Add support for tiff and gif format in screensaver (#4250)

Robert 6 years ago committed by Frans de Jonge
parent 9fda983001
commit a29f0fb190

@ -15,6 +15,14 @@ local _ = require("gettext")
local Screen = Device.screen
local T = require("ffi/util").template
local screensaver_provider = {
["jpg"] = true,
["jpeg"] = true,
["png"] = true,
["gif"] = true,
["tif"] = true,
["tiff"] = true,
local default_screensaver_message = _("Sleeping")
local Screensaver = {}
@ -29,11 +37,8 @@ local function getRandomImage(dir)
if ok then
for entry in iter, dir_obj do
if lfs.attributes(dir .. entry, "mode") == "file" then
local extension =
string.lower(string.match(entry, ".+%.([^.]+)") or "")
if extension == "jpg"
or extension == "jpeg"
or extension == "png" then
local extension = string.lower(string.match(entry, ".+%.([^.]+)") or "")
if screensaver_provider[extension] then
i = i + 1
pics[i] = entry
@ -113,7 +118,7 @@ function Screensaver:chooseFile()
file_filter = function(filename)
local util = require("util")
local suffix = util.getFileNameSuffix(filename)
if suffix == "jpeg" or suffix == "jpg" or suffix == "png" then
if screensaver_provider[suffix] then
return true

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ end
function ImageWidget:_loadfile()
local itype = string.lower(string.match(self.file, ".+%.([^.]+)") or "")
if itype == "png" or itype == "jpg" or itype == "jpeg"
or itype == "tiff" then
or itype == "tiff" or itype == "tif" or itype == "gif" then
-- In our use cases for files (icons), we either provide width and height,
-- or just scale_for_dpi, and scale_factor should stay nil.
-- Other combinations will result in double scaling, and unexpected results.
