dict/wiki: definitions' text justification

This can be disabled by adding ["dict_justify"] = false to settings.reader.lua
poire-z 7 years ago committed by Qingping Hou
parent fc8d26ad89
commit ebe0c08bfb

@ -192,8 +192,9 @@ end
-- @bool[opt=false] bold whether the text should be measured as bold
-- @tparam[opt=BlitBuffer.COLOR_BLACK] BlitBuffer.COLOR fgcolor foreground color
-- @int[opt=nil] width maximum rendering width
-- @tparam[opt] table char_pads array of integers, nb of pixels to add, one for each utf8 char in text
-- @return int width of rendered bitmap
function RenderText:renderUtf8Text(dest_bb, x, baseline, face, text, kerning, bold, fgcolor, width)
function RenderText:renderUtf8Text(dest_bb, x, baseline, face, text, kerning, bold, fgcolor, width, char_pads)
if not text then
logger.warn("renderUtf8Text called without text");
return 0
@ -211,6 +212,7 @@ function RenderText:renderUtf8Text(dest_bb, x, baseline, face, text, kerning, bo
if width and width < text_width then
text_width = width
local char_idx = 0
for _, charcode, uchar in utf8Chars(text) do
if pen_x < text_width then
local glyph = self:getGlyph(face, charcode, bold)
@ -227,6 +229,11 @@ function RenderText:renderUtf8Text(dest_bb, x, baseline, face, text, kerning, bo
pen_x = pen_x + glyph.ax
prevcharcode = charcode
end -- if pen_x < text_width
if char_pads then
char_idx = char_idx + 1
pen_x = pen_x + char_pads[char_idx] -- or 0
-- will fail if we didnt count the same number of chars, we'll see
return pen_x

@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ local DictQuickLookup = InputContainer:new{
height = nil,
-- box of highlighted word, quick lookup window tries to not hide the word
word_box = nil,
-- allow for disabling justification
dict_justify = G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("dict_justify"),
title_padding = Screen:scaleBySize(5),
title_margin = Screen:scaleBySize(2),
@ -231,6 +233,7 @@ function DictQuickLookup:update()
-- get a bit more height for definition as wiki has one less button raw
height = self.is_fullpage and self.height*0.75 or self.height*0.7,
dialog = self,
justified = self.dict_justify,
-- Different sets of buttons if fullpage or not

@ -19,12 +19,13 @@ local ScrollTextWidget = InputContainer:new{
charlist = nil,
charpos = nil,
editable = false,
justified = false,
face = nil,
fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK,
width = 400,
height = 20,
scroll_bar_width = Screen:scaleBySize(6),
text_scroll_span = Screen:scaleBySize(6),
text_scroll_span = Screen:scaleBySize(12),
dialog = nil,
@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ function ScrollTextWidget:init()
charlist = self.charlist,
charpos = self.charpos,
editable = self.editable,
justified = self.justified,
face = self.face,
fgcolor = self.fgcolor,
width = self.width - self.scroll_bar_width - self.text_scroll_span,

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ local TextBoxWidget = Widget:new{
char_width_list = nil, -- list of widths of the chars in `charlist`.
vertical_string_list = nil,
editable = false, -- Editable flag for whether drawing the cursor or not.
justified = false, -- Should text be justified (spaces widened to fill width)
cursor_line = nil, -- LineWidget to draw the vertical cursor.
face = nil,
bold = nil,
@ -88,7 +89,8 @@ function TextBoxWidget:_evalCharWidthList()
w = RenderText:sizeUtf8Text(0, Screen:getWidth(), self.face, v, true, self.bold).x
char_width_cache[v] = w
table.insert(self.char_width_list, {char = v, width = w})
table.insert(self.char_width_list, {char = v, width = w, pad = 0})
-- pad will be updated if we do text justification
@ -106,6 +108,7 @@ function TextBoxWidget:_splitCharWidthList()
-- or a newline occurs, or no more chars to consume.
cur_line_width = 0
local hard_newline = false
local char_pads = nil
while idx <= size do
if self.char_width_list[idx].char == "\n" then
hard_newline = true
@ -137,6 +140,12 @@ function TextBoxWidget:_splitCharWidthList()
-- we let that excessive char for next line
cur_line_text = table.concat(self.charlist, "", offset, idx - 1)
cur_line_width = cur_line_width - self.char_width_list[idx].width
elseif c == " " then
-- we backtracked and we're below max width, but the last char
-- is a space, we can ignore it
cur_line_text = table.concat(self.charlist, "", offset, adjusted_idx - 1)
cur_line_width = adjusted_width - self.char_width_list[adjusted_idx].width
idx = adjusted_idx + 1
-- we backtracked and we're below max width, we can let the
-- splitable char on this line
@ -144,12 +153,56 @@ function TextBoxWidget:_splitCharWidthList()
cur_line_width = adjusted_width
idx = adjusted_idx + 1
if self.justified then
-- this line was splitted and can be justified
-- we build a list of char_pads, pixels to add to some chars to make the
-- whole line justified
local fill_width = self.width - cur_line_width
if fill_width > 0 then
local _, nbspaces = string.gsub(cur_line_text, " ", "")
if nbspaces > 0 then
-- width added to all spaces
local space_add_w = math.floor(fill_width / nbspaces)
-- nb of spaces to which we'll add 1 more pixel
local space_add1_nb = fill_width - space_add_w * nbspaces
char_pads = {}
for cidx = offset, idx-1 do
local pad = 0
if self.char_width_list[cidx].char == " " then
pad = space_add_w
if space_add1_nb > 0 then
pad = pad + 1
space_add1_nb = space_add1_nb - 1
-- Update pad info, help for hold position accuracy
self.char_width_list[cidx].pad = pad
table.insert(char_pads, pad)
-- very long word, or CJK text with no space
-- pad first chars with 1 pixel
char_pads = {}
for cidx = offset, idx-1 do
local pad = 0
if fill_width > 0 then
pad = 1
fill_width = fill_width - 1
-- Update pad info, help for hold position accuracy
self.char_width_list[cidx].pad = pad
table.insert(char_pads, pad)
end -- endif cur_line_width > self.width
if cur_line_width < 0 then break end
self.vertical_string_list[ln] = {
text = cur_line_text,
offset = offset,
width = cur_line_width
width = cur_line_width,
char_pads = char_pads,
if hard_newline then
idx = idx + 1
@ -181,7 +234,7 @@ function TextBoxWidget:_renderText(start_row_idx, end_row_idx)
local pen_x = self.alignment == "center" and (self.width - line.width)/2 or 0
--@TODO Don't use kerning for monospaced fonts. (houqp)
-- refert to cb25029dddc42693cc7aaefbe47e9bd3b7e1a750 in master tree
RenderText:renderUtf8Text(self._bb, pen_x, y, self.face, line.text, true, self.bold, self.fgcolor)
RenderText:renderUtf8Text(self._bb, pen_x, y, self.face, line.text, true, self.bold, self.fgcolor, nil, line.char_pads)
y = y + self.line_height_px
-- -- if text is shorter than one line, shrink to text's width
@ -209,7 +262,7 @@ function TextBoxWidget:_findCharPos()
local x = 0
local offset = self.vertical_string_list[ln].offset
while offset < self.charpos do
x = x + self.char_width_list[offset].width
x = x + self.char_width_list[offset].width + self.char_width_list[offset].pad
offset = offset + 1
return x + 1, (ln - 1) * self.line_height_px -- offset `x` by 1 to avoid overlap
@ -238,11 +291,11 @@ function TextBoxWidget:moveCursor(x, y)
local offset = self.vertical_string_list[ln].offset
local idx = ln == #self.vertical_string_list and #self.char_width_list or self.vertical_string_list[ln + 1].offset - 1
while offset <= idx do
w = w + self.char_width_list[offset].width
w = w + self.char_width_list[offset].width + self.char_width_list[offset].pad
if w > x then break else offset = offset + 1 end
if w > x then
local w_prev = w - self.char_width_list[offset].width
local w_prev = w - self.char_width_list[offset].width - self.char_width_list[offset].pad
if x - w_prev < w - x then -- the previous one is more closer
w = w_prev
@ -331,7 +384,7 @@ function TextBoxWidget:onHoldWord(callback, ges)
while idx < char_end do
local c = self.char_width_list[idx]
-- FIXME: this might break if kerning is enabled
char_probe_x = char_probe_x + c.width
char_probe_x = char_probe_x + c.width + c.pad
if char_probe_x > x then
-- ignore spaces
if c.char == " " then break end
@ -456,7 +509,7 @@ function TextBoxWidget:_findWordEdge(x, y, side)
-- find which character the touch is holding
while idx < char_end do
local c = self.char_width_list[idx]
char_probe_x = char_probe_x + c.width
char_probe_x = char_probe_x + c.width + c.pad
if char_probe_x > x then
-- character found, find which word the character is in, and
-- get its start/end idx
