Font rendering: add some helpers for use by xtext

bump base for
- ffi/pic.lua: fix memory leak with some unsupported PNG files
- FreeType ffi: add methods for use with Harfbuzz shaping
- thirdparty: adds libunibreak
- Adds enhanced text shaping

Add a getFallbackFont(N) to each Lua font object to instantiate
(if not yet done) and return the Nth fallback font for the font.

Fallback fonts list: add NotoSansArabicUI-Regular.ttf

Add RenderText:getGlyphByIndex() to get a glyph bitmap by glyph
index, which is what we'll get from Harfbuzz shaping.
(RenderText:getGlyph() works with unicode charcode).
poire-z 5 years ago
parent 272d8857a2
commit c2e2c00db6

@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ read_globals = {
exclude_files = {

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit c140b752e16163ee8836214787caf7343bc4a579
Subproject commit 6c480198b00ec7ae4e8af25216e8a12fcabda9e6

@ -79,9 +79,10 @@ local Font = {
fallbacks = {
[1] = "NotoSans-Regular.ttf",
[2] = "NotoSansCJKsc-Regular.otf",
[3] = "nerdfonts/symbols.ttf",
[4] = "freefont/FreeSans.ttf",
[5] = "freefont/FreeSerif.ttf",
[3] = "NotoSansArabicUI-Regular.ttf",
[4] = "nerdfonts/symbols.ttf",
[5] = "freefont/FreeSans.ttf",
[6] = "freefont/FreeSerif.ttf",
-- face table
@ -92,6 +93,49 @@ if is_android then
table.insert(Font.fallbacks, 3, "DroidSansFallback.ttf") -- for some ancient pre-4.4 Androids
-- Synthetized bold strength can be tuned:
-- local bold_strength_factor = 1 -- really too bold
-- local bold_strength_factor = 1/2 -- bold enough
local bold_strength_factor = 3/8 -- as crengine, lighter
-- Callback to be used by to get Freetype
-- instantiated fallback fonts when needed for shaping text
local _getFallbackFont = function(face_obj, num)
if not num or num == 0 then -- return the main font
if not face_obj.embolden_half_strength then
-- cache this value in case we use bold, to avoid recomputation
face_obj.embolden_half_strength = face_obj.ftface:getEmboldenHalfStrength(bold_strength_factor)
return face_obj
if not face_obj.fallbacks then
face_obj.fallbacks = {}
if face_obj.fallbacks[num] ~= nil then
return face_obj.fallbacks[num]
local next_num = #face_obj.fallbacks + 1
local cur_num = 0
for index, fontname in pairs(Font.fallbacks) do
if fontname ~= face_obj.realname then -- Skip base one if among fallbacks
local fb_face = Font:getFace(fontname, face_obj.orig_size)
if fb_face ~= nil then -- valid font
cur_num = cur_num + 1
if cur_num == next_num then
face_obj.fallbacks[next_num] = fb_face
if not fb_face.embolden_half_strength then
fb_face.embolden_half_strength = fb_face.ftface:getEmboldenHalfStrength(bold_strength_factor)
return fb_face
-- no more fallback font
face_obj.fallbacks[next_num] = false
return false
--- Gets font face object.
-- @string font
-- @int size optional size
@ -144,12 +188,34 @@ function Font:getFace(font, size)
-- @field hash hash key for this font face
face_obj = {
orig_font = font,
realname = realname,
size = size,
orig_size = orig_size,
ftface = face,
hash = hash
hash = hash,
self.faces[hash] = face_obj
-- Callback to be used by to get Freetype
-- instantiated fallback fonts when needed for shaping text
face_obj.getFallbackFont = function(num)
return _getFallbackFont(face_obj, num)
-- Font features, to be given by to HarfBuzz.
-- (Could be tweaked by font if needed. Note that NotoSans does not
-- have common ligatures, like for "fi" or "fl", so we won't see
-- them in the UI.)
-- Use HB defaults, and be sure to enable kerning and ligatures
-- (which might be part of HB defaults, or not, not sure).
face_obj.hb_features = { "+kern", "+liga" }
-- If we'd wanted to disable all features that might be enabled
-- by HarfBuzz (see harfbuzz/src/, quite unclear
-- what's enabled or not by default):
-- face_obj.hb_features = {
-- "-kern", "-mark", "-mkmk", "-curs", "-locl", "-liga",
-- "-rlig", "-clig", "-ccmp", "-calt", "-rclt", "-rvrn",
-- "-ltra", "-ltrm", "-rtla", "-rtlm", "-frac", "-numr",
-- "-dnom", "-rand", "-trak", "-vert", }
return face_obj

@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ function RenderText:sizeUtf8Text(x, width, face, text, kerning, bold)
local pen_y_bottom = 0
local prevcharcode = 0
for _, charcode, uchar in utf8Chars(text) do
if pen_x < (width - x) then
if not width or pen_x < (width - x) then
local glyph = self:getGlyph(face, charcode, bold)
if kerning and (prevcharcode ~= 0) then
pen_x = pen_x + (face.ftface):getKerning(prevcharcode, charcode)
@ -264,6 +264,11 @@ function RenderText:renderUtf8Text(dest_bb, x, baseline, face, text, kerning, bo
local ellipsis = ""
function RenderText:getEllipsisWidth(face, bold)
return self:sizeUtf8Text(0, false, face, ellipsis, false, bold).x
--- Returns a substring of a given text that meets the maximum width (in pixels)
-- restriction with ellipses (…) at the end if required.
@ -275,10 +280,36 @@ local ellipsis = "…"
-- @treturn string
-- @see getSubTextByWidth
function RenderText:truncateTextByWidth(text, face, max_width, kerning, bold)
local ellipsis_width = self:sizeUtf8Text(0, max_width, face, ellipsis, false, bold).x
local ellipsis_width = self:getEllipsisWidth(face, bold)
local new_txt_width = max_width - ellipsis_width
local sub_txt = self:getSubTextByWidth(text, face, new_txt_width, kerning, bold)
return sub_txt .. ellipsis
--- Returns a rendered glyph by glyph index
-- xtext/Harfbuzz, after shaping, gives glyph indexes in the font, which
-- is usually different from the unicode codepoint of the original char)
-- @tparam ui.font.FontFaceObj face font face for the text
-- @int glyph index
-- @bool[opt=false] bold whether the glyph should be artificially boldened
-- @treturn glyph
function RenderText:getGlyphByIndex(face, glyphindex, bold)
local hash = "xglyph|"..face.hash.."|"..glyphindex.."|"..(bold and 1 or 0)
local glyph = GlyphCache:check(hash)
if glyph then
-- cache hit
return glyph[1]
local rendered_glyph = face.ftface:renderGlyphByIndex(glyphindex, bold and face.embolden_half_strength)
if not rendered_glyph then
logger.warn("error rendering glyph (glyphindex=", glyphindex, ") for face", face)
glyph = CacheItem:new{rendered_glyph}
glyph.size = glyph[1].bb:getWidth() * glyph[1].bb:getHeight() / 2 + 32
GlyphCache:insert(hash, glyph)
return rendered_glyph
return RenderText
