You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1316 lines
51 KiB

local BD = require("ui/bidi")
local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer")
local ButtonTable = require("ui/widget/buttontable")
local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer")
local CloseButton = require("ui/widget/closebutton")
local Device = require("device")
local Geom = require("ui/geometry")
local Event = require("ui/event")
local Font = require("ui/font")
local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer")
local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange")
local IconButton = require("ui/widget/iconbutton")
local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer")
local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog")
local LineWidget = require("ui/widget/linewidget")
local Math = require("optmath")
local MovableContainer = require("ui/widget/container/movablecontainer")
local OverlapGroup = require("ui/widget/overlapgroup")
local ScrollHtmlWidget = require("ui/widget/scrollhtmlwidget")
local ScrollTextWidget = require("ui/widget/scrolltextwidget")
local Size = require("ui/size")
local TextWidget = require("ui/widget/textwidget")
The great Input/GestureDetector/TimeVal spring cleanup (a.k.a., a saner main loop) (#7415) * ReaderDictionary: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderHighlight: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderView: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Android: Reset gesture detection state on APP_CMD_TERM_WINDOW. This prevents potentially being stuck in bogus gesture states when switching apps. * GestureDetector: * Port delay computations to TimeVal * Fixed delay computations to handle time warps (large and negative deltas). * Simplified timed callback handling to invalidate timers much earlier, preventing accumulating useless timers that no longer have any chance of ever detecting a gesture. * Fixed state clearing to handle the actual effective slots, instead of hard-coding slot 0 & slot 1. * Simplified timed callback handling in general, and added support for a timerfd backend for better performance and accuracy. * The improved timed callback handling allows us to detect and honor (as much as possible) the three possible clock sources usable by Linux evdev events. The only case where synthetic timestamps are used (and that only to handle timed callbacks) is limited to non-timerfd platforms where input events use a clock source that is *NOT* MONOTONIC. AFAICT, that's pretty much... PocketBook, and that's it? * Input: * Use the <linux/input.h> FFI module instead of re-declaring every constant * Fixed (verbose) debug logging of input events to actually translate said constants properly. * Completely reset gesture detection state on suspend. This should prevent bogus gesture detection on resume. * Refactored the waitEvent loop to make it easier to comprehend (hopefully) and much more efficient. Of specific note, it no longer does a crazy select spam every 100µs, instead computing and relying on sane timeouts, as afforded by switching the UI event/input loop to the MONOTONIC time base, and the refactored timed callbacks in GestureDetector. * reMarkable: Stopped enforcing synthetic timestamps on input events, as it should no longer be necessary. * TimeVal: * Refactored and simplified, especially as far as metamethods are concerned (based on <bsd/sys/time.h>). * Added a host of new methods to query the various POSIX clock sources, and made :now default to MONOTONIC. * Removed the debug guard in __sub, as time going backwards can be a perfectly normal occurrence. * New methods: * Clock sources: :realtime, :monotonic, :monotonic_coarse, :realtime_coarse, :boottime * Utility: :tonumber, :tousecs, :tomsecs, :fromnumber, :isPositive, :isZero * UIManager: * Ported event loop & scheduling to TimeVal, and switched to the MONOTONIC time base. This ensures reliable and consistent scheduling, as time is ensured never to go backwards. * Added a :getTime() method, that returns a cached TimeVal:now(), updated at the top of every UI frame. It's used throughout the codebase to cadge a syscall in circumstances where we are guaranteed that a syscall would return a mostly identical value, because very few time has passed. The only code left that does live syscalls does it because it's actually necessary for accuracy, and the only code left that does that in a REALTIME time base is code that *actually* deals with calendar time (e.g., Statistics). * DictQuickLookup: Port delay computations to TimeVal * FootNoteWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * HTMLBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Notification: Port delay computations to TimeVal * TextBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * AutoSuspend: Port to TimeVal * AutoTurn: * Fix it so that settings are actually honored. * Port to TimeVal * BackgroundRunner: Port to TimeVal * Calibre: Port benchmarking code to TimeVal * BookInfoManager: Removed unnecessary yield in the metadata extraction subprocess now that subprocesses get scheduled properly. * All in all, these changes reduced the CPU cost of a single tap by a factor of ten (!), and got rid of an insane amount of weird poll/wakeup cycles that must have been hell on CPU schedulers and batteries..
3 years ago
local TimeVal = require("ui/timeval")
local Translator = require("ui/translator")
local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager")
local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup")
local VerticalSpan = require("ui/widget/verticalspan")
local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer")
local logger = require("logger")
local util = require("util")
local _ = require("gettext")
local C_ = _.pgettext
local Input = Device.input
local Screen = Device.screen
local T = require("ffi/util").template
Display quick lookup word definition
local DictQuickLookup = InputContainer:new{
results = nil,
lookupword = nil,
dictionary = nil,
definition = nil,
displayword = nil,
images = nil,
is_wiki = false,
is_wiki_fullpage = false,
is_html = false,
dict_index = 1,
width = nil,
height = nil,
-- box of highlighted word, quick lookup window tries to not hide the word
word_box = nil,
-- refresh_callback will be called before we trigger full refresh in onSwipe
refresh_callback = nil,
html_dictionary_link_tapped_callback = nil,
local highlight_strings = {
highlight =_("Highlight"),
unhighlight = _("Unhighlight"),
function DictQuickLookup:canSearch()
if self:isDocless() then
return false
if self.is_wiki then
-- In the Wiki variant of this widget, the Search button is coopted to cycle between enabled languages.
if #self.wiki_languages > 1 then
return true
-- This is to prevent an ineffective button when we're launched from the Reader's menu.
if self.ui.highlight.selected_text then
return true
return false
function DictQuickLookup:init()
self.dict_font_size = G_reader_settings:readSetting("dict_font_size") or 20
self.content_face = Font:getFace("cfont", self.dict_font_size)
local font_size_alt = self.dict_font_size - 4
if font_size_alt < 8 then
font_size_alt = 8
self.image_alt_face = Font:getFace("cfont", font_size_alt)
if Device:hasKeys() then
self.key_events = {
ReadPrevResult = {{}, doc = "read prev result"},
ReadNextResult = {{}, doc = "read next result"},
Close = { {"Back"}, doc = "close quick lookup" }
if Device:isTouchDevice() then
local range = Geom:new{
x = 0, y = 0,
w = Screen:getWidth(),
h = Screen:getHeight(),
self.ges_events = {
Tap = {
ges = "tap",
range = range,
Swipe = {
ges = "swipe",
range = range,
-- This was for selection of a single word with simple hold
-- HoldWord = {
-- GestureRange:new{
-- ges = "hold",
-- range = function()
-- return self.region
-- end,
-- },
-- -- callback function when HoldWord is handled as args
-- args = function(word)
-- self.ui:handleEvent(
-- -- don't pass self.highlight to subsequent lookup, we want
-- -- the first to be the only one to unhighlight selection
-- -- when closed
-- Event:new("LookupWord", word, self.word_box))
-- end
-- },
-- Allow selection of one or more words (see textboxwidget.lua) :
HoldStartText = {
ges = "hold",
range = range,
HoldPanText = {
ges = "hold",
range = range,
HoldReleaseText = {
ges = "hold_release",
range = range,
-- callback function when HoldReleaseText is handled as args
args = function(text, hold_duration)
local lookup_target
The great Input/GestureDetector/TimeVal spring cleanup (a.k.a., a saner main loop) (#7415) * ReaderDictionary: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderHighlight: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderView: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Android: Reset gesture detection state on APP_CMD_TERM_WINDOW. This prevents potentially being stuck in bogus gesture states when switching apps. * GestureDetector: * Port delay computations to TimeVal * Fixed delay computations to handle time warps (large and negative deltas). * Simplified timed callback handling to invalidate timers much earlier, preventing accumulating useless timers that no longer have any chance of ever detecting a gesture. * Fixed state clearing to handle the actual effective slots, instead of hard-coding slot 0 & slot 1. * Simplified timed callback handling in general, and added support for a timerfd backend for better performance and accuracy. * The improved timed callback handling allows us to detect and honor (as much as possible) the three possible clock sources usable by Linux evdev events. The only case where synthetic timestamps are used (and that only to handle timed callbacks) is limited to non-timerfd platforms where input events use a clock source that is *NOT* MONOTONIC. AFAICT, that's pretty much... PocketBook, and that's it? * Input: * Use the <linux/input.h> FFI module instead of re-declaring every constant * Fixed (verbose) debug logging of input events to actually translate said constants properly. * Completely reset gesture detection state on suspend. This should prevent bogus gesture detection on resume. * Refactored the waitEvent loop to make it easier to comprehend (hopefully) and much more efficient. Of specific note, it no longer does a crazy select spam every 100µs, instead computing and relying on sane timeouts, as afforded by switching the UI event/input loop to the MONOTONIC time base, and the refactored timed callbacks in GestureDetector. * reMarkable: Stopped enforcing synthetic timestamps on input events, as it should no longer be necessary. * TimeVal: * Refactored and simplified, especially as far as metamethods are concerned (based on <bsd/sys/time.h>). * Added a host of new methods to query the various POSIX clock sources, and made :now default to MONOTONIC. * Removed the debug guard in __sub, as time going backwards can be a perfectly normal occurrence. * New methods: * Clock sources: :realtime, :monotonic, :monotonic_coarse, :realtime_coarse, :boottime * Utility: :tonumber, :tousecs, :tomsecs, :fromnumber, :isPositive, :isZero * UIManager: * Ported event loop & scheduling to TimeVal, and switched to the MONOTONIC time base. This ensures reliable and consistent scheduling, as time is ensured never to go backwards. * Added a :getTime() method, that returns a cached TimeVal:now(), updated at the top of every UI frame. It's used throughout the codebase to cadge a syscall in circumstances where we are guaranteed that a syscall would return a mostly identical value, because very few time has passed. The only code left that does live syscalls does it because it's actually necessary for accuracy, and the only code left that does that in a REALTIME time base is code that *actually* deals with calendar time (e.g., Statistics). * DictQuickLookup: Port delay computations to TimeVal * FootNoteWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * HTMLBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Notification: Port delay computations to TimeVal * TextBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * AutoSuspend: Port to TimeVal * AutoTurn: * Fix it so that settings are actually honored. * Port to TimeVal * BackgroundRunner: Port to TimeVal * Calibre: Port benchmarking code to TimeVal * BookInfoManager: Removed unnecessary yield in the metadata extraction subprocess now that subprocesses get scheduled properly. * All in all, these changes reduced the CPU cost of a single tap by a factor of ten (!), and got rid of an insane amount of weird poll/wakeup cycles that must have been hell on CPU schedulers and batteries..
3 years ago
if hold_duration < TimeVal:new{ sec = 3 } then
-- do this lookup in the same domain (dict/wikipedia)
lookup_target = self.is_wiki and "LookupWikipedia" or "LookupWord"
-- but allow switching domain with a long hold
lookup_target = self.is_wiki and "LookupWord" or "LookupWikipedia"
if lookup_target == "LookupWikipedia" then
-- don't pass self.highlight to subsequent lookup, we want
-- the first to be the only one to unhighlight selection
-- when closed
Event:new(lookup_target, text)
-- These will be forwarded to MovableContainer after some checks
ForwardingTouch = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "touch", range = range, }, },
ForwardingPan = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "pan", range = range, }, },
ForwardingPanRelease = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "pan_release", range = range, }, },
-- We no longer support setting a default dict with Tap on title.
-- self:changeToDefaultDict()
-- Now, dictionaries can be ordered (although not yet per-book), so trust the order set
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
self:changeDictionary(1, true) -- don't call update
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
-- And here comes the initial widget layout...
if self.is_wiki then
-- Keep a copy of self.wiki_languages for use
-- by DictQuickLookup:resyncWikiLanguages()
self.wiki_languages_copy = self.wiki_languages and {unpack(self.wiki_languages)} or nil
-- Bigger window if fullpage Wikipedia article being shown,
-- or when large windows for dict requested
local is_large_window = self.is_wiki_fullpage or G_reader_settings:isTrue("dict_largewindow")
if is_large_window then
self.width = Screen:getWidth() - 2*Size.margin.default
self.width = Screen:getWidth() - Screen:scaleBySize(80)
local frame_bordersize = Size.border.window
local inner_width = self.width - 2*frame_bordersize
-- Height will be computed below, after we build top an bottom
-- components, when we know how much height they are taking.
-- Dictionary title
-- (a bit convoluted with margin & padding but no border, but let's
-- do as other widgets to get the same look)
local title_margin = Size.margin.title
local title_padding = Size.padding.default
local title_width = inner_width - 2*title_padding -2*title_margin
local close_button = CloseButton:new{ window = self, padding_top = title_margin, }
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
self.dict_title_text = TextWidget:new{
text = self.displaydictname,
face = Font:getFace("x_smalltfont"),
bold = true,
max_width = title_width - close_button:getSize().w + close_button.padding_left
-- Allow text to eat on the CloseButton padding_left (which
-- is quite large to ensure a bigger tap area)
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
local dict_title_widget = self.dict_title_text
if self.is_wiki then
-- Visual hint: title left aligned for dict, but centered for Wikipedia
dict_title_widget = CenterContainer:new{
dimen = Geom:new{
w = title_width,
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
h = self.dict_title_text:getSize().h,
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
self.dict_title = FrameContainer:new{
margin = title_margin,
bordersize = 0,
padding = title_padding,
local title_bar = OverlapGroup:new{
dimen = {
w = inner_width,
h = self.dict_title:getSize().h
local title_sep = LineWidget:new{
dimen = Geom:new{
w = inner_width,
h = Size.line.thick,
-- This padding and the resulting width apply to the content
-- below the title: lookup word and definition
local content_padding_h = Size.padding.large
local content_padding_v = Size.padding.large -- added via VerticalSpan
self.content_width = inner_width - 2*content_padding_h
-- Spans between components
local top_to_word_span = VerticalSpan:new{ width = content_padding_v }
local word_to_definition_span = VerticalSpan:new{ width = content_padding_v }
local definition_to_bottom_span = VerticalSpan:new{ width = content_padding_v }
-- Lookup word
local word_font_face = "tfont"
-- Ensure this word doesn't get smaller than its definition
local word_font_size = math.max(22, self.dict_font_size)
-- Get the line height of the normal font size, as a base for sizing this component
if not self.word_line_height then
local test_widget = TextWidget:new{
text = "z",
face = Font:getFace(word_font_face, word_font_size),
self.word_line_height = test_widget:getSize().h
if self.is_wiki then
-- Wikipedia has longer titles, so use a smaller font,
word_font_size = math.max(18, self.dict_font_size)
local icon_size = Screen:scaleBySize(32)
local lookup_height = math.max(self.word_line_height, icon_size)
-- Edit button
local lookup_edit_button = IconButton:new{
icon = "edit",
width = icon_size,
height = icon_size,
padding = 0,
padding_left = Size.padding.small,
callback = function()
-- allow adjusting the queried word
hold_callback = function()
-- allow adjusting the current result word
overlap_align = "right",
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
show_parent = self,
local lookup_edit_button_w = lookup_edit_button:getSize().w
-- Nb of results (if set)
local lookup_word_nb
local lookup_word_nb_w = 0
if self.displaynb then
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
self.displaynb_text = TextWidget:new{
text = self.displaynb,
face = Font:getFace("cfont", word_font_size),
padding = 0, -- smaller height for better aligmnent with icon
lookup_word_nb = FrameContainer:new{
margin = 0,
bordersize = 0,
padding = 0,
padding_left = Size.padding.small,
padding_right = lookup_edit_button_w + Size.padding.default,
overlap_align = "right",
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
lookup_word_nb_w = lookup_word_nb:getSize().w
-- Lookup word
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
self.lookup_word_text = TextWidget:new{
text = self.displayword,
face = Font:getFace(word_font_face, word_font_size),
bold = true,
max_width = self.content_width - math.max(lookup_edit_button_w, lookup_word_nb_w),
padding = 0, -- to be aligned with lookup_word_nb
-- Group these 3 widgets
local lookup_word = OverlapGroup:new{
dimen = {
w = self.content_width,
h = lookup_height,
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
lookup_word_nb, -- last, as this might be nil
-- Different sets of buttons whether fullpage or not
local buttons
if self.is_wiki_fullpage then
-- A save and a close button
buttons = {
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
id = "save",
text = _("Save as EPUB"),
callback = function()
local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage")
local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox")
-- if forced_lang was specified, it may not be in our wiki_languages,
-- but ReaderWikipedia will have put it in result.lang
local lang = self.lang or self.wiki_languages_copy[1]
-- Find a directory to save file into
local dir
if G_reader_settings:isTrue("wikipedia_save_in_book_dir") and not self:isDocless() then
local last_file = G_reader_settings:readSetting("lastfile")
if last_file then
dir = last_file:match("(.*)/")
if not dir then dir = G_reader_settings:readSetting("wikipedia_save_dir")
or G_reader_settings:readSetting("home_dir")
or require("apps/filemanager/filemanagerutil").getDefaultDir() end
if not dir or not util.pathExists(dir) then
text = _("No folder to save article to could be found."),
-- Just to be safe (none of the invalid chars, except ':' for uninteresting
-- Portal: or File: wikipedia pages, should be in lookupword)
local filename = self.lookupword .. "."..string.upper(lang)..".epub"
filename = util.getSafeFilename(filename, dir):gsub("_", " ")
local epub_path = dir .. "/" .. filename
text = T(_("Save as %1?"), BD.filename(filename)),
ok_callback = function()
UIManager:scheduleIn(0.1, function()
local Wikipedia = require("ui/wikipedia")
Wikipedia:createEpubWithUI(epub_path, self.lookupword, lang, function(success)
if success then
text = T(_("Article saved to:\n%1\n\nWould you like to read the downloaded article now?"), BD.filepath(epub_path)),
ok_callback = function()
-- close all dict/wiki windows, without scheduleIn(highlight.clear())
-- close current ReaderUI in 1 sec, and create a new one
UIManager:scheduleIn(1.0, function()
if self.ui then
-- close Highlight menu if any still shown
if self.ui.highlight and self.ui.highlight.highlight_dialog then
text = _("Saving Wikipedia article failed or interrupted."),
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
id = "close",
text = _("Close"),
callback = function()
local prev_dict_text = "◁◁"
local next_dict_text = "▷▷"
if BD.mirroredUILayout() then
prev_dict_text, next_dict_text = next_dict_text, prev_dict_text
buttons = {
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
id = "prev_dict",
text = prev_dict_text,
vsync = true,
enabled = self:isPrevDictAvaiable(),
callback = function()
hold_callback = function()
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
id = "highlight",
text = self:getHighlightText(),
enabled = not self:isDocless() and self.highlight ~= nil,
callback = function()
if self:getHighlightText() == highlight_strings.highlight then
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
-- Just update, repaint and refresh *this* button
local this = self.button_table:getButtonById("highlight")
if not this then return end
this:enableDisable(self.highlight ~= nil)
this:setText(self:getHighlightText(), this.width)
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
id = "next_dict",
text = next_dict_text,
vsync = true,
enabled = self:isNextDictAvaiable(),
callback = function()
hold_callback = function()
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
id = "wikipedia",
-- if dictionary result, do the same search on wikipedia
-- if already wiki, get the full page for the current result
text_func = function()
if self.is_wiki then
-- @translators Full Wikipedia article.
return C_("Button", "Wikipedia full")
return _("Wikipedia")
callback = function()
UIManager:scheduleIn(0.1, function()
self:lookupWikipedia(self.is_wiki) -- will get_fullpage if is_wiki
-- Rotate thru available wikipedia languages, or Search in book if dict window
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
id = "search",
-- if more than one language, enable it and display "current lang > next lang"
-- otherwise, just display current lang
text = self.is_wiki
and ( #self.wiki_languages > 1 and BD.wrap(self.wiki_languages[1]).." > "..BD.wrap(self.wiki_languages[2])
or self.wiki_languages[1] ) -- (this " > " will be auro-mirrored by bidi)
or _("Search"),
enabled = self:canSearch(),
callback = function()
if self.is_wiki then
self:resyncWikiLanguages(true) -- rotate & resync them
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
id = "close",
text = _("Close"),
callback = function()
-- UIManager:close(self)
if not self.is_wiki and self.selected_link ~= nil then
-- If highlighting some word part of a link (which should be rare),
-- add a new first row with a single button to follow this link.
table.insert(buttons, 1, {
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
id = "link",
text = _("Follow Link"),
callback = function()
local link = or self.selected_link
-- Bottom buttons get a bit less padding so their line separators
-- reach out from the content to the borders a bit more
local buttons_padding = Size.padding.default
local buttons_width = inner_width - 2*buttons_padding
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
self.button_table = ButtonTable:new{
width = buttons_width,
button_font_face = "cfont",
button_font_size = 20,
buttons = buttons,
zero_sep = true,
show_parent = self,
-- Margin from screen edges
local margin_top = Size.margin.default
local margin_bottom = Size.margin.default
if self.ui and self.ui.view and self.ui.view.footer_visible then
-- We want to let the footer visible (as it can show time, battery level
-- and wifi state, which might be useful when spending time reading
-- definitions or wikipedia articles)
margin_bottom = margin_bottom + self.ui.view.footer:getHeight()
local avail_height = Screen:getHeight() - margin_top - margin_bottom
-- Region in which the window will be aligned center/top/bottom:
self.region = Geom:new{
x = 0,
y = margin_top,
w = Screen:getWidth(),
h = avail_height,
self.align = "center"
local others_height = frame_bordersize * 2 -- DictQuickLookup border
+ title_bar:getSize().h
+ title_sep:getSize().h
+ top_to_word_span:getSize().h
+ lookup_word:getSize().h
+ word_to_definition_span:getSize().h
+ definition_to_bottom_span:getSize().h
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
+ self.button_table:getSize().h
-- To properly adjust the definition to the height of text, we need
-- the line height a ScrollTextWidget will use for the current font
-- size (we'll then use this perfect height for ScrollTextWidget,
-- but also for ScrollHtmlWidget, where it doesn't matter).
if not self.definition_line_height then
local test_widget = ScrollTextWidget:new{
text = "z",
face = self.content_face,
width = self.content_width,
height = self.definition_height,
for_measurement_only = true, -- flag it as a dummy, so it won't trigger any bogus repaint/refresh...
self.definition_line_height = test_widget:getLineHeight()
if is_large_window then
-- Available height for definition + components
self.height = avail_height
self.definition_height = self.height - others_height
local nb_lines = math.floor(self.definition_height / self.definition_line_height)
self.definition_height = nb_lines * self.definition_line_height
local pad = self.height - others_height - self.definition_height
-- put that unused height on the above span
word_to_definition_span.width = word_to_definition_span.width + pad
-- Definition height was previously computed as 0.5*0.7*screen_height, so keep
-- it that way. Components will add themselves to that.
self.definition_height = math.floor(avail_height * 0.5 * 0.7)
-- But we want it to fit to the lines that will show, to avoid
-- any extra padding
local nb_lines = Math.round(self.definition_height / self.definition_line_height)
self.definition_height = nb_lines * self.definition_line_height
self.height = self.definition_height + others_height
if self.word_box then
-- Try to not hide the highlighted word. We don't want to always
-- get near it if we can stay center, so that more context around
-- the word is still visible with the dict result.
-- But if we were to be drawn over the word, move a bit if possible.
local box = self.word_box
-- Don't stick to the box, ensure a minimal padding between box and window
local box_dict_padding = Size.padding.small
local word_box_top = box.y - box_dict_padding
local word_box_bottom = box.y + box.h + box_dict_padding
local half_visible_height = (avail_height - self.height) / 2
if word_box_bottom > half_visible_height and word_box_top <= half_visible_height + self.height then
-- word would be covered by our centered window
if word_box_bottom <= avail_height - self.height then
-- Window can be moved just below word
self.region.y = word_box_bottom
self.region.h = self.region.h - word_box_bottom
self.align = "top"
elseif word_box_top > self.height then
-- Window can be moved just above word
self.region.y = 0
self.region.h = word_box_top
self.align = "bottom"
-- Instantiate self.text_widget
-- word definition
self.definition_widget = FrameContainer:new{
padding = 0,
padding_left = content_padding_h,
padding_right = content_padding_h,
margin = 0,
bordersize = 0,
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
self.dict_frame = FrameContainer:new{
radius = Size.radius.window,
bordersize = frame_bordersize,
padding = 0,
margin = 0,
background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE,
align = "left",
-- word
dimen = Geom:new{
w = inner_width,
h = lookup_word:getSize().h,
-- definition
dimen = Geom:new{
w = inner_width,
h = self.definition_widget:getSize().h,
-- buttons
dimen = Geom:new{
w = inner_width,
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
h = self.button_table:getSize().h,
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
self.movable = MovableContainer:new{
-- We'll handle these events ourselves, and call appropriate
-- MovableContainer's methods when we didn't process the event
ignore_events = {
-- These have effects over the definition widget, and may
-- or may not be processed by it
"swipe", "hold", "hold_release", "hold_pan",
-- These do not have direct effect over the definition widget,
-- but may happen while selecting text: we need to check
-- a few things before forwarding them
"touch", "pan", "pan_release",
self[1] = WidgetContainer:new{
align = self.align,
dimen = self.region,
Enable HW dithering in a few key places (#4541) * Enable HW dithering on supported devices (Clara HD, Forma; Oasis 2, PW4) * FileManager and co. (where appropriate, i.e., when covers are shown) * Book Status * Reader, where appropriate: * CRe: on pages whith image content (for over 7.5% of the screen area, should hopefully leave stuff like bullet points or small scene breaks alone). * Other engines: on user-request (in the gear tab of the bottom menu), via the new "Dithering" knob (will only appear on supported devices). * ScreenSaver * ImageViewer * Minimize repaints when flash_ui is enabled (by, almost everywhere, only repainting the flashing element, and not the toplevel window which hosts it). (The first pass of this involved fixing a few Button instances whose show_parent was wrong, in particular, chevrons in the FM & TopMenu). * Hunted down a few redundant repaints (unneeded setDirty("all") calls), either by switching the widget to nil when only a refresh was needed, and not a repaint, or by passing the appropritate widget to setDirty. (Note to self: Enable *verbose* debugging to catch broken setDirty calls via its post guard). There were also a few instances of 'em right behind a widget close. * Don't repaint the underlying widget when initially showing TopMenu & ConfigDialog. We unfortunately do need to do it when switching tabs, because of their variable heights. * On Kobo, disabled the extra and completely useless full refresh before suspend/reboot/poweroff, as well as on resume. No more double refreshes! * Fix another debug guard in Kobo sysfs_light * Switch ImageWidget & ImageViewer mostly to "ui" updates, which will be better suited to image content pretty much everywhere, REAGL or not. PS: (Almost :100: commits! :D)
5 years ago
UIManager:setDirty(self, function()
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
return "partial", self.dict_frame.dimen
-- Whether currently DictQuickLookup is working without a document.
function DictQuickLookup:isDocless()
return self.ui == nil or self.ui.highlight == nil
function DictQuickLookup:getHtmlDictionaryCss()
-- Using Noto Sans because Nimbus doesn't contain the IPA symbols.
-- 'line-height: 1.3' to have it similar to textboxwidget,
-- and follow user's choice on justification
local css_justify = G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("dict_justify") and "text-align: justify;" or ""
local css = [[
@page {
margin: 0;
font-family: 'Noto Sans';
body {
margin: 0;
line-height: 1.3;
blockquote, dd {
margin: 0 1em;
-- MuPDF doesn't currently scale CSS pixels, so we have to use a font-size based measurement.
-- Unfortunately MuPDF doesn't properly support `rem` either, which it bases on a hard-coded
-- value of `16px`, so we have to go with `em` (or `%`).
-- These `em`-based margins can vary slightly, but it's the best available compromise.
-- We also keep left and right margin the same so it'll display as expected in RTL.
-- Because MuPDF doesn't currently support `margin-start`, this results in a slightly
-- unconventional but hopefully barely noticeable right margin for <dd>.
if self.css then
return css .. self.css
return css
-- Used in init & update to instantiate the Scroll*Widget that self.text_widget points to
function DictQuickLookup:_instantiateScrollWidget()
if self.is_html then
self.shw_widget = ScrollHtmlWidget:new{
html_body = self.definition,
css = self:getHtmlDictionaryCss(),
default_font_size = Screen:scaleBySize(self.dict_font_size),
width = self.content_width,
height = self.definition_height,
dialog = self,
html_link_tapped_callback = function(link)
self.html_dictionary_link_tapped_callback(self.dictionary, link)
self.text_widget = self.shw_widget
self.stw_widget = ScrollTextWidget:new{
text = self.definition,
face = self.content_face,
width = self.content_width,
height = self.definition_height,
dialog = self,
justified = G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("dict_justify"), -- allow for disabling justification
lang = self.lang and self.lang:lower(), -- only available on wikipedia results
para_direction_rtl = self.rtl_lang, -- only available on wikipedia results
auto_para_direction = not self.is_wiki, -- only for dict results (we don't know their lang)
image_alt_face = self.image_alt_face,
images = self.images,
self.text_widget = self.stw_widget
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
function DictQuickLookup:update()
-- self[1] is a WidgetContainer, its free method will call free on each of its child widget with a free method.
-- Here, that's the definitions' TextBoxWidget & HtmlBoxWidget,
-- to release their bb, MuPDF instance, and scheduled image_update_action.
-- Update TextWidgets
if self.displaynb then
-- Update Buttons
if not self.is_wiki_fullpage then
local prev_dict_btn = self.button_table:getButtonById("prev_dict")
if prev_dict_btn then
local next_dict_btn = self.button_table:getButtonById("next_dict")
if next_dict_btn then
-- Update main text widgets
if self.is_html and self.shw_widget then
-- Re-use our ScrollHtmlWidget (self.shw_widget)
-- NOTE: The recursive free via our WidgetContainer (self[1]) above already released the previous MµPDF document instance ;)
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
self.text_widget.htmlbox_widget:setContent(self.definition, self:getHtmlDictionaryCss(), Screen:scaleBySize(self.dict_font_size))
-- Scroll back to top
elseif not self.is_html and self.stw_widget then
-- Re-use our ScrollTextWidget (self.stw_widget)
-- Update properties that may change across results (as done in DictQuickLookup:_instantiateScrollWidget())
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
self.text_widget.text_widget.text = self.definition
self.text_widget.text_widget.lang = self.lang and self.lang:lower()
self.text_widget.text_widget.para_direction_rtl = self.rtl_lang
self.text_widget.text_widget.images = self.images
-- Scroll back to the top, àla TextBoxWidget:scrollToTop
self.text_widget.text_widget.virtual_line_num = 1
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
-- NOTE: The recursive free via our WidgetContainer (self[1]) above already free'd us ;)
-- Reset the scrollbar's state
-- We jumped from HTML to Text (or vice-versa), we need a new widget instance
-- Update *all* the references to self.text_widget
self.definition_widget[1] = self.text_widget
-- Destroy the previous "opposite type" widget
if self.is_html then
self.stw_widget = nil
self.shw_widget = nil
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
-- If we're translucent, reset alpha to make the new definition actually readable.
if self.movable.alpha then
self.movable.alpha = nil
UIManager:setDirty(self, function()
return "partial", self.dict_frame.dimen
function DictQuickLookup:getInitialVisibleArea()
-- Some positionning happens only at paintTo() time, but we want
-- to know this before. So, do a bit like WidgetContainer does
-- (without any MovableContainer offset)
local dict_size = self.dict_frame:getSize()
local area = Geom:new{
w = dict_size.w,
h = dict_size.h,
x = self.region.x + math.floor((self.region.w - dict_size.w)/2)
if self.align == "top" then
area.y = self.region.y
elseif self.align == "bottom" then
area.y = self.region.y + self.region.h - dict_size.h
elseif self.align == "center" then
area.x = self.region.y + math.floor((self.region.h - dict_size.h)/2)
return area
function DictQuickLookup:onCloseWidget()
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
-- Our TextBoxWidget/HtmlBoxWidget/TextWidget/ImageWidget are proper child widgets,
-- so this event will propagate to 'em, and they'll free their resources.
-- What's left is stuff that isn't directly in our widget tree...
if self.images_cleanup_needed then
logger.dbg("freeing lookup results images blitbuffers")
for _, r in ipairs(self.results) do
if r.images and #r.images > 0 then
for _, im in ipairs(r.images) do
if then end
if im.hi_bb then im.hi_bb:free() end
-- NOTE: Drop region to make it a full-screen flash
UIManager:setDirty(nil, function()
return "flashui", nil
return true
function DictQuickLookup:onShow()
UIManager:setDirty(self, function()
return "flashui", self.dict_frame.dimen
return true
function DictQuickLookup:getHighlightedItem()
if self:isDocless() then return end
return self.ui.highlight:getHighlightBookmarkItem()
function DictQuickLookup:getHighlightText()
local item = self:getHighlightedItem()
if not item then
return highlight_strings.highlight, false
elseif self.ui.bookmark:isBookmarkAdded(item) then
return highlight_strings.unhighlight, false
return highlight_strings.highlight, true
function DictQuickLookup:isPrevDictAvaiable()
return self.dict_index > 1
function DictQuickLookup:isNextDictAvaiable()
return self.dict_index < #self.results
function DictQuickLookup:changeToPrevDict()
if self:isPrevDictAvaiable() then
self:changeDictionary(self.dict_index - 1)
elseif #self.results > 1 then -- restart at end if first reached
function DictQuickLookup:changeToNextDict()
if self:isNextDictAvaiable() then
self:changeDictionary(self.dict_index + 1)
elseif #self.results > 1 then -- restart at first if end reached
function DictQuickLookup:changeToFirstDict()
if self:isPrevDictAvaiable() then
function DictQuickLookup:changeToLastDict()
if self:isNextDictAvaiable() then
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
function DictQuickLookup:changeDictionary(index, skip_update)
if not self.results[index] then return end
self.dict_index = index
self.dictionary = self.results[index].dict
self.lookupword = self.results[index].word
self.definition = self.results[index].definition
self.is_wiki_fullpage = self.results[index].is_wiki_fullpage
self.is_html = self.results[index].is_html
self.css = self.results[index].css
self.lang = self.results[index].lang
self.rtl_lang = self.results[index].rtl_lang
self.images = self.results[index].images
if self.images and #self.images > 0 then
-- We'll be giving some images to textboxwidget that will
-- load and display them. We'll need to free these blitbuffers
-- when we're done.
self.images_cleanup_needed = true
if self.is_wiki_fullpage then
self.displayword = self.lookupword
self.displaynb = nil
self.displayword = self.lookupword
-- show "dict_index / nbresults" so we know where we're at and what's yet to see
self.displaynb = T("%1 / %2", index, #self.results)
-- add queried word to 1st result's definition, so we can see
-- what was the selected text and if we selected wrong
if index == 1 then
if self.is_html then
self.definition = self.definition.."<br/>_______<br/>"
self.definition = self.definition.."\n_______\n"
self.definition = self.definition..T(_("(query : %1)"), self.word)
self.displaydictname = self.dictionary
if self.preferred_dictionaries then
-- If current result is from a preferred dictionary, prepend dict name
-- (shown in the window title) with its preference number
for idx, name in ipairs(self.preferred_dictionaries) do
if self.dictionary == name then
-- Use number in circle symbol (U+2460...2473)
local symbol = util.unicodeCodepointToUtf8(0x245F + (idx < 20 and idx or 20))
self.displaydictname = symbol .. " " .. self.displaydictname
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
3 years ago
-- Don't call update when called from init
if not skip_update then
--[[ No longer used
function DictQuickLookup:changeToDefaultDict()
if self.dictionary then
-- dictionaries that have definition of the first word(accurate word)
-- excluding Fuzzy queries.
local n_accurate_dicts = nil
local default_word = self.results[1].word
for i=1, #self.results do
if self.results[i].word == default_word then
n_accurate_dicts = i
-- change to dictionary specified by self.dictionary
for i=1, n_accurate_dicts do
if self.results[i].dict == self.dictionary then
-- cannot find definition in default dictionary
if i == n_accurate_dicts then
function DictQuickLookup:onReadNextResult()
return true
function DictQuickLookup:onReadPrevResult()
local prev_index = self.dict_index
if self.dict_index ~= prev_index then
-- Jump directly to bottom of previous dict definition
-- to keep "continuous reading with tap" consistent
self.definition_widget[1]:scrollToRatio(1) -- 1 = 100% = bottom
return true
function DictQuickLookup:onTap(arg, ges_ev)
if ges_ev.pos:notIntersectWith(self.dict_frame.dimen) then
return true
if ges_ev.pos:intersectWith(self.dict_title.dimen) and not self.is_wiki then
self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("TogglePreferredDict", self.dictionary))
-- Re-display current result, with title bar updated
return true
if ges_ev.pos:intersectWith(self.definition_widget.dimen) then
-- Allow for changing dict with tap (tap event will be first
-- processed for scrolling definition by ScrollTextWidget, which
-- will pop it up for us here when it can't scroll anymore).
-- This allow for continuous reading of results' definitions with tap.
if BD.flipIfMirroredUILayout(ges_ev.pos.x < Screen:getWidth()/2) then
return true
function DictQuickLookup:onClose()
for i = #self.window_list, 1, -1 do
local window = self.window_list[i]
if window == self then
table.remove(self.window_list, i)
if self.highlight then
-- delay unhighlight of selection, so we can see where we stopped when
-- back from our journey into dictionary or wikipedia
local clear_id = self.highlight:getClearId()
UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function()
return true
function DictQuickLookup:onHoldClose(no_clear)
for i = #self.window_list, 1, -1 do
local window = self.window_list[i]
-- if one holds a highlight, let's clear it like in onClose()
if window.highlight and not no_clear then
local clear_id = window.highlight:getClearId()
UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function()
table.remove(self.window_list, i)
return true
function DictQuickLookup:onSwipe(arg, ges)
if ges.pos:intersectWith(self.definition_widget.dimen) then
-- if we want changeDict to still work with swipe outside window :
-- or not ges.pos:intersectWith(self.dict_frame.dimen) then
local direction = BD.flipDirectionIfMirroredUILayout(ges.direction)
if direction == "west" then
elseif direction == "east" then
if self.refresh_callback then self.refresh_callback() end
-- update footer (time & battery)
self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("UpdateFooter", true))
-- trigger a full-screen HQ flashing refresh
UIManager:setDirty(nil, "full")
-- a long diagonal swipe may also be used for taking a screenshot,
-- so let it propagate
return false
return true
-- Let our MovableContainer handle swipe outside of definition
return self.movable:onMovableSwipe(arg, ges)
function DictQuickLookup:onHoldStartText(_, ges)
-- Forward Hold events not processed by TextBoxWidget event handler
-- to our MovableContainer
return self.movable:onMovableHold(_, ges)
function DictQuickLookup:onHoldPanText(_, ges)
-- Forward Hold events not processed by TextBoxWidget event handler
-- to our MovableContainer
-- We only forward it if we did forward the Touch
if self.movable._touch_pre_pan_was_inside then
return self.movable:onMovableHoldPan(arg, ges)
function DictQuickLookup:onHoldReleaseText(_, ges)
-- Forward Hold events not processed by TextBoxWidget event handler
-- to our MovableContainer
return self.movable:onMovableHoldRelease(_, ges)
-- These 3 event processors are just used to forward these events
-- to our MovableContainer, under certain conditions, to avoid
-- unwanted moves of the window while we are selecting text in
-- the definition widget.
function DictQuickLookup:onForwardingTouch(arg, ges)
-- This Touch may be used as the Hold we don't get (for example,
-- when we start our Hold on the bottom buttons)
if not ges.pos:intersectWith(self.definition_widget.dimen) then
return self.movable:onMovableTouch(arg, ges)
-- Ensure this is unset, so we can use it to not forward HoldPan
self.movable._touch_pre_pan_was_inside = false
function DictQuickLookup:onForwardingPan(arg, ges)
-- We only forward it if we did forward the Touch or are currently moving
if self.movable._touch_pre_pan_was_inside or self.movable._moving then
return self.movable:onMovablePan(arg, ges)
function DictQuickLookup:onForwardingPanRelease(arg, ges)
-- We can forward onMovablePanRelease() does enough checks
return self.movable:onMovablePanRelease(arg, ges)
function DictQuickLookup:lookupInputWord(hint)
self.input_dialog = InputDialog:new{
title = _("Enter a word or phrase to look up"),
input = hint,
input_hint = hint or "",
input_type = "text",
buttons = {
text = _("Translate"),
is_enter_default = false,
callback = function()
if self.input_dialog:getInputText() == "" then return end
text = _("Search Wikipedia"),
is_enter_default = self.is_wiki,
callback = function()
if self.input_dialog:getInputText() == "" then return end
self.is_wiki = true
text = _("Cancel"),
callback = function()
text = _("Search dictionary"),
is_enter_default = not self.is_wiki,
callback = function()
if self.input_dialog:getInputText() == "" then return end
self.is_wiki = false
function DictQuickLookup:inputLookup()
local word = self.input_dialog:getInputText()
if word and word ~= "" then
local event
if self.is_wiki then
event = "LookupWikipedia"
event = "LookupWord"
-- Trust that input text does not need any cleaning (allows querying for "-suffix")
self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new(event, word, true))
function DictQuickLookup:closeInputDialog()
function DictQuickLookup:resyncWikiLanguages(rotate)
-- Resync the current language or rotate it from its state when
-- this window was created (we may have rotated it later in other
-- wikipedia windows that we closed and went back here, and its
-- state would not be what the wikipedia language button is showing.
if not self.wiki_languages_copy then
if rotate then
-- rotate our saved wiki_languages copy
local current_lang = table.remove(self.wiki_languages_copy, 1)
table.insert(self.wiki_languages_copy, current_lang)
-- re-set self.wiki_languages with original (possibly rotated) items
for i, lang in ipairs(self.wiki_languages_copy) do
self.wiki_languages[i] = lang
function DictQuickLookup:lookupWikipedia(get_fullpage)
local word
local is_sane
if get_fullpage then
-- we use the word of the displayed result's definition, which
-- is the exact title of the full wikipedia page
word = self.lookupword
is_sane = true
-- we use the original word that was querried
word = self.word
is_sane = false
self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("LookupWikipedia", word, is_sane, self.word_box, get_fullpage))
return DictQuickLookup