting a few helper flags available in Some flags will make it easy to work across multiple layers of the dependency stack - specifically, with android-components, geckoview or application-services.

Automatically sign release builds

To sign your release builds with your debug key automatically, add the following to <proj-root>/


With this line, release build variants will automatically be signed with your debug key (like debug builds), allowing them to be built and installed directly through Android Studio or the command line.

This is helpful when you're building release variants frequently, for example to test feature flags and or do performance analyses.

Building debuggable release variants

Nightly, Beta and Release variants are getting published to Google Play and therefore are not debuggable. To locally create debuggable builds of those variants, add the following to <proj-root>/


Setting raptor manifest flag

To set the raptor manifest flag in Nightly, Beta and Release variants, add the following to <proj-root>/


Auto-publication workflow for application-services and glean

If you're making changes to these projects and want to test them in Fenix, auto-publication workflow is the fastest, most reliable way to do that.

In, specify a relative path to your local glean and/or application-services projects. E.g.:

  • autoPublish.glean.dir=../glean
  • autoPublish.application-services.dir=../application-services

Once these flags are set, your Fenix builds will include any local modifications present in these projects.

See a demo of auto-publication workflow in action.

In order to build successfully, you need to check out a commit in the dependency repository that has no breaking changes. The two best ways to do this are:

  • Run the <android-components>/tools/ script to output a compatible commit
  • Check out the latest commit from main in this repository and the dependency repository. However, this may fail if there were breaking changes added recently to the dependency.

If you're trying to build fenix with a local ac AND a local GV, you'll have to use another method: see this doc.

Using Nimbus servers during local development

If you're working with the Nimbus experiments platform, by default for local development Fenix configures Nimbus to not use a server.

If you wish to use a Nimbus server during local development, you can add a https:// or file:// endpoint to the file.

  • nimbus.remote-settings.url

Testing experimental branches should be possible without a server.

Using custom Glean servers during local development

If you wish to use a custom Glean server during local development, you can add a https:// endpoint to the file.

  • glean.custom.server.url


For building with a local checkout of mozilla-central see Substituting Local GeckoView


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