Fix untranslatable strings (#4132)

Some problem somewhere with [[...]] strings starting with a
leading newline. Should probably be allowed, but for now
fix the few such cases to allow them being translated.
poire-z 6 years ago committed by Frans de Jonge
parent 620542b055
commit 9971eb8533

@ -230,8 +230,8 @@ function ReaderDictionary:addToMainMenu(menu_items)
text = _("Info on dictionary order"),
callback = function()
text = T(_([[
If you'd like to change the order in which dictionaries are queried (and their results displayed), you can:
text = T(_(
[[If you'd like to change the order in which dictionaries are queried (and their results displayed), you can:
- move all dictionary directories out of %1.
- move them back there, one by one, in the order you want them to be used.]]), self.data_dir)

@ -345,8 +345,8 @@ function ReaderHighlight:onHoldPan(_, ges)
UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog, "ui")
local info_message_ocr_text = _([[
No OCR results or no language data.
local info_message_ocr_text = _(
[[No OCR results or no language data.
KOReader has a build-in OCR engine for recognizing words in scanned PDF and DjVu documents. In order to use OCR in scanned pages, you need to install tesseract trained data for your document language.

@ -341,8 +341,8 @@ function ReaderStyleTweak:init()
hold_may_update_menu = true, -- just to keep menu opened
hold_callback = function()
text = _([[
Style tweaks allow changing small parts of book styles (including the publisher/embedded styles) to make visual adjustments or disable unwanted publisher layout choices.
text = _(
[[Style tweaks allow changing small parts of book styles (including the publisher/embedded styles) to make visual adjustments or disable unwanted publisher layout choices.
Some tweaks may be useful with some books, while resulting in undesirable effects with others.

@ -251,8 +251,8 @@ function ReaderWikipedia:addToMainMenu(menu_items)
home_dir = home_dir:gsub("^(.-)/*$", "%1") -- remove trailing slash
if home_dir and lfs.attributes(home_dir, "mode") == "directory" then
local wikipedia_dir = home_dir.."/Wikipedia"
local text = _([[
Wikipedia articles can be saved as an EPUB for more comfortable reading.
local text = _(
[[Wikipedia articles can be saved as an EPUB for more comfortable reading.
You can select an existing directory, or use a default directory named "Wikipedia" in your reader's home directory.

@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ function optionsutil.showValuesMargins(configurable, option)
if not default then
text = T(_([[
text = T(_(
Current value: %2
left: %3
top: %4
@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ Default value: not set]]),
text = T(_([[
text = T(_(
Current value: %2
left: %3
top: %4

@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ local language = G_reader_settings:readSetting("language") or "en"
local version = Version:getNormalizedCurrentVersion()
local rev = Version:getCurrentRevision()
local quickstart_guide = T(_([[
# KOReader Quickstart Guide
local quickstart_guide = T(_(
[[# KOReader Quickstart Guide
Welcome to KOReader.

@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ function HyphenationLimitsWidget:update()
CloseButton:new{ window = self, padding_top = Size.margin.title, },
local hyph_into_text = _([[
Set minimum length before hyphenation occurs.
local hyph_into_text = _(
[[Set minimum length before hyphenation occurs.
These settings will apply to all books with any hyphenation dictionary.
'Use language defaults' resets them.]])
local hyph_info = FrameContainer:new{

@ -675,8 +675,8 @@ function BookInfoManager:extractBooksInDirectory(path, cover_specs)
local Trapper = require("ui/trapper")
local Screen = require("device").screen
local go_on = Trapper:confirm(_([[
This will extract metadata and cover images for books in current directory.
local go_on = Trapper:confirm(_(
[[This will extract metadata and cover images for books in current directory.
Once extraction has started, you can abort at any moment by tapping on the screen.
Cover images will be saved with the adequate size for the current display mode.
@ -688,16 +688,16 @@ This extraction may take time and use some battery power: you may wish to keep y
local recursive = Trapper:confirm(_([[
Do you want to extract book information for books in sub-directories too?]]
local recursive = Trapper:confirm(_(
[[Do you want to extract book information for books in sub-directories too?]]
), _("Here only"), _("Here and under"))
local refresh_existing = Trapper:confirm(_([[
Do you want to refresh metadata and covers that have already been extracted?]]
local refresh_existing = Trapper:confirm(_(
[[Do you want to refresh metadata and covers that have already been extracted?]]
), _("Don't refresh"), _("Refresh"))
local prune = Trapper:confirm(_([[
If you have removed many books, or have renamed some directories, it is good to remove them from the cache database.
local prune = Trapper:confirm(_(
[[If you have removed many books, or have renamed some directories, it is good to remove them from the cache database.
Do you want to prune cache of removed books?]]
), _("Don't prune"), _("Prune"))

@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ function Goodreads:updateSettings()
local text_top
local hint_bottom
local text_bottom
local text_info = _([[
How to generate a key and a secret key:
local text_info = _(
[[How to generate a key and a secret key:
1. Go to and create an account
2. Register for a development key on the following page:

@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ function ReaderStatistics:checkInitDatabase()
if self.convert_to_db then -- if conversion to sqlite was doing earlier
if not conn:exec("pragma table_info('book');") then
text = T(_([[
Cannot open database in %1.
text = T(_(
[[Cannot open database in %1.
The database may have been moved or deleted.
Do you want to create an empty database?
@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ Do you want to create an empty database?
if not conn:exec("pragma table_info('book');") then
if #ReadHistory.hist > 0 then
local info = InfoMessage:new{
text =_([[
New version of statistics plugin detected.
text =_(
[[New version of statistics plugin detected.
Statistics data needs to be converted into the new database format.
This may take a few minutes.
Please wait
