You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

203 lines
6.4 KiB

Chinese stroke-based input method for Lua/KOReader.
Uses five basic strokes plus a wildcard stroke to input Chinese characters.
Supports both simplified and traditional.
Characters hardcoded on keys are uniform, no translation needed.
In-place candidates can be turned off in keyboard settings.
A Separation key is used to finish inputting a character.
A Switch key is used to iterate candidates.
Stroke-wise deletion (input not finished) mapped to the default Del key.
Character-wise deletion mapped to north of Separation key.
local IME = require("frontend/ui/data/keyboardlayouts/generic_ime")
local util = require("util")
local JA = require("ui/data/keyboardlayouts/ja_keyboard_keys")
local _ = require("gettext")
local SHOW_CANDI_KEY = "keyboard_chinese_stroke_show_candidates"
local s_3 = { alt_label = "%°#", "3", west = "%", north = "°", east = "#" }
local s_8 = { alt_label = "&-/", "8", west = "&", north = "-", east = "/" }
local comma_popup = { "",
north = "",
alt_label = "",
northeast = "",
northwest = "",
east = "",
west = "",
south = ",",
southeast = "",
southwest = "",
local period_popup = { "",
north = "",
alt_label = "",
northeast = "",
northwest = "",
east = "",
west = "",
south = ".",
southeast = "",
southwest = "",
local H = "H" -- stroke_h 横
local I = "I" -- stroke_s 竖
local J = "J" -- stroke_p 撇
local K = "K" -- stroke_n 捺
local L = "L" -- stroke_z 折
local W = "`" -- wildcard, * is not used because it can be input from symbols
local genMenuItems = function(self)
return {
text = _("Show character candidates"),
checked_func = function()
return G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue(SHOW_CANDI_KEY)
callback = function()
local code_map = require("frontend/ui/data/keyboardlayouts/zh_stroke_data")
local ime = IME:new{
code_map = code_map,
key_map = {
[""] = H,
[""] = I,
[""] = J,
[""] = K,
[""] = L,
[W] = W, -- wildcard
iter_map = {
H = I,
I = J,
J = K,
K = L,
L = H,
iter_map_last_key = L,
show_candi_callback = function()
return G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue(SHOW_CANDI_KEY)
separator = "分隔",
switch_char = "下一字",
W = W -- has wildcard function
local wrappedAddChars = function(inputbox, char)
ime:wrappedAddChars(inputbox, char)
local function separate(inputbox)
local function wrappedDelChar(inputbox)
local function clear_stack()
local wrapInputBox = function(inputbox)
if inputbox._zh_stroke_wrapped == nil then
inputbox._zh_stroke_wrapped = true
local wrappers = {}
-- Wrap all of the navigation and non-single-character-input keys with
-- a callback to clear the tap window, but pass through to the
-- original function.
-- -- Delete text.
table.insert(wrappers, util.wrapMethod(inputbox, "delChar", wrappedDelChar, nil))
table.insert(wrappers, util.wrapMethod(inputbox, "delToStartOfLine", nil, clear_stack))
table.insert(wrappers, util.wrapMethod(inputbox, "clear", nil, clear_stack))
-- -- Navigation.
table.insert(wrappers, util.wrapMethod(inputbox, "leftChar", nil, separate))
table.insert(wrappers, util.wrapMethod(inputbox, "rightChar", nil, separate))
table.insert(wrappers, util.wrapMethod(inputbox, "upLine", nil, separate))
table.insert(wrappers, util.wrapMethod(inputbox, "downLine", nil, separate))
-- -- Move to other input box.
table.insert(wrappers, util.wrapMethod(inputbox, "unfocus", nil, separate))
table.insert(wrappers, util.wrapMethod(inputbox, "onCloseKeyboard", nil, separate))
-- -- Gestures to move cursor.
table.insert(wrappers, util.wrapMethod(inputbox, "onTapTextBox", nil, separate))
table.insert(wrappers, util.wrapMethod(inputbox, "onHoldTextBox", nil, separate))
table.insert(wrappers, util.wrapMethod(inputbox, "onSwipeTextBox", nil, separate))
-- -- Others
table.insert(wrappers, util.wrapMethod(inputbox, "onSwitchingKeyboardLayout", nil, separate))
-- addChars is the only method we need a more complicated wrapper for.
table.insert(wrappers, util.wrapMethod(inputbox, "addChars", wrappedAddChars, nil))
return function()
if inputbox._zh_stroke_wrapped then
for _, wrapper in ipairs(wrappers) do
inputbox._zh_stroke_wrapped = nil
return {
min_layer = 1,
max_layer = 4,
symbolmode_keys = {["123"] = true},
utf8mode_keys = {["🌐"] = true},
keys = {
-- first row
{ label = "123" },
{ "", { label = "", "", north="——"}, "", JA.s_1 },
{ "", { label = "", ""}, "", JA.s_2 },
{ "", { label = "丿", ""}, "", s_3 },
{ label = "", bold = false } -- backspace
-- second row
{ label = "" },
{ "", { label = "", "", north="" }, "", JA.s_4 },
{ "", { label = "𠃋", "" }, "", JA.s_5 },
{ "", { ime.separator, north=ime.local_del, alt_label=ime.local_del }, "", JA.s_6 },
{ label = "" },
-- third row
{ label = "" },
{ "", ime.switch_char, "", JA.s_7 },
{ "", comma_popup, "", s_8 },
{ "", period_popup, "", JA.s_9 },
{ label = "" },
-- fourth row
{ label = "🌐" },
{ label = "空格", " ", " ", " ", " ", width = 2.0 },
{ "", { label = "", W }, "", JA.s_0 },
{ label = "", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", bold = true }, -- return
wrapInputBox = wrapInputBox,
genMenuItems = genMenuItems,