[fix, chore] Abstract filename logic in util.getSafeFilename() (#5026)

Fixes https://github.com/koreader/koreader/issues/5025

The OPDS browser was doing some fancier stuff in a way that should be abstracted away in util (because it applies anywhere files will be saved):

eace8d25c1/frontend/ui/widget/opdsbrowser.lua (L482-L491)
Frans de Jonge 5 years ago committed by GitHub
parent de75f6bfa3
commit 8815cbe07a
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ function ReaderLink:onGoToExternalLink(link_url)
-- wikipedia page saved as epub, full of wikipedia links, it's
-- too easy to click on links when wanting to change page...)
-- But first check if this wikipedia article has been saved as EPUB
local epub_filename = util.replaceInvalidChars(wiki_page:gsub("_", " ")) .. "."..string.upper(wiki_lang)..".epub"
local epub_filename = util.getSafeFilename(wiki_page:gsub("_", " ")) .. "."..string.upper(wiki_lang)..".epub"
local epub_fullpath
-- either in current book directory
local last_file = G_reader_settings:readSetting("lastfile")

@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ function DictQuickLookup:update()
local lang = self.lang or self.wiki_languages_copy[1]
-- Just to be safe (none of the invalid chars, except ':' for uninteresting
-- Portal: or File: wikipedia pages, should be in lookup_word)
local cleaned_lookupword = util.replaceInvalidChars(self.lookupword:gsub("_", " "))
local cleaned_lookupword = util.getSafeFilename(self.lookupword:gsub("_", " "))
local filename = cleaned_lookupword .. "."..string.upper(lang)..".epub"
-- Find a directory to save file into
local dir

@ -479,15 +479,8 @@ end
function OPDSBrowser:downloadFile(item, format, remote_url)
-- download to user selected directory or last opened dir
local download_dir = self.getCurrentDownloadDir()
local file_system = util.getFilesystemType(download_dir)
if file_system == "vfat" or file_system == "fuse.fsp" then
item.author = util.replaceInvalidChars(item.author)
item.title = util.replaceInvalidChars(item.title)
item.author = util.replaceSlashChar(item.author)
item.title = util.replaceSlashChar(item.title)
local local_path = download_dir .. "/" .. item.author .. ' - ' .. item.title .. "." .. string.lower(format)
local filename = util.getSafeFilename(item.author .. " - " .. item.title .. "." .. string.lower(format), download_dir)
local local_path = download_dir .. "/" .. filename
local_path = util.fixUtf8(local_path, "_")
local function download()

@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ end
-- <code>/</code> poses a problem.
---- @string str filename
---- @treturn string sanitized filename
function util.replaceInvalidChars(str)
local function replaceAllInvalidChars(str)
if str then
return str:gsub('[\\,%/,:,%*,%?,%",%<,%>,%|]','_')
@ -462,12 +462,52 @@ end
--- Replaces slash with an underscore.
---- @string str
---- @treturn string
function util.replaceSlashChar(str)
local function replaceSlashChar(str)
if str then
return str:gsub('%/','_')
--- Replaces characters that are invalid filenames.
-- Replaces the characters <code>\/:*?"<>|</code> with an <code>_</code>
-- unless an optional path is provided.
-- These characters are problematic on Windows filesystems. On Linux only
-- <code>/</code> poses a problem.
-- If an optional path is provided, util.getFilesystemType() will be used
-- to determine whether stricter VFAT restrictions should be applied.
---- @string str
---- @string path
---- @int limit
---- @treturn string
function util.getSafeFilename(str, path, limit)
local filename, suffix = util.splitFileNameSuffix(str)
local replaceFunc = replaceSlashChar
local safe_filename
-- VFAT supports a maximum of 255 UCS-2 characters, although it's probably treated as UTF-16 by Windows
-- default to a slightly lower limit just in case
limit = limit or 240
if path then
local file_system = util.getFilesystemType(path)
if file_system == "vfat" or file_system == "fuse.fsp" then
replaceFunc = replaceAllInvalidChars
filename = filename:sub(1, limit)
-- the limit might result in broken UTF-8, which we don't want in the result
filename = util.fixUtf8(filename, "")
if suffix and suffix ~= "" then
safe_filename = replaceFunc(filename) .. "." .. replaceFunc(suffix)
safe_filename = replaceFunc(filename)
return safe_filename
--- Splits a file into its directory path and file name.
--- If the given path has a trailing /, returns the entire path as the directory
--- path and "" as the file name.

@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ end
function NewsDownloader:processAtom(feeds, limit, download_full_article, include_images)
local feed_output_dir = string.format("%s%s/",
if not lfs.attributes(feed_output_dir, "mode") then
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ end
function NewsDownloader:processRSS(feeds, limit, download_full_article, include_images)
local feed_output_dir = ("%s%s/"):format(
news_download_dir_path, util.replaceInvalidChars(util.htmlEntitiesToUtf8(feeds.rss.channel.title)))
news_download_dir_path, util.getSafeFilename(util.htmlEntitiesToUtf8(feeds.rss.channel.title)))
if not lfs.attributes(feed_output_dir, "mode") then
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ local function parseDate(dateTime)
local function getTitleWithDate(feed)
local title = util.replaceInvalidChars(getFeedTitle(feed.title))
local title = util.getSafeFilename(getFeedTitle(feed.title))
if feed.updated then
title = parseDate(feed.updated) .. title
elseif feed.pubDate then

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ local T = FFIUtil.template
local Screen = require("device").screen
-- constants
local article_id_preffix = "[w-id_"
local article_id_prefix = "[w-id_"
local article_id_postfix = "] "
local failed, skipped, downloaded = 1, 2, 3
@ -297,8 +297,8 @@ end
function Wallabag:download(article)
local skip_article = false
local item_url = "/api/entries/" .. article.id .. "/export.epub"
local title = util.replaceInvalidChars(article.title)
local local_path = self.directory .. article_id_preffix .. article.id .. article_id_postfix .. title:sub(1,30) .. ".epub"
local title = util.getSafeFilename(article.title)
local local_path = self.directory .. article_id_prefix .. article.id .. article_id_postfix .. title .. ".epub"
logger.dbg("Wallabag: DOWNLOAD: id: ", article.id)
logger.dbg("Wallabag: DOWNLOAD: title: ", article.title)
logger.dbg("Wallabag: DOWNLOAD: filename: ", local_path)
@ -571,17 +571,17 @@ end
function Wallabag:getArticleID( path )
-- extract the Wallabag ID from the file name
local offset = self.directory:len() + 2 -- skip / and advance to the next char
local preffix_len = article_id_preffix:len()
if path:sub( offset , offset + preffix_len - 1 ) ~= article_id_preffix then
logger.warn("Wallabag: getArticleID: no match! ", path:sub( offset , offset + preffix_len - 1 ) )
local prefix_len = article_id_prefix:len()
if path:sub( offset , offset + prefix_len - 1 ) ~= article_id_prefix then
logger.warn("Wallabag: getArticleID: no match! ", path:sub( offset , offset + prefix_len - 1 ) )
local endpos = path:find( article_id_postfix, offset + preffix_len )
local endpos = path:find( article_id_postfix, offset + prefix_len )
if endpos == nil then
logger.warn("Wallabag: getArticleID: no match! " )
local id = path:sub( offset + preffix_len, endpos - 1 )
local id = path:sub( offset + prefix_len, endpos - 1 )
return id
