Port ffiUtil.getTimestamp users to TimeVal:now()

They were all using it to compute durations,
something which is going to be more sensible
from a monotonic clock source.
NiLuJe 3 years ago
parent 21b067792d
commit 06a273b48d

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ local ReaderWikipedia = require("apps/reader/modules/readerwikipedia")
local ReaderZooming = require("apps/reader/modules/readerzooming")
local Screenshoter = require("ui/widget/screenshoter")
local SettingsMigration = require("ui/data/settings_migration")
local TimeVal = require("ui/timeval")
local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager")
local ffiUtil = require("ffi/util")
local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs")
@ -277,19 +278,19 @@ function ReaderUI:init()
-- make sure we render document first before calling any callback
local start_ts = ffiUtil.getTimestamp()
local start_tv = TimeVal:now()
if not self.document:loadDocument() then
logger.dbg(string.format(" loading took %.3f seconds", ffiUtil.getDuration(start_ts)))
logger.dbg(string.format(" loading took %.3f seconds", TimeVal:getDuration(start_tv)))
-- used to read additional settings after the document has been
-- loaded (but not rendered yet)
self:handleEvent(Event:new("PreRenderDocument", self.doc_settings))
start_ts = ffiUtil.getTimestamp()
start_tv = TimeVal:now()
logger.dbg(string.format(" rendering took %.3f seconds", ffiUtil.getDuration(start_ts)))
logger.dbg(string.format(" rendering took %.3f seconds", TimeVal:getDuration(start_tv)))
-- Uncomment to output the built DOM (for debugging)
-- logger.dbg(self.document:getHTMLFromXPointer(".0", 0x6830))

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer")
local CanvasContext = require("document/canvascontext")
local DataStorage = require("datastorage")
local Document = require("document/document")
local FFIUtil = require("ffi/util")
local FontList = require("fontlist")
local Geom = require("ui/geometry")
local RenderImage = require("ui/renderimage")
local Screen = require("device").screen
local TimeVal = require("ui/timeval")
local ffi = require("ffi")
local C = ffi.C
local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs")
@ -690,16 +690,16 @@ function CreDocument:drawCurrentView(target, x, y, rect, pos)
-- We also honor the current smooth scaling setting,
-- as well as the global SW dithering setting.
--local start_ts = FFIUtil.getTimestamp()
--local start_tv = TimeVal:now()
self._drawn_images_count, self._drawn_images_surface_ratio =
self._document:drawCurrentPage(self.buffer, self.render_color, Screen.night_mode and self._nightmode_images, self._smooth_scaling, Screen.sw_dithering)
--local end_ts = FFIUtil.getTimestamp()
--print(string.format("CreDocument:drawCurrentView: Rendering took %9.3f ms", (end_ts - start_ts) * 1000))
--local end_tv = TimeVal:now()
--print(string.format("CreDocument:drawCurrentView: Rendering took %9.3f ms", (end_tv - start_tv):tomsecs()))
--start_ts = FFIUtil.getTimestamp()
--start_tv = TimeVal:now()
target:blitFrom(self.buffer, x, y, 0, 0, rect.w, rect.h)
--end_ts = FFIUtil.getTimestamp()
--print(string.format("CreDocument:drawCurrentView: Blitting took %9.3f ms", (end_ts - start_ts) * 1000))
--end_tv = TimeVal:now()
--print(string.format("CreDocument:drawCurrentView: Blitting took %9.3f ms", (end_tv - start_tv):tomsecs()))
function CreDocument:drawCurrentViewByPos(target, x, y, rect, pos)
@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@ function CreDocument:setupCallCache()
-- cache statistics
self._call_cache_stats = {}
addStatMiss = function(name, starttime, not_cached)
local duration = FFIUtil.getTimestamp() - starttime
local duration = TimeVal:getDuration(starttime)
if not self._call_cache_stats[name] then
self._call_cache_stats[name] = {0, 0.0, 1, duration, not_cached}
@ -1457,8 +1457,7 @@ function CreDocument:setupCallCache()
addStatHit = function(name, starttime)
local duration = FFIUtil.getTimestamp() - starttime
if not duration then duration = 0.0 end
local duration = TimeVal:getDuration(starttime)
if not self._call_cache_stats[name] then
self._call_cache_stats[name] = {1, duration, 0, 0.0}
@ -1538,7 +1537,7 @@ function CreDocument:setupCallCache()
total_duration = total_duration + missed_duration + hits_duration
local pct_duration_saved = 100.0 * total_duration_saved / (total_duration+total_duration_saved)
local pct_duration_saved = 100.0 * total_duration_saved / (total_duration + total_duration_saved)
table.insert(res, string.format(" cpu time used: %.3fs, saved: %.3fs (%d%% saved)", total_duration, total_duration_saved, pct_duration_saved))
return table.concat(res, "\n")
@ -1668,7 +1667,7 @@ function CreDocument:setupCallCache()
elseif cache_by_tag then
is_cached = true
self[name] = function(...)
local starttime = FFIUtil.getTimestamp()
local starttime = TimeVal:now()
local cache_key = name .. asString(select(2, ...))
local results = self._callCacheTagGet(cache_key)
if results then
@ -1689,7 +1688,7 @@ function CreDocument:setupCallCache()
elseif cache_global then
is_cached = true
self[name] = function(...)
local starttime = FFIUtil.getTimestamp()
local starttime = TimeVal:now()
local cache_key = name .. asString(select(2, ...))
local results = self._callCacheGet(cache_key)
if results then
@ -1709,7 +1708,7 @@ function CreDocument:setupCallCache()
if do_stats_include_not_cached and not is_cached then
local func2 = self[name] -- might already be wrapped
self[name] = function(...)
local starttime = FFIUtil.getTimestamp()
local starttime = TimeVal:now()
local results = { func2(...) }
addStatMiss(name, starttime, true) -- not_cached = true
return unpack(results)
@ -1731,7 +1730,7 @@ function CreDocument:setupCallCache()
elseif current_buffer_tag ~= current_tag then
do_draw = true
local starttime = FFIUtil.getTimestamp()
local starttime = TimeVal:now()
if do_draw then
if do_log then logger.dbg("callCache: ########## drawCurrentView: full draw") end
CreDocument.drawCurrentView(_self, target, x, y, rect, pos)

@ -238,6 +238,30 @@ function TimeVal:fromnumber(seconds)
return TimeVal:new{ sec = sec, usec = usec }
--[[-- Compare a past *MONOTONIC* TimeVal object to *now*, returning the elapsed time between the two. (sec.usecs variant)
Returns a Lua (decimal) number (sec.usecs) (accurate to the ms, rounded to 4 decimal places) (i.e., :tonumber())
function TimeVal:getDuration(start_tv)
return (TimeVal:now() - start_tv):tonumber()
--[[-- Compare a past *MONOTONIC* TimeVal object to *now*, returning the elapsed time between the two. (µs variant)
Returns a Lua (int) number (resolution: 1µs) (i.e., :tousecs())
function TimeVal:getDurationUs(start_tv)
return (TimeVal:now() - start_tv):tousecs()
--[[-- Compare a past *MONOTONIC* TimeVal object to *now*, returning the elapsed time between the two. (ms variant)
Returns a Lua (int) number (resolution: 1ms) (i.e., :tomsecs())
function TimeVal:getDurationMs(start_tv)
return (TimeVal:now() - start_tv):tomsecs()
--- Checks if a TimeVal object is positive
function TimeVal:isPositive()
return self.sec >= 0

@ -261,12 +261,12 @@ function CalibreMetadata:init(dir, is_search)
if is_search then
msg = string.format("(search) in %.3f milliseconds: %d books",
(TimeVal:now() - start):tomsecs(), #self.books)
TimeVal:getDurationMs(start), #self.books)
local deleted_count = self:prune()
msg = string.format("in %.3f milliseconds: %d books. %d pruned",
(TimeVal:now() - start):tomsecs(), #self.books, deleted_count)
TimeVal:getDurationMs(start), #self.books, deleted_count)
logger.info(string.format("calibre info loaded from disk %s", msg))
return true

@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ function CalibreSearch:find(option)
self:browse(option, 1)
logger.info(string.format("search done in %.3f milliseconds (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
(TimeVal:now() - start):tomsecs(),
option == "find" and "books" or option,
"case sensitive: " .. tostring(not self.case_insensitive),
"title: " .. tostring(self.find_by_title),
@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ function CalibreSearch:getMetadata()
if is_newer then
logger.info(string.format(template, #cache, "cache", (TimeVal:now() - start):tomsecs()))
logger.info(string.format(template, #cache, "cache", TimeVal:getDurationMs(start)))
return cache
logger.warn("cache is older than metadata, ignoring it")
@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ function CalibreSearch:getMetadata()
logger.info("Failed to serialize calibre metadata cache:", err)
logger.info(string.format(template, #books, "calibre", (TimeVal:now() - start):tomsecs()))
logger.info(string.format(template, #books, "calibre", TimeVal:getDurationMs(start)))
return books

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ local FFIUtil = require("ffi/util")
local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage")
local RenderImage = require("ui/renderimage")
local SQ3 = require("lua-ljsqlite3/init")
local TimeVal = require("ui/timeval")
local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager")
local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs")
local logger = require("logger")
@ -124,9 +125,9 @@ function BookInfoManager:init()
self.subprocesses_collector = nil
self.subprocesses_collect_interval = 10 -- do that every 10 seconds
self.subprocesses_pids = {}
self.subprocesses_last_added_ts = nil
self.subprocesses_killall_timeout_seconds = 300 -- cleanup timeout for stuck subprocesses
-- 300 seconds should be enough to open and get info from 9-10 books
self.subprocesses_last_added_tv = TimeVal.zero
self.subprocesses_killall_timeout_tv = TimeVal:new{ sec = 300, usec = 0 } -- cleanup timeout for stuck subprocesses
-- 300 seconds should be more than enough to open and get info from 9-10 books
-- Whether to use former blitbuffer:scale() (default to using MuPDF)
self.use_legacy_image_scaling = G_reader_settings:isTrue("legacy_image_scaling")
-- We will use a temporary directory for crengine cache while indexing
@ -643,7 +644,7 @@ function BookInfoManager:collectSubprocesses()
-- the user has not left FileManager or changed page - that would
-- have caused a terminateBackgroundJobs() - if we're here, it's
-- that user has left reader in FileBrower and went away)
if FFIUtil.getTimestamp() > self.subprocesses_last_added_ts + self.subprocesses_killall_timeout_seconds then
if TimeVal:now() > self.subprocesses_last_added_tv + self.subprocesses_killall_timeout_tv then
logger.warn("Some subprocesses were running for too long, killing them")
-- we'll collect them next time we're run
@ -707,7 +708,7 @@ function BookInfoManager:extractInBackground(files)
-- counter on each task, and undo that inside collectSubprocesses() zombie reaper.
table.insert(self.subprocesses_pids, task_pid)
self.subprocesses_last_added_ts = FFIUtil.getTimestamp()
self.subprocesses_last_added_tv = TimeVal:now()
-- We need to collect terminated jobs pids (so they do not stay "zombies"
-- and fill linux processes table)
