Extend current book statistics and fix bugs

robert00s 8 years ago committed by Qingping Hou
parent 816d0a551a
commit 378ba2c7fe

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ local util = require("util")
local tableutil = require("tableutil")
local ReadHistory = require("readhistory")
local DocSettings = require("docsettings")
local statistics_dir = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/statistics/"
-- a copy of page_max_read_sec
local page_max_time
@ -26,6 +25,7 @@ local ReaderStatistics = InputContainer:new {
page_min_read_sec = 5,
page_max_read_sec = 90,
current_period = 0,
pages_current_period = 0,
is_enabled = nil,
data = {
title = "",
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ function ReaderStatistics:init()
self.current_period = 0
self.pages_current_period = 0
local settings = G_reader_settings:readSetting("statistics") or {}
self.page_min_read_sec = tonumber(settings.min_sec)
@ -170,7 +171,7 @@ function ReaderStatistics:addToMainMenu(tab_item_table)
text = _("All books"),
callback = function()
total_msg, kv_pairs = self:getTotalStats()
local total_msg, kv_pairs = self:getTotalStats()
title = total_msg,
kv_pairs = kv_pairs,
@ -233,16 +234,48 @@ end
function ReaderStatistics:getCurrentStat()
local dates = {}
local now_stamp = os.time()
local now_t = os.date("*t")
local from_begin_day = now_t.hour * 3600 + now_t.min * 60 + now_t.sec
local start_today_time = now_stamp - from_begin_day
local pages_today_period = 0
local time_today_period = 0
local last_period = 0
local sorted_today_performance = {}
local diff
for k, v in pairs(self.data.performance_in_pages) do
dates[os.date("%Y-%m-%d", k)] = true
if k >= start_today_time then
pages_today_period = pages_today_period + 1
table.insert(sorted_today_performance, k)
local total_days = util.tableSize(dates)
local read_pages = util.tableSize(self.data.performance_in_pages)
local current_page = self.view.state.page -- get current page from the view
local avg_time_per_page = self.data.total_time_in_sec / read_pages
for _, n in pairs(sorted_today_performance) do
if last_period == 0 then
last_period = n
time_today_period = avg_time_per_page
diff = n - last_period
if (diff <= page_max_time and diff > 0) then
time_today_period = time_today_period + diff
time_today_period = time_today_period + avg_time_per_page
last_period = n
return {
{ _("Current period"), util.secondsToClock(self.current_period, false) },
{ _("Current pages"), self.pages_current_period },
{ _("Today period"), util.secondsToClock(time_today_period, false) },
{ _("Today pages"), pages_today_period },
{ _("Time to read"), util.secondsToClock((self.data.pages - current_page) * avg_time_per_page, false) },
{ _("Total time"), util.secondsToClock(self.data.total_time_in_sec, false) },
{ _("Total highlights"), self.data.highlights },
@ -298,10 +331,11 @@ function ReaderStatistics:getDatesFromAll(sdays, ptype)
local sorted_performance_in_pages
local diff
local book = {}
now_t = os.date("*t")
local now_t = os.date("*t")
local from_begin_day = now_t.hour *3600 + now_t.min*60 + now_t.sec
local now_stamp = os.time()
local one_day = 24 * 3600 -- one day in seconds
local avg_time_per_page
local period = now_stamp - ((sdays -1) * one_day) - from_begin_day
for _, v in pairs(ReadHistory.hist) do
local book_stats = DocSettings:open(v.file):readSetting('stats')
@ -309,6 +343,10 @@ function ReaderStatistics:getDatesFromAll(sdays, ptype)
-- if current reading book
if book_stats.title == self.data.title then
book_stats = self.data
local read_pages = util.tableSize(self.data.performance_in_pages)
avg_time_per_page = self.data.total_time_in_sec / read_pages
avg_time_per_page = book_stats.total_time_in_sec / book_stats.pages
--zeros table sorted_performance_in_pages
sorted_performance_in_pages = {}
@ -335,7 +373,7 @@ function ReaderStatistics:getDatesFromAll(sdays, ptype)
if not dates[date_text] then
dates[date_text] = {
-- first pages of day is set to average of all pages
read = book_stats.total_time_in_sec / book_stats.pages,
read = avg_time_per_page,
date = n,
count = 1
@ -347,10 +385,10 @@ function ReaderStatistics:getDatesFromAll(sdays, ptype)
entry.read = entry.read + n - entry.date
--add average time if time > page_max_time
entry.read = book_stats.total_time_in_sec / book_stats.pages + entry.read
entry.read = avg_time_per_page + entry.read
end --if diff
if diff < 0 then
entry.read = book_stats.total_time_in_sec / book_stats.pages + entry.read
entry.read = avg_time_per_page + entry.read
entry.date = n
entry.count = entry.count + 1
@ -365,6 +403,7 @@ function getDatesForBook(book)
local dates = {}
local sorted_performance_in_pages = {}
local diff
local read_pages = util.tableSize(book.performance_in_pages)
for k, v in pairs(book.performance_in_pages) do
table.insert(sorted_performance_in_pages, k)
@ -375,7 +414,7 @@ function getDatesForBook(book)
if not dates[date_text] then
dates[date_text] = {
-- first pages of day is set to average of all pages
read = book.total_time_in_sec / book.pages,
read = book.total_time_in_sec / read_pages,
date = n,
count = 1
@ -386,7 +425,7 @@ function getDatesForBook(book)
entry.read = entry.read + n - entry.date
--add average time if time > page_max_time e.g longer break while reading
entry.read = book.total_time_in_sec / book.pages + entry.read
entry.read = book.total_time_in_sec / read_pages + entry.read
entry.date = n
entry.count = entry.count + 1
@ -480,10 +519,12 @@ function ReaderStatistics:onPageUpdate(pageno)
-- if last update was more then 10 minutes then current period set to 0
if (diff_time > 600) then
self.current_period = 0
self.pages_current_period = 0
if diff_time >= self.page_min_read_sec and diff_time <= self.page_max_read_sec then
self.current_period = self.current_period + diff_time
self.pages_current_period = self.pages_current_period + 1
self.data.total_time_in_sec = self.data.total_time_in_sec + diff_time
self.data.performance_in_pages[curr_time.sec] = pageno
-- we cannot save stats each time this is a page update event,
@ -543,11 +584,15 @@ function ReaderStatistics:onSaveSettings()
self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("stats", self.data)
self.current_period = 0
self.pages_current_period = 0
-- screensaver off
function ReaderStatistics:onResume()
self.current_period = 0
self.pages_current_period = 0
function ReaderStatistics:saveSettings(fields)
