--[[-- A customizable number picker. Example: local NumberPickerWidget = require("ui/widget/numberpickerwidget") local numberpicker = NumberPickerWidget:new{ -- for floating point (decimals), use something like "%.2f" precision = "%02d", value = 0, value_min = 0, value_max = 23, value_step = 1, value_hold_step = 4, wrap = true, } --]] local Button = require("ui/widget/button") local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local Device = require("device") local FocusManager = require("ui/widget/focusmanager") local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local Font = require("ui/font") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") local Size = require("ui/size") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup") local VerticalSpan = require("ui/widget/verticalspan") local _ = require("gettext") local T = require("ffi/util").template local Screen = Device.screen local NumberPickerWidget = FocusManager:new{ spinner_face = Font:getFace("smalltfont"), precision = "%02d", width = nil, height = nil, value = 0, value_min = 0, value_max = 23, value_step = 1, value_hold_step = 4, value_table = nil, value_index = nil, wrap = true, -- in case we need calculate number of days in a given month and year date_month = nil, date_year = nil, -- on update signal to the caller and pass updated value picker_updated_callback = nil, unit = "", } function NumberPickerWidget:init() self.screen_width = Screen:getWidth() self.screen_height = Screen:getHeight() self.width = self.width or math.floor(math.min(self.screen_width, self.screen_height) * 0.2) if self.value_table then self.value_index = self.value_index or 1 self.value = self.value_table[self.value_index] end self.layout = {} -- Widget layout local bordersize = Size.border.default local margin = Size.margin.default local button_up = Button:new{ text = "▲", bordersize = bordersize, margin = margin, radius = 0, text_font_size = 24, width = self.width, show_parent = self.show_parent, callback = function() if self.date_month and self.date_year then self.value_max = self:getDaysInMonth(self.date_month:getValue(), self.date_year:getValue()) end self.value = self:changeValue(self.value, self.value_step, self.value_max, self.value_min, self.wrap) self:update() end, hold_callback = function() if self.date_month and self.date_year then self.value_max = self:getDaysInMonth(self.date_month:getValue(), self.date_year:getValue()) end self.value = self:changeValue(self.value, self.value_hold_step, self.value_max, self.value_min, self.wrap) self:update() end } table.insert(self.layout, {button_up}) local button_down = Button:new{ text = "▼", bordersize = bordersize, margin = margin, radius = 0, text_font_size = 24, width = self.width, show_parent = self.show_parent, callback = function() if self.date_month and self.date_year then self.value_max = self:getDaysInMonth(self.date_month:getValue(), self.date_year:getValue()) end self.value = self:changeValue(self.value, self.value_step * -1, self.value_max, self.value_min, self.wrap) self:update() end, hold_callback = function() if self.date_month and self.date_year then self.value_max = self:getDaysInMonth(self.date_month:getValue(), self.date_year:getValue()) end self.value = self:changeValue(self.value, self.value_hold_step * -1, self.value_max, self.value_min, self.wrap) self:update() end } table.insert(self.layout, {button_down}) local empty_space = VerticalSpan:new{ width = Size.padding.large } self.formatted_value = self.value if not self.value_table then self.formatted_value = string.format(self.precision, self.formatted_value) end local input_dialog local callback_input = nil if self.value_table == nil then callback_input = function() if self.date_month and self.date_year then self.value_max = self:getDaysInMonth(self.date_month:getValue(), self.date_year:getValue()) end input_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Enter number"), input_hint = T("%1 (%2 - %3)", self.formatted_value, self.value_min, self.value_max), input_type = "number", buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() UIManager:close(input_dialog) end, }, { text = _("OK"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() local input_text = input_dialog:getInputText() local input_value = tonumber(input_text) local turn_off_checks = false -- if the first character of the input string is ":" turn off min-max checks if input_text:match("^:") and G_reader_settings:isTrue("debug_verbose") then turn_off_checks = true -- turn off checks input_text = input_text:gsub("^:", "") -- shorten input input_value = tonumber(input_text) -- try to get value end -- if the input text starts with `=`, try to evaluate the expression -- only allow `math.*` and no other functions to be safe here. if input_text:match("^=") then local function evaluate_string(code) -- only execute if there are no chars (except math.xxx) and no {[]} in the user input local check_code = code:gsub("math%.%a*", "") if check_code:find("[%a%[%]%{%}]") then return nil end code = code:gsub("^=", "return ") local env = {math = math} -- restrict to only math functions local func, dummy = load(code, "user_sandbox", nil, env) if func then return pcall(func) end end local dummy dummy, input_value = evaluate_string(input_text) input_value = dummy and tonumber(input_value) end if turn_off_checks then if not input_value then return end if input_value < self.value_min or input_value > self.value_max then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("ATTENTION:\nPrefixing the input with ':' disables sanity checks!\nThis value should be in the range of %1 - %2.\nUndefined behavior may occur.\n"), self.value_min, self.value_max), }) end self.value = input_value self:update() UIManager:close(input_dialog) return end if input_value and input_value >= self.value_min and input_value <= self.value_max then self.value = input_value self:update() UIManager:close(input_dialog) elseif input_value and input_value < self.value_min then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("This value should be %1 or more."), self.value_min), timeout = 2, }) elseif input_value and input_value > self.value_max then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("This value should be %1 or less."), self.value_max), timeout = 2, }) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Invalid value. Please enter a valid value."), timeout = 2 }) end end, }, }, }, } UIManager:show(input_dialog) input_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end end local unit = "" if self.unit then if self.unit == "°" then unit = self.unit elseif self.unit ~= "" then unit = "\xE2\x80\xAF" .. self.unit -- use Narrow No-Break Space (NNBSP) here end end self.text_value = Button:new{ text = tostring(self.formatted_value) .. unit, bordersize = 0, padding = 0, text_font_face = self.spinner_face.font, text_font_size = self.spinner_face.orig_size, width = self.width, max_width = self.width, show_parent = self.show_parent, callback = callback_input, } if callback_input then table.insert(self.layout, 2, {self.text_value}) end local widget_spinner = VerticalGroup:new{ align = "center", button_up, empty_space, self.text_value, empty_space, button_down, } self.frame = FrameContainer:new{ bordersize = 0, padding = Size.padding.default, CenterContainer:new{ align = "center", dimen = Geom:new{ w = widget_spinner:getSize().w, h = widget_spinner:getSize().h }, widget_spinner } } self.dimen = self.frame:getSize() self[1] = self.frame self:refocusWidget() UIManager:setDirty(self.show_parent, function() return "ui", self.dimen end) end --[[-- Update. --]] function NumberPickerWidget:update() self.formatted_value = self.value if not self.value_table then self.formatted_value = string.format(self.precision, self.formatted_value) end self.text_value:setText(tostring(self.formatted_value), self.width) self:refocusWidget() UIManager:setDirty(self.show_parent, function() return "ui", self.dimen end) if self.picker_updated_callback then self.picker_updated_callback(self.value, self.value_index) end end --[[-- Change value. --]] function NumberPickerWidget:changeValue(value, step, max, min, wrap) if self.value_index then self.value_index = self.value_index + step if self.value_index > #self.value_table then self.value_index = wrap and 1 or #self.value_table elseif self.value_index < 1 then self.value_index = wrap and #self.value_table or 1 end value = self.value_table[self.value_index] else value = value + step if value > max then value = wrap and min or max elseif value < min then value = wrap and max or min end end return value end --[[-- Get days in month. --]] function NumberPickerWidget:getDaysInMonth(month, year) local days_in_month = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 } local days = days_in_month[month] -- check for leap year if (month == 2) then if year % 4 == 0 then if year % 100 == 0 then if year % 400 == 0 then days = 29 end else days = 29 end end end return days end --[[-- Get value. --]] function NumberPickerWidget:getValue() return self.value, self.value_index end return NumberPickerWidget