Small visual fixes to top menu (#3356)

To make it more alike bottom menu:
- left and right border not displayed
- line below icons extends to screen borders
- same bottom border size
And make separator lines have same padding on both sides
poire-z 7 years ago committed by Frans de Jonge
parent 9f50ef696f
commit 8fd4154891

@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ local TouchMenu = InputContainer:new{
item_table_stack = nil,
item_table = nil,
item_height = Size.item.height_large,
bordersize = Size.border.default,
bordersize = Size.border.window,
padding = Size.padding.default,
fface = Font:getFace("ffont"),
width = nil,
@ -339,6 +339,10 @@ local TouchMenu = InputContainer:new{
function TouchMenu:init()
-- We won't include self.bordersize in our width calculations, so that
-- borders are pushed off-(screen-)width and so not visible.
-- We'll then be similar to bottom menu ConfigDialog (where this
-- nice effect is caused by some width calculations bug).
if not self.dimen then self.dimen = Geom:new{} end
self.show_parent = self.show_parent or self
if not self.close_callback then
@ -371,14 +375,14 @@ function TouchMenu:init()
table.insert(icons, v.icon)
end = TouchMenuBar:new{
width = self.width - self.padding * 2 - self.bordersize * 2,
width = self.width, -- will impose width and push left and right borders offscreen
icons = icons,
show_parent = self.show_parent,
menu = self,
self.item_group = VerticalGroup:new{
align = "left",
align = "center",
-- group for page info
self.page_info_left_chev = Button:new{
@ -411,6 +415,8 @@ function TouchMenu:init()
self.device_info = HorizontalGroup:new{
-- Add some span to balance up_button image included padding
HorizontalSpan:new{width = Size.span.horizontal_default},
local up_button = IconButton:new{
icon_file = "resources/icons/appbar.chevron.up.png",
@ -419,7 +425,7 @@ function TouchMenu:init()
local footer_width = self.width - self.padding*2 - self.bordersize*2
local footer_width = self.width - self.padding*2
local footer_height = up_button:getSize().h + Size.line.thick
self.footer = HorizontalGroup:new{
@ -436,7 +442,7 @@ function TouchMenu:init()
self[1] = FrameContainer:new{
self.menu_frame = FrameContainer:new{
padding = self.padding,
bordersize = self.bordersize,
background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE,
@ -444,18 +450,26 @@ function TouchMenu:init()
-- item_group in updateItems
-- This CenterContainer will make the left and right borders drawn
-- off-screen
self[1] = CenterContainer:new{
dimen = Screen:getSize(),
ignore = "height",
self.item_width = self.width - self.padding*2 - self.bordersize*2
self.item_width = self.width - self.padding*2
self.split_line = HorizontalGroup:new{
-- pad with 10 pixel to align with the up arrow in footer
HorizontalSpan:new{width = Size.span.horizontal_default},
background = Blitbuffer.gray(0.33),
dimen = Geom:new{
w = self.item_width - Screen:scaleBySize(20),
w = self.item_width - 2*Size.span.horizontal_default,
h = Size.line.medium,
HorizontalSpan:new{width = Size.span.horizontal_default},
self.footer_top_margin = VerticalSpan:new{width = Size.span.vertical_default} or 1)
