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Trapper module: provides methods for simple interaction with UI,
without the need for explicit callbacks, for use by linear jobs
between their steps.
Allows code to trap UI (give progress info to UI, ask for user choice),
or get trapped by UI (get interrupted).
Mostly done with coroutines, but hides their usage for simplicity.
local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox")
local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage")
local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager")
local logger = require("logger")
local _ = require("gettext")
local Trapper = {}
Executes a function and allows it to be trapped (that is: to use our
other methods).
Simple wrapper function for a coroutine, which is a prerequisite
for all our methods (this simply abstracts the @{coroutine}
business to our callers), and execute it.
(If some code is not wrap()'ed, most of the other methods, when called,
will simply log or fallback to a non-UI action or OK choice.)
This call should be the last step in some event processing code,
as it may return early (the first @{coroutine.yield|coroutine.yield()} in any of the other
methods will return from this function), and later be resumed by @{ui.uimanager|UIManager}.
So any following (unwrapped) code would be then executed while `func`
is half-done, with unintended consequences.
@param func function reference to function to wrap and execute
function Trapper:wrap(func)
-- Catch and log any error happening in func (an error happening
-- in a coroutine just aborts silently the coroutine)
local pcalled_func = function()
-- we use xpcall as it can give a whole stacktrace, unlike pcall
local ok, err = xpcall(func, debug.traceback)
if not ok then
logger.warn("error in wrapped function:", err)
return false
return true
-- As a coroutine, we will return at first coroutine.yield(),
-- and the above true/false won't probably be caught by
-- any code, but let's do it anyway.
local co = coroutine.create(pcalled_func)
return coroutine.resume(co)
--- Returns if code is wrapped
-- @treturn boolean true if code is wrapped by Trapper, false otherwise
function Trapper:isWrapped()
if coroutine.running() then
return true
return false
--- Clears left-over widget
function Trapper:clear()
if self:isWrapped() then
if self.current_widget then
self.current_widget = nil
--- Clears left-over widget and resets Trapper state
function Trapper:reset()
-- Reset some properties
self.paused_text = nil
self.paused_continue_text = nil
self.paused_abort_text = nil
return true
Displays an InfoMessage, and catches dismissal.
Display a InfoMessage with text, or keep existing InfoMessage if text = nil,
and return true.
UNLESS the previous widget was itself a InfoMessage and it has been
dismissed (by Tap on the screen), in which case the new InfoMessage
is not displayed, and false is returned.
One can only know a InfoMessage has been dismissed when trying to
display a new one (we can't do better than that with coroutines).
So, don't hesitate to call it regularly (each call costs 100ms), between
steps of the work, to provide good responsiveness.
Trapper:info() is a shortcut to get dismiss info while keeping
the existing InfoMessage displayed.
@string text text to display as an InfoMessage (or nil to keep existing one)
@treturn boolean true if InfoMessage was not dismissed, false if dismissed
Trapper:info("some text about step or progress")
go_on = Trapper:info()
function Trapper:info(text)
local _coroutine = coroutine.running()
if not _coroutine then"unwrapped info:", text)
return true -- not dismissed
if self.current_widget and self.current_widget.is_infomessage then
-- We are replacing a InfoMessage with a new InfoMessage: we want to check
-- if the previous one was dismissed.
-- We added a dismiss_callback to our previous InfoMessage. For a Tap
-- to get processed and get our dismiss_callback called, we need to give
-- control for a short time to UIManager: this will be done with
-- the coroutine.yield() that follows.
-- If no dismiss_callback was fired, we need to get this code resumed:
-- that will be done with the following go_on_func schedule in 0.1 second.
local go_on_func = function() coroutine.resume(_coroutine, true) end
-- delay matters: 0.05 or 0.1 seems fine
-- 0.01 is too fast: go_on_func is called before our dismiss_callback is processed
UIManager:scheduleIn(0.1, go_on_func)
local go_on = coroutine.yield() -- gives control back to UIManager
-- go_on is the 2nd arg given to the coroutine.resume() that got us resumed:
-- false if it was a dismiss_callback
-- true if it was the schedule go_on_func
if not go_on then -- dismiss_callback called
UIManager:unschedule(go_on_func) -- no more need for this scheduled action
-- Don't just return false without confirmation (this tap may have been
-- made by error, and we don't want to just cancel a long running job)
local abort_box = ConfirmBox:new{
text = self.paused_text and self.paused_text or _("Paused"),
-- ok and cancel reversed, as tapping outside will
-- get cancel_callback called: if tap outside was the
-- result of a tap error, we want to continue. Cancelling
-- will need an explicit tap on the ok_text button.
cancel_text = self.paused_continue_text and self.paused_continue_text or _("Continue"),
ok_text = self.paused_abort_text and self.paused_abort_text or _("Abort"),
cancel_callback = function()
coroutine.resume(_coroutine, true)
ok_callback = function()
coroutine.resume(_coroutine, false)
-- no need to forceRePaint, UIManager will do it when we yield()
go_on = coroutine.yield() -- abort_box ok/cancel from their coroutine.resume()
if not go_on then
return false
if self.current_widget then
-- Re-show current widget that was dismissed
-- (this is fine for our simple InfoMessage)
-- go_on_func returned result = true, or abort_box did not abort:
-- continue processing
-- TODO We should try to flush any pending tap, so past
-- events won't be considered action on the yet to be displayed
-- widget
-- We're going to display a new widget, close previous one
if self.current_widget then
-- no repaint here, we'll do that below when a new one is shown
-- dismiss_callback will be checked for at start of next call
self.current_widget = InfoMessage:new{
text = text,
dismiss_callback = function()
coroutine.resume(_coroutine, false)
is_infomessage = true -- flag on our InfoMessages
logger.dbg("Showing InfoMessage:", text)
return true
Overrides text and button texts on the Paused ConfirmBox.
A ConfirmBox is displayed when an InfoMessage is dismissed
in Trapper:info(), with default text "Paused", and default
buttons "Abort" and "Continue".
@string text ConfirmBox text (default: "Paused")
@string abort_text ConfirmBox "Abort" button text (Trapper:info() returns false)
@string continue_text ConfirmBox "Continue" button text
function Trapper:setPausedText(text, abort_text, continue_text)
if self:isWrapped() then
self.paused_text = text
self.paused_abort_text = abort_text
self.paused_continue_text = continue_text
Displays a ConfirmBox and gets user's choice.
Display a ConfirmBox with the text and cancel_text/ok_text buttons,
block and wait for user's choice, and return the choice made:
false if Cancel tapped or dismissed, true if OK tapped
@string text text to display in a ConfirmBox
@string cancel_text text for ConfirmBox Cancel button
@string ok_text text for ConfirmBox Ok button
@treturn boolean false if Cancel tapped or dismissed, true if OK tapped
go_on = Trapper:confirm("Do you want to go on?")
that_selected = Trapper:confirm("Do you want to do this or that?", "this", "that"))
function Trapper:confirm(text, cancel_text, ok_text)
-- With ConfirmBox, Cancel button is on the left, OK button on the right,
-- so buttons order is consistent with this function args
local _coroutine = coroutine.running()
if not _coroutine then"unwrapped confirm, returning true to:", text)
return true -- always select "OK" in ConfirmBox if no UI
-- TODO We should try to flush any pending tap, so past
-- events won't be considered action on the yet to be displayed
-- widget
-- Close any previous widget
if self.current_widget then
-- no repaint here, we'll do that below when a new one is shown
-- We will yield(), and both callbacks will resume() us
self.current_widget = ConfirmBox:new{
text = text,
ok_text = ok_text,
cancel_text = cancel_text,
cancel_callback = function()
coroutine.resume(_coroutine, false)
ok_callback = function()
coroutine.resume(_coroutine, true)
logger.dbg("Showing ConfirmBox and waiting for answer:", text)
-- no need to forceRePaint, UIManager will do it when we yield()
local ret = coroutine.yield() -- wait for ConfirmBox callback
logger.dbg("ConfirmBox answers", ret)
return ret
return Trapper