local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local Device = require("device") local SQ3 = require("lua-ljsqlite3/init") local LuaData = require("luadata") local logger = require("logger") local db_location = DataStorage:getSettingsDir() .. "/vocabulary_builder.sqlite3" local DB_SCHEMA_VERSION = 20221002 local VOCABULARY_DB_SCHEMA = [[ -- To store looked up words CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "vocabulary" ( "word" TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, "title_id" INTEGER, "create_time" INTEGER NOT NULL, "review_time" INTEGER, "due_time" INTEGER NOT NULL, "review_count" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "prev_context" TEXT, "next_context" TEXT, "streak_count" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY("word") ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "title" ( "id" INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE, "name" TEXT UNIQUE, "filter" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, PRIMARY KEY("id") ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS due_time_index ON vocabulary(due_time); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS title_name_index ON title(name); ]] local VocabularyBuilder = { path = db_location } function VocabularyBuilder:init() VocabularyBuilder:createDB() end function VocabularyBuilder:selectCount(vocab_widget) local db_conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql if vocab_widget.search_text_sql then sql = "SELECT count(0) FROM vocabulary WHERE word LIKE '" .. vocab_widget.search_text_sql .. "'" else local where_clause = vocab_widget:check_reverse() and " WHERE due_time <= " .. vocab_widget.reload_time or "" sql = "SELECT count(0) FROM vocabulary INNER JOIN title ON filter=true AND title_id=id" .. where_clause .. ";" end local count = tonumber(db_conn:rowexec(sql)) db_conn:close() return count end function VocabularyBuilder:createDB() local db_conn = SQ3.open(db_location) -- Make it WAL, if possible if Device:canUseWAL() then db_conn:exec("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;") else db_conn:exec("PRAGMA journal_mode=TRUNCATE;") end -- Create db db_conn:exec(VOCABULARY_DB_SCHEMA) -- Check version local db_version = tonumber(db_conn:rowexec("PRAGMA user_version;")) if db_version == 0 then self:insertLookupData(db_conn) -- Update version db_conn:exec(string.format("PRAGMA user_version=%d;", DB_SCHEMA_VERSION)) elseif db_version < DB_SCHEMA_VERSION then local ok, re local log = function(msg) logger.warn("[vocab builder db migration]", msg) end if db_version < 20220608 then ok, re = pcall(db_conn.exec, db_conn, "ALTER TABLE vocabulary ADD prev_context TEXT;") if not ok then log(re) end ok, re = pcall(db_conn.exec, db_conn, "ALTER TABLE vocabulary ADD next_context TEXT;") if not ok then log(re) end ok, re = pcall(db_conn.exec, db_conn, "ALTER TABLE vocabulary ADD title_id INTEGER;") if not ok then log(re) end ok, re = pcall(db_conn.exec, db_conn, "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO title (name) SELECT DISTINCT book_title FROM vocabulary;") if not ok then log(re) end ok, re = pcall(db_conn.exec, db_conn, "UPDATE vocabulary SET title_id = (SELECT id FROM title WHERE name = book_title);") if not ok then log(re) end ok, re = pcall(db_conn.exec, db_conn, "ALTER TABLE vocabulary DROP book_title;") if not ok then log(re) end end if db_version < 20220730 then ok, re = pcall(db_conn.exec, db_conn, "ALTER TABLE title ADD filter INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1;") if not ok then log(re) end end if db_version < 20221002 then ok, re = pcall(db_conn.exec, db_conn, [[ ALTER TABLE vocabulary ADD streak_count INTEGER NULL DEFAULT 0; UPDATE vocabulary SET streak_count = review_count; ]]) if not ok then log(re) end end db_conn:exec("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS title_id_index ON vocabulary(title_id);") -- Update version db_conn:exec(string.format("PRAGMA user_version=%d;", DB_SCHEMA_VERSION)) end db_conn:close() end function VocabularyBuilder:insertLookupData(db_conn) local file_path = DataStorage:getSettingsDir() .. "/lookup_history.lua" local lookup_history = LuaData:open(file_path, "LookupHistory") if lookup_history:has("lookup_history") then local lookup_history_table = lookup_history:readSetting("lookup_history") local book_titles = {} local stmt = db_conn:prepare("INSERT INTO title (name) values (?);") for i = #lookup_history_table, 1, -1 do local book_title = lookup_history_table[i].book_title or "" if not book_titles[book_title] then stmt:bind(book_title) stmt:step() stmt:clearbind():reset() book_titles[book_title] = true end end local words = {} local insert_sql = [[INSERT OR REPLACE INTO vocabulary (word, title_id, create_time, due_time, review_time) values (?, (SELECT id FROM title WHERE name = ?), ?, ?, ?);]] stmt = db_conn:prepare(insert_sql) for i = #lookup_history_table, 1, -1 do local value = lookup_history_table[i] if not words[value.word] then stmt:bind(value.word, value.book_title or "", value.time, value.time + 5*60, value.time) stmt:step() stmt:clearbind():reset() words[value.word] = true end end end end function VocabularyBuilder:_select_items(items, start_idx, reload_time, search_text) local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql if search_text then sql = string.format("SELECT * FROM vocabulary INNER JOIN title ON title_id = title.id WHERE word LIKE '%s' LIMIT 32 OFFSET %d", search_text, start_idx-1) elseif not reload_time then sql = string.format("SELECT * FROM vocabulary INNER JOIN title ON title_id = title.id AND filter = true ORDER BY due_time limit %d OFFSET %d;", 32, start_idx-1) else sql = string.format([[SELECT * FROM vocabulary INNER JOIN title ON title_id = title.id AND filter = true WHERE due_time <= ]] .. reload_time .. " ORDER BY due_time desc limit %d OFFSET %d;", 32, start_idx-1) end local results = conn:exec(sql) conn:close() if not results then return end local current_time = os.time() for i = 1, #results.word do local item = items[start_idx+i-1] if item and not item.word then item.word = results.word[i] item.review_count = math.max(0, tonumber(results.review_count[i])) item.streak_count = math.max(0, tonumber(results.streak_count[i])) item.book_title = results.name[i] or "" item.create_time = tonumber( results.create_time[i]) item.review_time = nil --use this field to flag change item.due_time = tonumber(results.due_time[i]) item.is_dim = tonumber(results.due_time[i]) > current_time item.prev_context = results.prev_context[i] item.next_context = results.next_context[i] item.got_it_callback = function(item_input) VocabularyBuilder:gotOrForgot(item_input, true) end item.forgot_callback = function(item_input) VocabularyBuilder:gotOrForgot(item_input, false) end item.remove_callback = function(item_input) VocabularyBuilder:remove(item_input) end end end end function VocabularyBuilder:select_items(vocab_widget, start_idx, end_idx) local items = vocab_widget.item_table local start_cursor if #items == 0 then start_cursor = 0 else for i = start_idx+1, end_idx do if not items[i].word then start_cursor = i break end end end if not start_cursor then return end self:_select_items(items, start_cursor, vocab_widget:check_reverse() and vocab_widget.reload_time, vocab_widget.search_text_sql) end function VocabularyBuilder:gotOrForgot(item, isGot) local current_time = os.time() local due_time local target_review_count = math.max(item.review_count + (isGot and 1 or -1), 0) local target_count = isGot and item.streak_count + 1 or 0 if target_count == 0 then due_time = current_time + 5 * 60 elseif target_count == 1 then due_time = current_time + 30 * 60 elseif target_count == 2 then due_time = current_time + 12 * 3600 elseif target_count == 3 then due_time = current_time + 24 * 3600 elseif target_count == 4 then due_time = current_time + 48 * 3600 elseif target_count == 5 then due_time = current_time + 96 * 3600 elseif target_count == 6 then due_time = current_time + 24 * 7 * 3600 elseif target_count == 7 then due_time = current_time + 24 * 15 * 3600 else due_time = current_time + 24 * 3600 * 30 * 2 ^ (math.min(target_count - 8, 6)) end item.last_streak_count = item.streak_count item.last_review_count = item.review_count item.last_review_time = item.review_time item.last_due_time = item.due_time item.streak_count = target_count item.review_count = target_review_count item.review_time = current_time item.due_time = due_time end function VocabularyBuilder:batchUpdateItems(items) local sql = [[UPDATE vocabulary SET review_count = ?, streak_count = ?, review_time = ?, due_time = ? WHERE word = ?;]] local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local stmt = conn:prepare(sql) for _, item in ipairs(items) do if item.review_time then stmt:bind(item.review_count, item.streak_count, item.review_time, item.due_time, item.word) stmt:step() stmt:clearbind():reset() item.review_time = nil end end conn:exec("DELETE FROM title WHERE NOT EXISTS( SELECT title_id FROM vocabulary WHERE id = title_id );") conn:close() end function VocabularyBuilder:insertOrUpdate(entry) local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local stmt = conn:prepare("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO title (name) VALUES (?);") stmt:bind(entry.book_title) stmt:step() stmt:clearbind():reset() stmt = conn:prepare([[INSERT INTO vocabulary (word, title_id, create_time, due_time, review_time, prev_context, next_context) VALUES (?, (SELECT id FROM title WHERE name = ?), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT(word) DO UPDATE SET title_id = excluded.title_id, create_time = excluded.create_time, review_count = MAX(review_count-1, 0), streak_count = 0, due_time = ?, prev_context = ifnull(excluded.prev_context, prev_context), next_context = ifnull(excluded.next_context, next_context);]]); stmt:bind(entry.word, entry.book_title, entry.time, entry.time+300, entry.time, entry.prev_context, entry.next_context, entry.time+300) stmt:step() stmt:clearbind():reset() conn:close() end function VocabularyBuilder:toggleBookFilter(ids) local id_string = "" for key, _ in pairs(ids) do id_string = id_string .. (id_string == "" and "" or ",") .. key end local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) conn:exec("UPDATE title SET filter = (filter | 1) - (filter & 1) WHERE id in ("..id_string..");") conn:close() end function VocabularyBuilder:updateBookIdOfWord(word, id) if not word or type(id) ~= "number" then return end local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local stmt = conn:prepare("UPDATE vocabulary SET title_id = ? WHERE word = ?;") stmt:bind(id, word) stmt:step() stmt:clearbind():reset() conn:close() end function VocabularyBuilder:insertNewBook(title) local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local stmt = conn:prepare("INSERT INTO title (name) VALUES (?);") stmt:bind(title):step() stmt:clearbind():reset() stmt = conn:prepare("SELECT id FROM title WHERE name = ?") local result = stmt:bind(title):step() stmt:clearbind():reset() conn:close() return tonumber(result[1]) end function VocabularyBuilder:changeBookTitle(old_title, title) local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local stmt = conn:prepare("UPDATE title SET name = ? WHERE name = ?;") stmt:bind(title, old_title):step() stmt:clearbind():reset() conn:close() end function VocabularyBuilder:selectBooks() local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local sql = string.format("SELECT * FROM title") local results = conn:exec(sql) conn:close() local items = {} if not results then return items end for i = 1, #results.id do table.insert(items, { id = tonumber(results.id[i]), name = results.name[i], filter = tonumber(results.filter[i]) ~= 0 }) end return items end function VocabularyBuilder:hasFilteredBook() local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local has_filter = tonumber(conn:rowexec("SELECT count(0) FROM title WHERE filter = false limit 1;")) conn:close() return has_filter ~= 0 end function VocabularyBuilder:remove(item) local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local stmt = conn:prepare("DELETE FROM vocabulary WHERE word = ? ;") stmt:bind(item.word) stmt:step() stmt:clearbind():reset() conn:close() end function VocabularyBuilder:resetProgress() local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) local due_time = os.time() conn:exec(string.format("UPDATE vocabulary SET review_count = 0, streak_count = 0, due_time = %d;", due_time)) conn:close() end function VocabularyBuilder:purge() local conn = SQ3.open(db_location) conn:exec("DELETE FROM vocabulary; DELETE FROM title;") conn:close() end -- Synchronization function VocabularyBuilder.onSync(local_path, cached_path, income_path) -- we try to open income db local conn_income = SQ3.open(income_path) local ok1, v1 = pcall(conn_income.rowexec, conn_income, "PRAGMA schema_version") if not ok1 or tonumber(v1) == 0 then -- no income db or wrong db, first time sync logger.dbg("vocabbuilder open income DB failed", v1) return true end local sql = "attach '" .. income_path:gsub("'", "''") .."' as income_db;" -- then we try to open cached db local conn_cached = SQ3.open(cached_path) local ok2, v2 = pcall(conn_cached.rowexec, conn_cached, "PRAGMA schema_version") local attached_cache if not ok2 or tonumber(v2) == 0 then -- no cached or error, no item to delete logger.dbg("vocabbuilder open cached DB failed", v2) else attached_cache = true sql = sql .. "attach '" .. cached_path:gsub("'", "''") ..[[' as cached_db; -- first we delete from income_db words that exist in cached_db but not in local_db, -- namely the ones that were deleted since last sync DELETE FROM income_db.vocabulary WHERE word IN ( SELECT word FROM cached_db.vocabulary WHERE word NOT IN ( SELECT word FROM vocabulary ) ); -- We need to delete words that were delete in income_db since last sync DELETE FROM vocabulary WHERE word IN ( SELECT word FROM cached_db.vocabulary WHERE word NOT IN ( SELECT word FROM income_db.vocabulary ) ); ]] end conn_cached:close() conn_income:close() local conn = SQ3.open(local_path) local ok3, v3 = pcall(conn.exec, conn, "PRAGMA schema_version") if not ok3 or tonumber(v3) == 0 then -- no local db, this is an error logger.err("vocabbuilder open local DB", v3) return false end sql = sql .. [[ -- We merge the local db with income db to form the synced db. -- First we do the books INSERT INTO title (name) SELECT name FROM income_db.title WHERE name NOT IN (SELECT name FROM title); -- Then update income db's book title id references UPDATE income_db.vocabulary SET title_id = ifnull( (SELECT mid FROM ( SELECT m.id as mid, title_id as i_tid FROM title as m -- main db INNER JOIN income_db.title as i -- income db ON m.name = i.name LEFT JOIN income_db.vocabulary on title_id = i.id ) WHERE income_db.vocabulary.title_id = i_tid ) , title_id); -- Then we merge the income_db's contents into the local db INSERT INTO vocabulary (word, create_time, review_time, due_time, review_count, prev_context, next_context, title_id, streak_count) SELECT word, create_time, review_time, due_time, review_count, prev_context, next_context, title_id, streak_count FROM income_db.vocabulary WHERE true ON CONFLICT(word) DO UPDATE SET due_time = MAX(due_time, excluded.due_time), review_count = CASE WHEN create_time = excluded.create_time THEN MAX(review_count, excluded.review_count) ELSE review_count + excluded.review_count END, prev_context = ifnull(excluded.prev_context, prev_context), next_context = ifnull(excluded.next_context, next_context), streak_count = CASE WHEN review_time > excluded.review_time THEN streak_count ELSE excluded.streak_count END, review_time = MAX(review_time, excluded.review_time), create_time = excluded.create_time, -- we always use the remote value to eliminate duplicate review_count sum title_id = excluded.title_id -- use remote in case re-assignable book id be supported ]] conn:exec(sql) pcall(conn.exec, conn, "COMMIT;") conn:exec("DETACH income_db;"..(attached_cache and "DETACH cached_db;" or "")) conn:exec("PRAGMA temp_store = 2;") -- use memory for temp files local ok, errmsg = pcall(conn.exec, conn, "VACUUM;") -- we upload a compact file if not ok then logger.warn("Failed compacting vocab database:", errmsg) end conn:close() return true end VocabularyBuilder:init() return VocabularyBuilder