local BasePowerD = require("device/generic/powerd") local ffi = require("ffi") local inkview = ffi.load("inkview") local PocketBookPowerD = BasePowerD:new{ is_charging = nil, fl_warmth = nil, fl_min = 0, fl_max = 100, fl_warmth_min = 0, fl_warmth_max = 100, } function PocketBookPowerD:init() -- needed for SetFrontlightState / GetFrontlightState inkview.OpenScreen() if self.device:hasNaturalLight() then local color = inkview.GetFrontlightColor() self.fl_warmth = color >= 0 and color or 0 end end function PocketBookPowerD:frontlightIntensityHW() -- Always update fl_intensity (and perhaps fl_warmth) from the OS value whenever queried (its fast). -- This way koreader setting can stay in sync even if the value is changed behind its back. self.fl_intensity = math.max(0, inkview.GetFrontlightState()) if self.fl_warmth then self.fl_warmth = math.max(0, inkview.GetFrontlightColor()) end return self.fl_intensity end function PocketBookPowerD:frontlightIntensity() if not self.device:hasFrontlight() then return 0 end if self:isFrontlightOff() then return 0 end return self:frontlightIntensityHW() end function PocketBookPowerD:setIntensityHW(intensity) local v2api = pcall(function() inkview.SetFrontlightEnabled(intensity == 0 and 0 or 1) end) if intensity == 0 then -- -1 is valid only for the old api, on newer firmwares that's just a bogus brightness level if not v2api then inkview.SetFrontlightState(-1) end else inkview.SetFrontlightState(intensity) end end function PocketBookPowerD:isFrontlightOn() if not self.device:hasFrontlight() then return false end -- Query directly instead of assuming from cached value. local enabled = inkview.GetFrontlightState() >= 0 pcall(function() enabled = inkview.GetFrontlightEnabled() > 0 end) return enabled end function PocketBookPowerD:setWarmth(level) if self.fl_warmth then self.fl_warmth = level or self.fl_warmth inkview.SetFrontlightColor(self.fl_warmth) end end function PocketBookPowerD:getCapacityHW() return inkview.GetBatteryPower() end function PocketBookPowerD:isChargingHW() if inkview.IsCharging() > 0 then return true else return false end end return PocketBookPowerD