Some adaptions needed after refactoring

HW 11 years ago
parent 6a92cb99e8
commit fb317810fa

@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
VERSION?=$(shell git describe HEAD)
# the repository might not have been checked out yet, so make this
# able to fail:
-include koreader-base/Makefile.defs
# we want VERSION to carry the version of koreader, not koreader-base
VERSION=$(shell git describe HEAD)
# subdirectory we use to build the installation bundle
# files to copy from main directory
all: koreader-base/koreader-base koreader-base/extr
@ -21,22 +30,22 @@ clean:
cd koreader-base && make cleanthirdparty
customupdate: all
customupdate: koreader-base/koreader-base koreader-base/extr
# ensure that the binaries were built for ARM
file koreader-base/koreader-base | grep ARM || exit 1
file koreader-base/extr | grep ARM || exit 1
rm -f kindlepdfviewer-$(VERSION).zip
$(STRIP) --strip-unneeded koreader-base/kpdfview koreader-base/extr
rm -rf $(INSTALL_DIR)
mkdir -p $(INSTALL_DIR)/{history,screenshots,clipboard,libs}
cp -p COPYING kpdfview extr $(LUA_FILES) $(INSTALL_DIR)
cp -p COPYING koreader-base/koreader-base koreader-base/extr $(LUA_FILES) $(INSTALL_DIR)
$(STRIP) --strip-unneeded $(INSTALL_DIR)/koreader-base $(INSTALL_DIR)/extr
mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)/data
cp -L koreader-base/$(DJVULIB) koreader-base/$(CRELIB) koreader-base/$(LUALIB) koreader-base/$(K2PDFOPTLIB) $(INSTALL_DIR)/libs
$(STRIP) --strip-unneeded $(INSTALL_DIR)/libs/*
cp -rpL data/*.css $(INSTALL_DIR)/data
cp -rpL fonts $(INSTALL_DIR)
cp -rpL koreader-base/data/*.css $(INSTALL_DIR)/data
cp -rpL koreader-base/fonts $(INSTALL_DIR)
rm $(INSTALL_DIR)/fonts/droid/DroidSansFallbackFull.ttf
cp -r git-rev resources $(INSTALL_DIR)
cp -r koreader-base/git-rev resources $(INSTALL_DIR)
cp -rpL frontend $(INSTALL_DIR)
mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)/fonts/host
zip -9 -r kindlepdfviewer-$(VERSION).zip $(INSTALL_DIR) launchpad/ extensions/

@ -18,3 +18,50 @@ at its fork Librerator.
The application is licensed under the GPLv3 (see COPYING file).
Follow these steps:
* fetch thirdparty sources
* manually fetch all the thirdparty sources:
* init and update submodule koreader-base
* within koreader-base:
* install muPDF sources into subfolder "mupdf"
* install muPDF third-party sources (see muPDF homepage) into a new
subfolder "mupdf/thirdparty"
* install libDjvuLibre sources into subfolder "djvulibre"
* install CREngine sources into subfolder "kpvcrlib/crengine"
* install LuaJit sources into subfolder "luajit-2.0"
* install popen_noshell sources into subfolder "popen-noshell"
* automatically fetch thirdparty sources with Makefile:
* make sure you have patch, wget, unzip, git and svn installed
* run `make fetchthirdparty`.
* adapt Makefile to your needs - have a look at Makefile.defs in koreader-base
* run `make thirdparty`. This will build MuPDF (plus the libraries it depends
on), libDjvuLibre, CREngine and Lua.
* run `make`. This will build the kpdfview application
The user interface is scripted in Lua. See "reader.lua".
It uses the Linux feature to run scripts by using a corresponding line at its
So you might just call that script. Note that the script and the koreader-base
binary currently must be in the same directory.
You would then just call reader.lua, giving the document file path, or any
directory path, as its first argument. Run reader.lua without arguments to see
usage notes. The reader.lua script can also show a file chooser: it will do
this when you call it with a directory (instead of a file) as first argument.

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package.path = "./frontend/?.lua"
require "ui/uimanager"
