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163 lines
2.9 KiB

return {
com = {
north = ";",
northeast = "(",
northwest = "\\",
east = "?",
west = "¿",
prd = {
north = ":",
northeast = ")",
northwest = "/",
east = "",
west = "!",
_at = {
north = "",
northeast = "",
northwest = "",
_A_ = {
north = "Ä",
northeast = "Á",
northwest = "À",
east = "Â",
west = "Ã",
south = "Ą",
southeast = "Æ",
southwest = "Å",
_a_ = {
north = "ä",
northeast = "á",
northwest = "à",
east = "â",
west = "ã",
south = "ą",
southeast = "æ",
southwest = "å",
_B_ = {
north = "Β",
northeast = "β",
northwest = "",
_b_ = {
north = "Β",
northeast = "β",
northwest = "",
_D_ = {
north = "Đ",
northeast = "Ð",
northwest = "Ď",
east = "Δ",
_d_ = {
north = "đ",
northeast = "ð",
northwest = "ď",
east = "δ",
_E_ = {
north = "Ë",
northeast = "É",
northwest = "È",
east = "Ê",
west = "",
south = "Ę",
southeast = "",
southwest = "Ė",
_e_ = {
north = "ë",
northeast = "é",
northwest = "è",
east = "ê",
west = "",
south = "ę",
southeast = "",
southwest = "ė",
_S_ = {
north = "",
northeast = "Ś",
northwest = "ſ",
east = "Ŝ",
west = "Š",
south = "Ş",
southeast = "$",
southwest = "",
_s_ = {
north = "ß",
northeast = "ś",
northwest = "ſ",
east = "ŝ",
west = "š",
south = "ş",
southeast = "$",
southwest = "",
_T_ = {
north = "θ",
northeast = "Þ",
northwest = "Ț",
east = "Ʈ",
west = "Ť",
south = "Ţ",
southeast = "ʈ",
southwest = "",
_t_ = {
north = "θ",
northeast = "þ",
northwest = "ț",
east = "Ʈ",
west = "ť",
south = "ţ",
southeast = "ʈ",
southwest = "",